< All NoMansSky changelogs | NoMansSky:3.2 Guide

This guide is not current! It may contain information that is incorrect or not in line with the current state of the game!View the current changelog instead
Post-Release Changes
Any changes made to the current version of the live guide.
- Dropped
- Space Station Interior Fix | no longer needed with Orbital update
Resource Files
What's New
This is the official v3.2 release of the Step NoMansSky Guide. Below is a summary of the major changes this release brings:
Better Planet Generation
Better Planet Generation (BPG) has had some additional development from the author and new LUA scripts are provided by Babscoole. With these changes, Step has decided to retain the mod as an optional installation. The availability of LUA scripts heavily influenced this decision, since the scripts allow for flexibility. Users can decide whether or not they wish do install the mod or not; based upon the information given along with its detailed instructions.
Mod Evaluation
This Guide has only been maintained for some time now without any changes. However, enough time has passed that new mods are on the market and others have matured. As such, there are several new additions this release! Additionally, several of the mods have been reevaluated and moved to better fitting mod groups. Mods that greatly alter how the game generates the environments have been relocated to Foundation.
Mod Installation
The entire theme around mod installation instructions has been altered going forward. In an effort to reduce unnecessary noise on the Guide tables, the Mod Installation section of the Guide has been revamped to be more detailed. Then the individual mod instructions that were copies of these general instructions were removed. The installation instructions are now provided in the Mod Installation section and the first time they are encountered in the mod tables during installation. Beyond this, instructions will no longer be present on every mod, which greatly cleans up the mod tables.
Guide-Level Changes
This update officially supports No Man's Sky:Omega.
- Added a Common Issues section
- Added gMission No Approximate Location to Quality of Life Mods section
- Updated Mod Installation section
- Updated several of the AMUMSS instructions to reflect the latest version of the tool
Mod-Level Changes
Added | new mod added (add these mods)
Moved | mod was moved to a new ModGroup (move these mods)
Updated | mod instructions updated
Incorporated | mod is included in the Step Patch - Conflict Resolution (remove these mods)
Dropped / Replaced | mod was removed (remove these mods)
- Updated
- Better Planet Generation | the use of BPG has changed. See new mod instructions.
- Clean Space Origins | removed Darker Space option in favor of the custom one provided in Step NoMansSky Resource Files
05-Animation and Physics
- Added
- Better Asteroid Explosions - this is a reintroduction of this mod back into the Guide
06-Models and Textures
- Added
- Blackhole thats At least A bit more Accurate - this is a reintroduction of this mod back into the Guide
- Moved
- Clean Space Origins moved to Foundation
- Exosolars Abyss moved to Foundation
- Moved
- True Black moved to Fixes
- Added
18-Lighting and Weather
- Moved
- Rotating Atmosphere moved to Animation and Physics
Resource Files (aka, 20-Patches)
Changes happened within the following Resource Files:
- Step NoMansSky Resource Files
- Removed the ___StepNMS-Optional-Speed Lines Reduced.lua optional file in favor of the one provided by Clean Space Origins
- Removed the _StepNMS-Optional-NoAtmoNoDust.lua optional file in favor of the one provided by Clean Space Origins
Spaceship Globals
- Further reduced the sensitivity the mouse will auto-snap over markers
- Reduced the sensitivity the mouse will auto-snap over stations