Guide:DDSopt/Batch Files/2 Pre-Optimization
From Step Mods | Change The Game
< Guide:DDSopt | Batch Files
REM Batch file to perform several tasks to prepare vanilla textures REM for optimization using DDSopt as per steps in the DDSopt guide ( REM It is only useful when being used with other steps described in this guide. REM Like all batch files that change or add files, it needs to be run with Administrative Privilege. REM If this batch file is edited, this MUST BE DONE with an editor that does not add additional characters (e.g., line feed, carriage return) REM these characters are often invisible but can cause the batch file to malfunction REM DO NOT USE a default Windows text editor to edit this file REM Editors like Notepad++ (which was used to create this file), TextPad, UltraEdit are fine REM It expects that there is a Working directory containing the "Vanilla Extracted" directory REM This directory should not be in any User Access Controlled (UAC) directory such as Program Files or Program Files (x86). REM It expects that the BSA contents have already been extracted into folders in the "Vanilla Extracted" directory REM It expects a folder in "Vanilla Extracted" labeled "STD" REM If the HRDLC are being optimized, the extracted BSA contents should be in "HRDLC1", "HRDLC2", "HRDLC3" in "Vanilla Extracted" REM If there are any optional DLC being used their BSAs should have also been extracted into "Vanilla Extracted" REM with folder names of "Dawnguard", "Hearthfires", and "Dragonborn" (based on the DLC being used). REM REM The batch file first copies .png files in the STD folder in "Vanilla Extracted" to the STD folder in "Vanilla Optimized" REM The .png files in the DLC BSAs REMain there so they don't need to be copied REM REM To prepare the vanilla textures this batch file copies vanilla texture files (files ending in .dds) from folders REM in "Vanilla Extracted" to "Vanilla Textures" while excluding normal map textures (file names ending in and REM from the HRDLC REM Any large compressed normal maps (2Kx2K) in the Skyrim - Textures.bsa and the addon DLC BSA are copied to "Vanilla Normal Maps" REM The rest of the compressed normal map textures in Skyrim - Textures.bsa and the addon DLC BSA are all low to medium resolution REM Since their resolutions are not very high, these are optimized with the rest of the textures without changing resolution REM REM The batch file copies uncompressed normal map textures from the HRDLC in "Vanilla Extracted" REM to the corresponding folders in the "Vanilla Uncompressed Normal Maps" directory. REM REM Finally, the batch file copies the rest of the normal map textures from the HRDLC in "Vanilla Extracted" REM and any large normal maps in the other directories to the corresponding folders (as mentiond above) in the "Vanilla Normal Maps" directory. REM REM While the batch file runs there will be a command window that echoes the commands REM This allows monitoring the progress of the batch processing if desired, although it is not required. REM the initial 2 lines should ensure that the system provides the correct working directory name in %cd% REM This is needed for a small percentage of systems, probably because of interaction with Windows UAC on those systems REM tests added 8/18/2013 to make sure the batch files are in the right folder and the folder structures are correct @setlocal enableextensions @cd /d "%~dp0" echo off echo. echo The system says the Working Directory is %cd% echo This directory should include the "Vanilla Extracted" directory echo If any of the above is incorrect terminate the processing and fix the problem echo. IF NOT EXIST "%cd%\Vanilla Extracted" echo The Vanilla Extracted directory is not in the working directory; fix this before proceeding echo. pause echo on IF NOT EXIST "%cd%\Vanilla Textures\NUL" MD "Vanilla Textures" IF NOT EXIST "%cd%\Vanilla Normal Maps\NUL" MD "Vanilla Normal Maps" IF NOT EXIST "%cd%\Vanilla Optimized\NUL" MD "Vanilla Optimized" IF NOT EXIST "%cd%\Vanilla Uncompressed Normal Maps\NUL" MD "Vanilla Uncompressed Normal Maps" cd "Vanilla Optimized" IF NOT EXIST \STD\NUL MD STD cd .. cd "Vanilla Textures" IF EXIST "..\Vanilla Extracted\HRDLC1" IF NOT EXIST \HRDLC1\NUL MD HRDLC1 IF EXIST "..\Vanilla Extracted\HRDLC2" IF NOT EXIST \HRDLC2\NUL MD HRDLC2 IF EXIST "..\Vanilla Extracted\HRDLC3" IF NOT EXIST \HRDLC3\NUL MD HRDLC3 cd .. cd "Vanilla Uncompressed Normal Maps" IF EXIST "..\Vanilla Extracted\HRDLC1" IF NOT EXIST \HRDLC1\NUL MD HRDLC1 IF EXIST "..\Vanilla Extracted\HRDLC2" IF NOT EXIST \HRDLC2\textures\terrain\NUL MD HRDLC2\textures\terrain\ IF EXIST "..\Vanilla Extracted\HRDLC3" IF NOT EXIST \HRDLC3\NUL MD HRDLC3 cd .. REM copy the PNG files from Skyrim - textures to the Vanilla Optimized directory IF EXIST "%cd%\Vanilla Extracted\STD" robocopy "%cd%\Vanilla Extracted\STD" "%cd%\Vanilla Optimized\STD" *.png /s /nfl /ndl /njh /njs /ns /nc /np >>log.txt REM Copy texture files (from folders other than the HRDLC) to "Vanilla Textures ", excluding any normal map textures robocopy "%cd%\Vanilla Extracted" "%cd%\Vanilla Textures" *.dds /s /xd HRDLC1 HRDLC2 HRDLC3 /xf * /nfl /ndl /njh /njs /ns /nc /np >>log.txt REM Copy small and medium size normal map textures (from folders other than the HRDLC) to "Vanilla Textures" REM ignore file that needs to be optimized manually with DDSopt using the associated tga file robocopy "%cd%\Vanilla Extracted" "%cd%\Vanilla Textures" * /s /max:2999999 /xf * /xd HRDLC1 HRDLC2 HRDLC3 /nfl /ndl /njh /njs /ns /nc /np >>log.txt REM Copy any large normal map textures (from folders other than the HRDLC) to "Vanilla Normal Maps" robocopy "%cd%\Vanilla Extracted" "%cd%\Vanilla Normal Maps" * /s /min:3000000 /xd HRDLC1 HRDLC2 HRDLC3 /nfl /ndl /njh /njs /ns /nc /np >>log.txt REM Now copy texture files from the HRDLC to "Vanilla Textures" excluding any normal map textures IF EXIST "%cd%\Vanilla Extracted\HRDLC1" robocopy "%cd%\Vanilla Extracted\HRDLC1" "%cd%\Vanilla Textures\HRDLC1" *.dds /s /xf * * /nfl /ndl /njh /njs /ns /nc /np >>log.txt IF EXIST "%cd%\Vanilla Extracted\HRDLC2" robocopy "%cd%\Vanilla Extracted\HRDLC2" "%cd%\Vanilla Textures\HRDLC2" *.dds /s /xf * * /nfl /ndl /njh /njs /ns /nc /np >>log.txt IF EXIST "%cd%\Vanilla Extracted\HRDLC3" robocopy "%cd%\Vanilla Extracted\HRDLC3" "%cd%\Vanilla Textures\HRDLC3" *.dds /s /xf * * /nfl /ndl /njh /njs /ns /nc /np >>log.txt REM Now copy uncompressed HRDLC MSN and terrain TSN texture files to "Vanilla Uncompressed Normal Maps" IF EXIST "%cd%\Vanilla Extracted\HRDLC1" robocopy "%cd%\Vanilla Extracted\HRDLC1" "%cd%\Vanilla Uncompressed Normal Maps\HRDLC1" * /s /nfl /ndl /njh /njs /ns /nc /np >>log.txt IF EXIST "%cd%\Vanilla Extracted\HRDLC3" robocopy "%cd%\Vanilla Extracted\HRDLC3" "%cd%\Vanilla Uncompressed Normal Maps\HRDLC3" * /s /nfl /ndl /njh /njs /ns /nc /np >>log.txt IF EXIST "%cd%\Vanilla Extracted\HRDLC2" robocopy "%cd%\Vanilla Extracted\HRDLC2\textures\terrain" "%cd%\Vanilla Uncompressed Normal Maps\HRDLC2\textures\terrain" * /s /nfl /ndl /njh /njs /ns /nc /np >>log.txt REM Now copy the rest of the HRDLC normal maps (the compressed normal maps) to "Vanilla Normal Maps" IF EXIST "%cd%\Vanilla Extracted\HRDLC1" robocopy "%cd%\Vanilla Extracted\HRDLC1" "%cd%\Vanilla Normal Maps\HRDLC1" * /s /nfl /ndl /njh /njs /ns /nc /np >>log.txt IF EXIST "%cd%\Vanilla Extracted\HRDLC2" robocopy "%cd%\Vanilla Extracted\HRDLC2" "%cd%\Vanilla Normal Maps\HRDLC2" * /s /xd *terrain /nfl /ndl /njh /njs /ns /nc /np >>log.txt IF EXIST "%cd%\Vanilla Extracted\HRDLC3" robocopy "%cd%\Vanilla Extracted\HRDLC3" "%cd%\Vanilla Normal Maps\HRDLC3" * /s /nfl /ndl /njh /njs /ns /nc /np >>log.txt REM When the batch file processing terminates, check the log file (log.txt). It should not show any errors. echo off echo. echo When the batch file processing terminates, check the log file (log.txt). echo The log file should not show any errors and should have 14 blank lines echo. pause echo on