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Possible bug on low end systems



Just had this happening:

Alt+f4 skyrim - open mo window - manage profile - delete the profile I just used.

Now a window popped up that mo cant save pluginlist (not sure if name is correct). I click ok/cancel whatever and window popped again which lead to an infinite window popping loop.

I killed mo with taskmanager, restarted and loop started again.


Manually creating the deleted profile folder in the mo/profiles directory solved it.


My guess is, that due to my slow system, I managed to delete the folder before mo was able to write the pluginlist from the skyrim alt+f4 quit.

Using 1.3.7 still.

Edited by Fiewiel
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Possibly due to your system.

The loop will persist because 'modorganizer.ini' will still be referencing the deleted profile on start up and until it gets a chance to load it and then change to a new one the program has a fit.

Deleting it from the Profile Manager should allow all the necessary files to be updated accordingly, as it does with most user's MO installations.


May I ask you to clarify one point for me? You had Skyrim running in the background and Alt-tabbed to MO and deleted the profile used to start that game? Or are you saying you have to kill Skyrim (Alt+F4) to quit and this caused the looping error?

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My system is slow (strangely as its on a ssd). I alt+f4 (enb) killed skyrim and clicked pretty fast to the profile manager and deleted there the profile. This was so fast that MO couldnt write the pluginlist to the profile I just deleted, in the time.

MO is extremely slow on my machine, I often have to wait seconds until things start to happen. It might be because the original install of skyrim and MO is on my I: partition which is a normal harddrive. I made a symbolic link from the steamfolder there to the C: partition (my ssd) and MAYBE thats the reason MO is crawling like a snail. But probably its just the old hardware.

Anyway... just wanted to report possible problem.

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