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Nearly 20 seconds to launch the game after modding, normal?



Just checking, not a huge deal, but I've built my biggest install yet and while it seems stable so far in game (and 42-45fps), but it takes an amazing amount of time between pressing 'Run' in Mod Organizer and the game actually launching.


I suspect its due to the large number of ESPs, but I just wanted to make sure - anyone else has to wait 16-18 secs for the game to launch with about 250 esps? (Over half are all STEP, then some GEMS, then some personal favorites... you all know how quick it adds up Big Grin )

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I think it is normal, I had exported my install once, to make a standalone version\troubleshoot possible MO weirdness and it still seemed to take about the same time to launch. I believe it is the games runtime merging of records (Dialog and Location data if I understand correctly) that probably slows it down the most when there are a lot of esps.

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Yeah sorry about that, I tried to delete it myself but discovered after posting the dupe that I didnt have the access to do so.


Well, the startup delay doesnt bother me much after all. BUT I just discovered the 255 plugin limit the hard way :D Seems like I need to merge stuff.

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