SkyrimLE:ENBSeries INI Reference/Nightday

From Step Mods | Change The Game


This section is another way of ENB Series using day and night values, like the [TIMEOFDAY] section, except that the color of the sky gradient is used for detection. This is not compatible with customs skies that change the colors of the sky, so it not recommended to be changed by users.

Addition -> Actually this is compatible with custom skies, and in fact it's preferable to have skies customized to take advantage of this as some of the default sky values for certain weathers are too dark and will trigger the nighttime ini settings to take effect during the day. -TheConfidenceMan (talk) 22:21, November 12, 2014 (EST)

Correction -> The color that is used to detect the time of the day, not talking about the TOD factor, is the vertex color assigned to the mesh. Thus it's not the RGB color that is assigned through the CK and rendered in game. So it's both compatible with custom weather mods that alters the game rendered RGB colors as well as mods that alter the mesh vertex colors. However if the mesh vertex colors where just one color, instead of three colors (RGB+Alpha), then the ENBSeries post-processing tool wouldn't know when it's night or day. --JawZ (talk) 16:55, September 20, 2016 (EDT)


This setting will enable use of the old day/night detection method.

DetectorOldVersion=(false, true)


This setting will enable the default settings and ignore the values below.

DetectorDefaultDay=(false, true)


This parameter will make the detection rely more on the day time settings when lowered and less on day time settings when raised.



This parameter will make the detection rely more on the night time settings when lowered and less on night time settings when raised.



This parameter will make the detection rely more on the day time settings when lowered and more on the night time settings when raised.
