SkyrimLE:ENBSeries INI Reference/Adaptation

From Step Mods | Change The Game


Updated: 18:57:45 8 December 2014 (UTC)


This section creates an effect that mimicks the iris of the human eye. When looking at something bright and then something dark, it will take a moment to adjust.


This setting will enable the use of the AdaptationMin and AdaptationMax values. If set to "false" it will use the AdaptationTime and AdaptationSensitivity settings.

Correction-> This setting will enable the use of the AdaptationMin and AdaptationMax values alongside the AdaptationTime and AdaptationSensitivity. The purpose with this effect is to be able to limit the maximum and/or minimum amount for the adaptation to kick in, and adjust the overall scene intensity or whatever effect is tied to the adaptation.
It's good to use when you just want the effect to, for instance, brighten the shadows when looking into them but not dim the sun or other similar bright surfaces when looking straight at them. --JawZ (talk) 16:09, October 19, 2014 (EDT)

ForceMinMaxValues=(false, true)


This parameter determines how sensitive the effect is towards light and dark areas.



This parameter determines the reaction time of the adaptation when moving from dark to bright areas.

Addition-> A higher value increases the duration it takes adaptation to adjust itself to the new over all scene intensity/brightness, 0.1 is the fastest the adaptation can adapt. --JawZ (talk) 16:08, October 19, 2014 (EDT)



This parameter is the minimum value of the adaptation effect.

Addition->This parameter is used to increase the value for the lowest black that affects the adaptation. So if set higher than 0.0 it will not brighten shadows that are pure dark/black shadows when looking into them. --JawZ (talk) 16:12, October 19, 2014 (EDT)

Sky Layers
Sky Layers


This parameter is the maximum value of the adaptation effect.

Addition->This parameter is used to either decrease or increase the maximum allowed intensity for the adaptation to be affected by. For instance to remove the flickering adaptation rate when having any kind of bright spells drawn in your hands, try decreasing this value until it stops. Thus limiting the max scene intensity the adaptation is allowed to adjust. --JawZ (talk) 16:14, October 19, 2014 (EDT)

Sky Layers
Sky Layers