
From Step Mods | Change The Game


< All changelogs

changelog Current-Guide Changes (since release)


Guide Changes

Mod Notes & BCFs
  • Removed fDecalLifetime=512.0 INI tweak.

Initial Release Changes

Mod Additions


Mod Removals


Install-Order Changes

Guide Changes

Section 1.F.1 Skyrim INI
  • Removed the [camera] tweaks, since they represent a play-style preference ... we may add back to the guide in the future as an optional
  • Removed the [interface] book tweaks, because it was not clear that they had any effect and may have caused issues for some users.
  • Removed [general] iLargeIntRefCount tweak, as it may have been causing problems for some. Until more research confirms behavior, the default settings are preferable.
Section 1.F.2 SkyrimPrefs INI
  • Removed [display] ShadowmapResolution tweaks, due to high-performance requirement - this will likely be added back with more description and options later.
  • Removed [display] iMaxDecalsPerFrame tweak, since it may have been causing problems for some. More research needed and more options likely will be provided later.
The core STEP team is:
  • Revised the list of core team members. Mentioning only active administrators and moderators at this time.
  • Commented Donations template. Not enough people were claiming contributions, so the information was unfairly limited to a small number of people who contributed many months ago or more.