User:Boycad/FO4: Natural Born Killers

From Step Mods | Change The Game

Fallout 4: Natural Born Killers

>>Rated "R" for mature themes and nudity<<

Yes, it sounds violent and abusive, doesn't it? Are you perhaps made uncomfortable by such things as incest, exploitation and selfishness? Or are you concerned that such visceral material is merely being sensationalised for effect; in other words: to shock? Or, a third possibility is that you are yourself damaged, and will find something familiar herein.

If any of those approximate your reaction, then you are in need of the dark catharsis waiting within.



Natural Born Killers is in draft stage


Game : Fallout 4
Title : Natural Born Killers
Version : scratch 1
Forum thread : tba
Author : Boycad
Cut-and-Paste source (thanks): Gernash


Just getting started...

The intention is a Mod Organizer 2 based, Lovers Lab friendly build; stand-alone or autistic install; a basic technical competancy for bug fixes, base-game improvements, and post-build capabilities, as per site tradition; also lore-friendly but "vanilla adverse". The selections follow a core and module model, describing the core in preparation for later additions, content mods for instance, without actually choosing those additions. Such items are left up to the individuals taste; and although we are making assumptions about your tastes, dear reader, we will be discreet. But they are there, in your id, even if you don't admit it, and in fact especially if you don't admit it. It is part of your identity.

Regarding the theme, I make no apologies. It may be exaggerated for dramatic purposes, but reality is my model. These are the suburbs and sprawl of a foreign landscape, degraded and ravaged, where the anonymous are captive, and you are among them. Do not panic. Focus on your immediate problems. It is afterall just a game.

So we jack it up and set it loose. Some features are a Fusion Girl body, for animations, and possibly physics; other stuff as I think of it... The build is LoversLab friendly, though not gratuitous nor often linked; performance budget is targeted moderate. Thanks to Gernash for his starting section and reference point. Lets begin with the workspace.

A juke box plays at the back of a smokey restaurant...

Installing useful programs

If you don't have them already, there are two generic programs very useful when modding games :

7-zip : This is an archive extractor. It'll allow you to extract archives (.zip, .rar, .7z). Since most mods and other utilities come in this format, it's critical to be able to extract them.
To make it even more convenient to use :

  • Locate the 7-zip File manager : 7zFM.exe, (located by default in C:\Program Files\7-Zip, or simply type in 7-zip File Manager in windows' search bar)
  • Start it with administrator privileges (right-click -> run as administrator).
  • Navigate under Tools -> Options.. and look at the System tab, you'll find the file association manager.
  • Associate 7zip with .7z, .zip, and .rar files by simply clicking on them.

This way, you will be able to preview the content of archives and extract what you want out of them by simply double-clicking on it.

Notepad++ : An advanced text editor. Useful to edit various configurations files, as its layout, syntax-coloration, and other built-in search functions are by far superior to what your basic notepad can do.

Since we're going to open a lot of .ini files in this guide, it's a good idea to tell windows that you want to automatically open them with Notepad++ :

  • After you've installed it, right click on any .ini file on your system (if you don't have any yet, just read a bit further, you'll discover them ;) )
  • Select Open With... -> Choose default program...
  • Select Notepad++. If Notepad++ is not on the list, use the Browse... button and navigate to NP++ installation path (by default C:\Program Files (x86)\Notepad++).
  • Make sure that the Always use the selected program to open this kind of file checkbox is ticked in.

Verifying your Local Fallout4 Validity

If you have used NMM or Bethesda Game Studios mods this Section is mainly for you.
Navigate to C:\Users\%Username%\AppData\Local\Fallout4
The only file that should be in there is (if you have an untouched Fallout 4 installation)

DLCList.txt the contents of which are:


If you have run FO4Edit in the past then the following will be present

  • Plugins.fo4viewsettings

If there is ANYTHING else in there or you just want to reset them to default Please do the following:

  • Navigate to C:\Users\%Username%\AppData\Local\Fallout4
  • Make a backup of its content (IF you are an NMM user and want to use it again with your mod list as this will break it) and delete the contents
  • Start the game through steam when you get to main menu exit to desktop.
  • Navigate to C:\Users\%Username%\AppData\Local\Fallout4
  • It should now contain only the DLCList.txt with the contents as above.

Template:Alert small If you moved here from NMM then this has to be done. Check validity of your factory Fallout 4 setting is important it resolves issues later in the Wiki that can be avoided NOW!

Initializing your Fallout 4 INI files

If you have been playing Fallout 4 or just Starting for the 1st time I’d advise you to reset your INI files back to a default state before continuing.
The rest of the following sections in this portion of the guide will assist in achieving a performance vs quality setup before you take off on your modding adventure.

  • If you have launched the game before you will have Fallout 4 INI configuration files present. Navigate to your Documents\My Games\Fallout4. Backup all the files and folders (excluding the Saves folder)
  • Delete all the contents of the Documents\My Games\Fallout4 (excluding the Saves folder)

To speed up the MAIN Screen of Fallout 4 (Shudder) if you have many save games please do the following

  • Go into your Documents\My Games\Fallout4\Saves folder and create a folder called BACKUP.
  • Sort the files via the date modified tab. Select all the older Save game you no longer access and Move them to the Documents\My Games\Fallout4\Saves\BACKUP folder. You should be left with 10-20 save games. More than this seems to cause the MAIN PAGE to cough and shudder.

Launch Fallout 4 and select the Ultra Preset then click Play. When the game loads to the main menu, exit the game. (This sets up the 1st run INI files). The following files will be generated.

  • Fallout4.ini
  • Fallout4Prefs.ini

Once we start doing some changes with will be modifying a 3rd file

  • Fallout4Custom.ini

This file overwrites most settings contained in the other 2 so it you delete or clear it out your game will run in a default fashion.

Tailoring your configuration

At this point make a backup of your two INI files.

  • Fallout4.ini
  • Fallout4Prefs.ini

And call it Fallout4Default.7z (I’m using 7-Zip as it’s seems to be the default standard on the NEXUS)
There are several ways of editing your INI files we will be doing both. First we will use a couple of GUI editors and then add some entries manually.

Installing the TOOLS

These are the main two GUI Configuration Tools I use.

BethINI - Inifile configurator


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BethINI - 2.7.1 - by DoubleYou
Files to download:

BethINI (pronounced "Bethany") is an attempt to restore decency to the INI configuration files for games created by Bethesda. It currently supports Oblivion, Skyrim, Skyrim Special Edition, Fallout 3, Fallout New Vegas, and Fallout 4.


  • Extract the files into \ModOrganizerData\Fallout 4\Tools\BethINI
    • Create a shortcut to your desktop.
    • Right-click the shortcut and choose properties. Under the Compatibility tab check the Run program as an Administrator tickbox. Press OK to exit.

Fallout 4 Configuration Tool


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Fallout 4 Configuration Tool - - by bilago
Files to download:

Fallout 4 Configuration tool.


  • Extract the files into \ModOrganizerData\Fallout 4\Tools\FO4Configtool
  • Create a shortcut to your desktop.
  • Right click the shortcut and choose properties. Under the Compatibility tab check the Run program as an Administrator tickbox. Press OK to exit.

Basic GUI Setup

First open BethINI. .
Under the Setup TAB

  • Check the Make INIs Read-Only (you do not want these files modified by anything other then yourself)

Under the Basic TAB

  • Check the Windowed Mode (If you ALT-TAB without it and you use ENB’s the response time will be the same as 1st load to menu i.e. 15-60sec on a fast computer)
  • Check the Recommended Tweaks (This will auto configure the rest of the tabs to the Authors recommendations.)
  • Check Load Loose Files

Under the General TAB

  • NONE

Under the Gameplay TAB

  • Check Sprint Fix
  • Remove Borders

Under Interface TAB

  • Autosize Quick Containers

Under Detail TAB

  • NONE

Under View Distance TAB

  • NONE

Under Foliage TAB

  • NONE

BethINI Modified Settings



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Go to the Basic tab and click Save and Exit.

.ini edits in Mod Organizer 2

Finalizing your .inis

At this point make a backup of your two INI files.


Installing Mod Organizer 2

We will be installing Mod Organizer 2, v.2.3.2 (November 2020), in portable mode.

"This is my Rifle, this is my gun! / This ones for fighting, this is for fun!"

In your dreams, or in an idealized self-image, you do see yourself standing alone and unaided against the tempestuous fortunes. But this is vanity, hubris. In fact, it is the device which is so important defining the individual externally, amplifying your choices and your will, and the damn thing almost seem to replace you, to the point that you would be lost without it. Mod Organizer 2 will be in this Wasteland what the service rifle is to the soldier in training: that one essential tool which keeps you in the game. Pay special attention, Greaseball!

Base MO2 Directory

  • Create the folder [D:\{build root}\ModOrganizer2], and extract the contents of the archive here
  • Inside the folder, locate the "ModOrganizer.exe" file and double-click it to run ModOrganizer2

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  • Add the D:\{build root}\ModOrganizer2 folder to Windows Defender Exclusions
  • Make ModOrganizer.exe run as an Administrator

Issues Resolution

  • Go into MO2 Settings and in the NEXUS tab enter your login Information.


To resolve download manager issue from Nexusmod site I recommend deleting the nxmhandler.ini from D:\{build}\ModOrganizer2 and D:\{build}\ModOrganizer2Data then run nxmhandler.exe in D:\{build}\ModOrganizer2 folder to generate the nxmhandlers.ini files


If you have issues with your profiles you can try (make sure you backup) deleting D:\{build}\ModOrganizer2Data\Falout4\ModOrganizer.ini when you restart MO2 it will remake it.

Programs and 3rd party extensions

(F4SE) Fallout 4 Script Extender


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Fallout 4 Script Extender - v0.6.11 - by Ian Patterson, Stephen Abel, and Purple Lunchbox (ianpatt, behippo, and plb)
Files to download:
  • MAIN FILES - 7z archive - f4se_0_06_11.7z

F4SE have already become critical to your modding setup, as it will allow you to bypass the Launcher, preventing the launcher from the last official update to reset your list of loaded plugins to none, and offering extended possibilities to customize keybindings.


  • Do not install F4SE via MO2
  • From now on, you must always run the game using F4SE instead of Fallout Launcher from the ModOrganizer 2 Drop down box.

  • Download the 7z archive
  • Open the archive and manually copy the following files:
  • f4se_1_8_7.dll



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    FO4Edit - v3.2.1 - by ElminsterAU
    Files to download:
    • MAIN FILES - FO4Edit 3.2.1

    This tool allows you to edit the ESM and ESP files outside of the creation kit.


    • Download the file manualy
    • Extract the contents into C:\ModOrganizer2Data\Tools\FO4Edit
    • Rename the TES5Edit.exe in that folder to FO4Edit.exe.
    • Copy FO4Edit.exe and rename it to FO4EditQC.exe.
    • In MO2 under "modify Executables" Add FO4Edit under title and point to the Binary FO4Edit.exe in C:\ModOrganizer2Data\Tools\FO4Edit.
    • Repeat this for FO4EditQC. This executable is used for cleaning mods.

    BSA Browser


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    BSA Browser (with BA2 support) - v1.8 - by AlexxEG
    Files to download:
    • MAIN FILES - BSA Browser Portable

    This tool allows you to explore and extract BA2 Archives without the creation kit.


    • Download the file manualy
    • Extract the contents into C:\ModOrganizer2Data\Tools\BSA Browser
    • To set BSA Browser as the default program when clicking a BA2 file:
    1. Browse to \fallout 4\DATA
    2. Rightclick any BA2 file
    3. Open with--> Choose another APP
    4. More apps--> (scroll to the bottom) Look for another app on this PC
    5. Locate your BSA Browser.exe and Click OPEN

    Install and Configure LOOT

    LOOT (Load Order Optimization Tool) is a utility that aims to sort your load order in the most optimized way possible. This will ensure that mods with dependencies are loaded before their masters properly without having to sort them manually.



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    LOOT - Load Order Optimization Tool - v0.16.0 - by WrinklyNinja
    Files to download:
    • MAIN FILES - LOOT v0.16.0 - Installer

    • Download the file manually
    • Extract the installer
    • Run the installer and use the Default settings and folder

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    • Make sure the current game (next to the house icon) is Fallout 4 :
    • If not, click on it and select Fallout 4 :
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    Advanced Tools

    Merge Plugins xEdit Script

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    Merge Plugins xEdit Script - v1.9 - by matortheeternal
    Files to download:
    • MAIN FILES - Merge Plugins v1.9

    An oldie but a goodie lets you merge files in FO4Edit


    • Download the file manually
    • Extract the contents into C:\ModOrganizer2Data\Tools\FO4Edit\Edit Scripts

    Champollion PEX to Papyrus Decompiler

    Template:Alert small



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    Files to download:
    • MAIN FILES - Champollion V1.0.6 - x64

    Champollion decompiles .PEX binary files to a human-readable .PSC Papyrus script file.


    • Download the file manualy
    • Extract the contents into C:\ModOrganizer2Data\Tools\Champollion

    Merge Plugins

    Template:Alert small



    This template is deprecated and should not be used. It was originally created to support custom user guides, but we now have a guide-creation infrastructure that can be used by anyone. If this does not accommodate the need, please PM a moderator or administrator on the forums for assistance.
    Merge Plugins - v2.2.3 - by matortheeternal
    Files to download:
    • MAIN FILES - Merge Plugins

    Standalone File Merging.


    Run Merge Plugins from within MO2

    • Download the file manually
    • Extract the contents into D:\{build}\Tools\Merge Plugins
    • Within MO2 You will need to create an Executable it should point to D:\{build}\Tools\Merge Plugins\MergePlugins.exe


    Watch the video on the MOD page.

    The below settings are the ones you enter (As MO2 is not directly supported).

    General Tab
    • register user
    Merging tab
    • Merge destination directory : C:\ModOrganizer2Data\Tools\Mods For Compression\
    • Un-tick Extract BSAs
    Integration Tab
    • Tick "I'm using Mod Organizer"
    • Tick Copy General Assets
    • Mod manager Path: points to your MO2 install, D:\{build}\ModOrganizer2
    • Mod manager mods path : should autofill from previouis entry; points to the location of your downloaded and installed, i.e. extractesd mods, D:\{build}\Tools\Merge Plugins\mods
    • Champollion Decompiler Path : D:\{build}\Tools\Champollion
    • Papyrus flags path : Your FO4 install path D:\{build}\Fallout 4\data\scripts\Source
    • Click OK

    Installing ENBSeries

    ENBSeries Core files


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    ENBSeries Core files - v0.428 - by Boris Vorontsov
    Files to download:
    • MAIN FILES - v0.428

    Video card texture memory manager


    If your in-game light sources flicker on and off when looking around make sure to edit the enblocal.ini and change UsePatchSpeedhackWithoutGraphics to false; otherwise, set it to true.

    • Follow the link and Click on v0.428
    • scroll to the bottom of the page and click download
    • extract the files
    • copy d3d11.dll and d3dcompiler_46e.dll into your Fallout 4 Directory
    • On first run they will generate their base ini files.

    Video play triangle.png
    Related Video(s): Installing ENB Series
    Installing ENB Series
       |   Calculating Memory Setting for ENB Series
    Calculating Memory Setting for ENB Series

    Base Game Preparation

    It is here, at the nucleus of your game and the natural starting point, that the first actual mods are installed. But first we need to clean and sort the DLC .esms.

    Cleaning the DLC




    • In Mod Organizer, select and start the FO4QuickAutoClean.exe
    • Select each DLC .esm and clean them

    Further information: TES5Edit on, on Cleaning DLCs