User:Qolore7/Viva New Vegas Merge Plugins

From Step Mods | Change The Game

Merge Plugins

  1. Launch Merge Plugins through Mod Organizer
  2. Make sure the path for the profile 'FNV' is correct
  3. If it isn't, correct it and if it is select the profile and click ok
  4. Right click on the list and select 'Uncheck All'
  5. Select 'FalloutNV.esm' and click OK
  6. When it finishes loading, click the gear on the top bar
  7. Change the settings to look like the two on the right, but change to path to where your stuff is installed
  • IMPORTANT: Make sure the plugins you are about to merge are continuous at the bottom of your load order to avoid errors
  • Deactivate plugins after merging
  1. Launch Merge Plugins through Mod Organizer
  2. Make sure the path for the profile 'FNV' is correct
  3. If it isn't, correct it and if it is select the profile and click ok
  4. Right click on the list and select 'Uncheck All'
  5. Select 'FalloutNV.esm' and click OK
  6. When it finishes loading, click the gear on the top bar
  7. Change the settings to look like they do in the pictures on the right, but change to path to where your stuff is installed
  8. Re-open Merge Plugins and select every mod from each merge list one list at a time
  9. When the background loader has finished, right click on the first mod from merge (Make sure you don't accidentally select one of the official .esms or master .esms)
  10. Select 'Add to merge' and title the merge whatever you'll recognize for both boxes
  11. Repeat for every other mod from the merge
  12. Once done, head over to the 'Merges' tab
  13. Right click on the merge you just made and select 'Check Plugins for Errors'
  14. Once that has finished click 'Done' (There should be no errors)
  15. Right click on the merge again and select 'Build Merge'
  16. Once the building is complete, you can exit and it should save automatically
  17. Deactivate all the plugins that have been merged

Bug Fixes + QOL Merge

  • Fix_Hit_Script.esp
  • HeroinZero Weapon Fixes.esp
  • LegionAIFix.esp
  • Comprehensive Cleanup and Item Respawn.esp
  • CorpsesUseVanillaSkeletons.esp

HUD + UI Merge

  • CardMaster.esm
  • FSW.esp
  • Simple DLC Delay.esp
  • CardMaster DM.esp
  • Hotkey Scroll Wheel.esp
  • Tutorial Killer.esp
  • Better Pickup Prompt.esp
  • Quest Item Hider.esp

ILO Patches Merge

NOTE: For this merge, make sure 'Copy General Assets' is un-checked in the 'Integrations' tab. Instead of deactivating the mods in the left pain completely, just move the merged .esps to optional in MO

  • ILO - New Vegas Bounties II.esp
  • ILO - New Vegas Bounties.esp
  • ILO - YUP Patch
  • ILO - NVInteriors Project.esp

Dragbody's Faction Overhaul Merge

  • NOTE: For this merge, make sure 'Copy General Assets' is un-checked in the 'Integrations' tab. Instead of deactivating the mods in the left pain completely, just move the merged .esps to optional in MO
  • NCROverhaul.esp
  • PowderIsTheNewBlack.esp
  • TheLegionWillRyse.esp
  • BoomersGoBoom.esp
  • GreatKhanGreatOverhaul.esp
  • BrotherhoodReforged.esp