
From Step Mods | Change The Game

Purpose & Usage

Use this template to change text color. Use one of the following color codes if applicable; if none of the codes are appropriate for what you are highlighting, the template accepts all CSS Legal Color Values.

Color Code(s)
#9eb8ee #9eb8ee addition addition, enhancement enhancement, confirmation confirmation
#78c888 #78c888 fix fix, functional functional, relevant relevant
#ff7878 #ff7878 removal removal, non-functional non-functional, irrelevant irrelevant
#c0c840 #c0c840 issue issue, unknown unknown
#ffa500 #ffa500 change change, modification modification
#e6b69e #e6b69e instruction instruction, ilheading ilheading1
#dddddd #dddddd important important, highlight highlight
  1. Only use this for "inline headings," which begin a paragraph instead of being on their own line.
Key Words Color/Hex Value
addition, enhancement, confirmation, blue #9eb8ee #9eb8ee
fix, functional, relevant, green #78c888 #78c888
removal, non-functional, irrelevant, warning, red #ff7878 #ff7878
issue, unknown, yellow #c0c840 #c0c840
change, modification, orange #dd9500 #dd9500#ffa500
instruction, ilheading1, salmon #e6b69e #e6b69e
important, highlight #ddd #ddd
1Only use this for "inline headings," which begin a paragraph instead of being on their own line.


  • The {{User:Proton/Fc|instruction|important part of an instruction}} is highlighted.
    • The important part of an instruction important part of an instruction is highlighted.
  • {{User:Proton/Fc|non-functional|This thing no longer works.}}
    • This thing no longer works. This thing no longer works.
  • {{User:Proton/Fc|blue|Try not to use {{User:Proton/Fc|#ff0|custom}} colors.}}
    • Try not to use custom custom colors. Try not to use custom custom colors.