Let's Roleplay -- by PerpetualGamer
Clothing & Equipment
Modname | Notes |
Cloaks of Skyrim | Get Dawnguard Optional |
Winter is Coming - Cloaks |
Modname | Notes |
Andromeda - Unique Standing Stones of Skyrim | |
Ordinator - Perks of Skyrim | |
Apocalypse - Magic of Skyrim | Ordinator Compatibility Patch (Merge) |
Lost Grimoire of Skyrim | |
Bandolier - Bags and Pouches |
Modname | Notes |
Atlas Map Markers for Skyrim Blackreach Dawnguard and Dragonborn | |
Atlas Map Markers - Updated with MCM | Must be loaded after Atlas Map Markers for Skyrim Blackreach Dawnguard and Dragonborn |
Assorted Crap I need to Decide if I want
- EK_RingLimiter
- TKDodge
- VioLens
- Windstand Mine
- Your Market Stall
- Blackthorn
- Castle Valdmire
- Frostvale Estate
- Hearthfire Multiple Adoptions
- Morskom Estate
- RS Children Overhaul
- Sivlerstead
- Missives
- Glowing Ore Veins 300
Random MCM changes
Archery Gameplay Overhaul
- Disable Arrow Wounds
- Disable Persistant Arrows
Autosave Manager
Save Events
- Tick the following
- On Rest
- On Wait
- On Leaving Combat
- On Dungeon Cleared
- On Word of Power Learned
- On Quest Completed
Save Conditions
- While Weapon Drawn = true
General Settings
- Incremental Save Count = 10
Complete Crafting Overhaul

In the MCM settings for Complete Crafting Overhaul, I recommend changing following settings:
- Learning & XP
- Smithing Experience
- Tanning Rack
- Default: 0
- Recommend: 1.0
- Smelter
- Default: 0
- Recommend: 1.0
- Mining
- Default: 0
- Recommend: 30
- Tanning Rack
- Smithing Experience
- Mining & Materials
- Mining
- Mining Presets
- Default: Vanilla
- Recommend: Much More Ore
- Mining Presets
- Mining
Convenient Horses

In the MCM settings for Convenient Horses, I recommend changing following settings:
- Followers
- Follower's Horses
- Default: unticked
- Recommend: ticked
- Deferred Dismount
- Default: unticked
- Recommend: ticked
- This keeps the followers on horseback when you stop to mine ores and other assorted things
- Horse Recall
- Default: unticked
- Recommend: ticked
- this means your followers will summon their horses when you mount
- Follower's Horses