Fenris' Personal Mod Guide / Setup
Because I'm gonna forget what to install in a year or two.
Title: Waiting on that part of my brain to come up with something decent.
DLC Required
- Wasteland Workshop
- Automatron
- Far Harbour
- Contraptions Workshop
- Vault-Tec Workshop
- Nuka-World
If you're following this guide I'm going to make an ass of you and me and assume that you know what you're doing when it comes to modding Bethesda games.
I'll do my best to have the mods here ordered in a way that makes sense, though my usual install methodology is to go down the list of the top 100 mods and install them one after the other.
I tend to favor lore friendly mods that spice up the visuals, as well as grabbing as many lore friendly weapon and armour mods as I can fit into a load order.
I'll include reminders to run LOOT and to check that your game isn't derping out after each section.
Here's my PC's config if you're into that sort of thing, it's probably worth mentioning that this guide will favor high fidelity over FPS, with little to no compromises:
- CPU: Intel Core i5 4670K @ 4.2Ghz
- GPU: MSI GeForce GTX 980Ti @ 1440Mhz / 7Ghz
- RAM: 16GB Corsair Vengeance 1600Mhz CL9
- Mobo: MSI Z87-GD65 Gaming Motherboard
- SSDs: 2x Kingston HyperX 120GB RAID0
Using Kesta's flares and fancy mod sections.
Getting Started
First things first: Install the game
Whether via steam or some other platform, it's usually a good idea to install the game to a directory that isn't Steam's default.
That is to say, anywhere that isn't either C:\Program Files or C:\Program Files (x86).
Below is a small walkthrough of how to set up a secondary install location in Steam.
If you have a second hard drive or an SSD just for games, then you have no doubt done this already.
Drivers & Applications
Whilst the game is downloading, this is the perfect time to prepare the other applications that we're going to use.
Update your graphics card drivers
- Nvidia drivers can be found here.
- AMD drivers can be found here.
Choose a text editing program
There are a few choices here, the main two being Notepad++ and Sublime Text 3.
Once you have chosen a text editor you should set it as the default program to open both .ini and .txt files.
To do this go to your Fallout 4 directory and right click an ini file such as Fallout4_Default.ini, then select Open With > Choose another app.
Ensure that Always use this app to open .ini files is ticked, then scroll down the list and click More apps > Look for another app on this PC.
Point Windows to the editor's executable file.
For Notepad++ this is a file named notepad++.exe located in C:\Program Files (x86)\Notepad++
For Sublime Text this is a file named sublime_text.exe located in C:\Program Files\Sublime Text 3
Repeat this process for .txt files as well.
Next, install an archiving program like WinRAR
I've been using WinRAR forever, so it's just what I'm familiar with.
It's available in 32bit and 64bit versions.
Another option is 7-zip, which is also available in 32bit and 64bit flavors.
Run the game for the first time
This will set up the necessary registry entries and will create two files in your documents inside of \Documents\My Games\Fallout4
- Fallout4.ini
- Fallout4Prefs.ini

Nexus Mod Manager
Mod Organizer 2 has frustrating problems when installing a mod with multiple options, the menus simply don't work on some mod installers so you'll be stuck with the default settings.
This is quite a shame as Mod Organizer 2 is more feature complete then NMM, and I prefer it greatly. NMM will work fine for our purposes however until Mod Organizer 2 is fixed.
You can download Nexus Mod Manager from this link.
- Install Nexus Mod Manager and point it to your Fallout 4 install directory, create a folder on the same drive as your Fallout 4 install that will hold all of your mods.
- When you first select Fallout 4 as the game to use with NMM, it will ask where to install your mods, and where to keep the install info. Choose the folder on the same drive as your Fallout 4 install.
- Go to the mods tab and under Categories, click Categories: expand all categories, this will just make it easier to see the mods that you're going to be downloading.

Next you're going to need to log into Nexus Mod Manager using your Nexus account. This will enable you to download mods over 2MB through NMM.
LOOT is a tool that automates load order optimization, it is also able to tell you if a mod has dirty edits and needs cleaning. You are able to run it through Nexus Mod Manager.
LOOT - Load Order Optimization Tool - v0.11.0 - by WrinklyNinja
- MAIN FILES - LOOT v0.11.0 - Installer
Installation :
- Download the installer and either save the file or use 'Open With > WinRAR'
- Extract the installer or double click it to run it
- Create an easy to access folder to hold all of your modding tools and install LOOT to it
- Restart Nexus Mod Manager if it is open already, you should now be able to launch LOOT from the Supported Tools menu
FO4Edit is a powerful tool that has a myriad of features. We'll be using it to automate the cleaning process of mods with dirty edits.
Here's a guide for using xEdit to clean your mods.
FO4Edit - 3.2 - by xEdit Team
Installation :
- Download the latest version and either save the file or use 'Open With > WinRAR'
- Extract the files to a new folder called FO4Edit inside of your modding tools folder
- In the Supported Tools menu of NMM, click 'Config FO4Edit' and point it to the 'FO4Edit.exe' file
- You can now launch FO4Edit from Nexus Mod Manager
INI Tweaks
Manual Tweaks
Make a copy of 'Fallout4.ini' inside of \Documents\My Games\Fallout4 and name it 'Fallout4Custom.ini'; this is the file we will be editing.
Open Fallout4Custom.ini in your chosen text editor and scroll down to the [Interface] section.
If you have played the game a lot before you can disable the tutorial messages by adding 'bShowTutorials=0' at the bottom of the section so that it looks like this:
We're going to improve the readability of the in-game console by adding a new section underneath the [MapMenu] section.
Copy this text and add it underneath 'uLockedTerrainLOD=32' in the [MapMenu] section:
For the Immersive Maps mod to display in colour, we need to disable the effects of the Pipboy. To do this, add this section into Fallout4Custom.ini:
If you're interested in learning more about the different settings available in the .ini files, you can check out InsanePlumber's post here.
Extenders and Plugins
Fallout 4 Script Extender (F4SE)
This is an essential mod that continues the work from the Skyrim Script Extender.
F4SE - 0.4.0 - by Ian Patterson, Stephen Abel, and Brendan Borthwick
- MAIN FILES - f4se_0_04_00.7z
Installation :
- Download F4SE by clicking the 7z archive button at the top of the page
- Either save the file or use 'Open With > WinRAR'
- Copy across the following files and directories to your Fallout 4 root folder (where Fallout4.exe is located)
- \Data
- CustomControlMap.txt
- f4se_1_9_4.dll
- f4se_loader.exe
- f4se_steam_loader.dll
- In Nexus Mod Manager click the arrow by 'Launch Fallout4' and then click the 'Launch F4SE' button
- You will notice that a console window opens briefly; shortly after the game will load
- This will be your way to start the game from now on
Shadow Boost
Shadow Boost dynamically controls the the shadow draw distance in Fallout 4 to attempt to keep you at a specified framerate.
Shadow Boost - v1.9.4.0 - by Alexander Blade
- MAIN FILES - ShadowBoost_1.9.4.0.zip
Installation :
- Download Shadow Boost by clicking the Download button towards the bottom of the page
- Either save the file or use 'Open With > WinRAR'
- Copy across the following files and directories to your Fallout 4 root folder (where Fallout4.exe is located)
- ShadowBoost.asi
- ShadowBoost.ini
- xinput1_3.dll
You can modify ShadowBoost.ini if you wish, however I find that the default settings work fine:
fTargetFramerate= - This setting determines your desired framerate, if you are playing with vsync or an fps lock enabled then be sure to keep it at least a couple fps lower than the maximum, otherwise the plugin won't increase the shadow draw distance when you reach that framerate.
fDistChangeSpeed= - This setting determines how quickly the shadow distance will change. The safe range is between 0.5 and 5.0.
fShadowDrawDistMin= - This setting determines the minimum distance that shadows will render.
fShadowDrawDistMax= - This setting determines the maximum distance that shadows will render. Users with lower-end PCs may want to reduce this setting.
These mods are here because they need to be installed before other mods further down this guide, installing them now will just make things easier later on.
For each of these mods, and the mods in each further section, the required files will usually be downloadable via Nexus Mod Manager by simply pressing the 'Download With Manager' button in the files tab of the mod.
The file or files to download will be specified as being under either the Main Files, Optional Files, or Update section of the files tab.
Armor and Weapon Keywords Community Resource (AWKCR)
Armor and Weapon Keywords Community Resource (AWKCR) - 3.2 - by Valdacil - Gambit77 - AndrewCX
Files to download :
- MAIN FILES - Armor and Weapon Keywords Community Resource v3.2
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FOMOD Instructions
Armor and Weapon Keywords Community Resource (AWKCR)
Armor and Weapon Keywords Community Resource (AWKCR)
Game Options
Game Options
Description : "This resource accomplishes the following things:
- Creates a standardized framework for armor and cosmetics keywords for mod authors to prevent conflicts
- Standardizes armor and cosmetics slot usage to prevent conflicts (contributed by all major cosmetics mod authors).
- Creates a standard armor and weapons workbench to be utilized for crafting items added by mods.
- Adds a standard ma keyword for use by weapon modders, a set of OMODs for damage upgrades for blade weapons, and dn keywords for Tactical Light, Laser Sight, & Tactical Light/Laser Sight combo OMODs. The release of Weaponsmith Extended will demonstrate how to replace ma keyword filtering for mod weapons with a GetEquipped condition. This was set up so that people can use lots of mod weapons without using up a bunch of the very limited amount of ma keywords that we have available before hitting the cap and causing the mod menu category formlist cap/ invisible robot bug.
- Adds sorting keywords for weapon calibers to make it easier for weapon modders to set up their gun mods for dynamic sorting."
Armorsmith Extended
Armorsmith Extended - 3.31 - by Gambit77
Files to download :
- MAIN FILES - Armorsmith Extended v3.31, Armorsmith All DLCs Patch v3.3
Description : "This mod does twelve things:
- Every outfit in the game can now be worn under armor pieces and all armor pieces should show up when equipped.
- Every hat and helmet in the game that doesn't cover your face can be worn with bandanas & gas masks.
- Every outfit and every hat & helmet in the game can have ballistic weave armor added to it.
- I completely redid the entire clothing modding system from scratch.
- Adds new craftable outfits, headgear, gloves, custom Dogmeat armors, Helmets/Hats With Hair, Under Helmet Flight Cap & BOS/Sack Hoods, Nudifying Rings, Invisible Therm Optics Combat Armor, Pistol/Revolver Harnesses, Katana Belt, Sniper Rifle on back, a working jetpack, and a wide variety of wearable weapons. Outfits are crafted at the Armorsmith bench, wearable weapons are crafted at the Weaponsmith bench.
- All clothing items are moddable now and are also rename-able.
- I made this mod compatible with Legendary Modification by teaLz.
- For the master armorsmith/scientists out there I've implemented a new craftable set of armor called Therm Optics Combat Armor. Using stealth technology it is now possible to create cloaked combat armor pieces.
- This mod is now fully compatible with Valdacil's Item Sorting.
- I optimized the slot usage for all vanilla clothing to use the minimum amount of slots necessary for things to work properly.
- All apparel can now be worn by Nick Valentine.
- Strong or any other future super mutant followers/settlers can wear all hats/helmets, gas masks, bandanas/masks, and glasses."
Settlement Keywords Expanded
Settlement Keywords Expanded - 1.55 - by Sharlikran
Files to download :
- MAIN FILES - Settlement Keywords Expanded v1.55
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Settlement Keywords Expanded v1.55
Settlement Keywords Expanded v1.55
SKE Files
SKE Files
SKE Scripted Menu Version
Next Settlement Keywords Expanded v1.55
Settlement Keywords Expanded v1.55
SKE Patches
SKE Patches
Select Nothing
Next Settlement Keywords Expanded v1.55
Settlement Keywords Expanded v1.55
OCDecorator Patches
OCDecorator Patches
Select Nothing
Next Settlement Keywords Expanded v1.55
Settlement Keywords Expanded v1.55
Advanced Bubble Turret Patches
Advanced Bubble Turret Patches
Select Nothing
Next Settlement Keywords Expanded v1.55
Settlement Keywords Expanded v1.55
Placeable NPCs Patches
Placeable NPCs Patches
Select Nothing
Description : "Settlement Keywords Expanded is a continuation of Stuyk's framework. SKE is a mod authors resource and provides an alternative to adding items to the Bethesda vanilla menus. With SKE mod authors have more choices for their settlement items. More choices means less clutter in settlement menus.
The file provided, SettlementKeywords.esm, will work with some SK mods. This mod doesn't alter any of the vanilla menus so it will not conflict with any DLC. Missing vanilla menus are only caused by outdated menu patches or outdated SK mods that have not been updated. A list of mods that should not be used with SKE is provided below."
Beantown Interiors Project
Beantown Interiors Project - 8.9.3 - by Chucksteel
Files to download :
- MAIN FILES - The Beantown interiors Project
Description : "Have you ever thought about scavenging the Commonwealth, even though, the super mutants, Ghouls or Raiders
may horrifically and violently rip your heart out?
Have you said to yourself "D*** the torpedoes, I am going into Downtown Boston or I'm heading to the coast!", only
to find once you arrive that 99% of the shops and houses are all boarded up?
Have you ever wondered "Why hasn't anyone looted these buildings in the last 200 years?" (Well 210 years to be
exact, give or take the rotation of the earth and a few dings to my chronometer!)
If so, then this mod is for you!
The Beantown interiors project, the sister mod to Fallout 3's D.C. Interiors Project and Fallout New Vegas's
N.V. Interiors Project, promises to bring many of the elements from my previous mods which you've come to know
and love, into Fallout 4. I also hope to add more depth and, features, as my modding skills progress. This Mod opens up many of the boarded building for you to explore."
Chem Redux
Chem Redux - 2.5 - by herpderp2332
Files to download :
- MAIN FILES - Chem Redux 2.5 - Glowing
Description : This is a compilation of all of herpderp2332's chem retexture mods.
Bug Fixes / Patches
Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch
Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch - 2.0.0 - by Unofficial Patch Project Team
Files to download :
- MAIN FILES - Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch
Description : "A comprehensive bugfixing mod for Fallout 4. The goal of the Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch (aka UFO4P) is to eventually fix every bug with Fallout 4 not officially resolved by the developers to the limits of the Creation Kit and community-developed tools, in one easy-to-install package."
Achievements - 1.0.4 - by Expired6978
Files to download :
- MAIN FILES - Achievements v1-0-4
Description : "Uses F4SE to re-enable achievements while mods are active."
Dead Body Collision
Dead Body Collision - 1.0 - by MadAce
Files to download :
- MAIN FILES - DeadBodyCollision
Description : "This mod will make actors collide with dead bodies, a.k.a. ragdolls, so you can push them, climb on them, etc...and won't just clip through them."
Realistic Death Physics - No Animations
Realistic Death Physics - No Animations - 1.2 - by mm137
Files to download :
- MAIN FILES - Realistic Death Physics - ALL DLC version.
Description : "This mod decreases the amount of force of both melee and ranged attacks (especially crits) to more realistic levels."
Faster Terminal Displays
Faster Terminal Displays - 3.0 - by Old Nick
Files to download :
- OPTIONAL FILES - Faster Terminal Displays (5x) Creation Kit Version
Description : "I find the speed that the text on the terminal screens takes to appear is too slooooooooow, I always find myself just clicking to get it all to show up.
So I've increased it by 2, 3, 5, 10, 20 and 100 times, just download whichever file suits your needs."
Survival Unlocker
Survival Unlocker - 1.0.2 - by Expired6978
Files to download :
- MAIN FILES - Survival Unlocker v1-0-2
Description : "This mod patches the hardcoded "features" that come with the Survival difficulty.
This mod restores:
- Using the console
- Using Quicksave
- Saving from the Pause menu
- Fast travelling
- Saving while travelling
This mod also allows you to return to the Survival difficulty if you had previously downgraded your difficulty.
Godmode is also partially restored, but not fully functional i.e. you still die, however you have infinite resources in the workshop.
This mod comes with an ini file to enable or disable the mentioned features."
3rd Person Beard Fix
3rd Person Beard Fix - 1 - by karniage
Files to download :
Description : "This is a small Material edit to make the beards in 3rd appear solid and like a proper beard."
Workshop Spotlight Fix
Workshop Spotlight Fix - v1.0DLC - by ccmads
Files to download :
- MAIN FILES - Workshop Spotlight Fix with DLC - All in One Installer
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Workshop Spotlight Fix
Workshop Spotlight Fix
Main Files
Main Files
200 Range Shadow
Description : "This mod will fix the fast travel blackout bug of the vanilla workshop spotlight and partially fix the wall spotlight from DLC Automatron and provide several light range and shadow options for the workshop spotlight."
Rain of Brass
Rain of Brass - 1.0.1 - by XLSJ
Files to download :
- MAIN FILES - RainOfBrass_v_1_0_1
Description : "Rain of Brass is a small mod that makes shell casings from the player and NPCs last longer, and be visible from far away, so that after a firefight you can find piles of spent brass wherever anyone was shooting.
Main version: Shells stay for 1 hour and are visible from weapons fired within 500 meters."
Personal Vertibird Flight Altitude Fix
Personal Vertibird Flight Altitude Fix - 1.0 - by Console_Pheasant
Files to download :
- MAIN FILES - Vartibird Fix
Description : "This mod prevents your personal vertibirds from defying physics. In other words: no more flying through buildings, trees, the ground, etc. when you ride a vertibird. Now they should detect buildings and such and will adjust their altitude and/or heading to prevent crashing into buildings."
Notes : You only need the Far Harbor version of this mod if you also have a mod that allows vertiderps to be used in Far Harbor.
Automatron DLC Legendary Drops (plus Legendary Clothing Loot)
Automatron DLC Legendary Drops (plus Legendary Clothing Loot) - 1.0 - by Old Nick
Files to download :
- MAIN FILES - Automatron DLC Legendaries plus Legendary Clothing Loot
Additionally :
- OPTIONAL FILES - Automatron DLC Legendaries - Armorsmith Extended Patch
Description : "Adds the various 'Robot' armor parts (chest, arms and legs), the three helmets (Assaultron, Eyebot and Sentry Bot) and the two melee weapons (Assaultron Blade and Mr Handy Buzz Blade) to the drop lists for legendaries. Adds all vanilla clothing items to the allowed legendary loot lists."
Less Annoying Berry Mentats
Less Annoying Berry Mentats - 1.0 - by Old Nick
Files to download :
- MAIN FILES - Less Annoying Berry Mentats
Description : "Prevents the Berry Mentats effect from highlighting your current companion and disables the effect entirely while your weapon is holstered or you are in dialogue. Also includes the fix to stop the effect from turning certain neutral NPCs hostile."
Glowing Animals Emit Light
Glowing Animals Emit Light - 1.1 - by mm137
Files to download :
- MAIN FILES - Glowing Animals Emit Light - ALL DLC
Description : "This mod simply attaches a light source to every glowing animal variant, making them emit light. The size of the animal determines the radius and strength of the lights, so deathclaws are brighter than ghouls, which are brighter than radroaches, etc.
This also fixes the Glowing Behemoths and Glowing Mutant Hounds, neither of which had actual glow maps. The Glowing Behemoth also has a radiation cloak like all other glowing variants."
Companion Stealth Distance Fix (No Free Hugs) - Now with No Dogmeat in Crosshairs
Companion Stealth Distance Fix - 4.0.1 - by spacefiddle
Files to download :
- MAIN FILES - Follower Stealth Distance Fixes - Now with Dog Leash
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Companion Stealth Distance Fix (No Free Hugs)
Companion Stealth Distance Fix (No Free Hugs)
Stealth Fix
Stealth Fix
Now with Added Dogfix!
Description : "Ever notice that no matter where they are, your companion tries to Archon Merge with you as soon as you crouch? This stops that. They crouch and stealth also, but they maintain their current distance."
Everyone's Best Friend (Dogmeat and Companion At Same Time - No Console - No Hack)
Everyone's Best Friend - 3.0.0 - by Valdacil
Files to download :
- MAIN FILES - Everyone's Best Friend v3.0.0
Description : "This mod allows you to have Dogmeat and a standard companion at the same time using in game functionality (not hacks or console commands). Also includes spacefiddle's bug fix for companion idle chatterspam."
Notes : This mod is bloody awesome.
Dogmeat - Doors are NOT for Dogs (No Door Opening)
Dogmeat - Doors are NOT for Dogs - 1.0 - by Ulithium_Dragon
Files to download :
- MAIN FILES - Dogmeat - Doors Are Not for Dogs
Description : "All this does is checks a single flag on Dogmeat's race (DogmeatRace) to prevent him from opening doors (the flag is named "Can't Open Doors")."
Notes : "This mod apparently causes issues during the tracking part of the quest "Reunions". I'd recommend you either don't install it until you finish said quest, or remove the mod temporarily when you do this quest (either one is fine).
Another solution would be to move Dogmeat to where he needs to be using console commands.
Simply select Dogmeat with the console, and type "moveto player"."
Nuka-World Bottle Scenery Fix
Nuka-World Bottle Scenery Fix - 2.01 - by Eldocar
Files to download :
- MAIN FILES - Nuka-World Scenery replacement
Description : "Nuka-World has some graphical bugs, one of which is the bottle scenery appearing massively oversized and clipping through walls. This mod replaces the bugged models with ones that work."
Workshop Lightbulb Emittance Fix
Workshop Lightbulb Emittance Fix - 1.0 - by fadingsignal
Files to download :
- MAIN FILES - Workshop Lightbulb Emittance Fix
Description : "This is a very simple mesh replacer to fix the problematic vanilla Workshop light bulbs.
There are numerous problems with lights in Fallout 4, but this one was particularly frustrating because it was NOT related to power. In some areas, light bulbs, while receiving power and lighting up just fine will suddenly only emit an extremely dim, dull white light. Many have said this happens for them at The Castle, and for me the problem areas were Tenpines Bluff and Greygarden.
The issue is -- as with previous Bethesda engines -- layers of blending effects will easily confuse the engine. The default Workshop lightbulb has alpha transparency on the bulb glass, with an internal filament component -- which could never be seen in-game anyway, and made the light node glitch and not emit in certain viewing situations."
High Res DLC Black Face Fix
High Res DLC Black Face Fix - 1.4 - by HizFather
Files to download :
- MAIN FILES - High Res DLC Black Face Fix
Description : "Down-scaled versions of a few face textures that are added by the DLC that aren't compatible with modded face textures."
Baby don't run away... (merchants stick to their stores)
Baby don't run away... (merchants stick to their stores) - 0.3 - by Stewie
Files to download :
- OPTIONAL FILES - All merchants Fix 0.3 - excludin Ron (see bug section)
Description : "I was tired of my unique merchants disappearing every day, so I addressed it using FO4edit and managed to prevent them from leaving, and all stay lvl 4 merchants. Now regular settlers are fixed as well, they stick to their assigned store and only leave when commanded or to sleep at night"
Elevator Buttons Fix (Contraptions)
Elevator Buttons Fix (Contraptions) - 1.0.0 - by Seb263
Files to download :
- MAIN FILES - Elevator Buttons Fix (Contraptions) - Latest Version
Description : "Today, I had the unfortunate surprise to see that the elevator buttons of my vault had vanished.
By learning more about this bug, I quickly realized that Bethesda was to lazy to solve it.
Here is why I share with you a fixed version of the concerned script I made today.
If some of your elevators are already broken, it will automatically fix all of them!
No ESP required, this is just an updated script (pex) file."
Keep Commonwealth Radiant quests within the Commonwealth
Keep Commonwealth Radiant quests within the Commonwealth - 1.11 - by rylasasin
Files to download :
- MAIN FILES - No DLC vanilla radiants
Description : "This is a small patch mod to prevent Vanilla Radiants from the Brotherhood, Institute, Railroad, and Minutemen from sending you to Nuka World or Far Harbor locations. It also prevents the Diamond City bounty quests from sending you to these locations as well."
Brotherhood Pilots Wear Bomber Jackets
Brotherhood Pilots Wear Bomber Jackets - 1.0 - by Utherix
Files to download :
- MAIN FILES - BoS Pilot Outfit Fix
Description : "Brotherhood Lancers now only spawn with their bomber jacket and not the undersuit. This means they will actually wear it!"
Settlement Attack DLC Fix
Settlement Attack DLC Fix - 1.04 - by SamusKnight2K
Files to download :
- MAIN FILES - Settlement Attack DLC Fix - All DLC
Description : "Are you using Bethesda's DLCs together? Then odds are depending on your load order you're missing out on some of the settlement attacks that the ofifcial DLCs bring.
- Adds in settlement attacks from a raider gang called the Rust Devils and their cobbled-together robots.
Wasteland Workshop:
- Adds in increased settlement attacks from creatures and enemies in the Wasteland when you capture creatures and people in cages. Want more deathclaw attacks? Capture a deathclaw and the chances of them attacking your settlement increases.
Far Harbor:
- Adds a new faction of attackers to the list, trappers on Far Harbor.
Until now in order to get one you had to give up the others. This mod combines the records so they will all happen will happen. For load order be sure you load it after any DLC. Build up your defenses, because your settlements are gonna need you."
Lever Action Reload Fix (Another)
Lever Action Reload Fix (Another) - 1.4 - by shavkacagarikia
Files to download :
- MAIN FILES - Lever Action Reload Overhaul V 1.4
Description : "This mod fixes the infamous reload bug when using Lever Action Rifle. Player always loaded 5 bullets no matter how many times you have shot. There already is the other mod which fixes that bug, but this one uses completely different approach + works in 3rd person."
Mirelurk Model Fix
Mirelurk Model Fix - 1.0 - by Kanaru00
Files to download :
- MAIN FILES - Mirelurk Fix
Additionally :
- OPTIONAL FILES - Bloodrage Mirelurk Fix
Description : "Bethesda made a small mistake when making the crab mirelurks. The UV maps of one of the parts used in the model is not set properly and it results in some kind of thick shell that blocks the gills of the mirelurk from showing. At first I believed this was intentional but after seeing many of the concept arts and the like I realized it was not intentional and they simply messed up. This fixes that problem."
X-01 Armor Reposition Fix
X-01 Armor Reposition Fix - 0.4a - by DRZ556
Files to download :
- MAIN FILES - X-01 Armor clipping fix 0.4a
Description : "Reposition X-01 Armor to fit Power Frame better and less clipping bug and also fix small floating bolt on the right pauldron. It's still have some clipping issue mostly on leg parts but thats require 3d modelling program to fix it properly."
Nuka World Novatron Assaultron Torso Fix
Nuka World Novatron Assaultron Torso Fix - 1.0 - by Thanatos001
Files to download :
- MAIN FILES - Novatron Torso Fix
Description : "Fixed the Material file for the Space Paint on the Assaultron Torso."
Piper Interview Restored
Piper Interview Restored - 0.1 - by DanaDuchy
Files to download :
Description : "Restores part of the interview with Piper that was cut from the final game."
Power Line Physics
Power Line Physics - 1.0 - by CDante
Files to download :
- MAIN FILES - Power Line Physics
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Power Line Physics v1.0
Power Line Physics v1.0
Next Power Line Physics v1.0
Power Line Physics v1.0
Description : "Swinging power lines on settlements that dynamically react to wind conditions."
Moddable Robot Settlers Compilation (Automatron)
Moddable Robot Settlers Compilation (Automatron) - 1.15 - by CDante
Files to download :
- MAIN FILES - Moddable Robot Settlers Compilation v1.15
Description : "Makes all the robots in Graygarden, the Drinkin Buddy, Professor Goodfeels in Sunshine Tidings co-op and Deezer in Covenant fully moddable as Automatrons. Also fixes multiple bugs like Codsworth not being moddable and Goodfeels' auto-disappearance."
MicrofusionCell Fix
MicrofusionCell Fix - 2.0 - by Paragraph64
Files to download :
- MAIN FILES - MicrofusionCell Position and Texture Fix
Description : "Fix texture of microfusion cell - for realistic markings on it. And fix position in receiver."
Wasteland Workshop Street Lamp and Ceiling Light Fix
Wasteland Workshop Street Lamp and Ceiling Light Fix - 1.0 - by Anime_Otaku102
Files to download :
- MAIN FILES - Wasteland Workshop Street Lamp and Ceiling Light Fix
Description : "Simple node fix just for one of the street lamps (you know the one) and ceiling light from Wasteland Workshop."
Vault 81 Mole Rat Disease Fix
Vault 81 Mole Rat Disease Fix - 1.0 - by Yukichigai
Files to download :
- MAIN FILES - Vault 81 Mole Rat Disease Fix
Description : "Although lore-wise the disease is contracted after being bitten by an infected Mole Rat, in-game the player can contract the disease a number of other ways:
- The player's companion is attacked by an infected Mole Rat
- A friendly NPC is attacked by an infected Mole Rat
- An infected Mole Rat attacks anything at all
- The player happens to be in the right section of Vault 81 and the game just f%$#ing feels like it
The root cause of each of these scenarios is a missing condition check on the "Give Disease" effect that Vault 81 Mole Rats carry. Rather than triggering the effect whenever the player is attacked, the effect triggers whenever ANYONE is attacked by an infected Mole Rat, and sometimes when the Disease effect is initiated. Since the effect is a script that manually applies the disease to the player, any attack by an infected Mole Rat on ANYTHING will give the player Mole Rat Disease."
Fusion Generator Lights Fix
Fusion Generator Lights Fix - 1.0 - by Wenderer
Files to download :
- MAIN FILES - Fusion Generator Lights Fix 1.0
Description : "When you take fusion core from fusion generator its lights blinking and then just stay on. This is one of many 'WTF' moment in the game. And tired to see this again and again, so i just fixed script that control lights. No .esp, just script replacer."
CryoFreez Fix
CryoFreez Fix - 1.0b - by Wenderer
Files to download :
- MAIN FILES - CryoFreezFix_1.0b
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CryoFreez Fix
CryoFreez Fix
Optional version
Description : "This is fix for freezing script. Without it enemy that was killed with cryolator or any other cryo weapon respawns in dead-like state. They just lay on ground or stand still, not attacking, not moving."
Auto Doors
Auto Doors - 2.8 - by Wenderer
Files to download :
- MAIN FILES - Auto Doors 2.8
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FOMOD Instructions
Auto Doors
Auto Doors
Next Auto Doors
Auto Doors
Far Harbor
Description : "Auto Doors 2.0 uses new way to automate doors and was rewritten from scratch. New esp, new scripts, some new textures and meshes (well it's a edited vanilla actually)!
This mod addes craftable devices that will allow to automate your settlement doors. There are three main type of devices, some have few types:
- Door Closing Mechanism - this device will automatically close opened door after some time. It's snapable to wall and should be placed as close to door as posible. When (re)placed script attached to this device will find door and start continuously scan it status.
- Door Sensor - thee are to types of door sensors, one with internal power (Autonom) source and one that should be powered externally (External). External door sensor will not consume power unit but if not powered it will not work (mostly like a lamp). Both door sensors when attached to door will continuously scan area for actors (player or any other NPC) and when one approach to setted distance will open door, once actor leave range it will close door.
- Keycard panel - there are three types of panels, each differed by color: blue, red, yellow. When attached to door it will continuously scan door status and if it closed will lock it to key. This door may be unlocked only through this keycard panel if actor have specific keycard. There are three keycard, by one for each panel type. Keycards craftable at chemlab under UTILITY category. Limited NPC support. Keycard panel will unlock door when NPC that has appropriate card in inventory but NPC may not understand it. May be when F4SE come out on full throttle there will be a way to change it.
- Emergency Lockdown Mechanism - big metal device, supposed to be used on gates, but will also work with all other doors. Require power and wire connection. When powered on will close and lock gate (door) until power off.
- Proximity sensor - works as automatic switch. Turns on when hostile or ally NPCs in its range, and turns off when targeted NPC out of range. Each sensor can be tweaked to react on hostiles or allies, also range can be increased or decreased. Require wire connection.
All devices reevaluate it target door when crafted and/or replaced. Script will scan area for doors in short range, if there several door found it will calculate nearest. You can find this devices in Power->Miscellaneous category in workshop menu.
Depending on chosen option while installation mod support vanilla doors, Homemaker's doors and Snap'n Build doors. Mod also support pre-made vanilla doors from locations: Red Rocket, Hangman's AlleySanctuary, Tempines Bluff, Outpost Zimonja, Egret Tours Marina, Warwick Homestead, The Castle, Bunker Hill, Taffington Boathouse, Covenant, Starlight Drive In, Sunshine Tidings Co-Op, The Slog, Spectacle Island, Croup Manor, Kingsport Lighthouse, Finch Farm, Coastal Cottage."
Third Person Revolver Audio Fix
Third Person Revolver Audio Fix - 3.0 - by Peasly Wellbott
Files to download :
- MAIN FILES - Third Person Revolver Audio Fix
Description : "Minor edits to fix the missing audio when wielding a revolver in third person. This restores the sound effects for reloading and cocking the hammer of the Pipe Revolver and .44 Pistol, as well as any other weapons which use their animations (e.g. Nuka World's Western Revolver, or skibadaa's .223 Revolver). Also has a similar fix for missing reload sounds with the Submachine gun and any inheriting weapons in third person (which for some reason only happened in Power Armor)."
1st to 3rd Person Forced Reload Fix
1st to 3rd Person Forced Reload Fix - 1.0 - by Peasly Wellbott
Files to download :
- OPTIONAL FILES - Reload Loop Resolution v1
Description : "There exists in Fallout 4 a horrible bug which causes the player to reload inappropriately when switching from 1st person to 3rd person. This occurs whenever changing perspective during any mandatory post-shot animation, such as cocking the hammer on the .44 Revolver or cycling any bolt-action weapon like the Hunting Rifle.
This makes certain play styles, particularly trying to use scopes in 3rd person, unnecessarily painful and frequently lethal."
Vault-Tec Workshop Overhaul
Vault-Tec Workshop Overhaul - 3.1 - by PMB
Files to download :
- OPTIONAL FILES - Vault-Tec Workshop Overhaul 3.1b
Description : "Fixes three of the main lighting issues within the Vault-Tec Workshop DLC; brightness, lighting node positions, and the bug that caused lights that were on to appear off. It also adds connection points to various Vault walls, so that players can now snap lights into position without tediously trying to line up each light, and addresses some minor quality of life issues (see features)."
Notes : Manually download this mod and then add it to Nexus Mod Manager by clicking the green plus icon in the top left, and then double clicking the mod in your download location.
Vanilla Reflection Maps
Vanilla Reflection Maps - Vanilla - by Bethesda
Files to download :
- MAIN FILES - Vanilla Reflection Maps
Description : "These are just the vanilla reflection maps; no changes, no edits, no improvements. Just vanilla textures.
Why, you ask? If you're like me and you use some degree of mods with new textures and an ENB, you might notice that Fallout 4 sometimes doesn't load in these reflection maps like it is supposed to. Even if you don't have any mods that feature chrome-looking things, you might at least notice that metal crates and Codsworth can sometimes look a bit dull.
What? You mean I can just restart Fallout 4 and it'll work fine again? Whippee! But wait, what if it doesn't? What if chrome things show up a dull grey or oily black almost every time?
Well, if you're worried about just that, this mod(?) is for you! GONE are the days of cruddy reflection map loading!"
Weapon Rack Fixes
Weapon Rack Fixes - 1.0.1 - by frogs345
Files to download :
- MAIN FILES - Weapon Rack Fixes
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FOMOD Instructions
Weapon Rack Fixes
Weapon Rack Fixes
Next Weapon Rack Fixes
Weapon Rack Fixes
Description : "While working to update all of my mods for Nuka-World, I decided to use the Contraptions Workshop Weapon Racks to make it easy to access all of the different weapons. During this, I found a number of weapons that didn't go on the racks. There were both weapons from the vanilla game and Nuka-World that didn't go on the racks, so I ended up making two versions of this mod. One for people with Nuka-World, and one for people without. The Nuka-World version does fix a few other problems with the weapons too, such as allowing them to benefit from the appropriate perks.
Here's a list of the weapons, and the racks they can go on in the default version:
- Flare Gun - any pistol weapon rack
- Cryolater - any rifle weapon rack
Alongside the ones above, here's a list of the Nuka-World weapons, and the racks they can go on in:
- Acid Soaker - any pistol weapon rack
- Thirst Zapper - any pistol weapon rack
- Paddle Ball - any pistol weapon rack
- Animatronic Alien Blaster - any pistol weapon rack"
Glass Glare Fix
Glass Glare Fix - 1.1 - by mluppov
Files to download :
- MAIN FILES - Glass Glare Fix - AIO
Description : "This will fix a glare issue on a vault and Prydwen windows as well as on a jukebox glass."
Wetness Shader Fix
Wetness Shader Fix - 2.0 - by Ablaze666
Files to download :
- MAIN FILES - Wetness Shader Fix
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FOMOD Instructions
Wetness Shader Fix
Wetness Shader Fix
Wetness Shader Fix
Wetness Shader Fix
Read me
Next Wetness Shader Fix
Wetness Shader Fix
Wetness Effect reduction
Wetness Effect reduction
Level 2
Texture resolution
Texture resolution
High Resolution DLC
Description : "This mod fixes the excessive shine of specific objects like one of the cooking stations and some clothes like the bowler hat."
Notes : If you are not using the High Resolution DLC, you can select the Vanilla texture resolution option.
Various Material Fixes
Various Material Fixes - 1.2 - by NikoMoldova
Files to download :
- MAIN FILES - Material Swap Fixes - Combined
Description : "The new material swap system works pretty well, but it looks like the developers forgot to actually apply some of
the textures to the items. Specifically items with a pre-war and post-war version.
So far this fix includes:
- Dirty Trench Coat now uses post-war textures on male characters (Vault-Tec Rep actually looks like he's supposed to now).
- Dirty Army Helmet now uses correct textures when dropped or viewed from inside inventory.
- Lab Coat uses correct textures on female characters.
- Lots of Vault Suit fixes:
- All of the clean vault suits actually use the correct Armor Addons now.
- Female vault suits get their own material swaps, meaning the clean textures show up for female characters.
- All the on-the-ground models (folded vault suits) use proper materials.
- The trim texture doesn't look like it does much of anything but I swapped them anyway just in case.
- All 1st Person (arm) models use proper textures.
- These include Vault suits not actually in the game.
- Vault-Tec Security Armor for Vault 111 (dirty and clean variants) uses V111 textures instead of V81 textures on ground and in preview.
- Clean Vault-Tec Security Helmet now uses clean textures on ground and in preview.
- The black paint scheme for robots using Sentry legs now uses the proper material.
- Maybe more, don't know for sure."
Sorting, Cleaning and Testing: Part 1
With all of those fixes out of the way as well as those essential mods that a lot of other mods shall be using, it's time to sort our load order, clean our current mods, and make sure that the game still runs.
- Load LOOT through Nexus Mod Manager from the Supported Tools menu.
- Click this button in the top right to automate the plugin sorting process:
- Once this is done hit apply and close LOOT.
- Load up FO4Edit.exe from the location you extracted it to.
- Right click on the list of plugins and then click 'Select None'.
- Tick DLCRobot.esm and then click 'Ok'. Only ever enable one plugin at a time in this list.
- Once the background loader is finished, right click DLCRobot.esm and then click 'Apply Filter for Cleaning'.
- When the filtering process is done, right click DLCRobot.esm again and then click 'Remove "Identical to master" Records'.
- Once this process is finished, right click the mod once more and then click 'Undelete and Disable References'.
- After this process completes, close out of FO4Edit and allow it to create a backup of the plugin you cleaned.
- Repeat this process for the following plugins:
- DLCWorkshop01.esm
- DLCCoast.esm
- DLCWorkshop02.esm
- DLCWorkshop03.esm
- DLCNukaWorld.esm
- ArmorKeywords.esm
- Armorsmith Extended.esp
- Armorsmith All DLCs Patch.esp
- Nuka World Bottle Fix.esp
- Merchants stick with store - Unique Settlers (except Ron).esp
- Vertibird Alt Fix.esp
- Vault-Tec Workshop Overhaul.esp
- Here's a save outside of the vault made with all of the mods so far, enabled and sorted:
Full Dialogue Interface
Full Dialogue Interface - Beta12 - by Cirosan and shadwar
Files to download :
- MAIN FILES - Full Dialogue Interface - All languages - NMM installer - Beta12
- UPDATES - (English) Nuka World DLC support - Revised 9-6-2016, (English) Revised Far Harbor DLC support - Fixes some missing lines
Description : "The Full Dialogue Interface mod makes the game display the full lines of what your character is going to say in conversation, instead of just a paraphrase. It also revamps the interface so that the game will now display dialogue options in a list and use the number keys/face buttons for input, depending on your control scheme. The mod supports both keyboard and gamepad. Many different interface layouts are available, so check the screenshot section for examples of what the mod looks like in action."
Notes : Pick the one that you like the look of during installation.
DEF_UI - 1.4.3 - by Neanka and Valdacil and Old Nick and ParasiteX and sekoms
Files to download :
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FOMOD Instructions
Interface (One Required)
Interface (One Required)
English (EN)
Screen Ratio
Screen Ratio
Display Components
Display Components
Use Sorting Mod Component Tags
HUD Config
HUD Config
Vanilla HUD
Sorting Mod
Sorting Mod
I already have sorting xml files
Readme - Mods
Readme - HUD
Readme - INV
Description : "This is a re-package and re-release of Neanka's DEF_INV and DEF_HUD mods (with permission from Neanka) with a new consolidated installer. These are currently the last versions Neanka released and are provided as-is.
The HUD, or Head's Up Display, refers to the main game interface while adventuring. The HUD elements include HP, AP, Crit, XP, and Enemy HP meters, compass, dialogue, and messages. This mod allows customization of all of those elements. All elements can be moved, rotated and resized as desired. Some elements also have customization options like hiding parts of the element (HP tag on the HP meter for example).
There is also an optional feature to show scrap components beneath items when looting. This feature requires either the included scrap tags file or a similar file from your sorting mod (like VIS). If you use the included scrap tags file it will override any mod that changes scrap items (weight, components, names, etc).
This mod will conflict with any other mod that modifies the interface such as MyHUD or Pleasant UI, however all of the features provided by those mods can duplicated (and then some) with DEF_HUD.
DEF_INV modifies the interface for container, barter and pipboy inventory screens with numerous improvements. Container and Barter screens have been increased in size to fill the screen. All of the remaining features require a sorting mod:
- Sorting tags can be replaced with icons in all three screens.
- New tabs are available in container and barter screens to limit what is displayed by category based on tags.
- Additional tabs have been added to the Pipboy to move Notes and Holotapes to their own tabs based on tags.
- Pipboy items can be rolled up into a single entry based on tags (example: all keys are collected in a single Key Ring entry which can be expanded as needed)."
Valdacil's Item Sorting
Valdacil's Item Sorting - 9.0.3 - by Valdacil
Files to download :
- MAIN FILES - Valdacils Item Sorting v9.0.3
- UPDATES - VIS - Armor by Slot v9.1, VIS - Cosmetics by Type v9.1, VIS - Weapons v9.1
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Valdacil's Item Sorting
Valdacil's Item Sorting
Next Valdacil's Item Sorting
Valdacil's Item Sorting
Val's Picks
Val's Picks
Val's Picks (DLC Version - Vanilla Weight)
Next Valdacil's Item Sorting
Valdacil's Item Sorting
Better Junk + DEF_INV
Not Junk
Not Junk
Next Valdacil's Item Sorting
Chem Redux + VIS:Aid
Chem Redux + VIS:Aid
Vanilla Weight
Valdacil's Item Sorting
Chem Redux + VIS:Aid
Chem Redux + VIS:Aid
Vanilla Weight
Description : "This mod renames items with tag prefixes so that they will sort better in the inventory. The vision behind the sorting method is to:
- Group like items together (notes, holotapes, keys, food, chems, etc)
- Sort the most commonly used items near the top for easy accessibility
- Modularize the options to give you the ability to customize which items to sort"
LooksMenu - 1.3.2 - by Expired6978
Files to download :
- MAIN FILES - LooksMenu v1-3-2
Description : "Features:
- Feature list is much larger, allowing to see more items at once
- Facial features can now be selected from the list, rather than selecting the actual face aka select part by name
- Presets can now be saved/loaded
- CBBE Bodyslide Sliders can be used ingame if properly generated
- BodyGen can generate body shapes randomly for NPCs
- Allows for hair palette overrides (for more hair colors)"
Immersive maps 2K - 4K
Immersive maps 2K - 4K - 1.5 - by Reptileye
Files to download :
- MAIN FILES - FAR HARBOR BLUEPRINT MAP With Texts, Immersive Map 4k - BLUEPRINT - no Squares
Description : "This mod changes the looks of the default vanilla map."
Zoom-out Extended for World Map - Unofficial Update for Fallout 4 1.7
Zoom-out Extended for World Map - 1.3 - by Old Nick
Files to download :
- MAIN FILES - Zoom-out Extended for 1.7 - Installer
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FOMOD Instructions
Zoom-out Extended for 1.7
Zoom-out Extended for 1.7
Map Resolution
Map Resolution
Icon Style
Icon Style
All White
Description : "Zoom-out Extended is incompatible with Fallout 4 v1.5 and up, and there won't be any updates from the author Zenotep here on the Nexus as she has gotten herself banned... :(
However, following the instructions Zenotep kindly provided within the description of Zoom-out Extended, I've made a [1.7] compatible version that works for 4K maps"
Sleep Or Save
Sleep Or Save - 2.1 - by Loganbacca
Files to download :
- MAIN FILES - Sleep Or Save
Description : "So you've just woken up to another day in the wasteland. You have some breakfast, build a new scope for your favourite sniper rifle, and gear up for another day of exploration. Before heading out you have a quick nap...
Wouldn't it be great if you could skip that early morning nap? You've only just woken up after all. That's where Sleep Or Save comes in. By adding a save function to beds it retains the "beds as a save point" functionality of survival mode, while making survival gameplay just a little more convenient.
- Adds a save option to beds
- Optional full save setting
- Optional saving at owned beds
- Optional adrenaline penalty (lowers by 1 when saving - on by default)
- Does not work while in combat
- Allows saving while wearing power armour
- Does not trigger a needs update
- Uninstall friendly
- A new chem that saves your game upon consuming it
- Made at the chemlab with 1x Jet and 1x Mentats
- Cannot be used in combat
- Recipe can be disabled through holotape settings menu
- Cleanly removed when the uninstall option is used"
Quest Summary by Default - Spoiler-Free Quest Log
Quest Summary by Default - 0.2 - by KhaoMaat
Files to download :
- MAIN FILES - Quest Summary by Default
Description : "Summary is set to default and shown instead of animations when viewing quests in the quest log in your PipBoy."
Eating Off the Floor
Eating Off the Floor - 1.0.0 - by Ashnal
Files to download :
- MAIN FILES - Eating Off the Floor
Description : "Are you tired of picking up that bottle of Nuka Cola, opening you pipboy, and finding the Nuka Cola in your inventory aid menu just to use it?
Well then this mod is for you!
With Eating Off the Floor, you can quickly consume any food, drink, or medicine straight off the floor (or table, or wherever) without opening your inventory.
Especially handy for you starving survivalists out there."
Playstation 4 Buttons (Ps3 and Ps4)
Playstation 4 Buttons - 1.1 - by Tohkann01
Files to download :
- OPTIONAL FILES - Playstation 4 Buttons v1.1 ('SHARE' as Touchpad Option)
Description : "This mod replaces the Xbox prompts when using an xbox or emulated controller to Playstation 4 button prompts."
STATS Animations - Vault Girl (Not Vault Meat) (and.. Millianna)
STATS Animations - Vault Girl - 2 - by lazyradly
Files to download :
- MAIN FILES - Vault Girl STATS - Version 2
Description : This mod changes the stats animations in the Pipboy to be Vault Girl instead.
Modern Scope Reticles - Scope reticle overhaul
Modern Scope Reticles - 1.0 - by Zeyphir
Files to download :
- MAIN FILES - Vanilla scope shadows
Description :
- Replaces all scope reticles with custom made reticles
- Removes "Hold Breath" button prompt on all versions
- Has 16:10 and ultrawide version that removes the scope shadow
Immersive Main Menu
Immersive Main Menu - 1.0 - by Dicsaw
Files to download :
- MAIN FILES - ImmersiveMainMenu
Description : "A simple 2:00 video of a Radio playing "The Wanderer" at night time with animated background, ambient noises and proper reverberation effects that replaces the default main menu. This mod is hugely inspired by the main menus of Half Life 2, Kane & Lynch 2, Spec Ops The Line and Metal Gear solid 5."
Cartographers Map Markers (Fallout4 Edition) CMM
Cartographers Map Markers - 4.3 - by Feyawen
Files to download :
- MAIN FILES - Cartographers Map Markers
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FOMOD Instructions
Cartographers Map Markers (Fallout4 Edition)
Cartographers Map Markers (Fallout4 Edition)
Far Harbor
Next Cartographers Map Markers (Fallout4 Edition)
Cartographers Map Markers (Fallout4 Edition)
Thank You
Thank You
Thank You
Description : "Adds hundreds of new map markers to your in-game map. Don't miss anything, see it all!"
FallComplete - Automatically Track Quests - Locations - Magazines - Bobbleheads
FallComplete - 1.3 - by kefka95
Files to download :
- MAIN FILES - FallComplete 1.3
Description : "FallComplete is the follow-up to the popular Skyrim mod SkyComplete. If you're looking to squeeze every last drop out of your Fallout 4 experience - complete every quest, find every location, buff every stat - then FallComplete is the mod for you!"
Better Mod Descriptions
Better Mod Descriptions - 2.1 - by Takaru Minari
Files to download :
- MAIN FILES - All-In-One Better Mod Descriptions
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FOMOD Instructions
Better Mod Descriptions
Better Mod Descriptions
Main or Lite
Main or Lite
Included DLC
Included DLC
Far harbor
Include Optional Files
Include Optional Files
Choose Optional Files
Next Better Mod Descriptions
Better Mod Descriptions
Armorsmith Extended
Armorsmith Extended
Armorsmith Extended
Description : "Tired of Better Recoil, Exceptional Damage or Poor Range? Want to know how much a Dense Chestpiece actually reduces explosive damage? Try some actual numbers on your mods!
Better Mod Descriptions strives to give you some actual information on what each armor and weapon mod does by changing the descriptions of each and every modification.
It leaves all values at their vanilla setting and merely lists them all - including some which weren't actually noted in the old descriptions but still present. Using BMD does not make your weapon mods stronger or weaker in any way."
HUDFramework - 1.0f - by registrator2000
Files to download :
- MAIN FILES - HUDFramework 1.0f
- OPTIONAL FILES - 01. DEF_UI Compatibility Patch
Description : "HUDFramework is a UI framework that makes it possible for mods to add new UI elements to the HUD in a conflict-free way."
Immersive HUD - iHUD
Immersive HUD - 2.0 - by Gopher
Files to download :
- MAIN FILES - Immersive HUD - iHUD
Description : "The aim of iHUD is to provide the immersive feel you get from having no HUD, whilst keeping the usefulness of having one. It takes the permanantly visible HUD elements such as compass and crosshair, and hides them when not needed. Hence the motto:
HUD when you need. HIDE when you don't.
What does it let you do?
- Hides the HUD and lets you set the circumstances under which it re-apears.
- Lets you set up situations where single HUD elements appear rather than the entire HUD.
- Toggle the HUD with an in game item.
- Toggle the compass with an in game item."
Description :
This mod required activation in-game. Go to the Misc section of your Pipboy and use the Immersive HUD holotape to start it up.
Nameplates - Floating Healthbars
Nameplates - Floating Healthbars - 1.0.4 - by Expired6978
Files to download :
- MAIN FILES - Nameplates v1-0-4
Description : "Adds floating healthbars in the world (Not really, just an illusion) to any Actor engaged in combat."
Sorting, Cleaning and Testing: Part 2
Just as you did before, sort your load order using LOOT and run the game.
You can use my save below, or one you made before, to skip the intro of the game if you wish.
None of the interface mods will need cleaning.
Grab and Eat All-in-One
Grab and Eat All-in-One - v1.5 - by wyz123
Files to download :
- MAIN FILES - Grab and Eat v1.5
Description : "Imagine you have built a lovely house and spent hundreds of days and nights furnishing it. After saving another settlement for Preston Garvey, you feel tired and hungry. Now you are home. Seeing Brahmin steaks you have carefully positioned on plates makes you happy. Then you put all those freshly cooked steaks into your filthy pocket and eat some Bloatfly meat cause it's easier to find in your inventory. Wait... WAIT! Why couldn't you grab that Brahmin steak and eat instead of putting it away? It looks like our Sole Survivor, who can hack Master terminals and robots can't figure out how to eat out of the plate!
This mod solve the problem for our Sole Survivor. It adds EAT/DRINK/USE/EQUIP buttons that let you grab the item and eat/drink/use/equip in real time. No need to pick it up and open the inventory. With this mod, you can grab some food and eat, grab some chems and get high and grab your shotgun to shoot trespassers in the face!"
Pre War Safes
Pre War Safes - 1.1 - by Amstrad
Files to download :
- MAIN FILES - Pre War Safes
Description : "Ever wonder why that locked safe behind the Police Chief's desk, or the one in the Prewar businessman's office always seemed to have some homemade pipe weapon in them rather than a proper store bought weapon? It bothered me enough that I made this small tweak."
Dynamic Flora Harvesting
Dynamic Flora Harvesting - 1.1 - by Chikawowwow
Files to download :
- MAIN FILES - Dynamic Flora Harvesting
Description : "Makes plants give a realistic number of ingredients based on the in game model instead of 1. Outputs range from 1 to 'an approximate based on the model' for example corn stalks can give 1-3, bloodleaf plants 1-8. With the standard file you still have the potential to only receive '1' except for Tarburys which have 5-10 as a minimum."
Lowered Weapons
Lowered Weapons - 1.1 - by lesma666
Files to download :
- MAIN FILES - Lowered Weapons 1.1
Description : "I hate how your character is always pointing his gun foward 100% of the time in First Person, it's not immersive. Now your character will have their guns downed when not firing it. It's a simple animation sweep, for now..."
Milk That Brahmin - A Milk Mini-Overhaul
Milk That Brahmin - 1.0.01 - by Testudini
Files to download :
- MAIN FILES - Milk That Brahmin version 1.0.01 - No Wild Brahmin
Description : "That's right, you cow wranglin', milk drinkin', sons of guns. Put on your udder-tugging gloves because it's time for MILK THAT BRAMHIN! Featuring a new milking mechanic, additional brahmin spawns, leveled list integration, and of course, milk, Milk That Brahmin! is literally the best milk overhaul mod that's been made for anything ever."
Real Dogmeat Armor
Real Dogmeat Armor - 1.01 - by burtron
Files to download :
- MAIN FILES - Real Dogmeat Armor Scripted Installer 1.01
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FOMOD Instructions
Real Dogmeat Armor NMM Installer
Real Dogmeat Armor NMM Installer
How Precious is Dogmeat to you?
How Precious is Dogmeat to you?
Description : "This mod gives dog armor, collars and helmets real armor values based off of the values on Combat Armor Chest pieces.
It comes in 3 armor value versions as well as versions that render the armor invisible only on Dogmeat.
Note that the armor values apply to any dog equipped with armor, not just Dogmeat!"
Multiple Floors Sandboxing
Multiple Floors Sandboxing - 1.0 - by Korodic and Dovahklon
Files to download :
- MAIN FILES - Multiple Floors Sandboxing
Description : "Have you ever wonder why the NPCs mostly just stay at the same floor, even though the cell (regardless where at) has multiple floors?
Do you have a nice custom home that has multiple floors in the same cell(i.e. no loading doors), and you want your NPCs to move up and downstairs more?
This little tweak should address that need."
QuickTrade - 1.2 - by registrator2000
Files to download :
- MAIN FILES - QuickTrade 1.2
Description : "This mod adds a trade menu option to vendors that opens the buy/sell menu, and an inventory option for your settlers.
QuickTrade is intelligent enough to make sure Trade is only available when these merchants are actually offering vendor services (i.e. merchants that have knocked off work for the night won't have a Trade option)."
Realistic Survival Damage
Realistic Survival Damage - 2.0 - by darthbdaman
Files to download :
- MAIN FILES - Realistic Survival Damage
Description : "Adjusts the player damage multiplier for Survival Difficulty to increase damage by 2 times normal difficulty damage, instead of increasing it to 1.5 normal."
Live Dismemberment
Live Dismemberment - 1 - by DeathclawAlpha
Files to download :
- MAIN FILES - Live Dismemberment - Increased Headshot Damage
Description : "Inspired by the musings of musical artists such as Blue Stahli and Carpenter Brut, I bring you the pinnacle of brutality-based engineering - your very own .esp that allows you to FUCK!NG KILL anyone who stands in your way with the power of mutilation! Now, after crippling an enemy's limb, the limb in question has a chance (or guarantee!) of blowing into bits or falling off, depending on the situation!"
Notes :
This mod does not include an installer however it includes multiple options in the form of seven different .esp files.
Ensure that only 'Live Dismemberment - Regular.esp' is enabled.
Disable these plugins:
- Live Dismemberment - Brutal.esp
- Live Dismemberment - Insane-o.esp
- Live Dismemberment - Liebermode.esp
- Live Dismemberment - Mental.esp
- Live Dismemberment - Mind-Blowing.esp
- Live Dismemberment - POSTAL.esp
Campsite - Simple Wasteland Camping (and HD Sleeping Bags)
Campsite - Simple Wasteland Camping - 1.0.1 - by fadingsignal
Files to download :
- MAIN FILES - Campsite v1.0.1
- OPTIONAL FILES - Armor and Weapon Crafting Keywords (AWKCR) Patch, Full Nights' Sleep Patch for Survival
Description : "Camping is obviously one of those mods everyone wants in Bethesda games, myself included since day one. A month or so ago I jotted all my ideas down, and after I released Basement Living I set to work on this with the intent on making something simple, but still "immersive" and fun. It ended up growing into what you see here.
Campsite adds craftable / carryable tents & sleeping bags (new meshes and HD textures in several colors, including camos), cloth wall, fires, lanterns, and cooking pot, each with their own unique gameplay dynamics, sounds, interactivity, and animations. Simple enough for light play, detailed enough to make you feel involved."
Nuka-World Monorail Tram Fast Travel
Nuka-World Monorail Tram Fast Travel - 1.0 - by fadingsignal
Files to download :
- MAIN FILES - Nuka-World Monorail Fast Travel
Description : "This is one of those little gameplay adjustments I've had on my list to make for some time for those of us doing >survival or no-fast-travel<. I like to visit Nuka-World at random, and got tired of having to take the full monorail tram ride back EVERY SINGLE TIME, especially once you start doing quests that involve traveling back and forth.
Well, not any longer! After your very first visit to Nuka-World, any returning trips from the Commonwealth will give you a prompt when activating the monorail controls, asking if you want to Travel to Nuka-World -OR- Travel to Nuka-World (Fast).
Selecting the Fast option will fade the game out and play the monorail departure/arrival sounds, and you'll fast travel to the tram station in Nuka-World."
The Mobile Mechanic - Portable Workbenches and Junk Scrapping
The Mobile Mechanic - 1.2 - by fadingsignal
Files to download :
- MAIN FILES - The Mobile Mechanic v1.2
Description : "After spending way too many hours in the game, and leveling way up, the experience of hiking halfway across the map to a settlement just to put a silencer onto a gun, or lugging around a bunch of Desk Fans and Giddy Up Buttercup Legs just to scrap some screws out of them starts to lose its charm, especially in survival mode where carryweight is at a premium, and fast travel is disabled.
The Mobile Mechanic adds a craftable, portable workbench, with new meshes and textures, which allows you to do any kind of crafting, anywhere you want, including the ability to scrap junk into its core components, so you don’t have to lug around a bunch of heavy junk. It also includes a portable Power Armor bench! The sole survivor can craft mechanical turrets and all sorts of other high tech stuff, so I don’t think it’s unreasonable to believe they can use a screwdriver!
This is all balanced by way of the fact that the player can only craft things using resources or mods in their inventory, and that the bench itself and the additionally required crafting kits all have some weight to them, forcing you to be conscious of using up all your carry weight."
Killable Children
[www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/197/? Killable Children] - - by Abbalovesyou
Files to download :
- MAIN FILES - Killable Children - All Dlc
Description : "I made this in Fo4edit (1.2), and it allows you to have children be mortal like any other generic adult npc in the game."
Visible Weapons - 3rd Person Holster
Visible Weapons - 1.3 - by registrator2000
Files to download :
- MAIN FILES - Visible Weapons 1.3
Description : "Weapons as apparel on your back and in holsters have been around for a while now.
But so far, they've been mostly useful for screenshots because they aren't actually usable!
They stay on your back all the time, and nothing kills immersion more than seeing them stay static on your back when you draw that exact weapon.
They clutter up your inventory too.
Visible Weapons lets you link up weapon and weapon model. Once linked, they function as one item. When inactive, weapon models won't show in your Apparel inventory.
That's right! Once you equip a linked weapon it shows up on your body!"
Dynamic Muzzle Shadows
Dynamic Muzzle Shadows - 1.3 - by Troy Irving
Files to download :
- MAIN FILES - Dynamic Weapon Shadows
Description : "Framerate not bad enough already? Let me fix that for ya'.
This mod takes the lights created by projectiles, muzzle flashes, and explosions and makes them cast dynamic shadows."
Lore-Friendly Immersive Realistic Chalk Components Expanded and Extended HD 4K
Longer Power Lines
Longer Power Lines - 1.1 - by Puma
Files to download :
- MAIN FILES - Longer Power Lines 3x
Description : "Sets fWorkshopWireMaxLength to a higher value."
Easy Hacking
Easy Hacking - 1.0 - by zilav
Files to download :
- MAIN FILES - Easy Hacking
Description : "I never liked hacking minigames since Fallout 3, they take too much time and disrupt the natural game flow for me. With this mod you will always see only one password, the correct one. Keep in mind that you still must have corresponding perks to access terminals."
PipBoyShadows - 0.4 - by McGuffin
Files to download :
- MAIN FILES - PipBoyShadows
Description : "PipBoyShadows is a small mod that just adds a shadow flag to the Pip-Boy light and various HeadLamps, including the Power Armor light.
At start that was just a test, but I found it interesting enough to share it, but beware, because the result is not always good, specially for the pipboy light, especially in third person view. There are some artifacts in shadows and some weird effects because the character himself produces shadows. The HeadLamps shadows look much better, however. Obviously, bethesda has probably chosen to not activate the effect because of that and for consistancy."
MGS Aiming
MGS Aiming - 1.11 - by PeterTran
Files to download :
Description : "Like to play in third person, but want to aim and shoot in first person like a certain rigid serpent?
Well look no further than MGS Aiming!
With MGS Aiming, whenever you pull up your weapon sights (while in third person) the camera will automatically switch to first person. Once you stop aiming, it'll switch back to third person."
Exploding Eyebots
Exploding Eyebots - 1 - by mm137
Files to download :
- MAIN FILES - Exploding Eyebots - Automatron
Description : "Just a little plugin to make the Eyebots explode on death, like in FO3 and FNV. The explosion is slightly more powerful than the frag grenade. It creates new opportunities to create some chaos. They will turn to ash afterwards, since there is no dismemberment in-game for them."
No Combat Boundaries
No Combat Boundaries - 1.0 - by mm137
Files to download :
- MAIN FILES - No Combat Boundaries
Description : "This is a small plugin to remove combat boundaries, so enemies will follow you indoors from outside and vice versa. That's it! No more using load screens to end a fight."
Search and Destroy - Extended Combat Range and Stealth Searches
Search and Destroy - 1 - by mm137
Files to download :
- OPTIONAL FILES - Search and Destroy - Lite
Description : "This mod only does two things: increases the length of time enemies will hunt for you, and increases the range over which they will detect and follow you. Designed for maximum compatibility - by only tweaking these two factors, and not touching skill buffs,light factors, sound, companions, traps, etc., it should work alongside any set of mods you want to use to tweak your game. It was designed for stealth use, but affects all forms of combat, greatly increasing the number of unscripted events, especially outdoors."
Lone wanderer fast travel
Lone wanderer fast travel - 1.9.1 - by LoneRaptor
Files to download :
- MAIN FILES - Lone Wanderer Fast Travel V1.9.1
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Lone wanderer fast travel
Lone wanderer fast travel
DLC Expansions
DLC Expansions
Far Harbor
Nuka World
Pick a colour that you like
Description : "This mod was created as an alternative way of fast travelling and as an alternative to my APC transport mod for people who prefer a motorcycle. It is mainly intended for survival mode but can also be used for any other difficulty. The motorcycle comes standard with some built in storage but there are upgrades available such as a portable campsite, cupholder, an upgrade to halve fuel consumption ,and a bobblehead fender ornament which allows you to repair breakdowns once every 2 hours real time.
You will find the motorcycle at the robotics disposal yard in the little building. Before you can use it you'll have to repair it (after you repair it, it will be moved outside). Once you've repaired it you can travel to any of the currently 38 locations you have discovered.
The far harbor expansion adds an additional 13 locations.
The nuka world expansion adds an additional 12 locations."
Scarcity - Destructible Power Armor and More
Scarcity - 1.2.4 - by spacefiddle
Files to download :
- MAIN FILES - Scarcity - Includes HUD widget for enviro-seal status.
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FOMOD Instructions
Main File
Main File
FULL - All Changes
Description : "When a Power Armor piece is destroyed, it's really destroyed.
No silly zero-weight, zero-health inventory entry, with the broken pieces of it on the ground.
Maybe now there can be some meaning and purpose to the ten jillion PA suits around the Commonwealth.
Fusion cores are also more rare, and will have a random charge - not be "almost always 100% and sometimes 50%." (I did not edit cells or touch the various placed cores.)
So why use it now?
Scarcity's Power Armor is much more protective than Vanilla PA, preventing more damage from reaching the player, and grants immunity to poison and acid, when in good condition. But as its condition degrades, so does its protection. A completely banged-up suit of Scarcity armor will protect you less than Vanilla PA.
And it will cost you more to repair.
You can no longer fix the most advanced infantry weapon ever created by slapping 4 tin cans together.
Instead of "4 steel," repair requirements have been made meaningful, using better components.
Power Armor will protect you well - as long as you maintain it well.
And maintaining it will no longer be trivial.
For example: if any piece goes red, then the suit's seals are broken, you get a warning alarm, and you lose the poison/acid immunity (along with the decreased damage resistance)."
Better Generators
Better Generators - 1.1.0 - by Expired6978
Files to download :
- MAIN FILES - Better Generators (2x) v1-1-0
Description : "Simple plugin that modifies all vanilla generators to produce more power"
Realistic Bullets - Velocity and Gravity
Realistic Bullets - 1.3 - by ShanicTheOatmeme
Files to download :
- MAIN FILES - Realistic Bullets 1.3
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FOMOD Instructions
Realistic Bullets 1.3
Realistic Bullets 1.3
Vanilla + DLC Without Tracers
Description : "Originally made to be a PS4 friendly alternative to similar mods such as "Weapons of Fate", "Visible Bullets", and "Tracers - Light 'em up".
I received request to upload this to Nexus, So here it is.
Works with .esp only, no external assets needed.
This mod adds more realistic Velocities and Gravitational drop to your bullets!
No more hitting the target instantly, With this mod Bullet actually take
time to travel to the target and are effected by gravity!"
Timescale Defaults to 6 (when leaving Vault 111)
Timescale Defaults to 6 - 1.0 - by Old Nick
Files to download :
- MAIN FILES - Timescale Defaults to 6 - Loose Script
Description : "Sometimes when I start a new character I forget to change the timescale to my preferred value of 6, in previous games you could change it in a plugin, but because Bethesda set it to be zero until you leave Vault 111 that won't work. So instead I've edited the script that runs when you ride the elevator up out of the vault to set timescale to 6 instead of 20.
For those that don't know – Timescale affects how quickly time passes in the game.
e.g. with the vanilla value of 20, for every minute of real world time, 20 minutes pass in the game."
Move (Get Out the Way)
Move (Get Out the Way) - 1 - by mm137
Files to download :
- MAIN FILES - Move (Get Out the Way)
Description : "This mod is heavily inspired by (or shamelessly ripped off of) the essential Move it Dammit for NPC Companions and Followers by Apogee777.
It increases the distance traveled by followers or NPCs when you bump into them, and cuts the reaction time in half.
Tired of Dogmeat blocking doorways? Settlement clogged with loiterers? Try this mod!"
Rich Merchants
Rich Merchants - 1.1 - by OverClocked56
Files to download :
- MAIN FILES - Rich Merchants Less Caps 1.1
Description : "Tired of merchants having only 300 caps when you have lots of items to sell, including your old modde weapons that cost much more ? Then this mod is for you.
Now in three variants, the norma Rich Merchants with 10000 caps, the Rich Merchants Less Caps with 2000 caps and the Very Rich Merchants with 30000 caps. The 30000 caps variant works perfectly and does not have the Skyrim bug were you could'nt get the monies when the merchant had more than 32K.
It modifyes the base calculation so it should work for all merchants of weapons, armors and medical supplies. Now settler merchants included."
Better Companions
Better Companions - 1.12 - by techprince
Files to download :
- MAIN FILES - Better Companions
- OPTIONAL FILES - NoSharedDogmeatTemplate
Description : "I realized that none of the companions behave like they are suppose to. Their weapon switching conditions are very irregular. They only switch to 1H weapons and even that is random. They cannot switch to Fist weapons and 2H weapons automatically. Also, if I want them to use a shotgun at melee range and a rifle at long range, I cannot do so. Now to change all of this I made this mod. And while making it, I added few perks to make them strong and unique in their own way.
This mod does the following to the companions:
- Adds missing perks.
- Adds specialty perks.
- Adds utility perks.
- Adds fall damage immunity.
- Adds unlimited ammo and unbreakable power armor functionality.
- Adds auto teleportation when out of combat.
- Allows player to modify companion distance.
- Allows companions to revive themselves when they go down.
- Allows companions to switch between primary and secondary weapons on the fly.
- Fixes sneaking.
- Improves gun accuracy.
- Improves affinity perks.
- Improves bumping. They will move away from player faster and further.
- Reduces gun-bashing frequency.
- Improves combat.
All companions are supported, including DLC."
Concealed Armors
Concealed Armors - 1.3 - by Nisas
Files to download :
- MAIN FILES - Concealed Armor
Description : "This mod adds a category to armor pieces called Visibility. At no cost you can dynamically modify armor pieces to be invisible. And you can change them back to visible whenever you want. You can imagine that the armor is concealed underneath your outfit. You can hide all your armor pieces, or only the ones you don't like. It's up to you. You can run around naked while still having full armor protection if you want.
The armor pieces affected are limited to the 5 armor pieces (chest, legs, and arms) of all the armor categories (leather, raider, metal, combat, synth) as well as the DC Guard Armor. It works for all 3 tiers of each armor, and it works fine with legendaries.
The armor pieces will stay invisible no matter who is wearing them so you can outfit your settlers in heavy combat armor without ruining their outfits.
This mod also adds armor appearance downgrading. You can change the appearance of a heavy armor piece to its medium or light version while leaving its stats the same. Think of it as partially concealed armor. The medium armor can be also changed to its light armor version."
Install Instructions : This mod required repackaging using files from another mod. Below are step by step instructions on how to do this. Thanks to moriartykain and hlifehotdog.
- Download the Concealed Armor mod using the 'download manually' link
- Save or open the file, and extract the content to an easy to reach folder
- Delete 'ArmorKeywords.esm' from the folder you extracted the mod to
- Manually download the main file for this mod; at the time of writing this guide it is named 'Concealed Armor Season Pass AWKCR 3.x.x compability patch'
- Extract ConcealedArmor.esp to the folder where you extracted the first mod, and overwrite the file of the same name
- Create an archive of the folder using the zip or 7z format
- Add this new archive to Nexus Mod Manager and activate the mod
Sorting, Cleaning and Testing: Part 3
Once again, sort your load order with LOOT.
Clean the following plugins with FO4Edit:
- Realistic Survival Damage.esp
- Campsite-Full-Sleep.esp
- No Combat Boundaries.esp
Run the game and load your last save. If the game loads without issue then you have correctly followed this guide so far! Continue on to the next part champ.
Yeah yeah, it's cool to hate on immersion mods that take it too far. Hopefully these don't, princess.
Immersive Vendors
Immersive Vendors - 2.01 - by Xgrufijury
Files to download :
- MAIN FILES - ImmersiveVendors201-EN
- OPTIONAL FILES - ImmersiveVendorsDLCWVBeta06
Description : "Immersive Vendors improves all craftable stores with visible products and new variants for the level 3 vendors. The goods will only display if a vendor activates his stall.
Features :
- all stores have visible products (during business hours 08:00-20:00)
- three different level 3 stores
- six different level 3 bar's
- dynamic activation of goods by the seller"
Pip-Boy Flashlight (Pipboy - Power Armor - Lamp Overhaul)
Pip-Boy Fleshlight - 5.0.2 - by AKcelsior
Files to download :
- MAIN FILES - Pip-Boy Flashlight
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Pip-Boy Flashlight
Pip-Boy Flashlight
Page 1/4
Page 1/4
Greetings wastelander...
Core File
Core File
Pip-Boy emitter
Sound Effects
Sound Effects
Single click sound
Offset 1st person light
Next Pip-Boy Flashlight
Pip-Boy Flashlight
Page 2/4
Page 2/4
Pick a Pip-Boy light style that you like
Next Pip-Boy Flashlight
Pip-Boy Flashlight
Page 3/4
Page 3/4
Power Armor
Power Armor
Pick a Power Armor light style that you like
Next Pip-Boy Flashlight
Pip-Boy Flashlight
Page 4/4
Page 4/4
100% (shadows)
Description : "The default Pip-Boy light that has been in use since FO3 is an archaic tool. It emits a glow in all directions, including straight through your character. Similar games like S.T.A.L.K.E.R. and Metro 2033 use an actual flashlight beam. It really helps elevate the atmosphere, not only because it's more realistic, but also because your vision cone is limited, creating more suspenseful gameplay."
Long Range Bullet Holes
Long Range Bullet Holes - 1.4.2 - by XLSJ
Files to download :
- MAIN FILES - LongRangeBulletImpacts_v1_4_2
Description : "Long Range Bullet Holes is a small mod to make bullet impact effects and decals appear at long ranges. It also extends the time of wound decals and decal limits."
Subway Runner
Subway Runner - v7 - by Ghostfc3s
Files to download :
- MAIN FILES - Subway runner dynamic lighting (shadows) 7 fixed nav mesh culling issues and aggro range
Description : "This mod connects 90% of the standard subway stations, and creates a network of subway tunnels filled with raiders, super mutants, synths and ghouls. Subway stations have been added throughout this network. With a focus on survival play through there are easy to access to beds for save points to bunk down for the night. This system once cleared out of enemies allows the player to move quickly across the wasteland. Be warned the battles to take back the network and make them safe for travel will be not an easy one.
The maps are fully nav meshed and companion friendly.
I recommend using companion whistle to keep them close, especially if you are using more the one companion.
This mod is large and modifies some world spaces to allow access to the subway network. I to care to avoid settlement locations and areas that could conflict with other mods.
To gain access to Good Neighbour you must complete the quest “The Big Dig” otherwise the station is inaccessible from the surface. I did this as 3rd rail is often used by other modders as a player home."
Diamond City Auto Close Gate
Diamond City Auto Close Gate - 1.0 - by Three-Socks
Files to download :
- MAIN FILES - DiamondCityAutoClose
Description : "This mod automatically closes the gate to Diamond City everytime you leave the area and come back again. To open the gate go up to it and activate it.
This mod only runs after you have first encountered Diamond City and opened the gate."
Immersive Drumlin Diner
Immersive Drumlin Diner - 2 - by Toon20s
Files to download :
- MAIN FILES - ImmersiveDrumlinDiner v2 Final
Description : "With the increase of raider activity and the growing volume of feral ghouls in Lexington, Trudy and her husband, Joe, had no other choice but to push north to protect their son Patrick. Losing her husband in a daring escape from being spotted by a group of raiders, they stumbled upon the Drumlin Diner; a decent building still intact. Trudy decided to stop running, she put Patrick to work and together they secured the building. She could not help but notice her son was growing distant as time went on. With the death of his father Patrick was constantly battling the images of that night in his head, struggling to keep sane. Out nearby in Concord, Patrick was scavenging for items to supply their shop, where he came across Wolfgang, a low end chem pusher. Feeling like there is nothing to lose, Patrick found himself convinced into trying out Jet for the first time. As time progressed so did his habit. Trudy feels that she is loosing the only thing that is worth living for, so she decided enough is enough and will no longer support his increasing habit.
As we all know, the vanilla version is completely bare and makes no actual sense on how the residents are inhabiting this area.
This simple overhaul changes the approach to the Drumlin Diner faction & area, adding immersive detail and a backstory to bring it all together. This mod only edit's the Drumlin Diner cell & faction, and may conflict with others that do so as well."
Publick Occurrences Expanded
Publick Occurrences Expanded - 1.3 - by doswillrule
Files to download :
- MAIN FILES - Public Occurrences Expanded
- OPTIONAL FILES - POE Valdacil's Item Sorting Mod Patch
Description : "What kind of newspaper only publishes three articles? What does Piper do in her spare time? How does Nat eat?
Publick Occurrences Expanded is a simple immersion mod that adds extra news articles from Piper's travels with the Sole Survivor. Simply check in with Nat (at Publick Occurrences in Diamond City) to find Three Dog esque reports on your deeds.
This mod is best enjoyed from the start of a new campaign, so you don't get all of the articles at once.
- 5000+ words covering ten major quests
- Different articles for certain 'good' and 'bad' outcomes
- Piper's authentically stodgy writing, as imitated by a real journalist"
Light Radius Redux
Light Radius Redux - 1 - by Lukezkee
Files to download :
- MAIN FILES - Light Radius Redux
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Light Radius Redux
Light Radius Redux
DLC Selection
DLC Selection
All DLCs
Description : "Alters the light output radius and falloff exponents for most workshop items added by Automatron, Wasteland Workshop, Contraptions Workshop, and Vault-Tec Workshop, as well as a minor ambience overhaul for natural light sources added in Vault-Tec Workshop interior cells, this alters only the output radius and falloff exponents for all light source forms via esp.
Changes :
53 light sources altered in total, including those that are unlocked via schematic (Automatron wall spotlight for example).
Most notable are the Wasteland Workshop street lights, Vault-Tec Workshop fluorescent lights, Wasteland Workshop string lights, Wasteland Workshop fire barrel, etc. Everything was altered to suit a game with dark nights, with logical and hopefully realistic lighting."
Needles hurt
Needles hurt - 0.2 - by Ironalpha
Files to download :
- MAIN FILES - Needles Hurt
Description : "Does it bother you how your character just crams needles into his/her chest without so much as an "ow!" This simple esp makes it so that when you use a stimpack, you take 0 damage, your character makes says one of his/her "Pain" lines, and then the stimpack does it's thing. This should work for every npc in the game as well as the player.
This mod is beyond simple, contains no scripts, and adds a single effect to all the stimpacks in the game. I would describe it as bbarely noticible, but immersive at the best of times."
Vault 81 Close Door
Vault 81 Close Door - 1.0.2 - by Three-Socks
Files to download :
- MAIN FILES - Vault 81 Etiquette
Description : "Yes it might be good etiquette to leave doors open but not when its a vault! This mod closes the door behind you when you leave vault 81. So the next time you come back you have to open it again using your pip boy.
This mod only works when the first vault 81 intro quest is completed (Gained access to Vault 81 and talked to the overseer)."
Vault-Tec Historical Preservation Initiative
Vault-Tec Historical Preservation Initiative - 1.15 - by Progman
Files to download :
- MAIN FILES - Vault-Tec Historical Preservation Initiative
Description : "What this mod currently does:
- Swaps the prologue T-60 Power Armored soldiers for the T-51b, and alters the T-60 Loading Screen Text to better explain why, and how, it exists.
- Adds a terminal entry detailing Mr. House's response to the false claims made by Cambridge Polymer Labs regarding Liberty Prime. It can be found on the "Director's Terminal" in Cambridge Polymer Labs. (as of v1.1)
- Removes all instances/mention of Jet from Vault 95, and by extension Vault-Tec Regional HQ (as of v1.12)
- Alters the Quest Reward of Cambridge Polymer Labs to produce a T-45/T-51 variant (depending on player level; attempting to force it to be T-51) (as of 1.15)
- Adds a "Synth Component" to the inventory of Billy, Carol Peabody, Matt Peabody and Bullet to better justify Kid in a Fridge (as of 1.15)"
First Person Messages
First Person Messages - 1.2 - by rustedmill
Files to download :
- MAIN FILES - First Person Messages
- OPTIONAL FILES - First Person Messages - Automatron, First Person Messages - Far Harbor
Description : "Does it take you out of the game when you get a message in the upper-left hand corner of the screen and it is in third person?
"You are carrying too much.", "You aren't strong enough to do that.", "Your family hates you.", "You're fat."
Well, fear not! This little mod changes the messages you get to first person. Never again shall you have the game telling you what you are and what you are doing. Now you will think these messages to yourself.
"The Brotherhood hates me.", "I'm hungry.", "<sigh> I'm still fat."
With this update I was able to find a lot of the missing messages that I had been looking for. No STRING files were abused or otherwise penetrated for this functionality. I will be doing a full update when the GECK drops in April to clean up any issues that I may come across with this mod.
This mod was inspired by "Think To Yourself Messages" for Skyrim by VorpalBlades. None of VorpalBlades' resources were used or harmed in the making of this mod. Built by me with FO4Edit.
Charismatic Eyewear
Charismatic Eyewear - 1.1 - by TDarkShadowMutant
Files to download :
- MAIN FILES - Charismatic Eyewear - Automatron with Extended Armorsmith
Description : "This mods adds a +1 Charisma and Perception bonus to alle eyewear (glasses and goggles).
Sole exception is the Gas Mask With Goggles since it hides your face, it shouldn't add any Charisma. (still +1 PER)
This mod also changes "Liam's Glasses" to have a custom object effect (+2 INT, +1 PER and +1 CHR).
If you use the Automatron file, it adds +1 CHA and PER to the mechanist helmet.
You also now can wear eyewear with the Sentry Bot and Assaultron Helmet."
Hydrating SURVIVAL Beverages
Hydrating SURVIVAL Beverages - 2 - by 3VegasModder343
Files to download :
- MAIN FILES - Hydrating SURVIVAL Beverages - v2F
Description : "Features:
- Adds the ability for Ice Cold and regular Beer, Ice Cold and regular Nuka, and Ice Cold and regular Vim! to properly hydrate you DEPENDING ON THE VERSION YOU CHOOSE!
How it works:
- It's complicated. A user has explained this perfectly in the Bugs section.
Current Hydrating Drinks (Ice Cold):
- Standard Ice Cold Beer
- Ice Cold Gwinnett Ale
- Ice Cold Gwinnett Brew
- Ice Cold Gwinnett Lager
- Ice Cold Gwinnett Pale
- Ice Cold Gwinnett Pilsner
- Ice Cold Gwinnett Stout
- Ice Cold Nuka-Cola
- Ice Cold Nuka-Cola Cherry
- Ice Cold Nuka-Cola Quantum
- Ice Cold Vim!
- Ice Cold Vim! Quartz
- Ice Cold Vim! Refresh
- Ice Cold Vim! Captain's Blend
- All DLC Ice Cold Nuka-Colas
Current Hydrating Drinks (Regular):
- Nuka-Cola
- Nuka-Cola Cherry
- Nuka-Cola Quantum
- Vim!
- Vim! Quartz
- Vim! Refresh
- Vim! Captain's Blend
- Probably not gonna add flat Nukas, since it seems silly."
Radio Reverb Fix
Radio Reverb Fix - 1 - by TheKetzku
Files to download :
- OPTIONAL FILES - Radio Reverb Fix (Subtle)
Description : "A very quick Fallout 4 mod which simply allows the external radio music to be effected by reverb.
It also slightly amplifies the volume of the music."
Reverb and Ambiance Overhaul
Reverb and Ambiance Overhaul - 1.6e - by mm137
Files to download :
- MAIN FILES - Reverb and Ambiance Overhaul - ALL DLC
Description : "TL;DR: Makes weapon sounds more realistic for player and NPCs. Improves and balances ambiance and reverb to be more realistic and lively. Increases the diversity and dynamics of in-game sound. Fixes numerous issues. Lightweight and compatible with all sound replacer mods.
- Adds two sliders in the Audio menu for Reverb and Ambiance. To make the sliders sticky, they default to 100%, slightly louder than vanilla (which is around 80-90%). "Ambiance" controls the volume of machinery hum, birds, water drips, insects, room tones, etc. It also controls in-game radios. "Reverb" simply controls the amount of reverberation - most noticeably gun trails, explosions, and things like reverb from Magnolia's singing - it does not turn off the actual reverb in the cell, just how certain things interact with it. Thus, you may hear some things like voices to a degree even at 0%. There is no way to completely remove it, and it would sound weird as hell anyway. Still, this allows you maximum flexibility.
- Adds ambient sounds and reverb types to regions where they were absent, or fixes inappropriate or generic settings. For example, outdoor ambient sounds are removed in the vanilla game when you enter small shacks or other small structures with "faked" reverb settings - this mod fixes that. This makes the sound design of the game (which I quite like) denser and more "alive" feeling. Additionally, "one-shot" ambient sounds like wind gusts and creaking wood will now trigger more frequently.
- Adds newly created ambient types to areas that used generic settings. Glowing Sea caves, sewer pipes, and elevators now no longer sound identical.
- Adds vanilla ambient sounds to appropriate regions. This includes birds and occasionally cicadas during the day, crickets and howling dogs and wolves at night, etc.
- Rebalances Indoor and Outdoor Ambiance. Vanilla is much louder indoors - this brings them closer to being even without totally changing the dynamic. Some incidental sounds have been made slightly louder.
- Increases (or in some cases decreases) the amount of reverb certain sounds produce. Gunshots, exploding cars, and the like now behave much more realistically, and quieter sounds are somewhat tweaked as well on a case-by-case basis.
- Fixes outdoor weapon trails to match the various weapons. In the vanilla game, all weapons use the same generic pistol and rifle sounds. With this mod, laser, plasma, and gamma weapons have unique outdoor reverb tails, along with unique-sounding weapons like the broadsider.
- Rebalances NPC weapon sounds to be seamless with player sounds. What this means is that the tails now run through the same reverb
parameters as the player tails, rather than the more muted vanilla style. This really makes gun battles lively and loud, especially indoors.
- NPCs now use unique outdoor tails, allowing youto distinguish ballistic and energy weapons from a great distance.
- Different room types and areas behave differently. Vaults are now cavernous, echoey, and metallic. Wooden rooms are more muffled. Cinderblock is more sound-absorbent than metal, etc. The difference between small spaces and large ones is greater. Outdoors has as close to a simulated echo as the engine allows, letting you really feel the power of big guns and the power armor impact landing. Speaking of which...
- Power armor footsteps and Impact Landing now reverberate a little more, for both player and NPCs. This is a small tweak, just barely noticeable, but it has a nice effect when surrounded by NPCs in Power Armor.
- Increases attenuation for almost all reverb types. This allows sound to propagate over longer distances, whilst decreasing the distance in which sounds will play in "2D". A bullet whizzing next to your head will sound much different than a wide miss, or a hit.
- Fixes the wimpy-sounding frag grenade. A home-brewed mix of the vanilla frag mixed with some of the frag mine and a hint of exploding car to add bass, this should work well with any sound replacer mod or with vanilla. Fun fact: exploding cars use the Skyrim fireball sound as their main layer.
- All explosions are slightly louder, and will rumble a little more. Grenades of all types have been tweaked to emphasize their individual sounds (i.e. flames for Molotov, ice for cryo, electricity for pulse, and so on). If you have a subwoofer or good bass-heavy headphones, they will sound huge, but are in fact only a measly 3 db louder.
- Larger creatures and NPCs produce more reverb and louder sounds. This is mostly improvements to the Deathclaw - the roar and stomp are much more impressive now. Mirelurk Queens, Behemoths, and Liberty Prime all make louder footsteps, etc.
- Pip-boy radio behaves like in-game radios and will interact with the reverb of whatever cell you are in. Mucho immersivo. (Not affected by ambient slider).
- In-game radios, PA systems, power armor speakers, pipboy radio, eyebot radio, TVs, intercoms, etc. have improved audio quality, making them
less tinny and easier to understand."
Hide Helmet in Dialogue Mod or Face Reveal Mod
Hide Helmet in Dialogue - v1.0.2 - by MastrPancake
Files to download :
- MAIN FILES - Face Reveal Mod v1.0.2
Description : "This mod will auto-hide your helmet when in dialogue with another NPC. Once you exit dialogue your helmet will reappear if it's still in your inventory once you enter combat. A notification will appear on the screen when the helmet is selected."
Craftable Cats
Craftable Cats - 1.4 - by mm137
Files to download :
- MAIN FILES - Craftable Cats
Description : "I wanted some cats for my settlements, so I made this. They are craftable under the Decor/Misc category for one empty milk bottle. Each cat adds +1 happiness. They don't do anything else, they're just cats.
There's eight colors/breeds to choose from - tortie, white, Siamese, black tux, orange tabby, Russian blue, and calico, plus the vanilla grey tabby - and you can scrap them for cat meat, bone, and fertilizer. (Don't do this to living ones, you monster.) The textures are still somewhat crude, but will do for now. For some reason the icons still won't appear.
I've added two craftable bowls to trigger animations - one for drinking and one for sunning (aka just laying there). They may help people with issues with cats walking off and drowning."
To Cook a Cat - A Fallout Recipe
To Cook a Cat - 1.02 - by SamusKnight2K
Files to download :
- MAIN FILES - To Cook a Cat
Description : "Cats are a species of small predatory carnivorous animals that were valued by humans before the Great War for their companionship and ability to hunt vermin, such as rodents, snakes, scorpions, and other household pests. After the Great War, many cats in what used to be the United States were hunted for food because they were an easy prey until few domestic specimens were left, although some still survive as witnessed in The Commonwealth."
Sorting, Cleaning and Testing: Part 4
Congratulations on making it this far. This guide has taken almost 60 hours of work at this point, and as you'll see by the time I've finished that there's a lot more to go.
It's that time again to run LOOT and clean the mods that I list below:
- Vault81Etiquette.esp
- Vault-Tec Historical Preservation Initiative.esp
Now run the game and make sure it still works.
Sound / Music
Sound Effects
Cinematic Sounds - Complete Collection
Cinematic Sounds - 1.11 - by Foster
Files to download :
- MAIN FILES - Cinematic Sounds - Complete Collection (Installer)
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FOMOD Instructions
Cinematic Sounds - Complete Collection
Cinematic Sounds - Complete Collection
Discovery (Shorter)
Explosions -1.0
Leveling (Level Up)
Leveling (Level Up)
Leveling (EXP Gain)
Leveling (EXP Gain)
Exp Change
Description : "This is the complete collection download of all Cinematic Sounds files, created due to request, to be updated as new mods are released/updated.
This is simply a collection of all of my "Cinematic Sounds" mods and comes in two different downloads...
[Explosives] Sounds Covered:
- Molotov
- Artillery
- Oil Ignition
- Gas Ignition
- Gamma Gun
- Flare Ignition
- Cryo Grenade
- Pulse Grenade
- Plasma Grenade
- Institute Beacon
- Fire Extinguishers
- Nuclear Explosions
- Glowing Feral Ghoul
- Generic Explosion (Frags, missiles etc)"
Quieter Settlements
Quieter Settlements - 0.30 - by Lemures
Files to download :
- OPTIONAL FILES - All-in-one with recommended settings.
Description : "Quieter Settlements reduces the volume of generators, turrets, and other settlement sounds. Choose different volumes for different sounds. Most sounds have the following volume options: Original, 50%, 25%, 10% (Recommended), Silent.
Sounds Changed:
- Generators
- Turrets
- Hammering
- Water Purifiers
- Fusion Generators
- Conveyors
- Hoppers
- Pitching Machine
- Builders
- Sorters"
Towbie's Realistic Weapon Sounds
Towbie's Realistic Weapon Sounds - 0.56 - by Towbiekun
Files to download :
- MAIN FILES - Towbie's Realistic Firearms
Description : "This is very much a work in progress and new sounds will be added daily.
In the current version it replaces the following:
- Grenade Pins
- Rocket Launcher
- Ripper
- Flare Gun
- Minigun
- Hunting Rifle (Silenced and non-silenced)
- .50 Caliber Sniper Rifle
- Handmade Pipe Revolver (Silenced and non-silenced)
- Handmade Pipe Rifle (Silenced and non-silenced)
- 10mm (Silenced and non-silenced)
- 10mm Auto Pistol
- Covert Pistol (Silenced and non-silenced)
- Double-Barrel Shotgun
- .44 Magnum
- Combat Rifle Semi
- Combat Rifle Auto
- Combat Shotgun
- Gauss Rifle"
Notes : Personally I don't use this mod, I like most of the vanilla weapon sounds and I don't feel that this mod improves on them, it just makes them different.
Louder Rainy Sound
Louder Rainy Sound - 1.0 - by thlp
Files to download :
- MAIN FILES - Louder Rainy Sound
Description : "Simple Rainy sound louder."
Radiant Birds
Radiant Birds - v0.5 - by Indipindi
Files to download :
- MAIN FILES - Radiant Birds v0.5
Description : "This simple Mod adds Real Sounds to Birds, adjusts their Volume and distant audibility.
Now they should be realistically audible."
Install Instructions :
- Manually download this mod and extract it to a folder.
- In your newly extracted folder to go \Data\Sound\Fx\NPC and delete the 'RadGull' folder.
- Create a zip or 7z archive of the \Data folder and name it 'Radiant Birds'.
- Add this archive to Nexus Mod Manager and activate the mod.
Radiant Birds (Less Radiant)
Radiant Birds (Less Radiant) - v0.5c - by PaddyGarcia
Files to download :
- MAIN FILES - Radiant Birds (Less Radiant)
Description : "Indipindi's original mod is really great. My only complaint was that I thought the birds were too loud. (And then some.) So I reduced the volume significantly. I think version 0.5c is nearly right. (Good enough that I CBA.) Some sounds are deliberately louder than others. I wanted them to startle occasionally, but without causing madness. If it's still too loud for you, try the old version 0.5b."
Quiet Dogmeat Paws
Quiet Dogmeat Paws - 1.0 - by Wzol
Files to download :
- MAIN FILES - Quiet Dogmeat
Description : "I was annoyed by the fact that when Dogmeat was running by my side I was convinced that I have a horse companion. This mod decreases the volume of every Dogmeat's sound that he makes while he's WALKING/RUNNING by exactly 10dB (5dB when it comes to water. Why ? Because dog in water gets loud... that's why). I think it would be around 60% of original volume. Now you can hear him only when he's quite close."
BetterVertibirdSound - 1.1 - by Uwajimaya
Files to download :
- MAIN FILES - BetterVertibirdSound 1.1
Description : "IMHO, the default Vertibird sounds are closer to a lawnmower than a tilt-rotor aircraft like the V22 Osprey. So I created a whole new sound set (inside and out) that offers something a lot closer to the real thing. I hope you enjoy it!
- added new rotor and turbine sounds for near, medium, and far distances
- added new interior sound
- lowered volume of wings and gear extending/retracting
Note: There is a sound bug - when the Vertibird lands on the ground, the engines wind down, but one of the sound files keeps playing - making it sound like the engines are still running when they have stopped visually. The sound will stop eventually, but that's unfortunately out of my control."
Energy Weapon Sounds
Energy Weapon Sounds - 1.6 - by Kelleth
Files to download :
- MAIN FILES - Energy Weapons 1.6 Evreything.
Description : "This mod remakes the Laser Musket sounds(All 4 charges), the laser and institute rifle + pistol(They share the same files), the Plasma Rifle, Plasma Scatter, Plasma Sniper Rifle, Gamma Gun and Alien Blaster Pistol.
The Laser Rifle sound is the same as my other mod, but everything else has been remade from the ground up."
P.A.M.S - Power Armor Movement Sounds
P.A.M.S - Power Armor Movement Sounds - 1.1 - by ONIXer
Files to download :
Description : "After playing game while using power armor, i noticed that walking/running/sprinting sounds doesnt make me feel heavy, this mod fixes that, by adding some weight to vanilla power armor movement."
True 3D Sound for Headphones
Aggressive synth voice overhaul
Aggressive synth voice overhaul - 1.0 - by Ubercharge
Files to download :
- MAIN FILES - Aggressive synth voice overhaul
Description : "Features:
- Over 600 sound files edited
- All three variations of first gen. synth voice replacement
- Made bit harder to understand, so synths don't giveaway their plans so easily
- High quality audio records, and post processing to achieve maximum immersion
- Some human elements, so you can feel pain in their voice if synths are being damaged
- Synthesized breathing sounds
- Synths are now scary and intimidating"
Followers Aren't Loot Critics
Followers Aren't Loot Critics - 1.0 - by Xernoc
Files to download :
- OPTIONAL FILES - LootCritics OptionB
Description : "Hey there, this mod will silence that annoying habit that every follower has of calling your loot junk."
Dynamic Music Overhaul
Dynamic Music Overhaul - 1.1 - by AKcelsior and crazyjackal
Files to download :
- MAIN FILES - Dynamic Music Overhaul
Template:FOMOD_Instructions is deprecated and should no longer be used on this wiki. Please change this template call to use the better-looking and simpler Template:Fomod. We apologize for the inconvenience.
FOMOD Instructions
Dynamic Music Overhaul
Dynamic Music Overhaul
Music Behavior
Music Behavior
High level threats
Description : "Completely change the way the game's music system to behaves."
Digital Nightmare - Dark Apocalyptic Soundtrack
Digital Nightmare - 1.10 - by NeptuneUK
Files to download :
- MAIN FILES - Digital Nightmare Main v1.10, Far Harbor Music Addon, Mega Battle Pack
Description : "Digital Nightmare is a full music soundtrack mod for players who want dark, dangerous atmospheric background music to enhance their Fallout experience. Perfect for survival mode, hardcore mods or any player who wants to make their game feel more dark and foreboding."
Musical Lore - Wasteland Edition (Soundtrack Mod By Nir Shor)
Musical Lore - Wasteland Edition - 1.1 - by Nir Shor
Files to download :
- MAIN FILES - Musical Lore V1.1
Description : "This mod adds [two] lore friendly professionally produced music tracks to your Fallout 4 playlists."
More Where That Came From - Diamond City Radio Edition
More Where That Came From - 3.1 - by OldManMose76
Files to download :
- MAIN FILES - MWTCF Main Mod 3.1
- OPTIONAL FILES - MWTCF - Classic 1.0
Description : "This mod adds 111 new lore-friendly, thematically appropriate songs to Diamond City Radio using JRavens' excellent Extra Tracks Pack - DIAMOND mod (included with Jvarnes' permission). It no longer modifies the base game's songs in any way.
The mod also disables Travis's introductions and segues into the default songs. Otherwise, Travis would tell you he's about to play Grandma Plays the Numbers and then play something else. Hopefully you've played the game enough to know all his song-specific jokes. Travis will continue to report the news as usual."
Elvani's Track Pack for Diamond City Radio
Elvani's Track Pack for Diamond City Radio - 1.0 - by Elvani
Files to download :
- MAIN FILES - Elvani's Track Pack for Diamond City Radio v1.0
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FOMOD Instructions
Elvani's Track Pack
Elvani's Track Pack
Extra Tracks
Extra Tracks
Elavni's Track Pack
Description : "This mod adds 36 period-accurate songs to Diamond City Radio without removing the original songs, and without removing or messing up Travis' line delivery. Only works for the English version of FO4."
Jetfuel Radio Standalone
Jetfuel Radio - 1.0.1 - by Castle Key Games
Files to download :
- MAIN FILES - Jetfuel Radio Standalone
Description : "Jetfuel Radio is a radio mod that gives players over two hours of unique content
You get 46 brand new songs and an in-universe host."
Existence 2.0
Existence 2.0 - 0.03 - by Macabre Productions
Files to download :
- MAIN FILES - Existence 2.0
Description : "New to Existence 2.0? A radio station hosted by a robot named Junket who is playing ambient horror music, perfect for exploring dark basements or moving through the decayed wastelands at night. The player in Fallout 3 has helped it achieve its one goal: lucid dreams, and using new technology it has relocated to the Commonwealth ...
Read the features section for more information on what was contained in the Fallout 3 and New Vegas version of the mod -- and what is to come in further releases for Fallout 4!
Features :
This mod adds a new radio station to your Pip-Boy 3000. 'Existence 2.0' is hosted by Junket, an unknown model of robot wrought with perpetual existential angst and a general malaise toward the wasteland's current Existence.
Jaded with this bleak world, it broadcasts 'experimental ambient terror' music across the wasteland to echo 'humanity's new existence 2.0', and shares it's views on survival and what is 'being'. Backstory revealing it's past and intentions are revealed throughout the broadcasts.
>>>Now I will play another track<<<
>>>dedicated to everyone that just died<<<
>>>in the time it took me to speak this<<<<
>>>sentence ... rest in pieces<<<
The station contains over 180 minutes of original music across 50 tracks. Over 45 minutes of new broadcast material featuring Junket, such as: intros, dream diary entries, and handy proverbs on surviving in the wasteland.Help Junket out by completeing the quest you receive by listening to an important broadcast; with rewards such as new music added to the playlist.Brand new cell featuring the Existence 2.0 broadcast studio, choked full of background information on the station's lore, including the ability to chat indirectly with the robot host, Junket.
Welcome to your Existence 2.0
>>>Do not go to sleep<<<
>>>in the wasteland at night...<<<
>>>or the radroaches will eat you.<<<"
Reneer's Radio Mod
Reneer's Radio Mod - 1.4 - by Reneer
Files to download :
- MAIN FILES - Reneer's Radio Mod 1.4
Description : "This mod allows the player to change the radio stations on any in-game radio."
Blues Radio - Standalone Station with 100 Tracks
Blues Radio - 1.0 - by Delmark
Files to download :
- MAIN FILES - Blues Radio DBR Version 1
Description : "Adds a standalone radio station with 100 country blues recordings from the 1920s-1940s. Shows up in your pip-boy as "Blues Radio". Compatible with OWR Boston! This mod was inspired by lugaruclone's wonderful "Radio Blues" mod for Fallout 3. Blind Lemon Jefferson, Bukka White, Charley Patton, Memphis Jug Band, Robert Johnson, Son House, Furry Lewis, and Big Joe Williams are just a few of the artists whose recordings are included in this station.
The atmosphere while exploring the wasteland is enhanced in a really unique way while listening to these old blues songs. I've also made slight adjustments to each track to make them sound more tinny, like they're actually being played through the pipboy. I believe this enhances the atmosphere even further."
Boston Pirate Radio - Anarchist Raider Punk
Boston Pirate Radio - 3.0 - by rcavanah
Files to download :
- MAIN FILES - Boston Pirate Radio 3.0
Description : "Just a quick little mod to add what I felt was needed flavor to raiders. Mostly fast punk, with a tiny bit of goth and psychobilly for good measure. Also included are a craftable radio for your settlements, as well as radios placed in 12 different raider bases and other appropriate locations across the map.
I get that maybe punk never happened in Fallout, but I've made an effort to make sure it sounds at least "lore-plausible." That means no famous tracks, nothing included just because I liked it, but stylistic continuity above all else. Nothing post-1990, for instance.
All songs acquired through reputable public sources -- either rare unreleased recordings, demos, rough cuts, or simply stuff from the catalogs of bands like Crass or the Avengers whose performances have been made public on Archive.org."
Installation :
Manually download the optional file and add it to Nexus Mod Manager. Be sure to activate the main file before the optional file.
Sorting, Cleaning and Testing: Part 5
You know the drill by now, sort with LOOT and then clean this mod:
Player Homes
Basement Living - Bunker and Basement Player Homes (with standalone Workshops)
Basement Living - 1.3 - by fadingsignal
Files to download :
Description : "Ever wanted to take a break from the outside world, have a pause from the weather (and settlers?) Ever wanted to store your weapons, Power Armor, and other items in a secure space where they will be left alone? Look no further.
Basement Living adds 10 completely standalone basements & bunkers (interior cells) each with their own standalone workshops and craftable door hatches, allowing you to place/enter into them from any settlement you choose. They work just like Home Plate, so you can tear-down and decorate them however you like! This was done carefully, and methodically, and does not alter ANY existing settlements or interiors whatsoever, nor does it require any batch files, god mode, or other workarounds. They're mostly copies of vanilla cells, so you may recognize a few. I found a couple cool unused cells and copied those too, adding a few things and lighting touches.
Every interior features a fusebox with 100 power, and a control panel to disable/enable the default lighting, fog effects, and trash/debris! It may not seem like it, but this was three weeks of work to get all the elements set up and working (including replacing lots of floors and walls!) **WHEW!**
These are real interior cells you will 'zone' into, just like vanilla interiors, which makes them a safe place from enemies, weather, and settlers when you feel the need to get away. They act just like a player home. There is a lot of stuff by default to scrap in each location to get you started, and it's easy to just climb up the hatch and grab materials from your main Settlement Workshop if you need more.
This uses vanilla keywords, and as such is fully compatible with Settlement Keywords.
Hatches to "teleport" to the basements are under the Special category. I may change where they are in the menu if there is enough feedback, or require Blueprints in your inventory to keep it clean.
How It Works :
- Under Special you will find 10 new basement hatches, one for each unique basement. They require 10 metal, 10 wood, 10 concrete, to give the effect of "crafting" the basement, even though you're just crafting a "teleport" door to get in.
- Place a hatch anywhere on the ground of your Settlement. I like to place these behind the house, or in a settlement bedroom.
- Once placed, the basement workshop will automatically link or re-link to the settlement you're in
- Open it up like any door, and you're now in the interior basement cell!
- Enter into Workshop Mode to scrap the interior, and begin decorating it how you like!
- Only one door to each basement can exist at a given time, so if you craft a second door to the same exact basement, the old one will just move to your location, and you will be notified where it moved from. See video for details.
- The interior cell will remain 100% the same as you left it, so you can move the entrance doors around to any settlements with no issues or effects to the interiors.
Locations :
- Root Cellar (small)
- Basement Bunker (medium)
- Fallout Shelter (small - my favorite)
- Emergency Shelter (small)
- Military Bunker Epsilon (small)
- Backyard Bomb Shelter (medium)
- Storage Warehouse (large)
- Interrogation Cave (small)
- Cellar Workshop (medium)
- Sewer Garage (large)"
Faction Housing Overhaul - Railroad HQ
Faction Housing Overhaul - Railroad HQ - 1.2 - by Elianora
Files to download :
Description : "OK, so the rest of the RR crew want to live like sewer hobos. Not me. I built this place for myself since I'm doing all the work anyway.
Mod adds a room for the player to use in the Railroad HQ, and links all the workstations there together so they have cloud storage.
Features :
- Activate the mirror in the bathroom with [Space].
- Draw your gun after changing your face if you have trouble with 3rd person camera.
- Custom named storage for some items
- Epic static clutter and decorations
- Sink with fresh water supply
- Terminal to play holotape games etc. on
- Your own black-ish cat (he's name is Geronimo)
- Idle and furniture markers for companions so they do stuff when idle
- 3 magazine racks and a bobblehead shelf"
Faction Housing Overhaul - Prydwen Quarters
Faction Housing Overhaul - Prydwen Quarters - 1.2 - by Elianora
Files to download :
- MAIN FILES - Prydwen Quarters 1.2
Description : "This is the next mod in the faction housing overhaul series, it completely redesigns the player's room inside Prydwen.
Features :
Your room now has all basic workstations
See the privy behind the curtains. Activate the mirror with [Space].
Draw your weapon after changing your face if you have trouble with 3rd person camera.
- Custom named storage for weapons etc.
- Glorious static clutter and decorations
- No more three loading screens! Enables fast-traveling to and from the quarters
- Sink with fresh water supply
General Info :
- The map marker gets enabled once you get the quarters from Maxson
- All the workbenches inside Prydwen MAIN DECK are now linked to the Boston Airport so you can share resources EVERYWHERE on board Prydwen with the settlement below."
Faction Housing Overhaul - The Castle
Faction Housing Overhaul - The Castle - 1.1 - by Elianora
Files to download :
- MAIN FILES - General's Quarters
Description : "This is the fourth mod in the faction housing overhaul series, it adds a completely new private interior for the Minutemen General.
It's a very basic room, albeit pretty. It only has a kitchen area, bed and some storage and so on.
I figured people want to fix0rupp3r their castles their own way and add their own workbenches, so this one only has cooking (which is linked to the Castle cloud storage).
How to get in :
The old General in the tunnels has the key (OBVIOUSLY), get the key when you loot his armour.
General Features :
- No one except your active followers should enter the quarters. You get a real, private area in the Castle and no one will sleep in your bed.
- You won't be able to send anyone here, only to Castle like normal
- Mirror in the bathroom can be used to change your appearance
- (not compatible with Locksmith something something)
- Functional terminal to play holotapes
- Glorious unique storage stuff and clutter"
Faction Housing Overhaul - Vault 81
Faction Housing Overhaul - Vault 81 - 1.2 - by Elianora
Files to download :
- OPTIONAL FILES - Vault 81 - AWCKR version 1.3
Description : "This mod overhauls the room given to the player in Vault 81.
It also adds a gym, a laundry room and a shower area for maximum immersion (like holy crap these poor people didn't have showers or washing machines). In order for V81 to actually be a viable player home, I also added all workbenches (cooking, chem, armor, weapon and power armour) and made Alexis have more than 100 caps on her.
If you want to also have Armoursmith Workbench and Weaponsmith workbench from AWKCR, use the alternative version that adds those too.
The room has 2 magazine racks, a Bobblehead stand (shelf) and lots of storage.
Features :
- All crafting stations
- Surgery chair at the clinic
- Functional terminal so you can play hologames etc.
- Better merchant
- Murshive facilities for the vault
General Info :
- I tested on a new and old save and everything enabled properly.
- YES EVERYTHING IS STATIC YOU FENG SHUI RUINING UNDESIGNERS. Can't have you barging in at night after drinking too much Bobrow's Brew and knocking over my precious decorations.
- Once the main quest for Vault 81 has been completed, the room items will activate
- There will be a map marker that lets you travel directly into the Atrium, plus I have enabled fast traveling out of the Vault 81 too
- Workbenches outside your room are linked to cloud storage, it might take a moment for the game to recognise that.
- Made with F4CK, cleaned with FO4Edit"
Faction Housing Overhaul - Institute Director's Quarters
Faction Housing Overhaul - Institute Director's Quarters - 1.1 - by Elianora
Files to download :
- MAIN FILES - Director's Quarters
Description : "ITS HERE GUISE!
Mod overhauls the Director's Quarters in the Institute. It adds all workstations, storage, a bed and tons of shiny clutter.
Features :
- Bed for X2 outside your "bedroom"
- Mirror in the bathroom can be used to change your appearance
- (not compatible with Locksmith something something)
- Functional terminal to play holotapes
- Glorious unique storage stuff, workstations and clutter
- The Food Synthesizer in the kitchen area works as a cooking station
- It's not as packed and intricate and full of stuff you run into because the quarters you're given are HUGE. Like what am I supposed to put in there? If I fill it up to the brim like the other houses, your Institute would be like 5 FPS."
Marlborough Mansion
Marlborough Mansion - 1.1 - by Elianora
Files to download :
- MAIN FILES - Marlborough Mansion DLC VERSION
Description : "This location is a vanilla one. It had a small, useless note about an unmarked quest about HalluciGen, Inc , and a bunch of dead raiders/Gunners. This mod removes all those, and overhauls this GLORIOUS cell into a small, luxurious player home (the window lighting was here when I started working on it, so I can't take credit for that). The location is near HalluciGen, Inc building. There is a map marker.
The idea and request for this came from one of my Patreon supporters."
Thirty-Yard Bunker
Thirty-Yard Bunker - 1.3 - by Elianora
Files to download :
- MAIN FILES - Marlborough Mansion DLC VERSION
Description : "As per requested (MULTIPLE TIMES STOP IT ALREADY), here's the house I built for myself in Basement Living, now rebuilt greater than ever in Creation Kit.
Mod adds a small highly detailed bunker in the fields of Diamond City (see screenshots), it's yours for the taking, no jumping through hoops to get it, just walk on in.
Features :
- Bed gives well-rested bonus
- 3 magazine racks
- All crafting, they're linked to Home Plate crafting workshop
- Tons of safe storage
- Terminal you can use to play holotapes
- Thanks to expired6978: A MIRROR TO CHANGE YOUR APPEARANCE.
- Activate the mirror with [Space].
- Draw your weapon after changing your face if you have trouble with 3rd person camera."
Outfield Retreat - Diamond City RV Player Home
Outfield Retreat - Diamond City RV Player Home - 1.2 - by Elianora
Files to download :
- MAIN FILES - RV home 1.2 - DLC
Description : "Mod adds a very tiny player home in the outfield of Diamond City, opposite of Abbot's home.
Not for the claustrophobic or people who want to display 50 power armours...
- It has cloud storage between the workstations
- Everything is inside except the power armour station
- Bobblehead shelf, two mannequins and a magazine rack
- Double bed gives well-rested bonus
- Clean water supply for survival
- Has a day and night cycle
- All storage is safe and nothing should respawn
- Mapmarker for the house
- Navmeshed as always, though you might want to consider bringing multiple followers in..."
Sanctuary Bunker Player Home
Sanctuary Bunker Player Home - 1.5 - by Elianora
Files to download :
- MAIN FILES - Sanctuary Bunker 1.5
- OPTIONAL FILES - Sanctuary Improvements
Description : "Mod adds a small bunker in the player's Sanctuary home backyard.
(see screenshot for location, it's well hidden)
Want to live in your old home in Sanctuary Hills but the gorramn Quincy survivors keep bumming in your house? This mod gives you some privacy, and cover from the extreme wasteland weathers as well.
Nate was preparing for the worst, as they didn't know about the Vault admission until the day of the nukes, so he made preparations for a shelter to take his family to. Codsworth kept the place nice and clean for two centuries and it's there just waiting for you. No need to sleep in your neighbours crappy dirt cellar or a house full of holes. Nate also left behind some sweet goodies in a footlocker so you can start the game with something better than a pipe pistol.
Features :
- Mirror to change your appearance
- Workbenches inside the house are linked to Sanctuary workshop so they share items
- Armour, weapon, chem and cooking stations
- Functional terminal
- Bobblehead shelf
- Nuka-Cola display shelf that works with the DLC items
- Armour Rack
- Bed gives Well Rested bonus (or Lover's Embrace)
- Water source for survival
- Unique named storage
- Plenty of idle markers so your friends will sandbox nicely around the place
Navmeshed, as usual, what do you take me for, a hopeless newbie?
Cleaned with xEdit as well"
Rockin' Red Rocket
Rockin' Red Rocket - 2.1 - by Elianora
Files to download :
- MAIN FILES - Rockin' Red Rocket 2.1 LOOSE FILES
Description : "I am very excited to bring you all my first house mod for Fallout 4. It's an overhaul of the "Sanctuary Red Rocket".
This mod turns the garage into an interior cell. It means it's behind a load door and unaffected by weather.
- The interiors are mostly static, and cannot be edited.
- There is no workbench for settlement building - What you see it what you get
- The decoration is also my trademark static and cannot be moved around, can't have you ruining my carefully placed Feng Shui
- While decoration is static, all the workstations and containers work and are safe to use
- The workbenches like armour and weapon are linked to the RED ROCKET WORKBENCH so they share resources with the outside (cloud storage)
- You can still use the OUTSIDE of the garage as normal settlement, build and invite settlers etc. Just they can't come inside. The only edits outside are the workbench location, adding some trees and cars and stuff.
The power armour workbench inside is mainly for leaving your armour at when you come home. It cannot be used for crafting as the animation is blocked by a wall. But if you activate it, it will move the power armour into the frame so it's all parked nice and tucked away.
I made this mod for myself, so it reflects my visions and preferences. It may not be for everyone.
The house is also full of items related to the game so it's more like an end-game house but you can get it any time, really.
Additional Features :
- Immersive Toilet Paper
- Custom named storage in the bedroom, unique wardrobe
- Bobblehead stand and 4 magazine racks
- Double bed
- Day and night cycle (different lighting during the day and night)
- Mirror to change appearance
- All vanilla crafting benches but with a twist: They look magnificent and unique
- Glorious unique clutter and decorations"
The Starlight Storeroom Player Home - Better Homes and Bunkers Vol. 1
The Starlight Storeroom Player Home - 1.0b - by RedRocketTV
Files to download :
- MAIN FILES - RRTV_HomesAndBunkers_StarlightStoreroom_v1b.7z
Description : "The Better Homes and Bunkers series kicks off with:VOLUME 1: The Starlight Storeroom Player Home
This mod adds an interior cell player home to the large storeroom behind the screen at the Starlight Drive-In. The vanilla door to the room has been replaced by a load door that connects to the player home interior cell."
The Oberland Station Basement Player Home - Better Homes and Bunkers Vol. 2
The Oberland Station Basement Player Home - 1.0 - by RedRocketTV
Files to download :
- MAIN FILES - RRTV_HomesAndBunkers_OberlandBasement.7z
Description : "The Better Homes and Bunkers Player Home Mod Series VOLUME 2: The Oberland Station Basement Player Home
This mod adds a loading door to the base of the railroad tower at the Oberland Station settlement. After you gain access to settlement, the door unlocks granting you access to the interior cell. Until you control the settlement, the door to the interior cell will remain locked and inaccessible.
The Oberland Station Basement is decorated with many railroad-themed items drawing inspiration from being a railroad fan my entire life as well as having nearly a decade of railroad service working as a train dispatcher. That's "railroad" as in trains, not the FO4 faction!"
The Slog Diner Player Home - Better Homes and Bunkers Vol 3
The Slog Diner Player Home - 1.0 - by RedRocketTV
Files to download :
- MAIN FILES - The Slog Diner Player Home 1.0
Description : "The Better Homes and Bunkers Player Home Mod Series VOLUME 3: The Slog Diner Player Home
This mod converts the abandoned diner adjacent to the Slog settlement into a furnished and functional interior cell player home. After you gain access to the settlement, the door unlocks granting you access to the interior cell. Until you control the settlement and activate the workshop, the door to the interior cell will remain locked and inaccessible.
The Slog Diner is decorated with pretty much everything you’d expect to see in a vintage American diner. I’ve created lots of custom design signage with glorious 4K textures to capture that vintage diner feel. I’ve even included guest checks on the counter and dinnerware with the diner’s logo."
The Goodneighbor Condo Player Home
The Goodneighbor Condo Player Home - 1.3 - by RedRocketTV
Files to download :
- MAIN FILES - The Goodneighbor Condo Player Home v1.3.01
Description : "The Goodneighbor Condo is a large player home inspired by old-school player home mods from Fallout 3 and Fallout: New Vegas. It provides a comfortable, pre-decorated, move-in ready home with all the amenities and many scripted interactive features.
To gain ownership of the Condo, you must purchase the property deed from Daisy. The deed is found in the Misc. section of her inventory. This will add the key to your inventory and you’ll then be able to unlock the doors. A note on the Condo front door will give you more details. The purchase price will vary depending on your character’s Charisma and Barter skills.
Location :
The Goodneighbor Condo is located in Goodneighbor (obviously) on the main square opposite the Third Rail entrance."
The Overboss Hideaway Player Home (Nuka World)
The Overboss Hideaway Player Home (Nuka World) - 1.0 - by RedRocketTV
Files to download :
- MAIN FILES - RRTV_OverbossHideawayHome_v1-0.7z
- OPTIONAL FILES - Beantown Interiors for Nuka World Compatibility Patch
Description : "This mod adds a furnished and functional player home for your Nuka World Overboss character to the southern end of the Nuka World map. To gain access to the player home you will need to have the key to the door. To get the key, you must:
- Complete the Nuka World Gauntlet and have access to the Fizztop Grille patio.
- Pick the lock of the safe located next to the bed on the Fizztop Grille patio. The key is located inside this safe. The safe has an Expert level lockpick which is unchanged from the vanilla game.
Once you unlock the safe and add the Overboss Hideaway Key to your inventory, your Pip Boy map is updated with a map marker showing the Hideaway location. Go there, unlock the door and enjoy your new home.
The mod promo video below will show you exactly what you need to do to get the key.
The Overboss Hideaway comes with a little backstory concerning Overboss Colter (your predecessor as Nuka World Overboss) and his connection with the house. It can be learned about by reading his journal entries on the Book Store Terminal inside the player home.
Location :
The Overboss Hideaway is located in Nuka World at the abandoned bookstore located south of the Nuka World Transit Station, and to the northeast of Evan’s Home.
Yeah, I know it’s located on the ass-end of Nuka World but I made this mod for my own game after finding the location and thinking it would make a great player home. I thought the elevated entrance was pretty cool, and decided to make use of it. The out-of-the way location gave rise to the little bit of lore I added to the terminal journal entries.
Because this mod was made for my own game, it suites my tastes and gameplay."
Nuka World Fizztop Grille Enhancements
Nuka World Fizztop Grille Enhancements - 1.02 - by RedRocketTV
Files to download :
- MAIN FILES - RRTV_FizztopGrilleEnhancements-102.7z
Description : "I initially made this mod for my own game, but I thought others might have been as disappointed with the Fizztop Grille as I was. Yes, there are mods that will turn the Grille into a settlement, but...I really am not a fan of using workshop mode.
That being said, I’ve focused my work on the interior cell where I spend most of my time in-game, and have only made a few tweaks to the exterior patio cell.
While this is not a full-blown player home renovation, I would consider Fizztop Grille Enhancements to be something along the lines of “Player Home Lite.” I’ve added some features that should have been included by default, as well other features for my own game.
When I finally started playing the Nuka World DLC, I was a bit surprised and rather disappointed at how Bethesda seems to have dropped the ball in setting the Fizztop Grille up as a player home.
None of the workbenches were linked, and the beds didn’t even give the Well Rested bonus.
I decided at the very least, to link all the workbenches (interior and exterior) and fix the beds to give the Well Rested bonus. After that, I sort of got carried away and Fizztop Grille Enhancements is the result."
Cambridge Bungalow Player Home
Cambridge Bungalow Player Home - 1.01 - by RedRocketTV
Files to download :
- MAIN FILES - RRTV_CambridgeBungalow1.01
Description : "October 2077:
A young Cambridge couple goes away on vacation, leaving the key to their small home with an employee of the hardware store across the street.
Then the bombs fell.
Get the key, and the house is yours.
In the tradition of player home mods from Fallout 3 and Fallout: New Vegas, I present the Cambridge Bungalow.
The Cambridge Bungalow is a small player home packed with scripted interactive features and designed with an eye towards Survival mode and Fallout: FROST playthroughs.
Location :
The Cambridge Bungalow is located in the north end of Cambridge, right across the street from the Plumber’s Secret unmarked location, and just behind Wattz Consumer Electronics."
Dauntless - 1.6.4 - by CyberMoses
Files to download :
- MAIN FILES - Dauntless v1.64
Description : "The SSBN 'Dauntless' was a pre war nuclear powered ballistic missile submarine commissioned into the United States Navy on the 4th August 2069. She was to be designed as a smaller, faster and more stealthy submarine that still could carry a complement of four nuclear SLBM's.
G'day, as you may be aware, my modding repertoire has to date been somewhat lacking in terms of creating something truly unique. I decided that my previous mod, Moses' Bunker while a great start to modding FO4, wasn't what I truly wanted a player home mod to be. Therefore I had an idea after playing through the Far Harbour DLC and being fascinated by 'The Vessel' in the nucleus. I thought This would make a perfect player home if done right.
After many weeks of trial and error I am proud to present 'Dauntless' as a player home that aims to achieve just that.
EDIT: I'm appreciating all the feedback and im glad theres been some helpful suggestions that i've been working into, and updating the mod over time. I would like to add a function to send companions/settlers to the sub to act as a 'crew' but my scripting knowledge is very limited so keep that in mind. Any help would be appreciated!
Features :
- Completely Custom Submarine Layout and interior and I mean down to every wall and Hallway that is TO SCALE and representative of the exterior model.
- I can respect that for gameplay reasons, the interiors of 'The Vessel' and the 'Yangtze' are exaggerated in order to create a playable area. However I Felt that while in these interiors, you never really got the feeling of being underwater inside a submarine where you expect it to be cramped.
- Custom Crafting Benches for Armor, Weapons, Chemistry, Cooking and Power Armor located throughout the ship so that every room has a purpose
- Custom Storage that is LINKED so that all crafting components are nearby
- Nav Meshed properly throughout
- Surgery Chair For Customising Appearance
- Barber chair and various other fixes to the port engine room"
Sorting, Cleaning and Testing: Part 6
Sort your mods with LOOT, and then clean these mods:
- Eli_Faction Housing Overhaul - Railroad HQ.esp
- Eli_MarlboroughHouse.esp
- Eli_Rockin Red Rocket.esp
- Eli_Faction Housing Overhaul - V81.esp
- Eli_Faction Housing Overhaul - The Castle.esp
- RRTV_GoodneighborCondo.esp
- RRTV_OverbossHideaway.esp
- RRTV_FizztopGrilleEnhancements.esp
- RRTV_CambridgeBungalow.esp
- RRTV_HomesAndBunkers_Starlight.esp
- RRTV_HomesAndBunkers_Oberland.esp
- RRTV_HomesAndBunkers_Slog.esp
- MosesSubmarine.esp
Combat Zone Restored
Combat Zone Restored - 1.01 - by Barbariccia
Files to download :
- MAIN FILES - CombatZoneRestored
Description : "This restores the majority of the content originally cut from the Combat Zone including:
- The original introduction to Cait
- The basement
- Betting on NPC fights
- The ability for the player to fight for caps
It does not restore the Drinking Buddy quest to the Combat Zone because I'm not sure there's enough of that remaining in the files as is to do so. The bartender also doesn't work, so it's bring your own booze."
Concussion - 1c - by Greggorypeccary
Files to download :
Description : "Nothing is as it seems..
Final version!
Again, no hints or images.
It's just an interesting little adventure.
If you want to know more, you have to play.
I guarantee it to be "different".
It's not easy.
You can start it with a note on the Diamond City "Bounty Board."
Egret's Secret
Egret's Secret - 1 - by Greggorypeccary
Files to download :
- MAIN FILES - Egret's Secret
Description : "There is a new door in the shop at Egret Boat Tours.
Go in, that's what its for.
Be forewarned it isn't for the faint hearted.
I won't tell you what to expect in there. I won't show you pictures.
No hints or spoilers from me. So , don't ask.
Adds backstory and a little adventure.
If you are worried about quality check out my other mods. They have pictures and nice spoilery descriptions.
You will need all of the DlC's except the texture pack.
Remember I warned you. Take heed of the image above.
Have fun."
Sunshine Township........a tragedy.
Sunshine Township........a tragedy. - 1.a - by Greggorypeccary
Files to download :
- MAIN FILES - Sunshine Township...a tragedy.
Description : "Like all my mods it won't fit exactly into a category. If I could make my own it would be "story driven".
I was always a little unhappy with Sunshine tidings Co Op. It's such a nice spot. Great for a settlement. Even companions remark how nice it is there.
But what about those shacks? And those broken porches, yuck! You can't fix them and you cant scrap them?
Well, fret no more. I have a solution for you!
I got rid of those eyesores. I replaced them with houses. Nice lore friendly houses with good roofs and working doors. You can still build in them just like before. All the scrapable items and enemies are now in the houses instead of shacks. The magazine is still right where it should be.
You may have already made a settlement here and think its too late to use this. Well I'm not saying it'll be perfect but the houses are in the same places as the shacks and are the same height from the ground. Add to that the fact that the new houses are close to the same size as the shacks and the end result is you should only need to tweak anything that you built.
Pretty cool!
Why is it a tragedy? Well, I leave that to you to discover for yourself.
Exploration will be rewarded. I promise you that.
Will conflict only with mods altering the buildings in Sunshine Tidings. Nothing else!
Guaranteed absolutely clean and error free by Fo4 edit standards.
Jamaica Overland Express
Jamaica Overland Express - 1a - by Greggorypeccary
Files to download :
- MAIN FILES - Joe with nav fix
Description : "A mod I made for myself that I decided to share. It takes place in Jamaica Plains and adds a little life. Adds a trader too. It will be very helpful if you want a settlement there. Still cool even if you don't. It's not too big so I made it as atmospheric as I could. I suggest taking your time and exploring. It might be a little tough at a spot or two. For sure if you are lower levels."
Welcome to Goodneighbor
Welcome to Goodneighbor - 1.5 - by X
Files to download :
- MAIN FILES - Welcome to Goodneighbor
Description : "This mod expands and adds tons of new content to Goodneighbor. At over 500 lines of dialogue, this mod will take between 2-3 hours to complete. This mod requires no addons, DLC, or other mods.
This Mod Adds:
- 2 Story Quests
- 3 Assassination Missions
- 7 New establishments
- 2 Player Homes with Workshops
- New locations in commonwealth related to the story
- New enemies, items, and more!
- Fast Food – Talk to Andrew in the Diner area.
- A Heist to Remember-Talk to Doug in Club Fire.
- Assassination Missions-Talk to Fantum in the alley behind Club Fire."
Ending Epilogue Restored
Ending Epilogue Restored - 1.0 - by Seekingthesun
Files to download :
- MAIN FILES - Epilogue Restored
Description : "Originally you were to be a Sentinel and, ultimately become the leader of the BoS following Maxson's death. Through a quick patch I've restored this ending through integration into the game itself. NPCs will even acknowledge that the player used the Minutemen AND will also mention that you're a sentinel. This is truly a "cut" ending that allows for you to reach the end of both the Brotherhood and the Minutemen.
First complete the main quest for the minutemen, leaving the BoS intact. Then you will first find a note in Maxson's quarter's which will lead you to another note in the observation/air traffic control tower on the vertibird flight deck. Due to how the scripts work, you must leave and return to the Prydwen."
A Cannibal In Concord
A Cannibal In Concord - 2.1 - by T9X 69
Files to download :
- MAIN FILES - A Cannibal In Concord
Description : "This mod contains graphic content and descriptive lore taken from real life serial killers/cannibal that some users may find incredibly disturbing and or sick. Some of the lore was altered to match the lore of Fallout 4. I promise I'm completely sane.
A Cannibal in Concord offers a new house location in Concord. If you're the type of person who likes to run & gun, THIS MOD IS NOT FOR YOU! Instead you will be looking around, moving objects etc to find your way through the house. This mod is based off a real cannibal by the name Albert Fish. Some of the short stories you'll find are made up, but some are quotes from the man himself (slightly altered to fit in with the lore).
This mod is now feature complete. The basement is now unlocked and free for you to explore. Enjoy!"
Skip DIMA memories - Far Harbor
Skip DIMA memories - Far Harbor - 1.0 - by T9X 69
Files to download :
- MAIN FILES - Skip DIMA memories
Description : "The puzzles of DIMAs memories were (in my mind) the most annoying part of Far Harbor. They were long, boring and the f@*king bugs never went where I wanted them to, if they moved at all. This mod triggers when you activate the power switch in the Nucleus Control Room just before the terminal with the puzzles and runs through the quest objectives to act as if you completed the memories. You will still have to listen to the tapes to advance the quest."
Minutemen Supply Caches
Minutemen Supply Caches - V1.25 - by Countercruel
Files to download :
- MAIN FILES - Minutemen Supply Caches
Description : "Minutemen Supply Caches is a mod project i came up with the give the player an incentive after the Old Guns - Find the Armory quest given to you by the Minutemen. The original reward was some supplies to build the mortar and the Generals uniform, which was not enough for me personally.
This mod adds a sub-quest experience after you reach the end of the quest, by giving you a key to find and collect all the supply caches found throughout the commonwealth all having there own map markers and fast travel if you happen to stumble upon them before the quest,as with plans to add more locations and caches - this will sure to bring some reward and sense of accomplishment as you find these throughout the world. I have placed them in places also in which i felt there was no reward pay off in the area, such as Wildwood Cemetery.
The caches are settlement based, so they will contain within them various supplies such as wood - steel and cloth. Along with ammo and others. Basic foundations have been added to the mod, and more unique and varied items are to be added in the future."
Revolted The retro minigame
Revolted The retro minigame - v1.1 - by Cohagen
Files to download :
Description : "Revolted is a video game you can play on the terminal in Concord Speakeasy.
In the game you play as the Overseer of Vault 102 and must take back control of the Vault from
the evil Professor.
Revolted (the future of gaming) has many features which include Three dimensional Graphics,
Mono sound, poly processing and Next level artificial intelligence.
Revolted is teh next level of challenge, bad guys are really mean, bullets give you damage, toxic waste
is toxic and the language at times borders on inappropriate."
Sparky's Quantum Adventure
Sparky's Quantum Adventure - 1.6 - by X
Files to download :
- MAIN FILES - Sparky's Quantum Adventure
Description : "Travel back in time and try to stop the apocalypse. This mod features over 300 lines of dialogue, new locations, new enemies, and a new story.
Start this story by accessing the Dark Tunnel, southeast of Abernathy Farm."
Episode I - Family Problems
Episode I - Family Problems - 04 - by CKWorkshop
Files to download :
- MAIN FILES - Family Probelms V.04
Description : "The Story starts in Diamond City where you meet Chloe McCree at the Bar, in the center of the City. The Story will guide you to a huge Building in the northern Region of Commonwealth. The Villa McCree is a dark and dusty place, where you will encounter strong Enemys. First you must kill the mutated sisters Hanna and Loise, they hold the Keys to the Basement. Reveal the secrets of the noble family McCree."
Episode III - The Experiment
Episode III - The Experiment - V.02 - by CKWorkshop
Files to download :
- MAIN FILES - Episode III - The Experiment
Description : "In this Episode, you meet an old Survivor named Hawk. He stands next to the Stairs on the Entrance of Diamond City. He asks you if you can clear his old Hideout from Raiders. It's an old House on the coast of Commonwealth. Explore the Secrets of the old Mansion and find out what truly goes on in the depths of this Place."
Bountiful Boards
Bountiful Boards - 0.8.2 - by Gilbrilthor
Files to download :
- MAIN FILES - Bountiful Boards
Description : "I enjoyed the bounty board quests but found that they ended far too soon! So I made my first mod to fix that problem.
This mod does a couple of things related to bounties:
- Fixes the vanilla bounties so that they repeat
- It adds some time between the quests appearing
- Allows two bounties to be accepted at one time
- Adds four new quests that are repeatable
This mod adds some time between quests appearing. I felt that having them pop up one right after another broke a little of the immersion of having these posted by real people. Now, around 24 in-game hours must pass before a second one pops up.
This mod also allows a second bounty quest to be accepted while the first is outstanding. This was done so that you can keep two in your journal while you quest your way across the commonwealth until you get close to the spot with the quest.
Third, it adds new bounties to break up the monotony of only getting a few of them repeatedly.
- Synths
- Wildlife
- Gunners
- Children of Atom
For these new quests and their rewards, I added a mechanic that I felt was more immersive than placing caps on the body of the target. Instead, you will find the reward somewhere in Diamond City after you kill the target."
Gone Feral - Quest
Gone Feral - Quest - 3.0 - by Alex Billedeaux
Files to download :
Description : "Gone Feral is a quest mod. It has a new exterior and interior location, a new voiced companion, unique rewards, and multiple endings. Join up with Patrick Soot, a ghoul ex-caravan guard, and track down a ghoul who has gone missing from the Slog.
Go to the diner-like building just outside of the Slog to find a note and start the quest."
Spare Railroad When Playing As Brotherhood
Spare Railroad When Playing As Brotherhood - 1.00 - by EnvyDeveloper
Files to download :
- MAIN FILES - Spare Railroad When Playing As Brotherhood
Description : "This mod changes Tactical Thinking into allowing a peaceful resolution. Now you don't have to destroy the Railroad to progress the Brotherhood questline.
Talk to Kells as normal and choose either "Do they all have to die?" or "Why is the Railroad such a threat?", which gives you a variety of 3 very hard speech checks. Pass one of them and he will reluctantly end the quest."
The Agency - Prologue
The Agency - Prologue - 0.0.2 - by BrianD
Files to download :
- MAIN FILES - The Agency - Prologue UPDATED
Description : "As you wake up from your sleep, you remember a shadowy figure approaching you just before you dozed off. Luckily, none of your stuff is missing, but a note has been placed in your pocket... That was weird! Meet new characters as you tear into the mysteries which wait for you in your efforts to enter Vault 111-B in a new custom mapped environment.
What Does This Mod Contain:
- A new storyline
- A new location to explore
- Over 250 new lines of dialogue
- A new companion
- And much more to come"
Maxwell's World
Maxwell's World - 1.07 - by Trainwiz
Files to download :
- MAIN FILES - Main File 1.04
- OPTIONAL FILES - Patch 1.07
Description : "Located just a few miles from Boston, Maxwell’s World was once a place of joy. The biggest amusement park in the country, Mister Maxwell dedicated his fortunes and life to making everyone’s time at Maxwell’s World as happy as possible. Then the bombs fell and it all went to shit.
Now, the park lies open, shrouded in legend and danger. A thousand myths say that Maxwell hid a treasure, deep inside the control center of the park, just waiting to be reclaimed by some wasteland.
Unfortunately, a thousand more myths say that something happened to Maxwell’s World. They tell tales of shambling skeletons in the park that attack anything in sight, robots that find you and force-feed you hot dogs, of the rides coming to life and devouring those inside. There are some that say that Maxwell traded his soul to keep the park running, and not even the apocalypse stopped that.
All anyone knows, is that whoever enters Maxwell’s World, never leaves. Because the park isn’t just open. It’s alive.
Maxwell’s World is my horror quest mod for Fallout 4, that finds the Sole Survivor trapped in the twisted amusement park known as Maxwell’s World. Teaming up with a group of survivors, the player leads a last ditch expedition through the park, in an attempt to uncover just what happened to the park, and how to escape.
Maxwell’s World features an emphasis on multiple paths and resource management! The park is malicious and out to claim your soul, and will happily give you cursed resources to further than end. Carefully manage what you’ve brought with you, or take the plunge and use the tainted weapons and aid that Maxwell gives you! Aspects of the quest change based on your dialogue as well. Take sides among your companions, learn their histories, uncover secrets, and watch as the end of park changes to match your perspective!
Features :
- A seven part quest of survival and fright, with more than four different endings, that reacts and changes based on your choices during the main quest.
- An entire new world space, Maxwell’s World, with over five completely different sections, hidden detail, and much much more.
- Three new companions, fully voiced with their combat styles, and miniquests.
- Brand new gameplay elements!
- In Maxwell’s World, the things you find are tainted and can affect both enemies and the quest. Consume them if you dare, or focus on using the precious little non-cursed resources you brought with you!
- A respawn system. Maxwell wants you to stay, and is content to kill and resurrect you over, and over, and over again. Watch your stimpaks and microfusion cells, because you won’t get them back!
- Animated ride bosses! Malevolent bumper cars and serpentine rollercoasters are out to kill you! These juggernauts are scattered throughout the park, and can come to life at any time! Some say that there are weapons in the park that can deal with them, but you risk losing your soul to Maxwell’s influence!
- The Presence. A mysterious entity that travels around the park, bringing the rides to life and causing machines to go haywire. Reroute power to different parts of the park to draw it away, or risk its wrath for the comforts electricity brings you!
- Minigames! Shooting galleries, robot fights, and more
- New enemies. Face off against deranged animatronics, living rides, ghoulified mascots, and the terrifying Revelers; those guests before you whose souls were claimed, now forever cursed to wander the park in great armies.
- New weapons! From firework cannons, rayguns, mallets, to the triumphant return of Fallout 3's heavy incinerators.
- A new clown paintjob for power armor."
Ransacked Relays and Shuddersome Subways
Ransacked Relays and Shuddersome Subways - 1.1 - by Trainwiz
Files to download :
Description : "Welcome to a little quest mod I banged out to show what's possible. Ransacked Relays and Shuddersome Subways adds a pair of brand new adventurous areas, that will have the player dodging traps and navigating precarious walkways to face off against some of the Commonwealth's biggest and nastiest foes.
Features :
- Two new fullscale dungeons, with traps, creepiness, and sights abound.
- Two new quests: Ransacked Relays and Shuddersome Subways, for the player to complete, each gives a fairly decent-tier reward.
- Two new massive bosses: ACRONYM and the Mirelurk Godqueen Deathkiller Supreme, which have their own unique attacks and ways to be defeated.
- New weapons for both unarmed players and players who like to let other things fight for them
- Voice acting for all dialogue in the mod"
Atomic Radio and Tales from the Commonwealth
Tales from the Commonwealth - 2.6 - by Kris Takahashi
Files to download :
- MAIN FILES - Tales from the Commonwealth v2.5, DLC Commentary Patch for TFTC v2.5
- OPTIONAL FILES - CBBE Version of Lola's Dress by Oussebon
Description : "Followers :
Quests :
- A Pair of Jacks
- A Soldier’s Duty
- Atom’s Glow
- Full Exposure
- Indecent Exposure
- Human Nature
- Jet Fueled
- Love and Peace
- Paradise Bay
- Patriots
- Picket Fences
- Radio Raiders
- Like a Goodneighbor
- Rock ’em Sock ’em Robots
- Saints and Sinners
- The Great Green Jewel
- The House that Bruce Built
- Three Little Wastelanders
- Two Lane Blacktop
- Under the Bridge
- You’ve Got Mail
Miscellaneous Quests and Encounters :
- Amelia’s Espresso
- Brotherhood of Steel Trio
- Characters of the Commonwealth
- Charles River Auction House
- Doctor Handy’s Robot Medical Clinic
- European Immigrants
- Hail Oh Hail Oh Infantry
- Power Man
- Miscellaneous Encounters"
Vault 1080
Vault 1080 - 15 - by Nvidia
Files to download :
Description : "NVIDIA's Vault 1080 mod leads you through a foggy, murky marsh to the ruins of an old church. Bright shafts of light guide you through the shadows to Vault 1080, which contains three large levels of buried secrets and hidden horrors. Uncover the story of a misguided congregation that embraced darkness and sickness in order to survive, and judge for yourself whether monsters deserve salvation.
- New Quest
- 4 new areas to explore (marsh, church, cave, vault)
- About an extra hour of gameplay
Locating the mod in-game:
- Track the quest 'Church of the Valley'
- Objective will point you to a small hut outside of the marsh."
Better The Third Rail
Better The Third Rail - 1.00 - by Mika999
Files to download :
- MAIN FILES - Better The Third Rail
- UPDATES - Update 1.01
Description : "Everyone who has actually played the game knows that in the Third Rail are few boring people sitting around doing absolutely nothing. I have set out to fix that.
This mod adds more authentic NPCs and many new details to improve overall pub atmosphere and immersive gaming experience."
Better Goodneighbor
Better Goodneighbor - 1.00 - by Mika999
Files to download :
- MAIN FILES - Better Goodneighbor
Description : "After the revamp of the Third Rail I also wanted a better looking exterior for the Goodneighbor. There wasn't anything interesting to visit or explore, and because of that I had added a lot of custom details and npc-s to bring some atmosphere to this location.
So, what is new?
- A lot of new objects and details
- New custom made textures (graffiti, signs, police APC vehicle...)
- More NPC-s and vendors (with voice)
- Unique vendors (you can now change you pre-war money and make a profit if you know how, and finally, you can now sell your paint cans)"
Better Skylanes Flight 1981 Crash-site
Better Skylanes Flight 1981 Crash-site - 1.2 - by Mika999
Files to download :
- MAIN FILES - Skylanes Flight 1981 Crash Site V1.2
Description : "Simple edid of the Skylanes Flight 1981 location to look more like real plane crash site."
Better Atom Cats Garage
Better Atom Cats Garage - 1.00 - by Mika999
Files to download :
- MAIN FILES - Better Atom Cats Garage
Description : "Atom Cats Garage with much more details."
Better UFO Crash Site
Better UFO Crash Site - 1.02 - by Mika999
Files to download :
- MAIN FILES - Better UFO Crash Site
Description : "UFO Crash Site now looks a little bit better."
Better Skylanes Flight 1665
Better Skylanes Flight 1665 - 1.00 - by Mika999
Files to download :
- MAIN FILES - Better Skylanes Flight 1665 by Mika999
Description : "Just another location modification from my "Better" mod series. Don't know for you, but I expected much more from the plane wreck in the middle of the most radioactive zone in the Commonwealth. But what I found there was just the same plane as Skylanes Flight 1981, and nothing special and innovative.
So, what is new in this mod?
- new radioactive texture of a plane and airplane seats- new skeleton textures
- much more details
- A lot of glowing fungus: now, you will actually know where to find them, and with this, Skylanes Flight 1665 becomes useful after all. I don't think this will unbalance the game, since there are lot of them, it becomes a quite boring if you're trying to pick them all.
- Deathclaw nest (watch your step, mother Deathclaw is there somewhere)"
Better Boston Airport
Better Boston Airport - 1.00 - by Mika999
Files to download :
- MAIN FILES - Better Boston Airport
Description : "Boston Airport now looks a little bit different. I draw inspiration from the concept art to create more interesting location to explore. Its not the same as concept images because base model is too much different, but has interesting details that draw my attention."
A Sensible Prydwen Overhaul
A Sensible Prydwen Overhaul - 1.0 - by NordKitten
Files to download :
- MAIN FILES - A Sensible Prydwen Overhaul
Description : "I hated the vanilla Prydwen, from not haveing a place to go to the bathroom, to the scattered stained beds that barely fits a unit, let alone an army. So I made this mod, a mod that attempts to fix the Prydwen."
A Sensible Prydwen Overhaul
A Sensible Prydwen Overhaul - 1.0 - by NordKitten
Files to download :
- MAIN FILES - A Sensible Prydwen Overhaul
Description : "I hated the vanilla Prydwen, from not having a place to go to the bathroom, to the scattered stained beds that barely fits a unit, let alone an army. So I made this mod, a mod that attempts to fix the Prydwen."
Diamond City Expansion
Diamond City Expansion - 1.2 - by Statsmakten
Files to download :
- MAIN FILES - Diamond City Expansion 1.2
Description :
Vault Tec in Concord
Vault Tec in Concord - 1.10 - by BandwidthBob
Files to download :
- MAIN FILES - Vault-Tec in Concord
Description : "Just a small little Vault-Tec office in Concord that has been taken over by Raiders. When heading towards Concord from Red Rocket, turn left on the road where the dead Brahmin is. The Vault-Tec office is just on the left.
As I don't currently have the knowledge to script quests, I've done what I can to make the level less boring. Workbench, fully navmeshed, map marker, fast travel, medkits, and lootable items (10 ammo crates, 5 chests, 4 safes)."
Vault Tec in Concord
Vault Tec in Concord - 1.10 - by BandwidthBob
Files to download :
- MAIN FILES - Vault-Tec in Concord
Description : "Just a small little Vault-Tec office in Concord that has been taken over by Raiders. When heading towards Concord from Red Rocket, turn left on the road where the dead Brahmin is. The Vault-Tec office is just on the left.
As I don't currently have the knowledge to script quests, I've done what I can to make the level less boring. Workbench, fully navmeshed, map marker, fast travel, medkits, and lootable items (10 ammo crates, 5 chests, 4 safes)."
N.E.S.T Survival Bunkers v1.3
N.E.S.T Survival Bunkers - 1.3 - by sgtpectoralismajor
Files to download :
- MAIN FILES - N.E.S.T Survival Bunkers v1.3
Description : "Nuclear Environmental Survival Technologies (NEST) Bunkers
Failed to secure a golden ticket into a vault?
Government propaganda got you scared for your families survival?
Well don't worry!
Our N.E.S.T Shelters are being rolled out across the United States. Thanks to government funding, we can offer full construction of your very own shelter!
Want a small box room for you and four children? Done!
Want to be locked in underground with your wife? Done!
Fancy breeding a small cat army to colonize the remains of your country? Done!
We offer construction of basic designs, as well as custom specifications.
Each shelter will require monthly payments following construction. (rates may vary in line with size, components, resources, inflation, nuclear annihilation)
Government subsidies allow payments to be stretched over long periods of time. This way you can carry on living the American dream, safe in the knowledge that you might not get home in time to use your personal bunker, but your wife and kids should be fine!
Order Today!"
Stumble Upon Interiors
Stumble Upon Interiors - 1.3 - by Chiaro22
Files to download :
- MAIN FILES - Stumble Upon Interiors v1.3
Description : "Go shopping in Malden!
Enjoy the laidback atmosphere of Coltrane's Bar!
Check in to see if Grandma Flora in Cambridge has got everything under control!
Stumble Upon Interiors is a collection of new, immersive interiors added to the Commonwealth. There's no quests tied to these places, and none will have mapmarkers; they are all made to be stumbled upon while traversing the Commonwealth. I've tried to make them all atmospheric and interesting to explore in their own ways, and I've also aimed to get the interiors relatively close to vanilla Fallout 4 in terms of loot, lighting and encounters. More interiors will hopefully be added with time.
As of version 1.3 this mod adds 7 new interiors to the Commonwealth:
- Apartment Building, Esplanade
- Attorney's Office, Natick Banks
- Bunker Hill Bar, Charlestown
- Coltrane's Bar, The Fens
- Delicatessen Store, Malden
- Bookstore, Malden
- Grandma Flora's House, Cambridge"
Sorting, Cleaning and Testing: Part 7
Sort with LOOT you sloot. Then clean these mods: