- Visit the Reddit or Step Forum to provide feedback or submit support questions related to this guide.
- This guide is graciously hosted by STEP and solely maintained by Darkceoin his spare time. Contributions directly to the author, or alternatively to STEP for site hosting are welcome.
- Here are some recent sample images for how the game should look when completed with the guide. [Pending]
Skyrim Special Edition- Immersive Project Overhaul (SIPO)
Skyrim Immersve Project Overhaul or SIPO is aimed to:
- - Increase The immersion and realism without being annoying.
- - Be as Lore Friendly as possible
- - Have overall the best stability possible.
- - Have a cooler looking game.
Testing Rig.
- GPU: GeForce GTX 1070
- CPU Intel Core i5-4440 @3.10GHz
- RAM 8.00GB
- OS: Windows 10 Pro
Before Starting:
Before using this guide to the fullest it's necessary to have the following:
Installation & Setup : Start to Finish By GamerPoets Video
Nexus Mod Manager : Installation & Setup By Gopher Video
With this program we will download, install & manage all of our mods.
- - SSEEdit
The function of this tool is to remove Identical To Master(ITM) records, Undelete Deleted Records(UDR) that Skyrim will be loading.
The function of this tool is to manage mods and create Bashed Patches. This guide will use Wrye Bash only for creating the Bashed patch
The function of this tool is to provide a default ESM/ESP file ordering between various mods, help identify mods that require cleaning with TES5Edit.
The function of this tool is to allow the user to quickly and easily switch between ENB configurations.
Configuring Skyrim
Once skyrim have been download we need to generate the ini files, which later we will be changing with bethini.
Start The Elder scrolls V: Skyrim Special Edition through Steam and ioen the launcher. Click "Options". Click the Default preset. Click Close. Click the OK push-button to close the dialogue and save.
Ok now that the first part is done, we are gonna create a new file which will allows us to have a baseline that we are gonna use for our modding and testing.
Click "Play" on the launcher to start Skyrim. On the main menu, press New Game Go through all the tutorial until you are out of the cave save the game and exit.
Now that we have our ini and save done we are gonna use Bethini to change and optimize our settings to get the best possible result for us.
Installation: BethINI is a portable application. You can run it anywhere. Simply extract and run
on the [Basic] Tab Go to Presets and choose "BethINI presets] and choose Ultra or your default preset. Now press [Save and Exit]
With this now your files are in order and we can start our modding journey.
Cleaning Bethesda's ESMs
We are gonna clean Update.esm Dawnguard.esm HearthFires.esm and Dragonborn.esm this two guides are all what you need to be able to clean this files.
This guide thanks to gopher can still be used to clean your ESM Video
Another in depth guide guide which is VERY useful is from Michael from GamerPoets Video
Now that all our of files have been cleaned its time for us to start our modding adventure!
Lets start modding
Before starting here are things to remember:
- - Mods are sorted into categories and should be installed in the order presented for proper overwrites.
- - Run LOOT after each mod section to ensure the load order is correct as it will be indicated on this guide.
- - Backup a copy of the original mod archives in case a mod is ever taken down from the Nexus. (God knows it has happened before)
- - If a mod is not marked for cleaning in the guide, do not clean it! Some selected ITMs are necessary to ensure proper functionality.
- - In many cases, you cannot remove a mod in the middle of a playthrough / savegame. (Exception: Anything that JUST replaces textures with loose files,no esp.)
- - PLEASE and I mean PLEASE read each page of the mods to understand how they work.
To know which file to download please read on the "version" text which will detailed which mod in specific to download or if you need to download more that one from the same page
Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Patch
A comprehensive bugfixing mod for The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim - Special Edition. The goal of the Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Patch (aka USSEP) is to eventually fix every bug with Skyrim Special Edition not officially resolved by the developers to the limits of the Creation Kit and community-developed tools, in one easy-to-install package. Features:
- - Hundreds of gameplay, quest, NPC, object, item, text and placement bugs fixed.
- - Created by the authors of the Unofficial Oblivion Patch series.
- - No unsafe changes (such as deletions of stock objects).
- - Designed to be compatible with as many other mods as possible.
Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Patch
Author: Unofficial Patch Project Team
Version: 4.0.6b
Achievement unlocker
This will allow you to unlock achievement (if you haven't done yet} while using mods.
xSHADOWMANx's Dll Loader
Special Installation: Copy DINPUT8.dll from the download to Skyrim SE's root folder (where SkyrimSE.exe is, overwrite if asked)
Achievements Mods Enabler
Special Installation:
Skyrim Skill Uncapper
It is a DLL plugin that unlocks the skill level caps of 100 and makes some relevant leveling tweaks.You can treat it as Skyrim-Community-Uncapper SSE version.
Author: kassent
Version: 1.0.5
Modern Brawl Bug Fix
The Modern Brawl Bug Fix updates the following 9 scripts. In the vanilla game, brawls (and certain other controlled combat scenarios) are cancelled when either participant is struck by a magic effect. This mod updates these events to trigger only when a participant is struck by a weapon (except fists), hostile spell, shout or scroll or (added in version 1.02) when the player casts a spell, uses an ingredient or uses a potion during the brawl.
Author: EnaiSiaion
Version: 1.04
Special Installation:
Better Dialogue Controls
This mod will be most useful for people who like to use both the keyboard and mouse, it fixes issues where the mouse just flat out prevents some keyboard controls from working as expected.
Author: ecirbaf
Version: 1.2
Special Installation:
Better MessageBox Controls
his mod lets you navigate the message boxes with the keyboard. Use Left/Right controls, and Activate to select options (typically A,D and E but it should work if you remapped those controls to other keys). Fixes the clickable area of buttons so they are easier to click.
Author: ecirbaf
Version: 1.2
Special Installation:
No Spinning Death Animation
Simply removes the spinning around dance animation that they do before death, they will now just ragdoll when killed. Works for normal deaths and dying from a high fall. It will not affect killmoves.
Author: dDefinder1
Version: 1.31
Special Installation: Install main file only, Do NOT install Merged file.
Realistic Ragdolls and Force
Reduces the extra force applied on ragdolls to a more reasonable level and replaces ragdolls so that they bend and twist realistically and fall at a faster velocity. Increase friction to fix ice-like ragdoll sliding.
Author: dDefinder1
Version: 1.92
Special Installation:

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Realistic Walking Running and Sneaking Speeds
This mod aims to bring both player and NPC speeds to a more realistic level.
Author: Simtar123
Version: 4.1
Special Installation:
Fast Travel Speed Fix
this mod adjusts a game setting variable (fFastTravelSpeedMult) in an effort to change the amount of time that passes during your fast travel. In the vanilla game, when you fast travel from Markarth to Whiterun, the amount of time that passes is not realistic. This can be tested by running the distance on foot (or horse), and observe how long it takes (in-game time). By changing this variable, the amount of time that passes during fast travel will more closely line up.
Author: michaelrw
Version: 1.0
Special Installation:
And last but not least.

User Interface
Hide, scale, move and remove HUD elements to your liking, or use as vanilla replacement with no drawback
Autohide Compass and Crosshair
Author: Fhaarkas
Version: 0.60b Main File + Presets
Main File

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Skyrim SE Skill Interface Re-Texture
In short, SSIRT is a texure mod (or a collection of textures that you pick from) that covers the Skill Tree Interface. It is just that and no more. There will not be any performance drop or any conflicts.
Autohide Compass and Crosshair
Author: Arndas
Version: 3.0

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A Quality World Map
This mod provides a new set of highly-detailed world map textures, complete with roads! This mod also adds a detailed Solsteim map.
Author: Chesko
Version: 9.0.1 Last Main file
Lore- Based Loading Screens
adds 160+ new loading screens steeped in Tamrielic lore. Become deeper immersed in the Elder Scrolls mythos with tons of quotes from in-game books (from Skyrim and past Elder Scrolls titles), history, mythology, and little-known facts about the world of Tamriel.
Author: Chesko
Version: 1.2
Anthology Menu Replacers SE
This is a main menu replacer for classic Elder Scrolls players that love bringing a bit of the old games back.
Author: MistValkyrie
Version: 2
1- You can Choose any background in the third window, I recommend Ashlander

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Sovngarde - Mist's Font Replacer SE
Sovngarde is a font I conceptualized and hand-designed into an easily legible body font based on Skyrim's title.
Author: MistValkyrie
Version: 7
Font Overhaul - Natural Typefaces for Skyrim -- FONTS
Sovngarde is a font I conceptualized and hand-designed into an easily legible body font based on Skyrim's title.
Author: mfcfbro
Version: 1.3 Font Overhaul - Books and Notes Only + Font Overhaul - Sovngarde Patch
- - Install First Font Overhaul - Books and Notes Only and overwrite
- - Install Font Overhaul - Sovngarde Patch and overwrite
And last but not least.

Races of Skyrim
Imperious - Races of Skyrim
Imperious makes the races of Skyrim unique and diverse. It overhauls racial abilities, powers and stats. Each race has three new racial abilities and a quest to unlock their racial power. NPCs can use them too!
Author: EnaiSiaion
Version: 7.20SSE
Modified and Expanded Quests
Alternate Start - Live another life
Live Another Life provides an alternative means to start the game for those who do not wish to go through the lengthy intro sequence at Helgen. You will be given the opportunity to choose your race and then choose a new life for your character to lead. A wide variety of choices will be available. What you choose will have a lasting impact, so choose carefully or the gods may forsake you again!
Author: Arthmoor
Version: 4.0.2a
Cutting Room Floor
A content restoration mod for Skyrim Special Edition and the official DLCs.
Author: Arthmoor
Version: 3.0.3
Gildergreen Regrown
Danica asked you for sap from the Eldergleam to revive the dead Gildergreen in Whiterun. Instead, Maurice convinced you to bring back a sapling. All is now well in Whiterun, except for one small thing. That sapling deserves to grow into a nice big healthy proper replacement for the dead tree you helped get rid of.
Author: Arthmoor
Version: 2.0
The Paarthurnax Dilemma
Disappointed with how ruthless and unforgiving the Blades were at the end of the main quest? Felt like you should have been able to put your foot down and make them see reason? Well now you can! This mod is a simple, yet badly needed modification to the post-MQ quest the Blades give you to kill Paarthurnax.
Author: Arthmoor
Version: 2.0
Not so fast main quest
Introduces pauses in the otherwise hectic pace of the main quest and alters a few other plot points along the way.
Author: cdcooley
Version: 1.6
Even better quest objectives
This mod enhances the quest descriptions in the vanilla game so that you have a clear sense of where you are supposed to go and what you are supposed to do besides looking at the quest markers.
Author: WilliamImm
Version: 1.5.8a
Installation: install main file following with lternate Start – Live Another Life Patch + Cutting Room Floor Patch – Updated + The Paarthurnax Dilemma Patch
Helgen Reborn
Introduces pauses in the otherwise hectic pace of the main quest and alters a few other plot points along the way.
Author: Mike Hancho
Version: V106.SSE
If you are starting a new character it is imperative that you leave Helgen Reborn UNCHECKED until you exit the cave with Hadvar/Ralof. Make a NEW hard save right there and load my plugin.
Dawnguard Delayed
One of the most annoying things when starting a new game is that the Dawnguard questline starts at level 10 and all hell breaks loose with constant vampire attacks, npc's getting killed causing quests to fail, towns being attacked every few days.
Author: grazman
Version: 1.0 Dawnguard Delayed - Level 20
Dragonborn Delayed
A mod to delay the start of the Cultist attack that begins the Dragonborn questline and other random Cultist attacks.
Author: grazman
Version: 1.0 Dragonborn Delayed - Alduin's Wall
Reason for this choice: being that the Dragonborn questline fits best while the Dragonborn is still unsure about who he/she is and where he/she wants to go. The DB questline follows that quite nicely, and after you've already plunged into this new world (Shouting and fighting dragons and all that) you'd be ready to actually take up the mantle of Dragonborn and ascend High Hrothgar.
The forgotten city
The Forgotten City is the first mod in history to win a national Writers' Guild award with its script. It is a critically acclaimed expansion mod offering a unique 6 - 8 hour experience.
Author: TheModernStoryteller
Version: 1.8
Remember to uncheck Helgen reborn after being sorted with loot.

Weather and Lighting
Vivid Weathers SE
Vivid Weathers is the latest and biggest Weather and Visual Overhaul for Skyrim SE.
Author: Mangaclub
Version: 1.58

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Enhanced Lighting for ENB (ELE) - Special Edition
This mod intends to adjust every type of lighting inside the Skyrim game. So it will both look better with ENB and make it a lot easier to customize the visuals, without ruining some parts of the games look.
Author: JawZ
Version: 1.2
Relighting Skyrim - SSE
This mod aims to fix all that, making all light come straight from a light source and to have all light sources make light.
Author: JawZ
Version: 1.0.2
World improvement
Static Mesh Improvement Mod - SMIM
This mod edits many 3D models to improve their appearance and to fix many of the ugly seams and other oddities. I started in February 2012 with the ultimate goal of improving about 500 of the worst offenders
Author: Brumbek
Version: 2.04

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Enhanced textures detail (UV-tweaks)
This mod will increase texture quality for all your existing textures and any other new textures that you will download in the future
Author: somerandomguy83
Version: 1.1.5

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Realistic Water Two
With this mod, lake, pond/marsh, river and ocean water are once again visually and aurally distinct from one another.
Author: Isoku
Version: 1.25

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Realistic Water Two LOD Fix
Realistic Water Two is a fantastic mod plagued by one issue in particular; that really obvious line in the distance. This simple patch fixes that by setting the texture to the ones provided in RWT and scaling them properly.
Author: mfcfbro
Version: 1.0
Nordic Snow (aka HQ Snow Texture)
New Texture for the Snow.
Author: gorefest2011
Version: 3.4.1
Transparent and Refracting Icicle and Frost Atronach
This mod adds the light refraction to outdoor icicles such as the Windhelm roof icicle, cave and Labyrinthine icicles and many more.
Author: skysan4298
Version: 1.4

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Hold Border Banners
This mod adds banners along roadsides at the boundaries of two holds. The banner you see will show you which hold you are entering. If you're not sure what the banner represents, just walk up to it and it will show the name of the hold.
Author: Thicketford
Version: 1.1 Hold Border Banners - No Text Version
Adds footprints to the player, NPCs, and creatures.
Author: jonwd7
Version: 1.5.3
Skyrim is Windy
Skyrim Is Windy is a mod made from scratch that will improve your immersion in Skyrim by making flora such as plants, grass, bushes and trees to animate and react to winds.
Author: Gorgulla
Version: 4.03
Change in Data/SkyrimIsWindy.ini [Display] fWindGrassMultiplier=5.0 to 2.0 Save/Close
This will make the flora move more naturally.
Blowing in the Wind
Skyrim Is Windy is a mod made from scratch that will improve your immersion in Skyrim by making flora such as plants, grass, bushes and trees to animate and react to winds.
Author: sialivi
Version: 2.04.0

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Next window will auto select the patches needed to work but you NEED to check the Helgen reborn patch (if it has been uncheck from your load order) otherwise ignore this step.
Ethereal Cloulds
Ethereal Clouds is a lore-friendly retexture of the clouds of Skyrim. My goal was to make cloud textures that are neutral in appearance, so they will blend with any lighting mods, while adding more visual interest than the default Bethesda clouds
Author: Gamwich
Version: 1.0 (Can use either of the main file)
Ethereal Cosmos
Is a retexturing of the Skyrim galaxy, stars, and constellations. It brings beauty and a touch of fantasy, while remaining subtle enough to not be lore unfriendly.
Author: Gamwich
Version: 2.0 Ethereal Cosmos - Special Edition
Insignificant Object Remover
This mod reduces the density of insignificant objects to 0, effectively removing their existence safely from your game.
Author: AKcelsior
Version: 1.2.1

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Please remember:
After sorting with loot you will have to move manually ELE_SSE.esp at the end of your load order to properly function.
Clutter & Stuff
Ruins Clutter Improved
Ruins Clutter Improved started as a retexturing project, with the main goal to improve some of the ugliest objects in the dungeons of Skyrim.
Author: raiserfx
Version: 2.9

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Rustic Clutter collection
RUSTIC CLUTTER COLLECTION is exactly what is sounds like, a collection of my recent RUSTIC series of retextures for clutter items in Skyrim.
Author: Gamwich
Version: 1.0 RUSTIC CLUTTER COLLECTION - Special Edition - 1K
RUSTIC COOKING - Special Edition
Author: Gamwich
Version: 1.0 RUSTIC COOKING - Special Edition - 1K
RUSTIC SOULGEMS - Special Edition
RUSTIC SOULGEMS features hi-res textures and modified meshes. Empty soulgems now have transparency and a subtle animated color-shifting effect.
Author: Gamwich and Saerileth
Version: 1.0 RUSTIC SOULGEM - Special Edition - 1K
RUSTIC WINDOWS - Special Edition
A Lore Friendly retexturing of the windows of skyrim.
Author: Gamwich
Version: 1.0 RUSTIC WINDOWS - Special Edition - 1K
PELTAPALOOZA - Special Edition
PELTAPALOOZA is an expansion on my earlier mod Pelts of Skyrim. This increases the number of pelts used by the game from the default 3, to 9.
Author: Gamwich
Version: 1.0 PELTAPALOOZA Special Edition - FULL
RUGNAROK - Special Edition
RUGNAROK is my attempt to do for rugs what my PELTAPALOOZA mod did for pelts. Rugs aren't merely clutter items in Skyrim, despite their classification.
Author: Gamwich
Version: 1.1 RUGNAROK - Special Edition - 1K
Designs of the Nords SE
Designs of the Nords is a Banner Replacement Mod originally designed by KEBW1144 for original Skyrim.
Author: TechAngel85
Version: 3.0

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Book Covers Skyrim
Book Covers Skyrim is a high quality retexture of all the readable books, journals, and notes in vanilla Skyrim and all three DLC
Author: DanielCoffey
Version: 4.1
Enhanced Blood Textures SE
Bloodier combat experience with higher resolution and detailed textures. Additional features such as killmove animation spasms, blood drops when low health, damage based blood amount, blood pools, and green blood for spiders and oil for machines.
Author: dDefinder1
Version: 3.73

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Dust Effects
This mod aims to correct the small dust particles and make them much more detailed. from small circle dots of dust to flowing dust and more compact dotted dust textures to give a Fine HD dust compared to vanilla.
Author: HHaley - Darkjesusmn
Version: 1.0
Smoking Torches and Candle
A simple mini-mod that adds visual smoke effect to torches used by the player and the NPCs as well as the wall-mounted torches + a companion mod that adds floating smoke effect to most of the candles.
Author: mindflux
Version: 1.4 Optional merged file