
From Step Mods | Change The Game


< All Skywind changelogs | Skywind:1.0.0 Guide



This guide is not current! It may contain information that is incorrect or not in line with the current state of the game!
     View the current changelog instead

Post-Release Changes[edit | edit source]

Any changes made to the current version of the live guide.


What's New[edit | edit source]

System Setup Guide[edit | edit source]

The System Setup Guide is an integral component of all Step mod-build guides and should be completed early as indicated in all mod-build guide instructions.

Changelog Format[edit | edit source]

The changelog format has been modified to improve readability, group like-changes together, and include more information about changes made. We hope these updates will help to improve workflow when updating to a new version.

Improved Guide Workflow[edit | edit source]

The workflow of mod-build guides has been revised to both reduce page length of guide pages and to facilitate simper updating from version to version. A great deal of consideration was given to the user experience. Step's updated mod-build guides require much less off-guide navigation, because mod installation instructions now make use of collapsible elements within the 'ModGroup' tables themselves.

New 'ModGroup' Tables[edit | edit source]

Mod are grouped together based on standardized, logical categories called 'ModGroups' that maximize differentiation while minimizing conflicts. These ModGroups are the same across all game-specific mod-build guides. This improves mod list organization while also reducing the need to hide individual mod assets; thus, improving workflow and reducing the potential for user error from missed steps.

Step Patches[edit | edit source]

Also see the forum topic.

Step Patch - Conflict Resolution The main conflict resolution patch is required for the intended mod build to function properly. Mods on which the CR patch depends are indicated by a vertical green bar to the left of the mod name in ModGroup tables.

Step Patch - Lighting and Weather The Lighting and Weather conflict resolution patch is required if the optional Lighting and Weather ModGroup is installed. Mods on which the CR patch depends are indicated by a vertical red bar to the left of the mod name in ModGroup tables.

Guide-Level Changes[edit | edit source]


Mod-Level Changes[edit | edit source]

Legend[edit | edit source]

Added | new mod added (add these mods)
Moved | mod was moved to a new ModGroup (move these mods)
Updated | mod instructions updated
Incorporated | mod is included in the Step Patch - Conflict Resolution (remove these mods)
Dropped / Replaced | mod was removed (remove these mods)

01-Tools[edit | edit source]

02-Extenders[edit | edit source]

03-Resources[edit | edit source]

04-Foundation[edit | edit source]

05-Animation and Physics[edit | edit source]

06-Models and Textures[edit | edit source]

07-Sounds and Music[edit | edit source]

08-Character Appearance[edit | edit source]

09-Fixes[edit | edit source]

10-Gameplay-General[edit | edit source]

11-Gameplay-AI and Combat[edit | edit source]

12-Gameplay-Economy[edit | edit source]

13-Gameplay-Immersion[edit | edit source]

14-Gameplay-Quests[edit | edit source]

15-Gameplay-Skills and Perks[edit | edit source]

16-Interface[edit | edit source]

17-Locations[edit | edit source]

18-Lighting and Weather[edit | edit source]

19-Utilities[edit | edit source]

20-Patches[edit | edit source]

21-Post-Processing[edit | edit source]