< All SkyrimLE changelogs | SkyrimLE:2.2.6 Guide

This guide is not current! It may contain information that is incorrect or not in line with the current state of the game!View the current changelog instead
changelog Current-Guide Changes (since release)
Guide Changes
- 1.C.2 - AMD Users: Edited according to Quitch's recommendations; also added instructions for saving settings as an application-specific profile.
- Added the crime radius fix via Wrye Bash to the guide. It's located just after the mod tables.
- Removed "Core" attribute from several mods per administrative discussion in preparation for STEP v2.3.0
- Guard Dialogue Overhaul moved to Section D - Fixes.
- Terrain Bump has been re-uploaded to the Nexus with SparrowPrince's permission, so this has been added back as Core.
- Removed Bumpy Inn & Shop Signs, since it is hidden indefinitely on the Nexus.
- Removed Ancient Nord Armor Fix, since it is now incorporated into the USP.
- Removed Better Rocks & Mountains since it is fully redundant with No Stretching
Mod Notes & BCFs
- New Idles for Skyrim - Detailed notes updated.
- Non-Essential Children - Link updated per mod author's request. Now points to the mod's original page which has the updated versions of the mod.
- Enhanced Night Skyrim - Now recommending "Lower stars" instead of "Medium stars" as previously recommended.
- Enchantment Effect Replacer - Plan on dropping for v2.3.0, but recommendation changed from "Combined" to "2Xres" in the interim.
- Skyrim Sunglare - Added recommendation: "No lens flare" version.
- Pilgrim's Delight - Recommendation changed from "Zul Do Dov" to Legacy" version.
- HQ Skyrim Map - Recommendation changed from 1024 to 2048, since this is a small item, and the 1k version appears to have an issue.
- Destructible Bottles dropped due to issues and potential conflicts.
- Consistent Older People Note updated to reflect current version.
- Bellyache's Creature Pack - Modified recommendation to install only the default and not "Bellyache's Choice".
- Real Ice - Now recommending "Half Icecube - Half Dull" to match Skyrim Revisited.
- High Quality LODs - Now recommending the Skyrim Realistic Overhaul textures as applicable.
- Added a warning to the notes for Enhanced Blood and Burn Freeze & Shock Effects..
- Detailed Chests - Changed recommendation from "Rich Dirty" to "Washed-Out Dirty"
- Closer Quivers & Longer Arrows - Changed recommendation from v3 arrows to v4, as the author no longer supports v3.
Initial Release Changes
Mod Additions
B - Standalone applications that aid in the management of the modding process
C - Mods that expand on the inherent functionality of a game or another mod without themselves affecting content
D - Mods have a programmatic component that fixes various bugs and/or inconsistencies
E - Mods that affect any aspect of the user interface
G - Mods that replace existing models or textures
J -
L - Mods that affect sounds or music
- Sounds of Skyrim - The Dungeons (Reinstated)
- Sounds of Skyrim - The Wilds (Reinstated)
- Sounds of Skyrim - Civilization
M -
Mod Removals
- Categorized Favorites Menu - Replaced in favor of SkyUI 4.0 new Favorites Menu.
- CFM-Oni Edition - Replaced in favor of SkyUI 4.0 new Favorites Menu.
- Dark Brotherhood to Misc - Buggy, replaced by optional file in Even Better Quest Objectives.
- Death Cam Duration Options - Not vanilla intent
- Milky Way Galaxy - Breaks lore
- Realistic Crime Radius -Can now be set in Wrye Bash, unnecessary plugin
- Roosters At Dawn - Causes various issues and is non-critical
- Simple Crosshair - Conflicts with NACMIM
Install-Order Changes
- Guard Dialogue Overhaul moved from Gameplay to Fixes.
- Ruins Clutter Improvement has been moved up in Section F due to the two authors recommending it being installed before Better Dynamic Snow.
- Distant Decal Fix moved up in Fixes to above Unofficial Skyrim Patch.