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< All SkyrimLE changelogs | SkyrimLE:1.9.2a Guide

This guide is not current! It may contain information that is incorrect or not in line with the current state of the game!View the current changelog instead
- IMPORTANT: When finished, run BOSS (step-4H) and enable the esps!
- Fixed “Weighted Lockpicks” link.
- Fixed some grammar and spelling mistakes.
- Better Skill Books
- Elven Quiver Fix
- Realistic Running Speed
- (CORE)SoS - Seamless Over Shoulder (NOTE: I recommend “FakeFirstPersonRiding & CentredAndRaised Combat” version. NOTE2: Put “Skyrim.ini” in Documents/My Games/Skyrim and overwrite, do this before tweaking the inis in step-5)
New/Updated mod NOTES:
- (CORE!!)Script Dragon (NOTE: Put the asi and ini files in Skyrim/Asi folder (create that folder), and the 2 dll files in Skyrim folder)
- Balanced Magic (NOTE: Use only one esp from “Novice”, “Adept” and “Master”, plus ALL the others)
- Duke Patricks Combat Tweaks (WARNING: Actually this mod seems to break Destruction Dual Casting stagger on some critical targets, disable it for now until it is fixed)
- Psyrim (NOTE: This music mod overrides the Dragonborn themes, if you want to preserve them, after installing it, delete Data>music>”combat” and “special” folders.