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< All SkyrimLE changelogs | SkyrimLE:1.9.2 Guide

This guide is not current! It may contain information that is incorrect or not in line with the current state of the game!View the current changelog instead
- IMPORTANT: Check every "UPDATING 1.91 -> 1.92:" to “surgically” update. When finished, run BOSS (step-4H) and enable the esps!
- Updated “iCCC-ENB” to v1.58d, very minor stability update.
- Added "CORE!" (with exclamation mark) to tag the mods that I consider more than core: essentials.
- Added "FPS!" (with exclamation mark) to tag the mods hugely affecting performance.
- Changed "DETAILED INSTALLATION" name to "COMPILER'S ADVICE", to better give the intended idea.
- Updated guide format thanks to MS Word.
- Updated step-4B1 with newer/removed mods.
- Updated comparison screenshots.
- 2-(CORE-FPS)Better Containers (UPDATING 1.91 -> 1.92: DON'T overwrite)
- 3-(FPS)HQ Milky Way Galaxy (NOTE: Install AFTER "Skyrim HD”, overwrite. UPDATING 1.91 -> 1.92: Overwrite)
- 3-(CORE!-FPS)Tobes Highres Textures (NOTE: This will actually overwrite a lot of mod files, say yes to all. UPDATING 1.91 -> 1.92: Overwrite)
- Daedric Weapons Enhanced
- (FPS)Dragon Glyphs HD (NOTE: I recommend "Dragon Smooth" version. UPDATING 1.91 -> 1.92: Overwrite)
- Enchantment Effect Replacer (NOTE: I recommend the “Combined” version)
- (FPS)HD Urns Retex (UPDATING 1.91 -> 1.92: Overwrite)
- (FPS)Super Realistic Ore Textures
- Balanced Magic (NOTE: I recommend using all esps)
- Deadly Dragons
- Grab Moveable Statics
- Weighted Lockpicks (NOTE: Choose "0.1u")
- (CORE!)SkyUI (NOTE: Requires SKSE. UPDATING 1.91 -> 1.92: Overwrite)
- Auto Magic Scaling (NOTE: Put in Skyrim/Asi folder. Requires Script Dragon)
- (CORE)Extra Hotkeys (NOTE: Put in Skyrim/Asi folder. Requires Script Dragon)
- Conjuration and Summoning Fixes
- Ebony Armor Rigfixes
- Ebony Blade Fixed
- Realistic Campfire Sounds
- Sound of Nature - Water (NOTE: I recommend to use the “Lower File Size” version to reduce game freezes, but stability is not assured!)
Mods added as NON-Recommended:
- (CORE-FPS!!)Lush Trees (NOTE: FPS hit is imho not worth the visual improvements, pines seem too big. Since it's a matter of tastes, I encourage you to try this mod and see for yourself)
- Chopper HD (Overwritten by "Tobes Highres Textures")
- HD Furniture and Barrels (Overwritten by "Tobes Highres Textures")
- HD Bar Retexture (Overwritten by "Tobes Highres Textures")
- Extra Spell Hotkeys (Made obsolete by "Extra Hotkeys". UPDATING 1.91 -> 1.92: Remove the 2 “Extra :* Spell Hotkeys” asi and ini files from your Skyrim folder or Skyrim/Asi folder)
- Item Icons OR QD Inventory (Not compatible with "SkyUI", which includes its own icons. UPDATING 1.91 -> 1.92: Remove the “inventory components” folder and “craftingmenu.swf” file from your Data/interface folder)
- Main Font Replacement (Not compatible with "SkyUI". UPDATING 1.91 -> 1.92: Remove the “fonts_en2.swf” file from your Data/interface folder)
- New Firewood (Overwritten by "Tobes Highres Textures")
- Ruins Pot Retexture (Overwritten by "HD Urns Retex")
- Smooth Dragon Runes (Overwritten by "Dragon Glyphs HD")
New/Updated mod NOTES:
- 1-Bellyaches Animal Pack (NOTE: I recommend “Default Animal Replacement” version. UPDATING 1.91 -> 1.92: Install " Default Animal Replacement " version if you want to follow my suggestion)
- Lost Art of the Blacksmith (USE "Bethesda Safe" version if your Skyrim is updated to v1.2 or higher), More Craftables and Vals Crafting Meltdown (NOTE: use these 3 mods together, they work in synergy. Alternatively you can use the more popular Tytanis - The Ultimate Mod which, despite its awesomeness, is rather overpowered. UPDATING 1.91 -> 1.92: If you want to follow my recommendation, remove Tytanis and install the other 3, or just keep Tytanis if you prefer it)
- (CORE-FPS!)Vurts Flora Overhaul (NOTE: Expanded -COMPILER’S ADVICE- with more details and added comparison screens, added "Gloomy Snowy Pines" addon recommendation. UPDATING 1.91 -> 1.92: Install "Gloomy Snowy Pines" addon and follow again the compiler's advice to remove the 2 new branch files)