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< All SkyrimLE changelogs | SkyrimLE:1.9.1 Guide

This guide is not current! It may contain information that is incorrect or not in line with the current state of the game!View the current changelog instead
- IMPORTANT: The updating guide is now included in the changelog, check every "UPDATING 1.90 -> 1.91:" to “surgically” update.
- Added Nvidia performance SSAO setting in step-3A, no-flickering SSAO for slow rigs.
- Added a list of mods from which you can pick a performance version (instead of the hi-res one) in step-4B1.
- Added few new alternate injector mods, iCCC is always my recommended choice through.
- Added AF tweak in step-5B, set forceAnisotropy= to 0 is AF in already forced from video card.
- Added "Immersive Water" as alternate for "Realistic Water".
- Added "Mod Organizer" tool suggestion in step-4.
- Other minor guide improvements.
- Updated comparison screenshots.
- Beautiful Skyrim HD - Clutter and Furniture -DETAILED INSTALLATION- (NOTE: Follow the detailed installation or DON'T install at all. UPDATING 1.90 -> 1.91: DON'T overwrite)
Bellyaches Animal Pack (NOTE: I recommend “Default Animal Replacement” version. UPDATING 1.90 -> 1.91: DON'T overwrite)
- Daedric Reborn (NOTE: Install AFTER "High Resolution Armors", overwrite
- High Quality Grindstone (NOTE: Install AFTER "Beautiful Skyrim HD", overwrite)
- High Quality Workbench (NOTE: Install AFTER "Beautiful Skyrim HD", overwrite)
- Sun and Clouds Textures (NOTE: Install AFTER "Skyrim HD". UPDATING 1.90 -> 1.91: DON'T overwrite)
- HD Bar Retexture (NOTE: Install AFTER "Chris2012s Whiterun HQTP" and "Skyrim HD", overwrite)
- Silly Level of Detail - Wine Cellar (Install AFTER "High Quality Food and Ingredients", overwrite)
- Activate Fail Noise Removal
- Better Noble Beds (NOTE: I recommend "Red and Gold" version)
- Dragon Retex Pack (NOTE: I recommand to also use "Alduin" addon. UPDATING 1.90 -> 1.91: BEFORE installing this mod, go in Data/textures/actors and delete "dragon" folder)
Duke Patricks Combat Tweaks (NOTE: This is for realism lovers, casual gamers keep away!)
- Glaciers Retextured
- HD Baskets Retex
- HD Misc (UPDATING 1.90 -> 1.91: Overwrite old files)
- High Resolution Map (UPDATING 1.90 -> 1.91: Overwrite old files)
- Immersive HUD
- Ingot Texture Pack
- Lockpicking Interface Retex (NOTE: I recommend "Anti-Leather" version)
- Not Really HD Display Case (NOTE: I recommend "Smudged Glass" version)
- Real Bears
- Realistic Weapon Swing Sounds
- Ruins Pot Retexture
- Septim HD (UPDATING 1.90 -> 1.91: Overwrite old files)
- Soulgems Retexture
Mods added as NON-Recommended:
- Texture Normal Map Packs (NOTE: I've considered this mod, but it needs in-depth testing, it must be installed without overwriting other mods data)
- Improved Dragon Texture ("Dragon Retex Pack" will replace this)
- Blood Dragon Fix ("Dragon Retex Pack" will replace this)
- Yosolda Genuine Hi-Res Outfit (UPDATING 1.90 -> 1.91: Go in Data/textures/clothes, remove "farmclothes04" folder and re-install "Improved NPC Clothing" mod)
- Enhanced Distant Trees (We're now using "Vurts Skyrim Flora Overhaul" LODs which are also detailed but more shadowed. UPDATING 1.90 -> 1.91: Reinstall "Vurts Skyrim Flora Overhaul" texture/terrain folder and overwrite)
- Alternative Road Textures (Now we're using "Skyrim HD" roads. UPDATING 1.90 -> 1.91: Reinstall "Skyrim HD" textures/landscape/roads folder, do the same for "Better Landscape Textures")
- Better Gold (Now we're using "Septim HD")
- Fox Textures, Realistic Caribou, Realistic Elk and Retextured Wolves and Pelts (All now included in "Bellyaches Animal Pack" mod)
- HQ Skyrim Map (We'll use "High Resolution Map" instead)
- Improved Lantern (We'll use "HD Misc" instead)
New/Updated mod NOTES:
- HQ Towns and Villages ADDED -DETAILED INSTALLATION- (UPDATING 1.90 -> 1.91: Follow the detailed installation, and remove the 4 dds files)
- Improved NPC Clothing (NOTE: I recommend using the "More Dirt" version. UPDATING 1.90 -> 1.91: Download the "More Dirt" version and overwrite)
- Accingite Vos - HQ Shields UPDATED -DETAILED INSTALLATION- (NOTE: Name changed from "A High Quality of Shields")
- Chopper HD (NOTE: Install AFTER Beautiful Skyrim HD, overwrite)
- High Quality Food and Ingredients (NOTE: Install AFTER "Bellyaches Animal Pack", overwrite)
- Skyrim HD - 2K Textures UPDATED -DETAILED INSTALLATION- (NOTE: Install AFTER "Chris2012s Whiterun HQTP", overwrite. NOTE2: I strongly recommend use "Alternate Mountains" addon, looks much better even if older. Overwrite when prompted. UPDATING 1.90 -> 1.91: Don't reinstall this totally for updating to 1.91, instead reinstall only textures/architecture/whiterun folder, textures/landscape/road folder and the 3 files recommended in the detailed installation, overwrite)
- Slofs Simple Horse Retex (NOTE: Install AFTER "Bellyaches Animal Pack", overwrite. UPDATING 1.90 -> 1.91: Reinstall this mod and overwrite)
- Realistic Water Textures (NOTE: After v1.6 no more DETAILED INSTALLATION Needed. Use only "Reduced Object Splashing" addon. NOTE2: If you don't like RWT, try Immersive Water Textures instead)
- Vurts Flora Overhaul UPDATED -DETAILED INSTALLATION- (NOTE: Install AFTER "Chris2012s Whiterun HQTP" and "Skyrim HD", overwrite, UPDATING 1.90 -> 1.91: reinstall this mod following the detailed installation)
- HD Sacks Retexture (NOTE: I recommend version "A". UPDATING 1.90 -> 1.91: Add version "A", overwrite)