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< All SkyrimLE changelogs | SkyrimLE:1.7.8 Guide

This guide is not current! It may contain information that is incorrect or not in line with the current state of the game!View the current changelog instead
- This update cleans the guide from non-necessary mods, it is recommended to install all the mods related to the textures folder from scratch following the step-4*
- Added "Maximum Pre-Rendered Frames=0" tweak to Nvidia Inspector settings.
- Updated screenshots.
- Death Cam Duration Options (NOTE: I recommend to use the "60 sec" version)
- Epic Enhanced Skyrim Soundtrack (NOTE: This is pure epicness, use it along the above mod)
- Armor Improvement and Clothes Improvement (Many users reported they're too sharpen and too colorful, expecially if using FXAA Injector)
- Enhanced Horse Skins (No need for this, we use "Slofs Simple Horse Retex")
- Snow and Rocks HD ("Skyrim HD" has re-introduced its old, and great, mountains textures, no need for this anymore)
- Beautiful Skyrim - HD Clutter and Furniture (Differs too much from the original feeling and atmosphere of the game)
- Beautiful Skyrim - Legendary Weapons (Too colorful)
- Glaciers Retexured (Doesn't seem an improvement after a second analysis)
- Improved Teeth (File seems to be unavailable, will be reuploaded in future, probably in a package)
Updated mod NOTES:
- Skyrim HD - 2K Textures (NOTE: I recommend to use also "Alternate Mountains" addon)
- HD Furniture and Barrels (No NOTE anymore)
- A Higher Quality of Shields (No NOTE anymore)
- Realistic Magical Impacts (No NOTE anymore)
- Slofs Simple Horse Retex (No NOTE anymore)
- Skeleton Better Textures (No NOTE anymore)