< All NoMansSky changelogs | NoMansSky:3.1 Guide

This guide is not current! It may contain information that is incorrect or not in line with the current state of the game!View the current changelog instead
Post-Release Changes
Any changes made to the current version of the live guide.
- Added a Common Issues section
- Added gMission No Approximate Location to Quality of Life Mods section
- Updated several of the AMUMSS instructions to reflect the latest version of the tool
Resource Files
What's New
This is the official v3.1 release of our No Man's Sky modding guide. Below is a summary of the major changes this release brings:
Better Planet Generation
Better Planet Generation (BPG) is an excellent mod, if ever experienced; however, Step can no longer endorse the use of the full mod. The Step Mandates are our guiding principles when adding and endorsing mods for our guides. In its current state, BPG adds new and alters vanilla fauna and flora. The problem with this is HelloGames changed how it handles scannable objects. This broke BPG assets from being scannable, which in turn breaks any quest given that requires scanning objects. This means the quest to fully discover planets doesn't work nor the quests received from mission boards.
Since BPG is breaking vanilla mechanics, it can no longer be considered suitable for Step. Due to time constraints, for this release the Guide has switched to using the individual Optional Files. Within the next few releases, Dud's mods and others will be considered as a replacement for BPG.
Guide-Level Changes
This update is to officially support No Man's Sky:Echoes.
- Numerous minor corrections to things like format, grammar, etc.
- Several minor updates to instructions relating to AMUMSS's update and new directory structure
- Foundation Patch instructions have been removed since BPG will no long be used in its full compacity; thus, no biome patching is required
Mod-Level Changes
Added | new mod added (add these mods)
Moved | mod was moved to a new ModGroup (move these mods)
Updated | mod instructions updated
Incorporated | mod is included in the Step Patch - Conflict Resolution (remove these mods)
Dropped / Replaced | mod was removed (remove these mods)
- Updated
- Better Planet Generation | the use of BPG has changed. See new mod instructions.
06-Models and Textures
- Updated
- Space Station Interior Fix | this mod's instructions were missed in the last update. They are now present for previous version and current version of the Guide.
- Updated
- Better Ship Transfer Ranges | at time of release, this mod was not currently updated for the latest version of the game. Please check the mod page periodically for an update. The mod may be installed at any time without issue. Simply add the LUA and rebuilt the Step Patch.
18-Lighting and Weather
Resource Files (aka, 20-Patches)
Changes happened within the following Resource Files:
Gameplay Globals
- Removed unused parameters from file to remove them from the AMUMSS report.