< All NoMansSky changelogs | NoMansSky:3.0 Guide

This guide is not current! It may contain information that is incorrect or not in line with the current state of the game!View the current changelog instead
Post-Release Changes
Any changes made to the current version of the live guide.
Resource Files
What's New
This is the official v3.0 release of our No Man's Sky modding guide. Below is a summary of the major changes this release brings:
Full AMUMSS Support
The largest change with this release is the decision to drop Mod Organizer and only use AMUMSS with manual mod installations. Mod Organizer was only used to install mods without conflicts; however, this left it entirely on the user to determine further conflicts between any additional mods installed. This isn't ideal as it can lead to issues and frustration. This also meant the Guide wasn't as flexible as it could be.
AMUMSS does call attention to conflicts between all mods that use it. It can also create patches for mods with conflicts. Since AMUMSS wass already in use in the Guide, the best decision was to simply shift to using AMUMSS, fully.
Recommended Game Mode
The recommended game mode for the Guide is now the "Custom" mode. The Custom Mode is new with game version 4.0, which is basically the result of Hello Games saying, "you know the game the way you want to play it!" Step agrees and Custom Mode allows users to tailor the game to the experience they desire. Anything from pure sandbox and free costs to a survival death match with permadeath.
Step's goal has always been to lean toward the exploration side of the game, aspired by the original game versions. New elements that have been introduced since aren't removed but are rather reigned in. This prevents these newer elements, like expanded focus on combat, from distracting from more casual, exploration gameplay. Since many of the Guide's adjustments in this area are now available within Custom Mode, they have been removed going forward. As such, some basic recommendations for using Custom Mode are provided to gain back what was removed from the Guide. Users will find this new heading with recommendations at the end of the Guide.
Guide-Level Changes
This update is to officially support No Man's Sky:Singularity.
- Numerous minor corrections to things like format, grammar, etc.
- All reference to Mod Organizer have been removed
- New Mod Installation section
- Updated the use of the colored bars on the mod tables (see: Mod Table Reference)
- Foundation Patch instructions have been cleaned up
Mod-Level Changes
Added | new mod added (add these mods)
Moved | mod was moved to a new ModGroup (move these mods)
Updated | mod instructions updated
Incorporated | mod is included in the Step Patch - Conflict Resolution (remove these mods)
Dropped / Replaced | mod was removed (remove these mods)
- Updated
- Better Planet Generation | has been updated to work with the latest version of the game as of release.
06-Models and Textures
- Updated
- The following mods have been updated to be installed via AMUMSS:
- Dropped
- Eyes Front | The issue has been officially fixed; thus, the mod is no longer needed.
- Updated
- The following mods have been updated to be installed via AMUMSS:
- Updated
- The following mods have been updated to be installed via AMUMSS:
- Updated
- The following mods have been updated to be installed via AMUMSS:
18-Lighting and Weather
- Updated
- The following mods have been updated to be installed via AMUMSS:
Resource Files (aka, 20-Patches)
Changes happened within the following Resource Files:
Gameplay Globals
- Removed scanner range and time parameters as they have been removed from the vanilla file (controllable in Custom game mod)
- Removed the remaining of the trigger values since these are likely tied to other aspects. This means the vanilla default temperatures will trigger the various hazards.
Solar Generation Globals
- Reduced the spread of all asteroids
Spaceship Globals
- Adjusted several settings to slightly slow down the ship speeds
- Corrected a typo that allowed fighters to accelerate far faster than intended in space while boosting
- Removed several of the settings around ship controls because the changes weren't making any notable difference
Vehicle Globals
- Removed this file completely as the parameters that were altered have been removed from the vanilla file
- Removed Exosolar's Abyss parameters. They are no longer required since the mod's LUA is now used.