
From Step Mods | Change The Game


< All NoMansSky changelogs | NoMansSky:0.1.0 Guide



This guide is not current! It may contain information that is incorrect or not in line with the current state of the game!
     View the current changelog instead

What's New[edit | edit source]

New Direction
Step Guides are taking a new direction. Please read the article to understand how future Guides will be handled and released.

This is the initial beta release of our No Man's Sky modding guide. So see the wide list of changes it includes, please see our Nexus Mods page.

Step NoMansSky Resource Files[edit | edit source]

In a desire merge changes from several mods, the Step NoMansSky Resource Files have been created. No only are several mod changes merged, but they also include a large collect of our own changes and tweaks. This is a required file for all Guide users as it's the cornerstone of the Guide.

Release Changes[edit | edit source]

The below changes are listed for the Beta Guide users. These changes have happen between releases. Since this is the initial release, only the mods included are listed.

Guide Changes[edit | edit source]

  • Initial release...

Mod List Changes[edit | edit source]

Legend[edit | edit source]

Heading Description
Added ... new mod added to the Guide this release.
Incorporated ... mod was incorporated into the Guide's Resource Files. Users should remove these mods.
Moved ... mod was moved to a new Mod Group.
Updated ... mod instructions were updated.
Dropped / Replaced ... mod was removed from Guide. Users should remove these mods.

Tools[edit | edit source]


Models and Textures[edit | edit source]


Gameplay - General[edit | edit source]


Lighting and Weather[edit | edit source]


Resource Files[edit | edit source]


Post-Release Changes[edit | edit source]

Any changes made to the live Guide before another release is committed. These changes will be moved to the upper section during the next release to ensure they are not missed.

Post Guide Changes[edit | edit source]

Post Mod List Changes[edit | edit source]