Guide:Skyrim INI/SaveGame

From Step Mods | Change The Game

[SaveGame][edit | edit source]

bAllowProfileTransfer[edit | edit source]

bAllowProfileTransfer is believed to be unused by the game. Interestingly, Google found the following comment about it: ";bAllowProfileTransfer should be set to 0 or removed when we ship."

Default is 0.


bAllowScriptedAutosave[edit | edit source]

bAllowScriptedAutosave toggles scripted autosaves.

Default is 1.


bAllowScriptedForceSave[edit | edit source]

bAllowScriptedAutosave toggles scripted forced autosaves.

Default is 1.


bCopySaveGameToHostOrMemStick[edit | edit source]

bCopySaveGameToHostOrMemStick probably is a console setting. It is unknown to do anything on the PC version.

Default is 0.


bDisableAutoSave[edit | edit source]

bDisableAutoSave toggles off autosaves. If set to 1, all autosaves will be disabled, even if left on in the other relevant INI settings.

Default is 0.


bDisplayMissingContentDialogue[edit | edit source]

bDisplayMissingContentDialogue toggles the dialogue box that appears when a save is attempted to be loaded when one or more plugins previously used on that save have been removed from the load order.

Default is 1.


bOutputSaveGameScreenshot[edit | edit source]

bOutputSaveGameScreenshot is believed to be unused by the game. This setting, although introduced in Skyrim, appears to do nothing. The title suggests that it would output a screenshot when a game is saved, but no screenshot was observed, and it does not change the built-in screenshot in the save.

Default is 0.


bUsePagedBuffers[edit | edit source]

bUsePagedBuffers was added in the official patch 1.4. Since the 1.4 changelog says it "Fixed rare crash with loading saved games," this addition most likely is the fix for said issue. Therefore, it is recommended to remain enabled.

Default is 1.


bUseSaveGameHistory[edit | edit source]

bUseSaveGameHistory is a mystery setting. It is currently unknown what it might do.

Default is 0.


iAutoSaveCount[edit | edit source]

iAutoSaveCount sets the maximum amount of autosaves allowed before removing the oldest autosave.

Default is 3.


iSaveGameBackupCount[edit | edit source]

iSaveGameBackupCount sets the number of backup save files with a .bak file extension to save. Each additional backup will have a extra .bak added to the end of it (e.g., if set to 2, there will be two backups for autosave1.ess: autosave1.ess.bak and autosave1.ess.bak.bak). Note that these backups are not identical, which leaves reason to believe that either each backup is generated independently of the original save, or there is some bug in the backup mechanism. Setting this to 0 will create no backups.

Default is 1.


sSaveGameGameVersionOutdated[edit | edit source]

sSaveGameGameVersionOutdated was moved from the [MAIN] section to the [SaveGame] section with the official 1.2 patch. This message is displayed if a savegame from a newer version of Skyrim is attempted to be loaded on an older version of Skyrim. Currently, any savegame created on the latest version of Skyrim ( will display this warning if attempted to be played on a version below 1.6.

Default is This save game was created on a later version of Skyrim. Please download any updates..


sSaveGameSafeMarkerID[edit | edit source]

sSaveGameSafeMarkerID is a mystery setting. It is currently unknown what it might do.

Default is 1DC0A.
