Guide:Skyrim INI/NavMeshGeneration

From Step Mods | Change The Game

[NavMeshGeneration][edit | edit source]

Navmeshes are triangulated meshes that delimitate the zones NPCs can move on. They are generated from within the Creation Kit.
The settings below might have been debug flags used by Bethesda to validate such navmeshes on runtime.
Their current effect in the game is unknown, and possibly placebo.

bGlobalNavMeshCheck[edit | edit source]

Default is 0.


bGlobalNavMeshCheckDeleteWarningTriangles[edit | edit source]

Default is 0.


uNavmeshTriangleCountInteriorWarnThreshold[edit | edit source]

Default is 5000.


uNavmeshTriangleCountWarnThreshold[edit | edit source]

Default is 3500.
