Guide:Oblivion INI/Grass

From Step Mods | Change The Game

[Grass][edit | edit source]

bDrawShaderGrass[edit | edit source]

bDrawShaderGrass toggles the grass shader. Enabling it enables grass, while disabling it will disable grass. It is recommended to be enabled.

Default is 1.


bGrassPointLighting[edit | edit source]

bGrassPointLighting is believed to be unused by the game. In testing, no change was noticed.

Default is 0.


fGrassEndDistance[edit | edit source]

fGrassEndDistance sets the distance that grass ends.

Default is 3000.0000.


fGrassStartFadeDistance[edit | edit source]

fGrassStartFadeDistance sets the distance that grass begins to fade.

Default is 2000.0000.


fGrassWindMagnitudeMax[edit | edit source]

fGrassWindMagnitudeMax sets the maximum amount of wind blowing the grass, making the grass move. Setting fGrassWindMagnitudeMin and fGrassWindMagnitudeMax to 0 will cause the grass to remain static and may give better performance.

Default is 125.0000.


fGrassWindMagnitudeMin[edit | edit source]

fGrassWindMagnitudeMin sets the minimum amount of wind blowing the grass, making the grass move. Setting fGrassWindMagnitudeMin and fGrassWindMagnitudeMax to 0 will cause the grass to remain static and may give better performance.

Default is 5.0000.


fTexturePctThreshold[edit | edit source]

fTexturePctThreshold sets the texture percent threshold of the grass. Valid values range between 0 and 0.2, where 0 is full, and 0.2 altogether removes the grass. Negative values act as 0.

Default is 0.3000.


fWaveOffsetRange[edit | edit source]


Default is 1.7500.


iGrassDensityEvalSize[edit | edit source]


Default is 2.


iMaxGrassTypesPerTexure[edit | edit source]

iMaxGrassTypesPerTexure (sic) sets the maximum types of grass per texture. Increasing this will create more diverse kinds of grass, especially with grass mods, at a small performance cost. Without grass mods, changing this setting produces little effect. Negative values disable grass.

Default is 2.


iMinGrassSize[edit | edit source]

iMinGrassSize sets the grass density. Lower values increase density, and higher values decrease density.

Default is 80.
