SkyrimLE:ENBLocal INI Reference/Fix

From Step Mods | Change The Game

[FIX][edit | edit source]

The following are fixes for several issues introduced by the ENB or other aspects of the game/hardware. These settings should not normally be changed.

FixGameBugs[edit | edit source]

Allows the ENB to fix game rendering related issues and errors such as divide-by-zero errors that can cause crashes. The is normally not needed but can be enabled to fix certain issues.

FixGameBugs=(false, true)

FixParallaxBugs[edit | edit source]

This fixes parallax texture rendering issues by changing the shader used on those textures in order to rendered them correctly. This fix should be used if there are any parallax textures being used; else, leave it disabled.

FixParallaxBugs=(false, true)

FixParallaxTerrain[edit | edit source]

This feature adds parallax for the terrain in Skyrim. The above FixParallaxBugs parameter must also be enabled for this feature to work. This parameter is disabled by default.

FixParallaxTerrain=(false, true)

FixAliasedTextures[edit | edit source]

This parameter helps reduce aliasing of snow on mountains and other similar objects. It is recommended to enable it, unless SMAA is being used.

FixAliasedTextures=(false, true)

IgnoreLoadingScreen[edit | edit source]

This line is missing in some versions of ENBSeries and will need to be added. This fix tells the ENB to ignore rendering on loading screens which speeds up loading times and prevents issues related to loading screens such as missing textures. It is recommended to be enabled and added if missing from the enblocal.ini file.

IgnoreLoadingScreen=(false, true)

IgnoreInventory[edit | edit source]

Same as above, but tells the ENB to ignore rendering on the inventory screen. It is also recommended to be enabled.

IgnoreInventory=(false, true)

FixTintGamma[edit | edit source]

The is a fix for the small color differences in various parts of models such as hair. If this setting is enabled and ColorPow parameter is greater than "1.0" the differences are more noticeable.

FixTintGamma=(false, true)

RemoveBlur[edit | edit source]

This parameter will remove Skyrim's static Depth of Field which is used to blur distance landscapes when some weathers are active. The setting is generally left up the the ENB Preset.

RemoveBlur=(false, true)

FixSubSurfaceScattering[edit | edit source]

When enabled, this will fix issues with Subsurface Scattering for interiors and exteriors, and will prevent pixelated edges on characters and objects. It is recommended to be enabled.

FixSubSurfaceScattering=(false, true)

FixSkyReflection[edit | edit source]

This fixes an issue with the reflection of the sky flicking in some weathers. It is recommended to be enabled.

FixSkyReflection=(false, true)

FixCursorVisibility[edit | edit source]

This fixes an issue with the cursor visibility after using Alt+Tab. When enabled, this will replace the Double Cursor Fix mod. It is recommended to be enabled.

FixCursorVisibility=(false, true)

FixLag[edit | edit source]

This feature will reduce some delays which are mainly experienced in windowed mode. These delays are actually frames skipping when the video card is under heavy load. This feature is an experimental hack which was made specifically for NVidia users, however, it may work for AMD users as well. It is new to v0.266 and, thus, not much testing has been done with it. It is disabled by default.

FixLag=(false, true)