
From Step Mods | Change The Game
Revision as of 18:18, January 19, 2021 by Wyzoom (talk | contribs) (Created page with "== Relevant properties and variables == : <Property name="MissionObjective" value="MISSION_OBJ_COLLECT_MOD" /> : This is the text "Collect X of Y"that appears in the mission...")
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Relevant properties and variables[edit | edit source]

<Property name="MissionObjective" value="MISSION_OBJ_COLLECT_MOD" />  : This is the text "Collect X of Y"that appears in the mission agents overview . Found in LANGUAGE\NMS_UPDATE3_ENGLISH
<Property name="Format" value="NPC_MISSION_COLLECT_TITLE_%d" />
       <Property name="Count" value="20" />
<Property name="MissionSubtitles" value="GcNumberedTextList.xml">
<Property name="DefaultItems" value="GcDefaultMissionItemsTable.xml"> This part defines that the thing we need to pick up is on lush planet. LUSH1 seems to means Paraffinium
       <Property name="PrimarySubstances">
         <Property value="GcDefaultMissionSubstance.xml">
           <Property name="Substance" value="GcSubstanceTableEnum.xml">
             <Property name="Substance" value="LUSH1" />

<Property name="Substance" value="GcSubstanceTableEnum.xml"> -- this refers to which type of material to pick up, LUSH1 is parafinium. File is : METADATA\REALITY\TABLES\NMS_REALITY_GCSUBSTANCETABLE

             <Property name="Substance" value="LUSH1" />