Guide:Skyrim INI/Imagespace

From Step Mods | Change The Game



This enables radial blur, a cheap form of motion blur.
This setting may have a very small impact on performance (~0-1fps).
The effect is used for instance for dragon shouts and stagger effects.
It is recommended for screen-archers to disable it, as the blur it creates might often spoil screenshots.
Those affected by motion sickness may also want it turned off. Otherwise, there is no harm in leaving it be. Default is 1.



Default is 10000.



Changing iRadialBlurLevel to anything other than the default may induce CTD. This setting is often erroneously placed inside SkyrimPrefs.ini, even by the Skyrim Launcher, when it must be changed in Skyrim.ini in order to have any effect.

Default is 0.
