Guide:Mator Smash

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Revision as of 02:48, January 28, 2016 by EssArrBee (talk | contribs) (Created page with "=== Smash Settings === Smash settings tell Mator Smash what records to patch and how to patch them. ==== Create Smash Settings ==== #Click the tool icon on the menu bar. #Rig...")
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Smash Settings

Smash settings tell Mator Smash what records to patch and how to patch them.

Create Smash Settings

  1. Click the tool icon on the menu bar.
  2. Right click on the settings window and select "New setting".
  3. In the lower right panel, right click "Records" goto "Add", then select a record type.
  4. Expand the record type to reveal all the sub-records, then tick the sub-records that will be apart of the setting.
  5. In the top right text field type a name, then select a color to distinguish the setting.
    • To add a setting to a group give it a name and color that will be used by other similar settings and use that as a prefix followed by a period. ex: Bash.<SettingName>
  6. Click [Save] and close the window.

The new setting can now be added to a plugin. Right click any plugin, goto "Smash Setting", and choose the new setting.

Combine Smash Settings

  1. Click the tool icon on the menu bar.
  2. Hold ctrl and click all the settings that will be combined into one new setting.
  3. Right click one of the highlighted settings and select "Combine settings".
    • If there is an additional menu asking about merging record types, select [OK].
  4. In the top right text field type a name, then select a color to distinguish the setting.
    • To add a setting to a group give it a name and color that will be used by other similar settings and use that as a prefix followed by a period. ex: Bash.<SettingName>
    • Additionally, combined settings can be made for specific plugins, a group such as 'Mod' or 'Plugin' can be created to apply the setting more easily. ex: Mod.<ModName>
  5. Click [Save] and close the window.

The new combined setting can now be added to a plugin. Right click any plugin, goto "Smash Settings, and choose the new setting.