User:Dreadflopp/SRLE Explorer Custom

From Step Mods | Change The Game


This is a guide on how to use SRLE - Explorer's Edition with a STEP install instead of a Skyrim Revisited: Legendary Edition. The reason to use SRLE : Explorer's Edition instead of A Real Explorer's Guide to Skyrim (REGS), which it is a spin-off of, is that REGS needs to be updated to be compatible with STEP. It probably will get updated eventually but the author of the pack is unable to do that right now. REGS also includes mods that are incompatible with the mod Immersive Citizens - AI Overhaul which I prefer over town overhauls.


To use this subguide you need to have STEP: Core or Extended installed as well as SRLE - Explorer's Edition

Skyrim Revisited: Legendary Edition

First a few words on SR: LE. Most of the mods from SR: LE can be used with any or all of my packs. Almost all of the mods included in SR: LE are made compatible with my patches. Enhanced Lighting an FX is not compatible with STEP. To install SR: LE mods on top of STEP you just need to be a little carefull. If you install mods that improves or alters the textures of the world or of the creatures, deactivate mods that changes the same thing in STEP. If you add for example RS Children, deactivate New Children and Non Essential Children from STEP. Some of the SR: LE mods I recommend are:

  • Falskaar
  • Wyrmstooth
  • Project Reality - Climates Of Tamriel
  • Falskaar - Climates of Tamriel Patch
  • Vividian - Weather - Lighting Enhancement
  • RS Children Overhaul
Merge RS Children Overhaul following the instuctions from the SR: LE guide. Wait with the merge untill you have installed patches from the SRLE - Explorer's Edition guide.
  • Immersive Citizens - AI Overhaul
My patches for this mod are made for a unmerged version
  • VioLens - A Killmove Mod

To make an almost complete SR:LE install without STEP, install all of SR:LE except the mods and patches included in the STEP: Extended patch. Do not install Enhanced Light and FX or the custom Relighting Skyrim version from SR:LE. Do not use the SR:LE conflict resolution patch.
Install from the STEP guide:

  • Explosive bolts visualized
  • Improved Weapon Impact Effects
  • Animated Weapon Enchants
  • Smooth blades draws and sheath
  • Invisibility eyes fix
  • STEP Extended patch

After installing Enhanced lighting for ENB following the SR:LE guide, rename it's plugin:

  • ELE_Legendary_Fs_Wt_Lite.esp -> ELE_Legendary_Lite.esp

If you get a missing master warning for any of my patches, it is probably patching a STEP mod that is not in SR:LE. If this is the case, install the missing mod.

Add/modify the following LOOT rules if you haven't already:

  • Add LOOT rule for RealisticWaterTwo.esp, set priority 980000
  • Add/Modify LOOT rule for STEP Extended patch.esp, set priority 990200
  • Add/Modify LOOT rule for ELE_Legendary_Lite.esp, set priority 990100

SRLE - Explorer's Edition

Follow all instructions in the guide with these few exceptions:

  • Do not use the 3DNPC patch from Clothing and Clutter fixes.
  • Do not install any ELFX or other patches for mods you do not use.


Merge your own patch with instructions found here. Check all patch packs found in the Modular Morrowloot Overhaul folder.