ENB Choices

From Step Mods | Change The Game
Revision as of 19:18, August 26, 2012 by Farlo (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Before installing any of the ENBs, you'll need Boris Vorontsov's [http://enbdev.com/mod_tesskyrim_v0113.htm ENBSeries v0.113]. :Extract ONLY "''WrapperVersion/d3d9.dll''" to...")
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Before installing any of the ENBs, you'll need Boris Vorontsov's ENBSeries v0.113.

Extract ONLY "WrapperVersion/d3d9.dll" to your root Skyrim folder.

There are ENB and other lighting mods that come in just about every style and color. This section can be extremely suggestive and as such we suggest you browse around to find the perfect solution to fit your tastes. A Post-Processing Pack to offer numerous and varied suggestions is being planned, but in the mean time we offer three of our favorites as a starting point.

  • Project ENB
    Baseline: Climates of Tamriel & DoF only
    1. If not planning to use Climates of Tamriel (see section 2.C of the guide), use "Project ENB (Standalone)".
    2. Ignore the "Data" and "Optional effects" folders.
    3. In the appropriate "Project ENB" folder there are five choices. "Option C (DOF only)" is the recommended choice.
      • More powerful rigs with Nvidia graphics can use "Option A (DOF + SSAO)" for increased visuals. SSAO isn't available on AMD so there's no reason to use it.
      • Less powerful rigs use "Option D (No DOF + No SSAO)".
    4. Copy the folder contents (effect.txt, enbbloom.fx, etc.) to your root "Skyrim" folder (not your "Data" folder).
  • Countervibe ENB
    Baseline: Quality and DoF v3.0.0
    1. In your "SkyrimPrefs.ini" file, set the following in the [Display] section:


    2. Copy the contents of "Countervibe ENB Main Files\To Skyrim Main Folder" to your root "Skyrim" folder (not your "Data" folder).
    3. Copy the contents of "Optional Files\Optional DOF 3.0.0 and 2.0.6 codes\DOF 3.0.0" to your root "Skyrim" folder and overwrite.
    4. AMD users open "enbseries.ini" and set the following in the [SHADOW] section:


  • Enhanced Vanilla ENB
    Baseline: Low DoF, Medium Bokeh, & Godrays
    1. "5.DoF and Godrays" is the recommended choice.
      • More powerful rigs with Nvidia graphics can use "7.DoF, SSAO, and Godrays". SSAO isn't available on AMD so there's no reason to use it.
      • Less powerful rigs can use "3.Godrays only" as it has a negligible performance footprint.
    2. Copy the folder contents (enbbloom.fx, enbeffect.fx, etc.) to your root "Skyrim" folder (not your "Data" folder).
    3. Copy the contents of "DoF Options\3LowDoF\LowDof,MediumBokeh" to your root "Skyrim" folder and overwrite.
      Optionally, you can use the images in "DoF Options\ComparisonPictures" to choose your preferred levels of DoF.