Magic Pack for Skyrim
I've played as a magic user in all the Elder Scrolls games since Daggerfall (TES1). The combat magic system in all the TES games has been too underpowered to play a character that uses magic as the primary skill vs. using it at the beginning of a battle with the bulk of the fight using archery or melee. Conjuration is about the only area where the Skyrim magic system is almost always helpful. The key problems have been: - lack of some good area effect spells. In D&D games mage survival depended on getting the Fireball spell as soon as possible, but vanilla TES doesn't have similar spells; - lack of a good set of illusion spells that distract, confuse or redirect enemy attention with enemies of comparable level to the character (the spells are underpowered and in addition are often limited to use with low level enemies); - few if any spells that can keep enemy NPCs from closing to melee range; - running out of Magicka long before enemy NPCs are significantly wounded, incapacitated, or killed; - mage-specific armor, typically robes, even with with buff spells is ineffective against enemy melee and archer NPCs; - buffing spells don't often provide any enough advantage to battlemage characters to make up for any significant investment in magic perks and magicka.
Enchantment has an inherent tradeoff between allowing users to create very strong enchantments on worn and wielded objects, potentially reducing the value of quests for powerful artifacts, and having artifacts that are much more powerful than any items created with enchantment spells: - prior to Skyrim, enchantment spells don't actually add much protection to armor/clothing relative to the protection from major artifacts in the game; - pure vanilla Skyrim allows game-breaking object enchantments using combinations of potions and Fortify spells to raise the smithing and enchantment skill level.
Skyrim made some changes that affect these, but introduced some problems of it's own: - there are still no effective area spells that can be cast at a specific center point and affect multiple NPCs; - staggering (based on the destruction magic impact perk) and shouts help to keep enemies out of melee range, but stagger is a little overpowered and shout effects don't last long; - potions provide their full effect immediately, and are thus overpowered since they can be consumed too frequently; - spells and potions can be used in combination to gets short duration raises in the enchanter, restoration, and alchemy skill levels to ridiculously high levels, allowing the creation of extremely overpowered armor, weapons, and potions; this improves the value of the Enchantment magic skill but it unfortunately becomes overpowered; - enemy NPC mages have seemingly unlimited magicka, and enemy melee fighters have seemingly unlimited stamina; - if the exploit of multiple potion/spell combinations to allow overpowered enchanting is eliminated, enchanting isn't typically very useful.
There are three categories of spell mods, - mods that change all or part of the skill perk trees, - mods that don't change perks but change vanilla spells or effects, and - mods that only add new spells or effects. Some mods that change parts of a skill tree can be made compatible, but this isn't always easy.
This is a partial list of relevant mods that I'm aware of. Many of these are in Skyrim Gems ( which includes a short discussion of the mod capabilities.
Magic Mods affecting perk trees - Mighty Magic: fixes stagger overpower issue, moves some spells across magic schools to fix the magic school part of the enchanting/alchemy overpower issue, changes light-creating spells to on/off, provides large set of changes to vanilla spell cost and power progression with caster level, adds large set of purchasable new spells across multiple spell caster skill levels. The mod is modular by Skyrim spell category, but Iroha created a merged esp plugin covering all updates through 3.15 and Kelmych updated it to include 3.16 (the final update). - Empowered Magic: fixes stagger overpower issue, provides large set of changes to vanilla spell cost and power progression with caster level.
Mods changing the Vanilla spells
- Balanced Magic: (Kryptopyr's favorite) provides large set of changes to vanilla spell cost and power progression with caster level, and also adds a few new spells.
Mods with only new spells - Apocalypse: adds a large set of new spells across multiple spell caster skill levels which can be purchased or, sometimes, be discovered; - Midas Magic: adds large set of new spells across multiple spell caster skill levels including area spells and a "magic luggage" type spell, with spell books created at a Midas forge using gold plus various other ingredients; - The Revenge of Colette: adds a new set of spells and spell "stances" (somewhat like shouts), with spells and stances discovered as part of an unmarked quest; - Forgotten Magic/Forgotten Magic Redone: adds new spells (which level up as character progresses) learned by killing enemies with spells, but these new spells don't support staggering from the impact perk; - ACE Magic: adds magic "casting forms" somewhat similar to the "stances" above; and - Phenderix Magic Evolved: adds very large set of new spells, some based on non-TES lore.
Mods that change aspects of Enchanting and/or the capabilities of artifacts:
- Enchanting Awakened: makes major changes in enchanting and the Soul Trap spell to provide better balance;
- ACE Enchanting: changes enchanting perks, eliminates ability to craft some potions that allow the enchantment overpower issue;
- EzEs -Artifact Disenchanting: allows removing enchantments form items;
- NPC Enchantments Fix: Creates a SkyProc patch that allows NPCs and followers to make use of the enhancements on objects; and
- Artifact Rebalance (available on Mighty Magic page): increases capabilities of major game artifacts.
Mods that change aspects of Alchemy and using or creating potions (this doesn't include mods whose only use is to change potions from instant to having duration; this functionality is included in a number of other mods listed here):
- Miko's Alchemy & Food Overhaul: newer mod that rebalances potion creation and potion/food effects, and has some improvements over Phitts;
- Phitts Alchemy and Food Overhaul: older but still good mod that does some rebalancing of portion and food effects;
- Dynamic Potions: changes duration, strength, and weight of potions, including an MCM menu; and
- Harvest Overhaul: increases the number of ingredients harvested from plants and dead creatures.
Mods that change to look and/or capabilities of clothing/armor and equipment intended for use by mages:
- EotW Mage Robes of Skyrim: vanilla robes are too drab with little variety, these lore friendly robes are much better and provide some reasonable diversity; and
- EcthelionOtW Mage Equipment Overhaul: lore friendly makeover of vanilla objects used by mages.
Utilities that make it easier to play as a magic user
- More Hotkeys Please!: allows automatic casting of sequences of spells, and equipping of spells, armor, weapons, and potions; all this is configured in MCM. It's hard to be a mage without this utility mod. I'm working on a tutorial for it since the existing tutorial was created before the mod supported MCM.
- Skyrim -Community- Uncapper : already in STEP but included here since it needs a SKSE_Elys_Uncapper.ini configuration file designed for mage characters.