Guide:AMD Catalyst Control Center

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Revision as of 18:13, February 23, 2013 by EisDrache (talk | contribs)

Template:Notice ATI Catalyst Control Center Setup for S.T.E.P. -- by z929669 & S.T.E.P. Team

Updated: 18:13:55 23 February 2013 (UTC)



Not much here right now. Check back soon for more.


Step 1: Right click on any open space on your desktop and click on AMD VISION Engine Control Center

Step 2: Look to the right side of the newly open window and click on the Gaming tab. Then click on 3D Application Settings.

Step 3: Click on the + Add button in the newly open pane to the right. A browse file window should of opened. Search and locate the TESV.exe file within your skyrim folder. Select the TESV.exe file and click Open. A warning will pop up saying "Do you want to override the Pre-defined profile?" Click on Yes then click on OK.

Step 4: Now select the TESV.exe profile that has now appeared below the + Add button.

To change to your desired settings Hover your mouse over said setting and click on the down arrow that will appear to the right. Then just click on your setting you would like.

Step 5: Change all the settings in the right pane to the corresponding changes in the list below.

Anti-Aliasing Anti-Aliasing mode: Change this to Override application settings Anti-Aliasing Samples: Change this to 4x Filter: Keep at Standard Anti-Aliasing Method: Change this to Supersampling Morphological Filtering: Keep at Off

Texture Filtering Anisotropic Filtering Mode: Change this to Override application settings Anisotropic Filtering Level: Change this to 16x Texture Filtering Quality: Change this to High quality Surface Format Optimization: Keep at On

Frame Rate Control Wait for Vertical Refresh: Keep at Off, unless application specifies OpenGL Triple Buffering: Keep at Off

Tessellation Tessellation Mode: Keep at AMD optimized Maximum Tessellation Level: Keep at AMD optimized

Step 5: Now click on Save in the lower right hand corner. Another warning will pop up saying "Do you want to overwrite the existing profile? TESV'exe" Click on Yes then click on OK

Step 6: Play