User:DrPharmDawg/SkyRem Guide Conclusion

From Step Mods | Change The Game
Skyrim Roleplay Enhancement Mod Guide for Special Edition
Final Steps
Current Version: 1.01
Created and maintained by DrPharmDawg
Last Update: 17:52:53 17 September 2024 (GMT)

Template:TOC right Template:Construction

Guide Pages
SkyRem Home: Information about the SkyRem Guide.
First Steps: Start here to ensure proper installation, settings, and Tools are setup.
How Tos: Reference guides for utilizing tools.
Core Guide: This section focuses on Stability, Performance, Mechanics, and Content mods.
Extended Guide: This section contains optional mods that build on the core of SkyRem.
Visual Guide: This section focuses on Aesthetic mods.
Final Steps: The final steps to complete, including in-game MCM Setup prior to starting your journey.
Changelog: Check here for updates.
Guide Support
Discord: Discord Channel for all things SkyRem (Guide and Mods).
Patreon: Support SkyRem development via Patreon.
PayPal: Support with a one-time donation via PayPal.
Trello: See guide development progress on Trello.


FNIS Patch

Always rerun the following FNIS Patcher if mods are added/removed that contain animations of any kind. FNIS was installed as part of Step 10 >> Part A of the Core Guide, so you already have the files. Add the FNIS Patcher to your MO executables and run the patcher as followers:

  • In MO2, right-click on the last activated mod and select [All Mods] and [Create empty mod].
  • Name the empty mod FNIS Output and activate it.
  • Click [Configure the executables that can be started through Mod Organizer] (icon with two gears).
  • Enter FNIS Patcher in the title field and locate the GenerateFNISforUsers.exe for the Binary field.
  • Check the [Create Files in Mod instead of] and select the FNIS Output mod you just created and click [Add].

Now that you have the executable and the empty mod setup, run FNIS:

  • Run [FNIS Patcher] from the executables.
  • Check the ["GENDER Specific Animations"] and ["SKELETON Arm Fix"] options.
  • Click [Update FNIS Behavior]. Once the the patcher is done, click [Consistence Check] to make sure there are no problems.
  • Exit FNIS Patcher.

Bashed Patch

The Bashed Patch will be used primarily to compile Leveled Lists. Create a Bashed Patch:

  • As you did for FNIS Output empty mod, create a Bashed Patch empty mod under your finished FNIS Output patch and activate it.
  • Edit the Wrye Bash executable to add the Bashed Patch to the [Create Files in Mod instead of] field.
  • Run [Wrye Bash] from the executables.
  • In the left pane of Wrye Bash, right-click [Bashed Patch, 0.esp] and select [Rebuild Patch].
  • Click [Skip] if a window opens regarding Merging.
  • In the Updated Bashed Patch, 0.esp window, check only [Import Inventory] and [Leveled Lists], and click [Build Patch].
  • When done, exit Wrye Bash.

Smashed Patch

The Smashed Patch will help resolve many conflicts between mods. Create a Smashed Patch:

  • Repeat the process of creating an empty mod named Smashed Patch, activating it, and adding it to the Mator Smash executable.
  • Run [Mator Smash] from the executables.
  • In the pop-up window, select the [Skyrim SE] icon and click [OK].
  • Ensure all mods are selected in the next window, and click [OK].
  • Under the [Plugins] tab, highlight every mod with the exception of the Skyrim.esm at the top.
  • Right-click any mod while they are all highlighted, and select [Add to patch] and [<New Patch>].
  • Change NewPatch in both fields to Smashed Patch and click [OK].
  • With all mods still highlighted, right-click again and select [Smash Settings] >> [Smash] >> [Smash.All].
  • Locate and select the ESPs below. Right-click and select [Smash Settings] >> [Smash] >> [Smash.ForceAll]
SkyRem - Lora.ESP
Bashed Patch.ESP
  • Click [Build patches] (hammer icon).
  • When done, exit Mator Smash.

zEdit Patch

Relinker Patch


