Viva New Vegas - A Fallout New Vegas Modding Guide
"If you want to see the fate of democracies, look out the window"
So, it has come to this. I've been debating doing a guide like this for a while now, and I guess im just gonna take it on. Fallout New Vegas is a wonderful game limited by a garbage engine and consoles. Luckily, we have these things called mods that can fix all of our problems, while causing many, many more. Fear and Loathing in New Vegas by EssArrBee is a great guide, but he stopped updating it about a year ago. So, you can think of this guide as an updated Fear and Loathing. This guide aims to fix vanilla bugs, enhance the vanilla game, and add content that fits right in with the base game. There will be a lot of mods. A lot a lot of mods. Be prepared for this guide to take you multiple sessions to complete. This is a rather advanced guide, so I wouldn't suggest you use this if it is your first time modding a Bethesda game, unless you want to look up tutorial videos for some of the stuff I don't give detailed instructions for. My user page acts as a directory for the guide where you can get to any link from the guide. Special thanks to TDarkShadow and others in the Discord for helping me make this along the way.
Future Considerations
- Any questions/problems with the guide can be directed to my Nexus page here.
- You can join the discord here for troubleshooting/help, general chat, or suggestions
Other Guides I Suggest
- Fallout 4: Crossing the Great Wastes by Ape75
- Fallout 4: BiRaitBec Modlist
- Skyrim Special Edition: Lexy's: Legacy of The Dragonborn Special Edition
- Fallout New Vegas: Rika's guide to FNV modding (Less content additions, more stable)
Pre-installation Checklist
- A fresh installed, legal copy of Fallout New Vegas, with all of the DLC. I suggest you install it on an SSD if you can
- Launch the 'Fallout New Vegas Launcher' and have it pick a preset for you. This is just to set your .ini files, the actual settings will be tweaked later
- Disable the Steam Overlay for Fallout New Vegas. You can do this by right clicking on the game in the steam library, click properties, and under the 'general' tab, uncheck 'Enable Steam overlay in game' (Omit if you have the GOG version)
- If I don't give any special install instructions, just install the main file
My System Specs
- i5 7500
- 8GB 2400 DDR4
- Rx 470 4GB
- 250GB Samsung EVO SSD (Where my FNV is installed)
- Windows 7 Pro (Really suggest 7 over 10, especially for modding Fallout New Vegas. Windows 10 seems to make FNV crash frequently and broke the ENB .dll file, not to mention the adware/spyware that cannot be uninstalled. If you are on 10, I may not be able to help you with windows related problems)
- Install to any folder where you can access it easy, unless instructed otherwise
Mod Organizer 2
- Special Install Instrucions:
Install it to your New Vegas main directory. Join the team's discord here for ~weekly dev builds
- By far the best mod manager for Fallout New Vegas, 3, 4, Skyrim, and SSE. For an explanation of its advantages and a basic tutorial, watch Gopher's video here.
- Special Install Instrucions:
- Download Generate Bash Tags.pas and the scripts from TES5EditScripts.
- Navigate to the scripts in windows explorer and move the scripts to the "...FNVEdit\Edit Scripts" folder.
- Download the updated version of the mteFunctions.pas here, then extract mteFunctions.pas to the "...FNVEdit\Edit Scripts" folder and overwrite the existing script.
- Will be used to create merged patches, clean plugins, and add bash tags to mods later in the guide.
Wrye Bash
- Special Install Instrucions
Download the standalone executible file and extract the 'Mopy' folder to the New Vegas main directory.
- Will be used to create a bashed patch at the end of the guide to help with conflict resolution
Mator Smash
- Generates conflict resolution patches, similar to Wrye Bash's Bashed Patch. Smash is capable of handling conflicts in all record types.
- Helps sort load order and detect which mods need cleaning.
Merge Plugins
- Merges plugins to reduce load order. We'll go into detailed install instructions towards the end of the guide.
Configuring Mod Organizer
- Launch MO2, and on the pop-up box the says 'Choose Instance,' pick 'Portable.' On the next pop-up, select your New Vegas game directory
- Click 'no' on the Start Tutorial pop-up
- Click 'yes' on the pop-up that asks Mod Organizer to handle nxm links
- In the right pane, right click and hit 'enable all'
- In the left pane, allign the files in the same order that they are in the right pane
- Launch the game, and then immediately exit. This is just to set the .ini's in MO2.
- Click the 'Configure Profile' button on the top bar that looks like an ID card
- Click on the Default profile, and click copy.
- Name the new profile 'Viva New Vegas.' Make sure 'Local Game Settings' is checked.
- Select the profile and check 'Automatic Archive Invalidation'
- Close out of that box
- Select the new profile in the drop down menu right above the left pane.
- Click the 'Configure Settings' button on the top bar that looks like a screwdriver and wrench.
- If you are using an SSD, click the 'Paths' tab, and set the 'Downlaods' directory to a location outside of the SSD
- Click on the 'Nexus' tab and check 'Automatically Log-In to Nexus,' type in your username and password, and click 'Associate with "Download with manager" links'
- Click Ok
- Click on the 'modify executables' button on the tool bar that looks like two gears
- In the 'Title' box, type 'LOOT'
- In the 'Binary; box, click the three dots on the right and find where you installed LOOT and double click LOOT.exe
- Click 'add'
Repeat the previous three steps for: FNVEdit, Merge Plugins, Wrye Flash, and Mator Smash
INI Tweaks
There are a few INI tweaks that will be needed for mods later in the guide, and also some performance and stability improvements.
- Open the INI Editor in MO2 and in the 'FalloutCustom.ini' tab and add:
[General] bUseThreadedAI=1 INumHWThreads=2 bPreemptivelyUnloadCells=1 bLoadFaceGenHeadEGTFiles=1
[BackgroundLoad] bSelectivePurgeUnusedOnFastTravel=1
[Display] fLightLODDefaultStartFade=10240.0 fLightLODRange=10240.0 fLightLODMinStartFade=10240.0 fLightLODMaxStartFade=10240.0 fShadowLODDefaultStartFade=200.0 fShadowLODRange=200.0 fShadowLODMinStartFade=100.0 fShadowLODMaxStartFade=1000.0 fSpecularLODDefaultStartFade=10240.0 fSpecularLODRange=10240.0 fSpecularLODMinStartFade=10240.0 fSpecularLODMaxStartFade=10240.0 fDefaultFOV=90.0000 fPipboy1stPersonFOV=55.0 fDefault1stPersonFOV=70.0000 fDefaultWorldFOV=90.0
[Controls] fForegroundMouseAccelBase=0 fForegroundMouseAccelTop=0 fForegroundMouseBase=0 fForegroundMouseMult=0
[Grass] fGrassStartFadeDistance = 17000
- Special Install Instrucions:
- Extract the 4 .dll files and the .exe to the New Vegas main directory
- Open MO2, click the screwdriver and wrench button directly to the right of the profile drop down menu, click 'install mod,' navigate to where NVSE downloaded, double click the .7z file, and right click on 'Data' and click 'Set data directory'
- Right click on your desktop and create a new folder called 'NVSE.' In that folder, create a new text document called 'nvse_config.ini' (Make sure you have application extensions visable and replace the .txt with .ini) In that .ini, add:
[Memory] DefaultHeapInitialAllocMB=420
- Save the .ini and exit
- Right click on the 'NVSE' folder, add it to a 7zip or WinRAR archive and install it through MO2
- NVSE extends the scripting capabilities of NV and is essential for most mods
- Install normally through MO2
-NVSE extension
- Special Activation Instrucions:
Double click on JIP LN in MO Click on the .ini file Set bEnableFO3Repair to 1 at the bottom of the .ini
FNV 4GB Patcher
- Special Install Instrucions:
Put the .exe in the FNV main directory Run the .exe and click enter Close out and delete the .exe You'll know if it worked if 'FalloutNV_backup.exe' is created in your directory After installing this, you should be running the game through the 'New Vegas' option in Mod Organizer (Use NVSE if you have the GOG version)
- Lets FNV use 4gb of ram instead of 2
- Note: Not needed if you have the GOG version of the game
- Install normally
- Click the "puzzle" button on the toolbar, click 'configurator,' select the 'display' tab, and set 'bFull Screen' to false
-Fake fullscreen and alt+tabbing without crashing
NVAC - New Vegas Anti Crash
- Install the main file only through MO2
-Helps prevent crashes
New Vegas Stutter Remover
- Install normally
- Download an updated .ini file here.
- Open of the .ini from the .zip file
- Select all and copy all
- Double click the 'New Vegas Stutter Remover' in the left pane of MO2
- Select the .ini file
- Select all and paste what you copied earlier
IMPORTANT NOTE: If you use Windows 10, you need to set iDefaultMode = 1 under critical sections or you will experience crashing.
Ogg Vorbis Libraries
- Special Activation Instrucions:
Install all of the .dlls to the FNV main directory. Overwrite if prompted
- Latest compiled Ogg Vorbis Libraries. The game uses it for decoding оgg audio format
Bug Fixes/QOL
Yukichigai Unofficial Patch - YUP
- Install normally
-Fixes numerous bugs in the vanilla game and is updated regularly
Unofficial Patch Plus
- Install normally
- Fixes many more bugs that YUP didn't include because they use NVSE
The Mod Configuration Menu
- Files to install:
The Mod Configuration Menu MCM Bugfix 2
- Allows you to configure many mods' settings
Ammo Effect Fixes
- Special Install Instrucions: Don't install the following folders/files:
AmmoEffectFixes - Caliber.esp
- Replaces ammo scripts and "bean bag" fatigue effects to fix bugs
Pre-War Buisnesswear Fix
- Special Install Instrucions: Don't Install the following Files/Folders:
- Fixes texture paths related to buisness wear
Simple Saves
- Install normally
- Special Activation Instrucions:
When you start your new game, input these into the console: set SaveInterval to 'x', and set SaveCount to 'x' (Set 'x' to the value you would like, 5 is default for both) Save Interval is the time in-between each save in minutes. Can be a non-integer value such as 2.5 SaveCount is the maximum number of temporary saves before the first is overridden. Has to be an integer value under 1000, but a low value is recommended
- Creates a save every 5 minutes. Lets you turn off those save-bloating autosaves
Reactivated Hit Topics
- Install normally
- Restores NPC voice lines when they get hit, like in Fallout 3
Precision Collision
- Special Install Instrucions: Don't Install the following Files/Folders:
- Adds more accurate meshes to clutter
Collision Meshes
- Files to install:
Collision Meshes FNV PrecisionCollisionClutterFix
- Lets you put stuff in barrels, shoot through fences, etc.
Unnecessary Physics
- Install normally
- Adds more detailed physics to moveable objects
- Files to install:
Ragdolls Ragdolls esp fix
- Improves ragdoll behaviour for all NPC/Creatures in the game
DiDisaan's Patch Emporium - Yukichigai Unofficial Patch - YUP
- Files to install
Yukichigai Unofficial Patch - YUP - Ragdolls
- Patch for YUP and Ragdolls
Placed Creature Corpses use Vanilla Skeletons.
- Install normally
- Fixes a bug found in ragdolls
New Vegas - Enhanced Camera
- Install normally
- Lets you see your body in 1st person and changes 3rd person animations like sitting/ragdolling into 1st person
HeroinZero's Weapon Fixes
- Install normally
-Fixes animation and sound issues with some weapons.
Swimming and Rebreather Restoration
- Install normally
- Restores the swimming sounds and the unused rebreather sound
Comprehensive Cleanup and Item Respawn
- Install normally
- Adds the Fallout 4 item & container re-spawn style to the game
UIO - User Interface Organizer
- Install normally
- Lets multiple HUD mods work together without issues
One HUD - oHUD
- Install normally
- Lets you take control of your HUD by adding, hiding, or removing elements
Vanilla UI Plus

Template:FOMOD_Instructions is deprecated and should no longer be used on this wiki. Please change this template call to use the better-looking and simpler Template:Fomod. We apologize for the inconvenience.ExpandFOMOD Instructions Vanilla UI Plus |
- Makes the HUD more suitable for PC while fixing bugs
Loot Menu for FNV
- Install normally
- Adds the Fallout 4-style looting system to New Vegas
Loot Menu and FPS Weapon Wheel - Vanilla UI Plus Patches
- Files to install:
Loot Menu - Vanilla UI Patch
- Makes the loot menu fit the VUI+ style more
Vanilla HUD Remastered (4K)

Template:FOMOD_Instructions is deprecated and should no longer be used on this wiki. Please change this template call to use the better-looking and simpler Template:Fomod. We apologize for the inconvenience.ExpandFOMOD Instructions Vanilla HUD Remastered |
Keyboy - UI Hotkeys Manager
- Files to install:
Keyboy 3.3 KeyBoy - JIP Improved Recipe - Compability Patch
- Lets you change the key bindings for HUD stuff like take all, exit, etc.
Quest Item Hider
- Install normally
- Hides quest items from completed quests in your inventory
Better Pickup Prompt
- Install normally
- Displays a decimal weight value and makes the weight red if picking it up will encumber you
Universal Item Sorter
- Install normally
- Special Activation Instrucions:
1. Right click on Vanilla UI Plus in MO2's left pane 2. Click 'Open in explorer' 3. Navigate to '\Menus\Prefabs\VUI+\settings.xml' and open it 4. Change "<_VUI+noMODSlabel> 0 </_VUI+noMODSlabel>" to "<_VUI+noMODSlabel> 1 </_VUI+noMODSlabel>"
JIP Companions Command and Control
- Install normally
- A better way of commanding companions around, also lets you give companions unlimited ammo and have unlimited companions
The Weapon Mod Menu
- Install normally
- Lets you remove weapon mods and see all available mods
Tutorial Killer
- Install normally
- Removes tutorial pop-ups
Simple DLC Delay
- Install normally
- Delays DLC pop-ups untill you discover the location of the DLC
Faster Sleep Wait
- Install normally
- Speeds up sleeping and waiting
Caravan Card Control
- Special Activation Instrucions: Don't install the following folders/files:
CardMaster NV.esp
- Tells you if you already own a Caravan card while shopping
Hotkey Scroll Wheel (JIP LN NVSE)
- Install normally
- Lets you cycle through your hotkeys with your scroll wheel
Stimpak Hotkey (JIP LN NVSE)
- Install normally
- Adds a configurable hotkey for automatically using all types of Stimpaks
NMCs Texture Pack for New Vegas
- Files to download:
NMCs Textures NV SMALL Pack SINGLE FILE FOR NMM NMC New Vegas Patch for ALL Sized packs
- Retextures many objects in the game ranging from architecture to landscape. Good base for any setup
- Files to install:
PocoBuenoTexturePackV5 Poco Bueno Hi Res GS Watertank PocoBueno Heavy Damage Roads V1 PocoBueno Skeleton Transparency Fix
- More vibrant/rusty textures. Will be our main pack for the guide
Collision Meshes - OJO Bueno Patch
- Files to download:
OJO BUENO Texture Pack compatibility
- Compatibility patch for the two mods mentioned in the title
MGs Neat Clutter Retextures
- Files to download:
MGs NCR Pack 7 Duct Tape Common globe BB Cigs
- Retextures the smaller objects that NMC/POCO didn't cover
Audleys Misc Textures
Files to download:
Audleys Misc Textures - Fear and Loathing
- Install normally
- Retextures some even smaller objects not covered by the previous
Textures Over Time
- Files to install:
FlagStoneWalls HH_Sandstone Sandbags
- Beautiful retextures of the stone walls, sandbags, and Honest Hearts sandstone
Collision Meshes - Textures Over Time Patch
- Files to install:
Textures Over Time FlagStoneWalls compatibility
- Compatibility patch for ToT and Collision Meshes
Mojave Sandy Desert
- Files to install:
Main File 2.10 - No LOD Optional - Dry Desert Textures
- A retexture of the wasteland with arid desert textures
Wasteland clothing Hires retexture
- Files to install:
Wasteland Clothing HD V1-3 FULL PACK Wasteland Clothing HD V1-3 POWDERGANG FIX -IMPORTANT-
- Special Installation Instructions: Don't install the following files/folders:
- From Wasteland Clothing HD V1-3 FULL PACK:
- From Wasteland Clothing HD V1-3 POWDERGANG FIX -IMPORTANT-
- High quality retextures of most clothing items in the game
ADAM Reborn
- Files to install:
Adam All-in-one Installer 4.4.2b Fafnir's Custom Ranger Armor

Template:FOMOD_Instructions is deprecated and should no longer be used on this wiki. Please change this template call to use the better-looking and simpler Template:Fomod. We apologize for the inconvenience.ExpandFOMOD Instructions ADAM Reborn |
- Overhauls all the Desert Ranger armor in the game
ADAM Reborn Fix
- Install normally
- Just a quick fix for the Elite Riot Gear textures behaving strangely indoors
Desert Ranger Armor Retexture for ADAM MODE
- Install normally
- Desert Ranger Armor Retexture for ADAM with blood, fake shadows and HD textures
Desert Ranger Combat Armor Re-Deserted - New Textures - OWRRP
- Install normally
- A new and improved look for the Desert Ranger Combat Armor, making it more fit for the desert environment
aMidianBorn NV Book of Water
- Files to install
BOA NV The Book Of Flesh nov 2011 book of steel
- Special Installation Instructions: Don't install the following files/folders:
boancrpahelmet.esp Boacombat2glove.esp
- Retextures power armor armors and various creatures
Bornagain Combat Armor
- Files to install:
Lite Version - BornagainFNVCombatArmor2048 BornagainFNVCombatArmorLonesomeRoad4096
- Retextures Combat armor + helmet and the LR combat armor
Book of Steel - Compatibility Edition
- Install normally
- Cleans up the aMidianBorn NV Book Of Steel plugins and integrates Enclave Power Armors Retextured
Hockey Mask - Retex
- Install normally
- Scarier retexture of the hockey mask that raiders use
The Gruntening - 2k Combat Armor Retextures
- Install normally
- Makes the combat armor look similar to how it looks in Fallout 4
Shifting Shadows - 2k Assassin and Stealth Suit Retextures
- Install normally
- 2k retextures of the main armors from Dead Money and OWB
Metal Armors Metalized - 2K Metal Armor Re-textures
- Files to instal:
Classic Fallout Khaki Leather v1.1 Helmet Update
- 2k retexture of metal armor
Vault Suits Retextured (Edited by Qolore)
- Install normally
- Retextures vault suits. My edit fixes a file issue that caused the arms of the vault suits to not be retextured. Thanks to Binguz for telling me about this
Super Mutants HD - 4k Retextures
- Files to install:
Super Mutants HD - 2k Low
- Retextures super mutants, nightkin, and their armor
Improved Robots Textures
- Files to install:
Improved Main Robots Textures Improved LR Robot Textures Improved OWB Robot Textures Lore patch
- High res retextures of all robot types
Securitron Hires retexture
- Install normally
- I suggest the 4k version because I had weird clipping issues with the 2k version
Ghouls Hires retexture
- Install normally
- Retexture of non-feral ghouls
FeralGhouls Hires retexture
- Install normally
- My favorite retexture for this game
Hectrol ED-E Deluxe HR Retex Evoloution Pack
- Install normally

Template:FOMOD_Instructions is deprecated and should no longer be used on this wiki. Please change this template call to use the better-looking and simpler Template:Fomod. We apologize for the inconvenience.ExpandFOMOD Instructions Hectrol ED-E Deluxe HR Retex EVOLUTION PACK |
- Retextures Ed-E, but it replacers Ed-E's speakers with TV monitors for whatever reason
Healthier Yao Guai
- Files to install:
Healthier Yao Guai
- Removes the green ghoulish tint from Yao Guai
Nightstalker Retexture
- Files to install:
Newest Version
- Adds a scale-y neck and mane to nightstalkers
The Molerat Extravaganza - Molerat Retexture
- Install normally
- High res retexture of molerats
Minimod - High Resolution Newspapers
- Install normally
- Makes the newspapers that are framed on walls actually legible
Hectrol Tumbleweed Deluxe HighRes Retex
- Files to install:
Hectrol Tumbleweed Deluxe 1024 Retex
- Install normally
- Most important retexture in the game, obviously
Collision Meshes Patch - Hectrol Tumbleweed Patch
- Files to install:
Hectrol Tumbleweed fix
Magazine Redux
- Files to install:
MagRedux 1024x1024 MagRedux QuickFix
- Retexture of skill magazines
HiRes Skill Books Retexture
- Install normally
- Same as above but for skill books
Improved Cyberdogs Textures
- Files to install:
Improved Cyberdogs Textures Improved Rex Textures Improved Military Cyberdog Textures
- Adds a camo pattern to the military cyberdogs from OWB and also retextures Rex
EXE - Effect teXtures Enhanced
- Install normally
- Overhauls many of the visual effects in the game. Can be somewhat FPS hungry if a lot is going on, so you can skip it out if you know your PC can't handle it
PM's Med-Textures - HD Chems and Venoms
- Files to install:
PM's Med-Textures v1.0 PM's Med-X Texture Sebastjin's Normals
- Retexture of chems and medicine while still staying true to the original design
HiRes Water Bottle Textures and Meshes
- Install normally
- Makes the water bottles look like traditional plastic water bottles
6IXES Clutter Texture Pack
- Download manually since its a FO3 mod
- Special Installation Instructions: ONLY install the following files/folders:
meshes/clutter/food/beerbottle01.nif, vodka01.nif, winebottle01.nif textures/clutter/food/beerbottle*.dds, vokda*.dds, winebottle*.dds textures/clutter/liqourbottles/whiskeybottle*.dds
- ONLY install the alchohal retexture stuff
PM's HD Ammo Boxes
- Files to install:
PM's HD Ammo Boxes - 1K Diffuse 512px Normals
- Retextures ammo boxes
High Res Turpentine
- Install normally
- Warning: You may want to pick up all the turptine you see to admire it
Vanilla Loading Screens HD
- Instal normally
- Upscales Vanilla loading screens without ugly sharpening
Pause Menu HD
- Files to install
Pause Menu HD - 1024
- Retextures the background of the pause menu
Wasteland Flora Overhaul - ESP-Less
- Install normally
- Retextures flora and grass. Original mod by Vurt.
Securitrons in CRT
- Files to install:
Securitrons in CRT 1.0 OWB in CRT
- Adds scanlines to securitron monitors
Bighorner Model Variants
- Files to install:
Bighorner Model Variants - Standard
- Makes Bighorners, calfs, and bulls look different from eachother
Bighorner Ultra High Resolution Texture
- Install normally
- Retextures bighorner, works with the new variants from the mod above
Semitransparent Door Glass (Edited by Qolore)
- Install normally
- Makes glass on most doors transparent (Doesn't add transparency to doors that don't have anything behind them). Original mod by KaneWright.
Tweaked Cashregister
- Install normally
- Tweaks the mesh of the cash register to make it look less horrendous
Transparent Nuka Bottles
- Install normally
- Lets you see through empty nuka cola bottles
High Res Vanilla Posters and Graffiti
- Install normally
- Same upscaling method used for Vanilla Loading Screens HD
Snowglobes Redone
- Files to install:
Snowglobes Redone DLC 2K
- Special Installation Instructions: Don't install the following folders/files:
Snowglobes Redone - DLC.esp
- Retextures snowglobes as well as adding unique effects based on the location of each
High-Res Hula Girl Retex and Resource
- Files to install:
Hula Girl - Coconut Bra
- Special Installation Instructions:
Use either the x256 or the x512 version in the main file
- I didn't even know there was a Hula Girl in this game but it looks cooler now
High Resolution Potato
- Special Installation Instructions:
Use the x128 version in the main file
Higher-Resolution Westside Craftsman Window
- Special Installation Instructions:
Use either the x512 or x1024 version in the main file
High Resolution Bulletin Board and Primm Flyers
- Special Installation Instructions:
Use either the x256 or the x512 version in the main file
- Anonther thing that I don't really know what it is but maybe I'll find out now cause it looks nicer
Pinyon Nuts Retexture
- Install normally
High Resolution Iguana on a Stick
- Install normally
- For the lizard connoisseur
Caravan Lunch - Fixed UV Map
- Install normally
- Odds are you haven't ever or will never notice this but whatever
High-Resolution Bobby Pin Box
- Special Installation Instructions:
Use the x512 version in the main file
Retextured Playing Cards
- Files to install:
Cards Retexture 512x512 - Grimy Variant Fixed Card Deck
Pip-Boy 2501
- Install normally
- Adds the handheld pipboy from the classic Fallout games. An updated version of the Pip-Boy 2500
Dynamic Pipboy Light
- Install normally
- Lets you set the range, brightness, color and activation timing of your pipboy light ingame
Satellite World Map
- Files to install:
Satellite World Map
- A high-res Satellite map for the Mojave Wasteland
Satellite Maps DLC
- Install normally
- High-res Satellite maps for Dead Money, Honest Hearts, Old World Blues, and The Lonesome Road
Character Expansions Revised
- Special Installation Instructions:
Move everything from the 'Optional' folder to the data folder with all of the other .esps You don't need to activate any of the patches until you actually install the mods the patches are for
- Visual overhaul of characters' faces, vanilla aesthetics
Vanilla Underwear Replacer
- Install normally
- Removes the shirt for males and tweaks the shape of the female top
High Resolution Male Body Textures
- Special Installation Instructions:
Install the 'Vanilla' version in the main file
- Higher resoloution male textures. Makes your hands look better while holding a gun mainly
FNV Realistic Wasteland Lighting
- Files to install:
FNV Realistic Wasteland Lighting - All DLC RWL - Alternative Sun - Lens Flare RWL - No Overcast Weather All 3 versions
- Special Installation Instructions: Don't install the following files/folders:
FNV RWL No DLC - No Overcast Weather.esp TTW RWL - No Overcast Weather.esp
- Loot Metadata Update Required:
Load FNV Realistic Wasteland Lighting - All DLC.esp after tmzLODadditions.esp
- A complete weather overhaul for Fallout New Vegas and its DLCs designed to make the game look more realistic
Natural ReShade
- Files to install:
- Special Installation Instructions:
Follow the install instructions at the bottom of the description
- A ReShade preset to give the game a natural, performance-friendly look
DYNAVISION 3 - Total Visual Enhancement
- Install normally
- DYNAVISION 3 provides a dynamic depth-of-field and auto-focus effect similar to a camera and a host of other visual enhancements and effects such as film grain and moods
- NOTE: The update file can be ignored unless actually having the invisible NPC problem
Interior Fog Remover
- Files to install:
- Removes foggy veil from everywhere indoors
Dragbody's Faction Overhauls
Boomers Go Boom (Edited by Qolore)
- Install normally
- Overhauls many uniforms of the Boomers to be of insanely high quality. My edit removes the changes to the NPC faces for all of the overhauls
Brotherhood Reforged (Edited by Qolore)
- Install normally
- Overhauls many and uniforms of the BoS
Greater Khans (Edited by Qolore)
- Install normally
- Overhauls the uniforms of the Great Khans
Powder is the New Black (Edited by Qolore)
- Install normally
- Overhaulss the uniforms of the Powder Gangers. Really makes them look like prison escapees instead of some dudes in sweatshirts
Powder is the New Black - Vanilla Body Patch
- Install normally
- Makes Powder is the New Black work with vanilla bodies
NCR Ultimate Overhaul (Edited by Qolore)
- Install normally
- Overhauls the uniforms of the NCR with a WW2 aesthetic
- Note: Has a bug where soldiers will sound muffled like they have face wrap over their mouths when they don't
NCR Ultimate Overhaul - Vanilla Body Patch
- Install normally
- Makes NCR Ultimate Overhaul work with vanilla bodies
The Legion Will Ryse (Edited by Qolore)
- Install normally
- Overhauls the uniforms of the Legion to give them a more Roman look
Gameplay Effects/Changes
JSawyer Ultimate Edition
- Install normally
- Rebalance mod oringally made by the lead director of FNV and edited by PushTheWinButton. Think of it as a 'directors cut' mod
DiDisaan's Patch Emporium - JSawyer Ultimate Edition
- Files to install:
JSawyer Ultimate Edition - Ragdolls
- Patch for JSUE and Ragdolls
YUP - Gameplay Tweaks - JSawyer Ultimate Edition (Edited by Sigourn)
- Special Installation Instructions:
Use this updated .esp and overwrite the .esp from the mod above
- Combines a bunch of small gameplay effect mods made by Yukichigai. Edited by Sigourn to make it compatible with JSUE. [ Original mod by darthbdaman
- Loot Metadata Update Required:
Load YUP - Gameplay Tweaks - JSawyer Ultimate Edition.esp after JSawyer Ultimate.esp
Qolore Gameplay Tweaks
- Install normally
- An addition to YUP Gameplay Tweaks made by myself. Here's a list of the added mods
- Files to install:
- An overhaul of how damage and force is applied for more deadly and challenging combat
Mojave Arsenal
- Install normally
- Adds ammo variants, reloading parts, and weapon mods as loot; fixes item naming conventions; improves recipes; and adds options for configuring GRA
JSawyer Ultimate Edition Patches
- Files to install:
JSawyer Ultimate Edition - Mojave Arsenal Patch
- Patch for JSUE and Mojave Arsenal
VATS Alternative - A Comprehensive Bullet Time Mod
- Install normally
- Adds a bullet time and adjusts vanila perks that used to effect just VATS to also effect the bullet time
Mojave Wildlife
- Files to install:
Mojave Wildlife - FO3 No Chanced Spawns Version
- Adds hundreds more leveled, vanilla-friendly creature spawn points throughout the whole Mojave, based off unused vanilla leveled lists. This main file in particular is what the mod author reccomends because it adds the most variety and challenge
Mojave Raiders
- Files to install:
Mojave Raiders Mojave Raiders - .22LR Varmint Rifle Patch
- Overhaul of New Vegas's raider factions, balancing their loot and adding more of them to fight
Simple Street Lights V2 (Edited by Sigourn)
- Install normally
- Makes the street lights in New Vegas functional. Original mod by DekoMan91.
Simple Fix For Simple Street Lights FNV
- Special Installation Instructions:
Add master: SimpleStreetLights (Extra Lights).esp
- Fixes an LOD issue and a broken script that breaks the Ant Misbehavin quest
Spice of Life - Variety Armor and Clothing Robert Breeze Type3
- Files to install:
NivSpiceofLife-V 1_2
- Install normally
- Adds more clothing/armor to up the variety
Spice of Life - Variety Armor and Clothing - Vanilla/Default Body Patch
- Special Installation Instructions:
Use the BSA Replacer version
- Spice of Life patch for Vanilla bodies
Mojave Patch Outpost
- Files to install:
YUP-Spice of Life Patch
- Install normally
- Adds the pick up and drop sounds and combines the FormID Lists
Distributed Necklaces and Chains (Edited by Sigourn)
- Install normally
- Adds necklaces and chains to NPCs to hide the discoloration seam on NPCs necks caused by NVR2. Original mod by AcidicMInd.
No More Trippin and Bear traps
- Install normally
- Floating companions will not trigger traps nor mines, nor will any of your companions if you have the Light Step or In My Footsteps perks. Also adds placeable bear traps
Combat Enhancer
- Install normally
- Edits various Game Setting entries for NPCs making combat a bit more interesting
Enemy AI - Tactics - NPC Healing
- Special Installation Instructions: Don't install the following folders/files:
XFO - 9db - Enemies - NPC Healing - med.esp XFO - 9dc - Enemies - NPC Healing - high.esp
- NPCs use more cover, smarter NPC tactics and teamwork, more creature differences, and NPC healing
- Note: After some testing it turns out AI intellegence is broken no matter what mods you use. To combat this, I'd suggest not using scoped weapons because you can just pick people off one by one without consequences. Its OP and not very fun.
Immersive Recoil 2.0
- Install normally
- Adds recoil to all gun, and is compatible with everything
Follower Tweaks
- Install normally
- Assorted changes to remove annoying features from some followers
Karmic Balance - Karma Consequences
- Install normally
- Adds Fallout 3-styled hitmen that come after you based on your karma
Ultimate Illness Mod (Edited by Sigourn)
- Install normally
- Adds an illness system like that of Fallout 4 Survival Mode. Original mod by xqdcss.
Optional: Wild Wasteland Integrated
- Install normally
- Integrates Wild Wasteland into the game without having to waste a perk point on it. Optional if you don't want Wild Wasteland
Alternative Repairing
- Install normally
- Adds a new repair system on top of the old one that adds repair parts for you to craft and buy
Super Mutant Overhaulord
- Files to install:
Super Mutant Overhaul - No overlords
- Buffs super mutants to make them more dangerous, as they should be
Gun Runners Actually Run Guns
- Install normally
- Adds a Gun Runners Caravan and adds some rooms to the HQ
PipBoys to the People
- Install normally
- Adds Pip-Boys to NPCs who come from Vaults
Ammo Crafting Schematics
- Files to install:
Ammo Crafting Schematics v1_0_6 ACS - DLC Merged v1_0_1
- Lets you craft and breakdown any ammo type or explosive in the game by finding or purchasing the appropriate schematics
Take Chems Make Fiends
- Install normally
- You can move freely among the Fiends of the Mojave with the Day Tripper perk if you wear Raider armor and a Fiends helmet
Lonesome Road Flare Ammo
- Install normally
- Gives the Flare Gun from Lonesome Road its own proper flares as ammo type instead of flamer fuel
- Install normally
- Adds the Fallout 4 adrenaline mechanic
Stealth suit Mk II reasonable Stimpak Med-X auto inject and sneak speed fix
- Install normally
- Uses Stimpaks when player health falls to 40% instead of 50%, uses Med-X when player health falls to 30% instead of when one of players body parts condition falls below 25%, and adds missing speed multiplier while sneaking
Limitless Stats
- Install normally
- Lets you continue increasing your SPECIAL stats, skills and level past their normal limits.
The Living Desert
- Install normally
- Adds hundreds of npcs and several scripted events to the game such as people patrolling the roads, travelling between towns, occupying locations and exploring the desert, and reacting dynamically to your choices throughout the game
Economy Overhaul
- Install normally
- Aims to make buying and selling more rewarding and plausible
Rewarding Exploring - Unique Places for Unique Weapons
- Install normally
- All unique weapons from Gun Runner's Arsenal have been placed around the Mojave for you to find
Water Overhaul (Edited by Sigourn)
- Install normally
- Overhauls various aspects of water in New Vegas to add more variety, make radiation-free water more scarce, and increase difficulty. Original mod by PushTheWinButton.
JSawyer Ultimate Edition Patches
- Files to install:
JSawyer Ultimate Edition - Water Overhaul Patch
Cut Content Restored
More Cut Content Merged (by Sigourn)
- Install normally
- Merge of Child at Heart Perk, Cut Sewers Restored, Strip Wall Billboards, Tops Casino Neon Restored and the Uncut Wasteland's optional files: Road to Legate's Camp, Bison Steve Trees, Cottonwood Cove Shack, and Greenhouses.
New Vegas Uncut 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7 (Edited by Sigourn)
- Install normally
- Merge of moburma80's uncut series of mods, edited to be compatible with JSUE and YUP Tweaks. Original mod by LordNino215 and MoBurma.
New Vegas Uncut 6 - If It Wasn't For Betsy Remastered
- Install normally
- Manual FNVEdit Cleaning Required:
Run FNVEdit through MO2 Right-click inside the file listing and select "None". Check the box adjacent to lexx_brahmin-betsy.esp and click [OK]. Wait for the message "Background Loader: finished" to appear in the right pane. Right-click lexx_brahmin-betsy.esp and select "Apply Filter For Cleaning". Wait for the message "[Filtering Done]" to appear in the right pane. Right-click lexx_brahmin-betsy.esp and select "Remove Identical To Master Records". Wait for the message "[Removing Identical to Master records done]". Right-click lexx_brahmin-betsy.esp and select "Undelete and Disable References". Wait for the message "[Undeleting and Disabling References done]". Close out of FNVEdit and save the plugin
- Adds the cut content companion Betsy and her unique quest to the game
New Vegas Uncut - Outside Bets
- Install normally
- Restores and collates minor pieces of cut content that are too small for their own mods, to restore all the NPCs removed by Obsidian's patching process, and to fix a few minor bugs that prevent content in the vanilla game
DiDisaan's Patch Emporium - JSawyer Ultimate Edition
- Files to install:
JSawyer Ultimate Edition - New Vegas Uncut - Outside Bets
- Patch for JSUE and Outside Bets
Uncut Wasteland
- Files to install:
Uncut Wasteland. Outside Bets
- Restores a huge amount of scenery and little random things which were patched out of the game post-release
The Moon Comes Over The Tower - Restored
- Install normally
- Re-adds the part of the quest which requires you to go H&H Tools Factory, Camp Golf, and North Vegas Steel to disable the network encryption
Prerelease Restored
- Install normally
- Restores content seen in the prerelease trailers and screenshots but later cut from the game
Weapon Related Stuff
EVE - Essential Visual Enhancements
- Files to install:
EVE v1.18 - Alternate

Template:FOMOD_Instructions is deprecated and should no longer be used on this wiki. Please change this template call to use the better-looking and simpler Template:Fomod. We apologize for the inconvenience.ExpandFOMOD Instructions EVE - Essential Visual Enhancements |
- New crit kill animation scenes, HD blood fx, HD fire fx, HD explosions, new bullet impacts, energy weapon projectiles & impacts, new textures, and more
EVE - JIP Ash Pile Tweaks
- Files to install:
EVE - JIP Ash Pile Tweaks
- Special Installation Instructions: Don't install the following folders/files:
EVE - JIP Ash Piles - NO DLC.esp EVE - JIP Ash Piles - NO GRA.esp
YUP 10.4 - EVE - IMPACT - BLEED Compatiblity Patches
- Files to install:
Manual WryeFlash Editing Required:
Launch Wrye Flash through MO2 Select YUP + EVE + BLEED.esp in the right pane In the right pane, click on BLEED - NV.esp in the Masters: section Click 'yes' when it asks you to update masters list Right click on BLEED - NV.esp and select 'change to...' In the file name box, type 'BLEEDNV.esp' Click open Click 'save' under the Masters: box
- Visual and bug fixes from YUP, EVE, and BLEED together
Weapon Mods Expanded - WMX
- Files to install:
Weapon Mods Expanded v1_1_4 WMX-DLC v1_0_2 WMX - EVE Compatibility v1.0.10

Template:FOMOD_Instructions is deprecated and should no longer be used on this wiki. Please change this template call to use the better-looking and simpler Template:Fomod. We apologize for the inconvenience.ExpandFOMOD Instructions WMX-DLC |

Template:FOMOD_Instructions is deprecated and should no longer be used on this wiki. Please change this template call to use the better-looking and simpler Template:Fomod. We apologize for the inconvenience.ExpandFOMOD Instructions WMX-EVE |
- Gives ALL weapons in New Vegas the maximum of three applicable weapon mods
Mono's WMX Plugins
- Install normally
- Removes the .223 Pistol and the Battle Rifle since they are essentially differently named duplicates of their GRA equivalents and removes the Dead Money guns from various shop lists WMX added them to
Mojave Patch Outpost
- Files to install:
- Install normally
Weapon Retexture Project - WRP
- Files to install:
weapon_retexture_project_1dot95 New 12_7mm SMG ChristineCOSRifle
- Install normally
- Pack of all of Millenia's wonderful weapon retextures
357 Revolver Re-Retextured
- Special Installation Instructions: Don't install the following folders/files:
Bozar retexture
- Files to install:
Single Shotgun Re-Retexture
- Special Installation Instructions: Don't install the following folders/files:
GRA WRP Unofficial Patch V2
- Install normally
Weapon Mods Expanded - WMX
- Files to install:
WMX - Weapon Retexture Project compatibility v1.2.4
Bowie knife retexture
- Files to install:
Bowie and BloodNap knife retexture for WMX
Hatchet retexture
- Files to install:
Hatchet retexture for WMX
Cleaver and Chopper Retexture
- Files to install:
Cleaver Retexture for WMX
Combat and Chance's knife Retexture
- Files to install:
Combat knife Retexture for WMX
Throwing melee weapon retexture
- Files to install:
Throwing melee weapon retexture Normalmap fix (no ugly shiny)
B42 Weapon Intertia
- Install normally
- Adds weapon intertia
Cowboy Repeater without peep sight
- Install normally
- Gets rid of the annoying peep sight on the cowboy repeater
Melee Reach Fixed
- Files to install:
ALTERNATIVE mastahbossu's Scripted Version
- This mod alters the reach of all melee and unarmed weapons in the game, including Unique and NPC only versions, to better reflect the size of their model
Scope Replacer Pack
- Files to install:
Less Serious Mr Serious

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Quests and New Locations
The Someguy Series
- Install normally
- Master file required for all of Someguy2000's quest mods
New Vegas Bounties I
- Install normally
- Pursue high-risk bounties across the Mojave Wasteland in this fully-voiced adventure mod
New Vegas Bounties II
- Install normally
- The fully-voiced sequel to the hit action/adventure plugin, New Vegas Bounties I
- NOTE: The LOOT message about a dirty plugin can be ignored
New Vegas Bounties II Fixes
- Files to install:
NVB2 Fixes DLCs
- Ccontains many fixes to the popular New Vegas Bounties II mod
PM's Sweeter Revenge - Minimod
- Files to install:
PM's Sweeter Revenge - 2K
- HD Retexture for the "Sweet Revenge" .44 Revolver from New Vegas Bounties
New Vegas Bounties III
- Install normally
- The final chapter of the New Vegas Bounties series
NVB2 and NVB3 Quest Hookup
- Install normally
- Allows NVB3 to start after completion of NVB2
The Inheritance
- Install normally
- Manual FNVEdit Cleaning Required:
Run FNVEdit through MO2 Right-click inside the file listing and select "None". Check the box adjacent to theinheritence.esp and click [OK]. Wait for the message "Background Loader: finished" to appear in the right pane. Right-click theinheritence.esp and select "Apply Filter For Cleaning". Wait for the message "[Filtering Done]" to appear in the right pane. Right-click theinheritence.esp and select "Remove Identical To Master Records". Wait for the message "[Removing Identical to Master records done]". Right-click theinheritence.esp and select "Undelete and Disable References". Wait for the message "[Undeleting and Disabling References done]". Close out of FNVEdit and save the plugin
- Compact, lore-friendly quest mod for Fallout: New Vegas, designed to offer new avenues to experience combat and role-playing for high-level characters
- Install normally
- In-depth, fully-voiced, lore-friendly, male companion designed to enrich the player's experiences in the Mojave Wasteland
The New Bison Steve Hotel and Lucky Casino
- Files to install:
New Bison Steve Version 107 MASTER FILE VERSION
- Rebuild the Bison Steve Hotel and Lucky Casino from an empty structure to the Grand Opening and get a cut of the profit, two great player home options, unique weapons and armor and your own personal vendor
Afterschool Special
- Files to install:
Afterschool Special Version 2O1
- Quest to complete a makeover of the the Schoolhouse in Goodsprings and turn it into a player home
NVInteriors Project
- Files to install:
NVInteriors Core NMC_NVInteriors Compatibility patch Small (or whatever size NMC pack you used)
- Adds many new interiors and changes boarded up buildings into fully-explorable ones
NVInteriors Rewritten
- Files to install:
- Rewrites all notes, terminal entries, and names in Chucksteel's NVInteriors to be grammatically correct, as well as more coherent and sensible, while also attempting to further enchance the extra content Chucksteel has added by making it consistent with already existing lore
Wasteland Loot (With New Locations)
- Install normally
- Adds more to the Mojave experience, including new locations (marked and unmarked), interesting encounters, loot, enemies to fight and more
Mobile Truck Base
- Files to install:
Data MTB Van
- A small mobile housing mod
- Install normally
- Adds a new quest and 1.5-3 hours of gameplay to the Mojave Wasteland
Autumn Leaves
- Files to install:
Autumn Leaves Autumn Leaves Esp V1.031
- A DLC-sized Quest Mod with more than 2000 pro-voiced lines where you try to solve a murder mystery
YUP - Autumn Leaves Patch
- Install normally
- Adds the Cateye bug fixes from YUP to the Cat Paw perk from Autumn Leaves. Made by TDarkShadow
3dNPC Fallout NV Bundle
- Special Installation Instructions: Don't install the follow folders/files:
3DNPC_Velius.esp VincentVincent.esp
- Adds a bunch of new fully voiced generic NPCs, named NPCs, Companions, and a new bar in Freeside with some new quests
Hope and Ford JIP CCC Avatars (By Binguz)
- Install Normally
- Adds JIP CCC Avatars for Hope Lies from 3dNPC bundle and Ford from NVBIII. Made by Binguz from the Discord
Medical Clinic Expanded
- Install normally
- Opens up the interior with additional rooms, details and NPCs to fit it's description more
Unfriendlier Persuasions - Vanilla Quest revisited
- Install normally
- Makes the quest Unfriendly Persuasions more interesting and dynamic
Vault 22 Flora Overhaul
- Install normally
- All levels of Vault 22 22 have been modified and cluttered with more flora , ivy, bushes, grasses and some creepy things
- NOTE: Do not clean the mod or else you will experience CTDs on startup
Consistent Pipboy Icons and Fixes
- Files to install:
Upscaled Consistent Pip-Boy Icons

Template:FOMOD_Instructions is deprecated and should no longer be used on this wiki. Please change this template call to use the better-looking and simpler Template:Fomod. We apologize for the inconvenience.ExpandFOMOD Instructions Upscaled Consistent Pip-Boy Icons |
- Fixes color consistency bugs in pipboy icons. Installing now so nothing overwrites it
Interior Lighting Overhaul
- Files to install:
Interior Lighting Overhaul 6-9 - Mod Organizer
- Manual FNVEdit Cleaning Required:
Run FNVEdit through MO2 Right-click inside the file listing and select "None". Check the box adjacent to ILO - New Vegas Bounties Patch.esp and click [OK]. Wait for the message "Background Loader: finished" to appear in the right pane. Right-click ILO - New Vegas Bounties Patch.esp and select "Apply Filter For Cleaning". Wait for the message "[Filtering Done]" to appear in the right pane. Right-click ILO - New Vegas Bounties Patch.esp and select "Remove Identical To Master Records". Wait for the message "[Removing Identical to Master records done]". Right-click ILO - New Vegas Bounties Patch.esp and select "Undelete and Disable References". Wait for the message "[Undeleting and Disabling References done]". Close out of FNVEdit and save the plugin
- Modifies all interior cells giving them a realistic look and a more creepy feel
NVInteriors Rewritten
- Files to install:
- Replace the orginal ILO .esp with this one
Interior Fog Remover
- Files to install::
- Loot Metadata Update Required:
Load NV_IFR_ILOFIX.esp after Interior Lighting Overhaul - Ultimate Edition.esp
- Compatibility patch for Interior Lighting Overhaul
All Weapon Sounds Overhaul
- Files to install:
All Weapon Sounds Overhaul AWSO-WMXEVEYUP-ALLDLC-Merged
- Adds more realistic gun sounds to all of the guns in the game
Mojave Music Radio - Extended
- Files to install:
MMRE ESPs MMRE Music Pack 1 MMRE Music Pack 2 MMRE Music Pack 3 MMRE Music Pack 4
- Special Install Instrucions: Don't install the following folders/files:
MojaveExtended20.esp MojaveExtended40.esp MojaveExtended60.esp MojaveExtended80.esp
- Adds 85 all-new tracks for Mojave Music Radio, mostly of a country/western/bluegrass persuasion but with a sampling of blues and rockabilly tracks as well to round things out
MTB - New Engine Sounds for Mobile Truck Base
- Install normally
- New sounds that aren't as loud as the original and are much higher audio quality
Immersive Pickup Sounds FNV Edition
- Files to install:
Immersive Pickup Sounds - Compatibility Version
- Adds pickup sounds to many items that used to use the generic pickup sound
Human Collision Sounds Removed
- Install normally
- Prevents human collisions sounds from playing (Doesn't affect the sound that plays when you land from a jump)
Robot Collision Sounds Removed
- Install normally
- Replaces the sounds most commonly heard when robots collide with the environment with a silent file
LOD Improvements
- Files to install:
FNVLODGen 3.2.1 FNVLODGen Resource Trees LOD Billboards Vanilla
- Special Installation Instructions:
Install the files from FNVLODGen 3.2.1 to a seperate folder anywhere Add FNVLODGen.exe to MO2 like we have with all the other .exes
LOD additions and improvements
- Files to install:
LODadditions LODadditions-NVInterriors
- A collection of new, low poly models to use during generating LOD
- Special Install Instrucions: Don't install the following folders/files:
textures/clutter/ textures/clutter/
- One-click LOD generator for FNV
- Special Activation Instrucions:
Move 'tmzLODadditions.esp' to the top of your load order below the last .esm Right click on the .esp and click 'Lock Load Order'
Less Horrendous Vikki and Vance Casino LOD Mesh
- Install normally
- Replaces the terrible LOD model and textures of the boarded casino nif with a slightly better one based of the original mesh
Much Needed LOD
- Files to install:
Much Needed LOD Much Needed LOD - Ojo Bueno Patch
- Adds new distant level-of-detail to many world objects; from vehicles, roads, barricades, and lots of rocks
- FNVLODGen Instructions
Right-click on LOD Texture Patch for NMC's Textures Go to All Mods and then select 'Create Empty Mod' Title the mod 'FNVLODGen Output Activate the mod you just created Go to the 'Modify Executables' Click on FNVLODGen Tick the box next to 'Create Files in Mod instead of Overwrite From the drop-down menu select the 'FNVLODGen Output' mod you just created Click 'Modify' and then exit that window Run FNVLODGen through MO2 Make sure 'Objects LOD' and 'Trees LOD' are ticked in the right pane Tick 'Build atlas' Set 'Build atlas' to '4096 x 4096' In the left pane right click and click 'Select All' Click 'Generate' and wait for it to finish
Improved LOD Noise Texture
- Files to install:
Improved LOD noise Texture
- Improves the generic ground LOD
Merge Plugins Guide
Making a Bashed Patch
- Open Wrye Bash Through MO2
- Click OK to any pop-up
- Right click 'Bashed Patch, 0.esp'
- Navigate to File -> Delete
- Right Click on the top bar and navigate to File -> New Bashed Patch...
- Right click on the new bashed patch and select 'Rebuild Patch...'
- Make sure everything in the pop-up box is checked and then click ok
- Uncheck everything on the left panel except 'Merge Patches'
- Leave FNVLODGen.esp and MuchNeededLOD.esp unchecked
- Click Build Patch and wait for it to finish. Wrye Flash should take care of everything from here and ask to activate itself if that is needed.
- After building the patch, re-check 'FNVLODGen.esp', 'MuchNeededLOD.esp', and 'WMX-ArenovalisTextures.esp'
Making a Smashed Patch
- Launch Mator Smash through MO2
- On the plugin select pop-up box, just select OK
- Select every plugin except 'FalloutNV.esm'
- Right click and navigate to 'Smash setting -> Smash -> Smash.All
- In the top left, click the green arrow button
- Wait for smash to finish creating the patch
- Close out when its finished generating
My Settings
Qolore7's Settings
- If theres no picture for a certain portion it means I didn't edit anything or its all person preference (like controls). Also any hotkeys are obviously up to you (Except the KeyBoy settings are needed to prevent you accidently hitting 'Take all' when trying to put stuff in a container)
So, thats it then. Thanks for sticking around for the entire thing. Remeber to report any bugs and issues to preferably the Discord but you can also PM me. Hopefully people still use this in about a month because I know I'm doing nothing but playing Fallout 76 for about 3 months when it comes out.