User talk:Diana TES GotH/Morroblivion Overhaul

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Introduction and Summary

Disclaimer: This is a guide intended to help first-time modders make their modding experience as successful as possible.
The guide has been split into a number of small sections for your convenience.

Neither S.T.E.P. or I are responsible for users who do not install the recommended mods carefully and end up breaking their game. We are also NOT responsible if a user's system is not capable of handling the recommended mods.

Any questions or issues related to this guide will be addressed on the STEP: Morroblivion Overhaul forum. I encourage all users of this guide to register on the forum. For live assistance, discord members may join The Morroblivion Help Desk hosted by ponyrider0. I also encourage feedback and suggestions. While I am an experienced modder, I am by no means a master.

Notice: It is particularly important that new users begin with a clean installation of both Morrowind and Oblivion in order to be successful with their modding setup the first time through, so PLEASE READ EACH SECTION CAREFULLY, as no information included in this guide is irrelevant! Due to the many steps one must take in order to successfully install each mod, this will be a tedious and time consuming project. It is recommended that you take the time to save all changes made to any files so that if you have to revert back to any part of this guide you can more easily retrieve the files you made any necessary changes to.

This guide has been created by experimenting with many online guides and modifying others recommendations to suit my own personal tastes. Mods tailored for Morroblivion are noted for convenience.

You must have LEGAL copies of BOTH Oblivion GOTY and Morrowind + All DLC’s.

IMPORTANT: READ the developer’s information provided before performing any installations. The instructions provided within this guide are only suggestions that work for the majority of users. Not all users have the same system setup.

Author's System

Motherboard: Alienware Aurora R6
OS: Windows 10 Pro
Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-7700K CPU @ 4.20GHz
RAM: 16.0 GB
Video Card: GTX 1080Ti
Hard Disks: Standard Disk Drive
Power Supply: 850 WPSU Liquid Cooled Chassis
Case or Enclosure: Desktop
Monitor: Dell UP3216Q
Audio Equipment: Logitech Z906 5.1 Channel Speaker System
Input Devices: Logitach HID-compliant keyboard and mouse, Xbox One Controller, Steam Wireless Controller

This setup is also being tested with:

Motherboard: DELL N3JV3 DDR3 SDRAM
OS: Windows 10 Home
Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4510U CPU @ 2.00GHz, 2001 Mhz, 2 Core(s), 4 Logical Processor(s)
RAM: 16.0 GB
Video Card: NVIDIA GeForce GT 750M
Hard Disks: Standard Disk Drive
Case or Enclosure: Laptop


Each mod or tool is preceded by a tag for easier management of the guide:

  • CORE
    This mod is a full part of the guide and is expected to be installed.
  • TOOL
    This isn't a mod, but a modding utility to be used during your modding adventure.
  • Optional
    This mod is optional. This is an addition considered useful to the setup, but might be more of a personal preference.
  • Morroblivion
    This mod is specifically tailored for Morroblivion.

Pre-requisite Steps

Related Video: Morrowind: Installation & Settings by GamerPoets

Related Video: Oblivion: Installation & Settings by GamerPoets

Clean Install of Morrowind & Oblivion

UNINSTALL Morrowind and Oblivion

1. Backup any data you may wish to save for reference or use later.
2. Deactivate all mods using your choice of mod manager.
3. Open Steam, right-click Oblivion in your Library → Delete Local Content → Delete. Wait until the game has been uninstalled.
4. Navigate to C:\Users\YourUsername\AppData\Local\Oblivion and delete the Oblivion folder.
5. Navigate to C:\Users\YourUsername\Documents\My Games and delete the Oblivion folder.
6. Uninstall your previous Mod Manager(s) and other installed game files from the Control Panel → Programs.
7. Browse to your Morrowind and Oblivion directories and delete all files and sub-directories that were not uninstalled by Steam or through the Control Panel Programs.
8. If you used any other mod manager, find and delete their mod directories also.
9. If you previously used Wrye Bash, navigate to the Oblivion Mods folder it created and delete it as well.
   Notice: If you do not wish to lose previously installed mods make certain to back them up.

It is recommended installing Morrowind and Oblivion to an SSD, if available, and preferably on a separate drive/partition than the Operating System (i.e. instead of installing to the C: drive, install it to D: or E: etc.). If a separate drive/partition is unavailable, avoid installing Steam and Oblivion in "C:\Program Files" or "C:\Program Files (x86)" folders since Windows User Account Control [UAC] will cause issues with a modded Morroblivion.

Morrowind and Oblivion can be installed one of three ways:

1. Purchase the physical DVD from a retailer. Insert the disk, select Run "Setup.exe," and follow the on-screen instructions.
2. Install STEAM and purchase the digital media from the Steam store.
   Navigate to the Steam website, download the installer, and launch "SteamSetup.exe". Once Steam is installed, use the Steam search bar to search for "Morrowind" and “Oblivion” to purchase and install the game.
   NOTICE: Make certain to disable Steam Overlay for all games. Steam Overlay is known to cause issues with modded setups.
3. Purchase the games from GOG. 
   Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind GOTY Edition setup_tes_morrowind_goty_2.0.0.7.exe
   Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion - Game of the Year Edition Deluxe install setup_oblivion_1.2.0416_cs_(12732).exe 
NOTICE: ALL Windows 64 OS USERS, cave entrance meshes may have a leading space in their filename in the BSA so if they were modded they would show as an error mesh on some OS's where leading spaces are not permitted. Review Artmoor's comment on GOG's community forum here.

Security Settings
Since User Account Control can prevent some tools from working correctly, it is recommended to edit the security settings of your game directories to give users full control. To do this:

• Locate your game directory.
• Right-click the folder and select Properties.
• Go to the Security tab and click Edit...
• Highlight Users (<username>\Users) in the top panel.
• In the bottom panel, under the Allow column for Full Control, check the check box and click Apply.
• Click OK and OK again.

Windows Folder Options
You should use the following settings for Windows "Folder and Search Options" while modding Morroblivion. These settings can be reverted at any time.

Windows Folder Options should be adjusted as follows:

• Check Show hidden files, folders, or drives.
• Uncheck Hide extensions for known file types.

Some Windows systems or antivirus programs will block unrecognized downloads. Simply right click on the file, select properties, select unblock, select Apply and exit.

Oblivion Launcher Options
It is recommended to launch Morrowind and choose the preferred launcher options and in-game options to initialize the auto-detection process. While the main game engine is that of Oblivion, and only Oblivion is launched for playing Morroblivion, Morrowind is still accessed during the installation of Morroblivion through the Morroblivion Installer executable file.

As a quick-start to installing utilities, simply launch Oblivion from the Oblivion.exe to initialize the auto-detection process, and adjust the settings according to your system setup and preference.

Launcher Options

Adapter: Make certain to choose your video adapter.
• Screen Resolution: Select your screen resolution.
• Video Quality Presets: User’s Preference (Ultra is recommended).
• Mode: User’s Preference
• VSync: User’s Preference
• Screen Effects: Keep set to HDR - this is required for TES4LodGen used later in this guide. Note that anti-aliasing must remain at none for HDR to be enabled.
• Click [OK] when you are sure your settings match those above.

In-game Options &Controls
Click [Play] in the Oblivion launcher and once the menu loads click [Options] to set [Gameplay] and [Video] preferences.

Difficulty: (Users Choice)
• General Subtitles: (On)
• Dialogue Subtitles: (On)
• Crosshair: (Users Choice)
• Save on Rest/Wait/Travel: Set all to (Off)


Resolution = User Preference (Choose your Monitor Resolution)
Brightness = 50% (Choose your Desired Setting)
Texture Size = Large (Recommended for OR)
Tree Fade = 100% (managed by the OR's frame rate manager)
Actor Fade = 100% (managed by the OR's frame rate manager)
Item Fade = 100% (managed by the OR's frame rate manager)
Object Fade = 100% (managed by the OR's frame rate manager)
Grass Distance = 100% (managed by the OR's frame rate manager)
View Distance = 100% (managed by the OR's frame rate manager)
Distant Land = On (managed by the OR's frame rate manager)
Distant Buildings = On (managed by the OR's frame rate manager)
Distant Trees = On (managed by the OR's frame rate manager)
Int. Shadows = 5 (User's Preference) (Minimal Recommended)
Ext. Shadows = 5 (User's Preference) (Minimal Recommended)
Self Shadows = On (Recommended for OR)
Shadows on Grass = Off (Recommended for OR)
Tree Canopy Shadows = On (Recommended for OR)
Shadow Filtering = High (Recommended for OR)
Specular Dist = %50 (MIN 10% REQUIRED FOR POM SHADERS)
Bloom Lighting = Off (Recommended for OR)
Window Reflections = On (Recommended for OR)
Window Reflections = On (Recommended for OR)
Anti-aliasing= Off (Recommended for OR)

Working Folder

Suggested “Working Folder” structure for repackaging archives into “BAIN Simple Structure” for proper manual installation:

Create a new folder on your desktop naming it Working Folder. Move any downloaded archives that need to be repackaged into this "Working Folder". Read the developer’s informational documents. Make any necessary changes to the folder structure and files that are recommended. Any documentation that is not relevant to the installation simply create a new folder with the name of the mod it represents and move this folder into the Docs folder.

When the files are structured properly, create a new folder and name it as the original file is named + add _BAIN at the end of the file name in order to distinguish that it has been repackaged properly. We will do this later in the guide.

Notice: Inside your Working Folder create a Data subfolder, inside the Data subfolder create a Docs subfolder and an OBSE subfolder, and inside the OBSE subfolder, create a Plugins subfolder:

1. Create a Data folder.
2. Create a Docs folder and move it into the Data folder.
3. Create an OBSE folder.
4. Create a Plugins folder and move it into the OBSE folder.
5. Move the OBSE folder into the Data folder. See examples below:
This is the original folder structure of the vanilla Oblivion\Data folder with an explanation of the added folders. Example 1
This is the original folder structure of the vanilla Oblivion\Data folder with an explanation of the added folders. Example 2

It is recommended that you create a new folder for downloads and repackaged files:

1. Navigate to the directory the games are stored in (for most users this will be \Steam\steamapps\common).
2. Create a New Folder naming it Oblivion Mods. This will be where you will store your downloads and repackaged mods for future retrieval, if needed, saving time and effort later. This will also be where Wrye Bash will retain mod files. Wrye Bash mod files will be located in the \Oblivion Mods\Bash Installers.

Backing Up Morrowind and Oblivion

After installing Morrowind and Oblivion, it is highly suggested backing up the vanilla files for future use. Copying the folders in the following locations to a folder such as "Morroblivion Backup" should ensure you have access to your vanilla files. If you would like to reduce the size of your backup, using 7-Zip or other compression software to compress your backup files should free up some space.

Notice: Backup locations:

<Oblivion Mods>
<My Games>\Oblivion>

Oblivion Data Folder
Archiving the Data Folder and installing it as the first mod in Wrye Bash will be beneficial to correct any issues that may arise from uninstalling certain mods. This will allow you to reinstall the vanilla files if such problems occur.

To archive your Data folder with Windows:

1. Navigate to your Oblivion\Data directory
2. Select all folders and files except for those with a .bsa extension.
3. De-select the Textures folder and all files with a .bsa extension.
4. Right-Click and select "Add to archive…" naming it Oblivion Vanilla Data_BAIN
5. Wait for the file to finish compressing, which may take a few minutes as it is a large file.
This is the original folder structure of the vanilla Oblivion\Data folder with an explanation of the added folders
Oblivion Vanilla Data

Suggestions for In-Game Testing

SPOILER! Console Commands for Testing:

Install a Mod Management Utility

While mods can be installed manually, it is not recommended. A mod-management utility is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED in order to keep track of a complex setup like Morroblivion. These utilities also make it exponentially simpler to deconstruct a modded install in order to update to a new version, and to update versions of the mods. This is impossible to do simply or efficiently (or even correctly) otherwise.

Wrye Bash is more complete and works with almost all mods. Wrye Bash, with TesModManager serving as a supplementary application for the functionality of certain OMOD installations, is the highest recommended for Oblivion modders.

Mod Organizer is also an excellent mod management utility. However, it will require a few workarounds to function properly. Nevertheless, for users who wish to use Mod Organizer, this guide will provide appropriate instructions to accommodate Mod Organizer users.

Use 7-Zip or other compression software to extract any downloaded archives.

Wrye Bash

Wrye Bash by Wrye Bash Team

Related Guide: Guide: Wrye Bash by STEP

Related Video: Bevilex Modlist Full Video Guide - part 1: Wrye Bash by outdated TV

Description: The function of this tool is to manage mods, create Bashed Patches and other functionalities that will be used in this guide. Bashed Patches merge the leveled lists from the installed mods and has some limited functionality to merge mods and tweak game values.

Notice: GOG Users: polik1 uses the GOG version of both Oblivion and Morrowind and has made us aware that there is a bug in Oblivion's BSA, ESM and ESP files - they are missing the Modified Date attribute (it's blank). This prevents Wrye Bash from launching properly. The fix for the GOG version of Oblivion is available at The Nexus Forums: Wrye Bash topic and is needed for all mentioned files. 

Special Installation Instructions:
Download Manually:

• Wrye Bash 307 Beta2 - Installer
• Wrye Bash Pictorial Guide v8.4 by alt3rn1ty: Review and select your options
1. Download the files from both locations and extract the files into the Wrye Bash folder.
2. Launch Wrye Bash Installer and click Next (or follow the Related Video instructions linked above).
3. In the Installation Location(s) select Install for Oblivion and Wrye Bash [Standalone]. DO NOT select Wrye Bash [Python] unless you are experienced with Python.
4. Make certain the Oblivion game directory is selected. Click Next.
5. In the Choose Component screen Select all. Click Install.
6. In the Installation Complete screen click Next.
7. In the Finished installing Wrye Bash screen uncheck Oblivion, check View Readme, and Delete files from old Bash version. Click Close.
   NOTICE: Mod Organizer Users: Do NOT Run this utility until instructed. Wrye Bash will be added to Mod Organizer's executable list and launched from Mod Organizer. 
Notice: Wyre Bash Users: Create a shortcut of Wrye Bash.exe to the desktop.
The first time you launch Wrye Bash a Lock Load Order Screen message may appear. Click yes and then ok. To manually turn off Lock Load Order, right click on file and uncheck Lock Load Order.
   • Right-click on File in the Mods tab and select Load → All
   • To enable Wrye Bash Installers, click on the Installers tab; when prompted “Do you want to enable installers?” click Yes
Notice: OBSE Plugins, Morroblivion, and BAIN mods install best using Wrye Bash. Mod Organizer users will have to restructure files and install OBSE Plugins manually.
8. Right click on Bashed Patch, 0.esp and select Rebuild Bashed Patch... 9. Click [Build Patch]. Notice: For this guide we will only be selecting certain settings. In the "Update Bashed Patch, 0.esp window, click Deselect All and check only the following: Tweak Assorted: Bow Reach Fix Darnified Books Default Icons Magic: Script Effect Silencer Right Hand Rings Cobl Catalogs 10. Close Wrye Bash. If asked to Activate Bashed Patch, 0.esp click Yes then Close.
Notice: The Bashed Patch, 0.esp may become corrupted causing a CTD. If this happens, navigate to the Oblivion\Data folder and delete Bashed Patch, 0.esp (or delete the mod in Mod Organizer). Return to the Wrye Bash\Mods tab, right click on the File header → File → New Bashed Patch. Rebuild the Bashed Patch (make certain to select desired tweaks).

Add Executables to the Wrye Bash Launcher Bar

Wrye Bash Users: From this point forward launch applications from Wrye Bash's launcher bar, at the bottom of its main window.
• To add an executable file, find and Right Click on the .exe file. Drag the file to \Oblivion\Mopy\Apps folder and select Create shorcut here.
• When you next run Wrye Bash the icon will be in the Launcher Bar, and you can Drag and drop the new icon to a desired position.
• Be careful not to use up all the available space and prevent tool tip messages appearing next to the Launcher Bar.

Installing Mods with Wrye Bash

1. Launch Wrye Bash.exe
2. Click on the Installers tab and wait for it to scan the current installs.
3. Right click on Package and make certain Sort by → Order is checked.
4. If you are performing a new set of mod installations, right click on Package and select Add Marker… to keep your mods sets organized.
5. Drag the mod archive into the Package pane.
   Notice: Wrye Bash may appear that it is not responding, be patient with the process. It may take a while.
6. Double click on the mod to review the files and restructure the folder as needed.
   • If you need to make changes to the folder structure, follow the Working Folder structure suggestions. Double click the mod to open the explorer window, click on the File tab -> Open Inside.
   • Once inside the 7-zip file manager, make any edits to the folders or files that are needed.
   • Close the 7-zip file manager.
   • Alternatively, right click on the archive and select Unpack to Project(s). Make the necessary changes to the folder structure, and then right click and select Pack to Archive.
7. Some mods have a wizard text that will be noted with a wand in the box next the mod. To perform this type of installation right click on the mod and select Wizard.
Notice: BAIN only recognizes a limited set of sub-directories of the Data folder, and skips any unrecognized sub-directories. Checking this option will cause BAIN to install unrecognized sub-directories. Files skipped because of this will be listed in the Skipped panel on the right on the Installers Tab: Skipped (Dir) section. Make certain to check this section for any files that have been skipped that should be installed, right click on the mod and select Has Extra Directories and reinstall the mod.

Tips from ponyrider0:

1. Undo Load Order Changes: CTRL+Z will undo any change you make to the load order.  CTRL+Y will redo those changes.  The undo/redo history is saved to disk whenever you exit Wrye Bash and reloaded when you start.  So you can potentially undo all changes you've made to Wrye Bash back to when you first installed it... and then redo all those changes.
2. Installing BOSS: putting a shortcut in \Mopy\Apps will break Wrye Bash integration (starting GUI/console & allowing Load-Order changes with Lock-Load-Order enabled). Here's how to get around it: - place a symbolic link for \Boss directory to \Oblivion\boss: open a console and type the following inside the \Oblivion program directory:
mklink /d boss c:<your game tools folder>\boss(edited)
3. Installing non-BAIN mods: you can skip the working folder step for many mods by using Wrye Bash's "Project" feature. Here's how: - Right-click any non-BAIN mod archive in the Installers tab, and select "Unpack to Project(s)" - WB will ask you for a name of the new project. Add "-BAIN" to the end of the name and press OK. - WB will extract the selected archive into a new diamond Project icon below the original non-BAIN archive. - Right-click the Project icon and select "Open". An explorer window pops up into the project/working folder inside the Bash Installers folder. - Now modify the contents just as you would any working folder. When done, close the explorer window. - Back in the WB Installers tab, right-click the Project icon again and select "Pack to Archive..." - When asked for a name of the new archive you can just click OK since you've already added "-BAIN" to the project. - Just click OK two more times if WB asks you about solid compression and block size. The default value is fine. - After the progress bar completes, you will have a new square Archive icon immediately below your project icon. - You can now right-click the newly created BAIN archive and select install. - If your new BAIN package is how you want it, then you can delete the Project and original non-BAIN archive from the Installers tab.(edited)

Oblivion Data Folder


Oblivion Data Folder

Adding Oblivion's Base Game Files
If a user intends to use Wrye Bash as the mod manager, it is strongly recommended to install the Oblivion Base Game Files as the first mod in Wrye Bash.

1. Drag the Oblivion Vanilla Data_BAIN archive file that was created in the Backing Up Morrowind and Oblivion section into the Installers Package pane.
   Notice: A warning will appear "Move or Copy?". Check "Don't show this in the future, and click Copy.
   Note: Move it to the top of the Package list if it is not already there.
2. Esp/m Filter: Uncheck All.
3. Right click on the Oblivion Vanilla Data_BAIN archive and select Install.

BAIN Package Installation

Note: Mod Organizer Users should make a habit of installing all mods manually.

Mod Organizer Users will need to select "Manual", right click on the file to install and select "Set data directory". When the "Install Mods" window shows Looks good click OK.
Wrye Bash Users can simply select their choices and install.

Editing Bash tags

• Launch Wrye Bash. 
• Locate the “Bash Tags” window in the bottom right window pane. 
• Right click inside this window. 
• Select the Bash Tag you with to edit. A checkmark represents it is active. To deactivate simply click to remove the checkmark.

Bash Tags:

File:Example 6.jpg

Related Forums: TesModManager

Related Video:: Bevilex Modlist Full Video Guide - part 1: OBMM by outdated TV

Notice: Some users prefer the outdated OBMM by Timeslip. This is acceptable as this utility is only be used for OMOD extraction.

Description: TesModManager is a new version of OBMM Extended that supports Skyrim SE, Skyrim, Oblivion and Morrowind. Notice: TesModManager is only used for extracting OMODS to repackage them for normal installation.

Special Installation Instructions:
Download manually:

• TesModManager installer
1. Create a new folder in \Oblivion Mods and name it OMODs.
2. Download the installer version.
3. Right click and select Run as administrator.
4. Check Install for Oblivion and make certain it has properly chosen your Oblivion directory.
5. Click Install.
6. Uncheck Launch TesModManager and select Finish.
7. Launch TesModManager from Wrye Bash. When the "Pick the game to mod" prompt window opens, select Oblivion. If it does not detect the Oblivion.exe, select the directory it is located in.
   Notice: If you are using Mod Organizer, ignore the pop up warning "Administrative rights needed". Non Mod Organizer users may wish to run this utility as Administrator, however it is recommended to download all mods manually so this will not be necessary.
8. Click Settings → Move omod directory and click Yes
9. Choose \Oblivion Mods\OMODs
10. Uncheck: "Ask to be Nexus Download Manager" and "Ghost inactive mods".
    Check: "Never modify load order"
    Uncheck: Ghost inactive mods
    Check: Use zip/7z extension for omod2 Defauld mod formati is omod2
11. Exit TesModManager.

Notice: With TesModManager, Mod Organizer users may experience some conflicts when running it for the first time. We can address these issues and work them out in the Morroblivion Overhaul forum.

Mod Organizer

Mod Organizer by Tannin

Description: Mod Organizer (MO) is a tool for managing mod collections of arbitrary size. It is specifically designed for people who like to experiment with mods and thus need an easy and reliable way to install and uninstall them.

Note: While the download link refers you to a skyrim nexus download, this is the most current version of Mod Organizer and will work for Morroblivion modding. Providing written instructions for setting up Mod Organizer for Oblivion will be tedious and time consuming, therefore, please refer to the following links for setup instructions.

Related Video: Oblivion: How to install mods: Part 1: Intro by Xuul

Related Video: Oblivion Darn UI and OBSE Mod Organizer Installation guide by Enigmas The Guy

See Also: Mod Oblivion (Steam version) using Mod Organizer by Hhiru

Special Installation Instructions:

1. Initially setup according to the STEP Guide:Mod Organizer
   Create a new profile and name it Morroblivion Overhaul.
   Check Automatic Archive Invalidation. Select Close.
   From the Profile dropdown select Morroblivion Overhaul.
2. Follow the Guide:Mod Organizer: Third Party Programs instructions on how to add an executable and add Wrye Bash and TesModManager.
3. Review the instructions for Wrye Bash Setup and TesModManger Setup.
4. Download the latest MO Categories.7zip. Extract the archive and place the categories.dat it in the Mod Orgaziner root directory alongside the ModOrganizer.exe.

Install Essential Utilities

Applications and utilities that aid in Morroblivion mod management.

Note: All of the following utilities should be installed manually. It is not recommended to install any of them using a mod manager.

Create a new folder in \Oblivion Mods and name it Utilities to store the downloaded files.

DirectX End-User Runtimes (June 2010)

DirectX End-User Runtimes (June 2010) by Microsoft

Description: This download provides the DirectX end-user redistributable that developers can include with their product.

Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio

Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2015 by Microsoft

Description: The Visual C++ Redistributable Packages install run-time components that are required to run C++ applications built using Visual Studio 2015.

Special Installation Instructions:
Download manually:

Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2012 Update 4 (Required for BSAOpt)
• Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2015 (Required for Oblivion Reloaded)

4gb Ram Patcher

4gb Ram Patcher by Daniel Pistelli

Description: This very little tool patches x86 executables in order to let them have 4GB (instead of only 2) of virtual memory on x64 platforms. This tool comes very handy for applications which need a great amount of virtual memory like games, 3D renderization, multimedia etc. To gain these 2GB, you just have to use this tool to patch the executable (*.exe file) of the software you want to have these additional GBs of virtual memory. It can be used by clicking on it and choosing the file or through command line (e.g.: "4gb_patch file.exe"). It automatically creates a backup copy of the original executable.

Special Installation Instructions:
Download manually:

• Download the 4GB Patch
NOTICE GOG Users: 4gb Patch has already been applied to the executables. GOG Users can skip this setup.
1. Create a new folder in \Oblivion Mods\Utilities and name it 4gb Patch.
2. Download the 4gb Patch and extract the file.
3. Open the archive:
4. Run: 4gb_patcher.exe
   • If you get a security warning, click [Run]
   • Navigate to <Morrowind>
   • Select "Morrowind.exe"
   • Select "Morrowind Launcher.exe"
   • Navigate to <Oblivion>
   • Select "Oblivion.exe"
   • Select "OblivionLauncher.exe"
   • [Open]
   • [OK]


Bethesda Archive Extractor (BSA and BA2) by jonwd7

Description: B.A.E. can extract BSA and BA2 files. Supports all Bethesda games from Oblivion through Skyrim SE.

Notice: BSAOpt can also be used to extract BSA files into the Working Folder and archived for installation as loose files. Be aware that the majority of mod authors will not assist with troubleshooting mods that have not been installed according to their written instructions.

If a BSA contains more than the meshes and textures folders, you will need to make certain to keep the original BSA in the mod during installation. In this guide, ee're only concerned with extracting the meshes and textures as loose files.
Alternatively you can extract the BSA entirely and repackage all of it's files in an archive such as .zip, .7zip, or .rar for installation. Mod Organizer users will benefit the most by installing loose files and removing the BSAs.
BSA extraction is still a very controversial topic and why I stress it is Optional unless otherwise instructed. The following steps are Optional for all users who prefer to leave the BSA files in tact to save disk space. I personally choose to extract the BSA and repackage all loose files along with the BSA(s) in an archive for installation.
Notice: Mod Organizer Users can extract BSAs from within Mod Organizer. 
• Click on the Archives tab in the right pane.
• Right click on each file listed below and select Extract...
• Create a folder named Vanilla + DLC Meshes & Textures to extract the files to.
Special Installation Instructions:
1. Use bae.exe to extract the following BSAs:
   • Oblivion - Meshes.bsa
   • Oblivion - Textures - Compressed.bsa
   • DLCBattlehornCastle.bsa
   • DLCFrostcrag.bsa
   • DLCHorseArmor.bsa
   • DLCOrrery.bsa
   • DLCThievesDen.bsa
   • DLCVileLair.bsa
   • DLCShiveringIsles - Meshes.bsa
   • DLCShiveringIsles - Textures.bsa
   • Knights.bsa
2. Use only the Meshes and Textures folders following the order listed in Step 1 (overwrite the files if prompted). Create an archive naming it Vanilla + DLC Meshes & Textures. 
3. Install the archive just below Oblivion Vanilla Data.
NOTICE to GOG Users: The following files are incorrectly named with an additional space added to the filename. These files will be replaced with files from the Unofficial Oblivion Patch and can safely be ignored. 
meshes\dungeons\caves\exterior\ centrancechighlandsm01.nif
meshes\dungeons\caves\exterior\ centrancegoldcoastsm01.nif
meshes\dungeons\caves\exterior\ centrancegreatforestsm02.nif
meshes\dungeons\caves\exterior\ centrancemtnsnowlg01.nif
meshes\dungeons\caves\exterior\ centrancemtnsnowlg02.nif
meshes\dungeons\caves\exterior\ centrancemtnsnowlg03.nif
meshes\dungeons\caves\exterior\ centrancemtnsnowsm01.nif
meshes\dungeons\caves\exterior\ centrancemtnsnowsm02.nif
meshes\dungeons\caves\exterior\ centrancemtnsnowsm03.nif
meshes\dungeons\caves\exterior\ centrancerockmosssm01.nif
meshes\dungeons\caves\exterior\ centrancerockybeachsm01.nif
meshes\dungeons\caves\exterior\ centrancewestwsm01.nif
meshes\dungeons\caves\exterior\ centrancewestwsm02.nif


BethINI by DoubleYou (The S.T.E.P. resident INI Master).

Description: BethINI is an attempt to restore decency to the INI configuration files for games created by Bethesda.

Note: It is recommended to make certain the Oblivion.ini is setup before installing BethINI. This will initiate the base INI file to kept with the Vanilla Oblivion Profile in Mod Organizer. BehtINI will create a backup of your original Oblivion.ini that can be restored if ever needed.

Related Video: BethINI : Bethesda ini File Interface : Oblivion by GamerPoets

Related Forums: BethINI Support by DoubleYou

Special Installation Instructions:

BethINI Tweak list

Description: BSAopt is a tool which manages and recompresses BSA-files. It has been forked off NIFopt and both program share the same underlying technology regarding BSAs. Both programs treat BSAs exactly like directories, files inside can be addressed easily. It can duplicate files in BSAs as well as compress files a rough 5% better, WAVs 20% better. This is needed for Merge Plugins.

Special Installation Instructions:
Download manually:

• BSAopt – Beta 2.0.0
1. Extract the archive. 
2. Create a folder in the Oblivion directory and name it BSAOpt.
3. Select the executable that matches your system setup and place it in the BSAOpt folder.

Oblivion Script Extender

Oblivion Script Extender by OBSE Team

Related Video:: Bevilex Modlist Full Video Guide - part 2: OBSE by outdated TV

Description: The Oblivion Script Extender, or OBSE for short, is a modder's resource that expands the scripting capabilities of Oblivion. It doesn't make any modifications to oblivion.exe, TESConstructionSet.exe, or any other files in your oblivion install, so don't worry about permanent side effects. It is compatible with the Official Oblivion 12416 Patch, as well as the 1.2 or higher version of Official Oblivion Construction Set. Versions of Oblivion downloaded via Steam are supported as well.

Special Installation Instructions:
Download manually:

• Current Stable Version: v0021
• Latest loader:
1. Download and Extract to the OBSE folder.
2. -- USE THIS WITH THE GOG VERSION -- Download and Extract to the OBSE folder overwriting the obse_loader.exe previously extracted.
3. Use the Working Folder structure included in the Pre-requisite Steps section to repackage the mod.
   • Create a new folder inside the Data folder and name it Docs.
   • Create a new folder inside the Docs folder and name it OBSE Docs.
   • Move the following files into Docs\OBSE Docs
   • src
   • obse_command_doc.html
   • obse_readme.txt
   • obse_whatsnew.txt
4. Move the newly restructured Docs\OBSE Docs folder into the Oblivion Data folder.
5. Move the following files into the main Oblivion game directory where the Oblivion.exe is located:
   • obse_1_2_416.dll
   • obse_editor_1_2.dll
   • obse_loader.exe
   • obse_steam_loader.dll 
(Notice: for Steam User's Only. ALL Steam Users must launch from the Oblivion.exe. DO NOT launch the obse_loader.exe file. This file is required for the Construction Set Extender and must be installed.) 

Mod Organizer Steam Users and OBSE Settings

To ensure that OBSE (Steam Version) works properly with Mod Organizer, some users may need to perform the following workaround:

1. Launch Steam, right click on Oblivion, and select Properties. Make certain that Steam Overlay is unchecked.
2. Launch Mod Organizer, go into Settings and click the Workarounds tab. There's an option called Load Mechanism. By default it will be set to Mod Organizer. Change it to Script Extender and make certain the Steam App ID is set as 22330. Click Ok to exit.
3. Open the Modify Executables dialog by clicking the Gear Icon Gear MO to create a new executable.
4. Give the executable a title (e.g. Oblivion Steam Launch).
5. In the Binary box navigate to where you have steam installed. %\Steam\Steam.exe.
6. In the arguments box add the following argument -applaunch 22330. Click add and Ok.
7. From the executable select Steam → Shortcut and click Desktop.
   Notice: You can change the icon to the Oblivion.exe icon by right clicking on the shortcut, select Properties, select Change Icon and navigate to the Oblivion game directory to choose the Oblivion.exe file.
8. From this point forward only use MO Steam to launch Oblivion.
   Notice: After launching the game there may be a warning alerting that Ini Tweaks overwritten. Click Fix and Close.

Mod Organizer Users and OBSE Plugins

1. Use the Working Folder structure to repackage the mod.
2. In the Docs folder create an OBSE Docs folder and move the readme and info docs into it.
3. Move the remaining .dll and related OBSE Plugin files into the OBSE\Plugins folder.
4. Now that the mod is repackaged properly, archive and install the mod.
5. Right click on the mod, select "Open in explorer".
   Right click on the OBSE folder and select "Cut".
   Right click on the Oblivion\Data folder and select "Paste".
   Note: Although this will leave an empty directory, it shows that the mod has been installed. This will allow the user to input information about the mod and be informed of any updates.

The Elder Scrolls Construction Set

The Elder Scrolls Construction Set by Bethesda

Description: The Elder Scrolls Construction Set allows you to edit and create content for The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion.

Visit The Elder Scrolls: Construction Set Wik page for guidance and tutorials.

Special Installation Instructions:
Download Manually:

• Installer (7.0 MB)

Optional Files to download from the Nexus Official Oblivion Construction Set

• LIP Template
  Notice: Review and choose to download any other optional files you wish to install.
1. Create a new folder in \Oblivion Mods\Utilities and name it Oblivion Construction Set.
2. Download and Extract the files.
3. Launch the executable to install the TES Construction.
4. If you downloaded the Readme and LIPTemplate files extract them and manually install into the Oblivion\Data directory. Do not install the LIPTemplate.esp.
5. Launch TES4 Construction Set. This will create the ConstructionSet.ini. Navigate to C:\Users\Username\Documents\My Games\Oblivion and open the ConstructionSet.ini with Notepad.
   Mod Organizer Users:
   SArchiveList=Oblivion - Invalidation.bsa, Oblivion - Meshes.bsa, Oblivion - Textures - Compressed.bsa, Oblivion - Sounds.bsa, Oblivion - Voices1.bsa, Oblivion - Voices2.bsa, Oblivion - Misc.bsa
   SInvalidationFile= (this should be left blank)
   Wrye Bash Users:
   SArchiveList=ArchiveInvalidationInvalidated!.bsa, Oblivion - Meshes.bsa, Oblivion - Textures - Compressed.bsa, Oblivion - Sounds.bsa, Oblivion - Voices1.bsa, Oblivion - Voices2.bsa, Oblivion - Misc.bsa
   SInvalidationFile= (this should be left blank)
6. Save and then close.

The Construction Set Extender

The Construction Set Extender by shadeMe

Description: Construction Set Extender (CSE) to add features and functionality to the CS - read the installation instructions.

Notice: CSE does not recognize obse_loader.exe loaders older than the most current v0021. If you chose to replace the Steam version in order to launch the game with an older obse_loader.exe, CSE will not function.

Special Installation Instructions:
Download manually all files in the links.

• CSE 8.0
• Visual Styles Enabled CS

Install Manually

1. Extract the files and move the following directly into the Oblivion game directory:
   • Data folder
   • CrashRpt1403.dll
   • crashrpt_lang.ini
   • CrashSender1403.exe
   • dbghelp.dll
   • DevComponents.DotNetBar2.dll
   • GlobalInputMonitor.dll
   • ICSharpCode.AvalonEdit.dll
   • lame.exe
   • Launch CSE.bat
   • ObjectListView.dll
   • TESConstructionSet.config
   • TESConstructionSetOld.exe
2. If you downloaded the Visual Styles Enabled extract it and copy the following file into the Oblivion game directory:
   • TESConstructionSet.exe
3. Move the Construction Set Extender_readme.rtf in the Data\Docs\Construction Set Extender folder.
4. Mod Organizer Users: Modify the Construction Set Executable
   Binary: %Steam\steamapps\common\Oblivion\Launch CSE.bat
   Start In: (leave blank)
   Arguments: -editor -notimeout
   Check "Close MO when started"
   Click Modify then Close
Notice: obse_loader.exe and TESConstructionSet.exe must be set up to Run as administrator for the CSE. Right click on each executable file, select Properties/Compatibility and check Run this program as an administrator.

CSE_ENB Compatible Launcher

CSE_ENB Compatible Launcher by ponyrider0

Description: Oblivion's Construction Set Extender is a wonderful tool, but conflicts with the d3d9.dll coming with the ENBseries. Ponyrider0 has created this simple Launch_CSE.bat temporarily disables d3d9.dll while the Construction Set Extender is in use. The user MUST NOT CLOSE the Command Prompt before closing exiting the Construction Set Extender.

Special Installation Instructions:
Download manually:

• Download MOB Ovherhaul Patches and extract CSE_ENB Compatible Launcher
1. Rename the existing Launch_CSE.bat to Launch_CSE.bat.bak to preserve the original file.
2. Extract Launch_CSE.bat to the Oblivion's root folder (where Oblivion.exe is).
3. Wrye Bash Users: Add Launch_CSE.bat to the Wrye Bash Launcher Bar.
   Mod Organizer Users: Add Launch_CSE.bat as an executable.
4. To Run Launch_CSE.bat from the Mod Manager.
   NOTICE: DO NOT execute Launch_CSE.bat until after the d3d9.dll is installed with ENBoost. When Launch_CSE.bat is launched you will see the following message pop up in the Command Promt. NOTICE: DO NOT CLOSE the Command Prompt before exiting the Construction Set Extender. Follow the instruction in the Command Prompt:
 Renaming d3d9.dll for CSE compatibility.  Please keep this window open.
 Do not press any key until you have quit the CSE.
 Renamed d3d9.dll.  You may press any key to close this window.
Press any key to continue . . .


TES4Edit by ElminsterAU

Related Video: xEdit : TES5Edit , FO4Edit, ect... : Start to Finish : 1.0 by GamperPoets

Description: This tool is for manually editing your mods and mod cleaning.

Notice: xEdit is the collective name for TES5Edit, TES4Edit, FNVEdit, and FO3Edit. TES4Edit, Mator Smash, Merge Plugins, and TES4LODGen are all TES4Edit utilities. When installing files into the TES4Edit directory, keep the most recent files. DO NOT select to overwrite all.

Special Installation Instructions:
Download manually:

• TES4Edit 3.2
• FNVEdit Training Manual from the description page. (This manual is applicable to TES4Edit and strongly recommended.
1. Create a new folder in the Oblivion game directory. Name it TES4Edit.
2. Extract the archive into the Oblivion\TES4Edit folder.
3. Wrye Bash Users: Add TES4Edit to the Wrye Bash Launcher Bar and edit the shortcut to move the Backup folder.
   • To do this find and Right Click on the TES4Edit.exe file and drag it to Oblivion\Mopy\Apps folder.
   • Right click on the TES4Edit.exe - Shortcut and select properties.
   • Edit the Target: field with the following parameter:
     D:\Steam\steamapps\Common\Oblivion\TES4Edit\TES4Edit.exe "-B:D:\Steam\steamapps\Common\Oblivion\TES4Edit\TES4Edit Backups\"
     NOTICE: Change the game directory to match user setup. Make certain there is a space after the original line ending with TES4Edit.exe
   • Create the directory "D:\Steam\steamapps\Common\Oblivion\TES4Edit\TES4Edit Backups\", changing the path name as appropriate for your user setup.  If this folder does not exist, TES4Edit will fail when trying to save.
   • When you next run Wrye Bash the icon will be in the Launcher Bar, and you can Drag and drop the new icon to a desired position.
   • Be careful not to use up all the available space and prevent tooltip messages appearing next to the Launcher Bar.
Mod Organizer Users: Add TES4Edit as an executable.
   • In the Title field, type TES4Edit.
   • For the Binary field, browse \Oblivion and select the application.
   • For the "Argument" field, type -b:"pathto\Oblivion\TES4Edit\TES4Edit Backups\"
   • Click the Add button. This will add TES4Edit to the executables list.
1. The first time you Run TES4Edit in the Master/Plugin Selection screen right click and choose Select None.
2. Click OK.
3. Wait for Background Loader: Finished message and then close the window.
4. TES4Edit may generate an empty TES4Edit Backups folder in the Overwrite Mod. Right click on the Overwrite mod and select Create Mod. Name it TES4Edit Backups. This mod does not need to be activated as it simply stores the TES4Edit Backup files.
   Notice: Any plugins that require cleaning should be copied and stored in this folder before cleaning.

Merge Plugins

Merge Plugins by Mator

Related Video: Merge Plugins : Start to Finish by GamerPoets

Related Forums: Mator's Utilities Support by Mator

Description: Merge Plugins Standalone (or just Merge Plugins), is a tool for combining mods from Bethesda games which have .ESP/.ESM files. It uses the xEdit codebase as an API, and can be used with Skyrim, Oblivion, Fallout New Vegas, and Fallout 3.

Special Installation Instructions:
Download manually:

• Merge Plugins
1. Download Merge Plugins and extract the archive into the Oblivion\TES4Edit folder.
2. Move the following files into the TES4Edit folder:
   • doc
   • lang
   • changelog.txt
   • MergePlugins.exe
   • (overwrite the original)
   • TES4Dictionary.txt
3. Wrye Bash Users: Add MergePlugins to the Wrye Bash Launcher Bar.
   Mod Organizer Users: Add Merge Plugins as an executable.
4. Run MergePlugins.
5. The Oblivion Profile should already be detected.
   Game: The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion
   Path: \Oblivion\
   Click on the Oblivion icon and then click OK.
   Right click in the window and select Uncheck All. Click OK.
When you first start Merge Plugins you should do some initial configuration. Click the settings icon. 6. Wrye Bash Users - Setup: General → Reports: Select a Username • Updating: • Check Update dictionary automatically • Check Update program automatically Merging: Merge destination directory • \Oblivion\TES4Edit\Merged Plugins • Check Extract BSAs • Click Verify file access Integrations: • BSAOpt path: \Oblivion\BSAopt\BSAopt x64.exe (or x32.exe) • Click ok and close out of Merge Plugins. Reopen Merge Plugins and select the files to merge. Notice: This application will be launched later in the guide.
Mod Organizer Users - Setup: Watch GamerPoets video linked above.


TES4LODGen by ElminsterAU

Description: TES4LODGen is a One-Click DistantLOD Generator.

Special Installation Instructions:
Download manually:

• TES4LODGen_3_1_1
1. Download TES4LODGen and extract the archive.
2. Select the TES4LODGen.exe file and move it to the Oblivion\TES4Edit directory. Move the README.txt to the Oblivion\TES4Edit folder.
3. Wrye Bash Users: 
   Add TES4LODGen to the Wrye Bash Launcher Bar and edit the shortcut to move the Output folder.
   • To do this find and Right Click on the TES4LODGen.exe file and drag it to Oblivion\Mopy\Apps folder.
   • Right click on the TES4LODGen.exe - Shortcut and select properties.
   • Edit the Target: field with the following parameter:
     D:\Steam\steamapps\Common\Oblivion\TES4Edit\TES4LODGen.exe "-O:D:\Steam\steamapps\Common\Oblivion Mods\Bash Installers\TES4LODGen\"
     NOTICE: Change the game directory to match user setup. Make certain there is a space after the original line ending with TES4LODGen.exe
   • Be careful not to use up all the available space and prevent tooltip messages appearing next to the Launcher Bar.
Mod Organizer Users: Add TES4LODGen as an executable. • In the Title field, type TES4LODGen. • For the Binary field, browse \Oblivion and select the application. • For the "Argument" field, type -o:"pathto\Oblivion\Mod Organizer\mods\TES4LODGen\" • Click the Add button. This will add TES4LODGen to the executables list.
4. From the executable button choose TES4LODGen and click Run. 5. Allow the DistantLOD Generator to finish then close the window. 6. Wrye Bash Users: • Go to the Wrye Bash Installers tab. Look in the left pane for the diamond project icon for TES4LODGen and select it. • In the right pane, select the General tab and review the list of "Configured Files" to make certain they generated properly. • If the DistantLOD folder generated the .lod files all should be good. • In the left pane, right-click the diamond project icon for TES4LODGen and select "Install".
Mod Organizer Users: • Double click the Overwrite mod to view the contents. Close the window. • Right click on the Overwrite mod and select Create Mod. Name it TES4LODGen. Activate this mod and move it just below the Bashed Patch, 0.esp mod.
Notice: This application will be launched later in the guide.


Landscape LOD generator tes4ll-v5 by Gruftikus and Lightwave

Description: Tes4ll creates new and individual high-resolution landscape meshes including all the additional changes added by the mods which one has installed.

Special Installation Instructions:
Download manually:

• Landscape LOD generator 5_15c
Wrye Bash Users:
Extract the files and move the following directly into the Oblivion\Data folder:
   • Ini folder
   • tes4qlod_tex folder
   • tes4ll.exe
   • tes4ll_tes4qlod_cache.bat
   • tes4ll_normalmaps.bat
   • tes4ll_tes4qlod.bat
   • tes4ll_highres.bat (or tes4ll_ultimate.bat depending on system specs)
   • tes4qlod_Oblivion_ltex.dat
Mod Organizer Users will be linked to a different set of installation instructions below.

Creating the TES4LL Mod

Wrye Bash Users:

1. Navigate to your Oblivion Mods\Bash Installers folder and create a new folder named TES4LL.  This will appear in Wrye Bash Installers tab now as a new project with a diamond icon.
2. Copy the tes4qlod_tex folder from the "Landscape LOD generator 5 15c" mod into the TES4LL folder you created.

Setting up the batch files correctly

1. Navigate to \Oblivion\Data\Ini\tes4ll and locate a file named tes4ll_all.mpb.
2. Right click tes4ll_all.mpb to open with your favorite text editor and replace all the instances of $_gamedir\Data\ with the full path name that points to the TES4LL folder. If your favorite text editor does not have a "Replace All" function, just use Wordpad:
   • Open tes4ll_all.mpb in WordPad, click Replace to open the Replace dialog window.
   • Fill in the "Find with" field with $_gamedir\Data\, 
   • Fill in the "Replace with" field with the full path to your TES4LL project folder, ex: D:\Steam\steamapps\Common\Oblivion Mods\Bash Installers\TES4LL\.  
   • Make sure you have a \ at the end of each line, then click Replace All.
3. All future runs of the batch tools will now update these files in the TES4LL project in the Wrye Bash Installers tab.
4. Wrye Bash Users: Add the following bat files to the Wrye Bash Launcher Bar.
   • tes4ll_tes4qlod_cache.bat
   • tes4ll_normalmaps.bat
   • tes4ll_tes4qlod.bat
   • tes4ll_highres.bat or tes4ll_ultimate.bat
Mod Organizer Users should click on the following related links and follow the instructions posted.
Related Guide: Guide:Mod Organizer Oblivion by GrantSP
Related Forum: TES4LL and MPGUI doesn't work with MO lists details on workarounds for Mod Organizer Users.
Add the following bat files as executables:
   • tes4ll_tes4qlod_cache.bat
   • tes4ll_normalmaps.bat
   • tes4ll_tes4qlod.bat
   • tes4ll_highres.bat or tes4ll_ultimate.bat
Mod Organizer Users: 
In addition to creating the new TES4LL mod, the tes4qlod_tex folder needs to be moved from the Landscape LOD generator 5 15c mod into the new TES4LL mod.


A Final Consideration

Install mods in the order that they are presented in the following guide in order to achieve the desired result.

Read the ReadMe and other mod-related documentation that comes packaged with most mods. This includes the mod description on the Nexus. If the mod author has seen fit and taken time to create these reference materials, then they are relevant and important in the eyes of the mod author. This means that they are relevant and important to you!

NOTICE: When you see a mod that is flagged CORE, it will be because it is required to be installed for our custom CR Patch to be usable. You will see this message for such plugins: DO NOT INSTALL: Plugin.esp if using the custom Morroblivion Overhaul CR Patch.esp This only refers to the plugins. If the mod contains other resource files, they should be installed. If you plan to create your own CR Patch at the end of the guide, you may be more selective in your choice of mods. All mods will contain any special installation instructions that apply.

Save your tweaked Oblivion.ini as a Read Only file on your desktop and drag it into your user\Documents\My Games folder just before testing the game. This will ensure that the game does not change your settings.

Oblivion.ini Suggested Tweaks

See also Oblivion Launcher Video Presets to view the Oblivion.ini settings.
See also Alenet's Oblivion.ini thread at TES Reloaded.
See also Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion Tweak Guide for a description and recommended settings.

Copy the following tweaks into the correct INI file inside their respective [sections]. If the setting already exists, change the value to the one below. If the setting does not exist, enter it on a new line at the end of its [section]. If the [section] does not exist, create it on a new line below one of the [sections]. Carefully check to ensure that there are no:

1. duplicate [sections]
2. duplicate settings
3. misspellings (avoid this by copying and pasting from the guide or using Wrye Bash INI Edits or Mod Organizers's Configurator. Using the Tools > [Configurator] tool prevents any editing mistakes. Open the tool, click [Basic] to get the Advanced options, and choose the applicable section from the combo box. Then find the applicable setting and alter as indicated below. Click the [Save] button after each change and close the dialog when finished).
4. invalid characters (each setting can only have characters accepted by its type, indicated by its prefix)

After the installation is complete go into "My Documents\My Games\Oblivion" folder and delete the Oblivion.ini. Launch the game and continue until you have finished choosing your name and race menu. Exit the game. Go back into your Oblivion.ini, open with Notepad, and make the following changes. Add any lines that are not present.

1. Right click "Oblivion.ini" and make sure it is NOT set to "Read Only"
2. Open "Oblivion.ini"
   Mod Organizer Users:
   Mod Organizer does not accept changes to SArchiveList
   Wrye Bash Users:
   SArchiveList=ArchiveInvalidationInvalidated!.bsa, Oblivion - Meshes.bsa, Oblivion - Textures - Compressed.bsa, Oblivion - Sounds.bsa, Oblivion - Voices1.bsa, Oblivion - Voices2.bsa, Oblivion - Misc.bsa
   sInvalidationFile= (leave blank to remove AI)
iPostProcessMillisecondsLoadingQueuedPriority=100 ;OR's RECOMMENDED OBLIVION.INI SETTINGS
bUse Joystick=0 (Set to 0 if you don't use a game pad, some people claim this improves FPS and resolves mouse/input lag)
bUseRefractionShader=0 ;This can be turned on or off. OR's Alenet recommends turning it off for a performance boost.
bSaveOnInteriorExteriorSwitch=0 (Disables autosaving which is known to produce corrupt savegames over time.)
bBorderRegionsEnabled=0 ;recommended by OR's Alenet
bFaceMipMaps=0 ;required for OCO2
bUseEyeEnvMapping=0 ;recommended by OR's Alenet
iPreloadSizeLimit=104857600 ;recommended by OR's Alenet
SCreditsMenuMovie= (leave blank for quicker launch)
SIntroSequence= (leave blank for quicker launch)
SMainMenuMovie= (leave blank for quicker launch) Notice: If this is disabled, the Morroblivion Menu Replacer will not work properly.
SMainMenuMovieIntro= (leave blank for quicker launch) Notice: If this is disabled, the Morroblivion Menu Replacer will not work properly.
SOblivionIntro= (leave blank for quicker launch)
uExterior Cell Buffer=36 ;recommended by OR's Alenet
uGridDistantCount=25 ;OR's RECOMMENDED OBLIVION.INI SETTINGS is 50 if you use OR's Frame Rate Manager
uGridDistantTreeRange=15 ;OR's RECOMMENDED OBLIVION.INI SETTINGS 30 if you use OR's Frame Rate Manager
uInterior Cell Buffer=18 ;recommended by OR's Alenet
iGrassDensityEvalSize=2 ;2 or 4 recommended by OR's Alenet
iMaxGrassTypesPerTexure= 2
iMinGrassSize=120 (2k-3k =80)
fHorseRunGravity=3.0000 ;recommended by OR's Alenet Leave this at 3 for OR gravity, else change it to 5.
fJumpAnimDelay=0.2500 ;recommended by OR's Alenet
iNumHavokThreads=3 ;recommended by OR's Alenet
fLandTextureTilingMult=1.0000 ;recommended for Landscape retexture
fLocalTreeMipMapLODBias=0.0000 ;recommended by OR's Alenet
fLODTreeMipMapLODBias=-0.5000 ;recommended by OR's Alenet

Custom INI Tweaks with Wrye Bash Custom INI Tweaks - contributed by ponyrider0

Here are some custom INI Tweaks that I've found very convenient. Description and download are at The file can be installed like a normal mod in Wrye Bash. To use these tweaks, switch to the INI Edits tab in Wrye Bash. The drop-down in the upper-right corner is the current INI file you will be changing. Click the drop down and select one of the INI files below. The usable tweaks automatically show up in the far-left panel. If a custom tweak is grayed out but you are certain it was made for the currently selected INI file, then you can force apply it anyway by right clicking the "File" Heading and selecting "Allow Tweaks with New Lines". WARNING: if force apply a tweak this way, the Wrye Bash display gets corrupted and will no longer update the INI file appropriately. If this happens, you should exit/reload the app in order for the INI display to update again.

Recommended Tweaks:
For Oblivion.ini: Click on the Wrye Bash INI Edits tab and check the following:

• Autosave, Never [Oblivion].ini
• Border Region, Disabled [Oblivion].ini
• Fonts 1, ~Default [Oblivion].ini
• Fonts, ~ Default [Oblivion].ini
• Grass, Fade (User’s Choice)
• Intro Movies, Disabled [Oblivion].ini
  Notice: If this is disabled, the Morroblivion Menu Replacer will not work properly.
• Joystick, Disabled [Oblivion].ini
• Local Map Shader, ~Enabled [Oblivion].ini
• Music, ~Enabled [Oblivion].ini
• OblivionReloaded Recommended [Oblivion].ini
• Refraction Shader, ~Enabled [Oblivion].ini
• Save Backup, 1 [Oblivion].ini
• Screenshot, Enabled [Oblivion].ini
• ShadowMapResolution, 1024 [Oblivion].ini
• Sound Card Channels, ~32 [Oblivion].ini
• Sound, ~Enabled [Oblivion].ini

Clean Official Plugins and Install UOPs

Oblivion Official DLC BAIN Package

Clean the ESP/ESM Files
Morroblivion Overhaul Patch Central by Diana TES GotH

Description: This section will take the user through the creation and installation of a simple BAIN package for backing up the Original DLC plugins and then cleaning them with TES4Edit.

To remove errors in the Bethesda master files, it is recommended that they be cleaned with TES4Edit. This ensures maximum stability and compatibility within the Morroblivion modding experience. Some mods have "UDR(s)" or "ITM(s)" but must not be cleaned. Reminders will be located after the installation description of mods that will need cleaning.

Special Installation Instructions:
Download manually:

• Oblivion Official Plugin BAIN Package --This file is out of date. No download is currently needed, just follow the steps below.
Wrye Bash Users:
1. In the "\Oblivion Mods\Bash Installers\" folder, create a new folder and name it "Oblivion Official DLC BAIN".  This will now appear as a grey diamond project icon in the Wrye Bash Installers tab.
2. Inside the "Oblivion Official DLC BAIN" folder, create two subfolders and name them "00 Original DLC" and "01 Cleaned DLC".
3. Referring to the list of ESPs in the section below, copy all the original DLC files from the "\Oblivion\Data\" folder into the "00 Original DLC" folder created in the previous step.
4. Run TES4Edit to clean each DLC, following the steps in the Clean DLCHorseArmor.esp section below.  The cleaned ESPs will be saved into the "\Oblivion\Data\" folder.
5. Copy the cleaned ESP into the "01 Cleaned DLC" folder that was created in the steps above.
6. When all the DLC are cleaned and copied, go to the Wrye Bash Installers tab and verify that the "Oblivion Official DLC BAIN" project is correctly created: in the bottom half of the right pane, there should be two items in the Sub-Packages section named "00 Original DLC" and "01 Cleaned DLC".  Right next to it, In the "Esp/m Filter" section, you should see each DLC ESP file.
7. If all looks correct, right-click the diamond project icon for Oblivion Official DLC BAIN and select "Pack to Archive...".  Click OK to save as "Oblivion Official DLC BAIN.7z".   Click Yes, then click OK to use the default compression settings.
8. Now select the newly created "Oblivion Official DLC BAIN.7z" package, make sure only the "01 Cleaned DLC" sub-package is check-marked.  In the Esp/m Filter section, make sure each cleaned DLC ESP is check-marked.
9. Right-click the "Oblivion Official DLC BAIN.7z" package and select Install.
10. Once the "Oblivion Official DLC BAIN.7z" package is successfully installed, you can right-click and delete the diamond project icon for "Oblivion Official DLC BAIN" (this will delete the project folder from "\Oblivion Mods\Bash Installers\").

Mod Organizer Users:
1. Create a folder in the "\Mod Organizer\mods\" directory and name it "Oblivion Official DLC - original". Copy the each DLC file listed below from "\Oblivion\Data\" the "Oblivion Official DLC - original" folder you created. 
2. Now select the "Oblivion Official DLC - original" folder and duplicate it by clicking copy and then paste. A folder named "Oblivion Official DLC - original - Copy" should be created in the "\Mod Organizer\mods\" folder.  Rename this folder to "Oblivion Official DLC - cleaned".  
3. Go into Mod Organizer and make sure the "Oblivion Official DLC - original" mod is deactivated (unchecked) and "Oblivion Official DLC - cleaned" mod is activated (checked).  
4. Run TES4Edit from Mod Organizer to clean each DLC, following the steps in the Clean DLCHorseArmor.esp section below.
5. The cleaned ESP files should automatically synchronize into the "Oblivion Official DLC - cleaned" mod. You are now done with cleaning in this section. 
6. Please review the rest of this section for how to install BAIN packages and additional information on what not to clean.

Clean DLCHorseArmor.esp

At this time, DLCHorseArmor.esp will be cleaned in the following manner (all other DLC’s should be cleaned afterwards according to these instructions):
1. Launch TES4Edit, right-click the list of plugins and choose [Select None].
2. Check and double-click DLCHorseArmor.esp.
3. Wait for the Background Loader: finished to appear in the right panel, and then right-click DLCHorseArmor.esp and select [Apply Filter For Cleaning].
4. Wait for the [Filtering done] Processed Records: message to appear in the right panel, and then right-click DLCHorseArmor.esp and select [Remove "Identical to Master" records]. If the Warning! prompt pops up, click [Yes, I'm absolutely sure].
5. Wait for the [Removing "Identical to Master" records done] Processed Records: message, and then right-click DLCHorseArmor.esp and select [Undelete and Disable References].
6. Wait for the [Undeleting and Disabling References done] Processed Records: message, and then click the [X] at upper right of the program window to exit the program.
7. At the prompt, checkmark DLCHorseArmor.esp and Backup Plugins and click [OK].
8. Navigate to Oblivion\Data and move it to the appropriate Cleaned folder in the Oblivion Official Plugins BAIN Package project.
9. Repeat these steps for the following DLCs.
DLCOrrey.esp DLCVileLair.esp DLCMehrunesRazor.esp DLCSpellTomes.esp DLCThievesDen.esp DLCBattlehornCastle.esp DLCFrostcrag.esp Knights.esp
Mod Organizer Users:
BAIN Packages can be installed much like Wrye Bash. Select each listed Sub-Package just as Wrye Bash users are instructed. When Esp/m Filters are noted, MO users will need to double click on the mod to open the Information contents, navigate to the Optional ESPs tab, and click on the plugin selecting ↑ to remove it from the active plugins list or ↓ to make it an active plugin.
To manually install a BAIN package: • Select Sub - Packages just as Wrye Bash users are instructed. Note: Some BAIN files may not be recognized and may require that each Sub-Package will have to be installed separately. • Select the Sub-Package, set as the Data directory, and install. (e.g. Click on Manual → Right click on "01 Cleaned DLC" and select Set data directory → When you see Looks good click OK) • Repeat for each Sub-Package of the BAIN package.

List of Mods You Should NOT Clean
There are a very small number of mods out there that contain "dirty edits" intentionally. One reason for this is to sort of do a preemptive strike to combat against truly "dirty" mods that might cause problems. There are other reasons too. The bottom line is do NOT clean the mods below.

1. Do NOT clean the unofficial patches (UOP, USIP, UMP). They have already been cleaned.
2. ArmamentariumArtifacts.esp
3. Bashed Patch.esp (NOTE: It is safe to run undeletes on this, but do not remove ITM records)
4. BG2408's mods (LAME, RBP, Integration)
   EXCEPTION: bgIntegration.esp contains a single deleted reference, but do nothing beyond addressing that.
5. Bob’s Armory (do not clean core FCOM mods)
6. FCOM (None of the .esp/.esm files should be cleaned)
7. FCOM_Convergence.esp
8. FCOM_Hentai Mania.esp
9. Mart's Monster Mod - Additional Enemy NPC Vars.esp (author says to not clean)
10. Mart's Monster Mod - City Defences.esp (author says to not clean)
11. Mart's Monster Mod - Gems & Gem Dust.esp (author says to not clean)
12. Mart's Monster Mod - Hunting & Crafting.esp (author says to not clean)
13. Mart's Monster Mod - More Wilderness Life No Gates.esp (author says to not clean)
14. Morrowind_ob.esp
15. Oblivion WarCry EV.esp [Version 1.09] (do not clean core FCOM mods)
16. Oscuro's_Oblivion_Overhaul.esm (do not clean core FCOM mods)
17. Oscuro's_Oblivion_Overhaul.esp (do not clean core FCOM mods)
18. Personality Idles - Modified version.esp (author confirmed that cleaning breaks functionality)
19. personality_idles4.esp (confirmed that cleaning breaks functionality)
20. SM Plugin Refurbish (Battlehorn and ThievesDen, specifically, but this goes for all the plugins) [contains dirty dialogue edits that are intentional for mod functionality, do not clean]
21. SupremeMagicka.esp [Version 0.90b6] (Do not clean beyond what the author cleaned already)
22. Vanilla Weapon Stat Override.esp and Vanilla Weapon Stat Override - SI.esp. These contain intentional dirty edits and must not be cleaned.

Unofficial Oblivion Patch

Unofficial Oblivion Patch by Quarn and Kivan and Arthmoor and PrinceShroob

Description: Unofficial Patches are a must; they fix literally ten-thousands of bugs in the original game that were never addressed by Bethesda.

Special Installation Instructions:

• Unofficial Oblivion Patch
Esp/m Filter: Uncheck: UOP Vampire & Face Fix.esp
When the installation is complete move the mod directly below the Oblivion Data files to ensure it is first in the install order below the Oblivion.esm and before DLCs ESP files.
Notice: OBSE Plugin Included
Wrye Bash Users: Notice: If a mod with an OBSE Plugin has been installed with Wrye Bash, the plugin will automatically be installed into the Oblivion\Data\OBSE\OBSE Plugins folder. (When the OBSE DLL Warning pops up click Yes.)
Mod organizer users must manually install the OBSE folder.

Unofficial Shivering Isles Patch

Unofficial Shivering Isles Patch by Quarn and Kivan and Arthmoor and PrinceShroob

Special Installation Instructions:

• Unofficial Shivering Isles Patch
When the installation is complete move the mod directly below the DLCShiveringIsles.esp to ensure it is first in the install order below the Oblivion.esm and before DLCs ESP files.

Unofficial Oblivion DLC Patches

Unofficial Oblivion DLC Patches by Quarn and Kivan and Arthmoor and PrinceShroob

Description: A must have mod with similar effects as UOP - Unofficial Oblivion Patch

Special Installation Instructions:

• Unofficial Oblivion DLC Patches
When the installation is complete move the mod directly below the Cleaned Vanilla DLC ESPs.

[Optimized] Vanilla + DLC + UOP Assets

Optimized Textures and Meshes by You

WARNING! This process will take a minimum of 4 hours or more.

Note: This might be a good time to take a break to watch a movie or two, take the kids out for some playtime, or just sleep while your PC is busy optimizing these textures and meshes for you. XD

Description: Ordenador: Textures Check, Fix, Compress, Improves Performance. Oblivion PyFFI Automator: Small application that will scan a folder and its subfolders for NIF files and optimize them one by one with PyFFI.

Special Installation Instructions:
Download and install the following utilities in the order presented:

Spluff Download from the Miscellaneous section (for Mod Organizer Users Only).
• Optimizer Textures (Ordenador) by AdPipino
• OrdenadorINI (Place the Ordenador.ini into the root directory of Ordenador alongside the Ordenador.exe.)
• Python 2.6.6 Release by (Windows x86 MSI Installer (2.6.6) (sig))
• Python File Format Interface by amoriilia, seith (PyFFI-2.1.5.cb92090.win32.exe)
• Oblivio PyFFI Automator by Zhelkus
Mod Organizer Users ONLY: Use Spluff to extract all the winning Textures and Meshes. 
NOTICE: This utility will not be used until the end of the guide at the Finish Line.
All Users: Use the Textures and Meshes extracted from the BSAs (Vanilla and Unofficial Patches). (Review: B.A.E.). Use the Working Folder structure to create the new mod. Name the mod [Optimized] Vanilla + DLC + UOP Assets.
1. Launch Ordenador to optimize textures.
2. Select the Plugin/Data Files.
   Wrye Bash Users: It is recommended to copy the Data\textures folder into your working Folder and select the files from here.
   Mod Organizer Users: Create a new mod and name it [Optimized] Vanilla + DLC + UOP Assets, and select the files from here.
3. Check Textures.
   Profiles → Minimum (safe)
4. Textures Tab Check the following:
   If no mark in image, compress to: DXT1c
   If mask in image is 1bit, compress to: DXT5
   If mask in image is translucy, compress to: DXT5
   Delete unnecessary files (thumbs db. psbrwe.jbf, unused BMP and TGA with the same name DDS).
   Mipmaps (if not selected, keep the same as the original: reburn forced
   Resize patterns (resize it does not lose quality): 16x 16
   Resize down (reduces texture dividing by 2 width and height): 4096 (for the 1st pass of Optimizing Only. If you wish to have the sizes reduced further, repeat the process lowering next to 2048. Run it again to reduce even further to 1024.)
5. Click Start and wait for Ordenador to finish.
Oblivion PyFFI Automator
1. Delete the following files from the meshes folder before performing this operation:
   meshes\armor (delete the entire folder)
   meshes\characters (delete the entire folder)
   meshes\creatures (delete the entire folder)
   meshes\dungeons\ayleidruins\interior\triggers (delete the triggers folder)
   meshes\dungeons\caves\triggers (delete the triggers folder)
   meshes\dungeons\misc\fx (delete the fx folder)
   meshes\dungeons\misc\triggers (delete the triggers folder)
   meshes\effects (delete the entire folder)
   meshes\menus\spell effect timer
   meshes\oblivion\fire column\triggerareafirecolumn.nif
   meshes\weapons (delete the entire folder)
2. Launch PyFFI. Select Start a New Batch. Click OK. Type a name for the new batch (i.e. Vanilla + DLC + UOP Assets). Click Save. Click OK.
   Note: Some users may need to disable their Anti Virus software in order to proceed.
3. Select the meshes folder for optimization. Checking Show PyFFI window is user's choice.
4. Click on the 1st line in the NIF Grid. Check Start(Resume) and let PyFFI Automator run until it has completed the optimization.
5. Wrye Bash Users: After all of the textures and meshes have been optimized by Ordenador and PyFFI, use the Working Folder structure to repackage the mod. Install as normal.
   Mod Organizer Users: All the files should now be optimized and can simply be placed below the UOPs and activated.

Test the Game

1. Activate all installed mods and plugins. Close the mod manager.
2. Wrye Bash Users: Paste %LocalAppData%\Oblivion into the windows explorer heading and place the plugin.txt in the folder.
   NOTICE: We are working to resolve an issue for Wyre Bash users. The Plugins.txt file is not sorting the load order as was expected. The temporary solugion is for Wrye Bash users to manually move the plugins into the correct load order according to the Plugins.txt.
   Mod Organzier Users: place the loadoarder.txt in the pathto\Mod Organizer\profiles\Morroblivion folder.
3. Run Wrye Bash. Deactivate any mods missing masters. Right click on the Bashed Patch, 0.esp Rebuild the Bashed Patch.
   When "Deactivate these mods prior to patching" pops up, click Skip.
   In the "Update Bashed Patch, 0.esp window, click Deselect All and check only the following:
   Tweak Assorted:
     Bow Reach Fix
     Darnified Books
     Default Icons
     Magic: Script Effect Silencer
     Right Hand Rings
   Cobl Catalogs
4. In the Wrye Bash Installers tab, right-click and uninstall the TES4LODGen project. Then run TES4LODGen from Wrye Bash to update the TES4LODGen project. Review the contents of the project and install.
5. In the Wrye Bash Installers tab, right-click and uninstall the TES4LL project. Run each of the tes4ll bat files to update the TES4LL project.  Review the contents of the project and install.
   • tes4ll_tes4qlod_cache.bat
   • tes4ll_normalmaps.bat
   • tes4ll_tes4qlod.bat
   • tes4ll_highres.bat or tes4ll_ultimate.bat
6. Launch Oblivion and play for a bit. If you are satisfied with the testing exit the game.
7. Back up the following files to keep a copy of the original game files:
   <Oblivion Mods>
   <My Games>\Oblivion>

Extenders and DLL Enhancements

Third-party programs (or extensions thereof) that enhance Morroblivion functionality or display.

Create a new folder in \Oblivion Mods and name it Extenders and DLL Enhancements to store the downloaded files.

Wrye Bash Users: Launch Wrye Bash. In the Installer tab, right click on Package → Add Marker. Name it Extenders and DLL Enhancements.

Mod Organizer Users will need to install OBSE Plugins manually into the Oblivion\Data\OBSE\Plugins directory.


AddActorValues by JRoush

Description: AddActorValues allow modders to create and use *new* actor values, which are treated *exactly* like the built-in ones. New actor values won't do anything by themselves, of course, but they are very convenient ways for mods to attach information to any actor, which is then saved with the save game. For details, see the included `Features' pdf.

Special Installation Instructions:
Download manually:

• AddActorValues
1. Use the Working Folder structure to repackage the mod.
2. In the Docs folder create an OBSE Docs folder then create AddActorValues folder. Move the AddActorValues Features v1_0.pdf, and AddActorValues Readme v1_0.txt into it. 
3. Move the remaining files into the OBSE\Plugins folder:
   • AddActorValues.dll
   • AddActorValues_CS.dll
4. Now that the mod is repackaged properly, archive and install the mod.
5. Esp/m Filter: Uncheck: AddActorValues_example.esp
Mod Organizer Users: Remember to install .dll files manually into "\Oblivion\Data\OBSE\Plugins\".


Blockhead by shadeMe

Description: This is a fork of the original shadeMe plugin which features improved shadow queueing, fixes the problem of disappearing shadows when turning, and adds some additional options and optimizations. You can now get nice dynamic shadows on architecture and landscape with a low shadow count and minimal performance drop.

Special Installation Instructions:
Download manually: Install with Wrye Bash

• Blockhead 10.3
1. Use the Working Folder structure to repackage the mod.
2. In the Docs folder create an OBSE Docs folder. 
3. Move the Blockhead Readme.txt into the OBSE Docs folder .
4. Move the remaining files into the OBSE\Plugins folder:
   • Blockhead.dll
5. Now that the mod is repackaged properly, archive and install the mod.
Mod Organizer Users: Remember to install .dll files manually into "\Oblivion\Data\OBSE\Plugins\".


ConScribe by shadeMe

Description: This plugin logs all console output to text files for later reviewing, including those typed in by the player. It removes the need for modders to adopt independent logging functions. This is only needed if you plan to make changes to the UI.

Special Installation Instructions:
Download manually:

• ConScribe 100
1. Use the Working Folder structure to repackage the mod.
2. In the Docs folder create an OBSE Docs folder.
3. Move the ConScribe_readme.rtf into the OBSE Docs folder.
4. Move the remaining files into the OBSE\Plugins folder:
   • ConScribe.dll
5. Now that the mod is repackaged properly, archive and install the mod.
Mod Organizer Users: Remember to install .dll files manually into "\Oblivion\Data\OBSE\Plugins\".

Elys- Uncapper v098

Oblivion -Elys- Uncapper v098 by Elys

Description: This mod increases the hardcoded ATTRIBUTES and SKILLS, level caps from 100 to 200 for all actors in game including the player.

Special Installation Instructions:
Download manually:

• Oblivion -Elys- Uncapper v098
1. Use the Working Folder structure to repackage the mod.
2. In the Docs folder create an OBSE Docs folder and move the ReadMe ( Oblivion -Elys- Uncapper ).txt into it.
3. Move the remaining files into the OBSE\Plugins folder:
   • Oblivion _Elys_Uncapper.dll
   • OBSE_Elys_Uncapper.ini
4. Now that the mod is repackaged properly, archive and install the mod.
Mod Organizer Users: Remember to install .dll files manually into "\Oblivion\Data\OBSE\Plugins\".

Elys- Universal Silent Voice

OBSE -Elys- Universal Silent Voice by Elys

Description: When a character in the game isn't voiced Oblivion will skip through the dialogue even if there are subtitles. This mod fixes that by placing a blank audio track in place of the voiced dialogue so you are able to read the text dialogue.

Special Installation Instructions:
Download manually:

• OBSE -Elys- Universal Silent Voice v93
1. Use the Working Folder structure to repackage the mod.
2. In the Docs folder create an OBSE Docs folder and move the Ely_USV.txt into it.
3. Move the remaining files into the OBSE\Plugins folder:
   • Elys_USV.dll
   • Elys_USV.lip
   • Elys_USV.mp3
4. Now that the mod is repackaged properly, archive and install the mod.
Mod Organizer Users: Remember to install .dll files manually into "\Oblivion\Data\OBSE\Plugins\".


EngineBugFixes by Tiawar

Description: EngineBugFixes is an OBSE plugin containing bug fixes for the Oblivion game engine.

Special Installation Instructions:
Download manually:

• EngineBugFixes v1.8
1. Use the Working Folder structure to repackage the mod.
2. In the Docs folder create an OBSE Docs folder.
3. Rename the readme.txt to EngineBugFixes.txt and move it into the OBSE Docs folder.
4. Move the remaining files into the OBSE\Plugins folder:
   • EngineBugFixes.dll
   • EngineBugFixes.ini
5. Now that the mod is repackaged properly, archive and install the mod.
Mod Organizer Users: Remember to install .dll files manually into "\Oblivion\Data\OBSE\Plugins\".

Enhanced Camera

Oblivion - Enhanced Camera by LogicDragon

Description: Replaces the first person camera with third person and then moving the camera into a first person view.

Special Installation Instructions:
Download manually:

• Enhanced Camera
1. Use the Working Folder structure to repackage the mod.
2. In the Docs folder create an OBSE Docs folder.
3. Move the OBSE_EnhancedCamera_readme.txt into it the OBSE Docs folder.
4. Move the remaining files into the OBSE\Plugins folder:
   • OBSE_EnhancedCamera.dll
   • OBSE_EnhancedCamera.ini
5. Now that the mod is repackaged properly, archive and install the mod.
Mod Organizer Users: Remember to install .dll files manually into "\Oblivion\Data\OBSE\Plugins\".

MenuQue - OBSE Plugin

MenuQue - OBSE Plugin by kyoma

Description: MenuQue - OBSE Plugin extends Oblivions game-engine to deal with various additions/changes to the User Interface, Skills, Fonts and more.

Special Installation Instructions:
Download manually: Install with Wrye Bash

• MenuQue v16b
1. Use the Working Folder structure to repackage the mod.
2. In the Docs folder create an OBSE Docs folder. 
3. In the OBSE Docs folder create a folder named MenuQue and move the MenuQue Readme.txt and menuque_command_doc.html into it.
4. Move the remaining files into the OBSE\Plugins folder:
   • MenuQue folder containing Settings.ini, Submodule.CS.dll, and Submodule.Game.dll
   • MenuQue.dll
   • OBSE_Kyoma_MenuQue.dll
5. Now that the mod is repackaged properly, archive and install the mod.
Mod Organizer Users: Remember to install .dll files manually into "\Oblivion\Data\OBSE\Plugins\".

NVAC - New Vegas Anti Crash

NVAC - New Vegas Anti Crash by Queue

Description: Fixes the Windows 10 Anniversary Update + up-to-date Nvidia / AMD video driver crashes / issues for the following:

• Oblivion
• Construction Set (Oblivion)
NVAC (short for New Vegas Anti Crash) is an NVSE plugin that implements structured exception handling and sanity checking to reduce frequency of game crashes.

Special Installation Instructions:
Download manually: Install with Wrye Bash

• NVAC - New Vegas Anti Crash
1. Use the Working Folder structure to repackage the mod.
2. Rename the NVSE folder to Data.
3. Int the Data folder create a Docs folder.
4. In the Docs folder create an OBSE Docs folder. 
5. In the OBSE Docs folder create a folder named NVAC and move the readme - nvac.txt into it.
6. In the Data folder create an OBSE folder. Move the Plugins folder (which contains the nvac.dll) into the OBSE folder.
7. Now that the mod is repackaged properly, archive and install the mod.
Mod Organizer Users: Remember to install .dll files manually into "\Oblivion\Data\OBSE\Plugins\".

Oblivion Magic Extender

Oblivion Magic Extender by JRoush

Description: OBME extends the Oblivion magic system to make it more general and open to mod makers. It is a pair of plugin libraries for OBSE that hack the game/CS to change its behavior.

Special Installation Instructions:
Download manually:

• OBME v1_0
1. Use the Working Folder structure to repackage the mod.
2. Esp/m Filter: Uncheck: ALL
Mod Organizer Users: Remember to install .dll files manually into "\Oblivion\Data\OBSE\Plugins\".

Oblivion Stutter Remover

Oblivion Stutter Remover by SkyRanger-1

Description: This is a must have for anyone playing Oblivion. It has many tools that are useful to Oblivion such as the FPS management, force quit and heap replacement.

Special Installation Instructions:
Download manually:

• OSR_4-1-37
1. Use the Working Folder structure to repackage the mod.
2. In the Docs folder create an OBSE Docs folder.
3. The remaining files should be placed in the OBSE\Plugins folder:
   • sr_Oblivion_Stutter_Remover.dll
   • sr_Oblivion_Stutter_Remover.ini
4. Navigate to OBSE/Plugins and find "sr_Oblivion_Stutter_remover.ini" and open it with Notepad to make the following changes:
Master bManageFPS = 1 (change to 0 if the GPU is managing FPS) bReplaceHeap = 1 bFastExit = 1 bReplaceRandom = 0 bExperimentalStuff = 1
FPS_Management fMaximumFPS= 45 fMinimumFPS= 10
CriticalSections iDefaultSpin = 4200
Heap iHeapAlgorithm = 6 iHeapSize = 768 (or 512 depending on system specs)
5. Click Save and Close. 6. Now that the mod is repackaged properly, archive and install the mod. Mod Organizer Users: Remember to install .dll files manually into "\Oblivion\Data\OBSE\Plugins\".

One Tweak

OneTweak by virusek

Notice: One Tweak will not be needed if installing Oblivion Reloaded.

Special Installation Instructions:
Download manually:

• OneTweak
1. Use the Working Folder structure to repackage the mod.
2. Rename the SKSE folder to OBSE
3. Delete the fomod folder.
4. Now that the mod is repackaged properly, archive and install the mod.
Mod Organizer Users: Remember to install .dll files manually into "\Oblivion\Data\OBSE\Plugins\".


Pluggy by haama

Description: Pluggy is a multifunction OBSE plugin that adds new functions to Oblivion, and is a further extension to Oblivion Script Extender. The functions allow modders to create and manipulate arrays, strings, .ini files, text files, both text and surface/image HUDs, and change object names.

Special Installation Instructions:
Download manually:

• Pluggy v132
1. Use the Working Folder structure to repackage the mod.
2. In the Docs folder create an OBSE Docs folder.
3. Rename the "docs" folder from the downloaded mod to Pluggy and move the Pluggy folder into the OBSE Docs folder.
4. Move the remaining files into the OBSE\Plugins folder:
   • OBSE_Elys_Pluggy.dll
   • OBSE_Elys_Pluggy.dlx
5. Now that the mod is repackaged properly, archive and install the mod.
Mod Organizer Users: Remember to install .dll files manually into "\Oblivion\Data\OBSE\Plugins\".

shadeMe Enhanced

shadeMe Enhanced by arafuse

Description: This is a fork of the original shadeMe plugin which features improved shadow queueing, fixes the problem of disappearing shadows when turning, and adds some additional options and optimizations. You can now get nice dynamic shadows on architecture and landscape with a low shadow count and minimal performance drop.

Special Installation Instructions:
Download manually:

• shadeMe Enhanced
Mod Organizer Users: Remember to install .dll files manually into "\Oblivion\Data\OBSE\Plugins\".

VoiceFile Redirector OBSE Plugin

VoiceFile_Redirector OBSE Plugin by ponyrider0

Description: OBSE plugin to redirect missing voicefiles to other locations. Based on Elys_USV. Version 1.0 expands on elys_usv.dll functionallity with the following: If no voicefiles are present, it first tries to substitute the imperial race in the voice filename to find a match. If none present, it will try to detect if current dialog is a greeting and then redirect to a generic greeting based on race and sex of speaker. If both fail, it will fallback to elys_usv.mp3 if present.

Notice: This mod has been specifically tailored for Morroblivion, however Morroblivion is not required, therefore it should work with Oblivion just as well.

Special Installation Instructions:
Download manually:

• voicefile_redirector-v1_2.7z
1. Navigate to \Oblivion\Data\OBSE\Plugins and delete Elys_usv.dll (or rename it to Elys_usv.dll.bak)
2. Use the Working Folder structure to repackage the mod.
3. In the Docs folder create an OBSE Docs folder.
3. In the OBSE Docs folder create a folder named VoiceFile Redirector and move the voicefile_redirector-v1_2.txt into it.
4. Move the Docs folder into the Data folder.
5. Now that the mod is repackaged properly, archive and install the mod.
Mod Organizer Users: Remember to install .dll files manually into "\Oblivion\Data\OBSE\Plugins\".

NOTICE: The remaining files are not OBSE plugins -- do not put them in "\Oblivion\Data\OBSE\Plugins\" or they will not work. Please install them according to their instructions.

ENBoost v0.259 patch for TES Oblivion

ENBoost v0.259 patch for TES Oblivion by Boris Vorontsov

Description: This is adaptation of code Boris Vorontsov did for TES Skyrim to reduce memory usage of the game and to fix most CTDs (crashes to desktop) because of "out of memory" issue when many mods installed. It's just a patch without any changes to graphics. What it's doing? Utilize your videocard memory much better, compress resources and send them to enbhost.exe process, so you can install more mods with x64 OS (up to 4 gb game use by default and with this it's max about 10 gb at this moment).

Special Installation Instructions:
Download manually:

• ENBoost v0.259 patch for TES Oblivion
Notice: Download the next file for installation instructions.

CTD and Memory patch ENBoost

CTD and Memory patch ENBoost by Boris Vorontsov

Description: A fix for CTDs and Memory Patch

Special Installation Instructions:
Download manually:

• ENBoost 1_0
1. Use the Working Folder structure to repackage the mod. This time, however, we will be repacking the mod to move data straight into the Oblivion directory. 
2. Extract
3. Extract ENBoost
4. Create a new folder and name it ENBoost. 
5. From ENBoost v0.259 patch for TES Oblivion move the d3d9.dll file, enbhost.exe, and enblocal.ini from the WrapperVersion folder into the ENBoost folder.
6. Extract the CTD and Memory patch ENBoost files and choose the settings based on your graphics card. Move the enblocal.ini to the ENBoost folder replacing files when prompted. 
   NOTE: Save this folder with your download files for easy access if you have to re-install ENBoost.
7. Now copy all of the files from the Working ENBoost folder into the Oblivion game directory. 
8. Settings can be altered to suit the users’ preferences. Browse the web for recommended enbseries.ini configurations and test them out.
9. Review and make any needed changes to the "enblocal.ini". Some Recommendations include:
[MEMORY] ExpandSystemMemoryX64=false ReduceSystemMemoryUsage=true DisableDriverMemoryManager=false DisablePreloadToVRAM=false EnableUnsafeMemoryHacks=false ReservedMemorySizeMb=64 VideoMemorySizeMb=0 (Use Boris Vorontsov VRamSizeTest v1.0 to get the correct value for the parameter) EnableCompression=true
[ENGINE] ForceAnisotropicFiltering=true
Remap the Free VRAM key to a different unused key [INPUT] KeyFreeVRAM=121
10. Some users may still experience CTD issues. Review muffinz10's post on CTD and Memory patch ENBoost Nexus Forum.


MoreHeap by shadeMe

Description: Starts the game with a larger footprint of memory, allowing the game to run for longer without resulting in impolite CTD behavior.

NOTICE: Some users experience issues using this mod. Oblivion Stutter Remover also manages Heap. Both may be installed, but only OSR is required.

Special Installation Instructions:
Download manually:

• MoreHeap 11
1. Place the "Version.dll" in the root folder, where "Oblivion.exe" is located.
2. Create a new text file in the same directory and name it "MoreHeap.ini".
3. Open it up in any text editor and copy/paste the info below.
   DefaultHeapSize=768 (or 512 depending on system)
   DefaultHeapSize=768 (or 512 depending on system)


RefScope by Wyzard

Description: RefScope is a powerful tool that lets you explore the internals of objects in the game. All this information can be valuable in resolving conflicts, debugging mods, or just keeping track of where your game content is coming from.

Special Installation Instructions:
Download manually:

• RefScope 2_1_2
1. Use the Working Folder structure to repackage the mod.
2. Inside the Docs folder create a RefScope folder. Move the RefScope.html, Package.txt and omod conversion data folder into it.
3. Move RefScope.esp into the Data folder.
4. Now that the mod is repackaged properly, archive and install the mod.

Notice: It is assumed that by now the user has a basic understanding of restructuring files for proper installation and the variety of ways a mod can be installed. From this point forward the installation instructions will not be as detailed unless more complex explanations are needed.

Morroblivion CORE Installation and Patches

Create a new folder in \Oblivion Mods and name it Morroblivion with Fixes and Improvements to store the downloaded files.

Notice: Many of the download sites are external (i.e. Mediafire, Google Drive, Dropbox, etc...) Only mods I have personally downloaded and scanned with F-Secure are listed in this guide. I also advise that the user enable an Ad Blocker on their browser as some of the download sites do have persistent ads.

Morroblivion: FAQ is a video game community web site. We do not display advertisements, require membership fees, or impose other charges on site visitors. Members may voluntarily donate if they wish to help us offset server costs (which are approximately $2,000 per year), but this is COMPLETELY OPTIONAL and in no way changes the user's ability to use the site or download files.

Please review's entire FAQ page. As Diana TES GotH, I have been a user and member of their gaming site for about two years. I have personally downloaded and played many of the mods they develop and I endorse their site.

Create a shortcut of the BOSS userlist.txt to the desktop as there will be several edits to add in the course of installing all the mods. If BOSS was installed as instructed the userlist.txt should be located at \Oblivion\BOSS\oblivion.

Notice: At the end of the guide I will upload and share MISC User Files on the Morroblivion Overhaul Patch Central.

Wrye Bash Users: Launch Wrye Bash. In the Installer tab, right click on Package → Add Marker. Name it Morroblivion.

[MOB] Morroblivion

Morroblivion by TES Renewal Project Team v064

Description: Morroblivion is additional content - a 'mod' or an add-on - for the popular PC video game The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion, released by Bethesda Softworks in 2006. The Morroblivion project seeks to merge the content from the previous game of the series, The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind, into the more modern gaming engine of Oblivion.

Special Installation Instructions:
Download manually: (Scroll down to Download Links to select your preferred download link.)

• Master File
• Morroblivion v064 Complete Resources
Wrye Bash Users: 
1. In the installers tab, right click on Package and select Monitor External Installation... Click OK. Allow the Data files to refresh. 
2. When the External Installation window pops up, follow the instructions below. After the installations has completed, return to the Wrye Bash Installers tab and click OK.
3. A new External Installation window will pop up. Make certain Morrowind_ob.esm is checked and select Create Project. Name the project Morroblivi0on and click OK.
4. Move the Morrowblivion mod just below the Oblivion Vanilla Data mod at the top of the Installers Packages. 
   Note: If you wish to archive the mod to save disk space, right click on the mod and select Pack to Archive. Select No when prompted to Use colid compression.
5. Delete the loose file mod (with the Diamond shaped box). Right click on the mod with the square box and select Install.
Mod Organizer Users:
1. Add the Morroblivion Installer Mod Organizer executables. Run Morroblivion Installer with Mod Organizer. Select Yes if you are prompted to allow Mod Organizer Elevated privileges.
2. Follow the instructions below. When files are written to the Overwrite mod, select create a new mod and name it Morroblivion Master. Move it to top in the left mod pane.
Morroblivion Master File Installer
1. Execute the Morroblivion Installer.
   • Click Next
   • Choose your Morrowind Directory pathto\Morrowind
   • Choose your Oblivion Directory pathto\Oblivion
   • Click Next
   • Click Install
2. Installing will place the Morrowind_ob.esm in your Oblivion\Data folder.
   Morroblivion v064 Complete Resources
   Choose your Alternate Start before installing this mod.
   Navigate to 00 Core\Ini, open the Morroblivion.ini and scroll to the bottom:
   [Alternative Start]
   set mwMainMenu.AltStart to 1 to start in Morrowind.
   set mwMainMenu.AltStart to 0 to start a normal Oblivion new game.
   Notice: Especially Mod Organizer Users: To disable the Morroblivion Errors message that will be received due to unpacking BSA, in the Morroblivion.ini
   set MorroDefaultQuest.ErrorDetection to 0
Visit the official Installation Instructions topic for a detailed guide.
1. Sub-Packages: Check:
   00 Core
   01 Better Map
   01 Chargen and Transport Mod
   01 Morrowind Music
   01 Tree Replacer (Optional)
   01 Voiced Conversation
Esp/m Filter: Ucheck: Morrowind_ob - Morroblivion Maps.esp if using the custom Morroblivion Overhaul CR Patch.esp 2. Install
Mod Organizer Users: review the Special installation instructions for installing Sub-Packages.
Special Installation Instructions:
1. Use bae.exe to extract the following BSAs:
   • Morrowind_ob - Meshes.bsa
   • Morrowind_ob - Textures.bsa
2. Use only the Meshes and Textures folders and create an archive naming it Morroblivion v064 Meshes & Textures.
3. Install the archive just below Morroblivion_v064_Complete.

[MOB] Unofficial Patch

Morroblivion Unofficial Patch_BAIN by ponyrider0

Description: This unofficial patch is a mod-compilation of many bug-fixes and patches that have been posted to since the release of Morroblivion v064.

NOTE: You MUST start a new game when using this patch.

Special Installation Instructions:
Download manually:

• Morroblivion Unofficial Patch_BAIN
Sub-Packages: Check:
01 INI Tweaks
02 Optional, Fast Travel Cheat (Optional)
02 Optional, Firemoth Enemy Mage Rebalance 
02 Optional, No Havok Bottles and Clutter (Optional)
Esp/m Filter: Uncheck: 
MOB_Firemoth_Enemy_Mage_Rebalance.esp if using the custom Morroblivion Overhaul CR Patch.esp
TES4Edit Cleaning Required:

[MOB] Unofficial Patch Magic Addon Replacement Patch

Morroblivion_Unofficial_Patch_Magic_Addon Replacement Patch by ponyrider0_jdsmith2816

Description: Morroblivion_Unofficial_Patch_Magic_Addon Replacement Patch tailored specifically for Morroblivion Overhaul guide users.

Special Installation Instructions:
Download manually:

• Download MOB Ovherhaul Patches and extract Morroblivion_Unofficial_Patch_Magic_Addon Replacement Patch
Note: This patch will require other master plugins that will be installed later in the guide. Simply disable the plugin until those masters are installed.

Test the Game

1. Activate all installed mods and plugins. Close the mod manager.
2. Wrye Bash Users: Paste %LocalAppData%\Oblivion into the windows explorer heading and place the plugin.txt in the folder.
   NOTICE: We are working to resolve an issue for Wyre Bash users. The Plugins.txt file is not sorting the load order as was expected. The temporary solugion is for Wrye Bash users to manually move the plugins into the correct load order according to the Plugins.txt.
   Mod Organzier Users: place the loadoarder.txt in the pathto\Mod Organizer\profiles\Morroblivion folder.
3. Run Wrye Bash. Deactivate any mods missing masters. Right click on the Bashed Patch, 0.esp Rebuild the Bashed Patch.
   When "Deactivate these mods prior to patching" pops up, click Skip.
   In the "Update Bashed Patch, 0.esp window, click Deselect All and check only the following:
   Tweak Assorted:
     Bow Reach Fix
     Darnified Books
     Default Icons
     Magic: Script Effect Silencer
     Right Hand Rings
   Cobl Catalogs
4. In the Wrye Bash Installers tab, right-click and uninstall the TES4LODGen project. Then run TES4LODGen from Wrye Bash to update the TES4LODGen project. Review the contents of the project and install.
5. In the Wrye Bash Installers tab, right-click and uninstall the TES4LL project. Run each of the tes4ll bat files to update the TES4LL project.  Review the contents of the project and install.
   • tes4ll_tes4qlod_cache.bat
   • tes4ll_normalmaps.bat
   • tes4ll_tes4qlod.bat
   • tes4ll_highres.bat or tes4ll_ultimate.bat
6. Launch Oblivion and play for a bit. If you are satisfied with the testing exit the game.
7. Back up the following files to keep a copy of the original game files:
   <Oblivion Mods>
   <My Games>\Oblivion>


Create a new folder in \Oblivion Mods and name it Fixes and Patches to store the downloaded files.

Mod Organizer Users: The first time a mod is installed that contains .bsa file, Mod Organizer will prompt to extract it. If you do not wish to be prompted with each installation, respond [Yes] and check the box labeled "Remember Selection". If the prompt is needed again in the future simply click "Reset Dialogs" in Mod Organizer's settings menu. The BSA will not be installed. Alternatively, you can install the mod and extract the BSAs from the Archive tab.

Notice: Installing a BSA after extracting the archive is Optional for users who would prefer to keep the BSA with it's mod.

Wrye Bash Users: Add Marker in Wrye Bash Installers naming it Fixes and Patches.

[Fixes] A To Take Alls

A To Take All also books by statttis zirize

Description: Press the 'A' button to loot all items in a container and take a book or a scroll when you read.

[Fixes] Auto Update Leveled Items And Spells

Auto Update Leveled Items And Spells by Alek

Description: This mod will scan player inventory on regular basis for any occurrence of items, spells or unused sigil stones that are contained in internal list. You can see the full contents of that list later in the text. Level of these items will be compared to player's current level and changes will be made when better version of the item is available. This is done by querying leveled lists directly and none of the item references are hard-coded, which made it easy to add new things to the list in the future. This is meant only for unique quest rewarded items so don't expect to have random dungeon loot replaced.

[Fixes] Clean-up

Clean up by kuertee

Description: Prevents saved-game file-size bloating by cleaning the game of actor and item references that are no longer required. (e.g. inactive references created from dropped items that were picked-up by the player.)

Cleans long-dead actors that may have been corrupted somehow.

Special Installation Instructions:
Download manually:

• Clean-up 0p56
1. Use the Working Folder structure to repackage the mod.
2. In the Docs folder create a Clean-up folder.
3. Move the omod conversion data folder and kuertee Clean-up_readme.rtf into the Clean-up folder.
4. Move the remaining files into the Data folder:
   • ini folder
   • kuerteeCleanUp.esp
5. Open kuerteeCleanUp.ini located at \Oblivion\Data\Ini and change the first line to the following:
   set kCUQuest.cleanActors to 0
6. Now that the mod is repackaged properly, archive and install the mod.

[Fixes] Cobl

COBL 1.74 Fix for Wizard 1.0 by Cobl Team v174

Description: Cobl significantly enriches the world of Oblivion: new races, new books, new ingredients, new foods, etc. There are no quests, but you'll find the world a better and more interesting place in many small and large ways.

Special Installation Instructions:
Download manually:

• COBL 1.74 Wizard Fixes
Wrye Bash Users:
1. Right Click to Select Wizard
2. Read the information → Next
3. Select Stable → Next
   Choose any of the following packages: Tweaks → Next
   Choose just one of the following.: Cobl Tweaks - SI → Next 
   Nothing else should be selected for the remainder of the wizard.
   Check Apply and Uncheck Install the package.
4. Esp/m filter: Uncheck:
   Cobl Races – Balanced.esp
5. Right click and select Install.
or All Users:
Sub-Packages: Check Only:
• 00 Cobl Core
• 01 StableCore
• 02 Tweaks (Only install one)
• 03 Patches DO NOT Check if using the custom Morroblivion Overhaul CR Patch.esp
Esp/m Filter:
• Cobl Filter Late MERGE ONLY.esp Should only be activated as mods are tested. This plugin will be absorbed into the Morroblivion Overhaul CR Patch.esp
• Cobl Glue.esp
• Cobl Main.esm
• Uncheck: Patch - Hunger Tongue.esp  if using the custom Morroblivion Overhaul CR Patch.esp
• Cobl SI.esp
• Cobl Tweaks - SI.esp

[Fixes] Elz - No Floating Weapon

Elz - No Floating Weapon by Elzee

Description: This mod is a bug fix that will drop the equipping weapon to the ground from corps(no one can keep the weapon in hand after death), and also hide the weapon when actor is being knocked to ragdoll state

[Fixes] Harvest Containers

Harvest Containers by Harvest Team

Description: Harvest[Containers] was designed to allow players to easily see which containers they had already searched. Along the way, that goal turned it into a popular mod for realism fans as well. When you search inside a container, its appearance will change. In most cases this means the container will animate open, but there are a few exceptions as explained in the Details section. Most containers can be manually reclosed by activating them again in Sneak Mode. All containers that are flagged to respawn will return to their closed state when the cell is reset (3 game days by default).

Special Installation Instructions:
Download manually:

• Harvest Containers SI
1. Use the Working Folder structure to repackage the mod.
2. Copy the Harvest[Containers].esm into the Data folder.
3. From the Standalones folder copy the following:
   • meshes folders
   • textures folders
   • Harvest[Containers] - Vanilla.esp
   • Harvest[Containers] - SI.esp from into the Data folder and over write any files.
   • Add ons are Optional. Read the documentation provided for user preference.
4. Now that the mod is repackaged properly, archive and install the mod.

Special Cleaning Instructions: Notice: BOSS Log reports 'Harvest[Containers] - Vanilla.esp Contains dirty edits: 19 ITM, 0 UDR records. Needs TES4Edit cleaning:'. TES4Edit lists these records in the Messages tab located at the bottom of the right pane. The following records will need to be manually removed. Right click on the record and select Remove.

TES4Edit Cleaning Required:
010011E7	DEJharvestMiddleChestJewelry	"Open Jewelry Box"
0100B8CA	DEJharvestMiddleCupboard01	"Open Cupboard" 
0100B8D4	DEJharvestLowerCupboard01	"Open Cupboard"
0100B8D5	DEJharvestLowerPot	        "Open Covered Pot"
0100B8D6	DEJharvestLowerDrawers01	"Open Drawers"
01000CE8	DEJharvestUpperCupboard02	"Opened Cupboard"
01002A58	DEJharvestUpperDesk01	        "Opened Desk"
01002A59	DEJharvestUpperDrawer02	        "Opened Drawers"
010011D4	DEJharvestMiddleDrawers01	"Open Drawers"
010011D5	DEJharvestMiddleDesk01	        "Open Desk"
010011D6	DEJharvestMiddleDrawers02	"Open Drawers"
010011D7	DEJharvestMiddleDrawersTop	"Open Drawers"
010011D8	DEJharvestMiddleShelf01	        "Open Shelf"
010011D9	DEJharvestMiddleShelf01a	"Open Shelf"
010011DB	DEJharvestMiddleLectern02	"Open Lectern"
0100342F	DEJharvestUpperDrawer01	        "Opened Drawers"
0100391C	DEJharvestUpperExecDesk01	"Opened Desk"
01002081	DEJharvestUpperCupboard01	"Opened Cupboard"
01003430	DEJharvestUpperDrawer03	        "Opened Drawers"

[Fixes] Mesh Improvement Project

Mesh Improvement Project by InsanitySorrow

Description: This project is a large undertaking with the aim of (slowly) fixing or replacing broken/ugly meshes found throughout the game's world.

Special Installation Instructions:
Download manually:

• Mesh Improvement Project
Sub Packages: Check:
00 Core
10 Optional - IC Sign Textures (Optional)

[Fixes] MigMaster Script Resources

MigMaster Script Resources by miguick

Description: An .esm master file containing some OBSE script resources that other mods can use, either with a direct dependency or remotely.

Esp/m Filter: Unchec: SafeCloningFunction - Filter.esp

[Fixes] Miscellaneous Fixes Tweaks and Additions

Migck's Miscellaneous fixes tweaks and additions by miguick

Description: This is a collection of all my OBSE fixes, tweaks and additions which do not depend on Oblivion.esm and which are small and simple enough (well not really...) to be bundled together into a single file. All the features contained here are customizable in an ini file, MigMiscellanea.ini, where you can tweak the behavior of or even disable any feature you want.

Special Installation Instructions:
Download manually:

• Migck Miscellaneous
Download from Miscellaneous files MigMiscellaneaIni.
Wrye Bash Users: Install the mod just below [Fixes] Miscellaneous Fixes Tweaks and Additions.
Mod Organizer Users: Merge the mod with [Fixes] Miscellaneous Fixes Tweaks and Additions.

[Fixes] Oblivion DLC Delayers

Oblivion DLC Delayers by Arthmoor

Description: This mod is a simple yet immersive and lore friendly way for the official DLC in Oblivion to be started.

[Fixes] Summon Dremora Lord Saved

Summon Dremora lord Saved by DemonLord7654

Description: The Bruma Mages guild is the only one who sells the spell Summon Dremora Lord. If you didn't pay attention, later in the game you won't be able to purchase this spell. This mod adds the spell to Mystic Emporium and the Mages Guild in Skingrad.

Special Installation Instructions:

• Summon Dremora Lord Saved

[Fixes] Unlimited Death Reload Time

Lynges Unlimited Death Reload Time by Martin Lynge -CapoeiristaDK-

Description: After dying, your game will not reload the latest save. This helps prevent save corruption.

DO NOT INSTALL: Lynges Unlimited Death Reload Time.esp will be absorbed into the Morroblivion Overhaul CR Patch.

[Fixes][Mob] Ahnassi's Ingredient Sorter

Ahnassi's Ingredient Sorter by frond

Description: This adds a COBL ingredient sorter to Ahnassi's house.

DO NOT INSTALL: as mob_ahnassi_alchemy.esp if using the custom Morroblivion Overhaul CR Patch.esp

Test the Game

1. Activate all installed mods and plugins. Close the mod manager.
2. Wrye Bash Users: Paste %LocalAppData%\Oblivion into the windows explorer heading and place the plugin.txt in the folder.
   Mod Organzier Users: place the loadoarder.txt in the pathto\Mod Organizer\profiles\Morroblivion folder.
3. Run Wrye Bash. Deactivate any mods missing masters. Right click on the Bashed Patch, 0.esp Rebuild the Bashed Patch.
   When "Deactivate these mods prior to patching" pops up, click Skip.
   In the "Update Bashed Patch, 0.esp window, click Deselect All and check only the following:
   Tweak Assorted:
     Bow Reach Fix
     Darnified Books
     Default Icons
     Magic: Script Effect Silencer
     Right Hand Rings
   Cobl Catalogs
4. Launch Oblivion and play for a bit. If you are satisfied with the testing exit the game
5. Back up the following files to keep a copy of the original game files:
   <Oblivion Mods>
   <My Games>\Oblivion>
Mod Organizer Users: There will be OBSE files generated in the Overwrite mod. Right click on the Overwrite mod  to create a new mod naming it Morroblivion Profile. From here on out you will simply move the OBSE files into this mod when they are generated.

FCOM Convergence Overhaul

Template:Notice Small


[Gameplay][Combat] Combat Archery

Duke Patricks - Combat Archery by

Description: This Combat Archery Mod is designed to bring a fun balance to realistically high damage bows to make fighting with a realistically lethal bow in the game less like using a Rifled Musket.

Special Installation Instructions:
Download manually:

• Duke Patricks - Combat Archery Rev 7p3 with Crossbows.7z
• Duke Patricks - Combat Archery updated ESP only Rev 7p3p5.7z

[Gameplay][Combat] Combat Archery Patch

Duke Patricks Combat Archery patch by Kobal

Description: A patch that fixes some bugs in Oblivions best archery mod and makes it work better with OOO and various other mods..

DO NOT INSTALL: Duke Patricks - Combat Archery Patch.esp if using the custom Morroblivion Overhaul CR Patch.esp

[Gameplay][Combat] Companion Compatibility

Companion Compatibility by Eloise Shadowborn

Description: This plugin will detect any player companions, minions or horses, and if an enemy targets them instead of the player, it will redirect them to attack the player. There are also optional settings to extend this functionality to summoned creatures, and companion minions (such as Beau's scamp from CM Partners).

Special Installation Instructions:
Download manually:

• Companion Compatibility

[Gameplay][Combat] Fast Arrow Collection

Fast Arrow Recovery by Frankie_mac

Description: This mod adds a lesser power to your character that allows you to toggle an automatic arrow recovery ability on or off.

Special Installation Instructions:
Download manually:

• Fast Arrow Collection

[Gameplay][Combat] Fundament

Fundament by tejon

Description: Fundament is a generalized replacement for countless small mods, including its predecessor, Progress. Through simple initialization files the user can safely edit skill advancement rates, game settings, and even Oblivion.ini settings.

Special Installation Instructions:
Download manually:

• Fundament R4 U3

[Gameplay][Combat] MOBS

MOBS - Medieval Oblivion Equipment Balance System by Corepc - BFG

Description: MOBS, aka the "Medieval Oblivion (Equipment) Balance System", is a weapon balance system for use with TES4:Oblivion, TES4:Shivering Isles, and TES4 official downloadable content.

Special Installation Instructions:
Download manually:

• MOBS Shivering Isles
• MOBS Knights DLC Fixed 2b then
1. MOBS Shivering Isles: Esp/m filter: Uncheck: MOBS SI Optional Combat Settings.esp
2. MOBS Knights DLC Fixed 2b: Esp/m filter: Check ONLY: DLC_MOBS.esp

[Gameplay][Combat] MOBS MOO Patch

MOBS patch for Maskar's Oblivion Overhaul by gaminsrc

Description: This mod is a patch to balance Maskars Oblivion Overhaul to Medieval Oblivion Equipment Balance System 2.0.

Special Installation Instructions:
Download manually:

• MOBS 2.0a patch for MOO

[Gameplay][Combat] MOBSification of Mods

MOBSification of MODS - Weapon Balancing by RoclorD aka CarlosS4444

Description: Use this patch if you use MOBS (Medieval Oblivion Equipment Balance System) mod. It makes weapons from patched mods compatible with MOBS.

DO NOT INSTALL: MOBSification of MODS.esp if using the custom Morroblivion Overhaul CR Patch.esp

[Gameplay][Combat] Oblivion XP WIP 4.4

Oblivion XP WIP 4.4 bySirFrederik and AndalayBay

Description: Oblivion XP brings the experience point reward system to Oblivion. You gain experience points for performing a variety of actions, including completing quests, killing monsters, picking locks or discovering new locations. When you accumulate enough experience points, you will gain a new level. Upon gaining the new level, you spend points to increase your attributes and skills. You no longer improve your skills by using them. You earn experience points by action and spend an allotted number of points on skills and attributes to improve them, anyway you wish, when you level-up.

Special Installation Instructions:
Download manually:

• Oblivion XP 4.4.0
WryeBash Users: WAIT TO INSTALL THIS MOD! Instructions will be provided for the installation. The mod will then need to be place in this position.
1.Right click and Select Wizard
2.Which User Interface (UI) are you using? DarkUId DarN
3.User Preference for the rest of the setup
   Apply these selections
   Install this package
   Click [Finish]
Mod Organizer Users: review the Special installation instructions for installing Sub-Packages. 
or All Users:
1.Sub-Packages: Check:
   01 Core
   02 DarkUId DarN
2.Esp/m Filter: Check: Oblivion XP.esp

[Gameplay][Combat] SM Combat

SM Combat Hide by Strategy Master

Description: Adds ability such that if player can\'t be seen by a npc whos in combat with him, the combat will end and that npc will search the area for him.

Special Installation Instructions:
Download manually:

• SM Combat Hide V1-2


[Gameplay][Magical] Fundament Enchanting Addons

FEA - Fundament Enchanting Addons by migck

Description: Adds arrow and staff enchanting, scroll scribing, magic item renaming, and uses Fundament to keep it all under control like you've never seen before! Also adds an Enchanting skill, right in your character stats menu. Such is the power of MenuQue.

Special Installation Instructions:
Download manually:

• FEA 2_1_3
Wrye Bash Users:
Sub-Packages: Check" 
00 Core
01 Optional Armamentarium Staffs (Optional)
Esp/m Filter:

[Gameplay][Magical] More Effective Enchantments

More Effective Enchantments by Maskar

Description: This addon fixes the extremely limited amount of uses on enchanted weapons (including staves). By default the amount of uses is multiplied by 5.

Special Installation Instructions:
Download manually:

• More Effective Enchantments 22
Notice: See Readme 1st in the plugin folder for more details.
1. Use the Working Folder structure to repackage the mod.
2. Copy More Effective Enchantments.esp and .ini files to (the Data folder.
3. Copy More Effective Enchantments Knights.esp from the Plugins folder to the Data folder.
4. Optionally edit the .ini file to customize it to your preferences.
5. TES4Edit Sort Masters Required:
   More Effective Enchantments Knights.esp

[Gameplay][Magical] Relevant Scrolls and Potions

Relevant Scrolls and Potions by flyfightflea Mercer Meka

Description: This mod increases the potency and therefore the usability of all scrolls and potions. It also contains Alluring Potion Bottles v3 by jbvw which replaces the generic bottles in the game.

Special Installation Instructions:
Download manually:

•  Relevant Scrolls and Potions and Staves 1-5
Special Installation Instructions:
1. Use bae.exe to extract the Textures from the Relevant Scrolls & Potions & Staves.bsa.
2. Archive the Meshes and Textures folder naming it Relevant Scrolls & Potions & Staves.bsa Meshes & Textures.
3. Install just below Relevant Scrolls and Potions.

[Gameplay][Magical] Patches

1. Create a folder named [Gameplay][Magical] Patches. 
2. Cut the following plugins from their mods and paste them into this folder. 
3. Once completed it can be archived and installed a regular mod.
   • Download Elsweyr Anequina - Integration The Stranded Light Patch and move ElsweyrAnequina - Integration Patch v1.0.esp into [Gameplay][Magical] Patches
   • Download MOB Ovherhaul Patches and extract OCR__Integration_Integrated_Patch.7z and move OCR + Integration Integrated Patch.esp into [Gameplay][Magical] Patches.

[Gameplay][Magical][MOB] Magic

MOB Magic by iamnone

Description: All buyable, non-scripted Alteration, Destruction, and Restoration spells, as well as many of the spells used by NPCs or present as resources but not offered for sale by spell merchants, are adapted to the Oblivion system (excepting spells involving disease and spells causing poison, which are addressed by specialty mods and so skipped here).

Special Installation Instructions:
Download manually:

• mob_magic_v02.7z

[Gameplay][Magical][MOB] Portal to Vvardenfell

Portal Spell by Sjors Boomschors

Description: A spell that summons a magic portal which can take you to Vvardenfell (and later can be to travel back to the same location in Cyrodil where you opened the portal to Morrowind).

Special Installation Instructions:
Download manually:

Morroblivion Portal to Vvardenfell


[Gameplay][Misc] CM Partners Mod Basic

CM Partners Mod Basic by Cutthroat Mods

Description: CM Partners Mod Basic 2.0 provides a companion system on which you can include up to 70 Partner NPC\'s which are provided or add any number of custom NPC\'s that you or others have created.

Special Installation Instructions:
Download manually:

• CM Partners Mod v2
Esp/m Filter: Copy the CM Partners.esm and CM Partners.esp from the CMPartners - OblivionandSI OBSE folder to overwrite the ones in the Data folder. Deselect all other optional files.
NOTICE: CM Partners.esm and CM Partners.esm are required for Knights of the White Stallion. Each user should read the documents contained within the mod for installation instructions to suit user preference.

[Gameplay][Misc] Cyrodiil Travel Services

Cyrodiil Travel Services by Arthmoor

Description: This mod is a collection of travel options which aims to recreate a system similar to what existed in Morrowind. It includes regular travel agent services at the stables, Divine Intervention, Mark & Recall, and Mage Guild Guides.

Special Installation Instructions:
Download manually:

• Cyrodiil Travel Services

[Gameplay][Misc] Integration - The Stranded Light - Integrated!

Integration - The Stranded Light - Integrated! by bg2408

Description: It is a quest mod. More than 80 quests, several joinable guilds, endless pages of dialog. A new city. A lot of new locations. And most importantly, quests that were never seen before in Cyrodiil! Skill checks, choices and consequences, tasks in which you should use your brain, and much more.

Note: While this is a "Quest" mod, it also contains a few resources that Overhaul Magic Gameplay as well as the Race Balancing Project.

Special Installation Instructions:
Download manually:

• Click the Download button at the end of the mod section.
Sub-Packages: Check Only:
   • 01 -Resources
   • 02 -Enhanced Gameplay
   • 03 -Body Mod Support -Exnem & variants (HGEC, Growlf)
   • 04 -Body Mod Support -Robert's Male
   • 05 -Daedra Seducer Wings and Animation
Esp/m Filter:
   • bgIntegrationIntegratedEV.esp
Special Installation Instructions:
1. Use bae.exe to extract the Textures from the following: 
   bgIntegrationIntegratedEV - LAME Resources.bsa
   bgIntegrationIntegratedEV - Telvanni Tileset.bsa
   bgIntegrationIntegratedEV - Unique Resources.bsa
2. Archive the Meshes and Textures folder naming it Integration - TSL- Integrated Meshes & Textures.
3. Install just below Integration - The Stranded Light - Integrated!.

[Gameplay][Misc] Maskars Oblivion Overhaul

Maskar's Oblivion Overhaul by Maskar

Description: This is an overhaul mod, improving many aspects of the game, while maintaining the overall feel of the game and ensuring compatibility with most other mods. All features are configurable through OMOD installation and/or editing the ini file... This mod comes in 3 difficulty levels (normal, advanced and expert). Casual and new players should select the normal difficulty level. Please read the included pdf readme for more details... This mod does not alter any game data (leveled lists, creatures, etc.) directly, but only makes changes through OBSE scripts. Because of this it should be fully compatible with most mods.

Special Installation Instructions:
Download manually:

• Maskars Oblivion Overhaul 4_9_1
• MOO 4_9 readme
 Notice: Read the provided documents and make the additional ini file tweaks needed to suit User preferences.
Special Installation Instructions:
1. Use bae.exe to extract the Textures from the following:
   Maskar's Oblivion Overhaul - Meshes.bsa
   Maskar's Oblivion Overhaul - Textures.bsa
2. Archive the Meshes and Textures folder naming it MOO Meshes & Textures.
3. Install just below Maskar's Oblivion Overhaul

[Gameplay][Misc][MOB] Armored Skeletons

Morroblivion - Armored Skeletons by qwertyasdfgh

Description: Adds skeleton variants wearing Morrowind armor.

Special Installation Instructions:
Download manually:

Morrowind_ob - Armored Skeletons.7z

[Gameplay][Misc][Mob] Buyable Houses of Vvardenfell

Buyable Houses of Vvardenfell by qwertyasdfgh

Description: Adds buyable houses like in Oblivion.

Special Installation Instructions:
Download manually:

Morroblivion - Buyable Houses.7z

[Gameplay][Misc][Mob] CG Voices

Computer-Generated Voiced Dialogue by Sjors Boomschors

Description: Morroblivion Computer-Generated Voiced Dialogue

Special Installation Instructions:
Download manually:

Morroblivion CG Voices BAIN v1.0 by ponyrider0 (Click on the download link in the forum.)

[Gameplay][Misc][MOB] CM Partners Unofficial

CM Partners Unofficial v3.0 with Morroblivion add-on by ponyrider0

Description: This is a current work-in-progess version of my Unofficial v3.0 patch to the CM-Partners 2.0 base ESM. It will upgrade all compatible CM-Partners NPCs and Mods with new features. It also contains a more updated version of the Morroblivion-CM-Partners add-on originally made by Theramalse.

Special Installation Instructions:
Download manually:

• cm-partners_v3_patch.7z

[Gameplay][Misc][Mob] Expanded Quests

Expanded Quests by qwertyasdfgh

Description: Expands some of the vanilla quests from Morroblivion to offer more dialogue choices and more ways to complete the quests.

Special Installation Instructions:
Download manually:

• Version 0.1

[Gameplay][Misc][Mob] Firemoth & Misc Additions

Firemoth & Misc Additions by gidz89

Description: A collections of various tweaks to Morroblivion, mainly focused around Firemoth (but also touching other areas).

Special Installation Instructions:
Download manually:

• Firemoth & Misc

[Gameplay][Misc][MOB] Guar Mounts & Pack Guars

Guar Mounts & Pack Guars by ponyrider0

Description: This mod adds Riding Guars that can be purchased from a few Guar herders in Vvardenfell: Sjorvar Horse-Mouth, Drulene Falen and 3 herders from each of the Ashlander camps. In addition to Guar Mounts, this mod adds Pack Guars which work much like the Pack Rats in the Tribunal expansion. You can have multiple pack guars and mounts at a time.

Special Installation Instructions:
Download manually:

• morroblivion-guar-mounts_v1.1.7z
Esp/m Filter: Check: ALL
Note: MOB_Symphony of Creatures below for BOSS userlist.tst

[Gameplay][Misc][Mob] Idol of Mephala

Idol of Mephala - Help for Sanguine Items Quest by asteriasennall

Description: Adds in-game clues for finding Sanguine items.

Special Installation Instructions:
Download manually:


[Gameplay][Misc][Mob] More Armor Slots

More Armor Slots by ponyrider0

Description: The goal for this mod is to recreate the many more armor and clothing slots that are available in Morrowind as compared to Oblivion. In this version, it adds support for the player to wear simultaneous shirt-pants-cuirass-greaves-robes.

Special Installation Instructions:
Download manually:

• More Armor Slots v0.10 (more-armor-slots-v0_10.7z)
Add the following line to your "\Oblivion\Data\ini\Morroblivion.ini":
  set mwFixes.EnableMoreArmorSlots to 1
  set mwFixes.StrictMWEnchantmentSelection to 1

Alternatively, you can can skip editing the Morroblivion.ini and just run the game, open the console, and type this command:
  set mwMASquest.EnableMoreArmorSlots to 1

[Gameplay][Misc][Mob] Protocolled Dialogs

Protocolled Dialogs by Eazzy

Description: This mod adds a scrollable pane to the dialog window, where the course of the current dialog gets protocolled (see screenshots).

Special Installation Instructions:
Download manually:

• ProtocolledDialogs-v1_1.7z

[Gameplay][Misc][Mob] Sugar Tolarance

Sugar Tolerance by frond

Description: This removes merchants' objections to your possession of moon sugar or skooma and allows you to trade with them right away instead of having to drop your illicit items on the ground in front of them first.

DO NOT INSTALL: mob_sugar_tolerance.esp if using the custom Morroblivion Overhaul CR Patch.esp

[Gameplay][Misc][MOB] Symphony of Creatures

Morroblivion - The Symphony of Creatures by Puddles

Description: This mod is still in "beta". There are many manually converted animations, some of which are completely hand-made.

Notice: This mod is required for users who intend to install MOB_Tamriel Rebuilt

Special Installation Instructions:
Download manually:

Morrowind_ob - Symphony Core.7zMorrowind_ob - Symphony meshes.7zMorrowind_ob - Symphony textures.7zguar_skeleton_fix.7z
Esp/m filter: Uncheck: Morrowind_ob - Symphony.esp

[Gameplay][Misc][Mob] The Essential Mudcrab

The Essential Mudcrab by frond

Description: This makes the Mudcrab Merchant essential, and adds a map marker to his island. Updated version in which his inventory gets refreshed, and he also has some plausible items to sell.

DO NOT INSTALL: mob_essential_mudcrab_0.esp if using the custom Morroblivion Overhaul CR Patch.esp

[Gameplay][Misc][Mob] Voice Acted

Morroblivion Voice Acted Mod by ponyrider0

Description: This is a fixed version of the Morroblivion Voice Acting mod v0.5... The sound files have been packed into a BSA which will autoload with Morrowind_ob.esm/esp.

Special Installation Instructions:
Download manually:

• morrowind_ob_-_voice_acted_v06.7z

[Gameplay][Misc] Vvardenfell Imports

Vvardenfell Imports by themythofanst

Description: My interpretation of almost EVERY armor set included in TES Morrowind GOTY (and plenty more). If it's Morrowind related, it's probably in here.

Special Installation Instructions:
Download manually:

• Vvardenfell Imports 1.2
Esp/m Filer: Uncheck: ALL

Test the Game

1. Activate all installed mods and plugins. Close the mod manager.
2. Wrye Bash Users: Paste %LocalAppData%\Oblivion into the windows explorer heading and place the plugin.txt in the folder.
   Mod Organzier Users: place the loadoarder.txt in the pathto\Mod Organizer\profiles\Morroblivion folder.
3. Run Wrye Bash. Deactivate any mods missing masters. 
   Also deactivate ElsweyrAnequina - Integration Patch v1.0.esp as Elsweyr Anequina has not yet been installed.
   Right click on the Bashed Patch, 0.esp Rebuild the Bashed Patch.
   When "Deactivate these mods prior to patching" pops up, click Skip.
   In the "Update Bashed Patch, 0.esp window, click Deselect All and check only the following:
   Tweak Assorted:
     Bow Reach Fix
     Darnified Books
     Default Icons
     Magic: Script Effect Silencer
     Right Hand Rings
   Cobl Catalogs
4. Launch Oblivion and play for a bit. If you are satisfied with the testing exit the game.


UI, or User Interface, refers to the keyboard control, mouse control or game-pad controller and interfaces (inventory screen, map screen, etc...).

Wrye Bash Users: Launch Wrye Bash. In the Installer tab, right click on Package → Add Marker. Name it User Interface.

Notice: TESALL is a Russian download site that does require registration to download files. Use Google translation if you do not understand Russian. Please register in order not to miss out on the beautiful mods that will be used in this guide.
Notice: If you choose not to download the mods offered from this site, you will need to find comparable mods on your own.

Related Video: Bevilex Modlist Full Video Guide - part 4 PREQUISITE - Register to the Russian mod site TES4ALL by outdated TV

NOTICE: Oblivion XP WIP 4.4 can now be installed by Wrye Bash Users or activated by Mod Organizer Users.

WryeBash Users: 
1. Move the == Last == placeholder just below [Gameplay][Combat] MOBSification of Mods
2. Right click and Select Wizard
3. Which User Interface (UI) are you using? DarkUId DarN
4. User Preference for the rest of the setup
   Apply these selections
   Install this package
   Click [Finish]
6. Right click on the mod select Install Last.
   NOTE: The == Last == placeholder can now be moved back to the bottom of the Installers.

[Fixes] Oblivion Reloaded

Oblivion Reloaded by Timeslip, Scanti, ShadeMe and Ethatron, totally re-written and implemented by Alenet

Description: Oblivion Reloaded - OBGE is an OBSE plugin that mainly modifies the rendering pipeline, adding new features and providing screen effects not supported in vanilla Oblivion.

Special Installation Instructions:
Download manually:

• OR v6.3.0
• Oblivion Reloaded Preset (Download the Preset Version that matches the Oblivion Reloaded chosen.)
Extract the archive, delete the Oblivion Reloaded\Menus folder, and the Textures\Sky folder. Repackage the archive and install as normal.
Notice: Oblivion Reloaded currently adds new animations to NPCs and Player. If you do not wish to have these "ninja-style" flipping animations, delete every .kf file in the Meshes\Characters\_male\ folder. Also, make certain to disable EquipmentMode in the Oblivion Reloaded.ini located in the \Oblivion\Data\OBSE\Plugins folder.
Keep this mod at the bottom of the install order. DO NOT allow other mods to over write the files. 
Notice: OBSE Plugin Included

[UI] Custom Spell Icons for OBME

Custom Spell Icons for OBME by statttis

Description: CSI provided functions to set, override (if previously set) and clear the spell icon displayed by a spell. OBME unfortunately cannot exactly do this. What it can do, however, is setting the icons for each specific effect in a spell.

Special Installation Instructions:
Download manually:

• CSI Updated
1. Read the author's description.
2. Note: Always deactivate CustomSpellIcons - OBME.esm before Rebuilding the Bashed Patch. Remember to Activate it before launching the game.

[UI] OA Dark Transparent UI

OA_Dark Transparent UI 1.2 by allexa

Description: As a basis, the interface modes DarNified UI and DarkUI'd DarN were taken , and a small addition - Cinematic Dialog HUD.

Special Installation Instructions:
Download manually:

• Download UI Patches and Additions and extract and extract OA Dark Transparent UI 1.2 English_BAIN.7z by jdsmith2816
Apply the following edits to the Oblivion.ini:
Sub-Packages: Check:
• data
• optional_OblivionXP
• optional_SneakEye_ (User Defined Monitor Resolution- see documentation)
Note: Open the Images folder and view the Display.JPG to select your screen size.

[UI] OA Dark Translucent UI - Lockpick Menu

Door Lock Reset by Teinaava

Description: Texture replacer for door locks

Special Installation Instructions:
Download manually:

• DoorLatch.7z
• DoorLatch1.1.7z
Sub-Packages: Check: Option 1

[UI] Mouse Cast

Mouse Cast by lupo

Description: Cast spells using the mouse buttons. This mod enables the player to quick select spells that are stored in 39 easily accessible slots and cast them with the left, right, and middle mouse buttons. Intended for efficient spell casting in combat situations. Note: spell scrolls are not supported.

Special Installation Instructions:
Download manually:

• Mouse Cast

[UI] QZ Easy Menus

QZ Easy Menus Update by qzilla

Description: QZ Easy Menus currently has three main features: Menu Exit, Easy Choices, and Journal Quick-Keys.

Special Installation Instructions:
Download manually:

• QZ Easy Menus 1x03

[UI] Skill Perk Descriptions

Skill Perk Descriptions by Alek

Description: This mod adds perk descriptions to the UI. Now you are capable of seeing which skill level offers you what abilities. It uses the background and font of whatever UI you have installed.

Special Installation Instructions:
Download manually:

• Skill_Perk_Descriptions_1_1

[UI] Spell Delete And Item Remove

Spell Delete And Item Remove by troybayliss

Description: Delete unused spells and (quest) items stuck in your inventory using the Delete key or another key of your choice. It's possible to delete custom spells and create others with the same name. Also features batch spell deletion.

Special Installation Instructions:
Download manually:

• Spell Delete And Item Remove 4_0

[UI] STM Scouter

STM Scouter- Health- Level- Stat bars- Damage Tracking by profdAve

Description: This plug-in displays the stats of NPCs and Creatures above their heads while in-game and offers a variety of customization options. It does so with the use of Numeric fonts for displaying the health and level , and also with the use of Stat bars for displaying the Health, Magicka, and Fatigue as well.

Special Installation Instructions:
Download manually:

• STM_Scouter_v0.4.7 non_BSA

[UI] Themed Loading Screens for Dark UI

Themed Loading Screens for Dark UI by khalim19

Description: All of the DarkUI loading screens are converted from Trollf's loading screens, giving every loading screen a DarkUI look and feel.

Special Installation Instructions:
Download manually:

• TLS for Dark UI - Replacer Alternate
• TLS for Dark UI - SI Replacer Alternate
• TLS for Dark UI - AddOn Alternate
• Optional files: TLS - DarkUId DarN Compatibility Patch
1. TLS for Dark UI - Replacer Alternate: Esp/m Filter: Uncheck: LoadingScreens.esp
2. TLS for Dark UI - SI Replacer Alternate: Esp/m Filter: Uncheck: LoadingScreensSI.esp
3. TLS for Dark UI - AddOn Alternate: Sub-Packages: Check:
   00 Core
   03 AddOn + Base + SI
   Esp/m Filter: Check: LoadingScreens.esp
4. TLS - DarkUId DarN Compatibility Patch
Mod Organizer Users: review the Special installation instructions for installing Sub-Packages.

[UI] Themed Loading Screens for OA Dark

TLS for OA Dark UI by khalim19

Description: Themed Loading Screens compatible with OA Dark UI.

Special Installation Instructions:
Download manually:

• Download UI Patches and Additions and extract TLS for OA Dark UI
Mod Organizer Users: Right click on TLS for OA Dark UI and select set data directory.

[UI] Toggleable Quantity Prompt

Toggleable Quantity Prompt - Updated by Waruddar and kea

Description: With this mod, you can auto-confirm the quantity prompt ("How many?") and confirmation prompt that you get when an item or spell is transacted (moving/buying/selling/dropping). Items may be transacted one at a time with by holding down either ctrl key, or an entire stack at a time by holding down either shift key. These hotkeys may be customized ingame.

Special Installation Instructions:
Download manually:

• TQP v3-2-0
Sub-Packages: Check: 01 Main
Esp/m Filter: Check: Toggleable Auanity Prompt.esp

[UI] Tamriel Heightmaps

Under the sign of the dragon - Tamriel Heightmaps by onra

Description: This mod provides a lore friendly heightmap of complete Tamriel, located in the "Tamriel" worldspace ( the same where Cyrodiil is located ), coming as only one esp including all provinces, isles and surrounding seas.

Special Installation Instructions:
Download manually:

• Tamriel heightmap V_3_3
• Tamriel Heightmap LOD Resources

[UI][Map] Dynamic Map

Dynamic Map by TheNiceOne

DDescription: Dynamic Map makes the world map reflect your installed mods. It reads your active mod list, and modifies the world map accordingly, by placing sub-map components for the supported mods, onto the main world map so it looks exactly like the world map was made that way.

Special Installation Instructions:
Download manually:

• Dynamic Map 2_1_1
1. Sub-Packages: Check:
   • 00 Core
   • 01 (User's Choice: Select Only One of the Options)
Mod Organizer Users: review the Special installation instructions for installing Sub-Packages.
2. Make the following ini edit:
   Open "...\Ini\Dynamic Map base.ini"
set tnoDM.zoomIn to 264 set tnoDM.zoomOut to 265 set tnoDM.zoomReset to 3

[UI][Map] Elven Map for Shivering Isles

Elven Map For Shivering Isles by odin_ml

Description: This mod changes the default brown map to a full colour map with a slightly "elven" feel to it.

Special Installation Instructions:
Download manually:

• Elven Map For Shivering Isles

[UI][Map] Map Marker Overhaul

Map Marker Overhaul by TheNiceOne

Description: This mod replaces the map markers and does much more. Read the description on the Nexus.

Special Installation Instructions:
Download manually:

• Map Marker Overhaul 3_9_3
1. Notice: The Wizard.txt is not coded properly. You can extract the archive, encode the Wizard.txt to UTF-8, and then rearchive the mod for installation, or simply make your selections and install it as is.
2. Sub-Packages: Check:
   • 00 Core
   • 01 (User's Choice: Select Only One of the Options)
   • 02 SI additions
   • 03 Realism Settings (Optional)
Mod Organizer Users: review the Special installation instructions for installing Sub-Packages.

[UI][Map] MiniMap

MiniMap - Reboot by Kyoma

Description: This mod introduces a small minimap on your HUD. It will be as close as possible to the real map.

NOTICE: This mod could potentially cause a drop in framerate.

Special Installation Instructions:
Download manually:

• MiniMap v1x2x0
Special Installation Instructions:
1. Use bae.exe to extract the Textures from the MiniMap.bsa.
2. Archive the Textures folder naming it MiniMap Textures.
3. Install just below MiniMap - Reboot.

[UI][MOB] Menu Replacer

MOB_Menu Replacer by Ice

Description: Replaces Oblivion's Main menu to reflect an installation of Morroblivion.

Special Installation Instructions:
Download manually:

Morroblivion Map Loop.zipMoroblivion
1. Use the Working Folder structure to repackage the mod.
2. Extract the Morroblivion Menu zip and the Morroblivion Map Loop zip.
3. Copy the folder 'Data' from the 'Morroblivion Menu Zip' folder into your Working Folder.
4. Create a new folder inside the data folder naming it Video.
5. Copy the video 'Map loop' from your extracted 'Morroblivion Map' folder. Paste it in the Video folder.
6. Archive the Data folder naming it Morroblivion Menu Replacer.
7. Drag the archive into Wrye Bash Installers. Right click and select Install.
8. Notice: The following must be present in the Oblivion.ini for this mod to work. Add the text in if not present.
   SMainMenuMovie=Map loop.bik
   SMainMenuMovieIntro=Oblivion iv logo.bik

[UI][MOB] Morroblivion Themed Loading Screens

MOB_Themed Loading Screens by qwertyasdfgh

Description: Hi-res loading screens for Morroblivion based on Trollfs Loading Screens.

Special Installation Instructions:
Download manually:

• Download UI Patches and Additions and extract MOB_OA DarkUI_TLS.7z

[UI][MOB] MOB TR World Maps

TR WorldMaps by ponyrider0

Description: These are in-game worldmaps for Morroblivion featuring the additional lands from Tamriel Rebuilt. They will work perfectly even if Tamriel Rebuilt is not installed (if you're interested in learning how to install it, look here). There are two maps with two different resolutions each. The "Satellite" map uses color maps and normal maps to simulate a 3D terrain view. The "InkPen" map uses an inkpen-styled outline with some coloring and normal maps applied with a simulated paint effect. The regular versions are 2048x2048 (same as the vanilla Morroblivion worlmap) and HD versions are 4096x4096.

Special Installation Instructions:
Download manually:

• trworldmaps_v1_1.7z
Sub Packages: Check: User’s choice (select only one ESP).

[UI][MOB] World Space

Morroblivion World Space by Ice

Description: This is a mod made for Morroblivion that allows you to travel on foot from Cyrodiil to the Vvardenfell of Morroblivion.

Special Installation Instructions:
Download manually:

• Morroblivion in Tamriel Map 
• Morroblivion in Tamriel
• Mournhold in Tamriel
Morroblivion in Tamriel Map
Esp/m Filter: Uncheck: AK- Morroblivion in Tamriel Map.esp if using the custom Morroblivion Overhaul CR Patch.esp
Morroblivion in Tamriel
The Morroblivion in Tamriel GPS mod is for testing. It's independent of the main file and can be run with or without it. When run it gives you a GPS spell. When cast the spell tells you the players x, and y world positions in both Tamriel and Wrldmorrowind. It also allows you to teleport to those coordinates in the other world space. This is really nice for testing purposes and diagnostics. Tamriel Heightmaps' Tamriel.esp is a requirement for this plugin.
Notice: Fast Travel Icons:
You initially won't see any fast travel icons in Tamriel. This is to prevent people from traveling to cities they haven't found yet. To get them to show up, visit the city in Morrowind. You'll get a message saying "map marker added". The easiest way to do this is to fast travel to your cities in Morrowind. Then, next time you're in Tamriel you'll see your icons and be able to fast travel back to that city.”

Test the Game

1. Activate all installed mods and plugins. Close the mod manager.
2. Wrye Bash Users: Paste %LocalAppData%\Oblivion into the windows explorer heading and place the plugin.txt in the folder.
   Mod Organzier Users: place the loadoarder.txt in the pathto\Mod Organizer\profiles\Morroblivion folder.
3. Run Wrye Bash. Deactivate any mods missing masters. Right click on the Bashed Patch, 0.esp Rebuild the Bashed Patch.
   Deactivate CustomSpellIcons - OBME.esm if installed as OBME is not compatible with WB Bashed Patch.
   Also deactivate ElsweyrAnequina - Integration Patch v1.0.esp as Elsweyr Anequina has not yet been installed.
   Right click on the Bashed Patch, 0.esp Rebuild the Bashed Patch.
   When "Deactivate these mods prior to patching" pops up, click Skip.
   In the "Update Bashed Patch, 0.esp window, click Deselect All and check only the following:
   Tweak Assorted:
     Bow Reach Fix
     Darnified Books
     Default Icons
     Magic: Script Effect Silencer
     Right Hand Rings
   Cobl Catalogs
   Note: After rebuilding the Bashed Patch reactivate CustomSpellIcons - OBME.esm if installed.
4. Launch Oblivion and play for a bit. If you are satisfied with the testing exit the game.

[Textures & Meshes] Foundation Graphics

Graphics mods that cannot be listed within their respective categories because they must be overwritten to achieve the desired result.

The following mods can be installed according to user preference, however, DO NOT activate any plugins included with them.

Notice: When testing, there was no noticeable loss in frame rate, however, these graphics may be stressful on some lower end GPUs and are therefore optional. Other meshes and textures mods will be provided as alternatives later in the guide. One way to reduce the stress on a GPU is to delete any files containing _far.nif which are located in the Meshes folders.

[Textures & Meshes] RAEVWD - SI Edition

Really AEVWD by Several uploaded by Arthmoor

Description: A highly optimized package of distant VWD meshes and textures that strives to balance image quality against performance to provide a major enhancement to the distant views throughout the game world.

Special Installation Instructions:
Download manually:

• RAEVWD SI Edition
• RAEVWD QTP3 Texture Pack by Brumbek (To be installed after Evenstar CW LOD.)
00 Core - Contains optimized versions of the VWD meshes SI ships with, as well as the core textures required by the other modules.
01 City Plugin - The optional ESP used to activate VWD viewable buildings for New Sheoth.
02 New Sheoth Architecture - The various buildings and other highly specific landscaping pieces used for New Sheoth.
   These are unlikely to be used anywhere outside the main city due to how they've been constructed.
03 Wilderness Architecture - Contains all of the man-made structured outside of New Sheoth. Bridges, settlement houses, statues, and the zealot camps.
04 Dungeons - All of the meshes used for the ancient ruins and the root dungeons.
05 Rocks - Contains the larger sized rocks found throughout the Isles.
06 Mushroom Trees - Meshes used for the Dementia and Maina mushroom trees, since they are not actual moving trees like the others.
07 Higher Detail New Sheoth Palace - Higher detail versions of the meshes used for the New Sheoth palace.
   Visually more accurate than the default Bethesda meshes.
08 Higher Detail New Sheoth City Walls - Higher detail versions of the meshes used for the city walls in New Sheoth.
   Visually more accurate than the default Bethesda meshes.

[Textures & Meshes] Evenstar CW LOD

Evenstars Colourwheel LOD Update by Colourwheel and EvenstarGW

Description: This is a further improved version of Colourwheels LOD Project part01

Special Installation Instructions:
Download manually:

• Evenstar CW LOD
00 Textures - Required
01 Dungeons - Forts, Ayleid ruins and Doomstones
02 Farms & Shacks - Settlements, inns, farms and priories
03 Docks & Ships - As it says. Docks are also used for some bridges.
04 Statues & Shrines - Daedra statues, godstatues and wayshrines of the nine
05 Rocks - All rocks of 1150 and larger for Gold Coast, Colovian Highlands, Great Forest and Jerall Mountains

[Textures & Meshes] RAEVWD - QTP3 Texture Pack

RAEVWD - QTP3 Texture Pack by Brumbek by Several uploaded by Arthmoor

[Textures & Meshes] Landscape LOD Texture Replacement

Landscape LOD Texture Replacement Uploaded by shaja

Description: Replaces the original 1024x1024 landscape LOD textures with improved 2048x2048 textures.


All of the Quest and Adventure mods listed below are optional. However, the following quests are those I have chosen for my installation.

NOTICE: It is assumed that by now the user should have a through understanding of how to install mods with Wrye Bash or Mod Organizer. Only Special Installation Instructions will be provided from here on. Pay attention to mods containing BSAs and extract those containing Meshes and Textures. There a couple of mods in this list that are RAM intensive. Instructions will be edited into the guide for optimizing the meshes and textures to reduce VRAM.

[Quests] Alternative Beginnings

Alternative Beginnings by Arthmoor

Description: Alternative Beginnings puts you in the position of the poor forgotten prisoner lamenting life's choices. You will be able to choose from several different options on how to begin the game, all from the discomfort of your dank prison cell. Your choices influence the circumstances by which the game begins.

Special Installation Instructions:
Esp/m Filter: Uncheck: Alternative Beginnings - Kvatch Intact.esp

[Quests] AppleHotSprings-AltBeginnings Patch

AppleHotSprings-AltBeginnings Patch by Hesu

Description: A series of landscape and settlement plugins created by the Japanese mod author Hesu.

Special Installation Instructions:
Download manually and Install in the order listed:

• Optional files: Apple Hot Springs Patches
Esp/m Filter: Check Only: AppleHotSprings-AltBeginnings Patch.esp

[Quests] Anequina_Manor

Reapers_Anequina_Manor V_4 by Reaper9111-Chaky

Description: This mod adds a beautiful manor to the Anequina's Desert that the player will claim as his own via a journal quest, brand new amulet (custom made) to the game. The amulet is not enchanted in this release, a retextured armor to the game wich is also not enchanted, a quest to obtain the manor as your new home in Elsweyr.

Special Installation Instructions:
Download manually:

• Reapers Anequina Manor V4
Esp/m Filter: 
Check Only: Reaper's Esmeralda's Desert Manor.esp
Uncheck: Reaper's Esmeralda's Desert Manor Quickfix.esp or Reaper's Esmeralda's Desert Manor NoTail Scarf.esp if using the custom Morroblivion Overhaul CR Patch.esp

[Quests] Apocalypse Now Quest

Apocalypse Now Quest by Betty

Description: This a small quest for Elsweyr Anequina and Reapers Anequina, which is based on the movie Apocalypse Now.

Special Installation Instructions:
Download manually:

• Apocalypse Now Quest
• Kurtz Head Fixes Mesh
1. Use the Working Folder structure to repackage the mod.
2. Extract both archives.
3. Copy kurtzhead.nif from Kurtz Head Fixes Mesh archive and paste it into the ApocalypseNowQuestE - ee\meshes\ApocalypseNow folder overwriting if prompted.
4. Archive the fixed files and install.

[Quests] Ayleid Ruins Expanded

NNWs Ayleid Ruins Expanded by NNW - Lady Rowena

Description: A little Paperchase through Cyrodiil on a Hunt for a legendary Artefact.

Special Installation Instructions:
Download manually:

• Main files NNWARE Series Final
Sub-Packages: Check:
00 Texturen-Meshes
02 Dungeons EV
Esp/m Fileter: Check: ALL

[Quests] Better Dungeons

Better dungeons by Scot and WalkerInShadows

Description: This is a remake of all the caves in oblivion.

Special Installation Instructions:
Download manually:

• Better Dungeons non-BSA
• Better Dungeons (minor updates)
TES4Edit Cleaning Required:
Better Dungeons.esp

[Quests] Dark Brotherhood Chronicles

Dark Brotherhood Chronicles by Amadaun and AndalayBay

Description: The Dark Brotherhood Chronicles is a large-scale quest mod. It boasts many new NPCs, locations, and both a large main questline and sidequests, delving deep into the shadowed history of the Dark Brotherhood.

Special Installation Instructions:
Download manually:

• Awakening

[Quests] EDI - Revived

EDI - Revived by markb50k

Description: This mod makes the Daedric invasion come alive, where even if the player doesn't decide to do the main quest exclusively they will still have to deal with it.

[Quests] Elsweyr Anequina

Elsweyr Anequina by Iliana

Description: This new region, spanning the section of Elsweyr between Skingrad and Leyawiin, includes four new landscapes (desert to jungle), five new towns, several villages, Khajiit sub-races, a couple dozen quests, four player homes and a monster-filled wilderness to explore.

Special Installation Instructions:
Download manually:

• Elsweyr Anequina Mar 2014.rar
• ElsweyrAnequinaLandscapeLODQuickFix.rar
• ElsweyrAnequinaNoSpidersPatch.rar (Optional)

[Quests] Elsweyr City Extension

Elsweyr City Extension by Pieto

Description: Greatly expands and improves upon the palace district of Corinthe, in Iliana's Elsweyr: Deserts of Anequina mod.

Special Installation Instructions:
Download manually:

• Elsweyr City Extension v1_2

[Quests] Elsweyr Plantations and co

Elsweyr Plantations and co by Prettyfly

Description: Adds friendly villages and plantations to Elsweyr Anequina.

Special Installation Instructions:
Download manually:

• Elsweyr Plantations and co V1_12
TES4Edit Cleaning Required:
Elsweyr plantations & co..esp

[Quests] Expanded Dungeons - Play Nice Edition

Expanded Dungeons - Play Nice Edition by Pinkertonius

Description: Trimmed version of OWCND - Expanded Dungeons so that it doesn't conflict with Better Dungeons, Snu's Dungeons (WalkerInShadows version) or Ayleid Ruins Expanded.

Special Installation Instructions:
Download manually:

• Expanded Dungeons - Play Nice Edition
Esp/m Filter: 
Check: Expanded Dungeons - Play Nice Edition.esp
Uncheck: Dungeon Overhauls - Harvest Containers Patch.esp if using the custom Morroblivion Overhaul CR Patch.esp

[Quests] Knights of the Nine Revelation

Knights of the Nine Revelation by Lanceor

Description: From the creator of Anduril Reforged comes a sequel to Knights of the Nine. Umaril has been vanquished and the people of Cyrodiil hail you as the Divine Crusader. But little do they know that Pelinal's relics hold the key to protecting the freedom of all humankind... or enslaving it.

Special Installation Instructions:
Download manually:

• Knights of the Nine Revelation 1_3_7 Full Install
• Optional and Miscellaneous (User Preference) 
Note: Wrye Bash will not install the Knights - Revelation Music music folder. This folder will need to be manually installed into the Oblivion\Data directory.
Edit BOSS userlist.txt for Optional plugin(s):
ADD: Fort Roebeck Spawn Points Disabled.esp
AFTER: Knights - Revelation.esp

[Quests] Knights of the White Stallion

Knights of the White Stallion by Marine Okeefe

Description: This mod takes Mazoga the Orc's story to a new level. It adds new quests, dungeons, weapons, and armor, all focusing on the Knights of the White Stallion.

Special Installation Instructions:
Download manually:

• Knights of the White Stallion 4dot4
1. Esp/m Filter: Ucheck: CM Partners.esm and CM Partners.esp
2. TES4Edit Cleaning Required:
   300_White Stallion 4.esp

[Quests] Kragenirs Death Quest

Kragenirs Death Quest by Povuholo and Malchik

Description: Many years ago, Kragenir's tower had been sealed by the Knights of the Silver Nose, but as they die, the seals weaken... Can you find the keys required to break the seals so you can face Kragenir inside the tower before he escapes? Or... Are you going to help him?

Special Installation Instructions:
Download manually:

• Kragenirs Death Quest v2_23
• (Optional) KDQ Walkthrough and Quest Information

[Quests] Mannimarco Resurrection

Mannimarco Resurrection - Light and Dark by MrUniq

Description: This mod allows you to become a member two new factions depending on your choices and outcome of the events.

Special Installation Instructions:
Download manually:

•Mannimarco Resurrection 2_5
TES4Edit Cleaning Required:

[Quests] Mannimarco Revisited

Mannimarco Revisited by Miltiades

Description: Mannimarco as he should have been. Even though you had Traven's help, I was rather dissapointed how easy the almighty King of Worms could be defeated; so I decided to make him more of a challenge as well as look the part.

Special Installation Instructions:
Download manually:

• MannimarcoRevisited
• MannimarcoRevisitedv11
1. MannimarcoRevisited: Uncheck:
   • MannimarcoRevisited.esp
   • MannimarcoWardrobeChest.esp
2. MannimarcoRevisitedv11: Check: MannimarcoRevisited.esp

[Quests] Order of the Dragon

Order of the Dragon EV by Rung Diener_RE Ryan Lazarus Katan

Description: The Oblivion gates are closed, the Amulet of Kings shattered, but the Empire is not saved. Rebels spread fear and terror in the counties of Cyrodiil. Meanwhile, talk about the old sword prophecy is getting ever louder. Will the hero of Kvatch again prove worthy and be able to save the Empire from chaos?

Special Installation Instructions:
Download manually:

The Order of the Dragon 2016 (Required for Order of the Dragon EV)
• Order of the Dragon Misc files
• Order of the Dragon esp
1 .Install Orden_des_Drachen-2016 German mod first.
2. Esp/m filter: Uncheck: Orden des Drachen.esp
3. Install the English Version mods downloaded from the Nexus.

[UI][Map] Order of the Dragon - Map Addon

[E Order of the Dragon - Map Addon] by Slangens

Description: The order of the dragon is one of the biggest quest mods for oblivion out there. As a big mod, it also includes a BIG worldspace, which, unfortunately, lacks a good in-game map.

Esp/m Filter: Uncheck: ODD Map Addon.esp and ODD Map Icon Markers FastTravel.esp if using the custom Morroblivion Overhaul CR Patch.esp

[Quests] Reclaiming Sancre Tor

Reclaiming Sancre Tor by DarkRider

Description: Reclaiming Sancre Tor is an in-depth story based expansion pack that adds hundreds of new characters, overlapping quests, new worlds, and multiple unique dungeon levels to the original Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion RPG by Bethesda Softworks. The story surrounds a contingent of Blades from Morrowind who have reclaimed the ancient ruins of Sancre Tor in the aftermath of the Oblivion crisis. The player is invited to join their ranks and must aid the Blades in serving the Empire as well as unraveling their own destiny.

Special Installation Instructions:
Download manually:

• RST_Meshes
• RST_Sounds
• RST_Textures
• Reclaim Sancre Tor Esp_RC1_0_5.7z
1. Edit the Oblivion.ini
   sArchiveList=ArchiveInvalidationInvalidated!.bsa, Oblivion - Meshes.bsa, Oblivion - Textures - Compressed.bsa, Oblivion - Sounds.bsa, Oblivion - Voices1.bsa, Oblivion - Voices2.bsa, Oblivion - Misc.bsa, Francesco's Creatures and Items Resources - Items.bsa, ReclaimSancreTor - Textures.bsa, ReclaimSancreTor - Meshes.bsa, ReclaimSancreTor - Sounds.bsa

[Quests] Ruined Tails Tale

Ruined Tails Tale by Simyaz

Description: Ruined-Tail's Tale is a story-driven Companion-MOD featuring an Argonian Battlemage by the name of Ruined-Tail (or Ruin, for short).

Special Installation Instructions:
Download manually:

• RTT_3_0
• RTT_3_0_1
1. RTT_3_0: Esp/m Filter: Uncheck: RTT.esp
2. TES4Edit Cleaning Required: RTT.esp

[Quests] RTT horse patch

RTT horse patch by Paul Wilkins

Description: Prevents crash-to-desktop by removing the sound and visual effects when Ruined-Tail companion summons/unsummons a horse.

DO NOT INSTALL: RTT-horse-patch.esp if using the custom Morroblivion Overhaul CR Patch.esp

[Quests] RTT Weye Relocation Patch

Arthmoors Mod Patches by Arthmoor

Description: Path to relocate the inn from Ruined Tail's Tale 3.0 to a safe spot west of Weye,

Special Installation Instructions:
Download manually:

• RTT Weye Relocation Patch

[Quests] Ruined Tails Tale - Unofficial Patch

Ruined Tails Tale - Unofficial Patch by jaime74

Description: This unofficial patch tries to fix/bypass a quest-breaking issue in Ruined Tail's Tale by Simyaz, which occurs in some games around a certain quest stage.

Sub-Packages: Check Only: 00 Default

[Quests] SnusDungeons


Description: Snu's Dungeons is a dungeon overhaul mod. It completely remakes most of the caves and mines in Cyrodiil (not Shivering Isles). The dungeons are now "themed" according to their location - dungeons up north are icy; the ones out west are drylands; Blackwood caves are overrun with vegetation; etc. Many caves also have new areas, new monsters, and new treasures.

Special Installation Instructions:
Download manually:

SnusDungeons.7zSnus Dungeons esps.7z
Esp/m Fileter: Check Only:
• SnusDungeons.esp
• SnusDungeons - BD patch.esp
• SnusDungeons - TAS patch.esp

[Quests] Tales From Elsweyr Anequina

Tales From Elsweyr Anequina by System Shock

Description: This mod includes dungeons, quests, and a home in Elsweyr, plus the obsidian armor and weapon set.

Special Installation Instructions:
Download manually:

• Tales From Elsweyr Anequina Part 1 of 2
• Tales From Elsweyr Anequina Part 2 of 2

[Quests] Tears Of The Fiend

Tears Of The Fiend by Simyaz and Arilita

Description: The complete storyline behind The Legacy and The Butcher of Armindale merged together as one complex, interchangeable, multi-pathed Quest/companion MOD.

Special Installation Instructions:
Download manually:

• TOTF_1_2_2
TES4Edit Cleaning Required:

[Quests] The Ayleid Steps

The Ayleid Steps by Ervvin

Description: Discover the ancient Ayleid teleporting network of Step stones, find out how to activate it, and then use the Steps to discover a new way of traveling around Cyrodiil, and search for new unknown Ayleid sites.

Special Installation Instructions:
Download manually:

• The Ayleid Steps 3_5
• The Ayleid Steps 3.6.11
Esp/m Filter: Uncheck: DLCFrostcragReborn.esp

[Quests] The Ayleid Steps - Compatibility Patches

The Ayleid Steps - Compatibility Patches by slowpard

Description: Compatibility patch that moves steps from TAS according to landscape/object changes made by other mods.

Special Installation Instructions:
Download manually:

• The Ayleid Steps - Compatibility Patches
Esp/m Filter: Check: The Ayleid Steps - Patches.esp

[Quests] The Dungeons of Ivellon

The Dungeons of Ivellon by Lazarus

Description: 'The Dungeons of Ivellon' is a quest- or adventure mod respectively for The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion. The player can expect a vast dungeon full of mysteries to be unraveled, secrets to be disclosed and dangers to be defied.

Special Installation Instructions:
Download manually:

Version V1.7aLatest patch 1_8 English and German
Wrye Bash Uers: In the Installers tab right click in the header and select Monitor External Installation. Run the Setup.exe. Click ok to allow Wrye Bash to set up the files. Install the rest of the files as normal.
Mod Organizer Users: 
1. Extract Ivellon-1.7a-English.7z. Add the Setup.exe to your MO executables. Run Setup.exe with Mod Organizer. Select Yes to allow Mod Organizer Elevated privileges.
2. Select Setup Language → OK → Next
3. Click Browse and select pathto\Oblivion\Mod Organizer\mods\ add this extension at the end "The Dungeons of Ivellon" (without the quotes).
   Example: D:\Games\Steam\steamapps\Common\Oblivion\Mod Organizer\mods\[Quests] The Dungeons of Ivellon
4. Select Next → Check Don't create a Start Menu folder → Next → Install → Finish.
5. Right click inside the MO mods left pane and select All Mods → Refresh.
6. Right click on [Quests] The Dungeons of Ivellon and select Open in explorer.
7. Open the Data folder and move all of its contents to the root of [Quests] The Dungeons of Ivellon. 
   • Delete the empty Data folder. 
   • Delete the unins000.dat and unins000.exe files.
   • Optionally delete the txt files.
8. Right click inside the MO mods left pane and select All Mods → Refresh. Activate [Quests] The Dungeons of Ivellon mod.
   Note: the Setup.exe can now be removed from MO's executable.
TES4Edit Cleaning Required:

[Quests] The Lost Spires

The Lost Spires by Liquid Graphics Interactive

Description: Uncover the mysteries of ancient Tamriel as only one can, through the Archeology Guild. Scale the guild's ranks and explore new, exotic locales to unravel a plot of sinister deceit, betrayal, and doom.

Special Installation Instructions:
Download manually:

TES4Edit Cleaning Required:
The Lost Spires.esp

[Quests] Vampire Hunting – Order of the Virtuous Blood

Vampire Hunting – Order of the Virtuous Blood by Four Authors

Description: Twenty-eight additional quests for members of the Order of the Virtuous Blood after the vanilla quest ends. Kendrel the Vampire Huntress, OVBE - Order of the Virtuous Blood Expanded, and Caldera Update merged in. Compatible with Bloodlines.

Special Installation Instructions:
Download manually:

• Vampire Hunting OVB 3_2

[Quests] The Lost Spires v14 Delayer

The Lost Spires v14 Delayer by Aellis
DO NOT INSTALL: The Lost Spires v14 Delayer.esp if using the custom Morroblivion Overhaul CR Patch.esp

[Quests][MOB] Morroblivion Conversation - TLS Patch

Morroblivion Conversation - The Lost Spires Patch
DO NOT INSTALL: Morroblivion Conversation - The Lost Spires Patch.esp if using the custom Morroblivion Overhaul CR Patch.esp

Test the Game

1. Activate all installed mods and plugins. Close the mod manager.
2. Wrye Bash Users: Paste %LocalAppData%\Oblivion into the windows explorer heading and place the plugin.txt in the folder.
   Mod Organzier Users: place the loadoarder.txt in the pathto\Mod Organizer\profiles\Morroblivion folder.
3. Run Wrye Bash. Deactivate any mods missing masters. Right click on the Bashed Patch, 0.esp Rebuild the Bashed Patch.
   Deactivate CustomSpellIcons - OBME.esm if installed as OBME is not compatible with WB Bashed Patch.
   Right click on the Bashed Patch, 0.esp Rebuild the Bashed Patch.
   When "Deactivate these mods prior to patching" pops up, click Skip.
   In the "Update Bashed Patch, 0.esp window, click Deselect All and check only the following:
   Tweak Assorted:
     Bow Reach Fix
     Darnified Books
     Default Icons
     Magic: Script Effect Silencer
     Right Hand Rings
   Cobl Catalogs
   Note: After rebuilding the Bashed Patch reactivate CustomSpellIcons - OBME.esm if installed.
4. In the Wrye Bash Installers tab, right-click and uninstall the TES4LODGen project. Then run TES4LODGen from Wrye Bash to update the TES4LODGen project. Review the contents of the project and install.
5. In the Wrye Bash Installers tab, right-click and uninstall the TES4LL project. Run each of the tes4ll bat files to update the TES4LL project.  Review the contents of the project and install.
   • tes4ll_tes4qlod_cache.bat
   • tes4ll_normalmaps.bat
   • tes4ll_tes4qlod.bat
   • tes4ll_highres.bat or tes4ll_ultimate.bat
6. Launch Oblivion and play for a bit. If you are satisfied with the testing exit the game.


Mods that modify landscape, buildings, and environments of Oblivion.

NOTICE: Many of the following will be Unrecognized Plugins with BOSS; however, the majority of the Landscape plugins will be merged. Therefore, it is advisable to wait to sort the load order and test the game until after all remaining mods are installed.

NOTICE: There a couple of mods in this list that are RAM intensive. Instructions will be edited into the guide for optimizing the meshes and textures to reduce VRAM.

Early Landscape Plugins

[Landscape] The Hesu Mod Collection

The Hesu Mod Collection by Hesu

Description: A series of landscape and settlement plugins created by the Japanese mod author Hesu.

Special Installation Instructions:
Download manually and Install in the order listed:

• Main files: HESU Apple Hot Springs
• Main files: HESU Gnoll Mountain
• Main files: HESU Koyo Town
• Main files: HESU Shipton
• Main files: HESU Smoke Town
• Main files: HESU The Great Forest Gorge
• Main files: HESU The Hell Lands
• Main files: HESU The Poison Swamp
• Main files: HESU The Valenwood Mine
• Main files: HESU White Rose River
Esp/m Filter: Check Only:
• Optional files: Apple Hot Springs Patches
   • BleakerWayRevamp-AppleHotSprings Patch.esp
   • ROC-AppleHotSprings Patch.esp
• Optional files: Gnoll Mountain Patches
   Esp/m Filter: Check Only: DLCFrostcrag-GnollMountain Patch.esp
• Optional files: Poison Swamp Patches
   Esp/m Filter: Check Only:MTCExpanded+HesuPoisonSwamp.esp
• Optional files: Shipton Patches
   Esp/m Filter: Check Only:
   • ROC-Shipton Patch.esp
   • RST-Shipton Patch.esp
• Optional files: White Rose River Patches
   Esp/m Filter: Check Only:
   • KOTNR-WRR Patch.esp
   • LostSpires-WRR Patch.esp
   • MTC-WRR Patch.esp
   • ROC-WRR Patch.esp

[Landscape] Roads of Cyrodiil

Roads of Cyrodiil by Arthmoor - Ukrr - mariedanj

Description: Expands on the existing road network in Cyrodiil to make getting around easier, especially around the Imperial Isle.

Special Installation Instructions:
Download manually and Install in the order listed:

• Roads of Cyrodiil
• Roads of Cyrodiil Patches
Roads of Cyrodiil
Sub-Packages: Check: 
• 00 Core
• 01 Road Records
Esp/m Filter: Check Only:
• Roads of Cyrodiil.esp
• ROC Standard Road Record.esp
Roads of Cyrodiil Patches
Sub-Packages: Check:
• 07 ROC+Reaper's Bleakers Way
• 21 ROC+Dark Brotherhood Chronicles
• 22 ROC+MTC Expanded Villages
Esp/m Filter: Check Only:
• ROC+RBWR Patch.esp
• ROC+DBC Patch.esp
• MTCEV-RoC Patch.esp

[Landscape] Early Patches


Special Installation Instructions:
Open Cities Reborn will be installed later in the guide. When presented with an option, use the Open Cities Reborn Compatible esp found in the 01 folder.

1. Create a folder named [Landscape] Early Patches. 
2. Cut the following plugins from their mods and paste them into this folder. 
3. Once completed it can be archived and installed a regular mod.
   • DLCFrostcrag-GnollMountain Patch.esp from [Landscape] The Hesu Mod Collection
   • KOTNR-WRR Patch.esp from [Landscape] The Hesu Mod Collection
   • MTC-WRR Patch.esp from [Landscape] The Hesu Mod Collection 
   • MTCEV-RoC Patch.esp from [Landscape] Roads of Cyrodiil
   • MTCExpanded+HesuPoisonSwamp.esp from [Landscape] The Hesu Mod Collection
   • Download Dungeons of Ivellon - OC Patch and move OCC-Ivellon-Patch.esp into [Landscape] Early Patches.
   • Download Knights of the Nine - OC Patch and move OCC-KOTN-Patch.esp into [Landscape] Early Patches.
   • Download Frostcrag Spire - OC Patch and move OCOD+FrostcragSpire Patch.esp into [Landscape] Early Patches.
   • Download Lost Spires - OC Patch and move OCR + Lost Spires Patch.esp into [Landscape] Early Patches. 
   • Download Ruined Tails Tale v3 - OC Patch and move OCR + RTTv3 Patch.esp into [Landscape] Early Patches.
   • Download Tears of the Fiend - OC Patch and move OCR + TOTF Patch.esp into [Landscape] Early Patches.
   • ROC+DBC Patch.esp from [Landscape] Roads of Cyrodiil
   • ROC+RBWR Patch.esp from [Landscape] Roads of Cyrodiil
   • ROC-AppleHotSprings Patch.esp from [Landscape] The Hesu Mod Collection
   • ROC-Shipton Patch.esp from [Landscape] The Hesu Mod Collection
   • ROC-WRR Patch.esp from [Landscape] The Hesu Mod Collection
   • RST-Shipton Patch.esp from [Landscape] The Hesu Mod Collection
   • LostSpires-WRR Patch.esp from [Landscape] The Hesu Mod Collection

Late Landscape Plugins

[Landscape] Unique Landscapes Compilation

Unique Landscapes Compilation by Various

Description: This is a compilation of the Unique Landscapes mods, which change many outdoor locations, making them more diverse and interesting.

Special Installation Instructions:
Download manually and Install in the order listed:

• Unique Landscapes Compilation v2.1.1
Wrye Bash Users:
Sub-Packages: Check:
• 00 Core
• 95 Full Merge - Excludes Chorrol Hinterland
Mod Organizer Users:


Template:FOMOD_Instructions is deprecated and should no longer be used on this wiki. Please change this template call to use the better-looking and simpler Template:Fomod. We apologize for the inconvenience.
FOMOD Instructions
Unique Landscapes Compilation

DotMO.png Merge Full


[Landscape] UL Compatibility Patches Compilation

Unique Landscapes Compatibility Patches by Vorians - Arthmoor - Various others

Description: Various Compatibility Patches for Unique Landscapes and the many mods which conflict.

Special Installation Instructions:
Download manually and Install in the order listed:

• UL Compatibility Patches Compilation WIZBAIN v12
   • Update files: MOBS-UniqueLandscapes patches
• Update files: RoadsOfCyrodiil-UniqueLandscapes patches v2
• Update files: TalesFromElsweyr-Barrowfields patch v2
UL Compatibility Patches Compilation WIZBAIN v12: Sub-Packages and Esp/m Filter:
01 Merged
   ULM BetterDaedricShrinesFull-UniqueLandscapes patch.esp
   ULM DarkBrotherhoodChronicles-UniqueLandscapes patch.esp
   ULM DukePatricksSCACombatArchery-LostCoast patch.esp
   ULM GnollMountain-Snowdale patch.esp
   ULM GreatForestGorge-LushWoodlands patch.esp
   ULM IntegrationIntegratedTheStrandedLight-EasternPeaks patch.esp
   ULM KoyoTown-LushWoodlands patch.esp
   ULM MannimarcoResurrection-UniqueLandscapes patch.esp
   ULM MTCExpandedVillages-UniqueLandscapes patch.esp
   ULM OpenCitiesReborn-UniqueLandscapes patch.esp
   ULM OrdenDesDrachen-UniqueLandscapes patch.esp
   ULM PoisonSwamp-BlackwoodForest patch.esp
   ULM ReclaimingSancreTor-UniqueLandscapes patch.esp
   ULM SmokeTown-ArriusCreek patch.esp
   ULM SmokeTown-JerallGlacier patch.esp
01 Merged or Separate
   ULE Anequina-FallenleafEverglade patch.esp
   ULE AyleidRuinsExpanded-JerallGlacier patch.esp
   ULE DungeonsOfIvellon-CheydinhalFalls patch.esp
   ULE HellLands-CloudtopMountains patch.esp
   Download MOB Overhaul Packages and extract the fixed version of ULE_KragenirsDeathQuest-UniqueLandscapes_merged_patch.7z and replace the original ULE_KragenirsDeathQuest-UniqueLandscapes_merged_patch.esp
   ULE LostSpires-UniqueLandscapes merged patch.esp
   ULE TearsOfTheFiend-CheydinhalFalls patch.esp
MOBS-UniqueLandscapes patches: Esp/m filter: Check ONLY: ULM MOBS-UniqueLandscapes patch.esp
RoadsOfCyrodiil-UniqueLandscapes patches v2: Sub-Packages and Esp/m Filter:
00 ROC+UL Imperial Isle+Open Cities Outer Districts Merged
   ULM ROC+UL-II+OCOD Patch.esp
12 ROC+UL Skingrad Outskirts+Reclaiming Sancre Tor
   ULE ROC+RST+Skingrad Outskirts.esp
14 ROC+UL Ancient Redwoods Merged
   ULM ROC+Ancient Redwoods.esp
TalesFromElsweyr-Barrowfields patch v2: Esp/m filter: Check ONLY: ULM TalesFromElsweyr-BravilBarrowfields patch.esp

[Landscape] Late Patches

1. Create a folder named [Landscape] Late Patches.
2. Cut the following plugins from their mods and paste them into this folder.
3. Once completed it can be archived and installed a regular mod.
   • OCR + Integration Integrated Patch.esp from [Gameplay][Magical] Patches
   • Download OCR Vampire Hunting - Order of the Virtuous Blood and move OCR + VHOVB Patch.esp into [Landscape] Late Patches.
   • Download Dark Brotherhood Chronicles - OC Patch and move OCR+DBC Patch.esp into [Landscape] Late Patches.
   • Download MOB Ovherhaul Patches and extract ocr__edi.7z and move ocr__edi.esp into [Landscape] Late Patches.
   • ROC Standard Road Record.esp from [Landscape] Roads of Cyrodiil
   • Download Reclaiming Sancre Tor - OC Patches and move RST+OCR Patch.esp into [Landscape] Late Patches.
   • Sounds of Cyrodiil - OC Reborn Patch.esp [Sound] Sounds of Cyrodiil installed in the next section.
   • ULE Anequina-FallenleafEverglade patch.esp from [Landscape] UL Compatibility Patches Compilation
   • ULE AyleidRuinsExpanded-JerallGlacier patch.esp from [Landscape] UL Compatibility Patches Compilation
   • ULE DungeonsOfIvellon-CheydinhalFalls patch.esp from [Landscape] UL Compatibility Patches Compilation
   • ULE HellLands-CloudtopMountains patch.esp from [Landscape] UL Compatibility Patches Compilation
   • Download MOB Ovherhaul Patches and extract and extract ULE KragenirsDeathQuest-UniqueLandscapes merged patch.esp. Extract the archive and move the plugin into [Landscape] Late Patches.
   • ULE LostSpires-UniqueLandscapes merged patch.esp from [Landscape] UL Compatibility Patches Compilation
   • ULE TearsOfTheFiend-CheydinhalFalls patch.esp from [Landscape] UL Compatibility Patches Compilation
   • ULM BetterDaedricShrinesFull-UniqueLandscapes patch.esp from [Landscape] UL Compatibility Patches Compilation
   • ULM DarkBrotherhoodChronicles-UniqueLandscapes patch.esp from [Landscape] UL Compatibility Patches Compilation
   • ULM GnollMountain-Snowdale patch.esp from [Landscape] UL Compatibility Patches Compilation
   • ULM GreatForestGorge-LushWoodlands patch.esp from [Landscape] UL Compatibility Patches Compilation
   • ULM IntegrationIntegratedTheStrandedLight-EasternPeaks patch.esp from [Landscape] UL Compatibility Patches Compilation
   • ULM KoyoTown-LushWoodlands patch.esp from [Landscape] UL Compatibility Patches Compilation
   • ULM MannimarcoResurrection-UniqueLandscapes patch.esp from [Landscape] UL Compatibility Patches Compilation
   • ULM MOBS-UniqueLandscapes patch.esp from [Landscape] UL Compatibility Patches Compilation: Update Files
   • ULM MTCExpandedVillages-UniqueLandscapes patch.esp from [Landscape] UL Compatibility Patches Compilation
   • ULM OpenCitiesReborn-UniqueLandscapes patch.esp from [Landscape] UL Compatibility Patches Compilation
   • ULM OrdenDesDrachen-UniqueLandscapes patch.esp from [Landscape] UL Compatibility Patches Compilation
   • ULM PoisonSwamp-BlackwoodForest patch.esp from [Landscape] UL Compatibility Patches Compilation
   • ULM ReclaimingSancreTor-UniqueLandscapes patch.esp from [Landscape] UL Compatibility Patches Compilation
   • ULM ROC+Ancient Redwoods.esp from [Landscape] UL Compatibility Patches Compilation
   • ULM ROC+UL-II+OCOD Patch.esp from [Landscape] UL Compatibility Patches Compilation
   • ULM SmokeTown-ArriusCreek patch.esp from [Landscape] UL Compatibility Patches Compilation
   • ULM SmokeTown-JerallGlacier patch.esp from [Landscape] UL Compatibility Patches Compilation
   • ULM TalesFromElsweyr-BravilBarrowfields patch.esp from [Landscape] UL Compatibility Patches Compilation: Update Files
   • ULM DukePatricksSCACombatArchery-LostCoast patch.esp from [Landscape] UL Compatibility Patches Compilation
   • ULE ROC+RST+Skingrad Outskirts.esp from [Landscape] UL Compatibility Patches Compilation
   • Download MOB Ovherhaul Patches and extract Landscape Merge Consistency Patch into [Landscape] Late Patches.

Test the Game

Wrye Bash Users: Deactivate the following plugins in the Installers tab.
Mod Organizer Usrs: Move the following plugins to the Optional Plugins from the Optional ESPs tab in the Information... window.
[Landscape] Early Patches
• MTC-WRR Patch.esp
• MTCEV-RoC Patch.esp
• MTCExpanded+HesuPoisonSwamp.esp
• OCC-Ivellon-Patch.esp
• OCC-KOTN-Patch.esp
• OCOD+FrostcragSpire Patch.esp
• OCR + Lost Spires Patch.esp
• OCR + RTTv3 Patch.esp
• OCR + TOTF Patch.esp
• ROC+RBWR Patch.esp
[Landscape] Late Patches
• Landscape Merge Consistency Patch.esp
• ocr__edi.esp
• OCR+DBC Patch.esp
• OCR + Integration Integrated Patch.esp
• OCR + VHOVB Patch.esp
• RST+OCR Patch.esp
• Sounds of Cyrodiil - OC Reborn Patch.esp
• ULM BetterDaedricShrinesFull-UniqueLandscapes patch.esp
• ULM MTCExpandedVillages-UniqueLandscapes patch.esp
• ULM OpenCitiesReborn-UniqueLandscapes patch.esp
• ULM ROC+UL-II+OCOD Patch.esp
NOTICE: Instructions will be provided when it is safe to reactivate the plugins listed above.
1. Activate all installed mods and plugins. Close the mod manager.
2. Wrye Bash Users: Paste %LocalAppData%\Oblivion into the windows explorer heading and place the plugin.txt in the folder.
   Mod Organzier Users: place the loadoarder.txt in the pathto\Mod Organizer\profiles\Morroblivion folder.
3. Run Wrye Bash. Deactivate any mods missing masters. Right click on the Bashed Patch, 0.esp Rebuild the Bashed Patch.
   Deactivate CustomSpellIcons - OBME.esm if installed as OBME is not compatible with WB Bashed Patch.
   Right click on the Bashed Patch, 0.esp Rebuild the Bashed Patch.
   When "Deactivate these mods prior to patching" pops up, click Skip.
   In the "Update Bashed Patch, 0.esp window, click Deselect All and check only the following:
   Tweak Assorted:
     Bow Reach Fix
     Darnified Books
     Default Icons
     Magic: Script Effect Silencer
     Right Hand Rings
   Cobl Catalogs
   Note: After rebuilding the Bashed Patch reactivate CustomSpellIcons - OBME.esm if installed.
4. In the Wrye Bash Installers tab, right-click and uninstall the TES4LODGen project. Then run TES4LODGen from Wrye Bash to update the TES4LODGen project. Review the contents of the project and install.
5. In the Wrye Bash Installers tab, right-click and uninstall the TES4LL project. Run each of the tes4ll bat files to update the TES4LL project.  Review the contents of the project and install.
   • tes4ll_tes4qlod_cache.bat
   • tes4ll_normalmaps.bat
   • tes4ll_tes4qlod.bat
   • tes4ll_highres.bat or tes4ll_ultimate.bat
6. Launch Oblivion and play for a bit. If you are satisfied with the testing exit the game.


[Sound] Audia Arcanum Sound Overhaul

Audia Arcanum Sound Overhaul v20 by IlmrnAkios

Description: vanilla Oblivion monster and spell SFX...

TES4Edit Cleaning Required:
Atmospheric Oblivion.esp

[Sound] Audia Arcanum Update

Audia Arcanum 2_1 Update by IlmrynAkios

Description: An update/add-on for Audia Arcanum 2.0. The current version 2.0 replaces *all* cast and hit sounds for magic, adds some more high-quality ambient noises, and drastically improves most of the \'arcane\' varieties of enemy, such as wraiths, ghosts and liches.

[Sound] Audia Arcanum Footfalls of Heroism Expansion

Audia Arcanum Footfalls of Heroism Expansion by IlmrynAkios

Description: Enhances most of Oblivion\'s footstep and landing sounds to something a bit \'meatier\'

[Sound] Extra Music Pack Complete

Extra Music Pack Complete by frankiemiddlefinger

Description: An updated version of the wonderful music pack collection of Michikawa!

[Sound] Oblivion Symphonic Variations Music Suite

Oblivion Symphonic Variations Music Suite by Tashin

Description: Orchestral music inspired by the original score, to blend into the game. Exploring, town and battle pieces created to follow the style, instrumentation and spirit of Oblivion's soundtrack, and balanced to match the ambience.

Special Installation Instructions:
Download manually:

• Oblivion Symphonic Variations Remastered
1. Use the Working Folder structure to repackage the mod.
2. Create a Music. Inside the Music folder create the following subfolders:
3. Copy each prefixed file into the related folder.
4. Archive and install the mod as normal.

[Sound] Oblivion Stereo Sound Overhaul

Oblivion Stereo Sound Overhaul by canderoc

Description: Immerse yourself in the Oblivion experience with enhanced sounds including better sounding THUNDER, WIND, DUNGEONS, ARENA CROWDS, CRICKETS, etc!

[Sound] Sounds of Cyrodiil

Sounds of Cyrodiil by Cliffworms

Description: Adds 250+ sound effects played from 5400 + hand-placed emission points. No environment or cell is soundless anymore.

Special Installation Instructions:
Download manually:

• SoC Full Version
• Knights of the Nine Add-On
• Mehrunes Razor Add-On
• Open Cities Reborn Patch
• Thieves Den Add-On
TES4Edit Cleaning Required:
Sounds of Cyrodiil - OC Reborn Patch.esp

[Sound] Storms and Sound

Storms and Sound v3 lightning for all weathers by Deathless Aphrodite lilith and Foghorne

Description: New version. + Full inside sounds added to Shivering Isles too (thanks lilith!). + New options to enable/disable all visual and sound effects added by the mod. + New Obse version compatible with all past and future weather mods. + New non-Obse versions for compatibility with Arthur\'s natural weather and Enhanced weather. + Some small bug fixes.

Special Installation Instructions:
Download manually:

• Full version
• Storms and Sound Patches v2_2
Full version
Esp/m Filter: Check ONLY: OBSE-Storms & Sound SI.esp
Storms and Sound Patches v2_2
Esp/m Filter: Check ONLY: Storms & Sound - The Lost Spires.esp
TES4Edit Cleaning Required:
OBSE-Storms & Sound SI.esp
Change Master for:
1. Click on the Wrye Bash Mods tab.
2. Find and click on Storms & Sound - The Lost Spires.esp (in the Master pane make certain Allow Edit is checked.)
3. Right click on Storms & Sound.esp and select Change to...
4. Find and Open OBSE-Storms & Sound SI.esp then click Save.

[Sound] Symphony of Violence

Symphony of Violence - Combat Sound Enhancement by MigTheGreat

Description: This mod is a tweaked compilation of the best combat sounds \"Combat Sounds 300\", \"Walther\'s Oblivion Combat Sounds\", and \"Improved Bow Sounds\" have to offer.

[Sound] Varied Spell Sounds

Varied Spell Sounds by Agarr

Description: This ESP adds more diversity in spell sound effects.

Special Installation Instructions:
Download manually:

• AgarVariedSpellSounds
Esp/m Filter: Check: AgarMoreVariedSpellEffects.esp

[Sound] Varied Spells Sounds - Even Quieter

Varied Spell Sounds by Agarr

Description: Lowers the sound files from Quieter Varied Spell Sounds by 10dB, as I felt they were still too loud. REQUIRES: Varied Spell Sounds.

Special Installation Instructions:
Download manually:

• Even Quieter Varied Spell Sounds
1. Use the Working Folder structure to repackage the mod.
2. Inside the Data folder, create a Sound subfolder. Inside the Sound folder create an FX subfolder.
3. Move the spl folder from the extracted archive into the Sound\FX folder.
4. Repackage and install the archive.

[Sound][MOB] Storms and Sounds Compatibility Patch

Morroblivion Storms and Sound by qwertyasdfgh

Description: Adds weather effects to Vvardenfell interiors.

Special Installation Instructions:
Download manually:

Morrowind_ob - Storms and Sound Patch.esp
Archive the plugin and Install as normal.
Change Master for:
1. Click on the Wrye Bash Mods tab.
2. Find and click on Morrowind_ob - Storms and Sound Patch.esp (in the Master pane make certain Allow Edit is checked.)
3. Right click on Storms & Sound.esp and select Change to...
4. Find and Open OBSE-Storms & Sound SI.esp then click Save.

Test the Game

1. Activate all installed mods and plugins. Close the mod manager.
2. Wrye Bash Users: Paste %LocalAppData%\Oblivion into the windows explorer heading and place the plugin.txt in the folder.
   Mod Organzier Users: place the loadoarder.txt in the pathto\Mod Organizer\profiles\Morroblivion folder.
3. Run Wrye Bash. Deactivate any mods missing masters. Right click on the Bashed Patch, 0.esp Rebuild the Bashed Patch.
   Deactivate CustomSpellIcons - OBME.esm if installed as OBME is not compatible with WB Bashed Patch.
   Right click on the Bashed Patch, 0.esp Rebuild the Bashed Patch.
   When "Deactivate these mods prior to patching" pops up, click Skip.
   In the "Update Bashed Patch, 0.esp window, click Deselect All and check only the following:
   Tweak Assorted:
     Bow Reach Fix
     Darnified Books
     Default Icons
     Magic: Script Effect Silencer
     Right Hand Rings
   Cobl Catalogs
   Note: After rebuilding the Bashed Patch reactivate CustomSpellIcons - OBME.esm if installed.
4. Launch Oblivion and play for a bit. If you are satisfied with the testing exit the game.

[Textures & Meshes] Base

NOTICE: Most Textures and Meshes mods are flagged Optional because they are not dependent on the CR Patch that will provided at the end of the guide. However, it is highly recommended to install them as they do improve the graphics in the game. Mods that are dependent on the CR Patch will be flagged CORE. The Base Textures and Meshes are also flagged CORE.

[Textures & Meshes] QTP3 Redimized

Qarl's Texture Pack III Redimized - QTP3 R by Qarl and Bomret and dev_akm

Description: The purpose of this package is to make TES IV: Oblivion look even better than when you bought it. To do this Qarls has created new textures, normal maps, specular and parallax maps to replace a large number of those in the game with ones which are higher resolution and more photo realistic, while at the same time still very close to the original feel of Bethesda's intentions.

This is version 1.0 with the 1.3 patch and fixes included. It was merged, including the original readme files because many people didn't download the separate patch. Included in this version are PYFFI Optimized QTP3 Meshes - Fixed. Most of the textures are 1K...

Special Installation Instructions:
Download manually:

• QTP3 Redimized 1.3 Patched Fixed and Optimised

[Textures & Meshes] QTP3 UOP3350 Compatibility Patch

QTP3 UOP350 Compatibility Patch by Quarn and Kivan and Arthmoor and PrinceShroob

Description: Compatibility patch for QTP3 and UOP 3.4.2.

Special Installation Instructions:
Download manually:

• QTP3 UOP350 Compatibility Patch

[Textures & Meshes] Bomret's Texture Pack for Shivering Isles with meshes from USIP

Bomret's Texture Pack for Shivering Isles v1 with meshes from USIP by Bomret and the USIP Team

Description: This is Bomrets Texture Pack: Shivering Isles v1 with the fixed meshes from the USIP.

[Textures & Meshes] Landscape

Only install plugins when instructed. We will only need the resources for many of the Textures and Meshes mods.

[Textures & Meshes][Landscape] Alive Waters

AliveWaters by Windsurfer

Description: This mod main aim is to improve the underwater aspect of oblivion to make you actualy enjoy being underwater.

Esp/m Filter: Uncheck: ALL

[Textures & Meshes][Landscape] Alive Waters Updated

Alive Waters Updated by Windsurfer

Description: An updated version of the great Alive Waters mod.

Special Installation Instructions:
Download manually:

• Alive Waters No Fish

[Textures & Meshes][Landscape] Caves retexture

Caves retexture by Lougian

Description: retexture of caves in HD

Special Installation Instructions:
Download manually:

• Select either 1k or 2k options.
Special Installation Instructions:
1. COPY (DO NOT CUT) and paste the folder textures\dungeons\caves in place. Rename the copied folder xxsnusdungeons.
2. Open the newly created xxsnusdungeons folder and create a new folder named cavesorig.
3. Delete,, and
4. Copy (DO NOT CUT) in place and Rename cave03 - and cave03_n - to and respectively.
5. Finally move all dds files into the previously created cavesorig folder.

[Textures & Meshes][Landscape] Ice Layer with Effects

Ice Layer with Effects by Elbethien

Description: I gave the ice layer for frozen ponds (pale pass) a double layer. The upper layer is transparent and the lower is transparent with reflection.

Special Installation Instructions:
Download manually:

• Ice Layer

[Textures & Meshes][Landscape] Landscape Retexture

Landscape retexture by Lougian

Description: Landscape retexture in HD

[Textures & Meshes][Landscape] Landscape Retexture - Shivering Isles

Landscape retexture by Lougian

Description: Landscape retexture in HD

[Textures & Meshes][Landscape] LOD Noise Replacer

Koldorns LOD Noise Replacer by Koldorn

Description: Replaces the noise effect on LOD textures to something I find better.

Sub-Packages: Select Medium
Notice: If you wish to choose the Strongest, the textures folder will need to be moved out of the Strongest sub-directory folder and into the Strongest main directory folder.

[Textures & Meshes][Landscape] Roads and Sidewalks

Sidewalks and roads by katkat74

Description: Replacement of the textures of the main roads (not those in the gorods) and the replay of the sidewalks. Models of sidewalks are optimized, paralax is added.

[Textures & Meshes][Landscape] Rocks retexture

Rocks retexture by Lougian

Description: a retexture of all rocks

Special Installation Instructions:
Download manually:

• Rocks retexture 2k

[Textures & Meshes][Landscape] Waterfall

Waterfalls by katkat74 by katkat74

Description: Replay of waterfalls in the Skyrim manner.

[Textures & Meshes][Landscape][MOB] VWD

Morroblivion VWD by qwertyasdfgh

Description: Set of meshes for various structures to be displayed in Distant LOD.

Special Installation Instructions:
Download manually:

• Morroblivion VWD 1.0.7z
Sub-Packages: Check: User's Preference

[Textures & Meshes][Landscape][MOB] Water

Better Morroblivion Water by eloth

Description: Completely revamped dungeon/interior/cave water.

Special Installation Instructions:
Download manually:

Esp/m Filter: Uncheck: MorroblivionWater.esp if using the custom Morroblivion Overhaul CR Patch.esp

[Textures & Meshes] Flora

Only install plugins when instructed. We will only need the resources for many of the Textures and Meshes mods.

[Textures & Meshes][Flora] cypressknee

Pneumatics 1.0 by katkat74

Description: In general it is simple to replace the models of tree roots with more interesting and realistic ones. And now the texture of the cypress crust is used, so [the color is now identical to the tree and completely depends on the installed replay.

[Textures & Meshes][Flora] Improved Doors and Flora

Improved Doors and Flora by Mikal33

Description: This is a retexture of several doors, flora and other miscellaneous objects.

Special Installation Instructions:
Download manually:

• Improved Doors and Flora
• IDFUpdate

[Textures & Meshes][Flora] Improved Trees and Flora

Improved Trees and Flora by Mikal33

Description: This is a retexture of several trees, flora, shrubs & fungus. The majority of the texture are 1024x512 & 1024x1024. Over half the trees have been done so a performance hit (more shuttering) when loading new sections may occur.

[Textures & Meshes][Flora] Improved Trees and Flora 2

Improved Trees and Flora 2 by Mikal33

Description: This is a retexture of several trees,flowers,plants and fungus with 1024x1024,1024x512 & 512x512 new textures.This set also includes reworked textures from the first pack and two reworked flora textures from the improved doors and flora pack.This is the next set of textures in the Trees & Flora series

Special Installation Instructions:
Download manually:

• Improved Trees and Flora 2
• ITF2Update
• ITFBark2012 (to be installed a little further down)

[Textures & Meshes][Flora] Nirnroot Retexture

Nirnroot retexture by Lougian

Description: New textures in HD

[Textures & Meshes][Flora] Overgrown Swamp Waters

Overgrown Swamp Waters by Betty

Description: Adds duckweed to the swamp waters of Blackwood.

Esp/m Filter: Check: duckweed.esp

[Textures & Meshes][Flora] Peach Morning Glory

Peach Morning Glory Retexture by BastetGoauld

Description: Recolor for vanilla Morning Glory.

[Textures & Meshes][Flora] Oblivion Tree Overhaul

Oblivion Trees Overhaul by Ferretmyster

Description: Overhauls the trees for oblivion.

Esp/m FilterL Check: Trees Overhaul.esp

[Textures & Meshes][Flora] White Ivy

Ivy from Katkat74 2.0 by katkat74

Description: Replacement of ivy with a model of a climbing rose. Now it has a more magnificent and "gothic look".

Special Installation Instructions:
Download manually:

• ivi 2.0 white.rar

[Textures & Meshes][Flora] Grass Overhaul

Oblivion Grass Overhaul by Ferretmyster

Description: Description: Replaces Grass and Landscape textures for Oblivion.

Esp/m Filter: Unheck: Grass Overhaul.esp

[Textures & Meshes][Flora] Harvest Flora

Harvest Flora by Quarn and Dejunai

Description: This mod will make all flora behave more realistically by changing their appearance when you harvest them (whether you are successful or not). When you harvest a plant if its ingredient is a flower then the plant's flowers will disappear and so on, through some plants ingredients are roots which they don't have and you can't see them anyway so the flowers disappear instead (think of it as you snapping them off to let yourself know you've already collected the roots from it).

Esp/m Filter: Check: ALL
TES4Edit Cleaning Required:
Harvest [Flora] - Shivering Isles.esp
Harvest [Flora] - DLCFrostcrag.esp
Special Installation Instructions:
1. Use bae.exe to extract the Meshes and Textures from the Harvest [Flora].bsa
2. Archive the Meshes and Textures folders naming it Harvest [Flora] Meshes & Textures.
3. Install just below Harvest Flora.

[Textures & Meshes][Flora] Improved Flora Harvest Fix

Improved Flora Harvest Fix by Xerus

Description: Just a small fix for better compatibility between Improved Flora and Harvest Flora.

[Textures & Meshes][Flora] New shadows for trees

New shadows for trees by Obertier

Description: This mod will upgrade old awful tree shadows by new-one :)

[Textures & Meshes][Flora] Tree Bark HD Reduced

Tree Bark HD Reduced by Darooz and amnes - reduced by Xerus

Description: a reduced version of the tree bark HD textures where the 4096x2048 textures are scaled down to 2048x1024 and the 2048x2048 textures to 1024x1024. Furthermore the unnecessary alpha channels were removed. The total size of the texture package was reduced to less than one-third of the original one. The visual difference is hardly noticeable and the performance impact is not as drastic anymore. Mip maps are also included of course.

[Textures & Meshes][Flora] Autumn Cover

Autumn carpet 1.1 by katkat74

Description: In the corresponding climatic zones a carpet of fallen leaves appears.

Special Installation Instructions:
Download manually:

• Autumn cover 1.0.rar
• Autumn cover 1.1.7z

[Textures & Meshes][Flora] FarCry Grass

Far Cry inspired Grass by Betty

Description: This is just a mesh resource with an added grass texture from JFE, shaped to fit the new mesh.

Special Installation Instructions:
Download manually:

• Replacer Version Update2
• Texture with better transition
• Any other is User Preference

[Textures & Meshes][Flora] Improved Trees and Flora 2 - Tree Bark

Install ITFBark2012 now.

[Textures & Meshes][Flora] Lush and Gaudy SI

Lush and Gaudy Floriana Gloria by Brittainy

Description: A high resolution and colourful texture replacement for trees, tiling grass, crops, flowers, long grass and shrubs. Medium and Vanilla res versions also on offer.

Special Installation Instructions:
Download manually:

• Shivering Isles Floriana Gloria V1_2-41118-1-2
• Shivering Isles Floriana Gloria Optimized Patch v1_2 Full Pack

[Textures & Meshes][Flora] New Elsweyr Coconut Trees

New Elsweyr CoconutTrees by Betty

Description: This is a replacer for if you don't like the coconut trees anymore. Optional: banana trees!

Special Installation Instructions:
Download manually:

• ElsweyrPalmTrees Updated

[Textures & Meshes][MOB] MGSO Baldurians Pondsum Replacer

MGSO (Baldurian's?) Pondscum Replacer by ponyrider0

Description: Replaces Morroblivion pondscum with somethingthat looks more like water and less like a thick green goo. This is a conversion of the pondscum texturesand mesh that are installed with MGSO 3.0. My best guess is the original was based on Baldurian's Pondscum Replacermod.

SpecialInstallation Instructions:
Download manually

• pondscum-v0.2.7z

[Textures & Meshes][Flora][MOB] MGSO Vurt's Ashland Trees

Vurt's Ashland Trees by Artparker

Description: Converted Mesh/Texture trees made from Vurt's original Morrowind mod for Morroblivion.

Note: There is still some work to be done on this mod. There aren't any gamebreaking issues with the trees blocking doors or anything but there are a few in odd places. There may be an updated ESP in the works. Nevertheless, this mod is still highly recommended.

Special Installation Instructions:
Download manually:

• Vurt's Ashland Trees for Morroblivion
1. Use the Working Folder structure to repackage the mod.
2. Now that the mod is repackaged properly, archive and install the mod.

[Textures & Meshes][Flora][MOB] MGSO Vurt's BC Tree Replacer

Vurt's Bitter Coast Tree Replacer II for Morroblivion by ponyrider0

Description: Replaces Bitter Coast Trees with Bald Cypress and other swampy trees. In contrast to the original Morrowind mod, the trees will only be changed when ESP is enabled. VWD files are a separate download (but need good system sine there is no reduction in LOD). You'll need to use TES4LODGen to enable the VWD models once they are installed.

Special Installation Instructions:
Download manually:

• vurts_bitter_coast_trees_v1_1.7z
• (Optional) vurts_bc_trees_v1_vwd.7z
Esp/m Filter: Check: Vurt_BC_Trees_v1_1.esp

[Textures & Meshes][Flora][MOB] Morrowecology

Morrowecology by discovery1

Description: All grasses and the like are replaced as well as an updated some of the harvestable plants such as the wick wheat and saltrice.

Download Textures and Meshes Packages and extract Morrowecology-46087-47791-1-0.7z

Test the Game

1. Activate all installed mods and plugins. Close the mod manager.
2. Wrye Bash Users: Paste %LocalAppData%\Oblivion into the windows explorer heading and place the plugin.txt in the folder.
   Mod Organzier Users: place the loadoarder.txt in the pathto\Mod Organizer\profiles\Morroblivion folder.
3. Run Wrye Bash. Deactivate any mods missing masters. Right click on the Bashed Patch, 0.esp Rebuild the Bashed Patch.
   Deactivate CustomSpellIcons - OBME.esm if installed as OBME is not compatible with WB Bashed Patch.
   Right click on the Bashed Patch, 0.esp Rebuild the Bashed Patch.
   When "Deactivate these mods prior to patching" pops up, click Skip.
   In the "Update Bashed Patch, 0.esp window, click Deselect All and check only the following:
   Tweak Assorted:
     Bow Reach Fix
     Darnified Books
     Default Icons
     Magic: Script Effect Silencer
     Right Hand Rings
   Cobl Catalogs
   Note: After rebuilding the Bashed Patch reactivate CustomSpellIcons - OBME.esm if installed.
4. In the Wrye Bash Installers tab, right-click and uninstall the TES4LODGen project. Then run TES4LODGen from Wrye Bash to update the TES4LODGen project. Review the contents of the project and install.
5. Launch Oblivion and play for a bit. If you are satisfied with the testing exit the game.

[Textures & Meshes] Architecture

Only install plugins when instructed. We will only need the resources for many of the Textures and Meshes mods.

[Textures & Meshes][Architecture] Arena Redone HD

Arena Redone HD by DarkShenron

Description: HD Retexture of Imperial City Arena.

Mod Organizer Users:



Template:FOMOD_Instructions is deprecated and should no longer be used on this wiki. Please change this template call to use the better-looking and simpler Template:Fomod. We apologize for the inconvenience.
FOMOD Instructions
Arena Redone HD
Base Options
Base Options
Resolution Options
Resolution Options

DotMO.png HD2K

Blood Decal Options
Blood Decal Options

DotMO.png User Preference

Rust Options
Rust Options

DotMO.png User Preference

Compatibility Patches
Compatibility Patches
UOP Check
UOP Check

CheckmarkMO.png UOP Compatibility Patch


[Textures & Meshes][Architecture] Anvil retexture

dilapidated Anvil by katkat74

Description: Replacement textures pier, poor houses, interiors and exteriors of the city of Anvil. The city became a generally brighter and at the same time very "shuffled".

Special Installation Instructions:
Download manually:

• Anvil.7z
• anvilstreetlamp.7z

[Textures & Meshes][Architecture] Ayleid Ruins HD

Aileido Ruins HD 1.1 by katkat74

Description: Replacement of models and textures of exteriors and interiors, containers, altars, benches and other utensils. All Ayleid stones have been added with animated visual effects. Decorative elements are made in several versions with a glow effect.

Special Installation Instructions:
Download manually:

• User Preference
  Note: jdsmith2816 selected the BaseMetalDecor4096.7z and BlueGlowingDecor4096.7z and shared screenshots here.

[Textures & Meshes][Architecture] basementsections

Cellars HD 1.0 by katkat74

Description: HD replay of cellars. Replaced models and textures.

[Textures & Meshes][Architecture] Betty's Sewer Textures

Bettys Sewer Textures by Betty

Description: Description: Retexture of sewers.

SpecialInstallation Instructions:
Download manually

• Wet Version Update1

[Textures & Meshes][Architecture] Bravil

Rotten Bravil 1.0a by katkat74

Description: Replacement of models and textures of exteriors and interiors, as well as small architectural forms and doors. Textures in HD. Parallax added. All the interiors received unique textures of walls and floors, depending on the financial well-being of the owners. The same doors have also been replaced with different models.

[Textures & Meshes][Architecture] Bruma

Bruma HD by katkat74

Description: Replacement of models and textures of exteriors and interiors of the city of Bruma, as well as street braziers, city gates and doors. City gates and doors now have a volume, not drawn on a plane. On ohlupeni (skates) roofs are added decorative figures. The basic resolution of the textures is 2048 and 1024, where parallax is needed. The windows got the reflection effect.

[Textures & Meshes][Architecture] Cathedral

Cathedrals by katkat74

Description: Replacement of models and textures of exteriors and interiors of cathedrals, as well as small architectural forms and doors. The cathedrals are built of different materials, in several color variants (red, dark and smoky stone for Kvatcha), have a different decorative finish. Door furniture now has a volume, and not painted on the texture. Entrance doors are replaced with models with windows. The appearance of the windows will depend on the textures you have installed.

Special Installation Instructions:
Download manually:

• cathedral.7z
• AWLS.7z (DO NOT INSTALL until instructed.)

[Textures & Meshes][Architecture] Cheydinhal Retexture

Cheydinhal retexture by Lougian

Description: This mod retexture Cheydinhal with 2k textures.

[Textures & Meshes][Architecture] Cloud Ruler Temple

Temple of the Cloud Lord HD by katkat74

Description: Replacement of models and textures of exteriors and interiors of the fortress of blades, as well as lamps, gates and doors. The door and gate now has a volume, not drawn on the plane. The dragon lamps are replaced with better, more voluminous and in the form of a dragon's head. The basic resolution of the textures is 2048 and 1024, where parallax is needed. The windows got the reflection effect. Fixed streamers and other strangeness of the texture scan, the models are optimized manually. There are own low-poly models for remote landscape so that the fortress can be seen from a distance.

[Textures & Meshes][Architecture] Farm Fence

Hard fences 1.2a by katkat74

Description: Completely replaces the model of farm fences. Added gate. Pastoral landscapes of agricultural lands.

[Textures & Meshes][Architecture] Forts Ruins retexture

Forts Ruins retexture by Lougian

Description: This mod retexture the exteriors of forts ruins with 2k textures, there is also a 1k version available for performance, choose the one that fit with your computer, not both!

[Textures & Meshes][Architecture] Gecko's Imperial Dungeon Textures 2K Parallax


Description: Virtually everything has been either replaced with completely different HD textures, or carefully traced by hand over the original in cases where it's important to preserve specific geometry details in the textures for the model's UV map. Many surfaces like walls and floors have been parallax-enabled as well to provide much greater 3D depth to the geometry.

[Textures & Meshes][Architecture] Kvatch HD

Kvatch HD by amnes

Special Installation Instructions:
Download manually: (TESALL Russian download site. Requires Registration.)

• Kvatch HD
• Kvatch HD 1.1

[Textures & Meshes][Architecture] Leyawiin Woodland

Leyawiin Woodland by rabilinth

Description: This MOD is retextures MOD in the town of Leyawiin.

[Textures & Meshes][Architecture] Lower Class Architecture

Poor houses 1.2 by katkat74

Description: This mod replaces models and textures of poor houses. The models are optimized manually, in places where parallax is to be added, the models of handles at the doors are now three-dimensional, rather than painted flat cakes. The boarded up windows are replaced, even if in small, but real windows. The number of textures was reduced by four times, the quality was increased. Now houses in HD quality load your system less than the original ones.

[Textures & Meshes][Architecture] Improved Bravil

Improved Bravil by Mikal33

Description: The plugin replaces the textures of buildings in Bravil with larger textures and better quality.

Special Installation Instructions:
Download manually:

• Improved Bravil
• BravilUpdate

[Textures & Meshes][Architecture] Improved Chorrol

Improved Chorrol by Mikal33

Description: The plugin replaces the textures of the buildings in Corral with textures of a larger size and better quality.

Special Installation Instructions:
Download manually:

• Improved Chorrol
• ChorrolUpdate
• Chorrol2011

[Textures & Meshes][Architecture] Improved Skingrad

Improved Skingrad by Mikal33

Description: The plugin replaces the textures of buildings in Skingrad on texture larger and of better quality.

[Textures & Meshes][Architecture] Statues HD

Statues HD by amnes

Description: Enhances Statues with HD textures.

[Textures & Meshes][Architecture] Stone Wall

Stone fences from katkat74 1.1 by katkat74

Description: Replex stone fences, their textures, as well as "accessories" (metal fencing and boards). The metal door model is replaced with an openwork version. Now they use paralax. Models are optimized for manual, weigh less vanilla. Bravila and Kvatcha are not touched for obvious reasons. They have separate plans.

[Textures & Meshes][Architecture] TD_Tombstones

TD_Tombstones by Tosiko-san and draOOger

Description: The plugin changes the texture of gravestones to better ones.

[Textures & Meshes][Architecture] wayshrine

Road sanctuaries from katkat74 1.1 by katkat74

Description: Replacement of models and textures of road sanctuaries. Textures HD 2K with parallax effect.

[Textures & Meshes][Architecture] Well

Well from katkat74 1.0 by katkat74

Description: Replacing the well model with a more realistic option.

[Textures & Meshes][Architecture] Animated Window Lighting System

Animated Window Lighting System and Chimneys - AWLS by XMarksTheSpot-Brumbek-Ismelda

Description: AWLS is an illuminated window system that has three goals: 1) Add illuminated windows to all vanilla building meshes in such a way that also allows all mods using vanilla buildings to also have illuminated windows without the need of patches. 2) Allow the player to choose to have the lights on 24/7, at night only, or also during rainy weather. The player can pick what option is best for him or her by using one or none of the three included plugins (medium and advanced plugins require OBSE v14 or higher). 3) Add smoke effects to all chimneys if desired.

Special Installation Instructions:
Download manually:

• Animated Window Lighting System v5-5-4
1. Right click and select Has Extra Directories.
2. Right Click to Select Wizard
   Choose the plugin you want to install → Advanced Smoking Chimneys → Next
   Do you use RAEVWD → No → Next
   Do you want to pick your windows individually for every city location → Yes → Next
   Do you use Qarls Texture Pack III → Yes → Next
   Pick an Anvil Windows option → User’s Choice → Next
   Pick a Bravil Windows option → User’s Choice → Next
   Pick a Bruma Windows option → User’s Choice → Next
   Pick a Cheydinhal Windows option → User’s Choice → Next
   Pick a Chorrol Windows option. This also affects many Skingrad houses → User’s Choice → Next
   Pick a Farmhouse Windows option → User’s Choice → Next
   Pick an Imperial City Windows option → User’s Choice → Next
   Pick a Leyawiin Windows option → User’s Choice → Next
   Pick a Priory Windows option → User’s Choice → Next
   Pick a Ships Window option → User’s Choice → Next
   Pick a Skingrad Windows option → User’s Choice → Next
   Pick a Cathedral Windows option → User’s Choice → Next
   Pick a Mages Guild Magic Circle Window option. This window is it 24/7 → User’s Choice → Next
   Pick an Imperial City Temple option → User’s Choice → Next
   Do you use Bomrets Texture Pack for Shivering Isles → Yes → Next
   Pick a Shivering Isles Settlements option → User’s Choice → Next
   Pick a Shivering Isles Palace option → User’s Choice → Next
   Pick a Shivering Isles Crucible option → User’s Choice → Next
   Pick a Shivering Isles Bliss option → User’s Choice → Next
   The installer script has finished, and will apply the following settings
3. Check: Apply these selections Uncheck: Install this package.
4. Click Finish.
5. Install
6. Review the Sub Packages to make certain the selection is correct. Right click on the mod and select Install.
or ALL Users: Sub Packages: Check:
000 Core 001 User Preference 002 Chimneys Smoke Textures 003 QTP3 030 Mages Guild Window (Select one: User Preference) 031 031 Mages Guild Window (Select only if user chose the "Orange" or "Red" Mages Guild Window color options.) 040 040 Shivering Isles Support 041 RAEVWD Shivering Isles Support 042 Shivering Isles Settlements (Select a color.) 043 RAEVWD SI Settlements (Match the color selected in 042 Shivering Isles Settlements.} 044 Shivering Isles Palace (Select a color.) 045 RAEVWD SI Palace (Match the color selected in 044 Shivering Isles Palace.} 046 Shivering Isles Dementia (Select a color.) 047 RAEVWD SI Dementia (Match the color selected in 046 Shivering Isles Dementia.} 048 Shivering Isles Mania (Select a color.) 049 RAEVWD SI Mania (Match the color selected in 048 Shivering Isles Mania.} 050 Bomrets Texture Pack for Shivering Isles Support 051 Bomrets Texture Pack Dementia Blue-ish, Blue-Purple, Teal {Select If you picked the Dementia Blue-ish, Blue-Purple, or Teal options, also install this if you're using Bomret's.) 081 Elsweyr Desert of Anequina 100 Anvil Curtains (User Preference 120 Bravil (User Preference) 150 Bruma (User Preference) 200 - 650 Select User Preference 200 - 650 Match selection chosen for each related Sub Category.
AWLS Diana's Pick:

[Textures & Meshes][Architecture] Animated Window Lighting System - Bravil Patch

Animated Window Lighting System - Bravil Patch by jdsmith2816
• Download MOB Ovherhaul Patches and extract [Textures & Meshes][Architecture] Animated Window Lighting System - Bravil Patch

[Textures & Meshes][Architecture] Animated Window Lighting System - Bruma Patch

Animated Window Lighting System - Bruma Patch by jdsmith2816
• Download MOB Ovherhaul Patches and extract [Textures & Meshes][Architecture] Animated Window Lighting System - Bruma Patch

[Textures & Meshes][Architecture] Animated Window Lighting System - Cathedral Patch

AWLS.7z by katkat74
Install the AWLS.7z downloaded with [Textures & Meshes][Architecture] Cathedral.

[Textures & Meshes][Architecture] Animated Window Lighting System - Cloud Ruler Temple Patch

Animated Window Lighting System - Cloud Ruler Temple Patch by jdsmith2816
• Download MOB Ovherhaul Patches and extract [Textures & Meshes][Architecture] Animated Window Lighting System - Cloud Ruler Temple Patch

[Textures & Meshes][Architecture] Animated Window Lighting System - Lower Class Architecture Patch

Animated Window Lighting System - Lower Class Architecture Patch by jdsmith2816
• Download MOB Ovherhaul Patches and extract [Textures & Meshes][Architecture] Animated Window Lighting System - Lower Class Architecture Patch

[Textures & Meshes][Architecture] HiRez Architecture- Daedric Shrines

HiRez Architecture- Daedric Shrines by Saint_Jiub

Description: A high resolution retexture for the Daedric statues found across Cyrodiil. All textures are 1024x1024, so the impact on your FPS should be minimal, especially if you are already able to run QTP or similar texture mods.

[Textures & Meshes][Architecture] HiRez Architecture- God Statues

HiRez Architecture- God Statues by Saint_Jiub

Description: Retexture of the statues of the Divines found around Cyrodiil.

[Textures & Meshes][Architecture] Ships

Repleys ships by katkat74

Description: Fully support Animated Window Lighting System (installed after AWLS!). Ship windows glowing nightfall.

[Textures & Meshes][MOB] Telvanni Architecture

Improved Telvanni Architecture by qwertyasdfgh

Description: House Telvanni improvement in architecture models.

Special Installation Instructions:
Download manually:


[Textures & Meshes] Oblivion

[Textures & Meshes][Oblivion] Oblivion Realm HD

Oblivion Realm HD by amnes

Description: Enhances Oblivion Realm with HD textures.

[Textures & Meshes][Oblivion] Oblivion Caves Retexture

Oblivion Caves retexture by Lougian

Description: A retexture of the caves inside the Oblivion Realm.

[Textures & Meshes][Oblivion] Oblivion Landskape

Landscape Rebtexture Oblivion 1.0 by katkat74

Description: The landscape text texture of Oblivion's plans (landscape only) in the resolution of 2048x2048.

[Textures & Meshes][Oblivion] Oblivion Trees

Trees of Oblivion 1.1 by katkat74

Description: Adds dead trees to the Dead Lands, for greater realism and an atmosphere.

[Textures & Meshes] Weather

Only install plugins when instructed. We will only need the resources for many of the Textures and Meshes mods.

[Textures & Meshes][Weather] Atmospheres 4 Heaven & Hell

Atmospheres 4 Heaven & Hell by discovery1

Description: Oblivion skies replacer.

Download Textures and Meshes Packages and extract Atmospheres v-446675-47791-1-0.7z
Install in the following order:
• atmospheres 4 Heaven-46675-1-0.7z
• atmospheres 4 Heaven
• atmospheres 4 Hell-46675-1-0.7z
• atmospheres 4 Hell
• night sky-46675-.7z
Esp/m Filter: Check: atmospheres.esp

[Textures & Meshes][Weather] Falling Stars

Falling Stars by Phitt

Description: A tiny mod that adds falling stars to the game. They appear randomly at night when the sky is clear, the amount can be adjusted via console.

Esp/m Filter: Check: PTFallingStars.esp

[Textures & Meshes][Weather] High Quality Snowflakes

High Quality Snowflakes by Xelus

Description: A simple mod that re-textures the vanilla snowflakes with a higher quality version.

[Textures & Meshes][Weather] Improved Moons

Improved Moons by sefmonsta

Description: Improved Moons replaces the vanilla moons with ones that look like real three dimensional cratered moons, whilst maintaining the features of the vanilla originals.
Masser and Secunda have both been re-sized to make them a little more believable, and bump-map texturing has been added. The shadow texture that effects how the moons are displayed has also been replaced to make for better edge-definition.

Special Installation Instructions:
Download manually:

• Improved Moons
• moonshadow

[Textures & Meshes][Weather] Nebula

Nebula by amnes

Description: A new 4K nebula, nothing special.

[Textures & Meshes][Weather] Realistic Aurora in Motion

Realistic Aurora in motion by Betty

Description: Animated and calm.

Esp/m Filter: Check: BrumasNorthernLights.esp

[Textures & Meshes][Weather] smoke and dust

smoke and dust by discovery1

Description: Texture replacement.

Special Installation Instructions:
Download Textures and Meshes Packages and extract Smoke and Dust-46547-47791-1-0.7z

Install both:

• smoke and dust-46547-1-0
• patch for missing texture-46547-1-0

[Textures & Meshes][Weather] Subtle Sunshine

Subtle Sunshine - alternative sunglare fx by CptJoker

Description: This adds a more realistic shape to the sun and a subtle sunglare effect. Let the sun shine!

Test the Game

1. Activate all installed mods and plugins. Close the mod manager.
2. Wrye Bash Users: Paste %LocalAppData%\Oblivion into the windows explorer heading and place the plugin.txt in the folder.
   Mod Organzier Users: place the loadoarder.txt in the pathto\Mod Organizer\profiles\Morroblivion folder.
3. Run Wrye Bash. Deactivate any mods missing masters. Right click on the Bashed Patch, 0.esp Rebuild the Bashed Patch.
   Deactivate CustomSpellIcons - OBME.esm if installed as OBME is not compatible with WB Bashed Patch.
   Right click on the Bashed Patch, 0.esp Rebuild the Bashed Patch.
   When "Deactivate these mods prior to patching" pops up, click Skip.
   In the "Update Bashed Patch, 0.esp window, click Deselect All and check only the following:
   Tweak Assorted:
     Bow Reach Fix
     Darnified Books
     Default Icons
     Magic: Script Effect Silencer
     Right Hand Rings
   Cobl Catalogs
   Note: After rebuilding the Bashed Patch reactivate CustomSpellIcons - OBME.esm if installed.
4. In the Wrye Bash Installers tab, right-click and uninstall the TES4LODGen project. Then run TES4LODGen from Wrye Bash to update the TES4LODGen project. Review the contents of the project and install.
5. Launch Oblivion and play for a bit. If you are satisfied with the testing exit the game.

[Body & Replacers]

[Body & Replacers] Cobl Cosmetics Resources

Cobl Cosmetics Res 01 by Cobl Team

Description: Cosmetic resources.

Special Installation Instructions:
Download manually:

• Optional files: Cobl Cosmetics Res 01
Sub-Packages: Check:
• Install FIRST
• Install Next - IF using Robert's Male Bodies

[Body & Replacers] Coronerras Maximum Compatibility Skeletons

Coronerras Maximum Compatibility Skeletons by coronerra

Description: This mod allows animators to animate all independently and simultaneously. It also allows users to never have to worry about animation incompatibility based on skeletons.

[Body & Replacers] Oblivion Character Overhaul

Oblivion Character Overhaul version 2 by nuska

Description: A comprehensive, all-in-one revamp of Oblivion character heads. New head shapes, skin textures, normal maps, eye textures and some new hairstyles covering all races in the game, including Dremoras and Shivering Isles races, all built to a single unified art direction that adheres to the styles of Skyrim and TESO. Affects both player and NPCs.

Special Installation Instructions:
Download manually:

• Oblivion Character Overhaul v203
• HGEC texture compatibility addon
• Roberts Male Body replacer texture compatibility addon
Esp/m Filter: Check: Oblivion_Character_Overhaul.esp

[Body & Replacers] Oblivion Character Overhaul Balanced

OCO v2 Balanced by some neurotic claustromaniac individual

Description: Tiny mod intended to balance out stats to Cobl Races - Balanced standards. Includes custom playable Dark Seducer, Golden Saint and Dremora races compatible with Oblivion Character Overhaul v2. Also, additional hair and eyes options.

Special Installation Instructions:
Download manually:

• OCO v2 Balanced
Esp/m Filter: Check: OCO v2 Balanced – Cobl.esp

[Body & Replacers] Compatibility Patches OCO2

Compatibility Patches for nuska's Oblivion Character Overhaul (v2) by Androl

Description: OCO (by nuska) is a fantastic mod for improving character appearance, but unfortunately conflicts with many other plugins, including several official plugins, due to limitations of the Oblivion game engine. This is an upload of several patches I created in TES4Edit to make OCO compatible with the official plugins, UOP/USIP, and Kvatch Rebuilt

Special Installation Instructions:
Download manually:

• All Compatibility Patches (Combined Download)
ONLY INSTALL: the OCO_UOP_USIP_Patch.esp plugin if using the custom Morroblivion Overhaul CR Patch.esp
Esp/m Filter: Check: ALL
TES4Edit Sort Masters Required:

[Body & Replacers] Integration-OCOpatch

Integration-OCOpatch by Pinkertonius

Description: Compatibility patch for Integration - The Stranded Light - Integrated!

Special Installation Instructions:
Download manually:

• Integration-OCOpatch.esp
Archive the file in order to install with either Wrye Bash or Mod Organizer.
DO NOT INSTALL: Integration-OCOpatch.esp if using the custom Morroblivion Overhaul CR Patch.esp
TES4Edit Sort Masters Required:

[Body & Replacers] Dreadlocks Replacer

Dreadlocks Replacer by T3alrose and apachii

Description: Replaces the Redguards "Ridge Rows" hairdo with fancy dreads.

Esp\m Filter: Uncheck: NewCornrowsTextureFix.esp

[Body & Replacers] New Eyes for OCO v2

New Eyes for OCOv2 by monkeyangie

Description: New eye textures for OCO v2, includes all races except Orcs. This mod is made to be something more related to ESO and TESV design, also, following the line of OCOv2 itself.

Special Installation Instructions:
Download manually:

• New Eyes for OCOv2
• Optional Files: User Preference

[Body & Replacers] Seamless - OCOv2 Edition

Seamless - OCOv2 Edition by junkacc11

Description: Nuska's Oblivion Character Overhaul is great. It transforms Cyrodiil from a place inhabited by potato heads to a land much more believable and beautiful. The problem is, OCO still has those immersion destroying neckseams. This mod banishes the much lamented neckseams that have plagued Oblivion and OCO for so long to the deepest abyss of Nirn. Neckseams will no longer tarnish the beauty of Tamriel!!!

Special Installation Instructions:
Download manually:

• SR- OCOv2 IDIOT 44676
• Optional files: SR- OCOv2 Nudes (Optional)
Esp/m Fileter: Check: ALL

[Body & Replacers][MOB] OCO2 Facelift

Morroblivion-OCO2 Facelift by ponyrider0

Description: This mod solves the problem of randomized facial features or customized faces which are not visually compatible with the OCO2 plugin.

Special Installation Instructions:
Download manually:

• morroblivion-oco2-facelift-v0.2.7z
• oco2-redguard-facelift-v0.2.7z
DO NOT INSTALL: OCO2-redguard-facelift.esp if using the custom Morroblivion Overhaul CR Patch.esp

[Textures & Meshes] Equipment

Only install plugins when instructed. We will only need the resources for many of the Textures and Meshes mods.

[Textures & Meshes][Equipment] Aqua Silk and Tattered Robes Replacer

Aqua Silk and Tattered Robes Replacer by Naihaan

Description: Replaces Aqua Silk Robe and Tattered Robe with remodelled versions.

Special Installation Instructions:
Download manually:

• Aqua Silk and Tattered Robes Replacer
• HGEC conversion by Asteriasennall

[Textures & Meshes][Equipment] Barbaric Orcish Armor

Barbaric Orcish Armor by Naihaan

Description: Replaces vanilla Orcish armor with a more barbaric-looking remodelled version. Only for male characters.

[Textures & Meshes][Equipment] Black Hand Robe Replacer

Black Hand Robe Replacer by Naihaan

Description: Replaces Black Hand Robe with remodeled version.

[Textures & Meshes][Equipment] Blade of Woe Replacer

Blade of Woe and Sufferthorn Replacer by Dracula420 and Edocsil

Description: changes the Blade of Woe Model.

Special Installation Instructions:
Download manually:

• Blade of woe and Sufferthorn Replacer
Esp/m Filter: Uncheck: BladeofWoeReplacer9Tongues.esp if using the custom Morroblivion Overhaul CR Patch.esp

[Textures & Meshes][Equipment] Dalls Horse Armor

Dalls_Horse_Armor by DALL

Description: Royal Ayleid and Iron Horse are new Textures for Bethesda Horse Armor plug-in.

[Textures & Meshes][Equipment] Daedric Armor Replacer

Daedric Armor Replacer by Naihaan

Description: Daedric Armor Replacer

[Textures & Meshes][Equipment] Deceiver's Finery Replacer

Deceiver's Finery Replacer by Naihaan

Description: Replaces Deceivers' Finery and Robe of Glib Tongues.

Esp/m Filter: Check: NN_DeceiversFineryReplacer.esp

[Textures & Meshes][Equipment] Ebony Sword Replacer

Insanitys Ebony Sword Replacer by InsanitySorrow

Description: This is a simple mesh and texture replacer for the Ebony Longsword, Ebony Claymore and Ebony Shortsword. Wasn't fond of them myself and decided to give them more of a Classic sword style instead.

[Textures & Meshes][Equipment] Elven Armor Replacer

Elven armor replacer by Naihaan

Description: Replaces elven armor with new remodelled version.

Special Installation Instructions:
Download manually:

• HGEC version
• RMB version

[Textures & Meshes][Equipment] Fantasy Mithril

Fantasy Mithril by Naihaan

Description: Replaces vanilla mithril armor with remodeled version.

[Textures & Meshes][Equipment] Fur Armor Replacer

Fur Armor Replacer by Naihaan

Description: Replaces vanilla fur armor. RMB. RFB. HGEC

Special Installation Instructions:
Download manually:

• HGEC version
• Robert Male Body version

[Textures & Meshes][Equipment] Imperial Dragon Armor Reforged

Imperial Dragon Armor Reforged by Stavroguin

Description: Imperial Dragon Armor as it should be.

Esp/m Filter: Check: Stav_ImperialDragon.esp

[Textures & Meshes][Equipment] Insanity's Improved Armoury Compilation

Insanity's Improved Armoury Compilation 1.21 FINAL by Khettienna

Description: InsanitySorrow's high-rez armor and weapon retextures.

Sub-Packages: Check:
00 Core Files
01 User Preference
02 User Preference

[Textures & Meshes][Equipment] Kafeis Better Amulet Replacer

Kafeis Better Amulet Replacer by Kafeid

Description: This replaces the textures for the basic metal amulets (gold, silver, jade, bronze, copper, jeweled) with better looking versions. Unique amulets were left alone, aside from a few tweaks.

[Textures & Meshes][Equipment] Kafeis Better Ring Replacer

Kafeis Better Ring Replacer by Kafeid

Description: This replaces the defaults with better looking versions. The rings affected: Gold Silver Copper Brass Ebony Jade

[Textures & Meshes][Equipment] King of Worms Robe Replacer

King of Worms Robe Replacer by Naihaan

Description: King of Worms Robe Replacer

[Textures & Meshes][Equipment] Legion Armor Combined

Legion Armor Combined Texture by tbsk

Description: The best features of xX HeLiXs Dark Legion, Fearabbit's Morrowind Style Legion, and statichairguy's Blood Legion combined! NEW HELMET.

[Textures & Meshes][Equipment] Local Guards Features

Local Guards Features by grodofraggins

Description: Townguards equipments replacer by local regions.

[Textures & Meshes][Equipment] Madness Armor Replacer

Madness Armor Replacer by Naihaan

Description: Replaces vanilla madness armor with remodelled version.

[Textures & Meshes][Equipment] Mikes Clothes Replacer

Mikes Clothes Replacer v11 by mikegemini

Description: Mike\'s Clothes Replacer v1.1 (compatibile with UOP 3.0) This Mod replaces the textures of almost all the clothes in Oblivion.

[Textures & Meshes][Equipment] Necromancer Robes Replacer

Necromancer Robes Replacer by Naihaan

Description: Replaces robes worn by Necromancers.

[Textures & Meshes][Equipment] Retextured Rings

Retextured Rings by monkeyangie

Description: retextures rings

[Textures & Meshes][Equipment] Vanilla Staff Replacer

Vanilla Staff Replacer by zymurgy65

Description: Uses trollf's modder's resource to give new appearances to most staves in the game.

Esp/m Filter: Uncheck: Vanilla Staff Replacer.esp if using the custom Morroblivion Overhaul CR Patch.esp

[Textures & Meshes][Equipment] Weapon Improvement Project

Weapon Improvement Project by InsanitySorrow

Description: This is a project that aims (over time) to replace the vanilla weapon meshes and textures with completely new and more detailed replacements. The new replacements are based on the original designs.

Special Installation Instructions:
Download manually:

• Main File
• Optional Shields
Esp/m Filter: Uncheck: Weapon Improvement Project.esp if using the custom Morroblivion Overhaul CR Patch.esp

[Textures & Meshes][Equipment] Archmage Robe Replacer

Archmage Robe Replacer by Naihaan

Description: Replaces vanilla Archmage robe with remodelled version.

[Textures & Meshes][Equipment] HiRes Iron Armor

HiRes Iron Armor by Evandar

Description: This mod replaces the iron armor textures with more detailed, high resolution textures.

[Textures & Meshes][Equipment][MOB] Clothes Replacer

Morroblivion Clothes Replacer Beta by eloth

Description: This is a nearly completed clothing replacer, its mission is to replace ugly morrowind clothes with oblivion clothes.

Special Installation Instructions:
Download manually:

• Eloth clothes update.rar
Esp/m Filter: Uncheck: ClothingReplacer.esp
Eloth clothes update.rar
Esp/m Filter: Uncheck: ClothingReplacer.esp if using the custom Morroblivion Overhaul CR Patch.esp

[Textures & Meshes][Equipment][MOB] Clothing Galore

Morroblivion - Clothing Galore by qwertyasdfgh

Description: Focuses on remaking Morrowind clothes close to original design. Based on HGEC female body and Roberts V5 male body.

Special Installation Instructions:
Download manually:

Esp/m Filter: Uncheck: Morroblivion - Clothing Galore.esp if using the custom Morroblivion Overhaul CR Patch.esp

[Textures & Meshes][Equipment][MOB] More Better Good Clothes

Morroblivion - More Better Good Clothes by Puddles

Description: Puddles hand-converted each Better Clothes Mod, reweighted them using the RC Tools set, and tweaked the textures so they display "okay" in-game. There's some issues, and some of them probably aren't fixable...but I think they're better than the default by a long shot.

Special Installation Instructions:
Download manually:

• Core + Meshes
• Textures
Esp/m Filter: Check: Morroblivion - Better Clothes Patch.esp

[Textures & Meshes][Equipment][MOB] Nerevarine Armor

Nerevarine Armor by asteriasennall

Description: Unique armor set for player character.

Special Installation Instructions:
Download manually:

Nerevarine Armor
Esp/m Filter: Check: Morrowind_ob - Nerevarine Armor.esp

Test the Game

1. Activate all installed mods and plugins. Close the mod manager.
2. Wrye Bash Users: Paste %LocalAppData%\Oblivion into the windows explorer heading and place the plugin.txt in the folder.
   Mod Organzier Users: place the loadoarder.txt in the pathto\Mod Organizer\profiles\Morroblivion folder.
3. Run Wrye Bash. Deactivate any mods missing masters. Right click on the Bashed Patch, 0.esp Rebuild the Bashed Patch.
   When "Deactivate these mods prior to patching" pops up, click Skip.
   In the "Update Bashed Patch, 0.esp window, click Deselect All and check only the following:
   Tweak Assorted:
     Bow Reach Fix
     Darnified Books
     Default Icons
     Magic: Script Effect Silencer
     Right Hand Rings
   Cobl Catalogs
   Note: After rebuilding the Bashed Patch reactivate CustomSpellIcons - OBME.esm if installed.
4. Launch Oblivion and play for a bit. If you are satisfied with the testing exit the game.

[Textures & Meshes] Creatures

[Textures & Meshes][Creatures] Bear

Bears CDPR 1.0 by katkat74

Description: Replacement models for brown and black bears. Replacement of the bears' skeleton (the ass is removed, the shoulders and withers are widened, the neck is shortened and so on the little things).

[Textures & Meshes][Creatures] Beautiful Creatures - Spriggan

Beautiful Creatures - Spriggan by El Alquimista

Description: Some tweakings i made for the spriggans models to look better.

[Textures & Meshes][Creatures] Beautiful Creatures - Spider Daedra Replacer

Beautiful Creatures - Spider Daedra by El Alquimista

Description: Another replacer for vanilla Spider Daedra.

Special Installation Instructions:
Download manually:

• Spider Daedra Replacer
• User Preference for Optional Files

[Textures & Meshes][Creatures] Black Horse Recolor

Black Horse Color Overhaul by Amirun

Description: This texture mod also replace vanilla black color of bay horse and shadowmere(Darkbrotherhood horse).

[Textures & Meshes][Creatures] Boar

Raskabanevshie Boars. 1.0 by katkat74

Description: Replacing the model of a wild boar and its skeleton. To give them a more realistic proportions.

[Textures & Meshes][Creatures] Cougar

Cougars 1.0a by katkat74

Description: Replacement of the mountain lion model for a more realistic and detailed.

Special Installation Instructions:
Download manually:

• mountainlion.7z
• User Preference for any color variations

[Textures & Meshes][Creatures] Deer

Deer Deer 1.0 by katkat74

Description: Replacement of models of deer. Because no re-textures will correct poor Tamriel artiodactyls.

[Textures & Meshes][Creatures] Dog

Sobakus vulgaris 1.0 by katkat74

Description: Replacement of dog models.

[Textures & Meshes][Creatures] Horse

Horses by katkat74 1.0b by katkat74

Description: Replacing models of horses and saddles.

[Textures & Meshes][Creatures] Mud Crab

Crab Crabs 1.0 by katkat74

Description: Replacement of the crab model and skeleton.

[Textures & Meshes][Creatures] Mythic Animals High Res

Mythic Animals by themythofstrider

Description: High res animal retextures!

Special Installation Instructions:
Download manually:

• Mythic Animals High res part 1
• Mythic Animals High res part 2

[Textures & Meshes][Creatures] Mythic Creatures

Mythic Creatures by themythofstrider

Description: High res retextures of Vanilla Creatures!

[Textures & Meshes][Creatures] Mythic Ghosts and Goblins

Mythic Ghosts and Goblins by themythofanst themythofstrider

Directions: High-res Retex for Ghosts, Goblins, Wraiths and Gloom Wraiths!

[Textures & Meshes][Creatures] Mythic Madness

Mythic Madness by TheMythofStrider

Description: High res retexture of shivering isles creatures!

[Textures & Meshes][Creatures] Realistic Horse Eyes

Realistic Horse Eyes by Crypton

Description: Realistic Horse Eyes v.1.3, a more realistic, natural set of eyes. * New in v.1.3: Made compatible version for Slofs Horses, also included Unicorn Eye for his version.

Sub Package: Check: Standard and select either V1 or V2 with MipMaps.

[Textures & Meshes][Creatures] Sheep

Lamb mutton 1.0 by katkat74

Description: Replacement of the rams model.

[Textures & Meshes][Creatures] Slaughterfish

Fish-killer Sk 1.0 by katkat74

Description: Fish-killer straight from Skyrim. The Skyrim variant seems ideal to me. A mixture of shellfish and ichthyosaur. What explains their love to get out on the beach chasing the hero.

[Textures & Meshes][Creatures] Wolf

Wolves CDPR 1.0a by katkat74

Description: Replacement of models of wolves.

[Textures & Meshes][Creatures] Improved Flame Atronachs

Improved Flame Atronachs by sefmonsta

Description: Improved Flame Atronachs is a simple replacer mod that aims to improve on the vanilla Atronachs with new hi-res textures and a few mesh tweaks.

[Textures & Meshes][Creatures] Improved Storm Atronachs

Improved Storm Atronachs by sefmonsta

Description: A high resolution total re-work of the vanilla storm atronachs with added variable glow.

[Textures & Meshes][Creatures][MOB] Silt Strider Overhaul

Morroblivion - Silt Strider Overhaul by qwertyasdfgh

Description: This mod will attempt to bring more detail and diversity into Morroblivion's silt strider travel network.

Special Installation Instructions:
Download manually:

• Download the latest version MorroblivionSiltStridersOverhaul.7z
Esp/m Filter: Check: Morroblivion - Silt Striders.esp

[Textures & Meshes] MISC

Only install plugins when instructed. We will only need the resources for many of the Textures and Meshes mods.

[Textures & Meshes][Misc] Arena Poster

Arena Poster by Varacolaci

Description: This is just another arena poster :)

[Textures & Meshes][Misc] bearskin

Bear Skin 1.0 by katkat74

Description: Replaces a polygonal something called bearskinrug on the skin of a bear.

[Textures & Meshes][Misc] Better Book Paper

Evandars Better Book Paper by Honnou

Description: Replaces the book paper with a new version which actually looks good :) No more ugly paper with weird colors!

[Textures & Meshes][Misc] Better Chapel Altars

Better Chapel Altars -Now with richer Normal Map by Superandultra

Description: A simple texture replacer for the chapel altars.

Special Installation Instructions:
Download manually:

• Oblivion Chapel Altar Replacer
• User Preference for Optional Files

[Textures & Meshes][Misc] Better Daedric Shrines

Better Daedric Shrines by Scot and Stroti

Description: This is an improvement of daedric shrines.

Special Installation Instructions:
Download manually:

• Better daedric shrines full
Esp/m Filter: Check: Better daedric shrines full.esp
TES4Edit Cleaning Required:
Better daedric shrines full.esp

[Textures & Meshes][Misc] Better Meat - Hammy McHamham Edition

Better Meat - Hammy McHamham edition by Tchos and Malo

Description: Reworked model and realistic texture for in-game ham.

[Textures & Meshes][Misc] Better Ropes

better ropes by xrayy

Description: HD texture replacer for ropes. Special Installation Instructions:
Download manually:

• better ropes worn (or User Preference)

[Textures & Meshes][Misc] Better Scroll Background

Better Scroll Background by Evandar

Description: This is a replacement for the scroll textures you see while reading.

[Textures & Meshes][Misc] Blacksmithing Tools

Forging tool 1.1 by katkat74

Description: Replacement models forging tools for more detailed and realistic.

[Textures & Meshes][Misc] Bloody Spray Pack

Bloody Spray by VanillaBeans

Description: The blood spray becomes intense.

Special Installation Instructions:
Download manually:

• Bloody Spray Pack v1_6
Package Selection: User's preference.

[Textures & Meshes][Misc] Book Jackets Oblivion

Book Jackets: Oblivion Standard Res by Daleth

Description: Book Jackets: Oblivion is a basic retexture for all of the stock hardcover books in Oblivion, giving each title a unique texture and matching icon. Most books are titled on the spine and books in a series are also numbered.

Special Installation Instructions:
Download manually:

• Book Jackets Oblivion High Res
Esp/m Filter: Check Only: Book Jackets Oblivion.esp
TES4Edit Cleaning Required:
Book Jackets Oblivion.esp

[Textures & Meshes][Misc] Castle Banner Replacer

Castle Banner Replacer 1.0 by InsanitySorrow

Description: This is a texture replacer that replaces the Castle Banner textures with new higher resolution textures and more detailed, texture resolution is now 512x1024 (2x vanilla).

[Textures & Meshes][Misc] Crates

Vintage Boxes 1.0 by katkat74

Description: Replacement of the textures of boxes.

[Textures & Meshes][Misc] Double Sided Cobwebs

Double Sided Cobwebs by sefmonsta

Description: Makes all cobwebs visible from both sides.

Use the Working Folder structure to repackage the mod. Place both meshes and textures folders into the data directory.

[Textures & Meshes][Misc] enhanced beach foam

Enhanced Beach Foam by discovery1

Description: Retexture of beach foam.

Download Textures and Meshes Packages and extract enhanced_beach_foam-46512-47791-1-0.7z

[Textures & Meshes][Misc] Enhanced Magic Effects

Enhanced Magic Effects by Cristina

Description: Enhanced Magic Effects by Cristina Version 1.0 This mod replaces all spell textures with larger ones, adding some new eye-candy to the game.

[Textures & Meshes][Misc] Farming Tools

Farm Tool 1.0 by katkat74

Description: Replacing models of farm tools for more detailed and realistic. Replaced rakes, hoes, spades, forks, ticks, scissors, broom, sickles, boilers.

[Textures & Meshes][Misc] Foaming Falls

Foaming falls / Nature of the Empire: foamy waterfalls by Discovery1

Description: This mod is a thorough reworking of the author's previous attempts to improve the falling waters in Cyrodiil.

[Textures & Meshes][Misc] Forge New Textures

Forge New Textures by nao4288

Description: This MOD simply changes the texture and 3 meshes of the Forge.

Special Installation Instructions:
Download manually:

• Forge New Textures ver_1_1

[Textures & Meshes][Misc] Grimbots Spell Tomes

Grimbots DLC Book Jackets by Grimbot

Description: Texture replacers for Shivering Isles books and for DLCSpellTomes.

Special Installation Instructions:
Download manually:

• Grimbots Spell Tomes
• Shivering Book Jackets
Esp/m Filter: Check:
• GrimbotsSpellTomes.esp
• Book Jackets DLC.esp

[Textures & Meshes][Misc] HD Elsweyr - Road Signs

HD Elsweyr - Road Signs by Darkstorne

Description: Enhances road signs with high resolution textures for Elsweyr: The Deserts of Anequina.

[Textures & Meshes][Misc] High Quality Rugs

High Quality Rugs by Xelus

Description: A pack that replaces Oblivion and Shivering Isles Rugs with higher quality versions.

Special Installation Instructions:
Download manually:

• High Quality Rugs
• Shivering Isles Rug Alpha Fix

[Textures & Meshes][Misc] High Resolution Pewter

HiRes Pewter by qwertyasdfgh

Description: Texture Replacer

[Textures & Meshes][Misc] High Resolution Silver and Gold Clutter

HiRes Silver and Gold Clutter by qwertyasdfgh

Description: Texture replacer

Special Installation Instructions:
Download manually:

• HiRes Silver Clutter
• HiRes Gold Clutter

[Textures & Meshes][Misc] High Resolution Soul Gems

Hi-res Soul Gems by Vilkz

Description: Replaces all the soul gem textures to a high resolution texture.

[Textures & Meshes][Misc] Improved Signs

Improved Signs by Mikal33

Description: This is a retexture of about 90 to 95% of the signs in the signs folder.The texture sizes are now 1024x1024,512x512 and 1024x256 for the city signs.I only did one sign in Leyawiin.A uninstall list is included in the read me.

Special Installation Instructions:
Download manually:

• ImprovedSignsComplete
Esp/m Filter: Check: ImprovedSigns.esp

[Textures & Meshes][Misc] Improved Skulls and Bones and Ironwork

Improved Skulls and Bones and Ironwork by hlvr

Description: This mod retextures the skulls, bones, and ironwork of Oblivion. If you wonder what I mean with ironwork, the images here on TESNexus will explain better. Since version 1.1, a new texture is also added, focusing on the prison cell doors in Cyrodiil.

Special Installation Instructions:
Download manually:

• Improved Skulls and Bones and ironwork

[Textures & Meshes][Misc] Kaizits Animated Daedric Ingredients

Kaizits Animated Daedric Ingredients by Kaizit

Description: Replaces the vanilla Daedric ingredients with new animated meshes and new textures.

Special Installation Instructions:
Download manually:

• Kaizits Animated Daedric Ingredients
• Kaizits Animated Daedric Ingredients fix

[Textures & Meshes][Misc] Kaizits Animated Ingredients

Kaizits Animated Ingredients by Kaizit

Description: Replaces the vanilla ingredients with new animated meshes and new textures.

Special Installation Instructions:
Download manually:

• Kaizits Animated Ingredients
• Kaizits Animated ingredients v1.1
• Kaizits Animated ingredients v 1.1 fix

[Textures & Meshes][Misc] Improved Candles

Improved Candles by Azhurel

Description: Replaces Oblivion\'s candles.

Special Installation Instructions:
Download manually:

• Improved Candles v1

[Textures & Meshes][Misc] Improved Fires and Flames

Improved Fires and Flames by hlvr

Description: This mod retextures the fires and flames. From the arcane fires at Arcane University and the big open fires in Kvatch, to the burning effect when using flame spells and the fire of the torch - all has been retextured. Together, a total of 177 textures! Let there be fire!

Select only one of the Main Files, User Preference for the Optional torch.
Esp/m Filter: Check: Improved Fires and Flames - Increased Sound.esp
hide/delete/not install textures\dungeons\ayleidruins

[Textures & Meshes][Misc] Improved Fruits Vegetables and Meats

Improved Fruits Vegetables and Meats by Mikal33

Description: This is a retexture of several fruits,vegetables,meats & ingredients with 1024x1024,1024x512 & 512x256 textures.

Special Installation Instructions:
Download manually:

• Improved Fruits Vegetables and Meats
• IFVMUpdate

[Textures & Meshes][Misc] Improved LightBeam

Improved LightBeam by Monkeyangie

Description: Simple mod that retextures the light beams in all the oblivion world, it decreases the greenish look of the original to a more yellowish warmer color.

[Textures & Meshes][Misc] Magic Crystal Balls

Magic Crystal Balls 1.0 by katkat74

Description: This plug-in makes crystal balls similar to plasma lamps.

[Textures & Meshes][Misc] Necromancer Altar

strotis Necromancer Altar re-placer by stroti

Directions: Fresh mesh

Use the Working Folder structure to repackage the mod. Move the furniture folder into the Data\Meshes folder.

[Textures & Meshes][Misc] Painting replacer

Painting replacer by N0cturnal

Description: A replacer of the in game paintings with real paintings created by CptTimWhiskersTheFox

[Textures & Meshes][Misc] Real Wood Road Signs

Real Wood Road Signs by Varacolaci

Description: My own version of road signs (not shiny with very nice old/weathered textures). Finished.

Special Installation Instructions:
Download manually:

• Real Wood Road Signs Full

[Textures & Meshes][Misc] Shiny Septims

Shiny Septims - Oblivion by Painkiller_Rider

Description: Replacer for all the gold coins in the game with new meshes and textures.

Special Installation Instructions:
Download manually:

• Shiny Septims – Resource
• Shiny Septims - Oblivion
Esp/m Filter: Check: ShinySeptims_Septimus.esp

[Textures & Meshes][Misc] Skeleton Key Retexture

Skeleton Key retexture by hlvr

Description: This mod retextures the Skeleton Key, to make it look better. This is most useful for people who use a lockpicking mod that causes you to see in first person view.

SpecialInstallation Instructions:
Download manually

• Skeleton Key retexture

[Textures & Meshes][Misc] Smoking Firesources Beta

Smoking Firesources BETA - Project Ambience by Marco Arecibo

Description: adds smoke to the firesources lacking it in Oblivion vanilla

Special Installation Instructions:
Download manually:

• Smoking Firesources beta - Project Ambience - CANDLES PACK
• Hotfix for Candles pack
• Smoking Firesources beta - Project Ambience - LANTERN PACK for VANILLA
• Optional files: Smoking Firesources beta - Project Ambience - Torch MIP version

[Textures & Meshes][Misc] Tamriellic Glassworks

Tamriellic Glassworks by Oriius

Description: Brand new, high-resolutionbottles for The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion, DLC3: Wizard\'s Tower, DLC6: Fighter\'s Stronghold and DLC7: Thieves Den. Bottles available at any fine establishment of your preference.

Special Installation Instructions:
Download manually:

• Tamriellic Glassworks - Core
• Tamriellic Glassworks - DLC3 Wizards Tower Addon
• Tamriellic Glassworks - DLC6 Fighters Stronghold Addon
• Tamriellic Glassworks - DLC7 Thieves Den Addon
Use the Working Folder structure to repackage the mod.
Tamriellic Glassworks - Core-40308-1-4:
1. Extract the archive. Open 00 Assets, open 02 High Resolution Textures, move the Textures folder into the Data folder. Delete the 00 Low Resolution Textures, 01 Medium Resolution Textures and 02 High Resolution Textures from the Assets folder.
2. Open 00 Assets, open 03 Icons, move the Textures folder into the Data folder. Delete the 03 Icons folder.
3. Open 00 Assets, open 04 Meshes, move the Meshes folder into the Data folder. Delete the 04 Meshes folder. Delete the empty 00 Assets folder.
4. Open 01 Plugins, move the ORM-TamriellicGlassCORE.esp into the Data folder. Delete the empty 01 Plugins folder. Delete the 02 Screenshots folder.
5. Do not archive the file just yet. Extract Tamriellic Glassworks - DLC3 Wizards Tower Addon-40308.
Tamriellic Glassworks - DLC3 Wizards Tower Addon-40308
1. Extract the archive. Open 00 Assets, open 02 High Resolution Textures, move the Textures folder into the Data folder. Delete the 00 Low Resolution Textures, 01 Medium Resolution Textures and 02 High Resolution Textures from the Assets folder.
2. Open 00 Assets, open 03 Icons, move the Menus folder into the Data\Textures folder and Overwrite when prompted. Delete the 03 Icons folder.
3. Open 00 Assets, rename 04 Meshes to Meshes, move the Meshes folder into the Data folder. Delete the empty 00 Assets folder.
4. Open 01 Plugins, move the ORM-TamriellicGlassDLC3.esp into the Data folder. Delete the empty 01 Plugins folder. Delete the 02 Screenshots folder.
5. Do not archive the file just yet. Extract Tamriellic Glassworks - DLC6 Fighters Stronghold Addon-40308-1-4DLC6A.
Tamriellic Glassworks - DLC6 Fighters Stronghold Addon-40308-1-4DLC6A
1. Extract the archive. Open 00 Assets, open 02 High Resolution Textures, move the Textures folder into the Data folder and Overwrite when promted. Delete the 00 Low Resolution Textures, 01 Medium Resolution Textures and 02 High Resolution Textures from the Assets folder.
2. Open 00 Assets, open 03 Icons, move the Menus folder into the Data\Textures folder and Overwrite when prompted. Delete the 03 Icons folder.
3. Open 00 Assets, rename 04 Meshes to Meshes, move the Meshes folder into the Data folder. Delete the 00 Assets empty folder.
4. Open 01 Plugins, select user preference for Names, move the ORM-TamriellicGlassDLC6.esp into the Data folder. Delete the 01 Plugins folder. Delete the     02 Screenshots folder.
5. Do not archive the file just yet. Extract Tamriellic Glassworks - DLC7 Thieves Den Addon-40308.
Tamriellic Glassworks - DLC7 Thieves Den Addon-40308
1. Extract the archive. Open 00 Assets, open 02 High Resolution Textures, move the Textures folder into the Data folder and Overwrite when promted. Delete the 00 Low Resolution Textures, 01 Medium Resolution Textures and 02 High Resolution Textures from the Assets folder.
2. Open 00 Assets, open 03 Icons, move the Menus folder into the Data\Textures folder Delete the 03 Icons folder.
3. Open 00 Assets, rename 04 Meshes to Meshes, move the Meshes folder into the Data folder. Delete the 00 Assets empty folder.
4. Open 01 Plugins, move the ORM-TamriellicGlassDLC7.esp into the Data folder. Delete the 01 Plugins folder. Delete the 02 Screenshots folder.
5. Archive the Data folder naming it Tamriellic Glassworks-Core+DLCs-40308-1-4_BAIN.
6. Install the mod as normal.

[Textures & Meshes][Misc] TD_Alternative_Books_Covers

Alternative Covers 1.0 by TES-Diesel modding dream team_draOOger

Description: The plug-in is a retexture of covers for game books. See the screenshots!

Special Installation Instructions:
Download manually:

• TD_Alternative_Books_Covers.7z

[Textures & Meshes][Misc] TD_Lower_Clutter

Rekessor dishware poor estate 1.1 by Tosiko-san_draOOger

Description: The plugin changes the texture and some models of the dishes of the poor class to better ones. Also changed the texture of the open barrel, one of their chests and brooms :)

Special Installation Instructions:
Download manually:

• TD_Lower_Clutter
• TD_Lower_Clutter_Patch

[Textures & Meshes][Misc] TD_Lowerclass_Replacer

Poor set fire alarm from TES Diesel 3.0 by Tosiko-san_draOOger

Description: This retexture replaces the textures of the environment of the poor class to better, decent, but with the observance of the atmosphere of the game.

Special Installation Instructions:
Download manually:

• TD_Lowerclass_Replacer v 3.0.7z

[Textures & Meshes][Misc] TD_Middleclass_Replacer

Medium-class retesture from TES-Diesel 3.0, 3.1 by Tosiko-san_draOOger

Description: This retexture replaces the texture of the environment of the middle class for better and beautiful, but with the observance of the atmosphere of the game.

Special Installation Instructions:
Download manually:

• TD_Middleclass v 3.1.7z
• TD_Middleclass_Replacer v 3.0.7z

[Textures & Meshes][Misc] TD_Picture_Replacer

TES-Diesel screensaver - alternative version 2.0 by Tosiko-san_draOOger

Description: The plugin replaces the patterns and textures of the pictures. Instead of cloths of different sizes, but with the same textures, the TES-Diesel team made each image unique.

Special Installation Instructions:
Download manually:

• TD_Picture_Replacer v 2.0.7z

[Textures & Meshes][Misc] TD_Upperclass

Reconstruction of the environment of the highest class 3.0, 3.1 by Tosiko-san_draOOger

Description: This plugin replaces the texture of the environment of the highest class for better and more beautiful, but with the observance of the atmosphere of the game.

Special Installation Instructions:
Download manually:

• TD_Upperclass v 3.0.7z
• TD_Upperclass v 3.1.7z

[Textures & Meshes][Misc] TD_aesthetics

Aesthetics of garbage dump 1.1 by Tosiko-san_draOOger

Description: For you from the Tes-Diesel team, the final version of object retrieval in the world of Elder Scrolls IV - according to the authors, is most suitable for the atmosphere of the game. That is, not entirely new fabrics, dark wood and slightly worn carpets.

Special Installation Instructions:
Download manually:

• TD_aesthetics v

[Textures & Meshes][Misc] Upper Gothic Clutter

Strotis Gothic Upperclass Clutter Replacer by Stroti

Description: To replace the complete upperclass-clutter

Esp/m Filter: Check: upperGothicClutter.esp

[Textures & Meshes][Misc] Upper Class Furniture

Replex of high class furniture 1.0 by katkat74

Description: Global redesign of top class furniture. Replaced almost all models (except for single beds, one double and a large desk).

[Textures & Meshes][Misc] Vineyard Tools

Equipment for winemaking 1.0a by katkat74

Description: Replex of equipment for winemaking. Buckets, troughs and other containers, a trolley, a press for spinning, a hand-made tolkushka, a table, two types of supports for grapes.

[Textures & Meshes][Misc] Window Reflection Replacer

Better Window Reflections by Superandultra

Description: A window reflection mod that replaces the old texture with a higher-res texture based on gameplay screenshots.

[Textures & Meshes][Misc] Wolf Rug

Wolf Skin by Katkat74 1.0 by katkat74

Description: Replacing the wolf, crushed by an asphalt paver, on the skin of a wolf.

[Textures & Meshes][Misc] A Better Chest

A Better Chest by Quoter1

Description: A new texture for the Upper, Middle and Lower chests.

[Textures & Meshes][Misc] AIP's Proper Torch Wield

AIP's Proper Torch Wield by ArtInPinkerton

Description: This mod alters how the player (and NPCs) hold torches so they are more realistic and natural. (Now with 100% more Mesh Improvement Project Torch)

[Textures & Meshes][Misc] Better Blood

Better Blood by Evandar

Description: This mod adds more blood, and makes it look better.

Download and install Main File and either of the Update Files.
Esp/m Filter: Check: SkycaptainsBloodTime.esp

[Textures & Meshes][Misc] Illuminated Signs

Illuminated Signs - Road and Inns Signs by monkeyangie

Description: Little mod that illuminates road signs and road inn signs, for better view and travelling, without the need of a torch.

[Textures & Meshes][Misc] Paintings Variation

Paintings Variation by bettersweater

Description: Brings variety to Cyrodiils paintings.

[Textures & Meshes][Misc][MOB] WA Signy Signposts

WA Signy Signposts for Morroblivion by ponyrider0

Description: This mod provides new meshes and high-resolution textures for the signposts all across the Vvardenfell region of Morrowind (That's the landmass of the entire vanilla game), making them easily readable from a distance. It also features three regional variants for every texture and mesh, resulting in signs which match the area that they are in; Ashy, Swampy or 'normal'.

Special Installation Instructions:
Download manually:

• wa_signy_signposts_v1_1.7z
Esp/m Filter: Check: WA_Signy_Signposts_v1_1.esp

[Textures & Meshes][Equipment] Spooky Edits - Silver Bow

Spooky Edits - Silver Bow by spookymunky

Description: Mesh & Texture replacer of the silver bow in an attempt to make it fit in a bit nicer with the silver arrows.

Special Installation Instructions:
Download manually:

• Optional files: Spooky Edits - Silver Bow 0.2 - 2k (either version)

[MOB] Tamriel Rebuilt in Morroblivion

TUTORIAL: Converting Tamriel Rebuilt to Morroblivion by ponyrider0

Description: See the beauty of Tamriel Rebuilt for Morrowind in Morroblivion. After following ponyrider0's tutorial, the finished product will be an addition of the mainland Morrowind game areas from Tamriel Rebuilt into your Morroblivion installation. Although creatures and NPCs are present, they currently lack advanced AI and scripted behavior. Dialog is all present, but missing the context sensitive topics feature of Morrowind. Automatic AddTopic generation for appropriate dialogs will be done in the future. A byte-compiler is partially written but disabled for better stability. NIF Conversion relies on the NIF Converter component of the original ESP Converter package created by Galadrielle.

Note: Check out ponyrider0 is creating Morroblivion Mods (and other Open Source Stuff) to keep up with the latest developments.

Esp/m Filter: Check:
• Morrowind_Compatibility_Layer.esp
• Tamriel_Data.esp
• TR_Mainland.esp
• TR_Preview.esp
• TR_armor_template.esp
• TR_clothing_template.esp
• TR_creatures_template.esp
• TR_DialogTopic-Fixes.esp
• TR_grass.esp
• TR_OCO2_facelift.esp
• TR_universal_fasttravel.esp
• lanternfixer.esp


ECTV is an acronym for Extended Cities, Towns, and Villages.

[ECTV] ImpeREAL Empire - Unique Castles for Open Cities

ImpeREAL Empire - Unique Castles for Open Cities by SilentResident - Thomas Kaira

Description: Makes each castle of the Imperial Empire to be more realistic, more unique than the other castles of the Empire, and more decorated! The mod's main goal is to be 100% Compatible with almost all of the 6.000 mods & overhauls released for The Elder Scrolls: Oblivion!!! Now users of Open Cities can experience Unique Castles!

Special Installation Instructions:
Download manually:

• Unique Castles for Open Cities v1-1-6
Sub-Packages: Check: 00 Reborn
Esp/m Filter: Check: ImpeREAL Empire - Unique Castles - All The Castles - Merged.esp

[ECTV] MTC Expanded Villages

MTCExpandedVillages by Nernie

Description: An expansion of several of the vanilla villages.

Esp/m Filter: Check: MTCExpandedVillages.esp
TES4Edit Cleaning Required:

[ECTV] TD_Interiors

Alternative Interiors 1.1 by Tosiko-san_draOOger

Description: Retextures of interiors and lighting.

Special Installation Instructions:
Download manually:

• TD_Interiors.7z
• TD_Interiors_Patch.7z
Sub Packages: Check: Data and Optional 2048
Esp/m Filter: Check: TD_Interiors.esp

[ECTV] Open Cities Reborn

Open Cities Reborn by Arthmoor

Description: Redesigned city layouts focusing more on strategic placement. Follows concept art where practical (and available).

Sub-Packages and Esp/m Filter: Check:
00 Core
   Open Cities Resources.esm
   Open Cities Reborn.esp
10 Outer Districts
   Open Cities Outer Districts.esp
20 New Sheoth
   Open Cities New Sheoth.esp
40 LOD Compatibility - Anvil Reborn + UL Lost Coast + UL Cliffs of Anvil
50 LOD Compatibility - Cheydinhal Reborn + UL Arrius Creek + UL Cheydinhal Falls + UL Rolling Hills
Esp/m Filter: Check: 
• Open Cities Resources.esm
• Open Cities Reborn.esp
• Open Cities New Sheoth.esp
• Open Cities Outer Districts.esp
Notice: OBSE Plugin Included

Late Cleaning Instructions

Activate and move Sounds of Cyrodiil - OC Reborn Patch.espp below Open Cities Reborn.esp
TES4Edit Cleaning Required:
Sounds of Cyrodiil - OC Reborn Patch.espp

[ECTV] Reapers BleakerWay Revamp

Reapers BleakerWay Revamp and Quest by Reaper9111

Description: This mod will Revamp and add a Quest the empty village of Bleaker\'s Way... A Quest to get a Black Paladin Armor A Revamp to bring life as it should in a sweet looking village...

Special Installation Instructions:
Download manually:

• Reapers BleakerWay Village Revamp
• BleakerWay Beehives Fix
Esp/m Filter: Check: Reaper's Bleaker's Way Village Revamp.esp
TES4Edit Cleaning Required:
Reaper's Bleaker's Way Village Revamp.esp

[ECTV] The Imperial Waters

The Imperial Waters by Mag1cWind0w

Description: This mod add waterfalls along the inner walls of the Imperial City districts. Compatible with 98% of the existing mods for Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion!

Special Installation Instructions:
Download manually:

• The Imperial Waters 1-2
Esp/m Filter: Check Only: The Imperial Water.esp

[ECTV][MOB] Hlaalu Project

Morroblivion Mod - Hlaalu Project by ReX

Description: Hlaalu project is a little mod for adding a LOT of new structures and modifications for the great house Hlaalu.

Special Installation Instructions:
Download manually:

Morrowind_ob - Hlaalu.7z
Esp/m Filter: Check: Morrowind_ob - Hlaalu.esp

[ECTV][MOB] Lights and Darkness

Morroblivion Lights-and-Darkness by ponyrider0

Description: This mod is inspired by the Morrowind Lighting Mods: Total Lighting Mod and True Lights and Darkness. Vanilla Morrowind tends to have ambient light turned up so high that shadows and light-sources are washed out which flattens out the perspective. Anyone whose played MGSO will be familiar with the atmosphere that is added by these lighting mods.

Special Installation Instructions:
Download manually:

• morroblivion-lights-and-darkness-v0_2.7z
Esp/m Filter: Check: 
• morroblivion-lights-and-darkness.esp
• morroblivion-darker-dungeons.esp: (Optional: load it after lights-and-darkness if you want even darker dungeons).
• morroblivion-brighter-lanterns.esp (Optional: load it after lights-and-darkness if you want brighter lanterns).

[ECTV][MOB] MGSO Vality's Balmora Addon

Vality's Balmora Addon by ponyrider0

Description: Adds Bittercoast trees, rocks, flora to Balmora. This is a version of Vality's mod which was included with MGSO.

Special Installation Instructions:
Download manually

• valitys_balmora_addon_v1_3.esp
Esp/m Filter: Check: valitys_balmora_addon_v1_3.esp

Merge Plugins

Refer to Merge Plugins installation instructions for a refresher.

Notice: To make the selection of plugins simpler, move the plugins to the bottom of the load order before launching Merge Plugins. It is imperative that the load order of the following plugins remain as they are listed before building the merge.

+++++ Early Landscape Merge

1. Launch Merge Plugins. Deactivate ALL Plugins in the Plugin Selection screen. Check only the following plugins in the Plugin Selection screen. Click OK.
Master Plugins required for the following plugins will be highlighted in red and must be checked:
Check the following plugins to be merged:
OCC-KOTN-Patch.esp BleakerWayRevamp-AppleHotSprings Patch.esp DLCFrostcrag-GnollMountain Patch.esp KOTNR-WRR Patch.esp LostSpires-WRR Patch.esp MTC-WRR Patch.esp MTCEV-RoC Patch.esp MTCExpanded+HesuPoisonSwamp.esp OCC-Ivellon-Patch.esp OCOD+FrostcragSpire Patch.esp OCR + Lost Spires Patch.esp OCR + RTTv3 Patch.esp OCR + TOTF Patch.esp ROC+DBC Patch.esp ROC+RBWR Patch.esp ROC-AppleHotSprings Patch.esp ROC-Shipton Patch.esp ROC-WRR Patch.esp RST-Shipton Patch.esp 2. Right click on the first plugin to merge and select Add to merge → mpMain_NewMergeItem_Caption Name: +++++ Early Landscape Filename: Early Landscape.esp Each file hereafter should be added to this merge. When finished with the selection click Merges tab, right click on the file and select Plugins Check → Plugins for Errors. When it has finished, right click on the file and select mpMain_BuildMerge. Close the window. Close Merge Plugins. 3. Wrye Bash Users: Navigate to pathto\Oblivion Mods\Merge Plugins to be Archived\ and add +++++ Early Landscape to archive. Mod Organizer users: Refresh the mod list. 4. Install +++++ Early Landscape and move it just below the [Landscape] Early Patches mod. 5. Deactivate the [Landscape] Early Patches mods. Wrye Bash Users: In the Installers tab, Uncheck the ESP. Right Click select Anneal All. Mod Organizer Users: Uncheck the mod in the left pane.

+++++ Late Landscape

1. Launch Merge Plugins. Deactivate ALL Plugins in the Plugin Selection screen. Check only the following plugins in the Plugin Selection screen. Click OK.
Master Plugins required for the following plugins will be highlighted in red and must be checked:
Check the following plugins to be merged:
OCR + Integration Integrated Patch.esp OCR + VHOVB Patch.esp OCR+DBC Patch.esp ocr__edi.esp ROC Standard Road Record.esp RST+OCR Patch.esp Sounds of Cyrodiil - OC Reborn Patch.esp ULE Anequina-FallenleafEverglade patch.esp ULE AyleidRuinsExpanded-JerallGlacier patch.esp ULE DungeonsOfIvellon-CheydinhalFalls patch.esp ULE HellLands-CloudtopMountains patch.esp ULE KragenirsDeathQuest-UniqueLandscapes merged patch.esp ULE LostSpires-UniqueLandscapes merged patch.esp ULE TearsOfTheFiend-CheydinhalFalls patch.esp ULM BetterDaedricShrinesFull-UniqueLandscapes patch.esp ULM DarkBrotherhoodChronicles-UniqueLandscapes patch.esp ULM DukePatricksSCACombatArchery-LostCoast patch.esp ULM GnollMountain-Snowdale patch.esp ULM GreatForestGorge-LushWoodlands patch.esp ULM IntegrationIntegratedTheStrandedLight-EasternPeaks patch.esp ULM KoyoTown-LushWoodlands patch.esp ULM MannimarcoResurrection-UniqueLandscapes patch.esp ULM MOBS-UniqueLandscapes patch.esp ULM MTCExpandedVillages-UniqueLandscapes patch.esp ULM OpenCitiesReborn-UniqueLandscapes patch.esp ULM OrdenDesDrachen-UniqueLandscapes patch.esp ULM PoisonSwamp-BlackwoodForest patch.esp ULM ReclaimingSancreTor-UniqueLandscapes patch.esp ULM ROC+Ancient Redwoods.esp ULM ROC+UL-II+OCOD Patch.esp ULM SmokeTown-ArriusCreek patch.esp ULM SmokeTown-JerallGlacier patch.esp ULM TalesFromElsweyr-BravilBarrowfields patch.esp ULE ROC+RST+Skingrad Outskirts.esp Landscape Merge Consistency Patch.esp 2. Right click on the first plugin to merge and select Add to merge → mpMain_NewMergeItem_Caption Name: +++++ Late Landscape Filename: Late Landscape.esp Each file hereafter should be added to this merge. When finished with the selection click Merges tab, right click on the file and select Plugins Check → Plugins for Errors. When it has finished, right click on the file and select mpMain_BuildMerge. Close the window. Close Merge Plugins. 3. Wrye Bash Users: Navigate to pathto\Oblivion Mods\Merge Plugins to be Archived\ and add +++++ Late Landscape to archive. Mod Organizer users: Refresh the mod list. 4. Install +++++ Late Landscape and move it just below the [Landscape] Late Patches mod. 5. Deactivate the [Landscape] Early Patches mods. Wrye Bash Users: In the Installers tab, Uncheck the ESP. Right Click select Anneal All. Mod Organizer Users: Uncheck the mod in the left pane.

Test the Game

1. Activate all installed mods and plugins. Close the mod manager.
2. Wrye Bash Users: Paste %LocalAppData%\Oblivion into the windows explorer heading and place the plugin.txt in the folder.
   Mod Organzier Users: place the loadoarder.txt in the pathto\Mod Organizer\profiles\Morroblivion folder.
3. Run Wrye Bash. Deactivate any mods missing masters. Right click on the Bashed Patch, 0.esp Rebuild the Bashed Patch.
   When "Deactivate these mods prior to patching" pops up, click Skip.
   In the "Update Bashed Patch, 0.esp window, click Deselect All and check only the following:
   Tweak Assorted:
     Bow Reach Fix
     Darnified Books
     Default Icons
     Magic: Script Effect Silencer
     Right Hand Rings
   Cobl Catalogs
   Note: After rebuilding the Bashed Patch reactivate CustomSpellIcons - OBME.esm if installed.
4. In the Wrye Bash Installers tab, right-click and uninstall the TES4LODGen project. Then run TES4LODGen from Wrye Bash to update the TES4LODGen project. Review the contents of the project and install.
5. In the Wrye Bash Installers tab, right-click and uninstall the TES4LL project. Run each of the tes4ll bat files to update the TES4LL project.  Review the contents of the project and install.
   • tes4ll_tes4qlod_cache.bat
   • tes4ll_normalmaps.bat
   • tes4ll_tes4qlod.bat
   • tes4ll_highres.bat or tes4ll_ultimate.bat
6. Launch Oblivion and play for a bit. If you are satisfied with the testing exit the game.

[Textures & Meshes][All the Things]

[Textures & Meshes][All the Things] OA HD Overhaul

OA_HD Overhaul by MacKlaud aka park9

Description: HD retexture of architecture.

Special Installation Instructions:
Download manually:

• OA_HD Overhaul

[Textures & Meshes][All the Things] OA HD Overhaul - OCR Patch

Morroblivion Overhaul Patch Central by jdxmith2816
• Download MOB Ovherhaul Patches and extract [Textures & Meshes][All the Things] OA HD Overhaul - OCR Patch

[Textures & Meshes][All the Things] OA HD Overhaul - RoC Patch

Morroblivion Overhaul Patch Central by jdxmith2816
• Download MOB Ovherhaul Patches and extract [Textures & Meshes][All the Things] OA HD Overhaul - RoC Patch

[Textures & Meshes][All the Things] OA HD Overhaul - Updated Ayleid Chest

Morroblivion Overhaul Patch Central by jdxmith2816
• Download MOB Ovherhaul Patches and extract [Textures & Meshes][All the Things] OA HD Overhaul - Updated Ayleid Chest

Oblivion Fragrance

Oblivion Fragrance by Kev Betty Marco nari

Description: merged...atmospheres natural ambience(Mist only.without Wasps,Seeds,Leaves,Sunflowers), Snow Gusts, P.A. COMPILATION_7in1_the road so far 1.1

Esp/m Filter: Check: Oblivion Fragrance.esp

Circling Ravens

Wildlife - Raven and Seagull by Ironman5000

Description: Adds animated flying Raven and Seagulls around locations throughout the game.

Esp/m Filter: Check: Circling Ravens.esp

Creature Diversity

Creature Diversity by Zaldir

Description: Adds new creatures to the existing Leveled Lists. It doesn't add new spawn points, it doesn't remove any spawn points or leveled lists - it only adds to the existing ones, extending them with new creatures. The models and textures are created by various artists.

Esp/m Filter: Check: Creature Diversity.esp

Ducks and Swans for Cyrodiil

Ducks and Swans for Cyrodiil by Tamira

Description: This mod adds ducks and swans at lakes and ponds in Cyrodiil.

Esp/m Filter: Check: Ducks and Swans.esp

[Fixes] Oblivion Reloaded

Move [Fixes] Oblivion Reloaded and Oblivion Reloaded Preset to this position in the Installers pane.

Test the Game

1. Activate all installed mods and plugins. Close the mod manager.
2. Wrye Bash Users: Paste %LocalAppData%\Oblivion into the windows explorer heading and place the plugin.txt in the folder.
   Mod Organzier Users: place the loadoarder.txt in the pathto\Mod Organizer\profiles\Morroblivion folder.
3. Run Wrye Bash. Deactivate any mods missing masters. Right click on the Bashed Patch, 0.esp Rebuild the Bashed Patch.
   When "Deactivate these mods prior to patching" pops up, click Skip.
   In the "Update Bashed Patch, 0.esp window, click Deselect All and check only the following:
   Tweak Assorted:
     Bow Reach Fix
     Darnified Books
     Default Icons
     Magic: Script Effect Silencer
     Right Hand Rings
   Cobl Catalogs
   Note: After rebuilding the Bashed Patch reactivate CustomSpellIcons - OBME.esm if installed.
4. Launch Oblivion and play for a bit. If you are satisfied with the testing exit the game.

ENB Preset Options

Under Consideration

Finish Line

We have come to the last leg of the journey, the road was long and hard but the end will be worth it.

Morroblivion Profile

Morroblivion Overhaul CR Patch by jdsmith2816

Special Installation Instructions:
Download manually:

• Download MOB Ovherhaul Patches and extract crpatch. Install the crpatch.esp
   Notice: The crpatch.esp is still being tweaked and any revisions will be uploaded in the Updates section on Morroblivion Overhaul Patch Central.
• Download MISC User Files and install MISC User Files.
   Coming Soon!
NOTICE: Some users may experience a freeze on loading screen. When this is the case, perform the following:
1. Launch TES4Edit. Select only the crpatch.esp
2. Right click on the crpatch.esp and select Check for Errors.
3. Correct the errors by dragging from the best column selection that contains no errors to the crpatch.esp.
4. Close TES4Edit, saving the crpatch.esp.
NOTICE: Any logs and OBSE files generated after running the game can be placed in this mod.

Optimized Textures and Meshes

Optimized Textures and Meshes Optimized Textures and Meshes by You
WARNING: OPTIMIZING ALL TEXTURES AND MESHES CAN TAKE AN ENTIRE DAY! It is recommended that you allow PyFFI to optimize meshes during a time when the PC is not in use. Run Ordenador afterwards when you can monitor the activity.
All Users: Review The Elder Scrolls Construction Set Wiki: Nif Optimization.
Mod Organizer Users:
1. Close Mod Organizer. Launch the Spluff version for your OS.
2. Type meshes in the 1st line.
   Select 2 Click enter.
   Wait for it to finish and close.
   Move the meshes folder into the Working Folder.
3. Close Mod Organizer. Launch Spluff version for your OS.
4. Type textures in the first line.
   Select 2 Click enter.
   Wait for it to finish and close.
   Move the textures into the Working folder
5. Optimize the meshes with Oblivion PyFFI Automator v2.exe.
6. Optimize the textures with Ordenador.
Special Installation Instructions:
Perform all the same steps as listed in the Optimized Textures and Meshes section. File names will vary, just be certain to avoid using the Oblivio PyFFI Automator on the following files:
   All files containing .egm and .obj
   All folders and files containing effects
   All folders and files containing fx
   All folders and files containing triggers
   ALL Water nifs
   meshes\armor (delete the entire folder)
   meshes\characters (delete the entire folder)
   meshes\creatures (delete the entire folder)
   meshes\effects (delete the entire folder)
   meshes\weapons (delete the entire folder)

Landscape LOD Generator

Make certain Landscape LOD Generator is placed in this order in the Installers Tab.

TES4LODGen Output

Launch TES4LODGen. Make certain TES4LODGen Output is placed in this order in the Installers Tab.

TES4LL Output

Launch the tes4ll bat files. Make certain TES4LL is placed in this order in the Installers Tab.

Test the Game

NOTICE: Double check the plugins load order before performing this final test. See the Modlist Install Order and Plugins Load Order below to compare to your own setup.
1. Activate all installed mods and plugins. Close the mod manager.
2. Wrye Bash Users: Paste %LocalAppData%\Oblivion into the windows explorer heading and place the plugin.txt in the folder.
   Mod Organzier Users: place the loadoarder.txt in the pathto\Mod Organizer\profiles\Morroblivion folder.
3. Run Wrye Bash. Deactivate any mods missing masters. Right click on the Bashed Patch, 0.esp Rebuild the Bashed Patch.
   When "Deactivate these mods prior to patching" pops up, click Skip.
   In the "Update Bashed Patch, 0.esp window, click Deselect All and check only the following:
   Tweak Assorted:
     Bow Reach Fix
     Darnified Books
     Default Icons
     Magic: Script Effect Silencer
     Right Hand Rings
   Cobl Catalogs
   Note: After rebuilding the Bashed Patch reactivate CustomSpellIcons - OBME.esm if installed.
4. In the Wrye Bash Installers tab, right-click and uninstall the TES4LODGen project. Then run TES4LODGen from Wrye Bash to update the TES4LODGen project. Review the contents of the project and install.
5. In the Wrye Bash Installers tab, right-click and uninstall the TES4LL project. Run each of the tes4ll bat files to update the TES4LL project. Review the contents of the project and install.
   • tes4ll_tes4qlod_cache.bat
   • tes4ll_normalmaps.bat
   • tes4ll_tes4qlod.bat
   • tes4ll_highres.bat or tes4ll_ultimate.bat
6. Launch Oblivion and play for a bit. If you are satisfied with the testing exit the game.

Modlist Install Order

Sort mods in the Installers Tab as they are listed in the table below. Each mod will have the plugin(s) that should be installed with it.

 Notice: This is not the install order as listed in the main section of the guide. This is a reference to the placement of mods as they are installed.


  • Mod name
  • Active Plugin
  • Inactive Plugin merged into the crpatch.esp
  • ✔ Mod is optional to install
  • ✔ Mod is merged and deactivated in the Installers Tab

Oblivion Vanilla + UOPs

Mod Name Plugin Optional Merged
Oblivion Vanilla Install Oblivion.esm
DLC Shivering Isles.esp

Morroblivion Installer Morrowind_ob.esm
Unofficial Oblivion Patch Unofficial Oblivion Patch.esp
Oblivion Citadel Door Fix.esp
Unofficial Shivering Isles Patch Unofficial Shivering Isles Patch.esp
Cleaned Vanilla DLC ESPs DLCBattlehornCastle.esp
Unofficial Oblivion DLC Patches DLCBattlehornCastle - Unofficial Patch.esp
DLCFrostcrag - Unofficial Patch.esp
DLCHorseArmor - Unofficial Patch.esp
DLCMehrunesRazor - Unofficial Patch.esp
DLCOrrery - Unofficial Patch.esp
DLCSpellTomes - Unofficial Patch.esp
DLCThievesDen - Unofficial Patch - SSSB.esp
DLCThievesDen - Unofficial Patch.esp
DLCVileLair - Unofficial Patch.esp
Knights - Unofficial Patch.esp
[Optimized] Vanilla + DLC + UOP Assets

Morroblivion CORE Installation and Patches

Mod Name Plugin Optional Merged
[MOB] Morroblivion Morrowind_ob.esp
Morrowind_ob - Chargen and Transport Mod.esp
Morrowind_ob - Conversation.esp
Morrowind_ob - Morroblivion Maps.esp
Morrowind_ob - MorroblivionTreeReplacer.esp
Morrowind_ob - UCWUS.esp


[MOB] Morroblivion Unofficial Patch Morroblivion_Unofficial_Patch.esp
Morroblivion_Unofficial_Patch_Magic_Addon.esp (DO NOT INSTALL); a replacement plugin is provided for users of this guide

[MOB] Unofficial Patch Magic Addon Replacement Patch Morroblivion_Unofficial_Patch_Magic_Addon.esp
[Optimized Textures and Meshes] Morroblivion + UP assets


Mod Name Plugin Optional Merged
[Fixes] A To Take All ATakesAll.esp
[Fixes] Auto Update Leveled Items And Spells Auto Update Leveled Items And Spells.esp
[Fixes] Clean-up kuerteeCleanUp.esp
[Fixes] Cobl Cobl Main.esm
Cobl Filter Late MERGE ONLY.esp
Cobl Glue.esp
Cobl Patch - Hunger Tongue.esp
Cobl SI.esp
Cobl Tweaks - SI.esp


[Fixes] No Floating Weapon Elz - No Floating Weapon.esp
[Fixes] Harvest Containers Harvest Containers.esm
Harvest[Containers] - SI.esp
Harvest[Containers] - Vanilla.esp
[Fixes] Mesh Improvement Project
[Fixes] MigMaster Script Resources MigMaster.esm
[Fixes] Miscellaneous Fixes Tweaks and Additions MigMiscellanea.esp
[Fixes] Oblivion DLC Delayers Oblivion DLC Delayers.esp
[Fixes] Summon Dremora Lord Saved Summon Dremora Lord Saved.esp
[Fixes] Unlimited Death Reload Time Lynges Unlimited Death Reload Time.esp ✔crpatch.esp
[Fixes][MOB] Ahnassi's Ingredient Sorter mob_ahnassi_alchemy.esp ✔crpatch.esp


Mod Name Plugin Optional Merged
[Gameplay][Combat] Combat Archery Duke Patricks - Combat Archery.esp
[Gameplay][Combat] Combat Archery Patch Duke Patricks - Combat Archery Patch.esp ✔crpatch.esp
[Gameplay][Combat] Companion Compatibility Companion Compatibility.esp
[Gameplay][Combat] Fast Arrow Collection Fast Arrow Collection.esp
[Gameplay][Combat] Fundament Fast Arrow Collection.espFundament.esm

[Gameplay][Combat] MOBS MOBS SI.esp

[Gameplay][Combat] MOBS MOO Patch MOO MOBS Patch.esp
[Gameplay][Combat] MOBSification of Mods MOBSification of MODS.esp ✔crpatch.esp
[Gameplay][Combat] Oblivion XP Oblivion XP.esp
[Gameplay][Combat] SM Combat Hide SM Combat Hide.esp


Mod Name Plugin Optional Merged
[Gameplay][Magical] Fundament Enchanting Addons MigFEA.esp
[Gameplay][Magical] More Effective Enchantments More Effective Enchantments.esp
More Effective Enchantments Knights.esp

[Gameplay][Magical] Relevant Scrolls and Potions Relevant Scrolls & Potions & Staves.esp
[Gameplay][Magical] Patches ElsweyrAnequina - Integration Patch v1.0.esp
[Gameplay][Magical][MOB] Magic MOB_magic.esp
[Gameplay][Magical][MOB] Portal to Vvardenfell MorroblivionPortaltoVvardenfell.esp


Mod Name Plugin Optional Merged
[Gameplay][Misc] CM Partners Mod Basic CM Partners.esm
CM Partners.esp
[Gameplay][Misc] Cyrodiil Travel Services Cyrodiil Travel Services.esp
[Gameplay][Misc] Integration - The Stranded Light - Integrated! bgIntegrationIntegratedEV.esp
[Gameplay][Misc] Maskars Oblivion Overhaul Maskar's Oblivion Overhaul.esp
[Gameplay][Misc][MOB] Armored Skeletons Morrowind_ob - Armored Skeletons.esp
[Gameplay][Misc][MOB] Buyable Houses of Vvardenfell Morroblivion - Buyable Houses.esp
[Gameplay][Misc][MOB] CG Voices
[Gameplay][Misc][MOB] CM Partners Unofficial CM Partners v3 patch.esp
Morroblivion-CM Partners.esp
[Gameplay][Misc][MOB] Expanded Quests Morrowind_ob - Expanded Quests.esp
[Gameplay][Misc][MOB] Firemoth & Misc Additions Firemoth & Misc Additions.esp
[Gameplay][Misc][MOB] Guar Mounts & Pack Guars morroblivion-guar-mounts.esp

[Gameplay][Misc][MOB] Idol of Mephala Idol of Mephala.esp
[Gameplay][Misc][MOB] More Armor Slots more-armor-slots.esp
[Gameplay][Misc][MOB] Protocolled Dialogs ProtocolledDialogs.esp
[Gameplay][Misc][MOB] Sugar Tolarance mob_sugar_tolerance.esp ✔crpatch.esp
[Gameplay][Misc][MOB] Symphony of Creatures
[Gameplay][Misc][MOB] The Essential Mudcrab mob_essential_mudcrab_0.esp ✔crpatch.esp
[Gameplay][Misc][MOB] Voice Acted
[Gameplay][Misc][MOB] Vvardenfell Imports


Mod Name Plugin Optional Merged
[UI] Custom Spell Icons for OBME CustomSpellIcons - OBME.esm
[UI] OA Dark Transparent UI
[UI] OA Dark Translucent UI - Lockpick Menu
[UI] Mouse Cas MouseCast.esp
[UI] QZ Easy Menus QZ Easy Menus.esp
[UI] Skill Perk Descriptions Skill Perk Descriptions.esp
[UI] Spell Delete And Item Remove Spell Delete And Item Remove.esp
[UI] STM Scouter Scouter.esp
[UI] Tamriel Heightmaps Tamriel.esp
[UI] Themed Loading Screens for Dark UI LoadingScreens.esp
[UI] Themed Loading Screens for OA Dark
[UI] Toggleable Quantity Prompt Toggleable Quantity Prompt.esp
[UI][Map] Dynamic Map Dynamic Map.esp
[UI][Map] Elven Map for Shivering Isles
[UI][Map] Map Marker Overhaul Map Marker Overhaul.esp
Map Marker Overhaul - SI additions.esp

[UI][Map] MiniMap MiniMap.esp
[UI][MOB] Morroblivion Themed Loading Screens
[UI][MOB] TR World Maps TRWorldMapSatelliteHD.esp
[UI][MOB] World Space Ak- Mournhold in Tamriel.esp
AK- Morroblivion in Tamriel.esp
AK- Morroblivion in Tamriel Map.esp
Ak- Morroblivion in Tamriel GPS.esp


[Textures & Meshes] Foundation Graphics

Mod Name Plugin Optional Merged
[Textures & Meshes] RAEVWD - SI Edition
[Textures & Meshes] Evenstar CW LOD
[Textures & Meshes] RAEVWD - QTP3 Texture Pack
[Textures & Meshes] Landscape LOD Texture Replacement


Mod Name Plugin Optional Merged
[Quests] Alternative Beginnings Alternative Beginnings.esp
[Quests] AppleHotSprings-AltBeginnings Patch AppleHotSprings-AltBeginnings Patch.esp
[Quests] Anequina Manor Reaper's Esmeralda's Desert Manor.esp
Reaper's Esmeralda's Desert Manor NoTail Scarf.esp
Reaper's Esmeralda's Desert Manor Quickfix.esp

[Quests] Apocalypse Now Quest Apocalypse Now - Quest.esp
Apocalypse Now - Temple.esp
[Quests] Ayleid Ruins Expanded NNWAEMaster.esm
[Quests] Better Dungeons Better Dungeons.esp
[Quests] Dark Brotherhood Chronicles DarkBrotherhoodChronicles.esp
[Quests] EDI - Revived Enhanced Daedric Invasion.esp
[Quests] Elsweyr Anequina ElsweyrAnequina.esp
[Quests] Elsweyr City Extension ElsweyrCityExtension.esp
[Quests] Elsweyr Plantations and co Elsweyr plantations & co..esp
[Quests] Expanded Dungeons - Play Nice Edition Expanded Dungeons - Play Nice Edition.esp
Dungeon Overhauls - Harvest Containers Patch.esp

[Quests] Knights of the Nine Revelation Knights - Revelation.esm
Knights - Revelation.esp
[Quests] Knights of the White Stallion 300_White Stallion 4.esp
[Quests] Kragenirs Death Quest Kragenir's Death Quest.esp
[Quests] Mannimarco Resurrection MannimarcoComplete.esp
[Quests] Mannimarco Revisited MannimarcoRevisited.esp
[Quests] Order of the Dragon Orden des Drachen.esp
[Quests] Order of the Dragon - Map Addon ODD Map Addon.esp
ODD Map Icon Markers FastTravel.esp
[Quests] Reclaiming Sancre Tor ReclaimSancreTor.esp
[Quests] Ruined Tails Tale RTT.esp
[Quests] Ruined Tails Tale - Unofficial Patch RTT_Unofficial_Patch.esp
[Quests] RTT horse patch RTT-horse-patch.esp ✔crpatch.esp
[Quests] RTT Weye Relocation Patch RTT-Weye Relocation Patch.esp
[Quests] Snu's Dungeons SnusDungeons.esp
SnusDungeons - TAS patch.esp
SnusDungeons - BD patch.esp
[Quests] Tales From Elsweyr Anequina Tales from Elsweyr Anequina.esp
[Quests] Tears Of The Fiend TOTF.esp
[Quests] The Ayleid Steps The Ayleid Steps.esp
[Quests] The Ayleid Steps Patches The Ayleid Steps - Patches.esp
[Quests] The Dungeons of Ivellon Ivellon.esp
[Quests] The Lost Spires The Lost Spires.esp
[Quests] Vampire Hunting - Order of the Virtuous Blood Vampire Hunting - Order of the Virtuous Blood.esp
[Quests] The Lost Spires Delayer The Lost Spires v14 Delayer.esp ✔crpatch.esp
[Quests] Morroblivion Conversation - TLS Patch Morroblivion Conversation - The Lost Spires Patch.esp ✔crpatch.esp


Mod Name Plugin Optional Merged
[Landscape] The Hesu Mod Collection HESU AppleHotSprings.esp
HESU HellLands.esp
HESU PoisonSwamp.esp
HESU GnollMountain.esp
HESU SmokeTown.esp
HESU ValenwoodMine.esp
HESU GreatForestGorge.esp
HESU Shipton.esp
HESU KoyoTown.esp
HESU WhiteRoseRiver.esp
[Landscape] Roads of Cyrodiil Roads of Cyrodiil.esp
[Landscape] Early Patches OCC-KOTN-Patch.esp
BleakerWayRevamp-AppleHotSprings Patch.esp
DLCFrostcrag-GnollMountain Patch.esp
KOTNR-WRR Patch.esp
LostSpires-WRR Patch.esp
MTC-WRR Patch.esp
MTCEV-RoC Patch.esp
OCOD+FrostcragSpire Patch.esp
OCR + Lost Spires Patch.esp
OCR + RTTv3 Patch.esp
OCR + TOTF Patch.esp
ROC+DBC Patch.esp
ROC+RBWR Patch.esp
ROC-AppleHotSprings Patch.esp
ROC-Shipton Patch.esp
ROC-WRR Patch.esp
RST-Shipton Patch.esp
✔+++++ Early Landscape
+++++ Early Landscape Early Landscape.esp
[Landscape] Unique Landscapes Compilation Unique Landscapes.esp
[Landscape] Late Patches OCR + Integration Integrated Patch.esp
OCR + VHOVB Patch.esp
OCR+DBC Patch.esp
ROC Standard Road Record.esp
RST+OCR Patch.esp
Sounds of Cyrodiil - OC Reborn Patch.esp
ULE Anequina-FallenleafEverglade patch.esp
ULE AyleidRuinsExpanded-JerallGlacier patch.esp
ULE DungeonsOfIvellon-CheydinhalFalls patch.esp
ULE HellLands-CloudtopMountains patch.esp
ULE KragenirsDeathQuest-UniqueLandscapes merged patch.esp
ULE LostSpires-UniqueLandscapes merged patch.esp
ULE TearsOfTheFiend-CheydinhalFalls patch.esp
ULM BetterDaedricShrinesFull-UniqueLandscapes patch.esp
ULM DarkBrotherhoodChronicles-UniqueLandscapes patch.esp
ULM DukePatricksSCACombatArchery-LostCoast patch.esp
ULM GnollMountain-Snowdale patch.esp
ULM GreatForestGorge-LushWoodlands patch.esp
ULM IntegrationIntegratedTheStrandedLight-EasternPeaks patch.esp
ULM KoyoTown-LushWoodlands patch.esp
ULM MannimarcoResurrection-UniqueLandscapes patch.esp
ULM MOBS-UniqueLandscapes patch.esp
ULM MTCExpandedVillages-UniqueLandscapes patch.esp
ULM OpenCitiesReborn-UniqueLandscapes patch.esp
ULM OrdenDesDrachen-UniqueLandscapes patch.esp
ULM PoisonSwamp-BlackwoodForest patch.esp
ULM ReclaimingSancreTor-UniqueLandscapes patch.esp
ULM ROC+Ancient Redwoods.esp
ULM SmokeTown-ArriusCreek patch.esp
ULM SmokeTown-JerallGlacier patch.esp
ULM TalesFromElsweyr-BravilBarrowfields patch.esp
ULE ROC+RST+Skingrad Outskirts.esp
Landscape Merge Consistency Patch.esp
✔+++++ Late Landscape
+++++ Late Landscape Late Landscape.esp


Mod Name Plugin Optional Merged
[Sound] Audia Arcanum Sound Overhaul Atmospheric Oblivion.esp
[Sound] Audia Arcanum Update
[Sound] Audia Arcanum Footfalls of Heroism Expansion
[Sound] Extra Music Pack Complete
[Sound] Oblivion Symphonic Variations Complete
[Sound] Oblivion Stereo Sound Overhaul
[Sound] Sounds of Cyrodiil Sounds of Cyrodiil.esp
Sounds of Cyrodiil - KOTN Add-on.esp
Sounds of Cyrodiil - Mehrune's Razor Add-On.esp
Sounds of Cyrodiil - Thieves' Den Add-On.esp

Sounds of Cyrodiil - OC Reborn Patch.esp

✔Late Landscape.esp
[Sound] Storms and Sound OBSE-Storms & Sound SI.esp
Storms & Sound - The Lost Spires.esp;

[Sound] Symphony of Violence Symphony of Violence.esp ✔crpatch.esp
[Sound] Varied Spell Sounds AgarMoreVariedSpellEffects.esp
[Sound] Varied Spells Sounds - Even Quieter
[Sound][MOB] Morroblivion Storms and Sound Patch Morrowind_ob - Storms and Sound Patch.esp

[Textures & Meshes] Base

Mod Name Plugin Optional Merged
[Textures & Meshes] QTP3 Redimized
[Textures & Meshes] QTP3 UOP3350 Compatibility Patch
[Textures & Meshes] Bomret's Texture Pack for Shivering Isles with meshes from USIP

[Textures & Meshes] Landscape

Mod Name Plugin Optional Merged
[Textures & Meshes][Landscape] Alive Waters
[Textures & Meshes][Landscape] Alive Waters Updated AliveWaters_nofish.esp
[Textures & Meshes][Landscape] Caves retexture
[Textures & Meshes][Landscape] Ice Layer with Effects
[Textures & Meshes][Landscape] Landscape Retexture
[Textures & Meshes][Landscape] Landscape Retexture - Shivering Isles
[Textures & Meshes][Landscape] LOD Noise Replacer
[Textures & Meshes][Landscape] Roads and Sidewalks
[Textures & Meshes][Landscape] Rocks retexture
[Textures & Meshes][Landscape] Waterfall
[Textures & Meshes][Landscape][MOB] VWD
[Textures & Meshes][Landscape][MOB] Water MorroblivionWater.esp ✔crpatch.esp

[Textures & Meshes] Flora

Mod Name Plugin Optional Merged
[Textures & Meshes][Flora] cypressknee
[Textures & Meshes][Flora] Improved Doors and Flora
[Textures & Meshes][Flora] Improved Trees and Flora
[Textures & Meshes][Flora] Improved Trees and Flora 2
[Textures & Meshes][Flora] Nirnroot Retexture
[Textures & Meshes][Flora] Overgrown Swamp Waters duckweed.esp
[Textures & Meshes][Flora] Peach Morning Glory
[Textures & Meshes][Flora] Oblivion Tree Overhaul Trees Overhaul.esp
[Textures & Meshes][Flora] White Ivy
[Textures & Meshes][Flora] Grass Overhaul

[Textures & Meshes][Flora] Harvest Flora Harvest [Flora].esp
Harvest [Flora] - DLCFrostcrag.esp
Harvest [Flora] - DLCVileLair.esp
Harvest [Flora] - Shivering Isles.esp
[Textures & Meshes][Flora] Improved Flora Harvest Fix
[Textures & Meshes][Flora] New shadows for trees
Textures & Meshes][Flora] Tree Bark HD Reduced
[Textures & Meshes][Flora] Autumn Cover
[Textures & Meshes][Flora] FarCry Grass
[Textures & Meshes][Flora] Improved Trees and Flora 2 - Tree Bark
[Textures & Meshes][Flora] Lush and Gaudy SI
[Textures & Meshes][Flora] New Elsweyr Coconut Trees
[Textures & Meshes][MOB] MGSO Baldurians Pondsum Replacer
[Textures & Meshes][Flora][MOB] MGSO Vurt's Ashland Trees
[Textures & Meshes][Flora][MOB] MGSO Vurt's BC Tree Replacer
[Textures & Meshes][Flora][MOB] Morrowecology


[Textures & Meshes] Architecture

Mod Name Plugin Optional Merged
[Textures & Meshes][Architecture] Arena Redone HD
[Textures & Meshes][Architecture] Anvil retexture
[Textures & Meshes][Architecture] Ayleid Ruins HD
[Textures & Meshes][Architecture] basementsections
[Textures & Meshes][Architecture] Betty's Sewer Textures
[Textures & Meshes][Architecture] Bravil
[Textures & Meshes][Architecture] Bruma
[Textures & Meshes][Architecture] Cathedral
[Textures & Meshes][Architecture] Cheydinhal Retexture
[Textures & Meshes][Architecture] Cloud Ruler Temple
[Textures & Meshes][Architecture] Farm Fence
[Textures & Meshes][Architecture] Forts Ruins retexture
[Textures & Meshes][Architecture] Gecko's Imperial Dungeon Textures 2K Parallax
[Textures & Meshes][Architecture] Kvatch HD
[Textures & Meshes][Architecture] Leyawiin Woodland
[Textures & Meshes][Architecture] Lower Class Architecture
[Textures & Meshes][Architecture] Improved Bravil
[Textures & Meshes][Architecture] Improved Chorrol
[Textures & Meshes][Architecture] Improved Skingrad
[Textures & Meshes][Architecture] Statues HD
[Textures & Meshes][Architecture] Stone Wall
[Textures & Meshes][Architecture] TD_Tombstones
[Textures & Meshes][Architecture] wayshrine
[Textures & Meshes][Architecture] Animated Window Lighting System
[Textures & Meshes][Architecture] Animated Window Lighting System - Bravil Patch
[Textures & Meshes][Architecture] Animated Window Lighting System - Bruma Patch
[Textures & Meshes][Architecture] Animated Window Lighting System - Cathedral Patch
[Textures & Meshes][Architecture] Animated Window Lighting System - Cloud Ruler Temple Patch
[Textures & Meshes][Architecture] Animated Window Lighting System - Lower Class Architecture Patch
WindowLightingSystem.esp ✔ ALL
[Textures & Meshes][Architecture] HiRez Architecture- Daedric Shrines
[Textures & Meshes][Architecture] HiRez Architecture- God Statues
[Textures & Meshes][Architecture] Ships

[Textures & Meshes][Architecture][MOB] Telvanni Architecture

[Textures & Meshes] Oblivion

Mod Name Plugin Optional Merged
[Textures & Meshes][Oblivion] Oblivion Realm HD
[Textures & Meshes][Oblivion] Oblivion Caves Retexture
[Textures & Meshes][Oblivion] Oblivion Landskape
[Textures & Meshes][Oblivion] Oblivion Trees

[Textures & Meshes] Weather

Mod Name Plugin Optional Merged
[Textures & Meshes][Weather] Atmospheres 4 Heaven & Hell atmospheres.esp
[Textures & Meshes][Weather] Falling Stars PTFallingStars.esp ✔ ALL
[Textures & Meshes][Weather] High Quality Snowflakes
[Textures & Meshes][Weather] Improved Moons
[Textures & Meshes][Weather] Nebula
[Textures & Meshes][Weather] Realistic Aurora in Motion BrumasNorthernLights.esp
[Textures & Meshes][Weather] smoke and dust
[Textures & Meshes][Weather] Subtle Sunshine

[Body & Replacers]

Mod Name Plugin Optional Merged
[Body & Replacers] Cobl Cosmetics Resources
[Body & Replacers] Coronerras Maximum Compatibility Skeletons
[Body & Replacers] Oblivion Character Overhaul Oblivion_Character_Overhaul.esp
[Body & Replacers] Oblivion Character Overhaul Balanced OCO v2 Balanced - Cobl.esp
[Body & Replacers] Integration-OCOpatch Integration-OCOpatch.esp ✔crpatch.esp
[Body & Replacers] Compatibility Patches OCO2 OCO_UOP_USIP_Patch.esp

[Body & Replacers] Dreadlocks Replacer
[Body & Replacers] New Eyes for OCO v2

[Body & Replacers] Seamless - OCOv2 Edition EVE_KnightsoftheNine.esp
[Body & Replacers][MOB] OCO2 Facelift morroblivion-OCO2-facelift.esp


[Textures & Meshes] Equipment

Mod Name Plugin Optional Merged
[Textures & Meshes][Equipment] Aqua Silk and Tattered Robes Replacer
[Textures & Meshes][Equipment] Barbaric Orcish Armor
[Textures & Meshes][Equipment] Black Hand Robe Replacer
[Textures & Meshes][Equipment] Blade of Woe Replacer Blade Of Woe Replacer.esp ✔crpatch.esp
[Textures & Meshes][Equipment] Dalls Horse Armor
[Textures & Meshes][Equipment] Daedric Armor Replacer
[Textures & Meshes][Equipment] Deceiver's Finery Replacer
[Textures & Meshes][Equipment] Ebony Sword Replacer
[Textures & Meshes][Equipment] Elven Armor Replacer
[Textures & Meshes][Equipment] Fantasy Mithril
[Textures & Meshes][Equipment] Fur Armor Replacer
[Textures & Meshes][Equipment] Imperial Dragon Armor Reforged
[Textures & Meshes][Equipment] Insanity's Improved Armoury Compilation
[Textures & Meshes][Equipment] Kafeis Better Amulet Replacer
[Textures & Meshes][Equipment] Kafeis Better Ring Replacer
[Textures & Meshes][Equipment] King of Worms Robe Replacer
[Textures & Meshes][Equipment] Legion Armor Combined
[Textures & Meshes][Equipment] Local Guards Features tbskGuardsFeatures.esp
[Textures & Meshes][Equipment] Madness Armor Replacer
[Textures & Meshes][Equipment] Mikes Clothes Replacer
[Textures & Meshes][Equipment] Necromancer Robes Replacer
[Textures & Meshes][Equipment] Retextured Rings
[Textures & Meshes][Equipment] Vanilla Staff Replacer
[Textures & Meshes][Equipment] Weapon Improvement Project
Vanilla Staff Replacer.esp
Weapon Improvement Project.esp
[Textures & Meshes][Equipment] Archmage Robe Replacer
[Textures & Meshes][Equipment] HiRes Iron Armor

[Textures & Meshes][Equipment][MOB] Clothes Replacer
[Textures & Meshes][Equipment][MOB] Clothing Galore
[Textures & Meshes][Equipment][MOB] More Better Good Clothes
[Textures & Meshes][Equipment][MOB] Nerevarine Armor
Morroblivion - Clothing Galore.esp

Morroblivion - Better Clothes Patch.esp
Morrowind_ob - Nerevarine Armor.esp


[Textures & Meshes] Creatures

Mod Name Plugin Optional Merged
[Textures & Meshes][Creatures] Bear
[Textures & Meshes][Creatures] Beautiful Creatures - Spriggan
[Textures & Meshes][Creatures] Beautiful Creatures - Spider Daedra Replacer
[Textures & Meshes][Creatures] Black Horse Recolor
[Textures & Meshes][Creatures] Boar
[Textures & Meshes][Creatures] Cougar
[Textures & Meshes][Creatures] Deer
[Textures & Meshes][Creatures] Dog
[Textures & Meshes][Creatures] Horse
[Textures & Meshes][Creatures] Mud Crab
[Textures & Meshes][Creatures] Mythic Animals High Res
[Textures & Meshes][Creatures] Mythic Creatures
[Textures & Meshes][Creatures] Mythic Ghosts and Goblins
[Textures & Meshes][Creatures] Mythic Madness
[Textures & Meshes][Creatures] Realistic Horse Eyes
[Textures & Meshes][Creatures] Sheep
[Textures & Meshes][Creatures] Slaughterfish
[Textures & Meshes][Creatures] Wolf
[Textures & Meshes][Creatures] Improved Flame Atronachs
[Textures & Meshes][Creatures] Improved Storm Atronachs
[Textures & Meshes][Creatures][MOB] Silt Strider Overhaul Morroblivion - Silt Striders.esp

[Textures & Meshes] MISC

Mod Name Plugin Optional Merged
[Textures & Meshes][Misc] Arena Poster
[Textures & Meshes][Misc] bearskin
[Textures & Meshes][Misc] Better Book Paper
[Textures & Meshes][Misc] Better Chapel Altars
[Textures & Meshes][Misc] Better Daedric Shrines Better daedric shrines full.esp
[Textures & Meshes][Misc] Better Meat - Hammy McHamham Edition
[Textures & Meshes][Misc] Better Ropes
[Textures & Meshes][Misc] Better Scroll Background
[Textures & Meshes][Misc] Blacksmithing Tools
[Textures & Meshes][Misc] Bloody Spray Pack
[Textures & Meshes][Misc] Book Jackets Oblivion Book Jackets Oblivion.esp
[Textures & Meshes][Misc] Castle Banner Replacer
[Textures & Meshes][Misc] Crates
[Textures & Meshes][Misc] Double Sided Cobwebs
[Textures & Meshes][Misc] enhanced beach foam
[Textures & Meshes][Misc] Enhanced Magic Effects
[Textures & Meshes][Misc] Farming Tools
[Textures & Meshes][Misc] Foaming Falls
[Textures & Meshes][Misc] Forge New Textures
[Textures & Meshes][Misc] Grimbots Spell Tomes GrimbotsSpellTomes.esp
Book Jackets DLC.esp

[Textures & Meshes][Misc] HD Elsweyr - Road Signs
[Textures & Meshes][Misc] High Quality Rugs
[Textures & Meshes][Misc] High Resolution Pewter
[Textures & Meshes][Misc] High Resolution Silver and Gold Clutter
[Textures & Meshes][Misc] High Resolution Soul Gems
[Textures & Meshes][Misc] Improved Signs ImprovedSigns.esp
[Textures & Meshes][Misc] Improved Skulls and Bones and Ironwork
[Textures & Meshes][Misc] Kaizits Animated Daedric Ingredients
[Textures & Meshes][Misc] Kaizits Animated Ingredients[Textures & Meshes][Misc] Improved Candles
[Textures & Meshes][Misc] Improved Fires and Flames Improved Fires and Flames - Increased Sound.esp
[Textures & Meshes][Misc] Improved Fruits Vegetables and Meats
[Textures & Meshes][Misc] Improved LightBeam
[Textures & Meshes][Misc] Magic Crystal Balls
[Textures & Meshes][Misc] Necromancer Altar
[Textures & Meshes][Misc] Painting replacer
[Textures & Meshes][Misc] Real Wood Road Signs
[Textures & Meshes][Misc] Shiny Septims ShinySeptims_Septimus.esp
[Textures & Meshes][Misc] Skeleton Key Retexture
[Textures & Meshes][Misc] Smoking Firesources Beta

[Textures & Meshes][Misc] Tamriellic Glassworks ORM-TamriellicGlassCORE.esp

[Textures & Meshes][Misc] TD_Alternative_Books_Covers
[Textures & Meshes][Misc] TD_Lower_Clutter
[Textures & Meshes][Misc] TD_Lowerclass_Replacer
[Textures & Meshes][Misc] TD_Middleclass_Replacer
[Textures & Meshes][Misc] TD_Picture_Replacer
[Textures & Meshes][Misc] TD_Upperclass
[Textures & Meshes][Misc] TD_aesthetics
[Textures & Meshes][Misc] Upper Gothic Clutter upperGothicClutter.esp
[Textures & Meshes][Misc] Upper Class Furniture
[Textures & Meshes][Misc] Vineyard Tools
[Textures & Meshes][Misc] Window Reflection Replacer
[Textures & Meshes][Misc] Wolf Rug
[Textures & Meshes][Misc] A Better Chest
[Textures & Meshes][Misc] AIP's Proper Torch Wield
[Textures & Meshes][Misc] Better Blood SkycaptainsBloodTime.esp
[Textures & Meshes][Misc] Illuminated Signs
[Textures & Meshes][Misc] Paintings Variation

[Textures & Meshes][Misc][MOB] WA Signy Signposts WA_Signy_Signposts_v1_1.esp
[Textures & Meshes][Equipment] Spooky Edits - Silver Bow

[MOB] Tamriel Rebuilt in Morroblivion

Mod Name Plugin Optional Merged
[MOB] Tamriel Rebuilt in Morroblivion Morrowind_Compatibility_Layer.esp


Mod Name Plugin Optional Merged
[ECTV] ImpeREAL Empire - Unique Castles for Open Cities ImpeREAL Empire - Unique Castles - All The Castles - Merged.esp
[ECTV] MTC Expanded Villages MTCExpandedVillages.esp
[ECTV] TD_Interiors TD_Interiors.esp
[ECTV] Open Cities Reborn Open Cities Resources.esm
Open Cities Reborn.esp
Open Cities New Sheoth.esp
Open Cities Outer Districts.esp
[ECTV] Reapers BleakerWay Revamp Reaper's Bleaker's Way Village Revamp.esp
[ECTV] The Imperial Waters The Imperial Water.esp
[ECTV][MOB] Hlaalu Project Morrowind_ob - Hlaalu.esp
[ECTV][MOB] Lights and Darkness morroblivion-lights-and-darkness.esp
[ECTV][MOB] MGSO Vality's Balmora Addon valitys_balmora_addon_v1_3.esp

[Textures & Meshes][All the Things]

Mod Name Plugin Optional Merged
[Textures & Meshes][All the Things] OA HD Overhaul
[Textures & Meshes][All the Things] OA HD Overhaul - OCR Patch
[Textures & Meshes][All the Things] OA HD Overhaul - RoC Patch
[Textures & Meshes][All the Things] OA HD Overhaul - Updated Ayleid Chest
Oblivion Fragrance Oblivion Fragrance.esp
Circling Ravens Circling Ravens.esp
Creature Diversity Creature Diversity.esp
Ducks and Swans for Cyrodiil Ducks and Swans.esp
[Fixes] Oblivion Reloaded OblivionReloaded.esp

Finish Line

Mod Name Plugin Optional Merged
Morroblivion Profile crpatch.esp
Bashed Patch Output Bashed Patch, 0.esp
[Optimized] ALL Textures & Meshes
Landscape LOD Generator
TES4LL Output

Plugins Load Order


  • Active Plugin
  • Optional Plugin
  • Inactive Plugin merged into the crpatch.esp
  • Plugin is merged and deactivated in the Installers Tab
CM Partners.esm
Cobl Main.esm
CustomSpellIcons - OBME.esm
Knights - Revelation.esm
Open Cities Resources.esm
Unofficial Oblivion Patch.esp
Oblivion Citadel Door Fix.esp
Unofficial Shivering Isles Patch.esp
DLCHorseArmor - Unofficial Patch.esp
DLCOrrery - Unofficial Patch.esp
DLCVileLair - Unofficial Patch.esp
DLCMehrunesRazor - Unofficial Patch.esp
DLCSpellTomes - Unofficial Patch.esp
DLCThievesDen - Unofficial Patch.esp
DLCThievesDen - Unofficial Patch - SSSB.esp
DLCBattlehornCastle - Unofficial Patch.esp
DLCFrostcrag - Unofficial Patch.esp
Knights - Unofficial Patch.esp
Morrowind_ob - Chargen and Transport Mod.esp
Morrowind_ob - Conversation.esp
Morrowind_ob - Morroblivion Maps.esp
Morrowind_ob - MorroblivionTreeReplacer.esp
Morrowind_ob - UCWUS.esp
Ak- Mournhold in Tamriel.esp
AK- Morroblivion in Tamriel.esp
Ak- Morroblivion in Tamriel GPS.esp
AK- Morroblivion in Tamriel Map.esp
Firemoth & Misc Additions.esp
Idol of Mephala.esp
Morroblivion - Clothing Galore.esp
Morroblivion-CM Partners.esp
Morroblivion - Better Clothes Patch.esp
Morroblivion - Buyable Houses.esp
Morroblivion - Silt Striders.esp
Morrowind_ob - Armored Skeletons.esp
Morrowind_ob - Expanded Quests.esp
Morrowind_ob - Hlaalu.esp
Morrowind_ob - Nerevarine Armor.esp
OCO v2 Balanced - Cobl.esp
CM Partners.esp
CM Partners v3 patch.esp
300_White Stallion 4.esp
Atmospheric Oblivion.esp
Auto Update Leveled Items And Spells.esp
Better daedric shrines full.esp
Blade Of Woe Replacer.esp
Book Jackets DLC.esp
Book Jackets Oblivion.esp
Circling Ravens.esp
Cobl Glue.esp
Cobl Patch - Hunger Tongue.esp
Cobl Si.esp
Cobl Tweaks - SI.esp
Companion Compatibility.esp
Creature Diversity.esp
Cyrodiil Travel Services.esp
Ducks and Swans.esp
Duke Patricks - Combat Archery.esp
Duke Patricks - Combat Archery Patch.esp
Dynamic Map.esp
Elz - No Floating Weapon.esp
Enhanced Daedric Invasion.esp
Elsweyr plantations & co..esp
Fast Arrow Collection.esp
Harvest[Containers] - SI.esp
Harvest[Containers] - Vanilla.esp
Harvest [Flora].esp
Harvest [Flora] - DLCFrostcrag.esp
Harvest [Flora] - DLCVileLair.esp
Harvest [Flora] - Shivering Isles.esp
Improved Fires and Flames - Increased Sound.esp
Knights - Revelation.esp
Kragenir's Death Quest.esp
Lynges Unlimited Death Reload Time.esp
Map Marker Overhaul.esp
Map Marker Overhaul - SI additions.esp
More Effective Enchantments.esp
More Effective Enchantments Knights.esp
Oblivion DLC Delayers.esp
Oblivion Fragrance.esp
OblivionReloaded.esp; however optional, this mod is highly recommended if your system can run it as it fixes several in-game bugs.
Oblivion XP.esp
OBSE-Storms & Sound SI.esp
Morrowind_ob - Storms and Sound Patch.esp
Reaper's Esmeralda's Desert Manor.esp
Reaper's Esmeralda's Desert Manor NoTail Scarf.esp
Reaper's Esmeralda's Desert Manor Quickfix.esp
Orden des Drachen.esp
ODD Map Addon.esp
ODD Map Icon Markers FastTravel.esp
QZ Easy Menus.esp
Reaper's Bleaker's Way Village Revamp.esp
RTT-Weye Relocation Patch.esp
Skill Perk Descriptions.esp
SM Combat Hide.esp
Spell Delete And Item Remove.esp
Sounds of Cyrodiil.esp
Sounds of Cyrodiil - KOTN Add-on.esp
Sounds of Cyrodiil - Mehrune's Razor Add-On.esp
Sounds of Cyrodiil - Thieves' Den Add-On.esp
Summon Dremora Lord Saved.esp
Symphony of Violence.esp
Tales from Elsweyr Anequina.esp
The Imperial Water.esp
The Lost Spires.esp
The Lost Spires v14 Delayer.esp
Morroblivion Conversation - The Lost Spires Patch.esp
Toggleable Quantity Prompt.esp
Trees Overhaul.esp
Vampire Hunting - Order of the Virtuous Blood.esp
Vanilla Staff Replacer.esp
Weapon Improvement Project.esp
Apocalypse Now - Quest.esp
Apocalypse Now - Temple.esp
Storms & Sound - The Lost Spires.esp
The Ayleid Steps.esp
The Ayleid Steps - Patches.esp
Expanded Dungeons - Play Nice Edition.esp
Better Dungeons.esp
SnusDungeons - TAS patch.esp
SnusDungeons - BD patch.esp
Dungeon Overhauls - Harvest Containers - Filter Patch.esp
Roads of Cyrodiil.esp
HESU AppleHotSprings.esp
HESU HellLands.esp
HESU PoisonSwamp.esp
HESU GnollMountain.esp
HESU SmokeTown.esp
HESU ValenwoodMine.esp
HESU GreatForestGorge.esp
HESU Shipton.esp
HESU KoyoTown.esp
HESU WhiteRoseRiver.esp
BleakerWayRevamp-AppleHotSprings Patch.esp
DLCFrostcrag-GnollMountain Patch.esp
KOTNR-WRR Patch.esp
LostSpires-WRR Patch.esp
MTC-WRR Patch.esp
MTCEV-RoC Patch.esp
OCOD+FrostcragSpire Patch.esp
OCR + Lost Spires Patch.esp
OCR + RTTv3 Patch.esp
OCR + TOTF Patch.esp
ROC+DBC Patch.esp
ROC+RBWR Patch.esp
ROC-AppleHotSprings Patch.esp
ROC-Shipton Patch.esp
ROC-WRR Patch.esp
RST-Shipton Patch.esp
Early Landscape.esp
Unique Landscapes.esp
Open Cities Reborn.esp
Open Cities New Sheoth.esp
Open Cities Outer Districts.esp
ImpeREAL Empire - Unique Castles - All The Castles - OCR.esp
ElsweyrAnequina - Integration Patch v1.0.esp
Relevant Scrolls & Potions & Staves.esp
OCR + Integration Integrated Patch.esp
OCR + VHOVB Patch.esp
OCR+DBC Patch.esp
ROC Standard Road Record.esp
RST+OCR Patch.esp
Sounds of Cyrodiil - OC Reborn Patch.esp
ULE Anequina-FallenleafEverglade patch.esp
ULE AyleidRuinsExpanded-JerallGlacier patch.esp
ULE DungeonsOfIvellon-CheydinhalFalls patch.esp
ULE HellLands-CloudtopMountains patch.esp
ULE KragenirsDeathQuest-UniqueLandscapes merged patch.esp
ULE LostSpires-UniqueLandscapes merged patch.esp
ULE TearsOfTheFiend-CheydinhalFalls patch.esp
ULM BetterDaedricShrinesFull-UniqueLandscapes patch.esp
ULM DarkBrotherhoodChronicles-UniqueLandscapes patch.esp
ULM DukePatricksSCACombatArchery-LostCoast patch.esp
ULM GnollMountain-Snowdale patch.esp
ULM GreatForestGorge-LushWoodlands patch.esp
ULM IntegrationIntegratedTheStrandedLight-EasternPeaks patch.esp
ULM KoyoTown-LushWoodlands patch.esp
ULM MannimarcoResurrection-UniqueLandscapes patch.esp
ULM MOBS-UniqueLandscapes patch.esp
ULM MTCExpandedVillages-UniqueLandscapes patch.esp
ULM OpenCitiesReborn-UniqueLandscapes patch.esp
ULM OrdenDesDrachen-UniqueLandscapes patch.esp
ULM PoisonSwamp-BlackwoodForest patch.esp
ULM ReclaimingSancreTor-UniqueLandscapes patch.esp
ULM ROC+Ancient Redwoods.esp
ULM SmokeTown-ArriusCreek patch.esp
ULM SmokeTown-JerallGlacier patch.esp
ULM TalesFromElsweyr-BravilBarrowfields patch.esp
ULE ROC+RST+Skingrad Outskirts.esp
Landscape Merge Consistency Patch.esp
Late Landscape.esp
MOBSification of MODS.esp
Cobl Filter Late MERGE ONLY.esp
Bashed Patch, 0.esp
Maskar's Oblivion Overhaul.esp
MOO MOBS Patch.esp
Alternative Beginnings.esp
AppleHotSprings-AltBeginnings Patch.esp

More Useful Information


BOSS: Load order sorting for TES IV: Oblivion by BOSS Developers

Description: BOSS is designed to assist mod users in avoiding detrimental conflicts, by setting the correct load order for the plugins they have installed.

NOTICE: BOSS will no longer be used in this guide and the load order is dependent upon the crpatch.esp that will be for users at the end of this guide. Text documents will be provided for users to place in the appropriate files to sort and manage the load order.
BOSS also provides thousands of plugin-specific messages, including usage notes, Bash Tag suggestions, requirements, incompatibilities, bug warnings and installation mistake notifications. It supports the sorting of plugins ghosted by the Wrye Bash utilities, is highly customizable, has been translated into multiple languages, and is simple to use.
BOSS's Masterlist is also kept updated for Oblivion (with the latest update as recent as February 20, 2017.
Related Video:: Bevilex Modlist Full Video Guide - part 2: BOSS by outdated TV
See Also: BOSS User Rules Manager located just after (below) this section.
Special Installation Instructions:
1. Download both the boss_installer.7z and the
2. Wrye Bash Users: Add boss_gui.exe to the Wrye Bash Launcher Bar.
Mod Organizer Users: Mod Organizer is unable to inject 64 bit applications. Extract the
Open the bin folder → Release-32. Copy and paste the boss.exe and boss_gui.exe into the BOSS folder overwriting when prompted. Add boss_gui.exe to Mod Organizer and Run from Mod Organizer.

BOSS Sorting

Notice: At any time during the mod installation process BOSS should be used to sort plugin load order before stopping to test Oblivion. This is necessary to ensure proper plugin priority order (load order), which can have a dramatic impact on the game (or at worst cause a CTD).
Launch BOSS and examine the BOSS output carefully looking for any alerts or warnings and address each as they appear.

BOSS User Rules Manager

Related Video: Bevilex Modlist Full Video Guide - part 5 update! by outdated TV
Editing the Boss Userlist
Be certain to read the BOSS Readme in the Docs section of the BOSS folder in order to become familiar with the utility.
1. In the Oblivion directory where BOSS was installed open the boss_gui.exe.
2. Select “Edit User Rules”
Example 4.jpg
The User Rules Manager Example 5.jpg
The User Rules Manager is a graphical interface for customizing how BOSS sorts your plugins and what messages it displays.
BOSS's sorting of your plugins and the messages it displays can be customized using user rules. User rules can:
1. Sort plugins relative to other plugins. Plugins can be .esp or .esm files, and you can both override the positions of plugins BOSS recognizes and sort plugins that are unrecognized.
2. Sort groups of plugins relative to other groups of plugins. BOSS's masterlist generally lists plugins in thematic groups, which you can override the relative positioning of. You can't create new groups though.
3. Insert plugins into the top or bottom of groups of plugins.
4. Edit the messages BOSS attaches to plugins. You can add new messages or replace existing messages with your own.
   Notice: When adding a Sort user rule (e.g Immersive Interiors - Bravil.esp AFTER Immersive Interiors.esp), when you drag Immersive Interiors - Bravil.esp to “For” you should choose “Sort” “before”, then drag Immersive Interiors.esp to the right “of”. This actually sets Immersive Interiors - Bravil.esp AFTER Immersive Interiors.esp.
Navigate to the userlist.txt at \Oblivion\BOSS\oblivion. Create a shortcut of the userlist.txt to your desktop to perform some recommended edits.
Sorting An Unknown Plugin
To sort a plugin that is not in the masterlist after another plugin: ADD: [RULE PLUGIN] AFTER: [SORT PLUGIN]
To sort it before another plugin:
Changing A Recognised Plugin's Position
To sort a plugin that is already in the masterlist after another plugin: OVERRIDE: [RULE PLUGIN] AFTER: [SORT PLUGIN]
To sort it before another plugin:
The User Rules Manager allows easy management of your user rules without having to know any of their syntax (though if you want to customize messages, you need to know their syntax - fortunately it is pretty simple).
BOSS User Rules: contributed by ponyrider0
Instead of adding BOSS Rules based on position relative to specific files, add Rules based on the built-in BOSS groups. These groups are listed in the masterlist.txt (open with WordPad to see it formatted properly, Notepad will show you a mess). Some useful groups to know are "Morroblivion", "Pre Bash", "Post Bashed Patch" and "Map Changes". The "Morroblivion" group is a good place to put mods that are dependent on Morrowind_ob.esm/esp. The "Pre Bash" group is a good place to put mods which you want to load immediately before the Bashed Patch is loaded (and thus overriding all other mods which will be merged/imported into the Bashed Patch). "Map Changes" is a group which gets loaded after the Bashed Patch, and thus will preserve any custom map changes. "Post Bashed Patch" is a group which is similar to "Map Changes" but more generic. I personally make an over-ride to move the "Map Changes" group to be loaded after "Post Bashed Patch" (the default is to load Map Changes prior to the Post Bashed Patch group.

Morroblivion Overhaul CR Patch Creation

Description: This section will require users study material provided from other authors. Follow each link provided.

Special Installation Instructions:
Download manually: • Compatibility Patch Creation Tutorial by Committee
Other Related Tutorials:
Basic Modding Guide for a General game Plus Optional Mods by Gopher
Mod Organizer #8 - Conflicts and Priorities by Gopher
Launch TES4Edit to resolve most conflicts (not landscape conflicts).
TIP: Refer to latest Data\Docs Bashed Patch, 0.html and Bashed Patch, 0.txt files to review the patch log and perform a similar function with TES4Edit.
TES5Edit Cleaning Guide
TES5Edit Mod Cleaning Tutorial
TES5Edit Skyrim Dirty Plugins List
TES5Edit Scripting Functions
Fallout3 Training Manual (applies to all game versions)
FNVEdit Training Manual (applies to all game versions)
Tutorial Make your own Oblivion Character Overhaul compatibility patch] by ponyrider0
Launch CSE to resolve landscape conflicts.
Oblivion: Creating Compatibility Patches by Arthmoor
To create your own Morroblivion Ovherhaul CR Patch create a new mod named [Merge Plugins] Morroblivion Overhaul CR Patch.
Merge Plugins Script - Merging with Nexus Mod Manager by Matortheeternal
Merge Plugins Script - Merging with Mod Organizer by Matortheeternal
Merge Plugins : Start to Finish by GamerPoets
Move the following plugins into [Merge Plugins] Morroblivion Overhaul CR Patch:
Notice: These plugins will be merged with Merge Plugins.
1. Files to merge: Select each file you wish to merge. 2. Name: ++++Title Merged Filename: Plugin.esp 3. Navigate to pathto\Oblivion Mods\Merge Plugins to be Archived\ and add ++++Title Merged to archive. 4. Install ++++Title Merged. 5. Deactivate the merged mods. Wrye Bash Users: In the Installers tab, Uncheck the ESP. Right Click on the mod and select Anneal. Mod Organizer Users: Uncheck the mod in the left pane. 6. Edit BOSS userlist.txt: ADD: Plugin.esp AFTER: Plugin.esp 7. Launch BOSS to sort the Lood Order. 8. Load the Plugin.esp in TES4Edit to fix most compatibility issues. 9. Load the Plugin.esp in CSE to fix landscape issues.

Troubleshooting Common Issues

Update Video Drivers

If there is any reason to believe that the latest drivers installed on your system are not the latest available or that they are not installed correctly and are causing issues then do the following. Else, just install the latest drivers as normal.

1. Download the latest stable AMD drivers / Nvidia drivers.
2. If installing/re-installing new drivers, download DDU and install it. See Display Driver Uninstaller Thread forum.
3. Boot into safe mode by repeatedly pressing F8 once the boot check initializes and before the OS begins loading (no need to uninstall the current drivers, but it will not hurt at all).
   • If using UEFI while using Windows 8 or later, go to your power options and while holding down the Shift key, press restart. This will open the advanced menu where you can select to boot into safe mode.
4. Launch DDU, and select the appropriate driver from the drop-down combo box.
5. Note the recommendations in DDU and initialize the cleanup.
6. Reboot normally and install the latest drivers.

Configure Driver Settings
The graphics software should only be forcing max Anisotropic Filtering (AF). All other settings should be left to the Oblivion configuration and ENBoost configurations. Check out the Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion Tweak Guide.

AMD Users: Refer to the Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion Tweak Guide

Nvidia Users
Make the following changes via Nvidia Inspector, otherwise leave the defaults (they can be tweaked later if absolutely necessary).

1. Download Nvidia Inspector and Nvidia Profiler. This is a portable program and requires no installation. Simply place in a convenient location and create a shortcut to the executable.
2. Within Inspector,select the "Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion" profile and keep all of the default settings except for the following changes:
   Maximum pre-rendered frames: 1
   Antialiasing - Transparency: 8x(supersample)
   Anisotropic filtering setting: 16x
   Texture filtering - Anisotropic sample optimization: Off
   Texture filtering - Negative LOD bias:Clamp
   Power management mode: Prefer maximum performance
3. Click Apply changes twice and then close, accepting any overwrite when prompted.

Display Calibration
Color calibration is critical to photographers and graphic artists that work across media types, but it is also more or less important for everyone that uses a computer. For gamers like those interested in Morroblivion, it is a bit more important, because there is a lot of screenshot sharing and qualitative discussion about in-game visuals. It is ideal that all users are somewhat 'standardized' for comparative purposes alone.

The gist: Calibrate the monitor's display settings based on the video driver configuration utility with all other configuration baselines set to something akin to "mid level".

There are three places to configure color saturation, temp, brightness, contrast, gamma, etc:

• The monitor's built-in config
• Windows color management
• The driver configuration utility (see "Configure Driver Settings above)

The settings of one affect the settings of the other, and depending on the quality of the monitor, #1 could be very good or just 'OK'. The #2 and #3 settings should be standard though, since they are made to work across various monitors.

Ensure that #1 is set to "the middle ground" with respect to all settings. Having extreme settings in the monitor configuration could potentially constrain the other configurations. For some, wetting all #1 to mid levels will be best, but for others the 'auto-config' will be best (this may not set all #1 to mid settings). Depending on the monitor, there may be other auto-config options based on various presets. Whatever seems most "middle of the road" is probably best for #1.

Optionally, also run#2 (Control Panel > Display > Calibrate Color) and set to 'vanilla'mid-levels with respect to all attributes. If this was never run previously,then it should already be at mid-level.
Calibrate using #3 a room with no direct lighting that could affect what the monitor shows(not-too-bright, diffuse-lighted room). The main calibration should be left to#3 once a mid baseline 'canvas' has been established for #1 and #2. • AMD-CCC:|Desktop Management| > |Desktop Color| (click "Reactivate AMD color controls"). • Nvidia Control Panel: Access from the Windows Control Panel. |Display| > |Adjust desktop color settings|.

“BlackScreen” Fix and Forcing 3.0 Shaders

For some users, it may be necessary to tweak some settings, especially the Shaders in order for the HDR setting to work properly. If you have a black screen try the following suggestion from the Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion Tweak Guide for changing your Oblivion.ini settings:

“bAllow30Shaders=0 -If set to 1, this option allows (but does not force) the use of Shader Model 3.0 on graphics cards which support it, namely Nvidia GeForce 6600 or newer, or ATI X1000 series or newer. This can potentially improve performance when using HDR rendering for example. Check your RendererInfo.txt file in your \Documents and Settings\User\Documents\My Games\Oblivion directory to see if your card supports SM 3.0 next to the option '3.0 Shaders'. Note however that even by enabling this option, Oblivion still appears to use 2.0 shaders (check the 'PSTarget' and 'VS Target' lines in RendererInfo.txt). In any case, if you have one of the cards mentioned above, it cannot hurt to enable this option.
…To force the actual use of 3.0 Shaders after making the above change, you will also need to check your RenderInfo.txt file (see above), and on the last line of the file check which shader package it uses (e.g. Shader Package: 13). Then go to the\Program Files\Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion\Data\Shaders\ folder and rename that particular package to something else (e.g. rename shaderpackage013.sdp to shaderpackage013._bak. Now copy shaderpackage019.sdp and paste it back into the same directory, and rename this new copy to the package name your card uses(e.g. rename it to shaderpackage013.sdp in this example). This will forceOblivion to use the Shader Model 3.0 shaders in the game, which may increase(or reduce) performance and typically shows no image quality difference.”
Just remember that if you have to perform “Verify Integrity of Game Cache…” through Steam, the Shaders will be reverted back to their default settings. I suggest to make a backup copy of “Shaderpackage019.sdp”. To do this, create a Working Folder on your desktop. Create a Data subfolder. Click in your Data folder and create a Shaders subfolder. Now copy your shaderpackage019.sdp into the Shaders folder. Rename the shaders package to the one that is in your RenderInfo.txt and save it as an archive naming it “ShaderPackage019” to install via Mod Organizer. If it is installed with Mod Organizer it will always overwrite the Steam\vanilla file.


PSA: OR and G-SYNC explained by dankles on TES Reloaded Technical Support.

"G-SYNC and OR on Windows 10 (maybe other windows versions too) don't seem to be friends. When closing oblivion, the screen blanks. The only way to get the screen back is to turn the computer off, then back on. I recommend anyone using OR to disable G-SYNC, if that's something you normally use.
To disable G-SYNC for just Oblivion and not everything globally, you can go to the Nvidia Control Panel, then select Manage 3D Settings > Program Settings > Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion (add it if you need to) > set Monitor Technology to Fixed Refresh."

Mod Not Working

Triple check all INI or config files to make certain they are correct.
Sometimes refreshing the mod manager being used is necessary. To do this close the mod manager. Clean up temp files with disk cleanup (or other such utility). Reboot the PC and allow the files to refresh. Restart the mod manager and test the mod again to see if it is now recognized and working.
In some instances the user may need to uninstall the mod from the mod manager being used. Install the mod manually then test it in-game to see if this fixes the issue.

Wrye Bash Error: Access is denied:

Sometimes a user can be blocked from accessing files and folders, even with administrative privileges. When this happens a workaround solution is the following:

1. Clean out the temp files:
   • From the Start Menu select Run.
   • Type temp, select all the files and then delete them (skip the files that will not delete).
   • Type %temp%, select all the files and then delete (skip the files that will not delete).
2. Empty the Recycle Bin.
3. Perform a Disk Cleanup.
4. Shutdown the PC and Reboot after 30 seconds.


I would sincerely like to thank:

STEP Wiki Adminstrators for allowing me to host this guide on their site.
ponyrider0 is creating Morroblivion Mods (and other Open Source Stuff) who has been a contributor with me since I first began sharing my Morroblivion Overhual guide back in 2016.
Pack Author jdsmith2816 for his contribution and patches for this guide.
mcshame and all the others who have been involved in helping to test this guide.
The TESRewal Morroblivion Team 
The TESRenewal Project Community
The Nexus Modding Community.
The TES Alliance Modding Community.
The Assimilation Lab Gaming and Modding Community.
Gamer Poets for his educational tutorials.
matortheeternal for sharing his utilities and settings.
Bevilex for Bevilex' modlist for Oblivion -Graphics
outdated TV for his Bevilex Modlist Full Video Guide
PredCaliber for Oblivion 2017 Ultimate Graphics Tutorial
Just Call Me Frosty for his Oblivion Graphic Tutorials and Guides.
Hishutup for the continued updates on Mythic Dawn  Oblivion Modding Guide
Xuul for Oblivion | How to install mods
Enigmas The Guy for Oblivion DarnUI and OBSE Mod Organizer Installation guide
The authors of mods recommended in this guide.
The authors of mods who granted permission for their mods to be shared with the TESRenewal Project Community.
Bethesda Softworks for TES in general.