User:DarkladyLexy/Lexys LOTD SE Prerequisites
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Welcome to Lexy's: Legacy of The Dragonborn Special Edition
A STEP Hosted guide based of Neovalen's Skyrim Revisited: Legendary Edition
Created and maintained by Darth_mathias and DarkladyLexy With help from Nozzer66
Last Update: 16:37:16 26 March 2025 (GMT)
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Prerequisites Page
Official Bethesda Content
Steam Overlay
The Steam Overlay is known to cause issues while playing Skyrim Special Edition it is advised to disable it; to do this perform the following:
- Load Steam.
- In the Tool bar at the top of the left hand side Click Steam.
- In the Dropdown menu Click Settings.
- Then in the popup box find where it says In-Game.
- Uncheck Enabled the Steam overlay while in-game then click OK.
Alternatively if you would just like to disable this for Skyrim Special Edition you may:
- Load Steam.
- Click LIBRARY.
- On your Games list look for The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Special Editon and Right Click.
- In the Dropdown menu Click Properties.
- Then in the popup box Uncheck Enable the Steam Overlay while in-game.
Configure Skyrim
Before we can actually start doing any modding, We need to setup Skyrim Special Edition first so we have a starting base to work from.
Start by opening Steam: then perform the following steps in order:
Start The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Special Edition through the Steam context menu to open the default Skyrim Special Edition launcher.
- Click "Options".
- Click the [Ultra] push-button.
- Set "Aspect Ratio" and "Resolution" through the drop down box. Set these to the monitors optimal resolution.
- Set "Antialiasing" to Off through the drop down box. This is in preparation for the ENB Install.
- Set "Windowed Mode" make sure this is ticked.
- Set "Borderless" make sure this is ticked.
- Click the [OK] button to close and save.
We have just set Skyrim Special Edition up to a base to work on. We'll tweak this when we run the BethINI tool later in the guide.