User:DarkladyLexy/Lexys LOTD SE Prerequisites

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Revision as of 09:46, January 9, 2018 by DarkladyLexy (talk | contribs) (→‎Official Bethesda Content: (added Steam Overlay section))
Welcome to Lexy's: Legacy of The Dragonborn Special Edition
A STEP Hosted guide based of Neovalen's Skyrim Revisited: Legendary Edition
Created and maintained by Darth_mathias and DarkladyLexy With help from Nozzer66
Last Update: 17:39:32 26 March 2025 (GMT)

Help support STEP! ALL donations are applied to operating expenses.


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Prerequisites Page

Official Bethesda Content

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Steam Overlay

The Steam Overlay is known to cause issues while playing Skyrim it is advised to disable it; to do this perform the following:

  1. Load Steam.
  2. In the Tool bar at the top of the left hand side Click Steam.
  3. In the Dropdown menu Click Settings.
  4. Then in the popup box find where it says In-Game.
  5. Uncheck Enabled the Steam overlay while in-game then click OK.

Alternatively if you would just like to disable this for Skyrim you may:

  1. Load Steam.
  2. Click LIBRARY.
  3. On your Games list look for The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim and Right Click.
  4. In the Dropdown menu Click Properties.
  5. Then in the popup box Uncheck Enable the Steam Overlay while in-game.