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Game : Fallout 4

Title : Boston Atomic Bomb Yankee
Version : changelog
Forum thread : HERE

Author : Kesta


This guide is destined to enhance your fallout 4 experience using the extended modding possibilities made possible by both Bethesda and its awesome community. Of course, as every modding guide, it'll be down to personal preferences.

Boston Atomic Bomb Yankee doesn't mean anything... yeah, I know that. It's just some words related to the Fallout 4 universe I mashed-up together. But who care, the acronym is awesome !

While I'm trying to provide as much explanations and tips as I can, BABY isn't suited for complete beginners. If you've never modded a Bethesda's game before, you might have a hard time following the guide.

In BABY, you'll find some great visuals enhancements and retexture. That, I consider Fallout 4 default visuals to be already decent, so I'm not aiming at "modding everything" (not like I used to with Skyrim *cough*). Some things just don't need to be improved.
This means that textures and other visuals mods linked here will either be covering some critical aspects where Fallout 4 failed to be good-looking, unexpected but awesome improvements, or personals coup de coeur.

As for gameplay changes, BABY essentially aim to expand player's capabilities rather than overhauling existing ones. I haven't played the game enough yet to get bored already, and don't feel like in-depth gameplay changes balance overhaul is needed to enjoy the game. This might change in future versions though.

Finally, about overall compatibility : The current number of available mods make it rather easy to track down compatibility issues. Patches will be created specifically for this guide when they're not already available on their respective mod page, so you don't have to worry about it as long as you follow the instructions and advice properly.


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The beginning

How to read this guide ?

From the top to the bottom, obviously !

General Informations

Everything but the mod list under Time to mod is pretty much mandatory, though you can skip it / skim through if you're already familiar with commons modding tools, tweaks and extenders.
All the ramble is there so the mod installation section can be streamlined in an easy-to-follow step by step flow (or should I say ftep by ftep ? ).

The mod installation part have been broken down in various categories, as you can see in the content resume on the right.
The way mods are split between categories isn't only thematic but also technical. Save for a few exceptions, there should be close to no conflicts across mods from different section. This mean that you can install categories in a non-linear order, or only those you're interested into, and still get a perfectly functional modded game.

Mods installation

Mods in each sections should be installed in the order they appear, as this is the order they'll overwrite each others if need be.

Each mod is preceded by a flare, providing you with informations :

  • CORE
    This mod is a full part of the guide and is expected to be installed.
  • TOOL
    This isn't a mod, but a modding utility to be used during your modding adventure.
  • Performance
    This mod improve game's performance, but might slightly decrease visual quality.
  • Optional
    This mod is optional. This is an addition considered useful to the setup, but might be more of a personal preference.
  • HQ
    This mod is to be used only for users looking for a High Quality visual experience. This doesn't necessarily means it should be avoided at all cost by low-end system users, but simply that the performance hit might not be worth the visuals improvements on weaker machines.
  • NSFW
    This mod contains Not safe For Work content. No childporn, I promise, but depending on where you are when browsing this guide, it's better for you to know. Of course, NSFW are still considered
    , because of reasons.

There is no


flare for main downloads. Obviously, a mod deserving such flare would just be downgrading Vanilla's visuals, without significant performance improvement winning him the



We don't want this kind of mod for BABY. If you need to downgrade vanilla visuals to play the game, here is the best advice I can give you : Close this page, uninstall FO4, find a job, earn money, buy a better computer with the money, come back modding, play, loose your job, keep playing.

The files are listed in a similar layout than the one in Nexus. They should be installed in the same order as they appear in the list. This means that the answer to "should I overwrite ?" will always be YES between two files belonging to the same mods, except if explicitly stated otherwise.

Options and Alternatives

Listed mods may also have potentials alternatives and options, aside the main files to download.

  • When there is Optional files listed, this means you have to install them along with the proposed files if you want them.
  • On the contrary, Alternatives files are meant to replace the files from the main download entirely.

Options and alternative usually have flares as well, indicating why they're proposed to complement/replace the main files :

  • Optional
    This is a nice feature, but falls under personal preference.
  • HQ
    This is an higher visuals version of the
    one, worth installing on decent machines.
  • LQ
    This is a lower visuals version of the
    one, in case the main file is too performance-heavy for low-end machines.
  • SAFE
    There is a safe for work version available, to prevent sexual or not-so-politically-correct content.
  • easy
    This version will make gameplay easier.
  • survival
    This version will make gameplay harder.

Note that not all the files available on the nexus mod page are listed under options/alternatives. This isn't laziness, but usually means that the "lower resolution" version isn't worth installing, the "high quality" one is just overkill, or simply that other files aren't relevant in the context of BABY.

Guide versions

At the beginning of the guide, you maybe noticed the 4-digits version number. It allow you to keep track of the advancement of the guide. The current version being

More informations on the version system, along with the last update date and the complete changelog can be found on the BABY - Version page.


Records conflicts (aka conflicts due to multiple .esp altering the same set of date), and load order management are handled at the end of the guide.

Patches tailored specifically for BABY will be provided on their own Nexus page

Until advanced load order management tools such as LOOT are updated with proper Fallout 4 support, load order specificities will be stated in the Load Order mangement section.

Installing Fallout 4

Head to steam, buy the game if you haven't already, and download. Seriously, if you haven't done this yet, what are you even doing here ?

On a more important note : DLCs and updates expand the modding possibilities by providing new features to be used by modders. BABY is built assuming you're using :

  • The latest stable version of FO4, but NOT the beta.
  • All of the currently released DLCs

To make sure you have all the DLCs, check the DLC section of FO4's steam page and make sure all of them are ticked and have the installed mention :

If not, right click on Fallout 4 in your game list, select properties, look under the DLC tab, and tick everything.

For easier modding support, make sure that Steam is installed OUTSIDE your program files folder.
This will prevent several modding utilities to be thwarted by windows' UAC.

Installing useful programs

If you don't have them already, there is two generic programs very usefull when modding games :

7-zip : This is an archive extractor. It'll allow you to extract archives (.zip, .rar, .7z). Since most mods and other utilities come in this format, it's critical to be able to extract them.
To make it even more convenient to use :

  • Locate the 7-zip File manager : 7zFM.exe, (located by default in C:\Program Files\7-Zip, or simply type in 7-zip File Manager in windows' search bar)
  • Start it with administrator privileges (right-click -> run as administrator).
  • Navigate under Tools -> Options.. and look at the System tab, you'll find the file association manager.
  • Associate 7zip with .7z, .zip, and .rar files by simply clicking on them.

This way, you will be able to preview the content of archives and extract what you want out of them by simply double-clicking on it.

Notepad++ : An advanced text editor. Usefull to edit various configurations files, as its layout, syntax-coloration, and other built-in search functions are by far superior to what your basic notepad can do.

Since we're going to open a lot of .ini files in this guide, it's a good idea to tell windows that you want to automatically open them with Notepad++ :

  • After you've installed it, right click on any .ini file on your system (if you don't have any yet, just read a bit further, you'll discover them ;) )
  • Select Open With... -> Choose default program...
  • Select Notepad++. If Notepad++ is not on the list, use the Browse... button and navigate to NP++ installation path (by default C:\Program Files (x86)\Notepad++).
  • Make sure that the Always use the selected program to open this kind of file check-box is ticked in.

I also recommend to follow the same procedure for regular text files, as NP++ is more convenient than Notepad anyway.

Optionally, you can also install the NP++ Compare Plugin, which is an addon for Notepad++ that allow for easy comparison between files. In BABY's context, it'll help you check various INI configurations.

Setting some things up

Make sure you have the latest drivers for your GPU. This is especially true if using an AMD video card, as some of the not-so-outdated-but-a-little-bit drivers will lead to a crash on the FO4 main menu.

It is also recommended to clean your computer if you're not doing this regularly. If you're not exactly an advanced PC user, there is several utilities that can take of that automatically, but free ones aren't extremely efficient. You can still have a look at CCleaner which is one of the most efficient free ones.

Once your computer is ready, the first thing to do is to initialize your game once : Simply press Play in the FO4's steam page, and this message will appear :

This will automatically detect your hardware and select a configuration preset accordingly.

It's time to have a look at two important locations on your computer you'll be visiting often :

  • The game's installation folder, which depend on where Steam is installed : <Steam>\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\
  • The game's document folder, created after the previous step have been completed : <Documents>\My Games\Fallout4

If you intend to dedicate some times to modding your games, it is highly recommended that you favorite those two folders in windows explorer to have a quick access to them.

Tailoring your configuration

Now is the moment to configure Fallout 4 according to your preferences. This is done by modifying the INI files Fallout4.ini and Fallout4Prefs.ini located in the game documents folder we just talked about. There is several way of doing it :

  • Manually editing the INI files with Notepad++
  • Using configuration tools with GUI (incomplete and not always error-proof, but easier).
  • Using the game's configuration tool by clicking on Option in the launcher (Very incomplete)

Starting on a good base

Before working with INI files, make sure they are valid. The default files aren't easy to work with, because they're filled with bogus settings, and aren't sorted nor exhaustive.

fINIp 4 - 1.0 - by DoubleYou
Files to download :
  • MAIN FILES - fINIp 4 Installer

Setup :

  • Delete Fallout4.ini and Fallout4Prefs.ini for the game documents folder.
  • Download manually.
  • Run fINIp 4 Installer-67-1-0.exe and follow the instructions.
  • Select your install folder when asked to.
  • Install.
  • Wait for fINIp 4 to start the launcher and let it set your INIs.
  • You can open the settings to adjust some values to your liking.

Fallout INI Project 4 offer a convenient way to prepare your ini files. It will edit the default template used by the automatic INI generation of the launcher in a way that your ini files will be filled exhaustively, free of bogus or placebo settings, and sorted in alphabetical order, and then proceed to run the launcher.

For additional informations on how INI files behave and affect your games, see the Fallout 4 configuration reference.

Adjusting your settings

You can most likely skip this if you can play on Ultra. If you can't, two things to test before down-grading your visuals too much is to

  • Disable Godrays
  • Set Shadow Distance to Medium

If you still can't have decent FPS with it, use a lower setting that match your computer's performance. Some settings have a high quality/performance ratio, and thus should be maxed out :

  • Anisotropy -> Set it to at least 8x. Performance hit is only noticeable at 16x, but 8x look 1000x time better than 0 or 2x.
  • Anti-Aliasing -> TAA. There is a small performance hit, but TAA look infinitely better than FXAA (not even talking about no-AA at all).

Note that there is an issue with Godrays pixelating your character if they aren't set on Ultra. So you either use ultra godrays, or no godrays.
Shadow distance should be left to Medium, as this is handled later in the guide.
An other option for good-quality AA is too use SMAA in combinations with downsampling. Setting this is a bit more complex, so google for it if you want. The main reason for doing so instead of using TAA is to avoid the slight blurriness on edges introduced by TAA.

Further INI tweaking

Go to the game's documents folders and start tweaking your INIs

In Fallout4.ini

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Put bInvalidateOlderFiles=1 and blank out sResourceDataDirsFinal in the [Archive] section, so loose files will load through the game. Faster :)


If you've already played the game enough, you'll probably want to disable tutorials message for your future playthrough :


In Fallout4Prefs.ini

Make sure iShadowMapResolution is at least 2048. Even if it cost some FPS, 1024 is way too ugly to play. 4096 is the default Ultra setting. You can even raise this setting to 8192 if you've got an ultra-powerful computer.


External sources :

Some decent advice related to visual-quality tweaking can be found here : A data vault of tweaks and fixes, thanks to Verrenus
Just avoid the uGridToLoad tweak mentioned there if you intend to heavily modify your game in the future (still mostly ok for vanilla playthrough and screenarchery).

A lot of other interesting tweaks are exposed here : Useful INI Settings, thanks to InsanePlumber. There is especially a lot of priceless informations about UI configuration.

Setting up your modding environment

Choose and install a mod manager

Only NMM have been properly updated for Fallout 4. This is in my opinion the best choice until Mod Organizer 2 is more stable and reliable. An other alternative is Wrye Flash, which also have been updated for FO4 support.

Resetting "Download with Manager" for NMM

If you're using Mod Organizer as mod manager for other games, and want to use NMM for now with Fallout4, here is the procedure to re-associate "Download with NMM" buttons on nexus with NMM instead of MO for Fallout 4 only :

Browse through your ModOrganizer install folder and find nxmhandlers.ini. open it with Notepad++

Make it look something like this :

1\executable=E:\\Modding Tools\\ModOrganizer\\ModOrganizer.exe
2\executable=E:\\Modding Tools\\Nexus Mod Manager\\NexusClient.exe

Template:Warning Small

Save and close nxmhandlers.ini, and run nxmhandler.exe located in the same folder. Click "register active", and press "yes" on the prompt. Done. Fallout4 downloads will now be directed towards NMM instead of MO.

Working with NMM

Tinkering loose files

NMM isn't as convenient as MO to customize your installation, especially when you need to adjust loose files.
To access loose files from a specific mod via NMM :

  • Install the mod so all the files you have to work with are in place.
  • Disable the mod : Icon disabled.PNG it'll avoid glitchy behavior from NMM visualization system.
  • Open NMM's Mod folder : Icon nmmfolders.PNG
  • Browse to Nexus Mod Manager\Fallout4\Mods\VirtualInstall
  • Folders here have the same name as the archive they've been installed with, not necessarily the mod's name !
  • Locate the mod's folder you're looking for
  • Make whatever you have to do in there
  • Go back to NMM and activate the mod to use your "adjusted" version.
Conflicting files installation

When two mods try to install the same file (or should I say, in NMM's case, when a mod try to install a file already installed by an other mod), NMM will ask you to choose between the two with this dialogue :

You have 2x 4 options (4 for "YES" and 4 for "NO") :

  • _ to all
  • _ to folder
  • _ to mod
  • _

Never select "_ to all". This will deprive you from any control on your installation, as the mod will either overwrite/be overridden by any conflicting mods, without you knowing which one.
The "_ to folder" is pretty much the same, except it'll present you with the dialogue again for each different folder (folders being assailable to "category of loose files" here).
"_ to mod" is the option you will usually want to use. It allow you to check exactly with which mods the one you're installing present conflicts, and let you choose for each of them if you want to overwrite it, or let it overwrite the one you're installing.
The simplest "_" option is the most powerful, however it is extremely tedious to use as NMM will present you the dialogue for every conflicting files. This can be thousands of them in the case of large texture overhauls. Plus, if you're still reading this paragraph, this probably means you have no idea what most of the file names represent, so you can't exactly choose ^^

In this guide, conflict-resolution for loose files will be oriented towards the use of the "_ to mod" options.

If you've made a mistake when choosing yes/no, you can simply disable and re-enable the mod, NMM will ask you again for each conflicts which mod should overwrite which one.

Advanced tools


A good thing to do in those obscure time is also to grab a copy of FO4Edit so you can checks the mods you install yourself.
Some early mods have been released with a lot of errors, so checking them with FO4Edit to ensure they aren't to risky for your playthrough and savegame is a good habit.
On top of that, it will allow you to make some customisations.

FO4Edit - 3.1.3 - by the xEdit Team
  • MAIN FILES - FO4Edit 3.1.3 - 293cddb

Installation :

  • Download manually
  • Extract the archive in a suitable location. Using a "Modding Tools" or similar folder is strongly advised to keep all your modding utilities together.
  • Create a shortcut to TESVEdit.exe
  • Rename your shortcut to FO4Edit (optional)
  • Edit this shortcut (right-click-> properties) :
    • under the "target" field of the shortcut, add the following argument :
      -fo4 -edit
    • If using a non-english version of the game : Add also those two arguments :
      -l:XX -cp:utf-8
      Where XX is your language's abbreviation (example : fr for french)
  • Don't forget that you'll need to use the shortcut instead of the main executable to launch it with the parameters we just set up.

FO4Edit will also allow you to check conflicting records when your whole load order is analyzed. This is how you're supposed to organize priorities in your load order until semi-automated tools such as LOOT implement proper Fallout 4 support. Indications for load order management specific to this guide are given in the Load Order management section.

More informations on how to use FO4Edit can be found on the xEdit guide

Bethesda Archive Extractor

B.A.E. - Beteshda Archive Extractor - 0.04 - by Jon
  • MAIN FILES - Bethesda Archive Extractor v0.04

Installation :

  • Download manually
  • Extract the archive in a suitable location. Using a "Modding Tools" or similar folder is strongly advised to keep all your modding utilities together.

Description : This tool allow you to have a quick peek inside .BA2 or .BSA archive files (Bethesda's specific archive format), or even extract them to an external location. While essentially aimed at modders to extract, analyze, and edit resources, B.A.E. can allow you to better understand which files exist within the original game, and which files will be provided brand new by installed mods.

More informations on how to setup and use B.A.E. are available on its dedicated guide.

Installing extenders and injectors

Fallout 4 Script Extender

F4SE have already become critical to your modding setup, as it will allow you to bypass the Launcher, preventing the launcher from the last official update to reset your list of loaded plugins to none, and offering extended possibilities to customize keybindings.

Fallout 4 Script Extender - 0.1.13 - by ianpatt, behippo, and Purple Lunchbox
Files to download :

Fallout 4 runtime 1.5.157 Current build: 0.1.13 - 7z archive

Installation : Put the following files into your installation folder :

  • f4se_loader.exe
  • f4se_1_5_157.dll
  • f4se_steam_loader.dll

Utilization :
From now on, you must always run the game using f4se_loader.exe instead of Fallout4.exe

To customize keymapping (extract from F4SE readme) :

  • Extract CustomControlMap.txt to Data\F4SE\CustomControlMap.txt
  • Edit that file with Notepad++ to set your bindings.
  • You have to specify what is known as Virtual-Key codes.
  • Do not use the space-bar when editing the file, columns have to be separated by tabulations only.
    • The first column is the name of the internal keybind.
    • The second column is the Virtual-Key code that should activate the bind.
    • The third column is for mice.
    • The fourth column is for controllers.
    • The next three columns control whether or not a control should be written to the user's config file.
    • The final column specifies which input layer the bind is associated with. You will probably not want to change that.
  • Delete Custom_MapControl.txt from Documents\My Games\Fallout4\ if you have one here.

ENBoost and ENBSeries

Not as critical as its Skyrim counter-part, ENBoost allow you to disable fake NPC-lighting without having to enter the command manually each time you load the game.
This also fix some multi-threading issues with shaders, but fixes aren't necessarily noticeable on all configurations.
No performance hit. You also have a nice FPS counter available at will (* key on your numpad).
Download Binaries

Click on the latest binaries available, and on the next page on Down1.gifdownload.
Look for the folder named WrapperVersion in the archive, and extract the following files in your installation folder
Copy the following files in your installation folder :

  • d3d11.dll
  • d3dcompiler_46e.dll
  • enblocal.ini

Edit enblocal.ini with Notepad++ to modify the following setting :


This will disable the graphical part of enbseries (which require the other files from the wrapper folder we didn't install) to only leave bugfixes enabled. If you install a post-processing mod later based on enbseries, you'll need to come back to set this parameter to false. Note that such post-processing mods (known as ENB Presets) come with their own effect files, so you won't need those in the original enbseries (which are mostly here as template / examples for presets authors, though you can still use them).
If you wish to install the default effect files and tweak them by yourself (i.e. design your own preset), some help to get started is available on the STEP Forum, thanks to JawZ


More informations : Official Nexus Page
There is some information and preset here regarding the ForceVideoMemorySizeparameter. Leaving it at default (disabled) is recommended for lower configuration. Only systems with a lot of RAM will take advantage of this.

More general informations about enbseries can be found around STEP, check the forum and other guides. Keep in mind that some of the content might not apply to Fallout 4 though.


ReShade is a framework to enhance post-processing. This allow to inject shaders in games at run-time. The most known shader library now using ReShade is SweetFX.

There is already a bunch of preset available over Nexus.
The main download is here : ReShade
Installation :

  • Extract the archive in a temporary folder
  • Rename ReShade64.dll to dxgi.dll
  • Move dxgi.dll, ReShade.fx, and the ReShade folder with all of its content to your Fallout 4 installation folder.

Note that some presets might require an older ReShade framework to work as intended. Always check the preset's mod page you're downloading for special instructions.

Installing a ReShade Preset

Installing a ReShade is rather straightforward.

  • Go to the (nexus) page of the preset
  • Download manually
  • Open the archive with 7zip
  • Drag and drop the files/folders so :
    • They overwrite the ones installed by the framework.
    • The ReShade folder merge with the one installed by the framework.

As mentioned above, if your preset require a different version than the one you currently have installed, you will first need to uninstall your current ReShade framework, install the legacy version, and only then install your preset.

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Recommended preset

Cinematic Excellence - 6.4.1 - by Archalyus
Files to download :
  • MAIN FILES - Cinematic Excellence v6.4.1

Special Instructions :

  • From the ReShade Main Files folder :
    • Install files from the "Cinematic Palette"
    • Install one of the files from the sharpening folder, depending on your liking.
      More sharpening mean more texture details, but this lead to objects that are not seen up-close to look noisy.
    • Ignore the Depth Of Field folder (The SweetFX DoF included is invasive and will blur your UI and conversations scenes).
  • From the ENB Test Main Files folder
    • Install everything but the enblocal.ini
    • Edit your own enblocal.ini to make sure that UsePatchSpeedhackWithoutGraphics is set to false.

Description : A high quality ReShade + ENB preset. Good enough for current BABY's state, though it might change in the near future.

Shadow Boost

Remember the advice earlier about setting shadow distance to medium to drastically increase performance ?
Well, there is a fix. This will allow you to set a desired minimum FPS. While you're above the desired FPS, Shadow Distance will be increased dynamically. If your FPS start dropping, it'll be reduced until you go back to your desired limit.

Shadow Boost - - by Alexander Blade
Use the Download link

Installation :

  • Extract the archive in a temporary folder.
  • Move ShadowBoost.asi, ShadowBoost.ini and xinput1_3.dll in your installation folder.
  • Adjust parameters in ShadowBoost.ini :
    • fTargetFramerate is your minimum desried FPS
    • fDistChangeSpeed is the speed at which shadow distance will be adjusted. Keep it between 0.5 and 5.0.
    • fShadowDrawDistMin is the minimal shadow distance, so even at lower FPS, shadow won't be reduced to a weird-looking distance.
    • fShadowDrawDistMax is the maximal shadow distance. There is no need to set it super-high as you won't be able to see that far anyway

Official Shadow Boost Nexus Page

Time to mod !


This section install resources mods required by others in the guide in order to function properly.

Armor and Weapon Keywords Community Resource (AWKCR) - 2.1.1 - by Valdacil and Gambit77
Files to download :
  • MAIN FILES - Armor and Weapon Keywords Community Resource v2.1.1b


Template:FOMOD_Instructions is deprecated and should no longer be used on this wiki. Please change this template call to use the better-looking and simpler Template:Fomod. We apologize for the inconvenience.
FOMOD Instructions
Armor and Weapons Keyword Community Resource
Armor and Weapons Keyword Community Resource
Game Options
Game Options

DotMO.png With Automatron DLC


DotMO.png UFO4P Patch


Note: The installer will complain upon enabling the UFO4P Patch because it isn't installed yet. We're going to install the UFO4P later in the guide, so you can safely ignore the warning.

Description : This is a community framework that create and assign a new set of keywords for armors and weapons, offering enhanced possibilities for everything related to the crafting of weapons & armors.

User Interface

Full Dialogue Interface - Beta9.1 - by shadwar and Cirosan
Files to download :
  • MAIN FILES - Full Dialogue Interface - All languages - NMM installer


Template:FOMOD_Instructions is deprecated and should no longer be used on this wiki. Please change this template call to use the better-looking and simpler Template:Fomod. We apologize for the inconvenience.
FOMOD Instructions
Full Dialogue Interface Installation
Full Dialogue Interface Installation
English Version
English Version

DotMO.png Full Dialogue Interface - Horizontal Brackets With Numbers


Notes :

  • If using a non-English version of the game, choose a version compatible with your language.
  • The option you select have no impact on the rest of the guide, just pick the layout you prefer.

Description : Dialogues options now display the full text. The layout is re-designed in a more classic fashion, and can be selected with 1/2/3/4 keys instead of arrow-keys

DEF_UI - 1.2.0 - by Neanka
Files to download :
  • MAIN FILES - DEF_UI 1.2.0


Template:FOMOD_Instructions is deprecated and should no longer be used on this wiki. Please change this template call to use the better-looking and simpler Template:Fomod. We apologize for the inconvenience.
FOMOD Instructions






DotMO.png English (EN)

Screen Ratio
Screen Ratio

DotMO.png 16:9

Display Components
Display Components

DotMO.png Use Sorting Mod Component Tags

HUD Config
HUD Config

DotMO.png Vanilla HUD

Sorting Mod
Sorting Mod

DotMO.png I already have sorting xml files

IMPORTANT (All Required)
IMPORTANT (All Required)

DotMO.png Readme - Mods

DotMO.png Readme - HUD

DotMO.png Readme - INV


Notes :

  • Under Language, pick your game's language.
  • Under Screen Ratio, pick your own monitor's ratio.

Description : This mod come with a lot of improvements to the Inventory, Pipboy and Barter menu, from bigger containers to DPS and Value/Weight indicators, with customized categories for holotapes and notes as well. Everything is configurable through .xml files. Tags in item's names can be replaced by icons.

You can customize the HUD further by yourself by visiting the Data\Interface folder and drag & dropping the HUDMenuSet.swf to the flashplayer_20_sa.exe

Valdacil's Item Sorting - 7.1.0 - by Valdacil
Files to download :
  • MAIN FILES - Valdacils Item Sorting v7.1.0


Template:FOMOD_Instructions is deprecated and should no longer be used on this wiki. Please change this template call to use the better-looking and simpler Template:Fomod. We apologize for the inconvenience.
FOMOD Instructions
Valdacil's Item Sorting
Valdacil's Item Sorting

DotMO.png Val's Picks (with Overrides)

DLC: Automatron
DLC: Automatron

DotMO.png Standard

Valdacil's Item Sorting
Valdacil's Item Sorting

DotMO.png Vanilla Weight


DotMO.png Vanilla Weight


DotMO.png Vanilla Weight


DotMO.png Vanilla Weight

Not Junk
Not Junk
Valdacil's Item Sorting
Valdacil's Item Sorting
Compatibility Patches
Compatibility Patches
Chem Redux + VIS:Aid
Chem Redux + VIS:Aid
Functional Displays + VIS:Explosives
Functional Displays + VIS:Explosives
Functional Displays + VIS:Misc+Junk
Functional Displays + VIS:Misc+Junk
ReBallistic + VIS:Ammo
ReBallistic + VIS:Ammo
ZephhyrWarrior's F4 PA Overhaul + VIS:Armor
ZephhyrWarrior's F4 PA Overhaul + VIS:Armor

DotMO.png DEF_INV All


Description : This mod will allow to take full advantage of DEF_UI by modifying Item's names so they can be displayed with icons in the menus, and have a better item sorting in menus. Additionally, the "Not Junk" feature prevent valuables junk to be treated as such and instead being "Misc" so they can be sold for caps instead.

Additional modifications : In order to keep a clear load order and reduce the number of .esp, merge manually the plugins with xEdit :

  • Make sure the plugins are sorted in the right order :
    • Fallout4.esm
    • DLCworkshop01.esm
    • ArmorKeywords.esm
    • ValdacilsItemSorting-00-ValsPicks.esp
    • ValdacilsItemSorting-Aid.esp
    • ValdacilsItemSorting-Misc.esp
    • ValdacilsItemSorting-Mods.esp
    • ValdacilsItemSorting-DLCAutomatron.esp
  • Open FO4Edit and load all of the above plugins
  • Once the background loader is complete, expand the latest plugin in the tree panel.
  • Right click on the first group and select Copy As Deep Override To...
  • In the menu the pop-up, select <new file>
  • In the next textbox, enter the name of your destination plugin wthout the .esp extension. Item Sorting for instance.
  • Repeat for each group in the plugin, selecting your newly created .esp in the plugin selection
  • Repeat for each plugin from ValdacilsItemSorting in the load order, from the higher priority one to the lower priority one.
  • Do NOT to do this with ArmorKeywords.esm or any of the official plugins.
  • Close FO4Edit and save your newly created Item Sorting .esp
  • Remove old ValcadisItemSorting*.esp plugins from your installation.


Satellite World Map - 1.0 - by FloorBelow
Files to download :
  • OPTIONAL FILES - Monochrome Version - 4k Resolution

  • OPTIONAL FILES - Coloured Version - 4k Resolution

Notes :

  • Do not be afraid of the resolution size. This is for the worldmap, so the texture is only used when the map is open. Performances and VRAM limits aren't relevant.
  • Bigger resolutions make the map actually bigger, meaning it take more time to move from one point to another in the map menu. It help to spread icons, but 8K can make the map uncomfortable to use.
  • If using the colored version, don't forget to add the following tweaks to your INIs :


Description : Improved map, easier to read and more pleasant to look at.

HideUI - Hotkey HUD Toggle - 1.0 - by fadingsignal
Files to download :

Description : Allow to toggle the HUD On/Off using a hotkey, or let the mod automatically turn it On/Off when you enter/exit combat.

Configuration :
To avoid having to use one of the very gameplay-convenient 1-2-3-4-5 hotkey, but keep it in a handy keyboard location :

  • Favorite the controller to the last slot (bottom of the favorite menu cross)
  • Rebind the Quickkey12 control in CustomControlMap.txt to something more accessible.

BugFixes & Annoyances removal

Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch - 1.0.0d - by the Unofficial Patch Project Team
Files to download :
  • MAIN FILES - Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch

Description : This is the unofficial patch for Fallout 4. This fix several bugs, glitches, issues and inconsistencies not dealt with by Bethesda in the official version of the game.

Dead Body Collision - 1.0 - by MadAce
Files to download :
  • MAIN FILES - DeadBodyCollision

Description : Enable collision physic on dead bodies.

Realistic Death Physics - 1.2 - by mm137
Files to download :
  • MAIN FILES - Realistic Death Physics - No Animations

Description : Reduce impacts' strength to prevent NPCs from flying around the place when taking a fatal bullet, and replace odd-looking death animations by simple ragdoll to make body crumbles in a more natural fashion

Faster terminal Display - 3.0 - by Old Nick
Files to download :
  • OPTIONAL FILES - Faster Terminal Displays (5x) Creation Kit Version

Description : Increase the speed at which terminals text is displayed.

Achievements - 1.0.1 - by Expired
Files to download :
  • MAIN FILES - Achievements v1-0-1

Description : Re-enable steam achievements even when playing a modded game. You obviously don't need it if you already have all of the achievements (or don't care about them).

SURVIVAL QUICK SAVE - No Sleep Till Bedtime - 1.0 - by Gopher
Files to download :

Description : This mod allow you to save your game at anytime using an in-gameintem from your inventory if you're playing in survival mode. Prevent to loose hours of gameplay because of a CTD or other situation when you need to quickly save and leave the game. Only needed if playing in survival mode.

Survival Mode Console - 1 - by Zion9876
Files to download :
  • MAIN FILES - Survival Mode Console
Alternative :

Description : Re-enable the use of the console in survival mode. The alternative optional download will also re-enable fast-travel, though using it will seriously reduce the interest of survival mode.

Textures - Environment

Optimized vanilla Textures - 1.10 - by Myst
Files to download :
  • MAIN FILES - Optimized Vanilla Textures 1-07 Full
  • UPDATES - Optimized Vanilla Textures 1-10 Update

Note : This mod will be overriden by most of the following textures mods. When this is the case, this won't be precised, the answer is always YES

Description : A set of optimized textures, very little quality loss for a small performance improvement.

FAR - Faraway Area Reform - 1.1 - by SparrowPrince
Files to download :
  • MAIN FILES - FAR - Faraway Area Reform 1_1
  • OPTIONAL FILES - FAR - Optimised Default Bump Maps 1-1

Description : Improved textures of the distant terrain, also improving performances, killing two pidgeys with one stone.

WET - Water Enhancement Textures - 1.65 - by SparrowPrince
Files to download :
  • MAIN FILES - WET 1_65


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FOMOD Instructions
WET 1-6

DotMO.png WET Main Files

WET Plugin Optional
WET Plugin Optional
WET Rain Optionals
WET Rain Optionals

Description : Improved water textures and colors, including new ripples effects.

Radiant Clouds and Fogs - 1.3 - by MangaClub
Files to download :
  • MAIN FILES - Radiant Clouds and Fogs


Template:FOMOD_Instructions is deprecated and should no longer be used on this wiki. Please change this template call to use the better-looking and simpler Template:Fomod. We apologize for the inconvenience.
FOMOD Instructions
Radiant Clouds and Fogs
Radiant Clouds and Fogs
Radiant Clouds and Fogs
Vivid Clouds and Fogs
Vivid Clouds and Fogs

DotMO.png Highres Version


Note : You can pick the MedRes version if the installer if you're worried about performances.

Description : Improve clouds textures, giving them a more volumetric look. They're also designed to improve the shadows casted by sunlight/moonlight.

Rock On - 09beta - by 3AMt
Files to download :
  • MAIN FILES - Rock On

Description : Vastly improved rock textures

Better Quarry Sights - 2.2 - by LucidAPs
Files to download :
  • MAIN FILES - Better Quarry Sites

  • OPTIONAL FILES - Better Quarry Sites - HD Normal Maps

Description : Improved quarry sights with higher res textures, contributing to rectify some visual glitches/stretching.

Vivid Fallouts - Landscapes - 2.1 - by Hein84
Files to download :
  • MAIN FILES - Vivid Fallout - Landscapes - Best Choice

  • MAIN FILES - Vivid Fallout - Landscapes - Best Performances
  • HQ

  • MAIN FILES - xVivid Fallout - Landscapes - 2k
  • Description : Improved ground textures. Albeit those textures are higher-res and better looking than vanilla's, they still contribute to improve performances thanks to compression format magic.

    New Road Enhanced - 2.0 - by Rufus696
    Files to download :
    • MAIN FILES - New Road BETA V2

    Override : Vivid Fallouts - Landscapes

    Description : Improved road textures, a little bit more crackled than vanilla.

    Langleys HD Textures Workshop - 0.8 - by Langley
    Files to download :
    • MAIN FILES - Langleys HD Textures Workshop
    Files to download :
    • OPTIONAL FILES - Optional Files

    Special Instructions :

    • Do not install the optional files as is.
    • Open the optional files archive
    • Extract the Rust Bobblehead Stand and Broken Bricks folders
    • (optional) Remove the screenshots from the folders
    • Repack them as .7z
    • Install the 7z you just packaged through NMM

    Override :

    • Vivid Fallouts - Landscapes
    • Jester's Better Destroyed Vehicles

    Description : High quality retex of various architecture and decoration items.

    Haul'd Out 4K - 1.1.1 - by DUST2DEATH
    Files to download :
    • MAIN FILES - HaulD Out 2K - Pier, HaulD Out 2K - Warehouse

    Description : High-quality retextures of two architecture sets, warehouses and pier.

    Prydwen 2K Textures - 1.0 - by tamu75
    Files to download :
    • MAIN FILES - Prydwen 2K Textures v1.0

    Description : Reflective and shiny textures for the Prydwen's floor ! Plus texture improvements to the overall Prydwen's textures.

    Fallout Textures Overhaul Stars - 1.0 - by Gorgulla
    Files to download :
    • MAIN FILES - FTO Stars 2K

  • MAIN FILES - FTO Stars 4k
  • Description : Densify the number of stars in the sky.

    FO4 MOON - 4.0 - by ramccoid
    Files to download :
    • MAIN FILES - FO4 MOON v4 x1024

  • MAIN FILES - FO4 MOON v4 x2048
  • Description : Bigger and better-looking moon !

    Textures - Equipment

    Proto Vault Suit - 1.2 - by nitronizer
    Files to download :
    • MAIN FILES - ProtoVaultSuit - Blue 1.2
    Alternatives :
    • OPTIONAL FILES - Any of the alternative colors you prefer

    Description : High quality retexture of the vaultsuit, with color alternatives. Different than vanilla though true to the original look.

    Fallout textures Overhaul PipBoy - 2.3 - by Gorgulla
    Files to download :
    Alternative :
    • OPTIONAL FILES - FTO Pip-Boy UHD 4K Dark Version

    Note : Do NOT override the map from Satellite World Map

    Description : HD retexture of the Pip-Boy.

    Immersive Wastelanders Ammunitions - 1.0 - by Atrioch
    Files to download :
    • MAIN FILES - Immersive Wastelander's Ammunition

    Description : Retexture of the ammo boxes, giving them a more weathered look way more plausible than the almost-shiny vanilla ones.

    Combat Armor No Star Decal - 0.1 - by Milacetious
    Files to download :
    • MAIN FILES - Combat Armor No Star Decal

    Description : Remove the star decal from the power armor, preventing from an undesired cap'tain america look.

    New Double Barrel Shotgun Textures - 1.0 - by Millenia
    Files to download :
    • MAIN FILES - ScratchMade - FO4 Double Barrel Shotgun retexture

    Description : HQ retexture for double barrels shotguns.

    New Combat Shotgun and Rifle textures - 1.1 - by Millenia
    Files to download :
    • MAIN FILES - Fallout 4 Combat Shotgun and Rifle retexture - 4096 tex

    • OPTIONAL FILES - Fallout 4 Combat Shotgun and Rifle retexture - 2048 tex

    Override: New Double Barrel Shotgun Textures (same files)

    Description : HQ retexture for shotguns and rifles.

    4K Black Suit and Tuxedo - 1.1 - by TwistedMethod
    Files to download :
    • MAIN FILES - 4k Black Suit (Smoother), 4k Tuxedo (as requested)

    Description : HQ retexture of the black suit and the tuxedo.

    Fallout Textures Overhaul Power Armors - 1.3 - by Gorgulla
    Files to download :
    • MAIN FILES - FTO Power Armors UHD 4K Power Armor FRAME, FTO Power Armors UHD 4K T-45, FTO Power Armors UHD 4K T-60

    • OPTIONAL FILES - FTO Power Armors UHD 2K Power Armor FRAME, FTO Power Armors UHD 2K T-45, FTO Power Armors UHD 2K T-60

    Description : HQ retexture of the Power Armor Frame, the T-45 Power Armor, and the T-60.

    .44 Magnum Retexture - 1.1 - by Exodus
    Files to download :
    • MAIN FILES - .44 Magnum Double Resolution

  • MAIN FILES - .44 Magnum Standard Resolution
  • Description : Good-looking retexture of the .44 Magnum, slightly cleaner than vanilla.

    Textures - Other

    Enhanced Blood Textures - 1.0 - by dDefinder
    Files to download :
    • MAIN FILES - EBT_Basic v1


    Template:FOMOD_Instructions is deprecated and should no longer be used on this wiki. Please change this template call to use the better-looking and simpler Template:Fomod. We apologize for the inconvenience.
    FOMOD Instructions
    Enhanced Blood Textures
    Enhanced Blood Textures
    Enhanced Blood Textures

    DotMO.png Enhanced Blood Textures Main

    Screen Blood
    Screen Blood

    DotMO.png Subtle

    Blood Mist
    Blood Mist
    Eye Cube Map
    Eye Cube Map
    Dark Outdoor
    Dark Outdoor
    Screen Duration
    Screen Duration
    Blood Size
    Blood Size
    Enhanced Blood Textures
    Enhanced Blood Textures
    Resolution and Color
    Resolution and Color

    DotMO.png High, Alternate Darker Color


    Description : Improvement of blood textures and modifications of various blood splashes impacts. Include a plugin for additional decal and impacts parameters.

    Weathered First Aid Kit - 1.0 - by Kazeite
    Files to download :
    • MAIN FILES - Weathered First Aid Kit

    Description : Retexture of the First Aid Kit so it match better the general atmosphere of the game, vanilla's kit being too clean and thus looking out of place in some places.

    Improved Pre-War Money - 1.0 - by Zaldiir
    Files to download :
    • MAIN FILES - Improved Pre-War Money

    Description : Improve the very low-res Pre-War money texture.

    Comics Got Back - 2.0 - by tonicmole
    Files to download :
    • OPTIONAL FILES - Optional Survival Guide Fix

    Description : Give a back with an ad to collectibles magazines.

    High Resolution Pack - Valius - 1.2.3 - by Valius
    Files to download :
    • MAIN FILES - Textures - 2K Version

    Description : Improve some furniture textures such as desks and cabinets

    FTO Pip-Boy - Holotape - 2.3 - by Gorgulla
    Files to download :
    • OPTIONAL FILES - FTO Pip-Boy Holotape

    Description : Part of Gorgulla's pipboy overhaul, huge improvement of the holotapes textures.

    Better Computer Terminals - 1.0 - by Jomla97
    Files to download :
    • MAIN FILES - Better Computer Terminals - 2K Dirtier

    Description : Improve terminals textures, with letters on the keyboard !

    Chem Redux - 2.4 - by Derp
    Files to download :
    • OPTIONAL FILES - Chem_Redux 2.4 - No glow version

    Description : Small retexture of chems, offering more variety between the different declinations of mentats and drugs by giving each a unique appearance.

    HD ReTexture 4X 2X WIP - 2.2 - by FlaconOil
    Files to download :
    • MAIN FILES - Full 4X or 2X 2.2

    • OPTIONAL FILES - Optional for performance 2.2

    Override : Langleys Workshop

    Description : High quality retex of various outdoors furnitures such as bus-stop and trash-bins.

    OJO BUENO NUKA-COLA MACHINE - 2.0 - by tapioks
    Files to download :
    • MAIN FILES - Ojo Bueno Nuka-Cola Machine - 2K Full

  • MAIN FILES - Ojo Bueno Nuka-Cola Machine - 4K
  • LQ

  • MAIN FILES - Ojo Bueno Nuka-Cola Machine - 2K Lite
  • Description : Improve Nuka-Cola distributors textures

    OJO BUENO MILK VENDING MACHINE - 2.0 - by tapioks
    Files to download :
    • MAIN FILES - Ojo Bueno Milk Vending Machine - 2K Lite

  • MAIN FILES - Ojo Bueno Milk Vending Machine - 4K
  • LQ

  • MAIN FILES - Ojo Bueno Milk Vending Machine - 1K
  • Description : Improve Milk vending machines textures

    Fallout 4 HD Reworked Project - 1.0 - by Halk Hogan
    Files to download :
    • MAIN FILES - Fallout 4 HD Reworked Project 1.0 - QUALITY

  • MAIN FILES - Fallout 4 HD Reworked Project 1.0 - xPERFORMANCE
  • Description : Upgrade several clutters elements to high quality visuals, both textures and meshes.

    FOAM - Better Locks - 1.2 - by Dread
    Files to download :
    • MAIN FILES - Better Locks v1.2

    Description : Improve lock's texture seen during the lockpicking mini-game.

    Textures - Creatures

    Detailled deathclaws - 2 - by jim
    Files to download :
    • OPTIONAL FILES - Detailed Deathclaws - 2k x 2k resolution

  • MAIN FILES - Detailed Deathclaws - 4k x 4k resolution
  • Description : Improve deathclaw's textures.

    D.E.C.A.Y - Better Ghouls - 05b - by Thumblesteen
    Files to download :
    • MAIN FILES - D.E.C.A.Y

    Description : Improve the visuals and add variety to feral ghouls, giving them an appearance closer to regular zombies

    Textures - Characters

    Immersive Mouth and Teeth - 2.3 - by ClearanceClarence
    Files to download :
    • OPTIONAL FILES - Immersive Mouth and Teeth - 1024 - 2.3

    • OPTIONAL FILES - Immersive Mouth and Teeth - 2048 - 2.3

    Description : Improve character's mouth and teeth textures.

    Med-Tek Facial Reconstruction - Eyes - 1.0 - by Xenius
    Files to download :

    Description : Improve character's eyes and eyelashes textures.

    Lore-Friendly Ghoul Eyes - 1.0 - by Pommymax
    Files to download :
    • OPTIONAL FILES - Lore-Friendly Ghoul Eyes (Nuclear Edition)

    Override : Med-Tek Facial Reconstruction - Eyes

    Description : Change ghouls' eyes to a cataract-looking style instead of the default full black one.

    deLuxe - Lip Liner Mask - 0.1 - by Cilbas
    Files to download :
    • MAIN FILES - deLuxe Mask

    Description : Improve character's lips, and smooth the weird color gradient on the contour.

    Sounds Improvements

    No More Cash Register Sound - 1.0 - by LiquidBronze
    Files to download :
    • MAIN FILES - No more cash register sound

    Description : Remove the annoying gling-gling sound played whenever you gain experience points.

    Power Armor Movement Sounds - 1.2 - by ONIXer
    Files to download :
    • MAIN FILES - PAMS Heavy
    • OPTIONAL FILES - PAMS Hydraulic
    Special Instruction : Remove the following files from PAMS Hydraulic :
    * means all the files which start by the same path & name

    This is to remove the hydraulic sound from regular movement, and keep it only for special moves such as jumps. Otherwise the hydraulic sounds get very quickly annoying.

    Description : Improve the power armor's sounds, making it sound heavier and somewhat more robotic.

    Towbie's Realistic Weapon Sounds - 0.56 - by towbiekun
    Files to download :
    • MAIN FILES - Towbie's Realistic Firearms

    Description : Improve firearms sounds, making them more resounding.

    Laser Rifle and Plasma Rifle firing sounds - 1.0 - by Kelleth
    Files to download :
    • MAIN FILES - Laser and Plasma Rifle sound.

    Description : Improve lasers and plasma rifles sounds, making the plasma ones sound closer to a blaster and the laser one more... "laseric".


    Lowered Weapons - 1.1 - by lesma666
    Files to download :
    • MAIN FILES - Lowered Weapons 1.1
    Special Instruction : Remove the following folders from Lowered Weapons :

    There is a glitch with the first 3 which have a warm-up time before firing. The fatman will just block your view if you keep it.

    Description : This mod will allow you to have your weapons lowered in 1st person view, when you are not shooting.

    True Storms - Wasteland Edition - 1.3.1 - by fadingsignal
    Files to download :
    • MAIN FILES - True Storms - Wasteland Edition 1.3.1


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    FOMOD Instructions
    True Storms - Wasteland Edition 1.3.1
    True Storms - Wasteland Edition
    True Storms - Wasteland Edition
    Standard or LITE Audio
    Standard or LITE Audio

    DotMO.png Standard Audio (default)

    True Storms - Wasteland Edition
    True Storms - Wasteland Edition
    Weather Chances
    Weather Chances

    DotMO.png Standard Vanilla

    True Storms - Wasteland Edition
    True Storms - Wasteland Edition

    DotMO.png Longer Weather (default)

    True Storms - Wasteland Edition
    True Storms - Wasteland Edition
    Sunset Time
    Sunset Time

    DotMO.png Standard Vanilla

    True Storms - Wasteland Edition
    True Storms - Wasteland Edition
    Heavy Fogs
    Heavy Fogs

    DotMO.png New Heavy Fogs (default)

    True Storms - Wasteland Edition
    True Storms - Wasteland Edition
    Dangerous Glowing Sea
    Dangerous Glowing Sea

    DotMO.png 3x Damage


    Override : WET - Water Enhancement Textures

    Special Instruction :

    • Make sure that rain occlusion is enabled in Fallout4Prefs.ini :

    Description : Overhaul the storms weathers, improving both sounds and visuals during various climatic situations, and introducing new type of storms for more variety.

    Darker Nights - 1.10.6 - by unforbidable
    Files to download :
    • MAIN FILES - Darker Nights
    • OPTIONAL FILES - Darker Nights for Radiant Clouds and Fogs 1.3, Darker Nights for True Storms 1.3


    Template:FOMOD_Instructions is deprecated and should no longer be used on this wiki. Please change this template call to use the better-looking and simpler Template:Fomod. We apologize for the inconvenience.
    FOMOD Instructions
    Darker Nights
    Darker Nights 1.10.6
    Darker Nights 1.10.6
    Darkness Level
    Darkness Level

    DotMO.png Light (level 4)


    DotMO.png Vanilla

    Darker Nights 1.10.6
    Darker Nights 1.10.6

    DotMO.png Easy (level 4)

    Darker Nights 1.10.6
    Darker Nights 1.10.6
    Night Vision
    Night Vision

    DotMO.png Alternative (Green Tint)

    Darker Nights 1.10.6
    Darker Nights 1.10.6
    Night Vision Strength
    Night Vision Strength

    DotMO.png Moderate



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    FOMOD Instructions
    Darker Nights for True Storms 1.3
    Darker Nights 1.10.6 for True Storms 1.3
    Darker Nights 1.10.6 for True Storms 1.3
    Darkness Level
    Darkness Level

    DotMO.png Light (level 4)


    DotMO.png Vanilla

    Darker Nights 1.10.6
    Darker Nights 1.10.6

    DotMO.png True Storms - Standard Audio



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    FOMOD Instructions
    Darker Nights for Radiant Clouds and Fogs 1.3
    Darker Nights 1.10.6 for Radiant Clouds and Fogs 1.3
    Darker Nights 1.10.6 for Radiant Clouds and Fogs 1.3
    Darkness Level
    Darkness Level

    DotMO.png Light (level 4)


    DotMO.png Vanilla


    Note : If you don't use a post-processing mod which already darken nights, such as one of the two recommended at the beginning of this guide, choose the Dark (level 2) option, and make the next parameters match this choice.

    Description : Increase nights darkness, and provide additional tweaks to re-adjust NPC detection and Night vision.

    Fr4nsson's Light Tweaks - 1.6 - by Fr4nsson
    Files to download :
    • MAIN FILES - Fr4nsson's Light Tweaks V1.6 - Indoor Only

    Description : Tweak interiors image-spaces (~built-in post-processing) to remove some fake skylights and bloom effects. This result in somewhat darkers/dimmers interiors leading to an enhanced contrast in enlightened areas. This is only a temporary alternative until real lighting overhauls are doable with a proper modding tool.

    Brighter Settlement Lights - 1.2 - by Elvani
    Files to download :
    • MAIN FILES - Brighter Settlement Lights v1.2


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    FOMOD Instructions
    Brighter Settlement Lights v1.2
    Brighter Settlement Lights
    Brighter Settlement Lights
    Pick a version
    Pick a version

    DotMO.png Brighter


    Description : Increase settlements lights level, resulting in a higher contrast with Darker Nights installed, for awesome nightly settlements.

    PipBoy Shadows - 0.4 - by McGuffin
    Files to download :
    • MAIN FILES - PipBoyShadows_HeadLamps

    Description : Add shadows casting to power armors and mining headlamps

    Dynamic Muzzle Shadow - 1.3 - by Troy Irving
    Files to download :
    • MAIN FILES - Dynamic Weapon Shadows

    Description : Nice FPS crusher, this mod force shadows to be cast by the light of firing weapons. Don't install this without a ridiculously powerful rig.

    Shell Rain - 1.0 - by pauderek
    Files to download :
    • MAIN FILES - Shell Rain

    Description : Drastically increase the number of visible shells, as well as the time they stay visible





    New items and paintjobs



    Pre War Safes - 1.1 - by Armstrad
    Files to download :
    • MAIN FILES - Pre War Safes

    Description : Remove post-apocalyptic weapons from pre-war safes, as they don't belong there.

    Dynamic Flora Harvesting - 1.1 - by Chikawowwow
    Files to download :
    • MAIN FILES - Dynamic Flora Harvesting

    Description : Make plants yield a number of ingredients consistent with their visual.



    Load Order management


    Credits and Thanks

    DoubleYou - For the fallout background picture.
    DoubleYou, InsanePlumber and Verrenus - Some great INI tweaks mentioned here, and more to come ;)
    The STEP staff - For a wonderful wiki and a lot of advice for wiki-edition