User:DarkladyLexy/Lexys LOTD SE Prerequisites

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Revision as of 09:41, January 10, 2018 by DarkladyLexy (talk | contribs) (→‎Installing Mod Organizer 2: (added a section about configuring MO2))
Welcome to Lexy's: Legacy of The Dragonborn Special Edition
A STEP Hosted guide based of Neovalen's Skyrim Revisited: Legendary Edition
Created and maintained by Darth_mathias and DarkladyLexy With help from Nozzer66
Last Update: 20:05:23 30 March 2025 (GMT)

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Prerequisites Page

Official Bethesda Content

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Steam Overlay

The Steam Overlay is known to cause issues while playing Skyrim Special Edition it is advised to disable it; to do this perform the following:

  1. Load Steam.
  2. In the Tool bar at the top of the left hand side Click Steam.
  3. In the Dropdown menu Click Settings.
  4. Then in the popup box find where it says In-Game.
  5. Uncheck Enabled the Steam overlay while in-game then click OK.

Alternatively if you would just like to disable this for Skyrim Special Edition you may:

  1. Load Steam.
  2. Click LIBRARY.
  3. On your Games list look for The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Special Editon and Right Click.
  4. In the Dropdown menu Click Properties.
  5. Then in the popup box Uncheck Enable the Steam Overlay while in-game.

Configure Skyrim

Before we can actually start doing any modding, We need to setup Skyrim Special Edition first so we have a starting base to work from.

Start by opening Steam: then perform the following steps in order:

Start The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Special Edition through the Steam context menu to open the default Skyrim Special Edition launcher.

  1. Click "Options".
  2. Click the [Ultra] push-button.
  3. Set "Aspect Ratio" and "Resolution" through the drop down box. Set these to the monitors optimal resolution.
  4. Set "Antialiasing" to Off through the drop down box. This is in preparation for the ENB Install.
  5. Set "Windowed Mode" make sure this is ticked.
  6. Set "Borderless" make sure this is ticked.
  7. Click the [OK] button to close and save.

We have just set Skyrim Special Edition up to a base to work on. We'll tweak this when we run the BethINI tool later in the guide.

Configure The Creation Kit

Creation Kit SE Tutorial (Installation) by Darkfox127

The Creation Kit is a valuable tool for Skyrim Special Edition as it allows users to create and/or edit mods. It can be used to fix and change things not possible with the other 3rd party tools. Similar to Skyrim Special Edition, the Creation Kit does not have default ini files until it is started for the first time and requires some basic setup to work properly for the purpose of this guide.

For the puroses of this guide the Creation kit will be required for proper mod conversion.

  1. Download and install Launcher.
  2. Run the Launcher and sign in (create an account if you don't have one).
  3. Users should see the grey "Creation" icon on the left. Click on it and install.
  4. Users should now launch the CK, choosing NO when asked to extract the scripts, and close the program.
  5. Navigate to the Skyrim Special Edition folder (where CreationKit.exe is located) and open CreationKit.ini.
  6. At the top of the [General] section, add the lines bAllowMultipleMasterFiles=1 and "bAllowMultipleMasterLoads=1".
  7. Locate the line starting with "SResourceArchiveList2=" and after Skyrim - Patch.bsa add ",Dawnguard.bsa, Hearthfires.bsa, Dragonborn.bsa".
  8. Save and close the file.

These settings will remain set for each subsequent run. These settings have accomplished the following:

  • Setup the ini files for multiple master loads and to properly load DLC content.

Script Extenders

[Skyrim Script Extender]

Skyrim Script Extender - 2.0.6 - by ianpatt, behippo, scruggsywuggsy the ferret, and purple lunchbox

Files to download :

  • MAIN FILES - Current SE build 2.0.6 (runtime 1.5.23): 7z archive

Install only these files to the main Skyrim Special Edition folder at this time:

  • skse64_1_5_23.dll
  • skse64_loader.exe
  • skse64_steam_loader.dll

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SKSE is absolutely essential. It extends the scripting capacity of the game to allow mods to do things that would not normally be doable in the base Skyrim Engine. Many Mods depend upon it.



7-Zip - 17.01 beta

Files to download :

  • MAIN FILES - 7-Zip for 64-bit Windows x64 (Intel 64 or AMD64)

[Bethesda Archive Extractor (BSA and BA2)]

Bethesda Archive Extractor (BSA and BA2) - 0.10 beta - by jonwd7

Files to download :

  • MAIN FILES - BAE v0.10

[Champollion a PEX to Papyrus decompiler]

Champollion a PEX to Papyrus decompiler - 1.01 - by li1nx

Files to download :

  • MAIN FILES - Champollion V1_0_1 64 bits

Special Installation: Manually install the contents of the main file to to Main Skyrim Special Edition Directory Folder

Mod notes: The function of this tool is to decompile pex scripts to source code. This is a prerequisite for Merge Plugins Standalone.


LOOT - 0.12.1 - by WrinklyNinja et al

Files to download :

  • MAIN FILES - LOOT v0.12.1

Mod notes: The programs allow you to sort and optimize your Load Order.

[Merge Plugins Standalone]

Merge Plugins Standalone - 2.3.1 - by Mator

Files to download :

  • MAIN FILES - Merge Plugins

Mod notes: The programs allows you to Combine plugin as so reduce overall esp count.


SSEEDIT - 3.2 - by ElminsterAU and SSEEdit team

Files to download :

  • MAIN FILES - SSEEdit 3.2

Mod notes: This program is an essential Tool that will help with cleaning mods of dirty edit and enable to creation of patches required by this guide.

[Wrye Bash]

Wrye Bash - Wrye Bash 307 beta1 - by Wrye Bash Team

Files to download :

  • OLDER FILES - Wrye Bash 307 beta1 - Standalone Executable

Special Installation: Manually extract and install to the main Skyrim Special Edition directory.

Mod notes: The function of this tool is to manage mods and create Bashed Patches. Bashed Patches merge the leveled lists from the installed mods and has some limited functionality to merge mods and tweak game values. For the purposes of this guide, only the Bashed Patch functionality will be used.

Mod Manger

[Mod Organizer 2]

Mod Organizer 2 - Mod Organizer 2 - by Tannin

Files to download :

  • MAIN FILES - Wrye Bash 307 beta1 - Standalone Executable

Mod notes: This is the tool we'll actually be using to download, install and manage the mods. Don't worry if it looks daunting, we'll set you right shortly.

Installing Mod Organizer 2

Once Mod Organizer 2 is downloaded some manual setup is required:

  • Create a folder called Mod Organizer 2 in the Skyrim Special Edition Main Directory (so you have some like Steam\steamapps\common\Skyrim Special Edition\Mod Organizer 2).
  • Once created, create 4 new folders inside the new Mod Organizer 2 folder called:
downloads - (so you have some like Steam\steamapps\common\Skyrim Special Edition\Mod Organizer 2\downloads)
mods - (so you have some like Steam\steamapps\common\Skyrim Special Edition\Mod Organizer 2\mods)
overwrite - (so you have some like Steam\steamapps\common\Skyrim Special Edition\Mod Organizer 2\overwrite)
profiles - (so you have some like Steam\steamapps\common\Skyrim Special Edition\Mod Organizer 2\profiles)
webcache - (so you have some like Steam\steamapps\common\Skyrim Special Edition\Mod Organizer 2\webcache)
  • Extract the contents of the downloaded Zip file to Steam\steamapps\common\Skyrim Special Edition\Mod Organizer 2.
  • Run ModOrganizer.exe
  • A popup box should appear asking to "choose an Instance" pick New
  • A 2nd popup should appear from the drop down menu pick SkyrimSE
  • Click OK Read the 3rd popup box.
  • A 4th popup should appear select Skyrim Special Edition
  • A 5th popup should appear asking if you want see the tutorial. Those who are new to Mod Organizer 2 should select Yes those who are very familiar with it should Select No.

Congratulations Mod Orgainzer 2 is installed now we need to configure it properly.

Configuring Mod Organizer 2

Now that Mod Organizer 2 is installed to setup up correctly

  • From the tool bar click the Spanner and screwdriver icon.
  • From the popup box tab over to Path
  • Under paths section change the following:
downloads - Steam\steamapps\common\Skyrim Special Edition\Mod Organizer 2\downloads
mods - Steam\steamapps\common\Skyrim Special Edition\Mod Organizer 2\mods
overwrite - Steam\steamapps\common\Skyrim Special Edition\Mod Organizer 2\overwrite
profiles - Steam\steamapps\common\Skyrim Special Edition\Mod Organizer 2\profiles
webcache - Steam\steamapps\common\Skyrim Special Edition\Mod Organizer 2\webcache

A Popup box should appear click Yes

  • Under the Nexus tab make sure the Automatically login to Nexus is Ticked
  • Input your Nexus User Name and Password.
  • Click OK

Congratulations Mod Orgainzer 2 should be properly configured. Next we need to setup a base profile.