User:Adonis VII/TTW

From Step Mods | Change The Game

Worlds of Tomorrow

This is a WIP guide for running TTW with focus on bugfixes, improved graphics, restored content, additional questions and locations, and alterations that seek to enhance the game without deviating to far from the core gamplay.

Template:Notice Template:Notice

Gallery of what the game will look like with this guide: Gallery (No ENB used) with LOD pack


To TTW or not to TTW, that is the question

Tale of Two Wastelands brings FO3 into New Vegas, bringing all the feature and engine upgrades(reputations, crafting, iron sights, hardcore, survival skill) from New Vegas to the Capital Wasteland. It provides a bridge to connect the stories in a logical fashion. It has some of the biggest names in Fallout modding working on it, bringing features exclusive to TTW. It is in many ways the future of FO3 modding with all the extra inbuilt tools.

However it does have its short comings. FO3 voice modulation does not work without the user reincoding the audio (will have a section on that in the future). The Rock-it-launcher does not work as seamlessly as in FO3. Grass distance is reduced due to a FNV engine bug (may be overcome with NVAC). Many FO3 mods need alot of work to be converted (e.g. Mothership Zeta Crew). Additionally patches need to be made for FNV mods to extend functionality to the Capital Wasteland. Balance is completely different as starting in Goodsprings at level 1 is very different than starting at level 30. For these reasons, it is also suggested to look at the following two guides that offer different play options and content that is not avaialable for TTW.

Kelmych's Clear & Present Danger for FO3
EssArrBee's Fear & Loathing for FNV

Whats missing?

So while if you've modded before you can follow everything and be pretty well off. There are still things that need some love however:

  • DDSopt instructions for certain mods
  • Markers for textures to help users decide on which to use depending on VRAM for 1GB, 2GB, 3GB, & 4GB cards. Currently it is up to the user to decide what their hardware can handle.
  • Merging instructions for each section using the xEdit Merge Script
  • Catalyst Control Center & Invidia Inspector settings for getting the most out of your graphics cards as they won't recognize the 4GB loader off the bat.
  • Full Load Order & LOOT instructions. LOOT can be used with TTW, but it needs some additional rules. Without additional metadata, you WILL get errors.
  • FCO instructions.
  • Another Pass through weapons and creation of TTW-GRA Integration patches for each of the new unique weapons.
  • Merge Patch instructions
  • MCM settings.


Install Fallout New Vegas somewhere NOT in your program files directory.
Launch the game once, setting everything to highest.
Install Fallout 3 somewhere NOT in your program files directory.
Launch the game once.
If you have previously installed either game, and cleaned or altered any of the Bethesda .esm, restore them through steam.


If you have already setup using F&L you can skip this section.

  • Author: Ethatron
  • Version: v0.8.0.upd4
  • Installation: The program is portable so it should be extracted to a folder that is easy to access(e.g. C:\Games\DDSopt). Be sure to 'Run as Administrator'. The default ddsopt.ini needs changed, so get the latest version [Guide:DDSopt_%26_Texture_Overhauls/DDSoptINI here] and overwrite the ddsopt.ini in the DDSopt folder.
  • Note: Detailed information on installation and use of DDSopt for Fallout can be seen in the [Guide:DDSopt#tab.3DFallout_QUICK-START_GUIDE Fallout Quick Start Tab] of the DDSopt Guide.
FNVEdit aka xEdit (FNV)
  • Author: ElminsterAU
  • Version: v3.1.1
  • Installation: Place FNVEdit folder is into the Fallout New Vegas root folder. This video can be applied to any xEdit version: TES5Edit Installation
Merge Plugins xEdit Script (TESV)
  • Author: Matortheeternal
  • Version: v1.9
  • Requirements: xEdit, mteFunctions
  • Installation: Extract the archive directly to the FNVEdit folder.
TTW xEdit Conversion Script (TTW)
  • Author: Jax Firehart
  • Installation: Download the first link ...JaxFirehart/ Extract the archive to directly the the FNVEdit folder.
LOOT (Github)
Mod Organizer (TESV)
  • Author: Tannin
  • Version: v1.3.8
  • Installation: To use MO for multiple games it must have multiple installs in different locations. It is recommended to put each install of MO into the game directory of each game that it will be installed for. For New Vegas, it should go into .../Steam/steamapps/common/Fallout New Vegas. MO Install Video
  • Note: There is some information to be aware of when installing Mod Organizer:
    1. The newest version of Mod Organizer introduces a new system of handling mods not installed by Mod Organizer and the official DLC. They will now be listed in the left pane of MO and can be moved around so those files will become part of the file priority.
      • Left Pane should have the official content listed first, without check boxes to tick and the category should say Non-MO. Any mods installed in the Data folder will also be listed the same way.
    2. For more information, see the Mod Organizer Guide.
    3. Official STEP Mod Organizer Video Series by Gamer Poets.

MO is a powerful mod manager that does not install mods into the game's data folder like other mod managers. Instead, MO uses a virtual directory which gives modders the ability to switch between profiles very easily without having to install and uninstall mods. Template:Notice Small

Wyre Flash NV (FNV)
  • Authors: valda and Sharlikran
  • Version: v17.1
  • Note: This is require to create Bash Patches.
  • Installation: Download Wrye Flash 17_1 - Standalone Executable. Follow these instructions:
Open up the Wrye Flash 17_1 - Standalone Executable archive from where ever it was downloaded to.
Extract the entire contents to the "...\Steam\steamapps\common\Fallout New Vegas" folder, not the "Data" folder.

Start Wrye Flash NV right now to correct an annoying setting:

From the Mods tab, right click the File on the top bar and make sure Lock Times is UNTICKED.

Setting up Mod Organizer

INI Tweaks


  • TTW Changes
SCharGenQuest = 001FFFF8 
sIntroMovie = (yes this one is blank on purpose, it needs to be blank)
bLoadFaceGenHeadEGTFiles = 1
  • Allow AI threading (Strip, Battle for Hoover Dam, Operation Anchroage, etc)
iNumHWThreads=2 (Add this line)
  • Light distance fade (optional)(performance cost)
  • Extending LOD (optional)(performance cost)


  • Allow additional plugins to be loaded.
bEnableFileSelection = 1
  • TTW changes
bLoadFaceGenHeadEGTFiles = 1
  • Allow AI threading (Strip, Battle for Hoover Dam, Operation Anchroage, etc)
bUseThreadedAI=1 (Change from 0->1)
iNumHWThreads=2 (Add this line)
  • Increase Grass Render distance from 3 to 5 cells (optional)(performance cost)(Requires NVAC).
fGrassStartFadeDistance = 17000
  • Select Resolution
iSize W=1920     <---Choose horizontal
iSize H=1080     <---Choose vertical
  • Double LOD Distance (optional)(performance cost)


NVSE (Silverlock)
  • Authors: Ian Patterson, Stephen Abel, Paul Connelly and Hugues LE PORS
  • Version: v5.0 beta2
  • Instructions: Download the v5.0 beta2 file. Follow these instructions:
Extract the files from the archive into the Fallout New Vegas folder, NOT into the Data folder. The src folder and text files are not needed.
In the Data folder "right click->New->Folder", then name it "NVSE". Only do this if the folder DOES NOT exist.
Open up the Data/NVSE folder and "right click->New->Text Document", then name the file "nvse_config.ini".
Open nvse_config.ini and add the following:
Save and close.

The value for DefaultHeapInitialAllocMB must be between 200 and <500. You can alter the value to find the best for your setup. I use 500 personally.

Lutana NVSE Plugin (FNV)
  • Author: Luthien Anarion
  • Version: v13.2
  • Requirements: NVSE

NVSE extender for extra functions.

4GB Fallout New Vegas Updated (FNV)
  • Author: MonochromeWench - Hendricks266 - Roy Batty
  • Version: v1.9
  • Installation: Download and extract the archive into the Fallout New Vegas folder.
In the Executables menu type FNV 4GB Loader into the Title text box.
Next to the Binary text box, click [...], and navigate to the "...\Fallout New Vegas\" folder, select "fnv4gb.exe" and click [Open].
In the arguments text box type in "-laaexe .\FalloutMO.exe", without quotations.
Click [Add] or [Modify], then [Close].
  • Note: Fallout New Vegas will be run through Mod Organizer using the "FNV 4GB Loader". This will auto load NVSE as well.

This makes New Vegas Large Access Aware


Tale of Two Wastelands (TTW)
  • Authors: TTW Team
  • Version: v2.9.4b
  • Requirements: NVSE,MCM
  • Installation: The installtion for TTW requires a couple steps.

Creating the TTW FOMODS:

Download and Extract the latest TTW Installer (e.g. C:/TTW Installer)
Launch the installer .exe file by right-clicking on it and choosing "Run as Administrator".
Choose the correct locations for your Fallout 3 and Fallout New Vegas installs.
Choose a temporary location to install the TTW FOMODs (e.g. C:/TTW FOMOD). 
Click Install
     Watch the log and the progress bars to see how things are going. The installer can take between 10 to 30 minutes depending on the speed of your computer.
When prompted to Build FOMODs? Click Yes.

Installing TTW Main File:

In MO, install TaleOfTwoWastelands_Main.fomod from the directory you choose (e.g. C:/TTW FOMOD/).

Installing TTW Option Files:

In MO, install TaleOfTwoWastelands_Options.fomod from the directory you choose (e.g. C:/TTW FOMOD/).
Select the following options when installing Options fomod:
   MCM Optionals
   Outcast Trading
   Skill Based Speech Challenges
   Wild Wasteland

Installing TTW Hotfixes:

Download and install any Hotfixes


NVAC - New Vegas Anti Crash (FNV)
  • Autor: Queue
  • Version: v7.2.1.0
  • Requirements: NVSE

This mod extends error handling of New Vegas, leading to fewer crashes.

NVSR - New Vegas Stutter Remover (FNV)
  • Author: SkyRanger-1
  • Version: v4.1.36
  • Installation: This mod is packaged incorrectly, follow these instructions:
During install right click Data and select "Set data directory".

This mod has an INI file that has some options users should be aware of. Changes should made by right clicking NVSR in the left pane of MO and select the INI-Files. "NVSE/plugins/sr_New_Vegas_Stutter_Remover.ini" should be listed in the top left box, click it, and use the following to make changes accordingly:

Master = {
       _comment = You can turn on or off each distinct feature from here.
       bManageFPS = 1
       bHookCriticalSections = 1
       bHookLightCriticalSections = 0
       bHookHashtables = 1
       bReplaceHeap = 0
       bReplaceGetTickCount = 1
       bLogToConsole = 0
       bFastExit = 1
       bFlushLog = 1
       iSchedulingResolution = 1
       bReplaceRandom = 0
       bExperimentalStuff = 0     
       iMainHookPoint = 1


FPS_Management = {
	bInject_iFPSClamp = 1
	fMaximumFPS = 60     
	fMinimumFPS = 20
	iFPS_Report_Period = 15000
	fExtraSleepPercent =0.05
TTW Fixes (TTW)
  • Authors: TJ and all upstream resources
  • Version: v2.2.2

This is the main Fixes mod made custom for TTW.

OWB Sonic Emitter Projectile Fix (FNV)
  • Author: by EssArrBee
  • Version: v1.0
Reload Speed game Start Fix (FNV)
  • Author: sergelac
  • Requirements: NVSE
REPCONN Test Site Fixes (FNV)
  • Author: Yukichigai
  • Version: v0.2
  • Note: This was accidentally left out of YUP and is not in TTWFixes.

Project Nevada

Project Nevada (FNV)
  • Author: PN Team
  • Version v2.5
  • Requirements: NVSE

Install all modules.

Project Nevada - Extra Options (FNV)
  • Authors: Gribbleshnibit8, Roy Batty
  • Version: v1.3
  • Requirements: NVSE, Project Nevada

Install all modules.

Project Nevada w/ Extra Options TTW Patch (TTW)
  • Author: Roy Batty

Extends Project Nevada features to the Capital Wasteland


The Mod Configuration Menu (FNV)
  • Author: Pelinor
  • Version: v1.5
  • Requirements: NVSE
  • Installation: Get The Mod Configuration Menu main file and the MCM BugFix 2 update file.
The Weapon Mod Menu (FNV)
  • Author: Pelinor
  • Version: v1.2
  • Requirements: NVSE, MCM


Collision Meshes (FNV)
  • Author: KiCHo666
  • Version: 1.2.3

This mod overhauls collision meshes on many statics. Want to shoot between those metal bars? Now you can. No more bullets being stopped when they shouldn't be.

Cut Content

Strip Wall Billboards (FNV)
  • Author: sandbox6
  • Version: v0.2

Adds previously unused billboards which were only seen during the intro to The Strip's perimeter wall making it slightly less dull.

No more giant manhole covers (FNV)
  • Author: sandbox6
  • Version: v1.0
Uncut Wasteland (FNV)
  • Author: sandbox6
  • Version: v0.9
  • Installation: Install Uncut Wasteland, Uncut Extra Collection, Uncut Skeletons

Restores content patched out for console performance.

FNVEdit Mod Merging Required:
Files to merge:

  • No more giant manhole covers.esp
  • Strip Wall Billboards.esp
  • Uncut Wasteland.esp
  • Uncut Extra Collection.esp
  • Uncut Skeletons.esp

Output name:

  • Sandbox6 Mods Merged.esp

Mod Folder Name

  • Sandbox6 Mods Merged

Uncheck the following Mods in MO

  • Strip Wall Billboards
  • No more giant manhole covers
  • Uncut Wasteland
Sandbox6 Mods Merged
TTW Burger Bunker (FO3/FNV)
  • Author: Prodimen
  • Version: v1.2
  • Installation: This is a multi step installation:

From the FO3 page, download TTW Burger Bunker FO3 Resources

Right click TTW Burger Bunker FO3 Resources/data folder and set as data directory
Name the mod TTW Burger Bunker

From the FNV page, download TTW Burger Bunker FNV Resources

Right click /TTW Burger Bunker FNV Resources/data folder and set as data directory
Name the mod TTW Burger Bunker
Select Merge

From the FNV page, download TTW Burger Bunker Plugins ESM Versions

Name the mod TTW Burger Bunker and select Manual
Right click TTW Burger Bunker Plugins ESM Versions and set as data directory
Uncheck screenshots folder
Select Merge
Right click the mod and go to Optional ESPs.  Move all but TTW burgerBunker2BoysSniperPDinner.esm to Optional ESPs


Auto Gates (TTW)
  • Author: William Sea
  • Patcher: Roy Batty

Adds closing animations to gates so that the open and close as you come and go instead of staying permanently open after your first visit.

Kentbury Way (TTW)
  • Authors: WastelandLonder, Roy Batty
Metro Carriage Interiors (TTW)
  • Author: WastelandLonder
  • Patcher: Adonis VII
  • Version: v1.0

Adds interiors to all Metro Cars in the Capital Wasteland.

Point Lookout Reborn (TTW)
  • Author: jcro25
  • Patcher: Roy Batty
  • Version: v2.4.1
  • Note: May have issues with FNVLODGen.

Point Lookout Reborn is an overhaul mod designed to make Point Lookout more enjoyable, level friendly and mainly to make exploration more rewarding. This mod contains many lore friendly changes and improvements that fit in with Point Lookout’s environment. Point Lookout Reborn is all about exploration. Those who take the time to explore the vast swampland will be rewarded with over 50% more additional content and around 2-3 hours of extended game play on top of the original 8 hours expected to complete everything. A series of over 400 corrections and improvements to navmesh, dialogue, coding, quests, landscape and packages on top of the additional content aims to ensure a richer and more rewarding experience for everyone.

Rivet City Realignment (TTW)
  • Author: Angleae
  • Patchers: Adonis VII, Roy Batty

Realigns the interior cells of Rivet City into a more logical layout, matching the exterior.

TTW Interiors (TTW)
  • Author: ChuckSteel
  • Version: v4.8
  • Installation: Download TTW_Interiors Core v2.7, TTW_InteriorsProject Combo v4.8

Adds new immersive interiors to many of the empty buildings.

NMC_NVInteriors Compatibility Patch (FNV)
  • Authors: ChuckSteal & NMC
  • Version: v1.2
  • Installation: Download NMC_NVInteriors Compatibility patch Large

Texture Overhauls

Essentails Redux (FO3)

by weijiesen

Better clutter and furniture pack (FO3)
  • Author: Macintroll
  • Version: v0.1.2
  • Installation: The mod is packaged incorrectly.
Install New Clutter Pack
Rename to Better Clutter and Furniture Pack.
Right click  and click create directory... and name it textures.
Move clutter folder into the new textures folder. Click OK.
Install New Furniture Pack
Rename to Better Clutter and Furniture Pack.
Right click  and click create directory... and name it textures.
Move clutter folder into the new textures folder. Click OK.
Select Merge

This mod has bugged textures that need to be hidden

Right Click the mod
In Filetree hide the following files
  • Note: There were a couple textures that particularly didn't fit in. I will come back to this later.
Retextured Clutter Collection (FO3)
  • Author: ObsidianStag
  • Version: vfinal

DDSopt: 28 textures missing mipmaps

Hall of Equipement (FO3/FNV)

by Deblazkez

MG's Neat Clutter Retextures (FNV)
  • Author: Mental Gear
  • Version: v7
  • Installation: Install MGs NCR Pack Ojo friendly 7
  • Note: Will have a look at Moraelins Machete improved
HQ Terrain Overhaul (FO3)

DDSopt: 1366 textures missing mipmaps

NMC's Texture Pack (FO3/FNV/TTW)
  • Author: NMC
  • Installation: Follow instructions on the TTW page.

The definitive texture overhaul.
DDSopt: 2122 textures missing mipmaps

PocoBueno Texture Pack (FNV)
  • Author: Tapiokas
  • Version: v1.0

DDSopt: 13 textures missing mipmaps

Mothership Zeta DLC Retextured (FO3)
  • Author: by Weijiesen
  • Version: v1.0
  • Installation: Get main file. Click yes to BAIN installer. Check options to be installed.
TTW Title Screen (TTW)
  • Authors: Roy Battay, zlostnypopolnik


Citadel Retextured (FO3)
  • Author: xclear
  • Version: v1.0
  • Installation: 2k, 4k options. 2k suggested.
Gas Pumps of New Vegas (FNV)
  • Authors: EdibleGrenade12, Thaiauxn
  • Version: v1.0
  • Note: Despite the name, I'm calling these Coolant Pumps in line with lore. They don't say gas anyone in game.

FNVEdit Cleaning Required: 69 ITM

HD Mist (FNV)
  • Authors: Ramccoid, Adonis VII
  • Version: v1.0
  • Installation: 1k and 2k versions. 2k is suggested.
Hectrol FX Dustorm Deluxe (FNV)
  • Author: Hectrol
  • Version: v1.0
  • Installation: There are 1k,2k,4k options. 2k suggested.
Expand "Hectrol_FX_Duststorm_Deluxe_HighRes_Retex" and then right click "2048" and select "Set data directory".
Click [OK].
Hectrol Tumbleweed (FNV)
  • Author: Hectrol
  • Version: v1.0
  • Installation: 512,1k,2k options. 1k suggested.
Improved LOD Noise (FNV)
  • Author: Cyberlazy
  • Version: v1.00

This increases the resolution of the noise map overlayed on terrain LOD, giving illusion of higher detail.

Lauren's Bathroom Poetry (TTW)
  • Authors: Lauren_DR, Adonis VII
  • Version: v1.0

Adds toilet humor to bathroom stalls.

Raider Grafitti Re-done (FO3)

by Macintroll

Textures Over Time (FNV)
  • Author: DonKnotts
  • Version: v1.0
  • Installation: Download FlagStoneWalls, HH_Sandstone, and Sandbags, and [Merge] all three.
Vurt's Flora Overhaul (TTW)

Enneract has done a conversion for both wastelands

Vault 22 Flora Overhaul (FNV)
  • Author: Macintroll
  • Version: v1.1
  • Installation: This mod is not packaged correctly, follow these instruction:
When the installation window pops up, expand "Vault22FloraOverhaul-mod".
Right click "data" and select Set data directory and click [OK]

Manual FNVEdit Changes: Remove the following forms from vault22FloralOverhaul.esp:

  • XX00554F (D.C. Journal of Internal Medicine)
  • XX00554F (Lying, Congressional Style)
  • XX005551 (Pugilism Illustrated)
  • XX00AE3D (D.C. Journal of Internal Medicine)
  • XX00AE3F (Dean's Electronics)


Improved Robots Textures (FNV)

by Tau34RUS

It's a Dogs World - Dog Texture Overhaul (FNV)
  • Author: Nivea
  • Version: v1.0
  • Installation: Install DogsWorldTextureOverhaul_Optimized_V1_0
Robots HD Retexture (Mediafire)
  • Author: Magnesium Fire aka QuasarX
  • Installaion: First install the Data folder which provides the main mod. Then install the same mod again but this time choose the DC Interiors Patch (which provides high quality retextures of the robotic toys in DCInteriors Project. Install this using [Merge] to combine this with the previously installed main portion of the mod.
If desired, this step can be repeated to install a 4kx4k Liberty Prime replacement, but most users who want to use this option will want to first reduce the size of the 
textures with DDSopt before installing.   If you wish to install the Liberty Prime replacement, select "no" when asked to install as a bain installer, then expand "Liberty
 HD Retexture" and right click on "Либерти 4096" and choose set as the data folder.
Fawkes Retexture Hi-Res (FO3)
  • Author: Macintroll
  • Note: We just want this for the clothes.
FO3 Hirezd - Supermutants (FO3)
FO3 Hirezd - Supermutants - 4 Fawkes (FO3)
Ghoul Hires Retexture for Breeze (FO3)
Swampfolk Backwater Retexture (FO3)

by Deathclaw Alpha
still debating if this is worth the vram

KDS Feral Ghoul Retexture (FO3)
Robot Revolution HD - Protectron (FO3)
  • Author: OpenSaucer
  • Version: v1_1
Vandr HD Creatures (FO3)
  • Author: Vandrerer
  • Version: v1.0
AmidianBorn Book of Water - Book of Flesh (FNV)
  • Author: CaBaL
  • Version: vOmni2
  • Installation": Just install The Book of Flesh for now.
Feral Ghoul Retexture (FNV)
Hectrol ED-E Deluxe (FNV)
  • Author: Hectrol
  • Version: v1.0
  • Note:Note, significant deviation from original appearance.
  • Installation: During the FOMOD installer choose High Res [2048x2048] and Spooky ED-E by archerarcher.
Super Mutant Mesh Replacer (Link)
  • Author: TheNeglected
  • Version: v1.3
  • Note: Original nexus link: FNV


Authentic Burned Man (FNV)
  • Author: Rocket
  • Version: v1.0

FNVEdit Cleaning Required: 2 ITM

NPCs Option A: Fallout Redesigned 2 (Choose Only One Option)

Choose this if you wish to use Redesigned 2 for FNV side of things.

TTW Redesigned (TTW)

Download TTW Redesigned file

Beards (FNV)

by Drumber 512, 1k, 2k options. 512 suggested.

NPCs Option B: Fallout Redesigned 3 ([Not Finished] Choose Only One Option)

Choose this if you wish to use New Vegas Redesidned 3. (Note, this version while more graphically advanced, is a bit more hardcore and why I give two options.)

Project Beauty (TTW)

Download Project Beauty

New Vegas Redesigned 3 (FNV)

by Dracomies and Weijiesen

Clutter & Misc

Audley's Misc Textures (FNV)
  • Author: Audley
  • Version: v1.1b
  • Installation: Grab the F&L optional file.
Acoraito HD Textures Pack (FNV)
  • Author: Acoraito
  • Installation: Download 2k Main File and 1k Optional and [Merge] them.
Better Booze (FO3)

by CptJoker and odin_ml
DDSopt: 11 textures missing mipmaps

Bear Trap Retextured (FO3)
  • Author: konji
Fallout Food Package Retexture Compilation (FNV)
  • Author: Majormodder
  • Version: 3.0
  • Installation: Install Food compilation dirty set uncompressed 3 point Oh and Steakbox fix for 3 point Oh- for clean or dirty
Right Click the mod
In Optional-ESPs move Majormodder's Junk Food to Barbeque Chrisps.esp to Optional Esps.
In Filetree hide meshes/clutter/junk/abraxo.nif
Hectrol Lockinterface Deluxe (FNV)
  • Author: Hectrol
  • Version: v1.0
  • Installation: 1k and 2k options. 2k suggested.
Hectrol Mailbox Deluxe (FNV)
  • Author: Hectrol
  • Version: v1.0
  • Installation: 256,512,1k options. 512 suggested.
Hi-Res Chems and Health Re-Texture (FO3/FNV)
  • Author: clintmich
  • Version: v1.1 (FO3), v1.2 (FNV)
  • Installation: From FNV page, install HI-RES Chems and Health ReTexture Pak. From FO3 page install Urban Food and Chems Retex. [Merge] files.
Right Click the mod
In Filetree hide textures/architecture
Hi-Res Lunchbox (FO3)
  • Author: Dazington
  • Version: v1.0
Holodisk Retex (FNV)
  • Author: Aogara
  • Version: v1.3
  • Installation: Install AoT - Holodisk Retex - Dirty as Holodisk Retex. When installing AoT - Holodisk Glow:
Change Name to Holodisk Retex
Select [Manual]
Uncheck meshes, Preview.png, and README.txt
Expand @option - smaller and drag the meshes folder onto .  This will bring the folder out, leaving you with two meshes folders, one checked and one unchecked.
Uncheck @option - smaller.
Click [OK]
Click [Merge]
Magazine Redux (FNV)
  • Author: razzy1319
  • Version: v1.1
  • Installation: Install 1k or 2k main file. Install MagRedux QuickFix and [Merge].
Minimod - High Resolution Newspapers (FNV)
  • Authors: Tagaziel and LadySinestro
  • Version: v1.5
  • Installation: This mod is not packaged correctly, follow these instructions:
During install, right click "data" and select "Set data directory", then click [OK].
Money Higher Quality Retex (FNV)
  • Author: Lord Inquisitor
  • Version: v1.2
Neglected Clutter (FNV)
  • Author: aogara
  • Version: v1.2
New Toys - Cars (FO3)
  • Author: Ranx31
  • Version: v1.0
  • Installation: Hide .esp. To use dirty texture then follow instructions

Meshes/RNX/ * New Toys - Cars.esp * Textures/interface * Textures/RNX/Toys/ * Textures/RNX/Toys/ * Textures/RNX/Toys/ * Textures/RNX/Toys/ * Textures/RNX/Toys/ * Textures/RNX/Toys/ * Textures/RNX/Toys/ * Textures/RNX/Toys/
Rename * Textures/RNX/Toys/ -->
The resulting files should be: * Meshes/clutter/junk/ToyCar01.nif * Textures/RNX/Toys/ (renamed Dirty) * Textures/RNX/Toys/
Ojo Bueno Nuka-Cola (FNV/TTW)
  • Authors: Tapioks and Weijiesen
  • Patcher: Adonis VII
  • Version: v5
  • Instructions: Install main file from FNV page (2k lite suggested). Install TTW Patch.

FNVEdit Manual Changes Required
Load NukaCola-Ojo.esp. Right click Cell and Remove.

FNVEdit Mod Merging Required:
Files to merge:

  • NukaCola-Ojo.esp
  • NukaCola-OJO-TTW.esp

Output name:

  • NukaCola-OJO Merged.esp

Mod Folder Name:

  • Ojo Bueno Nuka Cola TTW Merged

Uncheck the following Mods in MO:

  • Ojo-Bueno Nuka Cola

Special Instructions:

  • Post merge rename the output file NukaCola-OJO Merged.esp to NukaCola-Ojo.esp.
Ojo Bueno Nuka Cola TTW Merged (User Created)
Pre-War Money Retexture (FNV)
  • Author: Red.Room.Service
  • Installation: Install Pre-War Money Retexture -RRS.
Skykappas Water Bottles (FO3)
  • Authors: Skykappa, Johssy
  • Installation: Install Water Bottles No Esp version
  • Note: Will check other versions.
Skill Books Hi-Res Retexture (FO3/TTW)
  • Author: 6IX
  • Patcher: Adonis VII
  • Version: v1.0
  • Installation: From the FO3 page, install Wasteland Survival Guide Hi-Res Retexture, Paradise Lost - Unique Texture and Icon, Wasteland Survival Guide Hi-Res Retexture. From the TTW page, install TTW Unique Paradise Lost v1. [Merge] all files. Hide Paradise Lost - Unique Texture and Icon.esp
Tweaked Automat (FO3)
  • Author: Lord Inquisitor
  • Version: v1.2
  • Installation: Hide .esp
  • Note: I will look at converting .esp for open/close animation
Tweaked Cashregister (FNV)
  • Authors: Lord Inquisitor and Tapiokas
  • Version: v1.0
Tweaked Chems Replacer (FNV)
  • Author: Lord Inquisitor
Tweaked Coffee Maker (FO3)
  • Author: Lord Inquistior
  • Note: Causes minor issue with a TTW Interiors mesh. Will see about fixing.
Tweaked Generator (FO3)
  • Author: Lord Inquisitor
  • Note: I need to find a better matching texture to make the buttons more apparent than is current in the above textures.
Tweaked Intercom (FO3)
  • Author: Lord Inquisitor
  • Installation: This mod is packaged incorrectly:
Expand "Intercom01 14-11-2009" then expand "Lord inquisitor", then expand "NIF".
Right click on "NIF" and create 3 nested directories called "Meshes", "Clutter" and "Consoles".
Drag the intercom01.nif file into the Consoles folder.
Drag the Consoles folder into the Clutter folder then drag the Clutter folder into the Meshes folder. Set the NIF directory as data directory.
Tweaked Wrench (FO3)
  • Author: Lord Inquisitor
Vertibird Re-textured (FO3)
  • Author: Macintroll
  • Version: v0.1
  • Installation: Install Vertibird re-textured olive green, then do the following:
Right click the mod and select Open in Explorer
Create a new textures folder 
Move the vehicles folder into the textures folder.
Close the Explorer window.


Better Gas Leak Effect (FNV)

by KiCHo666
causes some issues. will need to reevaluate

Better Gas Leak Effect Fixes (FNV)

by Jax765

Better Posture (FNV)

by JW1

Enhanced Blood (FNV)

by dDefinder

HD Smokey Fire and Explosions (FNV)

by Deanoman with assets by Rheadude

New Vegas - Enhanced Camera (FNV)
  • Author: LogicDragon
  • Version: v1.4b
  • Requirements: NVSE
Underwater FX (FNV)
  • Author woodbyte
  • Version: v1.2
  • Requirements: NVSE
  • Installation: Install UnderwaterFX Main file.
  • Note: Will need TTW patch for added armors.


ADAM - A Definitive Armor Mod (FNV)

by EmeraldReign Weijiesen and VT08

* Main
* Honest Hearts
* Lonesome Road
* Exeter Improved Coats
* NCR Troopers
ALR - Aptoms Legion Retextured (FNV)
  • Author: sukayoupt aka Aptom
  • Version: v1.1
Book of Steel - TTW (TTW)
  • Authors: Cabal, Emerald Reign
  • Patcher: DarthDaman
  • Version: v1.0
  • Installation: This is a multi step install process.

For each mod installed, name it Book of Steel - TTW and select [Merge} when prompted.

From Bornagain Outcast Power Armor  (FO3)
Install  Bornagain Fo3 outcast MAIN, and helmet fix 
From Bornagain Outcast T-45d Power Armor (FO3)
Install BornagainOutcastT45d4096
From Bornagain FO3 T45d Power Armor (FO3)
Install bornagain fo3 t45d 4096 huge v3 fixed (or bornagain fo3 t45d 2048 mid v3 if lower res is desired)
From aMidianBornNV Book of Water (FNV)
Install nov 2011 book of steel
From Bornagain Combat Armor (FO3)
Install BornagainCombatArmor4096 (or Lite Version - BornagainCombatArmor2048 is lower res is desired), BornagainCombatArmor4096EnvironmentMaps, BornagainAnchorageCombatArmor2048, BornagainGhoulCombatArmor4096, BornagainZetaCombatArmor4096
From Bornagain Combat Armor (FNV)
Install BornagainFNVCombatArmorLonesomeRoad4096
From Book of Steel
Install Book of Steel - TTW, v1.0
Move ALL esps to Optional except Book of Steel.esp & Book of Steel - TTW.esp

FNVEdit Mod Merging Required:
Files to merge:

  • Book of Steel.esp
  • Book of Steel - TTW.esp

Output name:

  • Book of Steel - Merged.esp

Mod Folder Name

  • Book of Steel - TTW Merged

Special Instructions:

  • Post merge rename the output file Book of Steel - Merged.esp to Book of Steel.esp.
Book of Steel - TTW Merged (User Created)
Enclave Power Armors Retextured (FO3)
  • Author: d_seven aka id2301
  • Version: v1
  • Installation: Install EPA and Hellfire. Enter the name as Enclave Power Armors Retextured, [Merging] both files.
NCR Civilian Clothing (FNV)
  • Author: Darziak
  • Version: v1.0
NCR Trooper Overhaul_beta (FNV)
  • Authors: Emerald Reign, nekronom, cabal, wjs, dragbody
  • Version: vbeta
  • Installation: Install Main File Beta 7_2 and Sapper Leg Fix. This mod's plugin is not needed, follow these instructions:
Double click NCR Trooper Overhaul in the left pane of MO and click the Optional ESPs tab.
Move the "NCRTrooperOverhaul.esp" to the Optional ESPs box.
NCR Trooper Overhaul - Distributed (FNV)
  • Author: pwinkle
  • Version: v1.0
  • Requirements: NC Trooper Overhaul beta
Omnis Hi-Res Pip-Boy 3000 (FNV)
  • Author: OmniDeath
  • Version: v1.0
  • Installtion: Install Omnis Hi-res Pip-Boy 3000 v1-0
SuperMutant Armor Retextured HiRes (FO3)
  • Author: Macintrol
  • Installation: Install SuperMutant Armor retextured
Tesla Power Armor DX (FO3)
  • Author: Weijiesen
  • Installation: Install Tesla Power Armor DX
The Legacy of X13 - An Armor Overhaul (FNV)

by Emerald Reign

Tribal DX (FO3)
  • Author: Weijiesen
  • Installation: Install Tribal DX - 2048 res.
Double click Tribal DX in the left pane of MO and click the Optional ESPs tab.
Move the "Tribal_DX.esp" to the Optional ESPs box.
Wasteland clothing Hires retexture (FNV)
  • Author: Macintroll
  • Version: v1.3A
  • Installation: Install Wasteland Clothing HD V1-3 FULL PACK and Wasteland Clothing HD V1-3 POWDERGANG FIX -IMPORTANT-. Both files are packaged incorrectly, follow these instructions:
During main file install, expand "wastelandclothing-HD-v1.3", then right click "data" and select "Set data directory", click [OK].
During optional file install, expand "wastelandclothing-HD-Powdergang-FIX", then right click "data" and select "Set data directory", click [OK], then select [Merge], not [Replace].
Winterized DX (FO3)

by Weijiesen

Weapons - Core

  • Authors: by weijiesen, jonnyeah, Roy
  • Installation: Follow instructions on TTW page

Giving retrofuristic weapons the tech it deserves!

Fallout 3 Hirezd (FO3)
  • Author: Emerald Reign
  • Installation:
BB Gun
Lincolns Repeater
Supermutants - Fawkes 4k
Fire Axe - Retextured (FNV)
  • Author: id2301
  • Version: v1
  • Installation: Install and [Merge] both files
Half Hansified Holorifle (FNV)
  • Author: MadCat221
  • Version: v1
  • Installation: Download Half Hansified Holorifle Standard. The file is named incorrectly.
Rename: holorifle.nif -> Nvdlc01weapholorifle.nif
HD One Hand Melee (FNV)
  • Author: InsanitySorrow, 2cooldays
  • Version: v1.0
  • Installation: Install the One Hand Melee HD main file and the Gun Runner Box HD optional file.
  • Author: Weijiesen
  • Version: v2.0
  • Installation: From the FNV page install one of the main IMPACT - files (The Gaming Rig suggested), Optional Option - No Refract Hits. From the TTW Page install the TTW patch and [Merge]
Laer Retexture (FNV)
  • Author: The Riff
  • Version: v1.1
  • Installation: This mod is not packaged correctly, follow these instructions:
During install, right click "data" and select "Set data directory", untick "before.png" and "after.png", then click [OK].
MFC Grenade Texture Fix (FNV)
  • Author: Adonis VII
  • Version: v1.0
Retextured Fallout Ordnance - RFO (FNV)
  • Author: Emerald Reign
  • Version: v0.2
Shishkebab the Retexture (FO3)
  • Author: Macintroll
Weapon Enhancement Project (FO3)
  • Authors: Christopher Wallace and MadCat221
  • Version: v1.0
  • Installation: Install Weapon Enhancement Pack

Weapon Retexture Project Mods

Weapon Retexture Project (FNV)
  • Author: Millenia
  • Version: v1,95
  • Installation: Install weapon_retexture_project_1dot95 and New 12_7mm SMG
357 Revolver Reretextured (FNV)
  • Author: Millenia
  • Version: v1.2
In Mod Organizer's left pane double-click the mod and in the pop-up box select the "Optional ESPs" tab.
Move "357retex.esp" to the "Optional ESPs" box.
Single Shotgun reretexture (FNV)
  • Author: Millenia
  • Version: v1.0
In Mod Organizer's left pane double-click the mod and in the pop-up box select the "Optional ESPs" tab.
Move "singleshot_retex.esp" to the "Optional ESPs" box.
Bozar Retexture (FNV)
  • Author: Millenia
  • Version: v1.1
  • Installation: Install Bozar_retexture_2k_maps
  • Authors: Millenia and Micalov
  • Version: v2.1

Weapons - Option A: Weapon Mesh Improvement (Choose Only One Option)

2019 Detective Special (FNV)
  • Author: Toasty Fresh
  • Version: v1.01
  • Installation: This mod has multiple .esp.
In MO, right click the mod and click properties.
Move ThatGunReplacer.esp to Optional ESPs
2019 Detective Special TTW patches (FNV)
  • Author: Adonis VII
  • Version: v1.0
  • Installation: Install ThatGunReplacerGRA TTW patch
Enclave Colt 10mm Pistol (FNV)
  • Authors: Micalov, Millenia
  • Version: v1.0
  • Installation: Install Enclave Colt 10mm Pistol and TTW Col Autums 10mm replacer [Merge]
Load in FNVEdit. Change the FormID from 0006b531 to 0A06b531

Replaces Col. Autumns 10mm with a custom asset. Download main file and optional.

Forge Beyond (FNV)
  • Author: EmeraldReign
  • Version: v1.0a
  • Installation: Install Forge Beyond - Bozar Hirezd

Brand new textures, baked from a brand new high poly model. Fixes 1st & 3rd person textures, adds an animated barrel & correctly applies envmasks using an .esp to implement everything correctly

Forge Beyond - Bozar Hirezd - IMPACT patch (FNV)
  • Author: Adonis VII
  • Version: v1.0
TTW-FO3 Hirezd (TTW)
  • Author: Emerald Reign
  • Patcher: Adonis VII
  • Version: v1.0
  • Installation: Follow instructions on TTW page. Choose the TTW - FO3 Hirezd IMPACT version

Unique mesh and textures for Lincoln's Repeater, The Burnmaster, & Eugene by Emerald Reign.

  • Authors: ChristopherWallace, & MadCat221
  • Patcher: Adonis VII
  • Version: v1.2
  • Installation: Follow instructions on page.

Gives 7 FO3 Unqiues weapons their own unique look!

Weapon Retexture Project - WRP (Christine's COS Rifle) (FNV)
  • Author: Millenia
  • Version: v1.0
  • Installation: Install ChristineCOSRifle

Makes Christine's COS Rifle use a unique texture (by default it has no separate texture)

Weapon Mesh Improvement TTW
  • Author: Millenia
  • Patcher: Adonis VII
  • Version: v1.1
  • Instructions: Follow instructions on TTW page and install Millenia Only v1_1
Xchainsaw (FNV)

by jobra888 and weijiesen

Weapons - Option B: WMX (Choose Only One Option)

  • Author: Antistar
  • Converter: Roybatty
  • Installation: Follow instructions found on the TTW page.
WMX - WRP Patch (FNV)
  • Author: Antistar
  • Version: v1.2.3
  • Installation: Install WMX - Weapon Retexture Project compatibility v1.2.3
  • Author: Roy Batty
  • Installation: Install the TTW WMX-EVE patch.
Half Hansified Holorifle (FNV)
  • Author: MadCat221
  • Version: v1
  • Requirements: WRP,WMX
  • Installation: Install Half Hansified Holorifle WMX DLC


Interior Lighting Overhaul (FNV/TTW)

  • Authors: Sarge198 and Killergrimm
  • Version: v6.9
  • Installation: Will update this when TTW version releases next month.

Old World Blues Path Lighting (FNV)

  • Author: Sarge198
  • Version: v1.1
  • Installation: This mod has an extra plugin, follow these instructions:
Double click Old World Blues - Path Lighting in the left pane of MO, and go to the "Optional ESPs" tab.
Move "OWB-Path Lights - Darker Nights.esp" to the "Optional ESPs" box.

Realistic Interior Lighting (TTW)

  • Authors: Scarecrow, CourierSix
  • Installation: Install rilttwinteriorpatch.esp and TTW Interiors Patch
  • Note: Will be made redudant once ILO-TTW is released next month

Realistic Wasteland Lighting Enhancement (FNV)

  • Authors: xCamoLegend, Sal203, RoyBatty
  • Version: v0.91
  • Installation: Install TTW Realistic Wasteland Lighting - Enhancement Main File.

Street Lights (TTW)

  • Authors: SpeedyB, Dekoman91, TJ, Roy
  • Version: v1.4
  • Installation: Install TTW Streetlights v1.4 and TTW Streetlights NMC Patch. [Merge]

Gameplay - Major

More Perks for TTW (TTW)
  • Authors: Deadboy, Dree
  • Version: v1.3
  • Installation: Install More Perks Merged for TTW and More Perks Merged - EVE patch for Chemical Engineer.

This custom updated, optimized version built for TTW adds 14 new traits and 213 perks.

Gameplay - Minor

Courier's Stash Pack Distribution (TTW)
  • Author: Retlaw83
  • Note: Only install if you have the Courier's Stash Packs. Also CANNOT be used with TTWStashPackOptions.esp

This mod distributes the Courier's Stash items around the early areas of the Capital Wasteland, telling little stories of how they got there.

Delay DLC - TTW (FNV)
  • Author: Gribbleshnibit8
  • Version: v2.1
  • Installation: Install Delay DLC 2-1.

Delay those pesky DLC messages until the appropriate time.

Extended Dialogue - Vulpes (FNV)
  • Author: Scorpial
  • Version: v1.2

This mod re-incorporates dialgoue that was once meant to be in-game when speaking for the first time with Vulpes Inculta in Nipton.

Legendary Bloatfly Reward Perk (FNV)
  • Author: Neofalcon
  • Version: v1.0

Killing the Legendary Bloatfly in the Old World Blues DLC is quite the accomplishment, as it's the most powerful creature in the game. The reward, however, leaves something to be desired. As such, I've created this mod to add a perk as a reward for killing it.

Luck Based Sunset Sarsparilla Star Bottle Caps (FNV)
  • Author: CapnLilNemo

This mod adjusts the chance of finding Star Bottle Caps based on your luck. 1 Luck = 1%, 10 Luck = 10%. Average Luck = 5 gives the vanilla value of 5%.

Nipton Fires Extinguished (FNV)
  • Author: Qwerty
  • Version: v1.0

Makes fire and smoke effects in Nipton disappear 1 day after the first player visit.

Pickable Cave Fungus outisde of Zion (FNV)
  • Authoer: Yukichigai
  • Version: v1
  • Installation: Install Main File
Repair Bladed Weapons with Whet Stone (FNV)
  • Author: Yukichigai
  • Note: May need patch for TTW DLC weapons

This mod adds the Whet Stone miscellaneous item to the repair list for all bladed weapons. Surprisingly, this simple implementation actually works: when you go to repair any bladed weapon (e.g. a Combat Knife) Whet Stones will appear in the repair list as though they were any other weapon.

Static Battery Replacer (FNV)
  • Author: Pintocat
  • Version: v1.0

Replaces 50 of the 59 static Fission Battery models with the Misc Item version that can be taken. The remaining 9 are there as visual "power sources" for lights and such.

Thermic Lance - Fire effects (FNV)
  • Author: Yukichigai
  • Version: v0.3

The Thermic Lance now has a special effect associated with its critical hits. Should a hit result in a critical hit, it will briefly cause the target to smolder (smoke, but no fire). This will do damage over time. Additionally, the Thermic Lance's special melee attack has been altered. Instead of Scrap Heap, the attack is called Spot Weld, and will set the target on fire. This too will cause damage over time. Finally, since the weapon now does fire-based damage, it is affected by the Pyromaniac perk.

Two bears high fiving (FNV)
  • Author: tehDman
Working Grinding Wheel (FNV)
  • Author: Yukichigai
  • Version: v2
  • Note: May need patch for TTW DLC weapons. Should work fine since TTW adds weapons to VPoisonWeapons list, but let me know if you find an issue.

Texture Optimization (See F&L)

Load Order

Load Order can be sorted either manually or with a tool such a LOOT. Mods take time to be added to LOOT however so many new TTW may not be sorted correctly.

Instructions for manual sorting can be found here: TTW Load Order General Guide

All mods in the guide however will have proper LOOT rules shortly.

Merge Patch or Bashed Patch

You will need to create either a Merge Patch or a Bashed Patch. I have not checked bash tags for all mods yet.

Merge Patch instructions by Roy Batty can be found here: Making a Merge Patch
Bash Patch instructions by SRB can be found here: Creating a Bashed Patch


FNVLODGen - Resources (FO3/FNV)
  • Authors: Ehamloptiran Sheson and FNVEdit Team
  • Installtion: From the FO3 Page, install FO3LODGen Resources, Vurts Flora Overhaul (choose one). From the FNV page, install FNVLODGen Resources, NMC LOD Texture Fix.

Download TTWLODGen esp
Load order is as follows:

FO3LODGen Resources (set esp to optional)
FNVLODGen Resources (set esp to optional)
NMC LOD Texture Fix
Vurt's Flora Overhaul
Running FNVLODGen
In MO, go to the archives tab and make sure "Have MO manage archives" is Unchecked.
Launch FNVLODGen through MO. After a moment of processing a window will popup.
On the left pane, select the worldspace(s) for which you wish to generate LOD.  You can select all of them at once.
On the right side make sure Objects LOD is checked and that Tree LOD is unchecked.
Click Generate.
Once the FNVLODGen has finished it will give you the message "LOD Generator: finished (you can close this application now)." Close the program
Go to the location which you selected when setting it up (C:\FNVLODGenOutput was suggested). Archive the meshes + textures folder and install with MO. Name this mod Generated LOD.
In MO, go to the archives tab and make sure "Have MO manage archives" is Checked.

MCM Configuration

This will be heavily WIP as balance is hard. Reallly hard. Assume everything not mentioned is set to default settings.

  • PN Rebalance
    • Core
      • Sprint Screen Shudder: Unchecked
  • Tale of Two Wastelands
    • XP Reduction: Checked
    • Super Mutant Rebalance: Checked
    • Bobblehead Rebalance: Checked
    • More Cooking Options: Checked


EssArrBee & Kelymch - A majority of this guide is based on the two setups by these extraordinary gentlemen. They are effectively co-authors. It wouldn't be possible without them!
Roy - Constantly teaching me and telling me when I'm wrong.
STEP - Graciously hosting this guide and being an amazing community. They're how I got into modding!
TTW Team - Making TTW, and providing support on chat.
