
From Step Mods | Change The Game

Complete Oblivion Modding Guide WIP

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-Created By Hishutup and Soire (Red)

ROOT Template:Notice

FAQs, Yes you should take a peak a this first.

Temporary forum, Ignore the first couple posts they're old.
Suggestions that are welcomed:

  • If you think something is missing suggest it.
  • If you think that something is core and shouldn't be go ahead and suggest it.
  • If you feel that you have a better way to describe something.

Suggestions that are going to be ignored:

  • This guide sucks fix it
  • Other unnecessary garbage.

What does this guide entail?

This guide is here to be an up-to-date Oblivion modding guide that is exclusively on STEP, aiming to provide both basic and more sophisticated information for an enhanced Oblivion experience. As well this guide provides a Core setup that is compatible with modular packages and extended modifications suggested, but possibly if not always entirely with your own ideas, too. It does include some recommendations from other guides and credits will be given from where the original content was found.

This is supposed to be community driven - meaning, the community is going to take charge of how this guide is formatted, the content in the guide such as mod descriptions. If someone has a better way of doing things, then post in the provided topic above.

Mods that are not (yet) included for the time being:
  • Better Cities: This is excluded because it will cause the frame rate of the game to drop to around 15fps while in just about any town. "Yes, I want to work this in but the frames..." -Hishutup
  • Really AEVWD: We didn't find yet a solution that justifies the noticable framerate drop vs enhanced distant view.
  • Open Cities and Open Cities Reborn: There are several mod-incompatibilities as well as massive frame drops when even close to cities.

This guide is still complicated in parts but eventually, the rough points are going to be worked out. Currently there are three options to choose from: Build your own, Hishutup's, Red's.

      The Green Squares aka Core/Skeleton
  • They mainly indicate a mod containing fixes, texture replacers, improvements of all sorts that are all about keeping that Oblivion feel, but updated (Lore-friendly).
  • They indicate a mod that is content of a basic setup that can be extended and build upon:
  • Install these if you use your own mod list or plan to use moduls from this guide
  • Performance options are noted, where possible.

      The Yellow Squares aka Extended ("Something special" -Hishutup)
  • They indicate a mod with content that is not for everyone but might suits your taste.
  • Some of them are heavy on your system or the game-engine.
  • Some of them are not necessarely Lore-friendly.
  • Some of them require configuration ability and a deeper understanding of modding.

What is Hishutup's Recommendation
  • This is going to be a setup that is mostly going to be fixed in the way of choices. Follow Hishutup's...
  • if your game is going to be full of game-play enhancers
  • if you have a good amount of configuration ability and a deeper understanding of modding your game.
NOTE: This is going to take a long time to get right and I am going to need help if you know something special.

What is Red's Recommendation
  • For the average User
  • Lore-friendly
  • In parts easier to install
  • Easier on hardware and the game engine.
"Aye, but sometimes I fancy something... But, there's gonna be a note if that's the case" - Red.

Colors, what do they mean?

Not all of these colors are consistent through out the guide.

Section header
Core/ Required      
Extended/ Optional      
Important Notes/ May not be for everyone/ User install specific      
Special / Warning      

Symbols, what do they mean?

[Click this]
Select this
"Name this"
<Fill this>
Check this
Do this


-Example of annotation-

Of Notes.

No Space

Double space
Triple Space


EssArrBee: Thanks to him for replaying to my email and providing an easy to write format.
tescosi.com: For providing various guides but are a little outdated.
Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion Tweak Guide: I took more than a few look at this and I am going to add part from the guide to mine.
Testg For providing tons of information and guides if a little outdated.

Section 1.X.X: The Tools and Setup

For the most part Wrye Bash is the main mod manager to use. However, a few mods will require TMM (TES Mod Manager) since installing them can be tricky or even impossible otherwise. Mod Organizer is not supported (yet) by this guide for the tool still needs too many workarounds if used with Oblivion, and some of the tasks necessary are simply not yet possible to perform in an efficient manner. Though, Mo is on the radar and constantly worked on and will be integrated eventually.

1.x System Requirements

System requirements for this guide do differ quite a bit from the Vanilla (not-modded) Oblivion ones you find on the store page of Steam. This is, because this guide will add diverse visual enhancements that require better hardware than Vanilla does.

Hardware Minimum Recommended
Windows OS Windows XP Windows 7/8
CPU Intel Core i3 (dual core) Intel Core i5/i7 (quadcore)
System RAM 4GB >=8GB

On a side note: 64-bit OS is highly recommended when modding Oblivion. However, the executable of the game addresses <2gb of memory usage only (which is in reality something like 1.8gb) and was never updated from Bethesda to have the LAA (Large Address Aware) flag in the executable. If you are running a 32-bit OS the patch won't have any effect. In this case, you might consider to be selective on Extended options.

1.x Windows Folder Options

Windows Folder Options should be adjusted as follows:

  Check 'Show hidden files, folders, or drives'
  Uncheck 'Hide extensions for known file types'

Folder Options are typically found if you open Start → Computer → Organize (upper left corner) → Folder and Search Options → Tab 'View'

  • This will be reverted post-installation.

Hishutup's Recommendation: Template:Notice Small

This is only for Windows 7. Do NOT use on windows 8 or 8.1 because it doesn't have the same effect.
Turn UAC (User Account Control) 'OFF' or 'Never'
  • My reasoning behind this decision is because it causes strange issues with programs not having the right permissions. Wyre Bash is one program that does have said issues. Every Windows 7 install I have done, I have followed up with immediately turning it off.
  • I have never had any issues with it off.
  • As for security I have always used Microsoft Security Essentials.
  • Overall, I hate that it freezes Windows and displays a box.
  • I am NOT responsible for your computer/hardware/install.
The easiest way to find the UAC is go the Windows Start Menu and in the search type "uac".
There should only be one suggestion "Change User Account Control settings".
Click it and drag the slider to the "Never notify me when:" setting.
The reason for this is because the applications in this guide may have permission issues with being installed in "Program Files (x86)".

1.x Install Oblivion

Recommended: Oblivion should be installed outside of 'Program Files' or 'Program Files (x86)' folders. Installation in these folders can cause UAC (User Account Control) to unpleasantly interfere with Oblivion and some of the Utilities.

  • Examples for possible folder structures (X stands for your hard-drive letter):
  • Right-click Oblivion in Steam and select install. Define the installation path.
  • Do following after installation is complete:
   Steam/Library/Oblivion -> play 

The Oblivion Launcher sets resolution and generates the INI file. If it does not recognize your GPU, set your 'Screen Resolution' and 'Video Quality' presets according to your hardware capability. Now hit play in the launcher and wait until you reach the game-menu. Exit the game.

  • Note Change 'Screen Effects' to HDR – this is required for TES4LodGen used later in this guide. Exit the launcher after done so.

Recommended: It is a good practice to backup your pristine (Vanilla) Oblivion for future use. For size reduction use 7-zip – download lates stable version here (v9.20 August 2014): 7-zip Org

  • For this, navigate to:

Copy-paste the files of each directory to your backup-drive and use 7-zip to reduce the files size. Tip: The non-solid option, normal option and the LZMA2 compression (allows the use of multiple core) should always be chosen.

  • Open Steam, right-click Oblivion in your Library → Properties → General → enable 'Steam Overlay while ingame'. This is needed for OBSE.

Recommended: While still in Steam, right-click Oblivion in your Library → Properties → Updates → Uncheck "Enable Steam Cloud synchronization for The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion"

1.x Reset Oblivion to a Pristine (Vanilla) Installation:

To provide you with the best support that Red and I can please do a FULL re-installation of ONLY what Steam downloads. This gives us a starting point.

1. First, do a backup of following directories:

  • <Steam>\Steamapps\common\Oblivion
  • <YourUserProfile>\(My)Documents\MyGames\Oblivion
  • <YourUserProfile>\AppData\Local\Oblivion

Copy-paste the files of each directory to your backup-drive and use 7-zip to reduce the files size. Note the non-solid option, normal option and the LZMA2 compression (allows the use of multiple core) should always be chosen.

2. Deactivate all mods using your choice of mod manager.

3. Browse to your Oblivion directory and delete all files and subdirectories.

4. Open Steam, right-click Oblivion in your Library → Delete Local Content → Delete

After the game finishes uninstalling, continue on.

5. Navigate to <YourUserName>\AppData\Local and delete the Oblivion folder.

Go to <YourUserName>\(My)Documents\My Games\Oblivion and delete the Oblivion folder. It will be regenerated later.

6. Deinstall your Previous Mod Manager(s).

7. If you did use Wrye Bash as your mod manager, navigate to <Steam>\SteamApps\Common and find the folder 'Oblivion Mods' and backup if you want to and then delete it.

8. If you did use any other mod manager, find and delete (and backup) their mod directories.

9. In Steam, click Oblivion in your Library and click INSTALL. Downloading might take a while and is dependent on the speed of your internet connection.

10. Now launch Oblivion via 'Play' button in Steam Library, let the launcher set resolution and generate the .ini files.

After Oblivion is done downloading click PLAY. This will bring up the launcher for Oblivion.
If dialogue boxes pop up select OK.
Click Options. Then in the "Video Quality Presets" box, click Ultra High and then OK
Change the Resolution to the resolution of your screen.
    Mine is: 1920x1080(widescreen)
Leave Antialising set to "None" because Oblivion doesn't allow both HDR and AA.
  • Note Screen Effects needs to be set to HDR – this is required for TES4LodGen used later in this guide and very important.

11. I highly suggest doing a backup of your pristine (Vanilla) Oblivion directory for future use.

12. Starting a new game is required in most circumstances.

Section 1.2.X: INI edits

Note: After you are done with editing Oblivion.ini, right-click the file -> Properties -> check: read-only. This is to prevent the launcher from resetting it.

Basic INI Tweaks

Leaving the second entry blank disables the bunch of intro-movies playing every time you start Oblivion. If you like to disable the Oblivion menu-intro as well, leave the first entry blank too.

bUse Joystick=0         ;Set this if you don't use a joystick.
BGamePadRumble=0	;Set this if you don't use a Gamepad. If the entry is there.

Water will reflect static objects (like houses and sky), trees and NPC's. This setting will impact a bit FPS in heavy populated areas – consider turning back off (=0) if you experience stutters and troubles with cell loading.


This disables the invisible borders in Tamriel. There is not much beyond, though. At current state this tweak refers to Extended.


This disables autosaving which is known to produce corrupt (unplayable) savegames over time. The first entry (bSaveOnInteriorExteriorSwitch) may be or not be there. If it is, set it to =0 as well.

iMaxGrassTypesPerTexure=5 or 7

Increases grass diversity with a small cost to performance and yup, 'texure' and not 'texture'! Consider 5 or 7 if using grass retexture mods.

SInvalidationFile=          ;Yes, there needs to be nothing. Really!
Memory INI Tweaks

Template:Notice The memory tweaks described below are controversial. They have not proven to fix anything. There were a few things I did find noteworthy and I'll probably make a special page. When the page is up it will contain individual tests from Red and me as well as independent users findings, tests, thoughts.

Take a look:


Section 1.3.X: Tools

  • Author: The BOSS Development Team
  • Version: v2.3.0
  • Description: BOSS is helping with setting up the right load order for your mods plus provides helpful information about Bash Tags, Dirty Edits, Conflicts, and does have a Userrule Manager integrated.
  • Notes: This is a required utility. Make sure in the drop-down menu is selection 'Oblivion'. As of this point in time I don't trust the placement of LOOT especially because FCOM Convergence is part of this guide.
  • Installation:

Open the installer:


The default install location:

Wrye Bash
  • Author: Wrye Bash Team
  • Version: 304.4
  • Description: WB(Wrye Bash) is at this time the main Mod Manager used for this guide. Even for Skyrim and the Fallout Series Wrye Bash is used for it's ability to generate a Bashed Patch based on your load order. [Recommended] For more Info refer to the ReadMe here
  • Notes: The link is the the Wrye Bash on the Skyrim Nexus site. The installer is for all of the supported games.
  • Installation:

Open the installer:

    Open the installer, if you get a security warning click [Run]
    Notes: C++ Redistributable Pack 2013 is needed for WB and if it's not installed on your machine, you will get a popup from Microsoft. Agree to terms and install.
    Check Only "Install for Oblivion" and "Wrye Bash [Standalone]"
    Installation path: <Steam>\SteamApps\common\Oblivion
    [Next] (2x)

Start Wrye Bash by navigating to the Mopy folder that is located in <Steam>\SteamApps\common\Oblivion.

  • [Recommended] Create a shortcut on your desktop for easy access during this guide: Right-click Wrye Bash.exe and select 'Send to Desktop'. Rename the shortcut to 'Wrye Bash Oblivion'.


    Wrye Bash.exe

A popup will ask you "Turn Lock Load Order Off?"

    [Installers] tab
    Close Wrye Bash

Helpful Tips:

If you struggle with Wrye Bash take a look a THIS. Remember this guide doesn't cover everything.
  • Author: ElminsterAU
  • Version: 3.0.32EXP
  • Description:
  • What is LOD/VWD?
LOD (.lod) data files are necessary to view landscapes that are distant in the middle- or background. These are different than the static objects you see from far – also
known as 'Visible while Distant' objects (VWD). Not all mod (replacer) packages do provide all necessary files related to LOD/VWD and therefor the player runs into
strange views. Or bugs.
LOD is built on the basis of quadrants of four adjoining blocks of 32x32 cells. Now, as landscape mods and such changing exterior cells are added, these quadrants realign
themselves. Further they depend highly on loadorder and the heightmap used in each cell. However technical all this sounds, this results in the necessity to rebuild LOD
every time a mod is added, removed or changed in the loadorder (or left pane of Mo) that affects these quadrants – like for example 'Qarls Texture Pack' or 'RAEVWD'. The
tools for this are known as 'LOD Generators'.
  • Installation:

Extract to <Steam>\SteamApps\common\Oblivion:

  • Notes: TES4LODGen MUST be ran every time load order changes. This includes that one tiny file called 'bashed patch' at the very end. If you fail to do this, your game wont crash nor your savegames destroyed but distant meshes will be strange, out of line or simply not appear.
     Landscape LOD generator tes4ll-v4
  • Author: Gruftikus and Lightwave
  • Version: 4.10
  • Installation: Download: Landscape LOD generator 4_10
  • Notes: Don't use yet

Extract and place into the Data folder:

Ini folder
tes4qlod_tex folder

Running will take place at the end of the guide. Install the MPGUI below. <short description>

     Multi Purpose GUI
  • Author: Gruftikus
  • Version: 1.22
  • Installation: Download: mpgui_1_22

Open archive:

Run: MPGUI-Setup.msi
I Agree
[Next] (x4)
  • Notes: Don't use yet

Running will take place at the end of the guide. <short description>

4GB Patch
  • Author: Daniel Pistelli
  • Version:
  • Description: This 4GB patch is for 32-bit executables to use more than the 2.1GB RAM. This patcher adds a LAA(large address aware) flag which raises the RAM limit for Oblivion.exe up to about 3.1GB.
  • Notes: Only use this if you have 64-bit (x64) Operation System. If you have a 32-bit OS you do not need this.
To determine what OS you run, go to
Control Panel → System and Security → System. Look for System Type.
  • Installation:

Open the archive:

              If you get a security warning, click [Run]
              Navigate to <Steam>\SteamApps\common\Oblivion
              Select Oblivion.exe
  • Note: Run only once on the Oblivion.exe. The original Oblivion.exe will be renamed to Oblivion.exe.Backup.
OBSE (Oblivion Script Extender)
  • Author: Ian Patterson, Stephen Abel, Paul Connelly
  • Version: 0021
  • Description:

Quoted text.

— Quotation source

  • Notes: OBSE is mandatory for this guide. For Steam version, launch Oblivion using the Steam client. For any other version use the obse_loader.exe to launch.
  • Installation: Open the archive and extract the files below into the Oblivion folder where your Oblivion.exe is located.

Extract for Steam version of Oblivion:

    Data folder
  • Note: You do not need to use obse_loader.exe under normal cicumstances.

"FIX LATER" Extract for any digital [RETAIL] version of Oblivion:

    Data folder
  • Do now following if you are using the digital Retail version:
    Right-click obse_loader.exe and select 'Send to Desktop'
    Rename the shortcut to "OBSE-Oblivion"
    Right-click on the shortcut and select Properties
    [Change Icon]
    [Browse] Installation path Oblivion (templates)
    [Apply] and [OK]

Retail and Steam version: If OBSE is not running, most mods that require OBSE will bring up a dialogue box saying "OBSE is not working".

Use TesModManager instead OBMM (Oblivion mod manager)
  • Author: Timeslip
  • Version: 1.1.12
  • Description: Oblivion Mod Manager (OBMM) was the number one Mod Manager for quite some years. For some mods and Archive Invalidation (required step in modding Oblivion) we still need this tool.
  • Installation: Download: obmm 1_1_12 full installer

Open archive and run:



    Agree to terms and [Next]
    [Browse] <Steam>\SteamApps\common\Oblivion
    Check Don't create a Start Menu folder
    Uncheck all except Associate the .omod file type with oblivion mod manager
  • Notes: Archive Invalidation is a required step in modding Oblivion.

Enable Archive Invaildation:

    Open OBMM:
         [Archive Invalidation]
         Select BSA redirection
         [Update now]
    Close OBMM
  • Author: monpetitbeurre
  • Version: 1.5.5
  • Installation:"FIX LATER"
  • Notes: Succeeded OBMM

<short description>

ENBoost Patch
  • Author: Boris Vorontsov
  • Version: v0.259
  • Description: This patch allows Oblivion to use Memory to maximum capability (not the same as 4GB patch). For this guide, we install the patch without graphic changes.
  • Installation:
  • Download the file from the link provided above and the configuration file from here.
    Extract d3d9.dll and enbhost.exe from the Wrapper Version to <Steam>\SteamApps\common\Oblivion
    Extract the archive from Nexus and drop the enblocal.ini matching your GPU and System to the same folder.
  • Open enblocal.ini and adjust following:
VideoMemorySizeMb=	;Use (RAM + VRAM - 2048) Consider reducing 128mb or further if you run into troubles. 
ForceBorderless=false     ;set to true if you want borderless windowed mode or borderless fullscreen mode
ForceBorderlessFullscreen=false     ;set to true if your are using borderless fullscreen mode
Note If you experience issues (stutters etc.) in-game and you have Vsync enabled, disable one or the other. Disabling V-sync may cause in-game weirdness (chattering physics object, etc.).
Note on some systems this might be a bit heavy since it's forced to run along HDR, consider reducing by 2n instead or turn it off.
;Note FPS-Limits are managed by OSR (Oblivion Stutter Remover)
  • Author: ElminsterAU
  • Version: 3.0.32EXP
  • Description: This tool is primary used for cleaning the official DLC's and mods. However, it's also a powerful utility with various other functions such as merged patches and reordering masters. For more information, download the FNEdit PDF-Files (applicable to TES4Edit) here.
  • Notes: This is a mandatory download.
  • Installation:


    New Folder: "TES4Edit" without quotes in <Steam>\SteamApps\common\Oblivion

Extract archive:

    Place them in the new TES4Edit folder

Section 1.3.X: Cleaning the DLC

This is a required step and should be done regardless of whether you are going to follow this guide or if you are even going to mod your game.

Clean the Oblivion's DLC

Cleaning DLC .esp's and certain mods is critical for creating a stable modded game environment.



DLC Shivering Isles


DLC Shivering Isles is a dummy-.esp and does not need any cleaning. If you attempt to do so anyway, TES4Edit will not do anything.

If you are NOT familiar with cleaning click me.

Note: Some mods have "UDR(s)" or "ITM(s)" but must not be cleaned. Follow BOSS report unless other wise described for a particular mod.

Reminders are going to be located after the install after the mods that need cleaning.

Undelete and Disable References are referred to as
"Identical to Master" records are referred to as

This is a sample BOSS report from before making edits to all of the Official DLC:


2.01 OBSE Extenders

OBSE plugins allow mods to interact in different ways with the game using extended scripting abilites.
  • Note: All       Core extenders are mandatory for this guide to work.

      OBSE -Elys- Universal Silent Voice
  • Author: Elys
  • Version: 0.93
  • Requirements: Enabled subtitles
  • Description: When a character in oblivion isn't voiced then Oblivion will skip through the dialogue even if there are subtitles. This mod fixes that by placing a blank audio track in place of the voiced dialogue so you are able to read the text dialogue.
  • Variant 1:
   Extract Elys_USV.dll, Elys_USV.mp3 and Elys_USV.lip to <Steam>\SteamApps\common\Oblivion\Data\OBSE\Plugins
  • Variant 2:
   Extract to same location
   Create new folder called OBSE
   Within OBSE create new folder called Plugins
   Move all the extracted files to Plugins
   Create an archive called 'OBSE - Elys - Universal Silent Voice v93 - repacked'
   Drop the new archive to Wrye Bain - if WB warns about a .dll, click [Yes].
  • Author: shadeMe
  • Version: 9.2
  • Description: This plugin allows mods to use different headmodels for their Race retexture projects such as OCO (Oblivion Character Overhaul) used in this guide.

Quoted text.

— Quotation source

  • Installation:
  • Variant 1:
   Extract/drop Blockhead.dll to <Steam>\SteamApps\common\Oblivion\Data\OBSE\Plugins
  • Variant 2:
   Install with Wrye Bain - if Wrye warns about a .dll, click [Yes]
      Oblivion Stutter Remover
  • Author: SkyRanger-1
  • Version: 4.1.37
  • Installation:
  • Variant 1:
  Only the 'Data' folder in the archive is needed 
  Extract it to <Steam>\SteamApps\common\Oblivion.
  • Variant 2:
  Install with Wrye Bain - if Wrye warns about a .dll, click [Yes]
  • For both variants: open sr_Oblivion_Stutter_Remover.ini in <Steam>\SteamApps\common\Oblivion\OBSE\Plugins and adjust following
Master = {
bReplaceHeap = 1    ;turn it off (=0) if you experience reoccurring CTDs and/or unusual low FPS rates.
FPS_Management = {
fMaximumFPS = 60
fMinimumFPS = 20   ;consider 30
Heap = {
iHeapAlgorithm = 5
iHeapSize = 768     ;shouldn't be raised to 1024 causes crash on load. Default 450.
  • Author: shadme
  • Version: 1.0
  • Description: Quote from the readme:

Quoted text.

— Quotation source

Aye, actually, this plugin logs all console output to text files for later reviewing, including those typed in by the player. It removes the need for modders to adopt independent logging functions. This is needed for the Userinterface Section.

  • Installation:
  • Variant 1:
   Extract ConScribe.dll to <Steam>\SteamApps\common\Oblivion\Data\OBSE\Plugins
  • Variant 2:
   Install with Wrye Bain - if Wrye warns about a .dll, click [Yes]
      MenuQue - OBSE Plugin
  • Author: kyoma
  • Version: v16b
  • Description: MenuQue extends Oblivions game-engine to deal with various additions/changes to the User Interface, Skills, Fonts and more.
  • Installation:
  • Variant 1:
    Drag and drop the content of the folder 'MenuQue' to <Steam>\SteamApps\common\Oblivion\Data\OBSE\Plugins
  • Variant 2:
    Drop the archive in to Bain, install. If warned about .dll files, press [Yes]
  • Author: DragoonWraith
  • Version: 1.1
  • Notes: Required for most Combat Overhauls.

<short description>

      Oblivion - Enhanced Camera
  • Author: LogicDragon
  • Version: 1.4a
  • Notes: This mod is very optional. I included because I like the idea but if you occasionally experience motion sickness in games I highly recommend not using it. Even I get a little ill after using it and I don't get motion sick.

Replaces the first person camera with third person and then moving the camera into a first person view. I like the idea and thought others would. This IS my replacement for the leg view that should be part of the Deadly Reflex combat mod that is later in the guide. I'll add the recommended leg mod later. "FIX LATER" Temporarily Place holder for vid.

Place Holder

Ignore me

2.02 Fixes

      UOP - Unofficial Oblivion Patch
  • Author: by Quarn, Kivan and Arthmoor
  • Version: 3.5.0
  • Description: Unofficial Patches are a must; they fix literally ten-thousands of bugs in the original game that were never addressed by Bethesda.
  • Installation:
  • You may Download mainfile and QTP3 UOP350 Compatibility Patch from the Optional section. I t is needed later in the guide.

Esp/m Filter:

   Uncheck 'UOP Vampire Aging & Face Fix.esp'. The fix will be included in the bashed patch (Tweak).
   If warned about .dll, click [Yes]
  • Note: Do not yet install the QTP3 patch, it will be used later.
      Unofficial Shivering Isles Patch
Author: Quarn and Kivan and Arthmoor
Version: 1.5.4
Esp/m Filter:
    Check: All
      Unofficial Official Mods Patch
Author: Quarn and Kivan and Arthmoor
Version: 19
Esp/m Filter:
    Check: All
  • Note 'DLCThieves Den – Unofficial Patch – SSSB.esp' should only be activated for a new savegame.

      Summon Dremora Lord Saved
  • Author: DemonLord7654
  • Version: 1.0
  • Description: The Bruma Mages guild is the only one who sells the spell Summon Dremora Lord. If you didn't pay attention, later in the game you won't be able to purchase this spell. This mod adds the spell to Mystic Emporium and the Mages Guild in Skingrad.
  • Notes: This mod needs a user rule defined in Boss:
   Open Boss (drop-down menu: Oblivion)
   Click [Edit User Rules]
   Drag 'Summon Dremora Lord Saved.esp' to the left into the box 'For'
   Check 'Sort Item'
   Select [after]
   Drag 'Knights - Unoffical Patch.esp' to 'after'- box.
   [Create New Rule]
   [Save and Exit]
  • Installation:
   Drop to Bain and install.

BASH Tags:

      Disappearing Grass Fix for Oblivion and Nehrim
  • Author: Xerus
  • Version: 1.0
  • Description: This mod fixes the disappearing act that grass has over time.
  • Installation: Download: Disappearing Grass Fix

Esp/m Filter:

    Check: GrassFix.esp
    Uncheck: NehrimGrassFix.esp
      Elz - No Floating Weapon
  • Author: Elzee
  • Version: 1.0.2
  • Description: Fixes the floating weapon issue upon death of a NPC.
  • Notes: This mod needs a user rule added in Boss:
    Open Boss
    [Edit User Rule]
    Drag 'Elz - No Floating Weapon.esp' into the box 'For'
    Check 'Sort Item'
    Select [after]
    Drag 'Summon Dremora Lord Saved.esp' to the after-box.
    [Create New Rule]
    [Save and Exit]
  • Installation:
    Drop the archive to Bain, install.

2.03 User Interface

You can chose between two different layouts of DarNified UI that get rid of the xBox interface and converts it to be more PC-like. Required: Uncheck 'read-only' in the properties of Oblivion.ini

Whats the difference?
Options      Hishutup's recommendation: DarkUId DarN      Red's recommendation: DarNified UI Vanilla
Customization DarkUId DarN Options.png DarNified UI Options.png Vanilla Options.png
Items Menu DarkUId DarN Items.png DarNified UI Items.png Vanilla Items.png
Map DarkUId DarN ColoredMap.png DarNified UI ColoredMap.png Vanilla VanillaMap.png
     Hishutup's recommendation:
      DarkUId DarN
  • Author: Gothic251
  • Version: 1.6
  • Description: This is a merge of DarkUI by Darkbirdy and DarNified UI by DarN - aka all advantages from both mods in one washup =)
  • Installation: Download: DarkUId DarN 16 OMOD Version.


    DarkUId DarN 16 OMOD Version-11280.zip into:
         Oblivion\obmm\mods folder


    In Wrye Bain (Installer) right-click the bar that is underneath the tabs
    Monitor External Installation

Leave Wrye Bain in the current state. Open OBMM:

    DarkUId DarN 16 OMOD Version-11280
    <Type the name of your character>
    -suggestion, if playing a female try "Rosaline"-
    [Install Everything]
    Select multiple (hold ctrl)
         [Custom Font 1] (Optional/Option)
         [Atmospheric Loading Screens]
         [No Quest Added popup]
    [Knights_Quest_36] (Optional/Options)
    [Large] (Options)
    (CTRL) + [Yes]
    Close OBMM

Wrye Bain:

    Select all
    Type "DarkUId DarN v16" (Options)
  • Notes: This can be a complicated install. I tried to make sure that it was painfully described.
      Atmospheric Dark UI Loading Screens
  • Author: Galahaut and Vacuity
  • Version: 4.05
  • Installation: Download: Atmospheric Loading Screens 4_05
    In Wrye Bain (Installer) right-click the bar that is underneath the tabs
    Monitor External Installation

Leave WB in the current state Open OBMM:

    [Add archive]
    Find Atmospheric Loading Screens 4_05-8925-4-05.7z

< <Add Archive>

    [Yes] to omod conversion data
    [Create omod] this might takes a while
    Click on the new file in the middle pane
    <Read the Box>
    [Random Quotes]
    If asked to overwrite files, press (CTRL) + [Yes]
    -Make sure the green quadrant next to the mod has turned blue-
    Close OBMM

Back in Wrye Bain:

    [Create Project]
    "Atmospheric Loading Screens 4.05"

     Red's recommendation:
      DarNified UI
  • Author: DarN
  • Version: v132
  • Download also:
  • Installation:
  • Drag and drop the Loading Screens Themed Replacer into Bain
   Esp/m Filter:
   Uncheck LoadingScreen.esp.
  • Drop Loading Screen Themed Replacer SI into Bain.
   Esp/m Filter:
   Uncheck LoadingScreenSI.esp
  • Drop Loading Screen Themed Replacer Addon into Bain.
  • Drop the BCF file into <SteamApps>\common\Oblivion Mods\Bain Installers\Bain Converters. Back in Bain:
   Right-click the mod
   'Conversion' -> 'Apply' -> select the BCF. 
  • Highlight the new archive.
   Right Pane:
   Check: '00 Core' and '03 AddOn+Base+SI'
   Uncheck: LoadingScreensAddon.esp
  • Download DarNified UI OMOD version and extract the DarNified UI archive to the same location.
  • In Wrye Bash right-click the bar that is underneath the tabs
   Select Monitor External Installation...
  • Run OBMM:
   [Load] -> 'DarNified UI 1.3.2.OMOD'
   Type the name of your character
   Select 'Install Everything'
   Hold (CTRL)
        Select 'Trollf Loading Menu'
        Select 'Colored Local Map'
        Select (Optional) 'No Quest Added Popup'
   Select 'Large'
   Press (CTRL) + Yes
   Close OBMM
  • Back in Wrye Bash:
   Select [All]
   Type "DarNified UI v132"
      Skill Perk Descriptions
  • Author: Alek
  • Version: 1.1
  • Description: This mod adds perk descriptions to the UI. Now you are capable of seeing which skill level offers you what abilities. It uses the background and font of whatever UI you have installed.
  • Installation:
    Drop the archive to Bain, install
      nONatees colored Shivering Isles Map
  • Author: nONatee
  • Version: 1.1
  • Notes: This mod is not correctly packed. Before installation it needs a few extra steps.
  • Installation: Download also BCF-File
    Drop the BCF-File to <SteamApps>\common\Oblivion Mods\Bain Installers\Bain Converters
    Rename the BCF to nONatees colored SI map -BCF
    Drop the original mod archive to Bain Installer.
    Right-click the mod -> Conversions -> Apply -> select the BCF
    Highlight the new archive
        02 Visually Divided
      Dynamic Map
  • Author: TheNiceOne
  • Version: 2.1.1
  • Notes: At this time, Shivering Isles are not (yet) supported.
  • Description: This amazing adds Zoom-functions to the general map of Cyrodiil. It offers also support for some of the quest mods used in the moduls.
  • Installation: Download mainfile.
       00 Core
       01 Color Map
      MiniMap - Reboot
  • Author: Kyoma
  • Version: 1.2.0
  • Installation: Download: MiniMap v1x2x0
  • Notes:

The controls are on the keypad section of the keyboard.

"*" is to change views.
"+" zoom in
"-" zoom out

Not everyone will like this but check out the mod page. I may add pictures later.

  • Author: Wyzard
  • Version: 2.1.2
  • Installation: Download: RefScope 2_1_2
  • Description: To use this wonderful little tool hold 'X' on a particular object/item/person, it should then glow a pale yellow. Press [Activate] and a dialogue box will pop up telling you all about that particular object/item/person. While in game you can find where a particular object or item came from. This helps with debugging and troubleshooting.
  • Installation:
    Drop the archive to Bain, and install.
      HUD Status Bars at Oblivion
  • Author: TheNiceOne
  • Version: 5.3.2
  • Description: This supports several other mods adding status bars to the HUD. Changes the Vanilla bars to something more useful. And - the best - you can create your own bars, too. Though, for this guide, we keep it simple. "However that is, feel free to dive into the documentation and create your very own, personal HUD!" - Red.
  • Installation:
       00 Core
       01 Vanilla Style
       11 Optional DarNified Compass

Hishutup's Recommendation:

Coming soon...

Red's Recommendation:

  • Set your compass to the top of the screen
     Browse to <SteamApps\common\Oblivion\Data\ini
     Open 'HUD Status Bars - base.ini'
         set tnoHSB.compass_y to 0.5         ;snug to top of the screen or use 2 for a slight gap between border and compass
      DarNified Config Addon
  • Author: KyoParadox
  • Version: 1.4
  • Requirements: OBSE & ConScribe
  • Description: This allows both DarNified UI and DarkUid DarN settings to remain permanent after you've done the configuration ingame. Even if you switch between DarNified UI and DarkUId DarN the settings will be preserved as long you keep the mod active.
  • Installation:
    Drop the archive to Bain, install.

Now it's time to fire up Oblivion. But first things first:

  • Required Check 'read-only' in the properties of Oblivion.ini.
  • In Wrye Bash change to 'Mods' (Bash) tab.
  • Open Boss, make sure Oblivion is selected in the drop down menu
    [Run Boss]   oh wait... you did edit the user rules mentioned in the 'Fixes' section, right?
    Close after done
  • Back in Wrye Bash:
  Check if loadorder has changed.
  Right-click 'Bashed Patch,0.esp' and select 'Rebuild Patch...'. You can select 'Rebuild Patch (CBash *BETA) if you know, what you are doing!
  [OK] to disable mods prior to patching
  Browse in the resulting window to 'Tweaks: Misc' and select 'DarNified Books'
  Leave rest on default
  [Build Patch] This may takes a while
  Click [OK] and agree to activate the Bashed Patch

Now startup Oblivion through Steam, load a clean (Vanilla) save and check the UI. If anything is wrong, you might missed a detail while installing. If everything is allright, proceed with the guide.

Helpful Tips to UI

If you like to switch between Hishutup's and Red's Recommendations, follow this:

  Deinstall (NOT delete) either currently active recommendation in Wrye Bash Installer
  Open OBMM and deactivate the related OMOD(s)
  Exit OBMM
  • Scroll back up and install the one you like to switch to as described.
  • Now, to switch between the two in future, keep in mind to first deinstall in Wrye Bash - then deactivate in OBMM the related OMOD(s). For reactivating the one you like to switch to, please do activate (OBMM) and install (WB) the mods in order as described farther up (without monitoring external installation in WB!)
  • Do not ever delete the mods in WB or in OBMM for this purpose, let them simply sit in the Mod Managers!
  • If asked to overwrite xml files, press [Yes] - you do not need to let the mods change the .ini files everytime except you did change the font. In that case, turn off 'read-only' in Oblivion.ini prior to switching UI.

2.04 Conflicting Textures

      Really Textured Normal Maps for Vanilla - BAINs
  • Author: Jarod
  • Version: 1.0
  • Description: A mod that covers it all: landscape, clutter, armor, weapons... - you name it. In this guide used as basis retexture mod.
  • Installation:


    Really Textured Normal Maps Part 1 BAIN
    Really Textured Normal Maps Part 2 BAIN
    Really Textured Normal Maps SI BAIN


    Left Pane:
         Right-click: Select All
    Repeat for all "Really Textured Normal Maps"

      Qarls Texture Pack III
  • Author: Qarl
  • Version: 1.3
  • Description:

Quoted text.

— Quotation source

  • Installation: download QarlTP3.zip


    In Wrye Bain (Installer) right-click the bar that is underneath the tabs
    Select Monitor External Installation...

Leave Wrye Bain in the current state. Open Archive:

    If you get a security warning, click [Run]
    "Extract To":
    Select [Extract] 
    Confirm replacing files: [Yes to all] 
    This may takes a while.

Quoted text.

— Quotation source

Wrye Bain:

    [Create Project]
    Make sure, all is selected
    Type "QTP3" (Options)
    This may takes a while. Red suggests, you go for a cookie?
  • Note I am trying to find a reliable upload of the texture pack. If this link goes down, post in the forum. - Hishutup
  • I will try to get permission to upload a working updated QTP3_1_3 zip archive on Nexus (the .exe update 1_3 can't be found anymore anywhere except on my backupdrive...). The one currently hosted on Nexus seems to not contain all data. Redimized version (kind of obsolete - except for users with a gpu <1GB) contains stuff from other mods... - Red.
      QTP Custom Road Textures - and more
  • Author: _pk
  • Version: 1.0
  • Description: Contains replacers for QTP3's rocks, roads and beach.
  • Installation:
    Left Pane Subpacks:
       Select all 02. folders
      QTP UOP350 Compability Patch
  • Author: Quarn, Kivan and Arthmoor
  • Version: 3.5.0
  • Description: Qarl's Texture Pack 3 uses the mesh corrections from the Unofficial Oblivion Patch 1.61. This patch updates this to 3.5.0 UOP.
  • Installation: Remember you've downloaded this patch in the 'Fixes' section?
    Drop the archive to Bain, install.
      Bomret Texture Pack for Shivering Isles
  • Author: Bomret
  • Version: 1.0
  • Description: Just like Qarls Texture Pack this is just as amazing but for the Shivering Isle expansion.
  • Notes: On the homepage linked above, scroll down for the English description. Download-button on the bottom.
  • Installation: (if needed)

2.XX Major Overhauls

Please do NOT use until this warning is gone. I am currently writing and finding a home for this section. Be aware of future patches. I am also leaning things.

FCOM Convergence
FCOM Reference Guide
OOO (Oscuro's_Oblivion_Overhaul)
  • Author:
  • Version: 1.35
  • Installation: Download: OOO135.zip, OOO135BSA.7z, OOO MIssing Icons.7z, Harvest_Flora_v3_0_1.zip
  • Notes:

OOO135: Esp/m Filter:


Harvest_Flora_v3_0_1: Esp/m Filter:

    Check: All
Francescos Creatures and Items - V5
  • Author: Francesco and SomeWelshGuy
  • Version: 5.0B2
  • Installation:


    Francescos Creatures and Items - V5B1
    Francescos Creatures and Items - V5B2 Update


    Francescos Creatures and Items - V5B1
    Yes, I want the SI version
    Yes, I am installing FCOM
    Uncheck: Chance of More Enemies
    Check: Apply these selections, Install this package


  • Notes: Don't mess with the Sub-Packages or Esp/m Filter because they are already selected for FCOM. If you want a list to Check off then at the end of this section.
  • Author: "FIX LATER"
  • Version: "FIX LATER"
  • Installation: Download: WarCryEv.7z, Oblivion WarCry EV Opti.7z
  • Notes:

WarCryEv: Esp/m Filter:

    Check: All
MMM (Martigen's Monster Mod)
  • Author: "FIX LATER"
  • Version: 3.8
  • Installation: Download: MMM38.rar, MMM38BSA.7z
  • Notes:

MMM38: Esp/m Filter:

    Check: Mart's Monster Mod.esm, Mart's Monster Mod - Diverse Creatures Expansion.esp, Mart's Monster Mod - Diverse WaterLife.esp, Mart's Monster Mod - Extra Wounding.esp, Mart's Monster Mod - Hunting & Crafting.esp, Mart's Monster Mod - Looting NPCs & Creatures.esp, Mart's Monster Mod - More Wilderness Life No Gates.esp, Mart's Monster Mod - Mummies.esp, Mart's Monster Mod - RadiantAITweaks.esp, Mart's Monster Mod - Shivering Ises.esp

MMM38BSA: The BSA file name MUST be changed to "FCOM_Convergence_MartsMonsterMod" without quotes.

Bob's Armory Oblivion
  • Author: "FIX LATER"
  • Version: "FIX LATER"
  • Installation: Download: Bob's Armory Oblivion.7z, FCOMBob's Armory Oblivion Opti.7z
  • Notes:

Bob's Armory Oblivion: Esp/m Filter:

    Check: All
FCOM Convergence
  • Author: Team FCOM
  • Version: 1.0
  • Installation: Download: FCOM Convergence 1.00.7z, FCOM_Convergence.7z, FCOM RealSwords Resources.7z
  • Notes:

FCOM Convergence 1.00: Esp/m Filter:

    Check: Select all except FCOM_SpawnRates*
    Check: FCOM_SpawnRatesReduced.esp
FCOM Optional Add-Ons
  • Author: Team FCOM
  • Version: 1.0
  • Installation: Download: FCOM Optional Add-Ons.7z
  • Notes: These are the options that are compatible with FCOM. For right now leave this completely uninstalled but remain in install list.

2.05 Landscape, Cities & Caves

      Arena HD
  • Author: amnes
  • Version: 1.5
  • Installation:
    Drop the archive to Bain, install.
     Cave textures at Oblivion
  • Author: jaassu
  • Version: 1.02
  • Description: (if needed)
  • Installation: (if needed)
      Cloud Ruler Temple HD
  • Author: anmes
  • Version: 1.0
  • Installation:
    Drop the archive to Bain, install.
      Oblivion Realm - HD
  • Author: amnes
  • Version: 1.0
  • Installation:
    Drop the archive to Bain, install.
      Real Lava HD
  • Author: CptJoker71
  • Version: 1.3
  • Description: Retextures the Lava to look way more realistic and detailed.
  • Installation: Download: Real Lava 1_3
      Real Wood Road Signs
  • Author: Varacolaci
  • Version: 1.0
  • Installation:
    Drop the archive to Bain, install.
      Statues HD
  • Author: anmes
  • Version: 1.0
  • Installation:
    Drop the archive to Bain, install.
      Unique Signs
  • Author: Khavaz
  • Version: 1.0
  • Description: Changes Oblivion's signs to be unique and memorable.
  • Installation:
    Drop the archive to Bain, install.


2.06 Flora, Grass and Water


Recommended Pack
      Enhanced Vegetation
  • Author: LprMan
  • Version: 1.1
  • Description: This adds better distant, scaled trees and scrubs, swaying grass meeting your timescale.
  • Notes: If you plan to use mods that do alter timescale, take the appropiate subpackage from the plugin - the one nearest to your timescale. Needs to run TES4LODgen.exe
  • Installation: Download both mainfiles.
    Drop mainfile to Bain, install.
    Enhanced Vegetation - Plugins:
            timescale 30
       Esp/m Filter:
            Check only: Enhanced Vegetation 100%
      Enhanced Vegetation - Darker Trunks
  • Author: Xtudo
  • Version: 1.2
  • Installation:
    Drop to Bain, install.
      Harvest Flora
  • Author: Quarn and Dejunai
  • Version: 3.0.1
  • Description: Plants will now change their appearance once you harvest them.

Harvest [Flora] - Shivering Isles.esp Template:XEdit Harvest [Flora] - DLCFrostcrag.esp Template:XEdit

  • Installation:
    Esp/m Filter:
        Select all
      Improved Doors & Flora
  • Author: Mikal33
  • Version: 1.0
  • Installation: Install both mainfile & update.
      Improved Trees and Flora
  • Author: Mikal33
  • Version: 1.0
  • Installation: Install the mainfile.
      Improved Trees and Flora 2
  • Author: Mikal33
  • Version: 2.0
  • Installation: Download all 3 files.
   Install order:
       1. Mainfile
       2. ITF2Update
       3. ITFBark2012 
      Improved Flora Harvest Fix
  • Author: Xerus
  • Version: 1.0
  • Description: Fixes a small issue on Primel and Lady's Mantle not showing the correct textures after harvesting if both Improved Trees & Flora and Harvest Flora is installed.
  • Installation: Install mainfile.
      Imperial Aquatics
  • Author: discovery1
  • Version: 1.0
  • Description: Texture replacer for underwater plants.
  • Installation: Install both mainfile and update
      Oblivion Grass Overhaul
  • Author: Ferretmyster
  • Version: v4.0
  • Description: This is a mix of Brittany's Lush and Gaudy Floriana, QTP3 and redone ground-textures.
  • Notes:do not use The .esp edits various exterior cells but is not needed.
   "FIX LATER" proposed ini settings
   tex = 7
   density = 40 or 20 
  • Installation: Download and install both main files.
    Mainfile Esp/m Filter
        Uncheck: Grass Overhaul.esp
      Evandars Snow Texture Replacer
  • Author: Evandar
  • Version: v13
  • Description: Replaces ice and snow in Cyrodiil
  • Installation: Install mainfile.
      Enhanced Water v20
  • Author: LprMan
  • Version: 2.0
  • Required: Enable water reflections in Oblivion.ini (see INI Tweak Section).
  • Installation:
    Esp/m Filter
       Select only: Enhanced Water v2.0 HD.esp
      Enhanced Water v20 SI
  • Author: halo112358
  • Version: 0.2
  • Required: Enable water reflections in Oblivion.ini (see INI Tweak Section).
  • Installation: Download mainfile and install.

Lush and Gaudy Pack
  • Author: Windsurfer
  • Version: 0.6
  • Installation:

Esp/m Filter:

Check: All

This mod adds a ton of life to the water. If may have a hit on performance. AliveWaters.esp Template:XEdit
AliveWaters - Koi Addon.esp Template:XEdit

     AliveWaters Grass Bug Fix
  • Author: Xerus
  • Version: 1.0
  • Installation:
  • Notes: Only download and install if you are using AliveWaters.

Distant Landscape

NOTE: This Section and a few other mods may be replaced by Landscape LOD generator tes4ll-v4. I struggle to fully understand this amazing application. There are a few problems with the application and can take over an hour but that might because I did something wrong.

     Koldorns LOD Noise Replacer
  • Author: Koldorn
  • Version: 1.3
  • Installation: Download: KoldornsLODnoiseReplacer


    Check Medium
  • Notes: May be replaced by an tes4ll-v4.

<short description>

     Deathb0rns Modified Qarls LOD Normal Maps
  • Author: Deathb0rn
  • Version: 1.1
  • Installation: Download: 2048x2048 version (Options)
  • Notes: May be replaced by an tes4ll-v4.

<short description>

Character Improvements

     Oblivion Character Overhaul version 2
  • Author: nuska
  • Version: 2.03
  • Installation: (if needed)"FIX LATER"
  • Notes: (if needed)"FIX LATER"

<short description>


Common Oblivion

"FIX LATER" MAy need to be moved up the list Bain Patches?

Hishutup's recommendation:
=====      Cobl =====
  • Author: Cobl Team
  • Version: Cobl v173
  • Installation:


         00 Cobl Core

Esp/m Filter:

         Cobl Main.esm
         Cobl Filter Late...
         Cobl Glue.esp
         Cobl Races.esp
         Cobl Si.esp
  • Notes: Bashed Patch requires special edits with this mod. That part will be described near the end of the guide.

Cobl stands for Common Oblivion."FIX LATER"

Red's recommendation:
????Do not use????


Do NOT use. This is a place holder till we figure out a good setup.

Hishutup's Recommendation:
     [ Really AEVWD]
  • Author: Several
  • Version: 1.9.2
  • Installation: Don't install this mod at this time. Only place in your install order.


  • Notes: If you feel that you understand this mod then go ahead an install but if you don't I would recommend not installing this mod.

This mod adds distant meshes resources, that after running TES4LODGen there will be more distant mesh objects.

Red's Recommendation:
     [ Really AEVWD]
  • Author: Several
  • Version: 1.9.2
  • Installation: Don't install this mod at this time. Only place in your install order.


  • Notes: If you feel that you understand this mod then go ahead an install but if you don't I would recommend not installing this mod.

This mod adds distant meshes resources, that after running TES4LODGen there will be more distant mesh objects.

Weather, Sound & Lighting

     Animated Window Lighting System and Chimneys - AWLS
  • Author: XMarksTheSpot-Brumbek-Ismelda
  • Version: 5.5.4
  • Installation:


    Select "Advanced Smoking Chimneys"
    No (Options)
    Default 3x(Options)
    Default 4x(Options)
    Check: "Apply these selections" and "Install this package"

Esp/m Filter:

    Check all

<short description>

I have always enjoyed diverse weather and sounds in games. I hate when I am able to pick up of the repetition of things.

I am currently looking for more or different sounds.
I am looking to find a good new voice set. I found one but thought its strange until I had gotten used to it.
     Weather - All Natural
  • Author: Chong Li
  • Version: 1.35a
  • Installation:


    All Natural - Full
    Yes 3x
    All three checked
    Rose Red Tint (Option)
    Default (Option)
    Default Nights (Option)
    Check: Apply these selection and Install this package

Esp/m Filter:

    Check: All
  • Notes: Kvatch Rebuilt and MMM are going to be installed later.

This mod includes another mod that was merged into All Natural. All natural improves weather as well as add lights to all the vanilla places that looked like something was giving off light but there was anything close that would give off light.

     Immersive Interiors
  • Author: SomeWelshGuy
  • Version: 0.8.1
  • Installation: (if needed)"FIX LATER"
  • Notes: (if needed)"FIX LATER" requires all natural

<short description>

     Immersive Interiors - Bravil and Leyawiin
  • Author: 127ms
  • Version: 2.01
  • Installation: (if needed)"FIX LATER"
  • Notes: (if needed)"FIX LATER"requires all natural and Immersive Interiors

<short description>

     Sounds of Cyrodiil
  • Author: Cliffworms
  • Version: 1.1
  • Installation: (if needed)"FIX LATER"
  • Notes: (if needed)"FIX LATER" patches

<short description>

     Storms and Sound v3 lightning for all weathers
  • Author: Deathless Aphrodite lilith and Foghorne
  • Version: 3.0
  • Installation: (Yes, needed)"FIX LATER"
  • Notes: (Yes, needed)"FIX LATER" rename or change the patches... I say edit but IDK... Maybe a BCF will work but install OBSE version.

Storms & Sound.esp Template:XEdit

<short description>

     Oblivion Stereo Sound Overhaul
  • Author: canderoc
  • Version: 0.9
  • Installation: (if needed)"FIX LATER"
  • Notes: (if needed)"FIX LATER"

<short description>

     Better Bell Sounds
  • Author: Morbus
  • Version: 1.0
  • Installation: (if needed)"FIX LATER"
  • Notes: (if needed)"FIX LATER"

<short description>

     Atmospheric Oblivion
  • Author: Piratelord
  • Version: 1
  • Installation: (if needed)"FIX LATER"
  • Notes: (if needed)"FIX LATER"

<short description>

     Atmospheric Oblivion Updated
  • Author: PirateLord
  • Version: 1.1
  • Installation: Don't install.
  • Notes: I saw this but I don't exactly know what it fixes and if the fixes were done correctly.

<short description>

     Symphony of Violence - Combat Sound Enhancement
  • Author: MigTheGreat
  • Version: 0.5
  • Installation: (if needed)"FIX LATER"
  • Notes: (if needed)"FIX LATER"

<short description>

     Elz - More Voice at Oblivion
  • Author: Elzee
  • Version:
  • Description:
  • Installation: (if needed)
  • Notes: (if needed)

Unique Locations and Adventures

I like to have as much content in my game as possible. Post in the forum if you know of a new quest or new land mod.

Do NOT use orange/red at this time.
     Better dungeons
  • Author: Scot and WalkerInShadows
  • Version: v13
  • Installation: (if needed)
  • Notes: (if needed)

<short description>

     Unique Landscapes Compilation
  • Author: Various
  • Version: 1.7.3
  • Installation:


    Wheat (Option)
    Default (Option)
    Check: Apply these selections and Install this package.

I would probably consider this a must-have mod because it adds many unique location in the Tamriel world.

     Roads of Cyrodiil
  • Author: Arthmoor - Ukrr - mariedanj
  • Version: 1.0
  • Installation:


00 Core

Esp/m Filter:

Roads of Cyrodil.esp
  • Notes: I have no idea what road records are. There are patches that are required for other mods in this guide.

<short description>

     Let the People Drink
  • Author: Khornate and Qazaaq
  • Version: 2.6
  • Installation:

If using COBL:

00 Core
01 Plain COBL
Esp/m Filter:

If NOT using COBL:

00 Core
01 Plain
Esp/m Filter:
  • Notes: (if needed)
I think should be core.

<short description>

     Natural Environments
  • Author: Tael
  • Version: 2.1.3
  • Installation:

Esp/m Filter:

Uncheck: All
Check: Natural_Habitat_by_Max_Tael.esp
  • Notes: Do NOT install the other options. They are incompatible with many mods that are part of the guide.

<short description>

     Knights of the Nine Revelation
  • Author: Lanceor
  • Version: 1.3.7
  • Installation: (if needed)
  • Notes: (if needed)

<short description>

     Kvatch Rebuilt
  • Author: Kvatch Rebuilt Team
  • Version: 3.0pb2
  • Installation: (if needed)
  • Notes: (if needed)

<short description>

     Verona House Bloodlines
  • Author: DTOM
  • Version: 12.0
  • Installation:

Esp/m Filter:

  • Notes: Can cause extremely low frames because this mod adds a town on the road around the capital. Considering on removing.

A quest mod that adds a nice small but compact town.

     The Heart of the Dead
  • Author: BFreyermuth
  • Version: 6.5
  • Installation: (if needed)
  • Notes: (if needed)

<short description>

     The Lost Spires
  • Author: Leo Gura
  • Version: 6.00
  • Installation: (if needed)"FIX LATER"
  • Notes: (if needed)"FIX LATER"

<short description>

     Tears Of The Fiend
  • Author: Simyaz and Arilita
  • Version: 1.22
  • Installation: (if needed)"FIX LATER"
  • Notes: (if needed)"FIX LATER"

<short description>

Combat & Animation

Recommendations List
Hishutup's Recommendations
  • Deadly Reflex or Unnecessary Violence III
  • Animations Pack
Red's Recommendations

List Here

  • Animations Pack

Only follow

  • Animations Pack
Deadly Reflex 6
Deadly Reflex
  • Author: Skycaptain
  • Version: 6.0b101
  • Installation: (if needed)
  • Notes: (if needed)

<short description>

Deadly Reflex 6 - NiFSE1-0 Release Compatibility Fix
  • Author: HeX
  • Version: V1.1
  • Installation: (if needed)
  • Notes: (if needed)

<short description>

Unnecessary Violence III
[<url> <mod name>]
  • Author:
  • Version:
  • Installation: (if needed)
  • Notes: (if needed)

<short description>

Animations Pack
Smoother Horse Animations
  • Author: Betty
  • Installation: (if needed)
  • Notes: (if needed)

<short description>

[<url> <mod name>]
  • Author:
  • Version:
  • Installation: (if needed)
  • Notes: (if needed)

<short description>


     AV Uncapper
  • Author: JRoush
  • Version: 1b1
  • Installation: (if needed)
  • Notes: (if needed)
     Drop Lit Torches OBSE
  • Author: Strategy Master
  • Version: V2.4
  • Installation: (if needed)
  • Notes: (if needed)

<short description>

     KeyChain Shivering Isles Compatibility Addon
  • Author: Crypton
  • Version: 1.1
  • Installation: (if needed)
  • Notes: (if needed)

<short description>

     Elz - Difficulty Smoother
  • Author: Elzee
  • Version: 1.0.0
  • Installation: (if needed)
  • Notes: (if needed)

<short description>

  • Author:
  • Version:
  • Installation: (if needed)
  • Notes: (if needed)

<short description>


Weapon & Armor

     Insanity's Improved Armoury Compilation
  • Author: InsanitySorrow
  • Version: 1.21 FINAL
  • Installation: Download: Insanity's Improved Armoury Compilation v1.21.7z
  • Notes: (if needed)

<short description>

     Weapons Of Morrowind
  • Author: InsanitySorrow
  • Version: 1.0
  • Installation: Download: Weapons Of Morrowind
  • Notes: "FIX LATER"other download

<short description>

     Immersive Weapons
  • Author: Ironman5000
  • Version: 2
  • Installation: Download: Immersive Weapons 2
  • Notes: (if needed)

Other re-Textures

[<url> <mod name>]
  • Author:
  • Version:
  • Installation: (if needed)
  • Notes: (if needed)

<short description>


<short description>

     FCOM Patches
  • Author: "FIX LATER"
  • Version: "FIX LATER"
  • Installation: Download: OOOorMMMFCOMSlofHorseDLCHorseArmor.rar
  • Notes: Requires Slof's Oblivion Horses

Esp/m Filter:

    Check: MMM4OOO&FCOM - Slofs Horse & DLC Armor.esp


MOBS - Medieval Oblivion Equipment Balance System
  • Author: Corepc - BFG
  • Version: 2.0a
  • Installation: Download: OMOBS Shivering Isles

Esp/m Filter:

    Check: OMOBS_SI.esp
  • Notes: I'm not 100% sure that this works with the new FCOM Convergence 1.00

<short description>

     Roads of Cyrodiil
  • Author: Arthmoor - Ukrr - mariedanj
  • Version: 1.0
  • Installation: Download: Roads of Cyrodiil Patches

"FIX LATER"How would one describe this? Ill figure it out another day...

  • Notes: (if needed)

<short description>

Unique Landscapes Compatibility Patches
  • Author: Vorians - Arthmoor - Various others
  • Installation: Download: UL Compatibility Patches Compilation WIZBAIN v9b, Kvatch Rebuilt - Cheydinhal Falls v2_0

"FIX LATER" Run wizard... super easy

  • Notes: (if needed)

<short description>

Finishing up


Bashed Patch

