User:DarkladyLexy/Lexys LOTD SE Finishing Line

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Revision as of 08:56, May 2, 2018 by DarkladyLexy (talk | contribs) (→‎LOOT: (Updated LOOT Idiot Check))
Welcome to Lexy's: Legacy of The Dragonborn Special Edition
A STEP Hosted guide based of Neovalen's Skyrim Revisited: Legendary Edition
Created and maintained by Darth_mathias and DarkladyLexy With help from Nozzer66
Last Update: 23:47:34 20 September 2024 (GMT)

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MAIN GUIDE: Click here to go to the main guide -> Lexy's: LOTD SE

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Finishing Line

The Big Push Towards The End

In the section will be running some required tools.


Load Order Optimisation Tool, or LOOT, is designed to help users maintain a working load order for their mods with a minimal amount of effort. Perform the following (and again every time mods change with an esp):

Idiot check makes sure the following custom Loot User Metadata Rules are done:

Better Skill and Quest Books Names SE.esp - Load After LOTD Patches Merged.esp
Point The Way.esp - Load After UniqueBorderGates-All.esp
IcePenguinWorldMap.esp - Load After Weather Systems Merged.esp
Undeath.esp - Load After MoonAndStar_MAS.esp
LOTD Patches Merged.esp - Load After Ars Metallica.esp
LOTD Patches Merged.esp - Dr_Bandolier.esp
ELE Merged.esp - Set global priority to 76
Better Dynamic Snow.esp - Load After Prometheus_No_snow_Under_the_roof.esp
CLARALUX SSE.esp - Load After RelightingSkyrim-FULL.esp
Set global priority for RealisticWaterTwo.esp to 74
Darkwater Crossing.esp - Load After Immersive Citizens - AI Overhaul.esp
Dawnstar.esp - Load After Immersive Citizens - AI Overhaul.esp
Dragon Bridge.esp - Load After Immersive Citizens - AI Overhaul.esp
Helarchen Creek.esp - Load After Immersive Citizens - AI Overhaul.esp
Ivarstead.esp - Load After Immersive Citizens - AI Overhaul.esp
Karthwasten.esp - Load After Immersive Citizens - AI Overhaul.esp
Keld-Nar.esp - Load After Immersive Citizens - AI Overhaul.esp
Kynesgrove.esp - Load After Immersive Citizens - AI Overhaul.esp
Rorikstead.esp - Load After Immersive Citizens - AI Overhaul.esp
Shor's Stone.esp - Load After Immersive Citizens - AI Overhaul.esp
Soljund's Sinkhole.esp - Load After Immersive Citizens - AI Overhaul.esp
Whistling Mine.esp - Load After Immersive Citizens - AI Overhaul.esp
ETaC - Riverwood.esp - Load After Immersive Citizens - AI Overhaul.esp
ETaC - Riverwood.esp - Load After 3DNPCs.esp
ETaC - Riverwood.esp - Load After Landscape Fixes For Grass Mods.esp
Immersive Citizens - AI Overhaul.esp - Load After Alternate Start - Live Another Life.esp
MrissiTailOfTroubles.esp - Load After Hunterborn.esp
Immersive Sounds - Compendium.esp - Load After UndeathClassicalLichdom SSE.esp
Immersive Sounds - Compendium.esp - Load After DeadlySpellImpacts.esp
Set global priority for NPC Retexture Merge SSE.esp to 75
Skyrim Revamped - Complete Enemy Overhaul.esp Load After Undeath.esp
Wildcat - Combat of Skyrim.esp - Load After Vigor - Combat and Injuries (SE).esp
Andromeda - Unique Standing Stones of Skyrim.esp Load After Convenient Horses.esp
Scarcity SE - Less Loot Mod.esp Set global priority 77
Scarcity SE - 8x Loot Rarity.esp Set global priority 78
Scarcity SE - 6x Merchant Item Rarity.esp Set global priority 79
Animals Merged.esp - Load After SRCEO - Know Your Enemy Patch.esp
Audio Patches Merged.esp - Load After RealisticWaterTwo.esp
Weather Systems Merged.esp - Load After Audio Patches Merged.esp
Start Mod Organizer 2.
Select LOOT in the executable selection box and click [Run].
Find the icon that looks like a horizontal bar graph (mouse over text should state "Sort Plugins") and click it.
After some processing, the calculated load order is displayed in the right pane of LOOT. Click the [Apply] button.
Click the [X] on the title bar to close LOOT.

All mods currently installed will now be ordered based upon the master list downloaded by the tool and the user metadata that was created while installing mods in this guide. However, they may not be in the order the plugins themselves are expecting. To fix this perform the following:

Open SSEEdit in Mod Organizer 2 and click [OK].
Select all ESMs/ESPs and select "Sort Masters".
Click the [X] in the upper right hand corner, uncheck "Backup plugins", and click [OK].

Running xEdit Scripts

The Great Equalizer

  1. Load up xEdit and load the whole load order.
  2. Right click --> Apply Script --> The Great Equalizer.
  3. in the pop box type in The Great Equalizer then click ok and let it run.
  4. When the Script is done Exit and save.
  5. The resulting esp can be found in the overwrite folder in Mod Organizer.
  6. Create a mod out of this esp something like The Great Equalizer Output.

Fores New Idles in Skyrim - FNIS

Fores New Idles in Skyrim, hereby referenced as FNIS is designed to allow new skeleton and animation designs not possible with the default Skyrim engine such as new animations, gender specific animations, poses, etc. This involves the use of an external patcher GenerateFNIS_for_Users.exe which will create specialized .hkx files to match the current skeleton and animation configuration. Perform the following (and again every time animation mods are changed):

Start Mod Organizer 2.
Select FNIS in the executable selection box and click [Run]. The FNIS main interface should appear, if it does not, review the installation section for FNIS.
In the Available Patches at the bottom of the window, check the box adjacent to "SKELETON Arm Fix".
Click the [Update FNIS Behavior] button and wait for a message to appear in the window stating "X animations for Y mods successfully included.".
Click [Exit]

Mod Organizer 2 has automatically placed the generated files into the <Mod Organizer 2 Path>/overwrite folder. It is recommended to create a mod called FNIS Output and activate. For reference, the files generated are:

meshes folder containing new hkx behavior files.
scripts folder containing 3 compiled scripts for version tracking.
tools folder containing logs.

Wrye Bash

Start Mod Organizer 2.
Select Wrye Bash in the executable selection box and click [Run]. The Wrye Bash main interface should appear.
Scroll down the mod list and right-click Bashed Patch, 0.esp and select "Rebuild Patch".
A popup asking to deactivate mods prior to patching may appear. If a mod is marked "NoMerge", simply uncheck the box next to it then click [Ok]. This will deactivate the mod files not marked "NoMerge" and they will be merged into the bashed patch.
Check only "Merge Patches", "Import Inventory", "Tweak Settings", and "Leveled Lists" in the left pane.
Click on "Tweak Settings" in the left pane.
Rick-click "Arrow Recovery from Actor "50%"
Right-click Arrow Speed "x 1.4" 
Right-click "Crime: Alarm Distance" and select Custom the type "1200".
Right-click "Timescale" and select  and select Custom the type "15".
Check the box next to "Arrow Recovery", "Arrow Speed" "Crime: Alarm Distance" and "Timescale" to apply them.
Click on "Leveled Lists" in the left pane.
Click [Build Patch] at the bottom of the window. A dialogue asking to activate it may appear, click [Yes].
Exit Wrye Bash by clicking the [X] in the top right corner.
  1. Now navigate to Mod Organizer 2\mods.
  2. Create a folder called Bash Patch.
  3. Navigate to the Main the Skyrim Special Edition DATA folder Cut and Paste The Bashed Patch 0.esp to the newly created Bash Patch folder created above.
  4. Refresh Mod Organizer 2 at activate Bash Patch mod will now be locate at the bottom off the Left Pane.


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  1. Run zEdit inside Mod Organizer 2, Select 'Skyrim SE' from the dropdown and click 'Start Session'
  2. Select the 'OK' button at the bottom of the load order list (You might have to mouse wheel down to see it)
  3. After zEdit loads the mods in the load order, right click in the left panel and select 'Manage Patchers' from the popup menu.
  4. zPatch.esp should be in the list, Click the 'Build' button by its name.
  5. Wait until zPatch.esp appears at the bottom of the Load Order, or a message that reads like "1 patch plugins built successfully" is displayed.
  6. Now click the X to close zEdit. It will prompt you to save or discard the file. Click 'Save'
  7. The file will be in your Mod Organizer 2 Overwrite folder.
  8. Make a mod called zEdit Ouput and activate it.

DynDOLOD - Dynamic Distant LOD Generation - Gamerpoets DynDoLOD Tutorial Video

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Setting Up DynDOLOD for Ultra Trees

Template:Notice Small For the purpose of this guide will be generating Ultra Trees using DynDOLOD.

  1. Make sure DynDOLOD Standalone is installed.
  2. Navigate to <DynDOLOD 2.36 Beta 8 Path>\Edit Scripts\DynDOLOD\cache
  3. Delete all files except becauseofreasons.txt.
  4. Navigate to <DynDOLOD 2.36 Beta 8 Path>\Edit Scripts\DynDOLOD\
  5. Open up the DynDOLOD_SSE.ini
  6. Change the line TreeLOD= to "0"
  7. Change the line TreeFullFallBack= to "1"

Now We can Begin the process of generating DynDOLOD.

Make sure TexGen64.exe has been added as an executable in Mod Organizer 2.
Run TexGen64 using Mod Organizer 2.
In the popup window Select where you want the TexGen Output to go (For the purpose of the guide I recommend selecting the Mod Organizer 2 Mods Folder).
In the popup window change LOD Texture Size to [512].
In the popup window changeChange Diffuse Alpha to [BC3 (DXT5)]. 
Click Start and allow TexGen to Run.
Once the execution has completed, select [Exit] to close the window.
Navigate to the TexGen output directory <Mod Organizer 2 path\mods> and activate it.
Make sure DynDOLOD64.exe has been added as an executable in Mod Organizer 2.
Run DynDOLOD using Mod Organizer.
In the popup window Select where you want the DynDOLOD Output to go (For the purpose of the guide I recommend selecting the Mod Organizer 2 Mods Folder).
click [Advanced >>>].
In the top left selection box, check all of the boxes by right-clicking and then clicking "Select All".
Below the preset buttons, check the boxes marked "Candles" and "FXGlow".
In the options panel, tick the "Generate static LOD", "Generate DynDOLOD" "Windows", "High", "Fake lights in child worlds" "Create texture atlas" checkboxes.
In the options panel change Max tile size to "512".
Click the [Medium] preset button (The Medium preset is recommended for best ratio between performance and visuals when using this guide.)
Click [OK], this will begin the LOD generation process (can take up to 30 minutes).
Once the execution has completed, select [Save & Exit] to close the window then click [OK] on the following window to close the program.
Navigate to the DynDOLOD output directory <Mod Organizer 2 path\mods> place it below TexGen Output in the Left Pane of Mod Organizer 2 and activate it.
Navigate to the BSHeartland folder DynDOLOD_Output\meshes\terrain\BSHeartland\ and remove the Objects folder.
Manually place DynDOLOD.esm after Gray Fox Cowl.esm.

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