User:DrPharmDawg/SkyRem Guide Conclusion: Difference between revisions

From Step Mods | Change The Game
Line 151: Line 151:

* Run {{ui|DynDOLOD}} from the executables.
* Run {{ui|DynDOLOD}} from the executables.
* In the pop-up,  
* In the pop-up, right-click under {{ui|Select Worlds}} and choose {{ui|Select all}}.

= {{Fc|#78c888|SKYREM PATCH}} =
= {{Fc|#78c888|SKYREM PATCH}} =

Revision as of 17:31, July 11, 2019

Skyrim Roleplay Enhancement Mod Guide for Special Edition
Final Steps
Current Version: 1.01
Created and maintained by DrPharmDawg
Last Update: 17:43:32 20 September 2024 (GMT)

Template:TOC right Template:Construction

Guide Pages
SkyRem Home: Information about the SkyRem Guide.
First Steps: Start here to ensure proper installation, settings, and Tools are setup.
How Tos: Reference guides for utilizing tools.
Core Guide: This section focuses on Stability, Performance, Mechanics, and Content mods.
Extended Guide: This section contains optional mods that build on the core of SkyRem.
Visual Guide: This section focuses on Aesthetic mods.
Final Steps: The final steps to complete, including in-game MCM Setup prior to starting your journey.
Changelog: Check here for updates.
Guide Support
Discord: Discord Channel for all things SkyRem (Guide and Mods).
Patreon: Support SkyRem development via Patreon.
PayPal: Support with a one-time donation via PayPal.
Trello: See guide development progress on Trello.


FNIS Patch

Always rerun the following FNIS Patcher if mods are added/removed that contain animations of any kind. FNIS was installed as part of Step 10 >> Part A of the Core Guide, so you already have the files. Add the FNIS Patcher to your MO executables and run the patcher as followers:

  • In MO2, right-click on the last activated mod and select [All Mods] and [Create empty mod].
  • Name the empty mod FNIS Output and activate it.
  • Click [Configure the executables that can be started through Mod Organizer] (icon with two gears).
  • Enter FNIS Patcher in the title field and locate the GenerateFNISforUsers.exe for the Binary field.
  • Check the [Create Files in Mod instead of] and select the FNIS Output mod you just created and click [Add].

Now that you have the executable and the empty mod setup, run FNIS:

  • Run [FNIS Patcher] from the executables.
  • Check the ["GENDER Specific Animations"] and ["SKELETON Arm Fix"] options.
  • Click [Update FNIS Behavior]. Once the the patcher is done, click [Consistence Check] to make sure there are no problems.
  • Exit FNIS Patcher.

Bashed Patch

The Bashed Patch will be used primarily to compile Leveled Lists. Create a Bashed Patch:

  • As you did for FNIS Output empty mod, create a Bashed Patch empty mod under your finished FNIS Output patch and activate it.
  • Edit the Wrye Bash executable to add the Bashed Patch to the [Create Files in Mod instead of] field.
  • Run [Wrye Bash] from the executables.
  • In the left pane of Wrye Bash, right-click [Bashed Patch, 0.esp] and select [Rebuild Patch].
  • Click [Skip] if a window opens regarding Merging.
  • In the Updated Bashed Patch, 0.esp window, check only [Import Inventory] and [Leveled Lists], and click [Build Patch].
  • When done, exit Wrye Bash.

Smashed Patch

The Smashed Patch will help resolve many conflicts between mods. Create a Smashed Patch:

  • Repeat the process of creating an empty mod named Smashed Patch, activating it, and adding it to the Mator Smash executable.
  • Run [Mator Smash] from the executables.
  • In the pop-up window, select the [Skyrim SE] icon and click [OK].
  • Ensure all mods are selected in the next window, and click [OK].
  • Under the [Plugins] tab, highlight every mod with the exception of the Skyrim.esm at the top.
  • Right-click any mod while they are all highlighted, and select [Add to patch] and [<New Patch>].
  • Change NewPatch in both fields to Smashed Patch and click [OK].
  • With all mods still highlighted, right-click again and select [Smash Settings] >> [Smash] >> [Smash.All].
  • Locate and select the ESPs below. Right-click and select [Smash Settings] >> [Smash] >> [Smash.ForceAll]
SkyRem - Lora.ESP
Bashed Patch.ESP
  • Click [Build patches] (hammer icon).
  • When done, exit Mator Smash.

zEdit Patch

Create zEdit Patches:

  • Run [zEdit] from the executables.
  • You may be used to selecting zMerge at this point, but for this step make sure [zEdit] is selected and [Start Session].
  • Leave your entire Load Order included and click [OK].
  • Click [Manage Patchers] (puzzle icon in upper-right).
  • In the left pane, select [Know Your Enemy's Armor Patcher]. Change Patch armor descriptions? to [false].
  • In the left pane, select [Engarde]. Uncheck [Attack Speed Fix] and [Enhanced power attacks and controls].
  • In the left pane, select [Build Patches].
  • Uncheck ALL. We will run one patcher at a time. Do the following steps for each patcher in this order: Know Your Armor Patcher, Know Your Enemy Patcher, Engarde, and finally zPatch.esp with all options selected.
Check the patcher you want to build.
Click [Build] next to the patchers name (do not click the Build All button at the bottom of the window).
Wait until complete and ensure the new ESP is located at the bottom of your Load Order in the left pane.
Repeat the process for each patcher.
  • Exit zEdit, saving the patches (there will be 4 plugins).
  • At the bottom of the left pane in MO2, right-click [Overwrite] and select [Create mod...].
  • Name the new mod zEdit Patch and activate it.

Relinker Patch

Run the Relinker:

  • Run [zEdit] from the executables, select [zMerge] and [Start Session].
  • Click the [Relink Scripts] button at the bottom of the window.
  • When done, exit zEdit and [Refresh] MO2.
  • Find the newly added Relinker Output mod at the bottom of the left pane and activate it.


Creating LODs (Level Of Detail) will be a three step process, focusing on three different aspects using three different tools.


Note: This process can take a while. Anywhere from 30 minutes to several hours.

  • Activate Tamriel Terrain in the let pane, and move the ESM file to the top of the right pane.
  • Run [xLODGen] from the executables.
  • In the left pane, right-click and [Select All].
  • In the right pane, only select [Terrain LOD] (Objects and Trees will be handled by the other tools).
  • In the Terrain Lod box, use the following settings:
LOD4: Quality 5, Build Diffuse Size 512, Build Normal Size 256, Format BC7 Quick, Check Protect Borders (leave other settings at default).
LOD8: Quality 10, Build Diffuse Size 256, Build Normal Size 128, Format BC7 Quick, Set Optimize Unseen to On (leave other settings at default). 
LOD16: Quality 10, Build Diffuse Size 256, Build Normal Size 128, Format BC7 Quick, Set Optimize Unseen to On (leave other settings at default). 
LOD32: Quality 15, Build Diffuse Size 128, Build Normal Size 128, Format BC7 Quick, Set Optimize Unseen to 550 (leave other settings at default). 
Set [Default size: Diffuse] and [Normal] both to 128.
Check [Bake normal-maps]
  • Click [Generate].
  • When you receive the LOD Generator: finished, close xLODGen.
  • Setting the arguments field as detailed in First Steps will place the files directly into the xLODGen Output mod. Refresh MO2 and find it at the bottom of the left pane. Activate it now.


  • Deactivate Tamriel Terrain.
  • Create an empty mod named TexGen Output, activate it, and add it to the TexGen executable.
  • Run [TexGen] from the executables.
  • In the pop-up, make sure the {ui|Select Output Path} matches the path to the empty mod you created.
  • [Select LOD Texture Size] (I use 256 - Default). Leave the four boxes below this on [Default (BC7 Quick). Click {ui].
  • When done, [Exit] TexGen and refresh MO2 to see that your TexGen Output mod now has textures.


Note: Ensure your DynDOLOD Resources version and the Standalone version match before moving forward.

  • Run [DynDOLOD] from the executables.
  • In the pop-up, right-click under [Select Worlds] and choose [Select all].


SkyRem Patch

  • Author: DrPharmDawg
  • Version: 1.00
  • CORE

MAIN FILE: SkyRem Patch - Core

About: Skyrim Roleplay Enhancement Mod Guide.


A Matter of Time

Page Header Option Setting
Display Symbol 1 Scale 18%
Transparency 50%
Horizontal Offset -125
Vertical Offset -28
In-Game Clock Scale 85%
Horizontal Anchor Left
Vertical Anchor Top
Horizontal Offset 38
Vertical Offset 32
In-Game Date Scale 85%
Horizontal Anchor Left
Vertical Anchor Top
Horizontal Offset 135
Vertical Offset 33
Control Symbol 1, In-Game Clock, In-Game Date Control Mode Always
Hotkey X

Atlas Map Markers

Page Header Option Setting
Extra Options Compass Settings Location Max Distance 10000


Page Header Option Setting
Gameplay Hotkeys Build Campfire >.
Harvest Wood <,

Cathedral Weathers

Page Header Option Setting
Settings General Configuration Spell [ ]
Weather Seasonal Perspective [X]
Lighting Nocturnal Sight Darker
Interior Vision Darker

Complete Crafting

Page Header Option Setting
Learning & XP Alternate Experience Formula Use Alternate XP Formula [X]
Smithing Experience Tanning Rack [0.5]
Smelter [0.5]
Mining [15]
Mining & Materials Mining Mining Presets Faster Mining and More Ore
Smelting Ingot Production Per Perk
Enable Mods Display Crafting Recipes Bandoliers Bags and Pouches [X]
Cloaks of Skyrim [X]

ESF: Companions

Page Header Option Setting
Joining Dark Brotherhood Members Dark Brotherhood Members Can Join [ ]
Advancement Requirements Before Your Trial Total Combat Skills 70
Player Level 10
Days Passed Since Joining 15
Requirements Before Joining the Circle Total Combat Skills 100
Player Level 20
Do Quest For Each Circle Member [X]
Days Passed Since Joining 15
Requirements Before Kodlak's Request Total Combat Skills 120
Player Level 30
Days Passed Since Joining 10
Quest Tweaks Radiant Quest Settings Before Skjor & Vilkas Give Quests 6
Radiant Quest Reward Gold Use Default Gold Reward [ ]
Gold per Guild Rank 25
Gold per Player Level 0
Gold per Quest Difficulty Level 25

Follower Framework

Page Header Option Setting
Activity Sandboxing Only Sandbox in Town [X]
Mounts Mount Support Riding Support Only
Movement Catch Up Teleport [ ]
Stealth Extinguish Torches when Stealthed [X]
Gameplay Gold Expenditure Weekly Follower Cost 250
Expendables Cost 500
Share the Wealth On
Share Minimum 500
Actions Disable Weapon Draw [X]
Regard System Gift Chance 10%
Quest & Dialogue Dialogue Show Dismiss Steward [X]
Optional Companions Winterhold Mages [X]
Thieves Guild Members [X]


Page Header Option Setting
Gameplay Player Exposure Rate 0.5x
Fast Travel & Waiting Disable Fast Travel [X]
Disable Waiting while Outdoors [X]
Meters General Meter Settings Layout Preset Top Right
Exposure Settings Show Advanced Settings [X]
Y Position 0.0
Wetness Meter Show Advanced Settings [X]
Y Position 36.0

GIST Soul Trap

Page Header Option Setting
Main Notifications ALL [ ]
Leveling Enable Leveling System [X]
Soul Capturing Show message when level insufficient [ ]

Immersive Armors

Page Header Option Setting
Build Campfire [ ]

Immersive Creatures

Page Header Option Setting
Creature Toggles Creatures Goblins [ ]
Riekling Solstheim Only
Additional Spawns Spawn Types Ore Guardians [ ]

Immersive Encounters

Page Header Option Setting
New Event Toggle WE Events New WE Event Chance 20
WI Events New WI Event Chance 50
Tavern Brawl Enable Tavern Brawl [ ]

Immersive HUD

Page Header Option Setting
Activation Compass Activation Key press toggles [X]
Options Hide shout meter with compass [X]
Enable fast fade of xxxxx [X] for all 3