Project:Open Modding Licenses/Articles: Difference between revisions

From Step Mods | Change The Game
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==== Support Help ====
==== Support Help ====
:Support Help refers to users which have be designated by the author to provide official support for the mod. These users reply to bug posts and help users having issues with the OMA released mods. On Nexus, these users are most often added as team members under the "User permissions" section of the mod's attributes.
:Support Help refers to users which have be designated by the author to provide official support for the mod. These users reply to bug posts and help users having issues with the OMA released mods. On Nexus, these users are most often added as team members under the "User permissions" section of the mod's attributes.
== Section 6: The Changelog File ==
# OMA mods must be packaged with a changelog file. [[Project:Open_Modding_Licenses/ChangelogExample|See example here]].
# Changelog file may be either a text document or a HTML file. HTML is the preferred medium and a template has been provided.
# The changelog file must be a separate file. It can not be incorporated into any other files.
# Changes entered into the changelog must be documented such that others not familiar with the mod can easily view and understand the changes made.

== Section 7: The ReadMe File ==
== Section 7: The ReadMe File ==

Revision as of 17:06, June 14, 2018

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Section 1: Declaration

  1. All users who develops works utilizing assets from any work released under an Open Modding Agreement (OMA), and distributes it, then said users are bound by the terms of the OMA. Thus, the developed mod must also be released under an Open Modding Agreement. If any users do not agree to the OMA, then these users are NOT granted permission to develop any works that utilize assets from a work released under an OMA that are planned for publishing.
    1. In such cases, users not agreeing with the Open Modding Agreement may ONLY use OMA released works for their own, personal purposes, as long as there is no distribution of altered assets.
  2. Users not developing works and are, thus, only using OMA released works to enhance their game playing experience are not bound by the terms of the OMA and may freely use and enjoy the works within their game.

Section 2: Distribution

Distribution Type

  1. Open Distribution - authors allow their works to be redistributed, at will, on all and any mediums.
  2. Limited Distribution - authors limit the distribution of their works to specific medium(s), such as a single website, but still allows open distribution on the chosen medium(s).
    1. Limited Distribution is allowed within the OMA terms. Works released with Limited Distribution are still considered "open" distribution of the mod.
    2. Limited Distribution is chosen at the author's discretion.
    3. Limited Distribution is converted to Open Distribution in the event the specified medium for the Limited Distribution is no longer available, and the original author does not provide new Limited Distribution within a reasonable time period.
      1. The "reasonable time period" for authors to select a new medium for Limited Distribution is to extend no longer than 30 days.
        1. When such "reasonable time period" has expired, works are considered transferred to Open Distribution. Author consent is implied by releasing under an OMA.
      2. Works hidden from public view for the purposes of updating is allowed and will not be considered as an "end of distribution" event.
        1. The time frame for hiding works from public view shall be no longer than 24 hours, unless public notice is given as to the reason for the delay.

General Terms of Distribution

  1. Mod downloads must be provided "restrictions-free" when hosted on personal websites. There can not be any "ads click-through portals" nor "third-party logins/registrations" required to download the mod.
  2. Adult content works must have a registration wall that specifically checks for minors/not-of-age visitors, and prevents them from downloading the adult content.
    1. Registration walls that consist of users manually entering their date of birth to determine age is an acceptable minimum. Clicking an "Over 18" button is not an acceptable form of age verification.
  3. If an OMA work is redistributed, then it must be redistributed with all assets intact including, but not limited to textures, meshes, scripts, readme, agreements, etc.
  4. If an OMA work is broken up into multiple parts for downloading convenience, then the Readme and agreement must be included within each part.
  5. Authors are not allowed to block users from their distribution sources.
    1. Exception is given to users who's main intent is to "troll" and users who are blocked via third-party moderation teams.
      1. Such users may only be blocked after receiving written warning, and only with sufficient evidence of trolling available for public review.
      2. Authors may not request third-party staff to block or remove users, unless said users are in violation of third-party rules and regulations.
  6. Once a work is distributed, it can not be pulled from distribution by any means, besides the following exceptions:
    1. A work may be pulled from distribution by the administration/owners of the distribution medium (e.g. Nexus moderators delete the mod for violation of their ToS.)
    2. A work may be pulled from distribution by the author, if the mod is absorbed into a parent work or into a collection of works.
    3. If a work is pulled from distribution, the author has 30 days to re-upload the mod to a chosen medium.
      1. In the event the work is not re-uploaded, the work transfers to Open Distribution and Open Modification (see below).
        1. In such event, users who have retained a copy of the work are allowed to re-upload said work to any chosen medium(s), following the OMA for Open Distribution and Open Modification.
  7. If the author is not active within 180 days, either on their work's main distribution page nor via replies to any correspondence (e.g. PMs, emails, thread activity, etc), the author's work is considered retired and transfers to Open Distribution.
    1. Retired works may be forked by the community to continue the original authors work, to keep the mod updated for compatibility, and/or create other works.
      1. Forked works must be released with an Open Modding Agreement; else, the fork is not authorized.
      2. If the original author should return to the original work, any forked works consisting of only compatibility patches/updates should be absorbed into the original work with credit given to the authors of the forked works for their support.



Distributed refers to any public release of a work to any individual or group other than for the purposes of collaboration or testing. The mechanism of distribution does not matter. All forms of possible distribution are covered including, but not limited to,, cloud share-links, e-mail attachments, NexusMods, Steam, TES Alliance, etc.
Collaboration in this context refers to the sharing of files for the purposes of development or review.
Testing is this context refers to the sharing of files for the purposes of bug testing/quality assurance.

Section 3: Mod Assets

  1. For a work to be released under an Open Modding Agreement, the entirely of the work's assets must be bound to the guidelines of the OMA.
    1. If a work contains assets that are from non-OMA sourced work, or from works who's permissions do not allow for free and open use of its assets, then said work must be released as Limited OMA due to it containing assets not available for Open Distribution and/or Open Modification.
      1. Such included assets may be distributed with OMA works, only if the author receives permission for distribution with their work.
      2. Such included assets must be clearly listed within a ReadMe file, and the author must clearly state the assets are not contained within the scope of the OMA.
      3. Such included assets must have credits, crediting the original author of the assets.
  2. Works with multiple authors have "group-owned" assets under an Open Modding Agreement.
    1. The entirety of the group is fully bound by the guidelines of the agreement for said works.
    2. If any single group member does not agree to the OMA guidelines, then the work may not be released under an OMA, with the following exception:
      1. If all assets created by the "nay" voting member are removed from the work, then the work can be released under OMA by the remaining group members.

Section 4: Modification

Modification Type

  1. Open Modification - authors allow their works to be modified, at will, without the need for obtaining prior permission.
  2. Limited Modification - the original author maintains artistic rights of their work until said author retires their work or the work is considered abandoned, whichever event comes first.
    1. Under Limited Modification, third-party modifications are submitted to the original author to be incorporated into the original work, or to be uploaded as optional files.
      1. The original author must make due diligence to review all modifications submitted to them.
      2. The original author holds the decision making rights of whether submitted modifications are best incorporated or hosted separately.
      3. Under an OMA, no author has the right to refuse to allow a third-party work to be released.
        1. If any author find submitted third-party work disagreeable, the said works may be released and hosted separately.
    2. Any work that makes modifications to an original work should be incorporated into the original work, unless otherwise directed by the original author.
      1. Modifications which the author decides are best hosted separately will be uploaded by their original authors; not by the author of the parent work.
    3. Once the author retires the original mod, the mod is converted to Open Modification and all future modifications should be incorporated into the original mod when possible.
    4. If the author is not active within 180 days, either on their work's main distribution page nor via replies to any correspondence (e.g. PMs, emails, thread activity, etc), the author's work is considered retired and transfers to Open Modification.
      1. Retired works may be forked by the community to continue the original authors work, to keep the mod updated for compatibility, and/or create other works.
        1. Forked works must be released with an Open Modding Agreement; else, the fork is not authorized.
        2. If the original author should return to the original work, any forked works consisting of only compatibility patches/updates should be absorbed into the original work with credit given to the authors of the forked works for their support.

Modifications Defined

  1. Levels of modification include, but are not limited to:
    • Error Corrections - ITM and UDR removal, grammar and typo corrections, fixing errors which break the game or work, fixes which result in better mod compatibility, etc.
    • Compatibility Patches - patches for compatibility between two separate works, etc.
    • Standardization - dialogue standardization (e.g. "continue" to "Continue"), naming standardization (e.g. following a naming scheme), etc.
    • Re-drafting - taking what is an early draft of a work and redrafting it to be more complete, while sticking to the original author's intent for the work.
      • Redrafting allows for some degree of necessary artistic and logic interpretations.
    • Extensions - adding new material that is consistent with the original work and artistic direction.
    • Multi-pathing - adding content that allows users to take alternative paths from the original work's intent. Often this relates to quest related works within games with different choices or paths added, which affects the outcome of the original work (e.g. adding a different path for vampire players).
      • The original path is left intact and is not diminished in any way, but the user is given a chance to take a different path.
      • Multi-pathing to the degree that it perverts the intent of the original work is only allowed under Open Modification.
    • Artistic Conflict Resolution - correcting artistic conflicts within the work itself, between sister works, or within extensions.
    • Artistic Destruction is only allowed under Open Modification. Artistic destruction is removing any element of a work for the intent of changing the artistic direction of the work.
    • Perversion is only allowed under Open Modification. Perversion is modifying a work in such a way that the work's intent is perverted from it's original intent. This is essentially vandalism of a work. (e.g. altering a dialogue mod that adds "Dogs are nice"; changing it to "Dogs are stupid").
  2. Artistic Destruction and/or Perversion via patch or alternative replacement plugin is allowed under Limited Modification, as long as the original work is left intact.
    1. If the original author is still actively supporting the work, any patches or replacement plugins should be offered to original author for incorporation into the original work or hosted on the work's distribution medium.
      1. Credit is to be given to the original author of the provided patch or replacement plugins.
  3. All modifications are to be detailed within a changelog, regardless of their source.


Retired Works

A work can only be "retired" when released with Limited Modification status. A work is retired when the original author posts notification of their retiring the work or if the conditions set in Section 4.2.4 under "Modification Type" are met.

Alternative Replacement Plugin

An Alternative Replacement Plugin is a plugin which replaces the original plugin (has the same name). These types of plugins usually only amend the original with additions or corrections.

Section 5: User Support

  1. Authors releasing with an OMA must provide fair and equal user support for the released mod.
  2. Authors licensed under Open Distribution and Open Modication are not bound by Section 7.1, 7.3, 7.5, 7.5.x, nor 7.5.x.x.
  3. Support may be provided by way of, but not limited to, PMs, emails, chats, forum threads, etc.
  4. In the event particular users are not complying with support requests from the author, the author may, at their discretion, cease to provide support to said users until users comply with requests.
  5. In the event the author is not able to provide support the following must take place:
    1. The author may assign specific users as "support help".
      1. Any support helpers must be clearly defined within the support area so users will know they are official support.
    2. When support is no longer offered via the author nor via support help, the mod will be converted to Open Distribution and Open Modification, if originally Limited.
      1. The time period for conversion to Open Distribution and Open Modification, due to lack of support, is 90 days.
  6. Authors releasing with an OMA may not block users from their support mediums with the following exceptions:
    1. Exception is given to users who's main intent is to "troll" and to support mediums which users are blocked or removed via third party moderation staff.
      1. "Trollers" may only be blocked after being warned and with sufficient evidence of trolling available for public review.
      2. Authors may not request third party staff to block or remove users from support mediums unless said users are in violation of third party rules and regulations.


Support Help

Support Help refers to users which have be designated by the author to provide official support for the mod. These users reply to bug posts and help users having issues with the OMA released mods. On Nexus, these users are most often added as team members under the "User permissions" section of the mod's attributes.

Section 6: The Changelog File

  1. OMA mods must be packaged with a changelog file. See example here.
  2. Changelog file may be either a text document or a HTML file. HTML is the preferred medium and a template has been provided.
  3. The changelog file must be a separate file. It can not be incorporated into any other files.
  4. Changes entered into the changelog must be documented such that others not familiar with the mod can easily view and understand the changes made.

Section 7: The ReadMe File

  1. OMA mods must be packaged with a ReadMe file. See example here.
  2. ReadMe file may be either a text document or a HTML file. HTML is the preferred medium and a template has been provided.
  3. The top of the ReadMe should have the standard header.
  4. If the mod is a modification of an existing mod or contains assets from other mods, give full authorial credits to the original authors of any work within a Credits section.
    1. Credits should be placed at the bottom of the Readme file.
    2. Credit listings start with the original author first and are followed by subsequent authors in alphabetical order (for fairness).
    3. If the mod contains non-OMA assets or components, clearly and precisely list all assets or components which are not released under the OMA, give the reason for them not being released under the OMA, and state or link to the the license for which these assets or components are released under, if available.

Section 6: Other

  1. The OMA only covers mods and utilities for the game/platform which the mod or utility was designed for (e.g., Skyrim mods only applies to the Skyrim game). Per the ZeniMax ToS, assets from one game can not be ported to another game.
  2. If the OMA is ever in conflict with the ZeniMax Terms of Service or the Creation Kit EULA, then those terms takes precedence in the areas of conflict.
  3. Authors releasing mods under the OMA may be "blacklisted" at any time if there is a breach of the these articles for the mods released under the OMA.
    1. Authors will be provided a 14 day grace period to comply to any notice of a breach before the author is blacklisted.
      1. Official notices may only be sent by one of the authorities listed in Section 7.
    2. This blacklist will be a publicly provided list of author's names stating the listed author breached the agreement in some manner. There is no legalities backing this list. It's simply a shame list.

Section 7: OMA Governing Authorities

Below are the governing authorities over the Open Modding Agreement:

  • Skyrim Total Enhancement Project (STEP) Administration Group
  • Skyrim Total Enhancement Project (STEP) STEP Staff Group

If you would like to be added to the list please contact one of the list authorities.