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01-Tools02-Extenders03-Resources04-Foundation05-Animation and Physics06-Models and Textures07-Sounds and Music08-Character Appearance09-Fixes10-Gameplay-General11-Gameplay-AI and Combat12-Gameplay-Economy13-Gameplay-Immersion14-Gameplay-Quests15-Gameplay-Skills and Perks16-Interface17-Locations18-Lighting and Weather19-Utilities20-Patches21-Post-Processing
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{{Fomod|file=File| *Page **Option ***☑ Checked ***☐ Unchecked **Option ***◉ Radio ****Install}}
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Download and use the main file, ''Closer Quivers and Longer Arrows - NMM-Bash Compatible Wizard'', for installation. Instructions are current to version 4.2. STEP recommends the following: <big>'''Arrow Options'''</big> Install '''ONLY''' the following options: * Versions ** Closer and Less Bulky Quivers with Longer Arrows (version 4) * Quiver Type ** Vanilla Quivers * Optionals ** None * Official DLCs ** Dawnguard ** Dragonborn * Conversions of other mods ''(the following apply to STEP:Core. Select anything else applicable if using an extended list of mods not recommended by STEP)'' ** aMidianBorn Skyforge Weapons by CaBal and EmeraldReign <big>'''Bolt Options'''</big> Install '''ONLY''' the following options: * Closer Quivers for bolts * Body Model ** Vanilla/CBBE * Explosive Bolts Visualized by Madcat221 ** Closer Quivers and Default Quiver Note: ''Bolts of Torch Arrows'' and ''Crossbow Basic Collection by DJjojo'' should be de-selected if selected, as they are not recommended for STEP. The mod incorrectly adds a bogus ''dlc01'' directory during installation. This folder is found in the root directory and should be removed.