SkyrimLE:ENBLocal INI Reference
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ENBLocal INI Reference for Skyrim LE
A comprehensive modder's resource for editing 'enblocal.ini' for SkyrimLE
by: Step Modifications | Forum Topic
Guide Scope
This guide is intended to be a comprehensive reference to the functionality of all parameters found within enblocal.ini as it evolves. All of the user-configurable parameters contained within enblocal.ini are defined. Parameters are presented by INI section headings in the order that they appear by default within enblocal.ini. Jump to a relevant INI section using the links below and navigate back to this 'hub' using the link that appears at the top of each section page.
→ Default INI (ENBseries v0.319)
INI parameters by section
Major credits and thanks go out to the following for helping with this Guide:
- keithinhanoi
- Keithinhanoi is an authority on the enblocal.ini file and its functions; only second to Boris. The completeness of the Guide would not have been possible without him and his hours of research and testing.
- Aiyen
- Aiyen helped to define parameters with clarity for the Guide. Without him, the Guide wouldn't have gotten off the ground.