
From Step Mods | Change The Game


< All SkyrimSE changelogs | SkyrimSE:2.1.0 Guide



This guide is not current! It may contain information that is incorrect or not in line with the current state of the game!
     View the current changelog instead

Post-Release Changes[edit | edit source]

Any changes made to the current version of the live guide.

What's New[edit | edit source]

This changelog addresses changes relating to this specific guide version and includes all changes noted in previous guide iterations unless noted otherwise. . See previous changelogs using the link in the page header.

Lighting & Weather[edit | edit source]

The notable changes introduced with this release are those associated with lighting and weather. Specifically, Luminosity was replaced with Ambiance to return Step to a more vanilla-compliant lighting overhaul that no longer breaks sneaking to the extent that was evident under Luminosity. This will be most evident in interiors but will also help to lesser effect in exteriors. These lighting overhauls are irrelevant to most exteriors. The result is a more vanilla look/feel with 'fixed' lighting, more evident (and accurate) shadows, and a more austere look/feel that is a better fit for Skyrim and looks great. Step's version includes some custom tweaks that slightly desaturate and warm Ambiance's default lighting.

Cathedral Weathers' foggy weathers were also customized to make fogs a bit more realistic and to bring them closer to the player while minimizing drawbacks of doing so under Skyrim's limited lighting flexibility. The opposite was done for rainy weathers where we thing fog was a bit overdone in some variants. A few other weathers were subtly tweaked. We think this improves weather variation and realism.

Guide-Level Changes[edit | edit source]

This changelog addresses changes relating to this specific guide version and includes all changes noted in previous guide iterations unless noted otherwise. . See previous changelogs using the link in the page header.

Mod-Level Changes[edit | edit source]

Legend[edit | edit source]

Added | new mod added (add these mods)
Moved | mod was moved to a new ModGroup (move these mods)
Updated | mod instructions updated
Incorporated | mod is included in the Step Patch - Conflict Resolution (remove these mods)
Dropped / Replaced | mod was removed (remove these mods)

01-Tools[edit | edit source]

02-Extenders[edit | edit source]


03-Resources[edit | edit source]

04-Foundation[edit | edit source]

05-Animation & Physics[edit | edit source]


06-Models & Textures[edit | edit source]


07-Sounds & Music[edit | edit source]

08-Character Appearance[edit | edit source]

09-Fixes[edit | edit source]


10-Gameplay-General[edit | edit source]

11-Gameplay-AI & Combat[edit | edit source]

12-Gameplay-Economy[edit | edit source]

13-Gameplay-Immersion[edit | edit source]

14-Gameplay-Quests[edit | edit source]

15-Gameplay-Skills & Perks[edit | edit source]

16-Interface[edit | edit source]


17-Locations[edit | edit source]

18-Lighting & Weather[edit | edit source]

Dropped / Replaced

19-Utilities[edit | edit source]

20-Patches[edit | edit source]

21-Post-Processing[edit | edit source]
