Concept:SkyrimSE ModGroup 05-Animation and Physics

From Step Mods | Change The Game

05-Animation and Physics
Mods that affect animations or physics

Description of concept "SkyrimSE ModGroup 05-Animation and Physics"RDF feed

Concept describing all mods in SkyrimSE, ModGroup 05-Animation and Physics

[[Category:ModGroup 05-Animation and Physics]] [[Game::SkyrimSE]]

  • Bowlegged jump animation fix
    Game: SkyrimSE
    CR Patch: false
    LW Patch: false
  • D13 Faster GET UP STAND UP Animation
    Game: SkyrimSE
    CR Patch: false
    LW Patch: false
  • Dual Wield Improved Animation SSE
    Game: SkyrimSE
    CR Patch: false
    LW Patch: false
  • Ice skating fixed for real - No more attack sliding movement
    Game: SkyrimSE
    CR Patch: false
    LW Patch: false
  • No Spinning Death Animation
    Game: SkyrimSE
    CR Patch: false
    LW Patch: false
  • Realistic Boat Bobbing SE
    Game: SkyrimSE
    CR Patch: false
    LW Patch: false
  • Run Sprint and Jump SE
    Game: SkyrimSE
    CR Patch: false
    LW Patch: false
  • Stronger Swimming Animation SE
    Game: SkyrimSE
    CR Patch: false
    LW Patch: false
  • XP32 Maximum Skeleton Special Extended
    Game: SkyrimSE
    CR Patch: false
    LW Patch: false