Guide:SkyrimPrefs INI

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A comprehensive and advanced guide for editing the "SkyrimPrefs.ini" file for n00bs and gurus alike -- by the S.T.E.P. Team



Guide Scope

This guide is intended to be the comprehensive reference to all parameters found within SkyrimPrefs.ini file for The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim game. All of the user-configurable parameters contained within SkyrimPrefs.ini are listed and defined (or hopefully will be). Parameters are presented by INI section headings in the order that they appear by default within SkyrimPrefs.ini. Jump to a relevant INI section using the links below and navigate back to this "hub" using the link that appears at the top of each section page.

SkyrimPrefs.ini has 157 settings separated into 21 sections. Each setting has a lowercase prefix and a name. The name identifies what the setting modifies. The prefix determines what kind of value the setting can accept. Below is a list of the different prefixes and their meanings.

  • b-prefix accepts a Boolean value of 1 (true) or 0 (false).
  • f-prefix accepts a floating point numeral value (any rational number, positive or negative, with or without a decimal, such as 5, 0, or -38.0003).
  • i-prefix accepts an integer value (any whole number, positive or negative, without a decimal point, such as 5, -38, or 0).
  • r-prefix accepts a color value in RGB format (e.g. 93,216,234).
  • s-prefix accepts a string value (usually text, but may contain numbers, punctuation--anything really).
  • u-prefix (also ui) accepts an unsigned value (any whole number, only positive or 0, without a decimal point, such as 5, 38, or 0).


  • Tannin for Mod Organizer's Configurator plugin, from which the majority of these values were retrieved.

INI Parameters by Section